Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Bucharest Report , Says Rou
manians Are Still Ad vane-,
' ing in Transylvania.
Bucharest, Sept 12. (Via London,
Sept 13.) The continued retreat of
the Austrian! in Transylvania 1s re
' ported in an official announcement is
sued by the' war office today. ; The
text of the statement follows:
... "On the north and northeast front
the enemy continues to retreat west
ward in the valleys of the, upper
Maros and Aluta rivers.
"On the south front the navigation
of enemy merchant ships on the
- Danube has been stopped. On the
Dubrudja front operations are pro
' grassing.
"Enemy aeroplanes bombarded the
towns of Piatra and Neamtsu, killing
an old man and seriously wounding
two infants."
Indignation in Hungary.
London, Sept 13. The Morning
Post's Budapest correspondent says
, there is intense indignation in Hun
gary over the government's failure to
provide against a Koumaman advance
immediately after the declaration of
TThe Roumanians reached impor
" tant points within the frontiers before
the people realized what was happen
. ing, says the correspondent "There
were no Austro-Hungarian soldiers to
be seen at most of these points, and
the defense all along the frontier un
dertaken by gendarmes, railway men
and peasants. It is stated that the
' defense of Transylvania originally
was allotted to General Pflanzcr-Bal-
tin, but he has been given another
command, and since then nothing had
been done the authorities simply
trusted to luck In the hope that Kou.
mania would not, after all, abandon
us neutrality.
Counter Attacks in Calicla.
Petroerad. Sent 13. (Via London
3 p. m.) The Russians are holding
the ground won in the recent fighting
in the Carpathians despite heavy
counter attacks, according to todays
war orhce statement, which says:
"In the region of Riga and on the
Uvina river the activity ot the en
emv'a air fleet increased.
In the region south of Jesupot, (in
. Galicia, ten miles south of Halicz),
enemy attempts to cross the Bystritza
river were frustrated by our hre.
"In the wooded Carpathian region
- along the upper course ot the Lharny
Cheremos river the enemy launched
unsuccessful attacks on the heights
captured bv us. . , ;
"In the Baltic, on the evening of
September 9, our fleet success fully
bombarded hnemy trawlers in the Ir-
ben straits. Some of them were com
pelled to run."
. Russians Art Repulsed. '
Berlin. Sept. 13.-(By Wireless to
1 Ssyville.) The repulse of Russian st
tacks on a Jong Iront in the Carpath
ians is announced by tht war office
today. In Transylvania German
troops have been brought up to fight
the Roumanians. The announcement
follows: , t '
"Russian attacks north of Dvetne-
mouth and near Garbunovka were re
palsed. .
"In the Carpathians the Russians
made a simultaneous attack along the
' whole front between Smotyrich and
the Golden Bystritsa. They were re
pulsed. 1
"In Transylvania German troops
entered into fighting contact with
Roumanians in the district of Her-
mannstadt and southeast of Hoet-
Federal Farm
' Loan Board is At
; Salt Lake City
.' Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 13.-The
Federal Farm Loan board will arrive
here this afternoon and will .hold
hearings today and tomorrow to hear
Utah's claims for one of the farm loan
banks. Prominent farmers cf the state,
professors of the Agricultural college
and representatives of commercial or
sanitations will appear before the
board, i : ... .
Goldburg Bound Over to
District Court, Bond $5,000
Amon Goldburg, arrested on a
charge of assaulting a servant in the
home of William Simeral, 2215 Burt
street, was arraigned before the no
lice magistrate and bound over to the
- district court with bonds fixed at
$5,000. Goldburg is alleged to have
committed the offense last Saturday
t and upon returning to the Mineral
home Monday was held for the do
lice by Mrs. Simeral, who covered
i him with s revolver and phoned head-
? i quarters.
Omission of One Word
May Prove Costly Mistake
The omission of the word "hundred"
' in i note signed by R. E. Lrvesey
I tax $6270 4n favor of E. A. Blum is
causing the holder of the note legal
worries.' suit-has been tiled in dis
trict conrt" to collect $8,464.50, the
' principal and interest ' since 1911
When the note was written through
error it was made to read "Sixty-two
seventy ana no-iuu ooiiars instead
j of "Sixty-two hundred seventy and
v no-iuu dollars.
Mrs.H. Chandler Eaan
Is Granted Divorce
Chicago, Sept 13. Friends of H.
Chandler isgan, former western, na
tional and intercollegiate national
golt champion, learned today that he
was secretly divorced last July, Mrs.
tuan, whose home is in Chicago, ob
tained the decree,. Incompatibility
' was given as the cause. Mrs. Egan
obtained the custody ot their daugh
ter; Egan lives in Oicgoa. , t
Nebraska Publishers and Edi
tors to Deliver Addresses
Before Journalism Class,
And Now the Question Is, "Do You
Own Water Meter in Your Home?
Lincoln, Sept 13. (Special.) Co
operation betwen Nebraska editors
and the University of Nebraska in
struction in preparation for journal
ism was announced today by Prof M.
M. Fogg. He has arranged a series
of addresses a dozen or more to be
given during the year by newspaper
men of the state' before the members
of hit courses in news' writing and
newspaper editing. These lectures
will be on various aspects of the
journalists work from the points of
view of the proprietor, the editor, the
managing editor, the reporter, etc.
The list of speakers, as yet incom
plete, includes the following;
A. L. Btxby, th N-bmokn Utate Journal.
John Cutrifht, editor ot th Lincoln Daily
Star, -
Harry T. Dobbin., editor o( th Lincoln
Ei'ntnr News. ,
Roan Hammond, editor of the Fremont
Trltiun. - i
Kar toward, editor .of the Columbia!
IVorrts A.. Huso, '04, editor of the Norfolk
Dally New, '
Will Owen Jenei, 'I, manailnff editor of
thai ab m 7
Jntnee E, Law rem;, law il, oltjr editor Of
the Lincoln Daily Htnr.
T. W. McCuMcygli, manaslnr editor of
The Omaha Bee.
Richard L. Mclciufe. tdltor ot the Omaha
NolTashan, formerly editor of the Com
moner. E. P. Purcell, tdltor and proprietor of the
Cuiiter County Chief, Bruken Bow.
Victor RoKewater, editor of The Omaha
Bee, former recent of the university.
W. R, Wataon. irAnaglng tdltor of the
World-Herald. Omaha,
Bryan Spends Last
Week of Campaign
In His Home State
Chicago, Sept 13. William J. Bry
an will begin extended speaking trips
through the central and western
states in behalf of Wilson and Mar
shall next week. Bryan will open his
tour September 18 at Reno. Ner.. and
follow this schedule: September 18,
Utah; September 20, 21 and 22, Wyo
ming; September 23, 25 and 26, Mon
tana; September, 27, North Dakota;
September 28, 29 and 30. South Da
kota; October 2, 3. 4, Iowa; October
5, 6, 7, 8, Nebraska; October 9, 10,
Kansas; October 11, Oklahoma; Oc
tober 12, 13, 14, Colorado; October 16,
Kansas; October .17, Missouri; Ucto
ber 18. Tennessee; October 19. Ken
tucky; October 20, Ohio; October 21,
Johnstown, Pa.; October 23, Ohio;
October 24, Michigan; October 27, 28,
Illinois; October 29 to November 6,
Mexican Bandits Off
For American Border
Presidio, Texas. Sept. 13. Mexi
can .military, authorities at Ojinaga
received word by wire from Chihua
hua City today, stating that several
hundred bandits were in the vicinity
of Laiitas, about eighty miles from
nere, neades tor tne border, iroops
here are awaiting orders to move to
interceptin points. .-
Morrison Will Was Tampered
With, According to Woman
Chicagos Sept. 13. The will of J.
Morrison, whose $8,000,000 estate
is involved in the bankruotcv Droceed-
ings against his son, Edward W. Mor
rison, bas been tampered with, Mrs.
Phoebe Miller, Morrison's stepmoth
er, testified in tne hearing before fed
eral Judge Landis today. The word
"forever, she said, has been inserted
in the will now on file. The word
does not appear in the original docu
ment, a copy of which she saved from
the Chicago fire in 1871. The substi
tution of the word, she testifies.
changes the entire meaning of the
clause under which the property was
conveyed to Morrison.
The original will, she said, did not
convey the property "forever," but
only during Edward W. Morrison's
life. If Edward W. Morrison die
without children, the will directs that
the estate shall go to the city of Chi
cago tor educational purposes. Morri
son recently adopted two girls and
later their reputed father, Joseph
When real estate men buy a house
now-a-days in Omaha they are learn
ing to inquire closely as to whether
the water meter in the house is paid
for. '
About a year ago the Water board
began to talk of charging home own
ers for the meters that were installed
by the old Water, company before
the city bought the plant. The matter
aroused no great excitement at the
time, but lately some interesting
cases are coming to light. ,
Harry Wolf reported a case to the
Real Estate exchange. A man of his
acquaintance bought a house a few
years ago. It was represented to him
as clear ot incumbrance oi any mnu.
Now the Water board refuses to
turn on the water for this roan unless
Um tnr tli. nM meter which
was in the house for many yeai.
ine contention oi me water mi
is that this is one of the meters in
....1I..4 ho tUm nU Wat.r comnanv.
which company at the time retained
ownership in tnese meters, wncn
the city bought the old water plant,
the present Metropolitan Water dis
trict asserts, it acquired ownership
in these meters as well as in the other
accessories of the plant Now the
board claims the right, to sell this
meter to the present owner of the
house, or to remove the meter.
This client of Mr. Wolf's wants to
know whether this is right and
whether he can come back upon the
man who sold him the house, demand
ing that he pay the Water board for
the meter, or whether he will have
to pay for it himself. ;
War Summary
Hare your furs repaired
now." Call Dresher Bros..
Kkh, Maaager Fur Department
Tyler 345 and ask for Anton
Burnstein. a iunlt dealer. .said Mnrrli
son was their i eal father. 1
Train Your Hair 11
: r
an Actress Does
.No class of people devotes as much
time to beauty as do actresses, and
naturally no class must be more care
ful to retain and develop their charms.
Inquiry among' them develops the in
formation that in hair care they find
it dangerous to shampoo with any
makeshift hair cleanser. Instead they
have studied to find the finest prepa
ration made , for shampooing and
bringing out the beauty of the hair.
The majority of them say that to
enjoy the best hair wash ahd scalp
stimulator that is known, get a pack
age of canthrox from your druggist;
dissolve a teaspoonful in a cuf of hot
water and your shampoo is ready. It
costs less than three rents for this
amount. After its use the hair dries
rapidly, with uniform color. Dan
druff, excess oil and dirt are dissolved
and entirely disappear. Your hair will
be so fluffy that it wilt look much
heavier than it is. Its lustre and soft
ness will also delight you, while the
stimulated scalp gains the health
which insures hair growth. Adv.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package.
IVflTEAD OF KBHTTNG oa th gromH won I
In ymtordaty't great attack north of th
HomuM, th Vrtmrh continued their throat
but Might, Mptarlnv Urn wiUmg ot Bouch
v!tM and wooded aros near by.
BoarrmvetHM lien ct of the Bapeame
Peronae road, aad Ita rapture with ad
Jaceni terrltorr, apparently aaamrfw French
POMeMlea af the male hlfbwaf to
COMBLKM I" MO (XT Or from the
imath and la a daacerova aallent, while
Ueaeral Poeh I la a farorable poeltloa
far a etroke from the aerth at Pereane
which appear aerhnulr threatened br
th new Prenea advance, an of th mml
Important mad In an? alna-le operation
etno the Roman offenalr Began. '
nerthweat of ramble, are maintaining a
firm grip oa Olaehj, bat a yet appar
ently have made a attempt to gala fur
ther ground to th oaat, London today re
porting the general eltnatloa nacbanged.
t developing along th wee tern eeetor,
Athene anaounelng joint advano by
French and fterbian troop, who have ep-
. .tared borevite, near Fiorina, while Parle
rvporta Important progreft. particularly a
oBRldcrable gala by th Serbian near
lAk Oetrera.
THE AIMIH CABINET la Oraee t ant of
office, with the aeeeptane of rmlgnatlonn
by King Constantino. Thin I regarded In
nanny a Barter a preliminary to Greece'
, .abandonment of nowtrmllty and It en
trance Into th war oa th tide of th
nntento, , . - -
Will Make Inquiry
Into the Cost of
; Producing Milk
Washington, Sept 13. Cpmplaints
from milk producers in many sections
of the country that the cost of pro
duction is increasing and their net
returns growing smaller, will be in
vestigated by the Onpartment of
Agriculture. W. J. Spillman of the
office of farm management today an
nounced that he would appoint an ex
pert to make a nation-wide inquiry
into the cost of producing milk and
whether milkmen are justified in ask
ing higher prices. In the opinion of
Mr. fepiuman. scarcity of beef cattle
and too much regulation of dairymen
Dy city autnorities nave increased the
cost of milk. 5 ',
! rl . t
Judge Reed's Wife Suffers
Bad Fall; May Prove Fatal
Mrs. Harvey Reed, wife of. Judge
Heed, magistrate at the South Side
police court, slipped and fell on stone
steps in' tne rear vara ot the Kecd
residence at 2515 O atreet this morn
ing at 8:40 o'clock. She was rushed to
an Omaha hospital, accompanied by
the Judge and ner daughter, Mrs. L.
N. Cockrell, Thirteenth and Boule
vard. .. ' " 1
The injury ma-' be fatal, as Mrs,
Reed is an aged woman. Court was
suspended for the day when the news
ot the accident became known. Mrs.
Reed has lived in the South Side most
ot her life and ia a pioneer.
Quartermasters Are
Accused of Losing -:
Horses and Mules
San Antonio, Tex, Sept 13. A re
quest that Captains J. H. Walrath
and Fred W. Laas, quartermasters,
respectively, of the First and Second
Illinois regiments of infantry, be re
h far Miirt-martiaK ' was
sent to the War department at Wash
ington by Major iienerai runnuu
that thrv were uiltv
of neglect of duty in caring for gov
ernment property Dy losing some
fifty horses and mules valued at
about $15,000 belonging to the United
The lost animals were, among oth
ers, turned over to the two regiments
...Vi-n hv am annth. Receiots
were given by the quartermasters. It
is not Known wnai oecamc oi , wt
horses and mules. v
prosecute every supply officer in the
service guilty of this sort of negli
Man's Broken Back
Mended with Part
Of Bone of Shin
Lincoln, Neb, Sept 13. C F. Rudi
cell of Broken Bow, Neb, whose back
was broken when the Capital hotel
collapsed here a month ago, and was
mended with a piece of bone taken
from his shin, arose from his bed to
day and walked about the room. Phy
sicians consider the case remarkable.
Elephant Stamps
Trainer to Death
Kingsport, Tenn, Sept 13. Walter
Eldridge, 23 years old, was pounded
to death aeainst the grotmd by an
elephant of which, he was assistant
trainer, before thousands ofperaons
at a circus here yesterday. The ele
phant which Eldridge was leading to
water, became infuriated and, seizing
the victim in his Trunk, began pound
ing him furiously against the ground
and ending his life by stamping him.
The crowd of spectators became ex
cited and a general stampede ensued,
several women fainting. Shots fired
into the animal's body only increased
his fury. The animal was gotten un
der control only after . his regular
trainer arrived.
LItm Vp Tour TonNd Ursr.
To k.ap your Uxor acttro um Dr. Xing'!
N.w Lit. , Pill,. Thr iMuro food dltao
llon and nllovo eonitlpatloa. At dnwalita.
C' k Largest Furniture Saleifloors in Nebraska c
I ffln tl : ' 'V ' n ? riVI
' 3-f7So.6St.
Omaha Home Furnishing Headquarters
Handsome Mahogany Poster Beds
Beds that you
fan always . be
proud to own
carefully built,
f selected stock
ind beautifully
inished. An un-
rjt -ivaled value at
the J o w price
Thirty-five Other Latest Model Poster Beds J
rncea rrom .ou to ao.uu a
Open a Charge Account and Welcome!
sff Hfjft ,.,m,HltW., rl .
Entente Allies Advance in
Western Macedonia and
: Capture Sorovitz.
Athens, Greece, Sept UMVia Lon
don.) French and Serbian troops
have taken the offensive on the west
ern end of the Macedonian front
They have captured the town of So
rovitz near Fiorina.
Paris, Sept 13. Notwithstanding
the stout resistance of the Teutonic
allies,1 the Serbian troops ' on the
Macedonian front have made import
ant progress at various points, it is
announced by the war office. Vio
lent fighting is in progress in the vi
cinity of Lake Ostrovo, where the
Serbians have gained considerable
ground. .
Italian troops are in action on tnis
front in the Struma region, the offi
cial announcement discloses. The
statement follows:
On the Struma front no change in
the . situation is reported. Lively
cannonading continues. In the region
of the Beles mountains Italian troops
are engaged in the direction of But-
kova (near the struma fifteen miles
west of Demir-Hissar) and Dzuma.
"On both sides of the Vardar, al
lied artillery sharply bombarded Bul
garian organizations north of Maku
kovo and Majadag.
"On our left wing the offensive
operations of the Serbian army are
being pursued. Northwest of Kovel,
the Serbians occupied an important
position after engagements Mi which
the enemy suffered heavy losses. In
the direction of Kiamikacalan the
Serbian advance guard fought its way
forward. .'
Northwest and west of Lake Os
trovo sharp engagements are in
progress. Southwest of the lake our
troops made an important advance
and our artillery set on fire several
places occupied by the Bulgarians."
Bakers Given Chance .
To Show Their Books
Chicago, Sept. 13. Announcement
was made today that- bakers, who
maintain they must increase the price
of bread or face bankruptcy, will be
given an opportunity tp show Charles
Fi Clyne, United States district at
torney, the figures to support their
assertions. They may produce their
books for examination bv government
experts, it was said.
Mrs. Julian Heath, president of the
National Housewives' leatrue. hn
reached Chicago yesterday, expected
today to co-operate in an investiga
tion of conditions which brought
about the increase proposal.
Webster 202
Discretion A xecutor holds a position,
ii. not only of trust, but of
judicial responsibility.
The wise discretion of this
Y ; Company, born of much exper
ience and special training. Is
Invaluable. '
The American Flat Mfg. Co.
. ' OI Boston, Pa,
Rove osonod a stora (or tho Ml. of
, Flags and Decorations at
- Factory Prices
Com. In and im our foods. .'
I Flronraof
. Euro pom
ISIa i
I Copilot V
State Trade Specially Invited
Rooms, $1.00 and $1.50
, With Bath, $1.50 and Up
Cafe the Very Best 1
Popular Prices
Hlb Altltudo. Froo tnm thy Fovor..
Opnoolto Hotol. Capacity 141. .
; Ttnaa Moaorata. . -
Superior ia-H.I. Coll Cwhm aoao roroV
Motorists' Boot RadUtiaf Cootar la atta.
Boatlna OHko, 11 SO Braaavnr. Now York.
Also Maol.w.oA N. H.
', Wis on la Omaha Stop at
Hotel Howard
Thrao Block. Iron Dopot .'
Restaurant in Connection
loot HowS-Cor. iota. TaL D. 126a
Saasoa and Variable Ronlaa.
Chicafo to Now York aad
ntura $31.70
Chicago to Bostoa and ra
ta ni 30.50
Chicago to Buffalo or Ni
agara Falls and rata.. 1835
And many othar points.
Throe) Trains Daily From La Sail
. Write A. B. B. Burrows,,
D. P. A.
787 Brandaie Bids. Oanaha, Nab.
The fashion Caiier of le fficklle West
' Uablishedl88c
New Fashions for Women
Indicative of the Coming Modes.,
Larger and more
inclusive collections
than time or circum
stance might lead one
to expect are pre
sented now for your
approval, . ;
Each Suit and Coat,
every Dress, shows
that harmonious
blending of individual
ity and exclusive style
for which, the well
dressed woman ever
seeks. . . ; . -.
The Capuchian collar is
the dominant characteris
tic of the newer Suits and
Coats. It is an adaptation
from the collar of the fa
mous Capuchian monks.
Daily Arrivals
Direct From ;
- Fifth Avenue
Suits $29?.?, $35, $39, $45
Goats $19??, $25, $29, $35,
The Store for
Fall Blouse's of
Georgette and Crepe de
Chine are among the
latest arrivals. ,
New Apron
Popular Prlcas,
asc, Ste, 4S. Ma.
A Sale of
Fall Petticoats
Friday - and. Satur
day, in the base
ment w a t c h for
Extraordinary Piano Ual lies
30 lays Frra Trial to Any ResponaWa Family
We sell the world's best Pianos
and' Player Pianos at prices that
cannot be duplicated. Including
such well-known makes as Steln
wmr. Webor, Hardman, Stoger &
Sons. Emerson, McPhail. Linde
maB & Sona and our own aweet
toned Schmoller St Mueller
Pianos and Player Pianoa, and
the complete line of Aeolian
Pianola Pianos. .: ' r
New Upright Pianos
of established reputation,
tweet tone and delightful ac
tion. Latest style walnut, ma
hogany or oak eaaea.
Spacia! Sala Pries, 8200.
. Sold on $1.00 a week pay
menta. Free stool and acarf.
New Player Pianos -from
the world's greatest
maaufactnrers completely
equipped, the equal of many
$660 Player Pianos . ahown
Special Sale' Price, S395
- Sold on terns of $2.00 'a
week. Free bench, scarf and
selection of music.
I27K XimhalL nnrie-ht. . . . HS.1
$260 Haines, upright. ... .$95
$360 Bush & Gerts, upright
price 8165
$600 Chickertng ft Sons, up
right $90
$600 Weber, upright $360
$226 J. H. Bale, upright. .$55
$400 Steger & Sons, up
right ....8175
$326 J. A C. Fischer, up
right ..... ...8125
Exchanged Pianos'
$600 Knabe. nnrie-ht. .
$760 Steinway, upright
$600 Chickering & Son
right .ji
1275 Mueller, nnris-ht.
f 1,000 Chickering A Sons,
Grand 8175
$1,000 Weber Pianola Piano,
for .....i ...8800
$600 Gerhardt Flayer Piano,
for ;..$235
$400 Kimball, upright. . .8210
0 l
1311-1313 Faraam St,
The Largest Ra tailors at Ptaawe ia the World.
Omaha, Neb.
Is produced in a modern plant under
most sanitary conditions. Only the
choicest Barley-Malt and the finest
imported Hops are employed in its
manufacture, and it is a most healthy
aAd refreshing beverage.
. Save coupons and get premiums.
k Send for catalogue.
Phone Douglas 1889 and
hare a case sent home.
Luxus Mercantile Co.
y Distributors .
a j m k. a aioeaaoi cored noder apooictTa V 1 a a I .
Vm fWkk Inr ovtt and womon. KutabliahAa pomannnlU In Ds Mi"" '-" .
bT. o? t. e . b n r, ai-aciALiui', air eood B'oek, -.d....,