THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1918. 11 MOVING AND STORAGE Globe Van and Storage Co. For nil moving e.rrloe try u. Urn 1-horM padded vans. Storage, tt month. Satietectloo guaranteed. Wo nova you QUICKER, CHEAPER AND 8AFER. rbono Tyler so or uougiae ta... REAL ESTATE IMPROVED GORDON VAN CO. fireproof- warehouse. Packing, storage and mov- In 111 N. 11th St Pbono Douitlaa It. im METROPOLITAN VAN AND " STORAGE CO. Cerelol attention gt to order, tot moving, picking or atoragai offlce at Ray ,mond Jlirnltur. Co.. 1611 and 1111 How ard Bt Phono T. J Van and two mm Maggard u.i par hom. Van and Storms. Co. Moving, packing, storage and shipping. Pbona Doug. 14M. REAL ESTATEIMPROVED ' West. GOOD HOME CHEAP WEST FARNAM DISTRICT ; Eight-room, 2-story modern bouM, sleep ing porch. Not new. but well built and In good condition, located on east front lot 61 ft wide by 140 ft. In depth. Good location, fine shade treee, paved street and offered for the first time at the very low price of $3,960. Location 36th avenue and Howard streets. Investigate this prop- osltlon If Interested In a good borne at a low pries In tbls locality. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. T5. 0S City Nat. Bank Bldg. " FAIRACRES. " Just listed. One of the most attractive houses In the city of Omaha. Near 0th and Cass Sts.. In Falracres. This home has tsn large rooms, wiin ooi wnw uw. tnt nitnt na&utifullT deoorated through out. Nice garage. Can be bought with either two or three acres of ground. For full particulars call Mr. Gibson at the Payne Investment Company. Shown only on appointment. - PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha NatL Bank Bldg. Douglaa 1781. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT ; i.NMm house lust north of Dodge St an ISd Bt, and 7 -room bouse Just south of rarnam on coo. sow puwoa ud-w date In every particular. For further In formation see - ALFRED THOMAS 161 First Nat Bk. Bldg. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, t Jjooatad west, and convenient to ear Una; modern except best; a burgeln if old this week; 11,300: 26S cash and U3.Be par month. Call Douglas $0T4 for appointment to Inspect , SEMI-BUNQALOW. ... 1 cathedral district, ISO! Webster Bt, tine rooms, I down, S np; oak floors throughout It's a gem and a bargain. WEIGHT ft LA8BUBT, Doug. 160. WEST FARNAM HOME SEVEN ROOMS MODERN ' At 140 N. 41st St. near Davenport Fins location; price reduced to $4,600, XT TJ n A T 17 C 641 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 1294. 11,600. Dandy little home, west Farnam Diet F. D. WE AD, 318 Bo. 18th. 618 LINCOLN BLVD. 11-room house, strictly modern, with hot water beat Douglas 1818. ' . . '' North. REAL ESTATE AUCTION. At 1886 North 20th Street 1 HUBS DAT, SEPT. 14TH. AT 1 P. M. SHARP ' We will sell at publlo auction to the highest bidder for, cash, one 8-roora house and one 4-room house on one lot S located at !$ North JSOtb Street, on rvve date. This property la owned by a widow who instructs- as to sell regardless of value or nrtce. ' This i roper ty la well located snd good rental property and will likely go at a great sacrifice. Don't fall to attend tbls sals. . JAMES L. DOWD, AUCTIONEER. . For Dowd Auction Co. : ;:r.,, $100.00 CASH $18.00 PER MONTH. -. Buys you a dai.dy 6 -room two-story house at 4717 N. 42d St that Is only four years old. Buy on these easy payments and you will be able to sell out In a few yoars for mors than you paid tor this house and lot Fontanel. park, Central Park school, stores and cars are within one block of this bouse. Bay this home on the easy payment plan. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Ponglaa 100. Ml Boa Bldg. SPECIAL BARGAIN TIM new $-room atrletly all modern ham, oak finish la living- rooms, full. aasMsu, who ia unary: targe screen en-in parch t (nil length window screens; lo- catea en two signuy soum rront wis, ons block from 45th Bt car; close to school. Nios borne neighborhood. Terms 8800 cash, balanoe easy monthly payments. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1014 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. 1T16. ' .NEW BUNGALOW.? A fl re-room, strictly modern bungs low, with bath. Xt Is finished In oak, up-to-dat built-in features and light ing fixtures; full basement; large attlo. ooated at $$$$ North S&th Bt Price, $M&4. Easy tsrms. t NORRIS & NORRIS, 400 1 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4271. $I,6P0 BARGAIN. A vers1 good 4-room, all modern house, taclng east on the Prettiest Mil boule vard, near Ames Ave. oar line. Part cash, balance payments.- -t P. J. TK8BEN8, - t' $0$ Omaha Nat Bk. Phone D. 2182. 1618 Spraeue St Strictly modern l-roum bunsrslow. oak finish, practically new. Prloe 82,950. 1300 tun, nuance mommy, uati uyier oo ana - ssk ior Mr uiesing. HASTINGS A JTEYDEN. 1414 HARNEY BT. A GOOD BUT FOR 88.200. Six-room home with $ nice bedrooms, bath and rec. hall; all mod,, good repair. neur itun maa iaira. F. D. WEAD, 818 So. 18th. g&B my beautiful, brand new Miller park bungalow for 83,100. Easy terms. Close to school and canine. Colfax 1836. KOUNTZB PLACE restricted district rest' denes for sale. F. V. Knlest 8610 N. 18th. South. WALKING DISTANCE TO DEPOTS AND WHOLESALE DISTRICT : ; HIS South 8th Bt, 1 rooms, strictly modern, built about 4 years: lot 60x190 feet; paved street, paving alt paid; two blocks from Farnam car. Price, 18.900. Anyone wanting a bonis conveniently located to the depots and wholesale dis trict and close to good oar line can buy one of the best bargains offered at this time. Party leaving the city and wants to sell at ones. HIATT COMPANY, 34b Omaha National Bank. Tyler 44. NEW BUNGALOW. rooms on. one Boor, oak finish, $8,860! casb I860, balance like rent Itlb Ava and Flares St Red 1881 - South. FIVE ROOMS NEW All modern In every, detail; living and dining room all oak finish, with built-in bookcases; pantry with elaborate cup boards; icebox room; full basement with floor drain; shades, vleotrto fixtures and screens; all furnished. This Is a real bar gain at $2,760; $600 cash, baLanoe on terms to suit Others ask as much as 13, 26ft, Located at 1616 Deer Park Bird. Let u snow yon this week. TRAVER BROS., 70$ Omaha Nat Bk. Doug. 4884. Evenings Web. 4886. BEAUTIFUL HOME, Field Club District BUILT Bt OWNER. Nsw, strictly modern; large east-front lot 60x166; hardwood finish throughout; 4 bedrooms. Including sun bedroom, real fireplace and clothes chute, and other hlrh-class but not extravagant features; close to car. Terms. MUST BEE TO APPRECIATE. Price right Must sell. ; .; Phone Owner. HARNEY M4T. $4,500 BUYS $5,500 HOME. Large living room, dining room, kitohen on first floor; three fine bedrooms on sec ond floor; fireplace, bookcases, coat hall, etc.; beautiful oak finish; choice 60-foot east front lot; owner Bays sell; It's a bona tide sacrifice; who gets ttt To see today, call Harney 4601, or by appointment any time. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701-8 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 1474. $3,750.00 8208 Poppleton Ave., fine l-roora bouse, mod, furnace, south front This house Is not new, but la In first-class repair. Own er anxious to 'sell, wants an offer. , Make appointment to go through. D. V. SHOLES CO., 816 City Nat, Bank Bldg. Doug. 4$. 3620 Mason Street - Only $3,006. A good 10-room house, modern In every way, fine lot fronts south. Rents tor $86 per month. Call Ty ler 60 and ask for Mr. Gtesln. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1814 Harney St. HOUSKB WANTED. T WI HAVE BUYERS FOB HOMES WORTH THE MONET IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. LIST YOUR PROPER TY WITH US FOR RESULTS, O'NEIL'S REAL ESTATE INS. AOCYn Brandels Tbester Bldg. Tyler 1084. INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE $400 in come on pries, $2,600, being 8 bouses. 0 rooms each near high school aryl Crelghton college. Also few bungalows, $204 down, and 8 rooms, $86 down, bal ance monthly. CHAS. WILLIAMSON CO. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Oak floors throughout oak , finish In living and din- tng rooms, large, light, white enamel bedrooms; - good location; restricted ' addltloa. A bargain at $8,160. Easy terms. BENSON A CARMICBAEL. 648 Paxton Block Douglas 1718. Miscellaneous. PRICE REDUCED. New T-r sleeping porch, oak and birch finish, bullet and bookcases, beam cell ing, double floors, mirror doors, Corbln hardware; beet material and workman ship throughout; south front; close to car; cloee in. Best buy in Omaha, own er Douglas 168. s WE HAVE customers for new E, 4 and ? rnnra hmitiau'thaf ran Ha mIi) nr. at a air terms. We sell on an average of two or three a week on this basis. If ;ou want to sell, list with . , ; . ; THE BYRON REED CO.. 118 a 17th. $200 CASH, BALANCE $1 PER MONTH. - 6-room cottage, modern except beat; up-to-date plumbing; new maple floors barn and chicken house; close to store anu car line, x-rwo SJ.,auv. SCOT" AND HILL CO- Doug. 100$. Ground Fir. McCague Bldg. $4,500 BUYS $5,500 HOME. Large living roont; dining room, kitchen on nrst door; three lino bedrooms on sec ond floor; fireplace, bookcases, coat hall. etc.; beautiful oak finish; choice 60-foot east 'rront lot owner saya sell; its a bona I fide sacrifice; who gets "it? To see today, call Harney 4601, or by appoint- ment any ume. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 701-8 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 14?4. MARVELOUS That you can buy such xa fin new bungalow lor $3,200; $800 cash, balanoe monthly; It has i room and bath; tho living room la 18x17; nearly all oak fin ish; modern In every way; east front lot; two blocks to car; It will pay you to iei us snow you wis nouss. - RASP BROS., 10, McCaguo Bldg. Dougla. 16. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. Attn looking at MINNE LtJSA ,0, dlf . fsrent buyer, deolded that It waa the beat proposition on the market and tbey bauked their Judgment by buying lota. : , If TOU will come out today you will anaeraiana wny olfiera are buying. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO, Tyler 187. , 73 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. ' FOR SALE. dandy vacant lota, H Hook to oar an. out to ,l..oo Caen tor quick gala. CALKINS CO. Oongla, 1113. City Nat Bank Bldg. MINN Jo LUSA Nlo lot In Tito, At... near ia .. oan DO . nought at Bargain ; thla let muat be aotd. Saa ma quick. C A. OrUnm.l, 14, om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. APARTMENT SITS. ' : SOxtS feet of ground oloaa to buelfl ' dlatrtct. Non-resident owner wrttee ua to aell quickly. Look at it and make ua an otter. Will aaorltlca. . r. D. Wead. tto 8. utn. ' A GOOD lot for I7S.00. i good lots for , ITS.00 eaob. Close to a car line. $1 dowa and 600 per week, Bos S0SS. Omaha Baa. REAL ESI ATE Suburban Denton. : LYNN WOOD Go out to Lynn weed today and see the beautiful lota we are selling from $44$ to stuw. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Phono Doug. 68 J . 1607-1 W. a W. Bldg. , D'iAil'l tiUUsj IN UalNSONl BUI THIS LOTI 1,.,, down and Hu m per monthi prlo. 6,.liO: sisah vxl: located ob looi St., Between Clark and Burnham. car irom scoooi an. oar una, use. tv Wright. Be. oClco. Omaha Dundee. GOOD DUNDEE HOME LOT 100x135 FEET This is an $-room, S-story house, nicely arranged, built by owner for home, with all rooms canvased and hand-painted In oil. House has quarter-sawed oak finish downstairs, with mantel and grate in liv ing room; $H-foot ceilings first floor, $ foot second floor: beautiful lighting fix tures, which alone cost about $300; hot water heat, double system, full basement laundry connections, etc.; garage for or $ cats, with double driveway; Iron fence In front and on aides of the lot; nice shade and shrubbery. This is something choice. Price, $9,400 for all, or $7,000 for house and one lot Reasonable terms. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone Doug. 764. $02 City National Bank. DANDY DUNDEE HOME, $4,$00. Semt-bungalow, 6 -room, with sun room. downstairs iiniinea in oah. beamed ceil int. buffet built-in bookcases, fine floors throughout F. D. WBAP, $H Bo. Hth. NEW 7 -room. 4917 California, finished In oak and white enamvl, all modern con veniences, art fixtures; open during day see It; best neighborhood; will bear loan of $4,ooo. cash oner wanted.) Harney 7003, uougias blUI, DUNDEE BUNOALOW. Sis rooms and sleeping porcb; modern in every way; first-class repair; choice location ; Immediate possession; for short time will make price of $4,000. Terms. Call owner. Doug. 482$, or Wnlnut $073. REAL ESTATE Suburban Dundee. DUNDKU HUME, $4.X0. Built three years, 4 rooms, all modern, paved street Reseonable terms. OEOROB O. WALLACE, 604 Keellne Bldg. 4-ROOM bungalow in Dundee, all stucco, for sale by owner. $4,760; brand new; $10 cash, balance like rent Bos 474$. Bee. Florence. 1$6-ACRK farm at a great big bargain. Bee wetnaway. Florence, wen. Tel. no. ill. South Side. 4-ROOM residence. South Aide, $1,400; $60 cash, balance $1 per month. Doug. 4114- Miscellaneous H1LLCRKST Only a few tracts left; cheapest and best acreage property near the city. Prices and terms very reasonable. C A. COMBS, $1$ Brandels Theater Bldg. D. $11 $. $0 ACRES, $1 miles from Omaha. $100.04 per acre; terms; eome exchange. Archer Realty, $$0 Brandels Bldg. i-A. Blk. In Falracres; new Brownetl Hall district C J. canan. sicca cue Bldg. REAL ESTATE B'nex Pr'ty BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. - Corner lot. 40x70 ft, at street car trans fer point with new 'one-ptory and base ment double brick store. Income now $1,140 per year; will be $1,200 after June 1, 1918. The leases run nearly tour years; tenants pay for repairs. Price, $13,000; liberal terras. , WHY THIS IS A GOOD BUT. The property Is located at a street car transfer point where values are advanc ing. The tenants are building up business and oan afford to pay higher rents after leases expire. This is a safer and more profitable investment than apartments or dwellings; no risk of vacancies; no repairs to pay for. Ask for full information. J. H, DUUONT A CO.. 414-18 Keellne Bldg. 17th and Harney Sts. INCOME property near Ford plant; buyer eaves commission, Harney S3r4, INCOME property near Ford plant l.tb St uwner, narney stt. REAL ESTATE Investments HOME BUILDERS. Inc., guarantees TJ Of and paya more. Mortgage aeour- v Jty and builders' profits make YOUR MONEY safe and profitable. You should know Its plan. Ask for booklet "The New Way." American Security Co., V. A., Omaha. KEAL E3TATE, ' WM. COLFAX, 70$ Keellne Bldg. Doug. 887$. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED 4, ft and 6-roomed houses that can be sold ior $ioo oash, balance $14 per month; give complete description first Istter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1820 Farnam St Tel. Doug. 1004. OUR specialty handling property for out-of- town owners. GALLAGHER tt NELSON, Omaha, Neb. HAVE buyers for small houses and lots In wortn umana, writs 6063, Bee. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loan., Mortgages. i PBR CUNT to ( per cent on beat class olty residence, in amounta ,2,00, up; also farm loans, neaaonable commissions. PETERS TKUST CO.. H22 Farnam St OMAHA nomes. Bast Nebraska farms. OKKKril RhiAL KSTATB CO., WIS Omaha Wat. Phono Douglaa IJIB. FARM and olty loans, 6-6 and per oenb w. a. Tnoraao. Keellne Bldg. Poug. 1648. C nf MONEY HARBISON MORTON ,1, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. MONET to loan on Improved farms and ranches, we alao Buy good farm mort gages. Kloka inv. uo.. Omaha. 61,200 MOHTGAGli, bearing 1 per cent aeiht- ann.i secured oy property valued at 64,600. Talmage-Loomls Inv. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. DON'T PAT IN INSTALLMENTS. PAY IN S, I, 4 or 6 TEARS. BEST PLAN BHOPEN at CO.. KEELINK BLDO. B89AL ESTATE LOANS WANTED. B THOS. L. ItcOARRY. KEELING BLDO. TEL. RED 4144. 6100 to 110,000 made prompt!. F. D. Wead, ... io... tatn ana i arnam oca. REAL ESTATE loans, 6 p.r oank U. JS. BUCK CO., . ,18 Omaha Nat Bank, NO DELAY. W. . T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDO. CITY and farm loans, 6, 6, par o.BL j. sl pumont at uo.. en Keellne Bldg. rlONEY on hand for olty and . farm loana. H. W, Binder, City National Bank Bldg. ' fJARVTN RROH 46 0meha Financial Wanted. ''Natl. Bank Bldg. WILL pay $ per cent Interest on $10,000.00 loan secured ny nrst mortgage on Ne braska land. Address 697S, Bee. Stocks and Bonds, Our Nebraska farm mortgage are not af. fected y European wars or panlca Amounta $49$ to zo,uuu. we coiieot all interest and urlncloal free of cbai ge; $0 years in ine neorastia terra field without a loss is our record. KLOKB INVESTMENT COMPANY. 801 Omsha Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Abstracts of Title. riiiaTanf-oa Abstract Co. Ws can bring VJUaiantCC down your abstract on snort notice, n. i, rausrson Bldg. v. pgt7 Kerr Tltl Guarantee and Abstract Co., sdo b. i7tn at. ground floor. Bonded by Mass. Bonding and Ina Co. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 804 Brandels Theater. Horses Jive Stock Vehicles For Sale. ONE well "bred Berkshire mals"'"hog,""$ months, coitax asoi, Wagon umbrellas. $1.40. Wagner. $01 N. 14th. POULTRY AND PET STOCK BLACK Mlnorcas, S. C, thirty-six yearling hens, three yearling cocks, fifty young pullets; all high class birds; Cyphers in cubator, brooder, Mann's bone grinder, electric motor, U -horse; coops, fences; sverytnmg goes at once, uoifax 728. JUST RECEIVED, SMALL TURTLES, 36c EACH. MAX UJfilBi-JCK UitiU (JO., 1417 FARNAM ST. BEAUTIFUL Persian cat for sals, cheap. Colfax 3441. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate. Lands Etc WE HAVE FOR SALE OR TRADE 820 acres Imp., Hand Co.., S. Dak..,.$ 66.00 820 acres, Imp., Bealls Co., Bo. Dak., 76.00 2 it 6 a., Imp.. Pottawattamie Co., la... 160.00 280 acres. Imp., Sarpy Co., Neb....,, 100.00 480 acres, raw, Weld Co,, Colo $0.00 160 ares raw. Kimball Co., Neb 18.00 170 acres, Imp., Lucas Co., la 140.00 163 acres, imp., Codington, 8. Dak.. 45.00 27$ acres, imp,, Howell Co., Mo 126.00 140 acres. Imp., Douglas Co., Neb.,,, 140.00 HO acres, Imp., Douglas Co., Neb..,. iVTU.OV 142 acres., imp., uougiaa Co., Neb..,. 100 Exchange Dept. HASTINGS tt HEYPEN, 1414 Harney Bt, FOR SALE OR TRADE Three new, homes, all mod. ern conveniences; oak finished through out; ground 100x140, besides 11 -foot park ing on both streets; close to Farnam, Harney and Cuming oar tines, schools and churches; tsnants Just moving In for the first time. Will trade for sood mort. gage, farm land or anything worth the money, . s . , GALLAGHER & NELSON, 044 Brandies Bldg. Doug. 888$. WANTED To exchange desirable residence properties In Orand Island and Nebraska lands, an cwar, weu secured nrst mort gages and cash, for a good brick busi ness property In a growing and well established city In Nebraska U. U. Land and Loan Company. Bos 404, Orand island, Nen. ONE LARGE APT. BUILDING Up-to-date and close In. Owner wants a good ranch and soras cattle and horeea t Exchange Dept HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1414 Harney St. FOR a stock of hardware or Implements wo will trade you a good ne-auro larm In Lucas Co., Iowa, $hd per acre. Exchange Dept, .. HASTINGS & 1IEVDEN, 1414 Harney Bt "Farm Land Week,; Bargains Choice Offerings in Lands for Sale and for Exchange Canadian Lands. 171 ACRES In Sunny Alberta. Canada. 65 miles rrom tet nonage, s muss irom town site on Let hbrldge-Wsy burn A Winnipeg C. P Ry. Vine land. Wilt sell or trade for . land In Western Nebraska. Inquire E, C. Nordlund, Stromsburg, Neb Colorado Lands. FREE RENT FOR FINE FARM. 140 acres oholce level land; $0 culti vated, northeast Oreely, Colo, Shallow water district; small house; small barn; fenced; email lake;good farm adjoining. Want balance land cultivated; will make exceptional proposition, free -rent two years on five-year leaae. A real oppor- tunny. m write u. a, attain, vntano. -eju 4S0-ACRE stock ranch near Col I bran. Meea county, Colorado; Close to mountain range; well 4mproved; Ideal mountain home; good community; good roads; If 4rou are looking for a place of real merit address Box 86. .Collbran, Colo. COLORADO land excursion postponed on ac count of strlka Make Inquiry. Netba way, Florence, Neb. Minnesota Lands. 40, $0 OR 144 ACRES QOOD, HEAVY soil, well settled part of Todd county, Minn., good roads, schools and churches; price $16 to $80 per acre; terms $1.00 per acre cash, balance $1.00 per acre a year; 4,000 acres to select from. Agents wanted: . will make a low railroad rate to Inspect Schwab Bros., 19 Plymouth uiag., um neapolls, Minn. FARM FOR SALE, by owner; 80 acres, if in fleh), balance pasture; building; near good town, state road and mall route For description and price address Wm. Merrlgan, Pequot, Minn. SPECIAL 14 to $8 acre, Sept. 10th to X5th Tell us what you want Northlands Co., Duluth, Minn. Missouri Lands. '. ON A SUNNY SOUTHEASTERN V MISSOURI FARM Either ten or twenty aores, (you take your choice, regardless of slse), also three town lots and 800 shares In suc cessful 1,000-aore orchard gompany, with two oanning factories and full equipment; all for $800; $10 down and $10 monthly, wltbout Interest or taxea Will pay round trip railroad fare of buyers. We are leaving with a party Saturday, September 14. Come, go with ue. Call at 486 Paxton biook for full Information. MUNGER SECURITIES CO., 42$ Paxton )g- Douglas 182B. FOR SALE A fine section of good farm- ins land In Barton county. Missouri: two els ot Improvements; price $40 per sere, cnanes n. uienn, iamar, mo. Nebraska Lands. NETHAWAT will tell you each day this week of some bargain at Florence, Neb, 48 ai:rea adjoining the city limits of Florence, where land ts selling tor over $1,000 per acre. This place Is well Im proved and has six aores of bearing fruit The balance, rich truck and alfalfa land on paved roads. Prloe now $14,000. Oood terms. Get busy opportunity only knocks once at your door, , C. L. NETHAWAT. Florence, Neb, Tel. Flor. 238. $16,000 BUYS 1.380-ACRE RANCH, NUKTWH5)1 JNc.dK Aoft. A1. 800 acres deeded, $40 aores leaaed school land, 160 aores under plow, $00 mors tiiutte, bslance rolling pasture, all hard land. 80 acres aiiana, two wens, wino- ' mills, tanks, e-room nouse, tnree gran aries, garage, one new barn 40x60xl4-foot posts, one barn $0x88 with 10ft; soil black loam; growing timber; ten miles from good town. Will exchange for eastern farm of equal value, or will carry back. -. S. S. s R. E. MONTGOMERY, Vfi, Omaha National. Nebraska Lands. AT AUCTION , Tuts., Sept. 26, 2 P, M. 400 ACRES IMPROVED located one-halt mile of Oreeler. N.b. Will be sold reaardloss of prloe In tracts or as a whole to autt purchaser. For de tailed description, write or se. NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION I CO., Central Cltr. Neb. "TOMSSLITCO. RANCH $780 A., five miles from Klmbsll; two sets of buildings; well wstered by (our wells; 7$ per cent good farm land. $18.60 per A., $8,000 caah, balanoe 80 yeara Write for Illustrated booklet, describing this ranch and other farms. C. E. Lockwood, J Kimball, Neb, RANCH FOR SALS. $B0 ACRES. In the Elkhorn valley, nine miles from town, well Improved; good hayiand; some tarns grass; two flowing welts; will sell on easy terms. Price $80 an acre. For further Informa tion writs or see W. p. O'Brien, 410 Bee Bldg. RANCH for sale; seventeen hundred aores six miles north of Merrlman, Nebraska; Improved; cuts four hundred tons hay all fenced, price, $lfi per acre. Terms easy. An Ideal smalb ranch; reasons, want to settle an estate; adjoining lands held at much higher figure. C E. Burnham, Nor folk, Neb. 160 AND 80 -ACRE Johnson county, Neb., farms; well Improved. A bargain In liu prived $0 in Sarpy county. STEWART. ' 11$ a ITth. ' SNAP 11,$S0 acre-stock ranch, Loup county, fair Improvements, $7 per acre, one-fourth caah, balance 4 per oent, or modern residence located In Lincoln, Neb, Address look box 804, Taylor, Neb. VB HAVE for sale In Nance and Boone counties twenty quarters, ten half sec tions and several good eighties, all well Improved and on easy terms. Call on or write Jackson ft Andrews, Belgrade. Neb. DO TOU WANT HAT 1.400 acres, flvs miles from county seat. Hay and alfalfa land for sals cheap to close an estate. Writs J. M. Coleman ft Co., 8834 Saratoga Bt., Oma ha. Neb. LAND NEAR OMAHA FOR SALE. 66 H A., very oholce land, just N. W. Benson. Belongs to bank. Must sell. A bargain. Bee me for price and terms, J. A. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson Blk.. City. BARGAIN FOR CASH S,640-acrs ranch In Blaine and Brown counties, 400 acres hay, 800 cultivated; excellent pasture; good cheap Improvements. Drawer H, Broken Bow, Neb. FOR SALE 8,3 40 -acre ranch in Box Butts county, $ mtlses from Hennlngford; $1$ per acre; one-third oash. L. U. Oeke, Beaver Crossing, Neb. FOR SALE 400 -acre Improved farm, near ood market; $86 per aore. Writs Bos 824, McCook, Neb, NEBRASKA FARM 440 acres, $ miles from good town, $8$ acre; Box Butt county, has wonderful yields of small grain, al falfa and potatoes. Write for particular Culberteon Walt. 11$ Little Bldg., Lin coln, Neb, 1160 LAND for $68. adjoins Hershey. Neb. . $00 scree, all good ones. Writ D. C. Pat- terson, Trustee, Omaha, wep. FOR SALE 160 acres Improved land In Cuming county. Neb. ! pries and terms right, li. o. nerKneimer, wiener, wen. NEBRASKA farms, all parts of state; prices $10 to 1169 pr acra w. t. rmitu uu4 $14 City National Bnk Bldg. Doug. 8114. $0 ACRES of good farm land near Omaha. Prlos is right sV P. Bostwick Son, 80$ Bee Bldg. FOR SALE ll$-acra farm, $0 miles from Omaha, good Improvements, good scnooi. mile to church. Deal with owner. ). J. Luts, jr., Papiiuon, wen. FOR SALE 480 acres Improved land In 'Garfield county, Nebraska Pnoe ana terms right Address Box $81, Broken Bow. Neb. r . Tennessee Land. $3T ACRES' of mountain lend In " Marion county, Tennessee, wen adapted to sioox, fruit, garden, vegetables, etc Amos L. a runt n. jaiper, Tenn. Wisconsin Lands, UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and s ral crop state In the union. Settlers wanted; lands for sal at low prices an essy tsrms ; excellent land for stock raising. Ask tor booklet $$ on Wisconsin Central Land Grant; stats aore wanted. If interested In fruit lands, ash for boolfc. 1st on Appls Orchards. Address Land Com- missions? boo itauway. Minneapolis, sainn. Miscellaneous. FARMS FOR SALE AND EXCHANUlfl. 41$ ROSSI BLDO. TYLER '84$7. A Few Good Dundee Lots $25 CASH $10 A MONTH Located on Harney street, between 48th and 49th Streets. . Close to the car line. , High, sightly ground. Ornamental lights. Special improvements. We will show you these any time. : Phone us for plat and prices. GEORGE & COMPANY Phone D. 756. 902 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. CODRIERSOF VERDUN Theirs Is a Dangerous Task Requiring Men of Real Courage to Succeed. MUST FACE ENEMY SHELLS (Correspondence of Th. Anioolated Preee.) Paris, July 21. The unexampled conditions of fighting before Verdun have developed a new type of soldier called the "couriers of Verdun." They are the men who maintain communi cation between the troops in the midst ot the melees and officers com manding from the rear. The battle- held into which they dart with orders or after information is a desolate zone where nothing but thick smoke. sometimes black, sometimes white, gives appearance of life; excepting during the brief time of an infantry attack, it is to all appearances de serted, the sharpest eye discovers no movement of humanity. The earth is every whe- furrowed by freshly stirred earth, Dut no one sees the hand that stirred it. Occasionally a form is seen trointr over this desert land something after ine manner ot a. rabbit, bounding into sight out of the herbs and above un even ground to disappear again; leap; nig iruui onsiacic 10 oosiacre, rrom ditch to ditch, from shell hole to shell hole as it approaches the front line, at times vaultintr. at others crawlintr. and sometimes kept motionless for considerable periods by showers of projectiles sent over from the other side of the line for his personal bene fit. This is the messenger of modern battle, he was never more needed nor more useful than at Verdun and the type will probably bear the name for veara to come of "the courier of Ver dun. , Too Hot for Wire. ' Not a telephone line can resist the incessant bombardment that digs up the soil and levels all field, work along the whole line in front of this fortress, consequently to assure com munications between the front and the rear is a difficult problem. Com munications by carrier pigeons are very uncertain and optical sisnals are insufficient for various reasons. Noth ing la certain excepting the man him self and to transmit information and orders across the beaten field requirea something extraordinary in the way of man. He must be an athlete with good lungs and above all, he must have. a stout heart. The courier of Verdun is unable to use the communicating trenches where he would be out of sight of the enemv because that line is crowded always with soldiers going to or from the front line,- with the wounded being carried back, with men of the commissary department carrying provisions to the men on guard. That is too slow a route for the courier of Verdun; he must take his chances of beiAg sighted and hit above ground. , . Drum Fire. The most formidible. obstacle to pass is the zone that is beaten by "drum fire," where 8-inch, 6-inch and 4-inch shells are bursting with for midible explosions, sending showers of shrapnel over the whole aone. In going through this ordeal, 'the cour ier sees everywhere the spectacle of death, stumbles over corpses, some times runs into a cloud of poison vapor before he has crossed it; once through, be is within range of the smaller German guns and the quick firers. i During the whole distance of a mile or two miles, according to the position, his nerves are at the high est tension,' with his mind on the end of his mission and at the same time on the obstacles hat are multiplied each instant in his path. Some of these couriers get through untouched, others crawl back to the starting point bruised or maimed. Some of them never come back to tell the story of their heroic effort. ' The couriers of Verdun maintained communication for the rear with the heroic troops under the orders of Commandant Raynal a company of the 142d infantry and a machine gun section of the 53d who held the fort of Vaux several days against over whelming numbers of assailants. They were all volunteera selected from a considerable number of men who of fered themselves for the dangerous mission, une ot tnem was a Doy 01 the contingent of 1916, of childish as pect, who, every time volunteers were asked , for, was the first man to the front. "He . had scarcely returned from one of these perilous missions " , said his captain, "when he pleaded to ' be sent out again." Another, literally riddled bv fragments of a shell that . had burst in liis path, had dragged himself back, though unable to rise to ; his feet, saluted his colonel and said: "Colonel, I am done for, but I have got enough left in me to give account of my mission." He made his report and that was the end of his service for his country. Co in Pairs. The risks are so great for these . messengers that they are generally sent in couples; if one is hit, the other may get through. Two of these men from the commanding post of a brigade crossed the Fumin woods; they were almost at their goal when the shell of a German three-incher ; struck out of them full in the chest. His comrade stODoed and searched the body for the message, but found nothing; the shell had carried away the pocket and the paper that was in it, He made his way back to the post, seemed almost -ashamed not to have executed his mission, and asked: "Colonel, give me a duplicate of the message." He received a pint of , water, which was in those days the courier's greatest recompense, and started off again. ' One of these couriers presented himself at the commanding post of a colonel, panting, covered with mud. and bleeding freely. He had passed through the aone of a "drum fire" that ploughs up the ground yard by yard methodically.- lie held out the envelope containing ,the message. "However did you feet through?" asked the colonel. r , j "Colonel," was the reply, "I don't know'; I only noticed that the envel ope was marked 'urgent.' " War Widows Follow : War Brides and Babies (Correspondsno. ' Th. Associated Press ) ' Geneva, Switzerland, Sept. 2. Many young women in the duchy of Raden, betrothed to officers and sol diers killed in the war, have taken advantage of a recent decree of the mmitf.. nt ' itietif. that ErivA them practically the status of widows. They have adopted the names oi tneir dead fiances and call themselves "Mrs." (Frau). They wear mourning and wedding rings and are known as war widows. They wear headdress distinguishing them . from real wid ows. A: REAL ESTATEJRANSFERS Hastings Hsyden to Martha Klein, Thirty-ninth street, 160 feet south of Redlck avenue, SOU 80 $ 10 Steve Wawrsynklewlos and wlfs to Jo seph Papoj, 3 street, 161 feet esst of Forty-second street, south side, $$tfcx : 1$6 , i. WIS Frank L. Maoh to Milton M. Mach. , Dodge street, 160 feet west of Forty-eighth street, south side, 60x137.6 1 John A. MeCreary and wife st al. to . Peter Rooney. Orand avenue, 418 -A , feet west of Twenty-seventh street, south side, 471 to $00 J. K. Spellman to Rasp Broi,, Plnkney -street, 40. feet east of Twenty-seventh street, south side, 40x90 v 1 Catherine B. Lowry and husband to Al bert i, Fuller, southeast corner Cen tral koutevard and Ed Crelghton avenue, OO.BOxlBO t Emma tfl, Wright and husband to Miry L E. Lewis, California street, $0 feet , , west of Fiftieth street, south side, 60x11$ S ...'. 1 1 Emlle A. Besslro and wlfs to P. Hi. Bearire, Thirty-ninth street, 1.3,44 fset south of Cass street, 40180 .v., I Emma B. Palmer to Benton R. Oood : rlt'h, Davenport street, 160 feet east . ' : of Forty-ninth street, south side, 60s 136 1 George St Co. to Gertrude V. Tukey, Fifty-second avenue, $6S.4 ftet north of Lincoln highway, east side. Irreg ular, approximately- 14Rxllt4; Fifty second street, $0 feet north of Lin coln highway, west side, Irregular, approximately 13$xlS$ .... I Harvey Jaoobsen and wife to Robert A. MoCegue, Brsklns street, 144 feet east of Twenty-sixth street, south side, 48 xlSQ $,$00 William A, Redlck and wtfs to Ben jamln Somberg, Thirty-first avenue, 160 feet north of Leavenworth street, west side, 100x118 1 Axel EJ. Ulsnder to Emery A. Clark, Twenty-eighth street, 101 feet south of Leavenworth street, east tide, $8x140 19 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Real Estate, Lands, Etc. SIX houses, S, $ and 7 rooms each, all In first-class repair and In good location, renting for $16$ per month or $1,830 per year. Value $32,700. Will trade for farm land In twos, Nebraska or Bouth Da- la-nta. HAHT1NOB A HBTDBN. 161$ Harney St. BEE WANT ADS GAINED 1$,$9$ MORB PKIU Auo man an uuivr uinaiw news paper gained In first seven months 101$. Good result at less cost Is the reason why. ; 142-ACRK farm In Montana for sale. Will consider automobile as part payment. 290$ Ave. B., Council Bluffs. la. D. P. Hale. 12-R. mod. residence; paving paid; want 6-r. mod. bungalow as first payment; bal ance easy terms. Morgen. uoug. ens. Ranch specialist, aell or trade ranches for city property. B. Franta. frande.a Bid. GOOD lot, desirable location, will take used Ford as part payment. Webster 434$. HOTEL and furniture at Dallas, 8. D. Ex change D. $701. Toland A Trumbull. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTO INSURANCE Firs, Theft and Liability at lowest rates. KILLT. ELLIS THOMPSON, $13-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 21 . DANDT Hudson speedster. Just repainted" flns condition, $17$. Mots speedster, re painted, looks llks now oar, $U. 1(14 Maxwell touring ear, repainted, good ehape, $326; cash or part payments If de sired, 221$ Farnam St, Douglas $63. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ENGER, 7 -passenger, 1016, slx-cyllnder: electric starter and lights, almost new. Will consider Ford aa part; paymsnt. Pries for casb, $400. MR. FARRAR, 2047 Farnam 8t D. 3200. CORD TIRES FOR FORD CARS. , 30x3, $866. 20x34i. $11.46. f These tires are new, clean, fresh stock. fully guaranteed and originally sold with a 6, 000 -ml is guarantee at 40 pet. additions.) In pries. ZWIEBEL BROS.. D. 487$. 361$ Farnam 8t AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 8201 farnam. Cousla. 1310, 1)11 Kin, Roadst.r ....142S 1,14 Overland Touring S76 191, Coleman Tourlns. , 47, 1,14 Chevrolet Bla Tourln, ,76 WB will trad, you a new Ford (or your .Id oc INDUSTRIAL OAJIAOB CO., toth and Harney. Poug. ,151, FOR SALE R. C. H. touring oar. aleotrlo light., demountuDle rims, oneap. ,17,. 1 ' CR088T0WN OARA8, Doug, tiil. USED CAR BAROAINI) AT MUKPHT-O BRlKN AUTO CO. 1SH-U-1I Pamam St. 1,15 MAXWKLI., Juat newly overhauled. ..passenger, will sell same obeap for cash, call bouib t..s. HOME BUILDERS will pay ycra VfV on jrour money. You share in O the aurplus profits next Janaarr. Shares are now S1.20 aaeb. Our book let, "Th, New Way", explain, mry. thing. . ; AMERICAN SECURITY CO, Fts.Agts. 17th and Deuglas. . Hum D, SOU. City Lots at Suburban Prices Poppleton Park $700, $800, $850, $1,000 and Up to $1,400 1-lOth Cash, Balance 1 Per Cent Monthly Davenport, Wakeley, Chicago, Cau Street,, 41st Avenue to 43d Street . ' This is a fine residence district. Good homes on all sides. Improvements in and paid for. No waiting for develop ment You can build at once. Close to West Farnam, 40th. Street and Dundee ear lines. Saunders School, St. Cecelia's Parochial School, and the new Cathedral are close at hand. ; Urge lots, 50x128. Signs on all unsold lots give lot and block number and price. ' , Prices include paving, fully paid, except on Chicago street where prices are correspondingly lower. Only ten minutes by street car to 16th and Farnam. : Reasonable building restrictions for your protection. SELECT YOUR LOT NOWGO OUT TODAY Telephone and we will take you out, or If you pre fer,' take West Farnam and Fortieth ro direct to 4T)th and Davenport, walk two blocks west and look at lots on Day en-. , ' port, Wakeley, Chicago and Cass Streets. You are sure to buy if you see them, for they are the very best values off ered in Omaha. Armstrong-Walsh Company Sole Agents, TYLER 1536. 333 ROSE BLDG. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE IKPfttfES SIX 6 andnpassenger, one of " 1 1 11 ths best oars on the market, W. H. Pug- AutO StOMCe ami Ganges. ; dale, 8032 Farnam Bt. As.i.-. t a-j no-all-DON'T throw away old tires. We mako ona Auto Livery and Garages. new tlre from , oM ones and ssve you $ (3 AHA IE for rent, light and water, $6. 28th per cent. $ in I Vulcanising Co., lftl Dav- and Leavenworth. Harney 4SH$. snport St., Omaha, Neb. Douglaa 3511 AutO Tires and Supplies. EXPERT auto repairing, "service car fcl- $$.000 STOarVfPenVe- guar- Z?y?y "18 anteed 4.000 miles, for sale at reduued iyi9T BB9 - . . prices by Duo Tlrs Co.. HU Chloago. tirtrrt r-Tiaf")- n v-f- i- i Auto Repairing and Painting. ' Motorcycles and Bicycles $100 rewerd for magneto we oan't repair. ,, , , , , ,, L: CoJls repaired. Baysdorfer. $10 N. HARLBY-DAVIDSON UOTORCtdlRS Bar- NEB Auto Radiator Repair Service and gains In used machines. Victor Ri. M'ha prices right $11 S. IStb St. D. 7$$9. Motorcycle Man.' 70$ i.ev,uwt'rih.