pE STQCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Ten Lower on flAinniniiAf TTinrfB.. Tiftftlhil - . Steady to Stronger. ' : HOGS STEADY TO FIVE OFT i i Omaha. InHnbar SI, 111. Recelpta wmi' i Cattle. Hon. sheep. Official Monday ..11.11 l.ltt I4.tlt Betlmate Tueeder ..... l,4o l.le I1.S Two dan thla week....ll,.t 11,M tl.tll tame aye laat week.. I,ltt til 44.111 Bams aa 1 waaki ago.ll.ltl H.ttl ".'IJ Same day. I waaki aao.17.IU t.117 11,111 8sme S.V. I week aio.ll.t71' 11.111 11.124 8ama oars laat leer.. . .lt.HT -Mil 17.111 V Raeatpu ana dLnoslllon at lira atsek at ftnlAn at ru-tr v.rrl. Omaha. Nab., for twenty-four ttours, andlav at I 'elock yea tor day: ... . . . , a RECEIPTS CARLOAD. ' Caul. Hois Sheep.H C. M Bt f I 4 ... 1 Wseeah 11 ..... .. MUsourl Pacific ..... I . I ... Vnlon Parlf H M M ST C. K. W, east,'..:. I ' ... 4 1 ': N. W..W.SI Ill 17 tl -, C, St. P., H. O.... I II ' ... 1 C, B. !., .set.,..' I - - I . 1 .. C' B. Q., west.... ,111 , it : C. R. I. P.. aaat... 10 ' : : t -, . .. C, R I. P , west... I ... ' .. Illinois Central 1 I . I . ... Chicago 01. Wait.... J 1 ... .. ' Total receipts,;... 171 111' 1 "A DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hon, I Morris Co....... fjalft Co........ cudahy Pack. Ca... Armour. A Co....', Scawarts A Ce. J. W. Murpriy...... Merrell .....,....-, Lincoln Park. 'CO, . O. Pack. Co..... Oworak K. C.).... Corr Pack, Ca V, B. Vanaant Ca. t Benton. Vana't A L. 1(111 Ion T. B. La via J. B. Root Co.... J. H. Bulla C r. Hues ........ Roaenstock Bras. . . P. 0. Killogg Wsrthhelmsr ft D.. II. P. Hamilton ... ffalltVAn Broa. notkackild ft Kreas Mo. .ft Kaa. Call Ca. lllgglna Bannsr Bros... ...f. John Harvay ...... Dennis ft Francis.,' Kllna ....... Jensen ft Lungrsa' . III 1,411 1,141 1,(30 II It 441 1,411 1,171 1,111 41 1,711 0heep. 1.410 5.174 1.411 1,141 Christie''.,..', ,- Huffman ' Roth ". ,' Merer . . I ; . , . IJakar . Other buyers', hi 107 III 710 : III 117 tl 74 210 . 411 144 ' 71 141 II 1 M 21 411 .. 7 17 47 17 ' I ' 'It - it It , 101 . 1,441 12,121 1.141 11,141 Total. 14.(11 Cttla -Receipts war qulta Ubsral today. although conaldarably smaller than yeater day. Total, lor tha two daya aaneunte to 3. .44 he., hem tha IimmI mS an alml. tar parlad alnoa tka apanlnr af tha ranffa aaaaon and larffat than a yaar ago by almoat 1,010 head. Good to cholca aattla of all klndi arara fanarally matatalnad. Tha lava laalrabla klhda vara mora ar law nallaetad. aa fnlfht aa aapactad at a tlma whan raealpta ara ao larva and prleaa wara In oomaquattca waak to ai mack aa 10a lowar, with tha trada a llttla lOW, : Qaatatlena an! cattla: Good to eholoa aoavaa, I10.tteit.7ii - fair t ood baovaa. t.toeio.eo; oammon to fair baavaa, ll.lie; food to cholca iraaa baavaav 97.7S Hi laid to toad traaa baaviav 7.1l7.7ti common ta fair fraas batvta. 14,140)7.11; (ood to aholct halfara, l.r,(j7.1S; aood ta oholna eawa. fair to good oowa N.tiet.iO; common to fair cows, 14.6044 I. llj goad to oboloa faadara, I7.IB4I.1I; fair to good faadara, It.liei.lli common to fair tacdara. ftlooet.lli good to. ebolca ookart, I7.lte7.7li (took halfara, 16.71; atock cowa, ll.50t.40; atook oalvag, II. loet.lti vaal calraa, ll.Ooe? tl.ot ; baaf bulla, itaga. a(o4 It.ot97.90t bologna bulla, itue'.it. . Rapraaantattva aalta 1 V " : ,i . 1 BEEP STEERS. ' ' '" Kg. ' Ar. Pr. No, At. Pr. 4t.,i,,.., lit II 71 116. ....... 1021 7 00 ii.. .....mi in WEiTERNS. . T, T, Nalaon Nabraalia. v ltattart.,1114 7 oo it itara. .1141 : C. C. Bakar Wyoming, llataan.. Ill 7 II , J. W. utt4r Nakraaka. tttaara.. 170 I It llittara., 119 J. Robartaon 'Nahraaba, llataara. .11M I It II itaara. .1909 C. Rlckarda Wyoming. 11 Moan. .111! 171 llatoara.. 947 - -.P. R. , ttavldaan Wyoming. tlltMra..llll III 11 cow.... 1041 ' 'J. H. Bachalor Nabraaka. 41 oawa. . . 1ITI 111 4lcows...lOI4 H. R. Waatovar Nabraaka. ' 11 faadara.1049 7 SI II taadora.1019 - . NEBRASKA. 4tco..,l07 9 II llatoara., 1991 WTOHlNtl. ... . . 1 19 4tatoara..llir til , 19ataam..llll I 90 19 .Mora.. 1911 IgJUTH DAKOTA, i llataan.. llto I 40 it at.ara..ltl7 Hoga Tha market waa a mighty trragu lar prapnaltfaa thla mornlhg. Early ad. vlaaa from Chicago wara bulllah, and ahlp. para procaadad to fill Ihotr ord.ra at flgurea that wara an papar aa much aa lttc higher. They got a, much batter olaea of hage today, however, 4nd called their hoga teady to at the autt Ida not aver to higher. Real .good butcher., which juet aultal ana arder buyer, brought 119.11, tha top. Killer buyero had different dona, and re. fuaed to follow the ehlppar lead. Two of tha big packer, bid toe lowar flgurea right from tha outaet, while the othera bought mainly on a waak to lo lower baata, giving ateady prtoee la a few Inetaneea. Soma of . tha.baren held out for-ft flat lie reduction until en the oloaa whan they finality got to and fitted their drovea at pre vailing prlroe, which were ateady ta net over le lower than yesterday,. At one tlma U beamed certain that tha oloaa would be the low time, but teller, bung on until they got early prlroe, and rate rounda, white alow, proved .la., be lust aa good aa any other tlma. ' -. . j , ' ' ttepreeontatlve aalast Na, Av. Sh.-Pr . No. Av. 41. .114 lit 19 II ' it. .Ill II stoara. .1911 Slttaan, .1117, II steers.. Uti 1 90 9 to t II 7 I 71 I II 7 It 1 It T 10 .1 to 7 II I 40 17, .141 14.. HI 41. Ill 40.. 17. II.. 141 44. .104 '''it IT.. 91 19 II 99 19 II lit 19 41 - II II II ...19 tl IS 71 14. .Ill 71.. Ill 71.. Ill It.. tit II.. 101 71.. Ill PIGS. Sb. Pr. It 19 19 119 19 19 ' 8heepPacken took hold of tha fat lambs readily again thla morning and as waa the case yoaterday, quite a aumber of panoa naa cnangai bands by mldforenoon. Prlcea were mainly eteedy. for while Back ers tkought. that la aome laatancea they got eltghtly better lamba . tor tha money than an Monday, a majerlly of the trader, oould aaa no change worthy of mention. Ae high as'was given In mora than ana In stance, while bulk of the decent lambs again eold upward from 119.91. TMtarday's feeder trade recovered from he eoft .pot that developed toward tha close at the forenoon and lata prloea wore ne leaa than ateady In any case. This anorntng conditions were much the sams aa on Monday, any number of buyora being In tha barn early, and asUera again priced imir ooioina. ai gooa. stis: ngureo. When movement etarted It waa good,, strong basis, though tha trade waa made a llttla dressy by the fact that seme or tna leaoera were net ready lo artow until late hour. Real good feeding lambs were none too plontfful, and sold mainly aWlt.!9 lt.4l. As high as lit 41 waa reported ta have been offered on a band that waa being held at 910.10. Short-mouthed owes sold , to euiause aurora (or'broedera at 97.99971.10. . After part af the killer offerings had been clean op at eteady prlcea tha market eaaad o-T, aad -Umbo that failed to sell early, aa wall aa aome that arrived lata, wara wanted oaty at lower prlcea. Noon found seme lamba attll In tint hands, while othera which eota. low ara. mittaay took levies rsduc tjena i . Quotations oo shsep end lambs: Lambs, o-0 (a choice, 910.wett.99; Umbo, (air to aeoo. sis...; lamoa, eeaera, 90.609 It 41; yearUnga, gaod , ta choice, 17. too 11: yearllnga. (air to good,; "learllnga, feeder..; wethers, fair is rnoice,; ewaa. good to choirs,;'awee, fair to good. It.t9ejt.ia; ewee. plain ta culls. 14.00 It 1.71; swea. feeding, llOTfJI.IO; .na, breeders, all age, . .Repreaentallvp sal est No. ' t Wyomong feeder lambs.. 147 Wyoming cull lambs,.. e Wyoming owes AV. i. II . 44 .160 111 Wyoming ' yearling wethers. It 21 Wyamlng feeder awea. ..... 199 ' at Wyoming lambs ft 1111 Wyamlng faadar lambs..., II Pr. 10 41 II 19 9 90 It I II 19 71 II 19 I rtHICAGO LIVS STOCK MARKET. Cattle Weak I , Hags, Waak) Sharp, t . Woak. ' ' ; Chicago Sept. 11. Cattla Reeatpta, 7,000 head: market weak:, native beef. 14.4041 wee torn eteare, ll.attfl.3fi: Blocker. and feeders, 14.1097.46: cows aad heifers, 11.4041.30; calves, 11.60913.09. .Hogs Rcoipts, It.tOt head; market weak at to advance; bulk of tales, lt.46CJie.IO; light,:- 11.10911. 20) mined, 91.70911. 19; heavy, Il.f0911.19; rough. Il.t09l.l0j. pigs, It. 619 Sheep and Lamb. Receipt., 15,009 head; market weak; wethers,; owes, 14.0091.10; lambs, 7.1i911.49. , Live BVack eMrkot. St. ' Louis, Sept. - II Cattle Receipt., 7,109-head; market ateady; native beef teen, 17,09911.00; yearling steem and heifer 11.60910.46; cowa, li.699l.0t; .tockers and feeder., tl.l09t.O0; Texas quarantine ateere, 9i.i09l.IO; prime' south ern steer., 910091.00; prime yearling steera and heifers, I7.l99t.t0; native calves, 911.71. - . Hogs Receipts. 7.200 hsad: market steady; pigs aad Ilghta, 97.00 911. II; mlied and butchers, 119.16911. II;'. good' .heavy, 11. II: bulk of aalea, 910.71911.10. Shop- and. Lambe Receipt., 1100- head; market lio higher) lambs, 7.00 911.11; slaughtered awee, 16.0997.26; bleating awes, 11.109 19.99; yearllags, Il.lt9t,it,, . Kaaaaa City Lies Stack Market. Kansas City, Sept. 11. Cattla Receipts, 21009 head: market 10c lower; prime fed steers, 110.90 9 11.00; ' dressed beef eteera, I7.609l.7i; western steera, II.609I.10; southern steers, 16.76 91.11;, cows, 94.719 7,16; heifer., I 00 9 10.60: stock. and feeders, lt.909l.3i; bulls,;; lvss, Hoga Reeelpta, , 11,909 ' head; market weak; bulk of sales, 110.10911.09; heavy,; packers and butchers, 919.119 ll.ot; light, 910.60 911.96: Plge. - 91.509 10.11. ; Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 11.009 'head; market lie higher; lambe. .910.11911.90; yearlings, 17.76 91.21; wethers 17.0097.76; ewes, .7647.1i. , , t maoa 'Clty Uva steak Market. Sioux City. Sept. -It. Cattle Receipts. I. 10S head; market slow and weaksr; beet steers,; butcher.,; oanners, 11.6091.21; stockers and feedera, II. 0rt7.10; calves, 17.00919.10; bulls, stags, ete 't.li9t.l&t ftsdlng cows and hslfsrs, 4.7591.19. HogsrRscslpts, J.I09 head;, market steady and unchanged; light, 119,10010.36; neavy, 910.40910.06; bulk 01 salss. lis.349 10.10,. , : , Sheep and Lamba Receipts. 100 hsad: market 109150 higher; fed muttons, 91.169 1.60; aw...; lambs, 110.76. . ' St. Jeeapb Uva Stack Market. St. ' Joseph. Sept. 12. Cattle Reoelpts, 1,100 head; market ateady; steer.. 11.609 10.59; cows ana heifers, 4-5t9!9.t;caives, 11.00911.10. Hons Rscslnts. ' ' 1.000 Dead! ' ' market stsady to lo higher; top, 110.14; bulk, of sslss, , ' nneep' ana -Lamas nscstpts. l.vue aeaa; market 119 26c higher) lambs,; awes, I7.l09l.t9. . 1 "t. I , Livs Stack Receipts. Cattla. Hogs.-Shssp. ,, 1,400 4,100 11,000 .... 7,01 10,000 ...11.000 11,009 .. ..' 7.101 ! 7,109 ,.. 1,109. 3,100 11,000 13,000 3,400 109 ,.44,100 11,199 40,700 South Omaha Chtcage Kansas city . St. Louis Sioux City ,., Totala. .... , JfBvT 0. OENERAL MARKET. QaaUtlena af tha Day oa tha Varleas Lead- : VS Caaaaeadltlee. . 1. New Tork, Sopt; II. Flour Dnssttlsd. TjThtMnAr .uk. No. 1 dnrum. I1.7IU: No. I hard, ll.Oltei-Mo. V northern, Duluth, I1.77V4; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, 11.71. f. a. b... Nsw York. ' Corn Snot, weak; no. yauow, sso, o. I I., New Tork., , . :. ' uate spot, weaai eianuaru,' nvvai.v, He Firm. No. 1'. 11.11: No. I, 11.21; No. I, 11.11; chipping, t0o9tl.99. . MODS Bioeoy; stato, common to onviuv, till, H9I301 Itll, 19160! Paclflo coast, 1111. 11915c; 1111, 1911c Hides Stsady; Bogota, ssvoaoi vsnirai Amsrlcsns, 12 He, lather nrmt hemlock firsts, tie; sec onds, 24a. provisions pork, stsaay; mees, Htot 1.9)0; family,; short, 911.01931.00. Best, firm; mess, 131.109 11.00; family. 111.00 9 34.00. Lard, eaayt mlddls wsst. 'Tallow Quiet; city, iVjOi country, ivj9 to; spofllals, Ic. ' Butlsr stsady: tubs, creamery erlraa, IX- scors, llo: .ersamsry, higher sooting, II Vie I4r; firsts, 1 1 VI 0 lie; seconds, iliv.9110. Eggs Firm; fresn gatnsred extra fine, is 97c; extra firsts, 14916c; firsts, I1llc. Chssss Firm; receipts, lilll hoses; state fresh speclets,"II91IKc: state fresh spa- tlals, average fancy, imlli. ' Poultry 'Alive, firm, no prices settled: dressed, flrmi chickens, I19H01 fowls,. 179 lie; turkeys, 119460, ' .. -: VbbUBft OBNERAL MARKET, ' , Butter No, 1 oreamsry. In cartons or tubs, tool No. t, tin. Poultry Ltvs: Broilers, lti to I lbs., He; broilers, avsr I lbs., 17oi hens, over 4 lbs., tic: hens, under 4 lbs., 140; rooster, end stags wanted, loVto; geeess, full fsatharvyt. fat, no; young and eld aucns, run teaia ered, fat, llo; turkeye, any alas over I lbe 14c :, turkeys, isse than t lbs., naif price; capons,- I lbs, and ovsc, lie; poultry, poor and tklp, not wanted: guineas,, each, llo guineas, ' young, sach llo; squabs, homers, per dos,: 'is os, earn,; is oa earn,; I as. sach,; undsr-l os. sack, 10c. Pigeons,, per dos., 91.09. , , j-. Cneasa quotations by Vrlau ft Co. 1 Cheess Ttn-follsd, Swiss. 4toi domsstle Swiss, llo -block Swiss, 10c; twin chseee, lie; triplets, llo; deletes, llo; young Am erica, flol Blue Label-brick, tie) llmbergor, llo; Ne'wTbrk white, llo; Roqufort, tic. -Oystors Standards, 119490) salsots, I9 45cr counts. 13910a PISH Halibut, bright stsamsr slock. 13t,o;. salmon, red, 14c salmon, fall, llo; catfish, :large or emeil, llo; block bass, srder slss. . I30 whltsflsh, northsrn stock, Uci . plks. No.' 1 fancy, lie; bullheads fanay,- Hot barring, fol sunflsh, msdlum, for trout, Nr. 1. lean slsaa to. suit, lie; pickerel, headless and dressed. Hot corp. No. 1, dressed, lo:' flounders, lie; orapples, medium,, lei .headleea -shrimp, per gal,. Hill; -peelad. shrimp, per gal., 91.71), kip pered salmon, lt-lb. hasksb, par lb., I7o; smoked whltoflsh, ohubs, lt-lb, baskst, psr lb., 16o. Wholesale prlcea of beef outs sffsotlve Seplsmbsr II ara ss follows: No. 1 ribs, lie; No. I, 11c: No. I. llV,o; No. 1 loins, tic; No. I. livic: Na, 3, 14c; No. 1 chucks, lie: No. I, 111,01 No. I, lOrio; No. t rounds, 1714c, Na. I, liVio; No. 1. lies No. 1 pistes, I y.o; No. I. to; No. I, lo. Fruit and vagetabla price furnished by Olllnsky Fruit Ca.1 Pralta Orangee, vala Its, 190s, 114s, 4.16 bol vols, lite, IS. 00 bos'; vols, 110s, 1 11 bos: 174s. Ilia, II 10 box) 190a, Ilia, ItOe. 91.11 box. Lemons Fancy 100a. lias. 1.01 boa; choice 100a, Mts, 11.10 bos; 170s stss se per cent tees, nraperrutt Mar ket price. Apples Bsllsflowsrs, 91.71. box; Washtngtsn Jonathans, extra fancy, tt.ot hex; Colorade ionatbana, extra fancy, 12.31 box; barrele, bbl. Grape. Home grown, llo basket; malagas, orals; Tokays, f 92.99 - arata-, Peare Colorado. Waahlngton, fancy t tr., 99.99 crate; choice I tr fancy 9 tr., 12.41 orate; cholca I tr., 11.11 crate; Kelfers, bushels, 11.71 bu. Kelfsrs, orates, 91.19 orate. Plume Italian 11.11 crate. Peachee market price. Ban anas 13.01 la 11.10 bunch. Cantalaupee Btandards, crata: ponya, crate; flats, 11.09 crata Watermelons I Ue lb. Vegetables Lettuce, head. , 11.00 doa; Issf, 40c dosen. Cauliflower, tt.Ot crate. Was. green beans, peas. II. It baeket. Pau pers. iOo basket. Pareley, lie dos. Turnips, beets, earrete. IOo basket Pickling anlona, 11.99 basket. Cucumber., 11.09 basket Cab bage. Ik. lb. ontona. Spanish. 11.00 crate. Psarhea Boxes, lis ta box; bushels. 51.76 tO SI.SS DU. . Honey 11.79 ease. ' Mlaoallanaoua Crackerjack, Mrnpopg and eheokera, case. II.&9; half easea, 91.74) pea bate. Special No. 1, lb., Ivto; Jumbo pea. nuta, to) popcorn, case, 1.10: honey, pew caaa, 1.79, , " - . Mhsnaapells Orasa Market." Mtnneapolta. Minn., Sept II. Wheat ueremoer, si. si n ay i.ei s ; cesn, no. i Hard. Il.tta.: Na. 1 northern. Il.llti 111 41K . Na I northern, tl.M91.99k; Na. a, 91.119,9 Cora No, I yellow, 129114 Oats No, I white, 4lklo. ' ' Flour enchanted. Barley 9ir 9 l .02. ' t Rye 91 1191.11. Brast 919.99911.19. Metal Market, New Tork, Sent II. Metala--Lead firm; Il.si9i.7i. Spalttr firm; spot East St. Louis delivery, 41 Tit) 16. Copper firm: electrelytln, 117.90911.21. Iron steady and unchanged. Tin firm: spot 111.11911. 71. At Londont Spot copper, till; futures. ties; electrolytic, si..; spot tin, 1141 10 futures, 1119 Ills: lead. IIP; epsltsr, lit. , - - Uv.ipssl Oral Market. - Liverpool, Sept. II. Wheat Spot: No, 1 Manltaba, 14a ltd; No. I, 14a Id; No, I, lis la; no, s rea, western winter, tss sa. Corn Spot, American, mixed, now, lla Id. GRAIN ANHRODUCE Demand for Cash WJieat ii Steady, with Future Two " '' Oenti Lower. ONLY TWELVE CASS COBN September II, ltlt. Cssh wheat waa very steady trClay. the demand for thla oereal wsa fair, tha fecelpta of wheat ware light and, -although recelpte eago and Omaha futures were over Ic lower. oaah wheat eold unchanged to one lower. corn followed the wheat declining one- half cant; only twelve car. of corn were re ported In, and thess were esslly sold. - . usts wore in line with the reel and were quoted unchanged, although the demand waa good. jtyo waa quoted y,o lower with only two cars reported .eold. ;,.. , . nancy waa unchanged. Clearancee were:- Wheat 'and flour equal to 140,000 bushels; corn, 17,909 bushels; oats, svs.uvo ousnsis. ' " Ltvsroool close; Wheal, id to Id heavier. Corn, Hd to Id heavier. Primary wheat re eelpta were 1,311,000 bushels, and shipments. 1.011.199 bushels sgslnst receipts of 2,111. 010 bushels, and shtpmsnts of 1,120,000 bushels Isst ysar. . Primary corn recelpte were 711, 001 buahata, and shipments 400.000 bushsls against receipts of Itt.sod bushsls.. and shlpmsnts of 171.000 bushels lsst year. Pri mary oate recelpte were 1,109.000 busbela, and ahlpmants 714,909 bushels against re ceipts or 1,121.000 bushsls, and shlpmsnts of 104,009 bushsls laat year, CARLOT RECEIPTS. . , Wheat. Corn. Oats. .........HI 111 ill -,.,191 ... ' ... , , a .411 , ... t ... ...I...., it .12 Chicago Mlnnbapolla i . . Duluth,..,...,,. Omaha ........ Kansas City,,. Louis....... Winnipeg, ..lit li ..3tl : it ; These salsa wsrs rsportsd today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 oar. 11.11: I era. 11.13 (9. No. I hard winter: 14 ears, l.ilVsl II cars, 11-11. No. I hard winter: 1 ear, IlilVi; I ears,; I 1-6 cars, 1.10: Icars. 11.41. Ne. 4 hard winter. I cars, 91.41; 1 car, 11.44; 1 car. 11.44: 1 car, 1.41. sample hard winter: 1 car, 1.4IV; H car, 11.41; 1 l-i cars, 11,40. No. 4 spring: I cars, 11.41. No. 4 durum: 1 oar, 11.41. No, I mixed: t.aar, 91.41; l'oar, 91.44; 1 oar, 1.4lT ' Rye No. ;V 1" ear. No; I: ' 1 oar, 91.17. -v ! . , Barley no. 1: 1 car, 11.10; I ear, tic. No, 4: I cars, lie; 1 oar, I4e. Com No. 1 white: 1 oar, 101,0. No. I white; 1 car. lotto. No. I yellow: 1 oars, ItVis. No I yellow: 1 oar, lotto. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 7S1.0. Na. I mixed: 1 care, Hvio, No. I mixed: 1 oar, 7ltte. Oats No. I white: 1 ear. 440. Stan dard; .4 oars, 44c. No. I white; 13 ears, 4JHc No. 4 white: I cars, 4a He. Sample: 1 car, 4lo; t cars. 414,0; H car, 4Stto. Omaha Cash Prlcea Wheat: No. 3 hard. 1.51tt91.11; No 3 hard, 11.41 tt 9 1.MIi i No. s nara, si.esxyt.ti; no. spring, si. 4191. so; No. I spring, 11.4691.61; No. 2 durum, 9113: No. I durum, 11.1091.11. Corn: . No. 2 white, I0144JI0HC: No. I white, I09i0ttc: No. 4 white, 7IVi90o: No. I white, 719 lltto; No. I white, 7IU97te; No. I yellow, 10 14 910 He; No. I ysllow, lotfiottc; No. 4 yellow, 71V. 910c; No. I yellow, 7t91ttte; No. I yellow, 7IU97ta; No. 1 mixed, 714 97le; No. I mixed, tlU07IUe; No. 4 mixed, 7IH97IV.C; No. i mixed. 797tc; No. 9 mixed. 77Vi97IVio. Oats: No. 2 white, 44 0 44V.O; standard, 4SK944C: No, I whits, 4ltt94lo;,No. 4 whits, 4I94IUC. Barley: Malting, llcOll.00; No, 1 teed, 71 40. Rye:; No. I, 91.1791.11. Omaha Future Market Wheat opened easlsr. with the local erowd playing for a break, Cablee came eaaler. . Bean offered the posllbls opsnlng of ths Dardanelles and ths releass of Russian wheat aa an Incentive to put out ehort llneo on all tha strong spots. The bulls, how ever, tool eorlfldent of their position,1 be lieving that conditions point to still higher prices.: Corn sold off. there being, hoavr sailing by Interssts that fssl that ths high pricss now prevailing, the rapid matnrlug of the orop and tha Improved prospects Jus tify lower prices. usis wsra wsax and held within a narrow range. Omaha dooms orktea oa future, for this day: Art I Open, I High. I Lnw. Close. Tea" Wht. I Sept 111 1 41 14IU 1 41 U 111 Deo, 1 6014 1 60 H 147H 1 41 llltt May 161il .1 11 14IU 1 4ltt 153 Corn. ' Sept . 71 U 71 14 7t ; 71 H It Deo. 974. 97 1S 97 99, Jjr Vtt , toy, to , 70 n Sspt. . , H -'. i 4414 '4414 44 Deo. 44 f 40 4114 46 41 Msy I 17S 47 H 47 H 419. 41 wHimav v.w'iie ,i,vw. .HiBMnv, taw cee Jy .Logan ft Bryan, stock and grain broksra .1. .win,, .lunula .ireill , .. Low. I Close. I Tea IBltt-lli 1 H t It ' 9116 711494. 70976 ,. 41' 1 ... II II II 71, 14 II II II High. i II 1 I4tt 1 14)4 it-! n . '! 4. ' 91 tt 11 It U 77 1 IT I'll II 14 13 11 17 14H 11041 161)4 1114 71)4 74 44' 41 19 It 45 ki 19 14 01 II II II II 19 It its 1 n ' nit' 71 74 44 41 - It 19 41 ta tl 14 91 ; II II. 18 15 l: 60 111 114 to II 7S 't ... 41 41 il . 31 li II 19 it 15 II 10 14 10 It 17 CII1CAQO (I BAIN AWP PROVISIONS, , Chicago, Sept ' ll.-aAssartlona that a hssvy dsfsat had been suffsrad by tha Bul garlane In Macedonia acted a a weight an ths whsat market bare today. - The eutoome waa an unssttlea oloee, lo to. 10 net lower, with December at 1.61, and May at 11.11 to Other leading commodi ties ehered In tha decline In corn of 1, oate o to lo, and provisions lo to llo. Bears had control of tha wheat market througheut the aesslon, and wara able to prevent any Import ralllee. In the laat hour, especially many holdlnae were sacrificed on automatlo stop-loss orden to selL The failure of the, Liverpool market to respond to yesterday's advanue here gave an unex pected advantage ta the bean at tha start, but selling did not assume unueual propor tions until aftsr dispatches wsra at hand telling df huge losses by ths Bulgarians In a battle lasting . thirty-six hours. Tha obvious Inference waa that lha victory for tna Angio-Francn slllee meant lmoroved ohances of the opening of the Dardanellee, and perhape Implied the apeedlest estimate of a rail route for Roumanla and Russian supplies ta reach tha Mediterranean. Slackening of muling and export demand for wheat tended further to dtecourage the bulla The falling eft In tha oalt from da. meetlo millers was particularly noticeable on account of the fact that dlffloulttea re. suiting In-Great Britain from the English mm oporativee etrike sestnsa la be grew Ins mare acuta ' Carn values aaeed down owing largely to continued favorable weather tor the ripen ing of the crop. Field reporta especially from Nebraska were for the most part op timistic. Oats fell' with corn and whsat. Salea of 909,409 bushsls to exporter, fallsd to prove much of an offset Free selling In whlrh packera took a conspicuous part turned the provision mar ket downgrade. Tha waakneae In grains formed a dsolded handlcsp for tha bulla Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red, 91.519 1.64: No. I red, 11.47 91.10; No, I hard. 1.111 No, I hard, " Corn: No I yellow, H9le; Na. 4 yellow, II 9Uo: No. 4 white, ll9lltr. Data: No. I white, 44 94lr; stsndsrd. 4l94ic Rysi No. I, 11.1491.21. Barley, I4c9 II II. Seeds: Timothy, ll.IO94.iO; clo. ver, 111.90914.09. Provisions: Pork, 927.10; lard, 114.11; ribs, 114.1011.40. . Kaaaaa City Qeaerel Market ' ;, Kansas City. Sept 11 Wheat No. I hard. II. 1191, It: No. I, 11.1191.11; No. I red. 91.il91.ll; No. I. 91.419109; too oember, 114791.41: May. 11.419141. Com No. t mixed. Il9llc; No. I, I9l3c: No. I white, lie; No. I. 119 llc; Dscsmbsr, 14; Nay, 7l971c. Oata No, I white, 14 9 47. Na I mixed, ll947c. Butter Crsamsry,. lie; tints, llo; sec. ends,' lio; packing, 14 e. . Egga Flnu. 17c - ' '. ' ' : 89. Leai. Graia Market. St Louis, Mo., Sept 11 Wheat No, I red, 1. lil. II; No. I hard, 9t.n91.llU; December. 11.11. Corn No. I, lie). No. I whits, H9lto: December. Ilc. Oata No. t. 410) No. waits, 91: December, 47 c. . OU ai Bavann.h. Oa., Sspt II. OH Turpentine, dull, t 4eci no salea; reoelpts, 141 bbl.! shlpmsnts, II bbl..: stack, 11.171 bbla Roeln Firm; salea, 1,717 bbut.) rscslpts. I. tll bbls; shlpmsnts. III bbls.; stock, 11,. 117 bbls. Quote: A. B, C. D. 11.11: E. II. lt; F, 14.11; (1.; H, T, 11.31: K, M, 91.11; N. Wa, 11.11; WW, 11.74, HEW YORK-STOCKS Turnover of Beyond Half Mil lion Shares . of Nearly : . t: Every Class.- U. 8. STEEL , IS CENTER New Tork, SPt. 11. Tor the ttith con cutlv full teuloo and th twelfth tlm thus far this year, today's stock market was lashed Into ft state of abnormal activ ity, with a turnover far beyond tha million-share mark. The trsd Ins, especially durlns the first hour, which witnessed an overturn of al most half a million shares, comprised al most every elsss of stock, but centered mainly In United States Bteel, the coppers- notably American Smelting Mercantile Ma rines. Meilcsn Petroleum, and tha better inftwM Industtials. . Oaths of 1, 3 and I points in leading shares, rails excepted, were so general as to occasion no comment, while stocks selling- at prohibitive prices, like Bethlehem Steel and General Motors, wera higher 'by li t hi points, General Motors selling at the new maximum of (43, New records wera established also, by Steel on Its rise if 1 to left,,' and Atlantic, Qulf and West Indies, which advanced l, to Sugars, the paper and rubber groups, fer tilisers, petroleums and a few of the mu nlMone and equipments wera 1 to I points higher, International Paper preferred mak ing a gross gain- of t at lOe. Reading, and occasionally Union Pacific, Imparted the only actual strength to rails, which were again a negligible factor Shipping shares moved eontrarlly; Ma rines soon losing Initial gains, but Pacific Mail keeping paco with Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies. Incessant -profit taking had little effect on quoted values until the final hour, when irregular declines of 1 to 1 points of best prices became more or less gen erat. Total sales of stocks amounted to 1,380,009 shares. General news was In keeping with the course of the market and Included the re ceipt of mors British gold and tha publi cation of the semi-annual statement of the American Smelting and Refining company, showing enormous gains over tha same period of last year. Bonds were Irregular, In no degree reflect ing the trading la stocks. Total sales, par value, 13,679,000. - ' . United States coupon 4a advanced per oant on qa.Il. , . , Ma I aaa tTI srle Tjus, a)... America Can... J 4, 4 00 sfiil S3U 0.1QD -71 78 U Am. Car A Amer. lmc 1,400 Am, mltg 4 Refg. 16,800 101 ia, ouejavr neig., Amer. Tel. ft Tel., Am. Zinc. I., a n Anaconda Copper. .111. sod Atchison too los aaiavrin LtOQQ Baltimore Ohio. Brooklyn Rap Tr, Butte A Sup. Cop. Calif. Petroleum.. Canadian Pacific. . Central Leather. 12,809 61 Liioerwisoeaeaw m, yj ,inv rjal Chi. Northwest. Chi., R. I. A Pac. Chlno Copper Colo. Fuel Iron.. 1..100 Corn Prdcts Refg. 4,400 Crucible Steel 11,400 Distiller's- Seel....' 1,800 Erie i.ioa Z7 General Electric..,' 3,890 178 Gt. Northern pfd.(1 1,190 117 Gt. North Ore ctfa 19,790 43 Illinois Central... . 309 101 Interbgh. Con. Cor 490 H Inspiration. Copper SfJOO tS in tlH 7l ive 1V1 1,100 111 10IU 111U l.ioo iiiu iiiZ iai 11 htm li H it II 1,399 till li. IC4t 7.904) 7014 6!4 61 (j 509 314s 31 31 tt 93K 1'4 till 214 I3H 19 1S4 1Z4 17i4 Its ln 59.6 16 6541 1,109 93 14 res isi 1,990 1,909 Int. II. M.rpfotf 14,400 134 V, 34 It. C. Southern... Kennecott Couper. lxiuls. t Nssh.... Mas. Petroleum. .. Miami Capper Mo., K. T., vli Missouri Paelfle... Montana Power... National Lead.... Nevada Copper. . .7 New Tork Central N. T.. N. H. H. Norfolk West.. northern Paollle 6314 : ilti 1341 "1 l "3 473 4tt 41 ' s -i s , 171S, 171 Vk 1114 11.14 41 . 421. 101 100 1614, liS 40 6! J, 131 12114 is II 131 14,100 114H 110U 112 199 24 H 1,399 'too 17 , 17 . S7 S! 319. 2314 10614 ,10414 10114 61 li' it 171, 36 121 lOt 14 US 39 3114 15 6616 I5H 1114 614 2614 mii no i no? 1.409 1,110 1,100 1 309. 799 11114 ll'H i.ioo no ion! Paclflo Hall It. 400 30 3714 Pennsylvania ...l!o09 Ray Consol. Cod.. 9.000 Reading 46.200 111 Rep. Iron 4V 8teeI.UO.100 II 31 Shattuek Arts. Cop 1,30 31 10 3044 Southern Pacific. 1,100 1114 I7fi t74i doulhedn Rallwar. 3,100 1314 H 3314 Studtobaksr Co 7.900 12K 13214 123 Tennessee Copper.; 1.100 37 31 36 Texas Company... 4.409 301 108 10314 Union Pacific 14.400 140 140 14014 do pfd .' 4,109 SO 30 10 U. S, Ind. Aloohol. 7.709 Ml 111 117 United Stalea Steel 11.900 106 104 104 do pfd 1,400 119 111 111 uian copper,,.. K. s.ivu ss sris Wsbssh' pfd "B".. 1.300 26 91 westsra union.-..-.- s..m sie. seis 17 91 ' 99 ' Maw Tark Meaer Harkei. ! New York,, Sept. -It. Mercanttl Paper 1 per cent. Sterling It-day hills,' M.71: demand. 14.764 ; cables, 4.7I 7-11. . Silver Bar, 97c; Maxloan. dollara, B30. Bonds Qovernment firm: railroad Irreg ular. Time Loans strong: 90 days, I4S psr cent; 10 a. ye. ! psr osnt; six months, 4414 per esnt. - Call Monsr Steady; high, S pes -cent; low. 3 per cent; ruling rate, I per cent; last loan, I per cent; cloelng bid, 3 per rent; offered at I percent. U S ref le, reg It' In Mr Mar 4tl0t ! 'do, coupon... la - K C South r is 11 U S Is, reg.,..100L t H in 4s... 92 do, coupon ..1001,51, K k T 1st 4s 74 1U S 4s, reg..,.10lMo Pao'con Is. 101 . do, coupon. , .110Mont Power Is.. 17 Am Smsltsrs lslllN T Cent deb Is 111 Am Tel Tel New Tork City . cv 4 ft - 119 4s (ltti) ...101 Anglo-French la t6N T. N K H Alchlson gen 4s 12 eves 119 IB O I...... I!S North Pacific 4s 11 Beth Stssl r 6.. 100 14 North Pacific la t6 Central Pac 1st. II W Ore 8 L r 4s. . 12 C O ov 4s,; tl Pacific T ft T Is 191 C, B ft Q, Jt 4s. !7Penn con 4e..l04 C, M ft 8 P c lll06Penn gen 4e..ttl Clll P.r 4e 70'R.sdlng gen 4s. II , Colo ft S r 4s 12 -8 I, ft S F r 41 tl D R O con 4s 77 8 Pacific cv is. 191 Kris gen 4s 73HS Pacific rsr is, so Oen Electric le.1048 Railway Is. ..101 O Narth 1st 4 Union Pacific 4a l ada la of 1101 loo 14 rio cv -us.-i io uoiuiuioa err g Rubber 9s. 103' " 1CIS9 0 131 qg.tsSMU 8 Stsel Is.... 105 s t ju0 iuewsst,,ua 4s. ti Bid., ,a ' '.'. "". ' , .-..;. Asksd ' '' - Local Staeka aad Basds. - Quotatlona furnlshsd hr Burns, Brtnker ft 'Co., 441-11 Omaha! National bank build ing, Omaha hob. : Stocks , - i Beoth Ftsherlee Co pfd. cities Sarvlcaa Co.. com. Cities Ssrvlos Co.. Bfd. ....... .. 17 Doers ft Co., pfd..... ! Douglas Hots! Co., stock tt Fslrmont Cream. Co., T po..l4 Oooch II. Co., 7 pot. pfd "B". 11 Kansaa City Rye. Co., com..., II Kansaa City Kys Co., pfd to Kansaa City L. ft P. Co., com. 11 Kansaa City L. ft P. Co., pfd.. 10 . Mountain Stat. T. ft T. Co.... Ill Molina Plow Co., let pfd 91 Omaha ft C. B. Ry. ft B. pfd. 99 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry., pfd... 73 Omaha ft C. B. St. Ry., com.... It Peters Mill Co., pfd. I 19 Packard Motor Co.. pfd.. ......199 - Swift ft Co., slock .....141 14 Union Stock Tords pet slack. 199 , 191 Bonds . ... i, . Am, Tel. ft Tel. .Notea ,,.191 , 109 Booth-St, Louis 4s. 1131 19 100 Calgary. AI. I pet O. B. 193i-4i 13.10 Iowa Portland C. Co.; ta Hit 24 It 190 Ksnsaa City Ry. 1st is, 1144.. 11 Omsha ft C B. St. Ry. is, lilt 15 Kulsoerger ft Sons Co. le, 1144 ,114 Sinclair Oil ft Ref. Co. Is, till. 14 Trenton, Neb. Elect Is. 1111-11.114 Swift ft Co. 6s,. 1I4 ,.,....199 . : Bid. .. 10 ..311 311 . 17 11 70 lOt 100 ' 49 70 " 10 ' ' 79 , 111 tt It ' 63 101 10, lt 1 100 104.11 100 ' Vak Clearlnga. Omaha,1. Sept; II. Bank clearings for Omaha today were and for the corresponding day laat year l.li4, For Sprains, , , Laine Muscles ; Ahsorbina. Jr., brings imie relief. Keep II always at hand for instant vsa. Athletes me Abeorblne, Jr.. for tht nnsele that has been strained, for tha out or laceration that runs a ehanea of Infection: for tha abrasion that pains and tha limbs that are stiff and lama from over-exertion. Walter Johnson, the famous pitcher of tha Washington Americans, sajrst "Absorb tna, Jr., Is ftrst-elasa liniment and rub down far tired atuselee, I have need tt my self to advantage and ean heartily raooss'- mend It ta ball players everywhere. Jr., is PUBLIC LIBRARY IS BY FAR TOO SMALL People of Omaha Must Decide ; What Will Be Done to ; Give More Quarters. PATRONAGE OEOWIKO FAST - By A. R.GROH. If you live in Greater Omaha, dear reader, yon are one of" the 217,500 owners of the public library. As part owner of this property it is up to you to decide what you want to do to enlarge it. , ; It needs enlarging. The library patronage has been growing .with growing Omaha for tome years. But the building hasn't grown a bit - They have curios stowed awiy there in all torti . of places, interesting thing that ought to be' out where the people can gee them and enjoy them and learn from 'them.' "" "Our attic ig almost full of stuff," said Miss Edith Tobitt, librarian-in-chief, i "We need more room for the museum part and for temporary ex hibitions. A man came in from Weep ing Water the other di.y and offered an interesting collection bf things from Morocco. We had no room to mike an exhibition of them. No Display Room. " ; "There is a great demand for lec ture rooms. And we have a large amount of historic material regarding Omaha stored away no - room , to show it.'"- :' Now, owners, there are three propo sitions for enlarging tne library: First, keep the present library and enlarge it by building on adjoining lots on the south already owned by the city. Second, erect branches in the north ern part of the city, Dundee, and, maybe, in the southeast section, keep ing the present building as a central library. . -. v Third, sell the present very valua bly located property , and, with the money, build a large central library ind museum on less valuable ground. Ground Gift to City. The last oroDOsition is not seriously considered.: It would be necessary to secure tne consent 01 tne neirs voi Byron Reed before this could be done, Mr. Reed having given the ground on which the library stands. . ' . But umaha Has arrived at tne place where something must be idone. ; If branch libraries were erected it is likely that Andrew Carnegie if we strike him some day when he has a couple of hundred thousand dollars in change in his pocket could be in duced to build them for. us. - ' 1 Friend Andrew ; was- once ap proached" for money to enlarge the present library and he wrote back that he never gave money to enlarge libraries, only to build them new, right from the ground up. v , Might Give a Branch. ' ' ; He has built many branch libraries. In Philadelphia he gave $1,500,000 to build fifteen branches.. He likes to do it. : Mavor Dahlman recently told C. N. Dietz, president of The Library board, that the city hasn't money to finance a special election for library bonds. It may be' necessary to wait until the spring election of 1918 to find out from you, Mr. and Mrs. Owner, how you want to spend the money for de veloping the city library., , r' .You can be thinking over what you Want done with this part of your city property whether you want to en large the central library or whether you prefer to build branches,- and perhaps call on Andrew for a bit of help. . ' - - ' ;'" - - ' ; "' - The city is now operating . as a branch the $50,000 Carnegie library on the South Side.' There are also nine stations in drug stores and eighl in school buildings, besides the books at the Old People's home and a few other places. , ; ' Dr. Findley to Sneak - Before Graduate Nurses Beginning with this evening, in the lecture room of the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, a post-graduate course of lectures for nurses will be held. The first lec ture will be given by Dr. Palmer rindley, who will speak on, rrost Operation Care." Other speakers dur ing the succeeding six weeks will be Dr. A. D. Dunn, Dr. LeRoy Crum mer, Dr. C. W. Pollard, Dr. G. A. Young, Dr. H.' M. McClanahan and Dr. A. Sachs. Dr. Irving S. Cutter offered the use of the lecture room and the Nurses' Central club and registry is promoting the series. Electric Light Employes V To Have Picnic Saturday Employes of the Electric Light com pany will have tneir picnic Saturday at Krug park all day as the guests of the company, plans having been completed by General Harries, who started the picnic. ; Free rides to and from the! park will be provided, and for those who attend the picnic full pay will be given for the day. Refreshments and amuse ments will be provided and especial attention will be paid to the children of the employes -in the nature of names and prizes, and an expert to assist in their recreation will be pro vided. .. Want' Barber Shops, - v To Close on Sunday i The city council has received another- ordinance , providing rfor the closing of barber 'shops on Sunday. The measure was accompanied by a petition signed by 100 proprietors and employes and indorsements from va rious trades unions of Greater Omaha. : TacV Becker, secretary of local Noi. L(14, journeymen Barbers' Internatioar al union, presented the documents to the council. . , The ordinance, which' was referred to the committee of the whole for dis cussion, provides a fine of $5 to $100 and imprisonment from five to thirty days for violation and conviction, " . daft Market. ..s;'.'i New Tork. Sept, 11. Coffee Tha mar ket tor faturea-apened unchanged to S points hlrher, and active montha eold about lt potnte above laat nlrht's closing- figures during the early trading, with December advancing to s.sflo and May ta 1.12c. The. buying, however, seemed ta reflect little more than scattered covering and tha mar ket turned easier during the afternoon on reports that Braaltlan shippers were show ing more disposition to sell. May eased off to l.41d and .the market closed net I points lower to net 4 points higher. .Sales, 16.600 bags; September, t.41c: October, 1.42c; No vember, . t.37o; December, 1.24c; . January,' 1.28c; February, l.22o; March, t.S7c: April, I. 41c; May, C47c; June, t.61s; July, l.6c. Spot coffee quiet., Rio 7s, 10c; Samoa 4s,. llov Offers of Santos 4s wera reported at II. !&$11.60c In the cost and freight market The official cables reported no change' In the primary spot marksts, but Santos fu tures wera 76lt rels higher; ralrrwas re ported in three districts and showers In two of Sao Paulo, with temperatures rang ing from 12 to 11 degrees. Fort receipts, 10,100 bags; Jundlahy, 12,000 bags. Omaha Hay Market, ' Hay quotatlona are: Prairie Hay Choice upland, tll.OOSU.Si); No. 1. 19.50S10. 60; NO. . Il.004.00; No. I, tl.0001.00. Midland prairie. No. 1, 110.00 611.00: No. I. 17.0001.00. Cholca lowland prairie, 17: No. 1, 16.00; No, 1, I4.00O6.00: No. 2. 13.0094.00. Alfalfa Choice, 1S.OO12.SO; No. 1, 111.60911.60. Standard, tt.l011.00; No, I, ll.00tjll.00; No. I, 16. 0061.00. Straw Oats, I6.00t.60; wheat, 16.004) 1.10. .-- . ' - - v - Omaha Hid and Tallow Market. Quotations furnished by Bollea 4fc Rogars, 111 South Thirteenth afreet: . Hides Good siss. No, 1, 18o; No. 2, 17c. Green: No. 1, lto; No, i, llo.-' Good slsa bulls: No. 1, llo; No. 2. 14c Deacons, each, 11.21. No. 1 largs horse, each, 16.60; No. 2, 14.60; ponies, 12.50. Sheep pelts, largs, 7&C0I1.26; msdlum. to small. 260 76c. . - - Tallow No. 1. 7tt0l No. I. tttc. ' ' lendo 8tk Market. ' London Sent.- 12. American . securities were alack o ths stock market today, with United .Statea Steel a Arm exception.. Silver Bar, '.z s-lea per Dunce. - Money i per cent, - Discount Rates Short Mils. Bm&Stt per cent;, three months' bills, 6tt5 per csnt ' . Sugar Market, 1 New Tork. Sept. It.; Suga Raw,' firm: centrifugal, 6.27c; molasses, 4.60c; refined. firm; fine granulated, o.zoc, Futures were I - to 11 points : higher af noon. Closed steady and 1 to It points higher; salea, 1,660 tonsO December, .4.20c; . January, 4.0Sc; March, I.ISc. v Coroner's Jury Returns ;.A Verdict in Schwalm Case A coroner's jury returned a verdict of suicide after a brief inquest in quiring into the death of Herman R. Schwalm, '32, 1112 North Twentieth street, who ended his life by inhaling illuminating "gas, Sunday night. No recommendations were contained in the verdictof the jury which merely found that Schwalm came to his death by inhaling gas with suicidal intent. The dead man is survived b;' his wife and. two children. Kit Carson May Drive In the Historical Parade Kit Carson, jr., will probably drive an oltf-fashioned stage coach in the historical parade in Omaha October 5, The Ak-Sar-Ben people are seeking to get this son of the famous stout of that name to wield the lines over the backs of the- mules drawing an old stage coach that is in storage at Ne braska City. , JITNEY TAXI MAXWELL CARS Webster 202 AMUSEMENTS. OMAHA'S FUN CENTER."' t&ntifFtjm Daily Mats lS-ZS-SOi iautyi lyi EWgs. is-zs-sa-rs Unquestionably a style show.. BNR&D STEP LIVELY GIRL. SSSSS Bioh-( Shorty ) M'AUister, Msudl Hssth, Hsrry T. Shannon, K Great Cast and a Chorus That'a Young, Perfest and Bauti fuL Only musics! show in town. , (Final Psrfenoaace Friday Nits.) t; .Ladies' Dim Mstlaee Week Dsy. - PHONI B0U9LAS . THE best of vaudeville Dally Met., 2:16; Cry Nl.hl, 1:11. This Wwk. MR. MELVILLE ELLIS llFS 1."ftJ IMISS IRENE BORPONlifi,! ", , MorrU. Werner A Amoro. Co.. Brent. le. Jsck O. McLsllea A Msy Canon. -Orpheum Trsrel Weiklf. Price.: Met. f.ll.r?, IOo: best sbms lucert Bstur aar aad Sunday). 2oc Nights. IOo, 33o, 60c, 76a. ISrkVn Now PUybif DU T UJ Speaking Flap ... . LAST TIMES TODAY , , MathiM, 2:30 Night, 7 JO ' THE LITTLE GIRL THAT GOD FORGOT Nights, 10e-S0c Matlneee, He KNEW RUU OPINi SATURDAY September IS . -ARIZONA' Box Offlc Now Opaau EMPRESS--! ERFORD'S WHIRLING SENSATION - Tna Climax af Aerial Art. . VIVIAN OSBORNE . Girl Wisarst of Verier ,- . . : , - . BISSETT AND SCOTT , : Vaudevilla'a Premier Dancera. z.-.. HAGER AND GOODWIN v" ' "Ani th Show Start Right Away." ' . Best ad Latsat Photoplaya Always. ' HIPP TODAY. , ALWAYS 10c ' 15th and Harney ; by Return Engagement iclal Request MARY PICKFORD in ? 'The ETERNAL GRIND" - , Photoplsy Th Paraon of Pui.mtnt" Starrix ni ISTIM FARM AM Paramount Pictures. Open 2 to 11 Daily. Boulevard Theater Thirty-third and LaaTtmwortb ' . TODAY Florence Turner in , "DOORSTEPS." Abaorbtna, concantratati antt- aaptio Hnlmsmt Mily faw dropi raquirW at mn pplication. It la safa and ilaaant to aaa leave no trraaar roaitfuo. oi4 oy neat dragaflu, tl.Av nd IZ.M a tvottla, or poatpaia, Ubarai tslal bottla for 19o a ttampa. ' W. F. YOUNG, P. D. P. ' 194 Tmp)t 8W BprlBaTflald, Maaa. Telephone Equipment Costs Have Doubled in Two Years Material used in ihe manufacture of telephone equipment that could have been purchased for $50 two years ago cannot be bought for less than $100 today.' ' . .. The following figures show the per cent increase during the last 20 months in the market price of several of the more important items used in the manufacture of telephone equipment: Material. Aluminum ' Batttrlea Brast Copper .......... Cross rm bolt .. Crossarm braeea Inereaa. .. 108 .. 68 ...174 ... 126 . .. 178 .. 274 Material. Lead Lumber ....... , Platinum ....... Rubber Tin i.. ......... Wlr (IrertT;... Increase. .... 4 ....20 .... 98 39 .... 66 .....20 These advanced prices are caused principally by the European demand for war materials and to the curtailment of foreign Lnv ports into this country. . NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY