Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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    - -j.
: I-
for and Getw
iMeufnACMOwMnntywiMuitt ,
Jellied. Apples ,
Pare the applet, after coring, but
only pVt way, to jhatthey look as
if setting in little cuds. Put in a pan
with enough- water -to keen from'
burnuig and bake for ten mmutet,
' then fill hole left hy core, and cover
Ivith a'thick -sptinkling of Sugar and
a little, fins, parings of lemon. Bake
until done, with occasional bastings,
Let cool, when the apple -will be sur
rpundfd with a i clear jelly.
Abundance of All Vegetables
ti Ancl Fruits on Market Now
Trade at the Washington Market , : '
'' YlhMH Price fliialifv famil T11 s
ww w - mwww mimm HWllj WWia lea J
69c X
toe fiami, basnet ,
i Beet Granulated Sugar, 15 lbi.,
for ............. ...,$1.00
pr Mek .....,96.6ft
Extra Fancy Bartlett Pear,
per case $2-2S
Bushel Banket! Kleffer PeaVs,
per basket .........4130
Half Crates Pear, crate, 11.00
fxtra Urn Potatoes, per peek
Ixira Fancy. LarAt Sweet Potato, per
larira market basket. . 7. . .85
All Brands of Creamery Batter, Ib., .54c
Good But Urine, per lb 16e
Extra Fancy Peahen? Coffee, lb..,. 26c
Grape-Nuta, per pkg 10c
E. C. Corn .Hakes, per pkg, .ftc
Meat. r
Hone dressed Sprint Chickens, lb. . .-22c
Choice Steer Shoulder Roast, lb.-. .12VC
Choice Steer Boiling Beef, lb. .... .
Choice Steer Sirloin Steak, lb. 20c
Choice Steer Shoulder Steak, lbe. .-.25c
Extra Fanej Young Mutton Chops, 2
lbs., for 25c
Extra Taney-Young Mutton Legat, per
lb., at ...f. ...I2Vi4
jrvrw aeiu nenneren urn, id
Fancy Colorado Peaches, wrap-
pea, per craie. . .
cratea, per crate 11.10
Extra Fancy Eating or Cook
ins Apples, per pk 2V
Stringleas GrecVor Was Beans
2 We. fori.... .... ,28c
Extra Fancr Large Head Let-
wee, per need, ....... ,jc-
m 1
$0 DO VfE
' )
Compound Lard, 2 lbs., for. . . ;. i. . .2S
Strictly Suaar Cured Breakfast Bacen.
extra lean.iper lb. . . J . .-, ,: 22Vte.
Sugar Cured B real fast Bacon, back, per
, lb., at 17V,
Sugar Cured Regular Hams, lb.... 7Ac
Strictly Sugpr Cured Skinned Harnn, per
lb., at .J ,....20t
Specials fas Our Delicatessen Department.
Roasted Prim Rib Roast of Beef, lb.. 4Se
Roasted Pork Loin, lb , ..50c
Roasted Young" Lege of Lamb, lb,. . .50c
Roasted Young Legs of Veal, lb.. . . 50c
Roasted Large Spring Chickens,, each
from 76V to ABc
Home Made W elates. Cone Island or
Bologna, per lb '. 1 2 Vic
Knuck Wurt. Poltvh Sausage, or Frank-
furte, per lb,..,.., .15c
T Tli. MmI SulUry 4 Up.H-D.ta M.riiM la Ik. Vint,
Km TyWr 470 CnuncU All I
1407 0.u,lM'Sl, OmAt, N...
Those vegetables that came in to
Olnaha early in the summer and the,
ontsthaf arrived later are -about all
on band now. . , i,- ' . , .
You, can ger almost anything you
want with the exception of berries,
wnicn-are a snort-nved tribe ana tai
net long among us.
Grapes are makine triad the hearts
jf hiennd. women with their 'purple
their way into jellied and great is the
number that art; slipping' down the
threats of the 'multitude in their nat
ural'state. . .
Peaches were forecasted as,, only
about oneoi6rth of a crop. ; But they
are here pretty miyh as usual.. Fine
big, freeistone chaps from Colorado
selling now at around $1.00 a box
Wild olums aer nlentiful.
Several, varfetios of pearf are now .California now getting plentiful
' r1rmours j I
'on the marlet. N Bariletts, ' seckel
" Making . Use of
Stale, Bread
Oftll, the left-pver remnants of
food from, the' kitchen bread .it per
haps most common, and many pieces
are daily thrown (way whic)) a little
thought would tiirn to excellent use
If the left-vf r pieces are not utilized
the same day, an excellent plan is to
wrap 'them fn pieces of waxed -caper
and i store thero- in a stone jir. They
pears and' "hony dew Bartlett re
serving pears" are obtainable and now
is the time to obtain thorn if you want
to preserve.any. - - '
Watermelons and cantaloupes con
Ltinue in their pristine abundance and
goodness. . ,
Tomatoes have never' been ' more
filentiful or betfer, this season. The
ittle vellow fellows. for . Dreservins
are also on hand in goodly quantities.
Ked Beeti sweet potatoes, green
peaf) string Deans, cabbage, of the
red and the white varieties, egg plant,
cauliflower, lettuce, peppers, both red
and green, .those are some of the
things the vegetable market suggests
to the housewife, i
' Squash that makes good pie and
summer squash are also on' hand in
abundance. , ; t
tyape . fruit of the-new crop from
Crashed from full-bodied, lui-
, doui Concord bottled at the vine
' yards, rlrht wh.r th. bMt rrapot (row
d.liv.rtoyou und.r th. purlty-pratKtiaa
of ttM Oval L.b.1 lhat'i frmmir!
The he
Tha dtlldoot IhlntJqu.nchlng omack of
slch, fruity goodnMi. DUuu It to your tuu.
Buy frmoir'a in the Family Com
o six on.-plnt bonlM.1 . i , r
ea1th-plure brink for
ww m m niw
1 ,!' I
7 mm W
the Omaha markets.
will lrn wlt tnr B wlf intthat wav
Dried crumbs for stuffing and jneat
frying: Put the crusts and small pieces
in a baking' pan and dry them m the.
oven witnout Durning. j ney may tnen
be put through the food chopper and
stored iri clean Mason jars until want
ed. -They may be usql aft a basis for
taeat croquettes, poultry stuffing and
other things. - . ..-
French toast may be made from the
whole slices of left-over, bread., It is
an excellent luncheon pickup dish.
Beat an eggtnd add a little mwk. Dip'
the slices of 'bread in this and fry a
nice brown in hot drippings. Serve'
with buttef, jelly or marmalade.
Bread custard ' pudding: 'Cut -the
bread in dainty shapes ad, butter lib
erally. Make a plain custard df dggs,
milk and sugar. Put m baking dish
and float the .buttered bread on topi
Sprinkle with grated nutmeg and
bake in a quick oven, until brown. This
is excellent. ,
To make croutons for the vat-inn.
soups so much relished in summer, cut
me ureaa in cuoes and try in butter
or dripping justeforo serving with
the ouj. Add five orwx to each plate
-' . ' Menus f qt a,-Week". P
' - ' V Sunday i i r ". ."
Breakfast-jBakedhash, poached eggs, raised rolls, grapes. -
Dinners-Roast lamb, picalilla, .reamed oyster 'plant, mashed and glazed
i v , potatoes, pettch nold. ' ,
Supper Baked Jima beans and pork, cucumber salad, cihnamonbuns,
- quince honey. . y:
' ,y.v- -"'ST"4".:-;: J Monday. " - ' , N ':."..'' .
: Breakfast Creamed dried beef, potajo cakes, (Jtipovers, plums. ' ,
Dinner Shepherd's pie( squash, baked stuffed tomatoes, pickled oniony
. . ' watermelon. ' - ' . .
Lunch or Supper Cheese, custard,' lettuce saladbaking powder biscuits,
'l I ' I fresh grape jeHy, (emon cake. ' -
V' -''.. T''- .' Tuesday. ' N "
' Breakfast-Omelet, rye-milmns, hominy, sliced peaches.' '
Dinner Roast veaL stuff ed ; etringjieane, potatoes browned in the pan,
rt,;i: r uis.' ..aa:JU - ' .
'LuncR or Supper Scalloped '(oysters, bpttered toaSt, coWslawv ginger
noun. rtvi1 pura ' i"
, , . r-W' - , ' . , s .-
, Wednesday.' t '. '
Breakfast Kidney saute, hashed- browned potatoes, .graham gems,
, . ' , '" v baked apples. ' ,
Dinner Roast pork, apple sauce; creamed parsnips, baked sweet potatoes."
. . ' , -. mustard pickles, plum pie, , . ...
Lunch -or Supper Frankfurters, string bean salad, shortbread,, peach
i . .', ,. , butter, raisin cup cakes. '-,: .
. Thursday. ' ' ) ' " .
' Breakfast Bacon, cVeam toast, cantaloupe. '
Dinner-'-Eot foasted beef, horseradish sauee.'baked, macarbni, crtamed
( carrots, peach duny1ings..
Lunch, or Suppers-Stuffed peppers, bbiled rice, tomato castup, ap'ple snow
$7?'. . '-- ' gingerbread. ', .' ' ' . .
I. ,M , Breakfast-inan Caddie, baked potatoes, scones, pears. . '."'.I
Dinner Crab patties, succotash, French fved potatoesjficed cutumberi
: . - j and onion. aBple fritters. '. ' t .:
Luncnor Suppery Cod chowder, toasted crackers, baked pears, chocolate'
' w. T; -5 "',,.-' Saturday.-.. ' - -V '- ,'.'!
(Breakfast Baked pork chops, fried apples, cornbreid, cantaloupe. ;
Dinner-r-Smothered steak, green tomato pickle, cauliflosVer, saute p5ta
Lunch or Supper-Sliced cold pot- j-oast, stuffed .tonjatoes er apples,
: , cucumber pickles, plum butter, nut ake. . ' .
. - ' " Woman's World. .' .
' ' - ' , ,
of soiip.' These a"re delicious with al
most any soup, v ' .. iL
Brea"d jelly for invalids-Scald the
WaH freed from crusts. :Mnh
to a paste.uhtil-of tbuihlikf consist ;
ency. Add a little ."sugar and flavor-li
ing, mold, cnill ana serve, wiui tium
Sterilized bread crpmbs are espe
cially valuable for 4he young children
!H the pousenoia. n jar muuiu ,ut
ROBT. lUDATZ, M,r., ISlk mat Jtm SU
. i rnon. wuriM loss, otMaSL nirt, -'W.
U WILKINSON, IS ill Q, T.S... 1740.
1 11 ' V ) II I IU,. 1,11 I I III, I, it,. ill , II
I" 'v "4- J
1 " . , ! -:';..,. ,
1916 Milk-fed Spring Chickehs, lb', ' .',f . . . . . , 19c
unoic ror.qu.rt.r. Lamb, par lb . J
r..k w. h.v. 19,000 lbi: of llv. .prlSi thlch.n., which w. wifl
S.turdy. Cam. Mrl Ihn. chickau will ..11 lul. 1
In ia..l. II. ' ... . ... . n . t- 71.
yaur rd.r
oivvi- niriuin ait.., 1. . , 4 ,., 15.
ni.r rot nom.c lb 40V.C
)' ouna V,l Rna.t, Ik '. . 1 1 V.w
........ 17c
....... lO'.c
dr.'.. to
Youtik V..I Chop., lb,
Pl Porn Ro.t, lb...,
Pi Pork Butti, lb.. ,.
Pis Pork Loina, lb.
Pl Pork Chop., lb....
Spar. Bib., par lb.....
Sib Roaat t flfcf. Ik. ... . .13V4c
Eean Rcsular Hatnl. lb. A. .16J,c
No. 1
fliiir.r Curril Hama. lb.
Extj-a Lan Haeon. Ib. ., w. 1074c
Uurwl JSacon, in ........... . i.y.c
urd Bacoi
From S . It nf. 3 Iba.
rrem I la 10 p.
C. P. Lard, 3Sc
Chopa, lb., Sc
113 South USth Street
y , Phone Doug. 2307
OppoaH. Woolwortb'a Sc aad 10c Stora. ( ' .
kep filled with these. They may be
heated when wanted and -sprinkled , ?n
SOtt,effBfj. SOUDS. milk, fruit iniru
and, indeed, anything eaten 'by very
young chiRlren where fresh, bread -is
often positively dangerous.
Dried bread is also valtiahle fnr
mixing with, vafious other; foods for
feeding .;fle houjeliold. Philadelphia
i-edger. , , .-. - ;. ) , t
Raspberry Cornstarch ;
Cover a quart of raspber"rjei after
picking over, washing and draining,
with rnlrl o;iU. n,kU Krlnv. ,n u-
boll and cook until the berries are
very soft. Drain, straining out the
seeds. Return the juice to the fire,
add a cup of sugar, stir until this dis
solves, then thicken with two heaping
tablespoonsful of cornstarch, Poor
into a mold and let chill.. Turn, out
and serve with plain cream and pow
dered'Sugar. , , -v.. ', ;,
1916 Mflk.fSd Spring Chicken., Ib.-. . . . . ., . ,193Ac
Pig Pork Loin., p.r lb. . . . ,i. .V, . .. . ..J. .,.15He
li "I 'it,,l cklckan. kalor. S la.t'rd.y. Thta w.k w. 28,000 Iba.
.. -k" vu,n.,pHwa w. win dihi 10 your araar.
8t.r Pot Roan, lb. ... . i... ...-.10 V.
Younr Veal Roaat, lb .......11.
Youna Veal Chopa, lb,,.., 14c
Par Pork vRoaat, lb, .14'S.
Plf Pork Butta. lb. .. ... . .lo'-i.
Sirloin StMka, lb... , 1S.V4.
Lamb Leg,, lb.,,,; 7. ... , .1434e
Spar. Riba, ,.10.
Pl Pork Chopa, lb..,. 17c
Matt Orders Flled Promptly.
No. 1 Rib Roast.of Beef, lb. . ,.13'y
Extra Lean Regular Hams, lb,.... 16
nuarar uured Hama. iO .....i"t
Kxtra Lean 'Bacon, lb. V. , ........ ISHc
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. .......... 16y4c
" 'x ' SPECIALS v ' , "l I
From 5 to 9 p. m.--Lmb Chops, lb- 5c
From 9 to 10 p. m. Pork Chops, Jb 13
1 Phone Douglas 2793
New Rapid Delivery System.
k-: tested Recipes - '
Gingerbread. . ,
Mix a, cup-of sugar'witb a'cp ot
mqlasses." Soften a half cup of th '
test fshorteningand mix with th
rest. -Stir in two and a half cups oj
sifted flour.' Dissolve in a cup of, K
boiling water a level teaspoon of bi
carbonate of soda and mix with the
rest. Last of,a!l stir in without
beating one ggA The "mixture should
be aftout as thick -as, for cake. - If it
aoems to thin if' depends upon the
mojasse add a little more sifted
flour.- , Use a pan deep enough to .
allow of good rising. Line with btlt-,
tered paper, letting this stand up be
yond" the; sides. Turn in the battfc
and bake for one hour in a very slow
oven. Do not open the door once
during the baking.. Raisins dropped
oh the too iust before baking will
j sink into the dough as it rises.
Baking powder Biscuits,
vSift two' sups of flour with four
teaspoons of baking powder and -half .,,
a teaspoon of v salt. Into thjj chop
four tablespoons of lard, then mix to
a , dough .with just enough milk to
make a dough' that can be rolled out.
Cut into rounds and put, just touch
ing, in ibaking pan. - Bake brpwn hr
quisk oveii, rub tops with melted
butrer., 0
Whole Wheat Bread.
Mix together two cups scalded milk,
half a cup of molasses, and one and
a i naif teaspoons of salt. Let cool .
slightly and when luke warm add one-
fourth of a cake of compressed yeast
dissolved, .in one-fourtfi of a cap of .
warm water, -nd stir hj five tups' of
sifted whole wheat flour. Stir .well,'
rhen-'let rise until doubled in bulk,'
beat again, turn into greased bread
pans, filling these only half full, Iff -rise
again until doubled, theln bake ,
forn hour in a moderate oven. ', j;
'Baked.' Pears, ' .
t,Get-the noytoo-ripe sickle pears.
"In each pear stick two whole cloves,
Put-inDan and turn-in a syrup made
by cooking together .for five-minutes
a cup ot sugar and a cup ot water, ' r
Cover the baking pan and cook slow
ly for three-quarterT of an hour, or
until the 'pears ar soft enough to
pierce, easily. . ' ' ' ' v ;.
t Baked Lima' Beans arid Pork.
Cook a four-inch square of salt Dork-'
or bacon until dope, then take out and
in rue same water cook a quart pi
lima ,beans, measured after- shejling.
WKn Ae skin curls back when you
blow bn it, drain beans, put pork in . ,
i bile beans .
ntil pork is bfoVned. . ;
llmas may
center of baking dish, and pile beans
arouna, Bake until pc
In- the winter dried
Milk for Your
The popularity:
goodness. ? -
It is a wonderful "Pick v
: me lip,? refreshing
nu uencious, 100, v -
To insure the best, order hyphone from your nearest dealer.
- f fi,
V The Fairmont Creamery Co. i Omaha,. Nefar
You Spend For Groceries Will Have,
If You Take Advantage of the Every Day
t z Low Prices at The," f )
' r Now Is the Time tf Put Up Ybur
.- . t At Most Stores' ' - ';iV-
Colorado Yellow Freestone, wrappedT90, size, per crate '. .. . 'Jg
Colorado Yerloy Freestone, unwrapped,. 108 siiet per crate ''JQq
Mason Quart Jars, iO- AJl I Cider Vinegar , '10,.
' per dozen tai. per .4non '' i,..".
on's, per CC CA Muscatine Watermelons'' best
i'J:. $6.50
Cedar Oil PolisKv Jt.OO Cfl
aize-fot ............. UUC
60o size. - OA - , 25c size 1 C
for ...'.JvC for i,,,1JC
Hippo Soap Powdery 4 1A
3 for v ::. lUC
lOe package Cold Starch 7i
for ........ ......... 'C
5c package Douglas Starch k
for ..-.....'W
iOc cans Lye, each"7f, 3
Large Quart Bottles Aroonia H
Or Cider Vinegar for . .
Bon-Ami KJtf'cake '.Oi
iw .. . .r...........
Pyramid Washing Pow- 1 Cg, i
(fer, 25c package Jor . .
6c paAage, 4. 3 fdV lOe
thrifty Habit Coffee, ojr own
btjind Santos bend 9fla
lb. for .-.......vC
Uncolored Japan or Gunpowder
Tea, "Tegular 60e and A(i
. 70c grade, lb.
Beet Sugar . . . , . . . . . . . .
Cane Sugar . . , .' . . , .V. . ,
14 lbiCBeet Sugar for-, . .
No. 41 Is Open at 1407. Main St., Florence
Phone Florence 294 - ' i
Cider Vinegar , ,
per gallon . . '. : . .f
Muscatine Watermelons'' -quality,
red and tender,
guaranteed, , per lb .... .
Not guaranteed, " V
er lb.' r. .
SD-lb. block Salt if or Stol
at most stores,, each. . .
3-lb. bag table salt '
for ....,
14-lb, baK.Ji. ,. ..
FANCYi Quen Olives,
pint 17. quart.......
y - ,' BUTTERINf.
Princeton, jhite and nat
ural color, lb.y . . ,Y. . ,
Empire, medium grade,
lb. .............',...
Magnolia, 2-Urjoll "k
for . .. i .
Whifs fish, salted l
lb. ....... .....
ail Now that me mldrn areback
Til school' they will need plenty
of wHol.some, , invigorating, sustain
ing food. Milk should be a large v'ecA
of tHeiv diet because4 it meets these
requirements. .' - .' ; , -
fTJ The point we want to make fs
11 ythis Are you as careful iruthej
selection of your mils as-you are in
'the selection of rugs, pictures orgror.
ceries loryour Home, it is" a tact
that most of us think we know good
milk when we see it; No greaterjnis.
take ciuld be made. ven the sup
posedly best raw or unpasteurized
Lmilk may taste good, look fine-and
Keep sweet, properly ana still De
Jiff If you wU" write any state uni
Tll Tversity, where miik ' has been
Ibacteriolofrit will bear out this state
ment. Scientists ,eay there is no bet
ter milk for babies and children; than1
pasteurized milk; f ' .
Ask Your Doctor Ho Knows
around, Bake i
In the win'te
used 'after soaking.
- Cream' one";fourth of a cup of butter '
I'with half a cuur of sugarN , Sift a cup t
of flour with two teaspocnis Of bak
ipg powder and half 'a teaspoon of V.
salt ana aaa to the sucar and hutrrr
Moisten with one-fourth of a run nf'
milk, stir iri" twoSeggs unbeaten, a
cup of chopped nut meats, either '
peanuts, walnjits or" pecans flavor :
w;t vanilla or. lemon and drop b' ,
teaspoons on a-4uttered, sheet. Leave '
room to spread and bake quickly.
v Mustard Pickles. , , , ,
Chop by hand twelve little oucuoi'1
iicis aiier .peeung, a pint .01 small "
silver-skin onions,. a' small eauliflowr"
er, a quart of green tomatoes' and
three large green peppers. Lay taese ' .-'
down ith a thick sprinkling of salt ?
between and let stand over night In i v
the iBornine brinor to it araM an1-
drain. Bring tljrep bints of cider vine-,
gar to the boiling point, and 'stir, into
a .,.. ... ,1,0 ,iv, v, , uuarrcr 01 a v
fpOund pT dry rliustard, one-fourth of )
an ounce ot turmeric, a scant half cup ,.
of flour -and half a cup of sugar, wet
with av'cup'' of cold vinegar. Cook
afte adding-fp the "boiling vinegar for '
twenty nwiutes, then , stir m the
chopped vegetables, bring to the boil
again and let cool. When col put
into jars or crocks and seal. Wom-
an o ,,,,ii, IT,... , 1 . - .
Dr. William T. Sedgwick,' president
American Haalth Association, sayst "We
have failed to render safe our milk sup-
Ely, which can and must be rendered safe
y pasteurisation '
' dertified Milk
aw 111
11 .
1 if 11
But for Ev.ryon.
Jersey and. Ayrshire
, . Cow. ,
Talahmia Walnut 2522
lea- ira. aampl. Dottla
Loveland Farms
L i M...: i. .
w ' vn,
' ' Proprietors.
The ;'Milk-White'Dairy;
'Douglas 409.- . v
16 Bounds sugar, $1
' nBest Cane' Granulated.
3 lbs. best Coffee tl-QQ
Coffee Social, lb. . . . . . . . . . . .SOc
Teas for icing, per lb .BOc to 50c
Sucar dd with 11.00 order of other
goods - I . ( . :
40S N. lSlh .St,- Phna, bis. 2446.
fream Cheese, ' 1 , OO
lb. ........U'...T.. LLK-
...... .j...;.$7.oq
, . . . ... . . . '. .$1.00
Pot attf boughmitf
' . "v ' (Writ, for Recll) , 1 '
retain the mtristur several days. - An
. excellent wliolcsome food when made -withthepure
,' : . -, t- ' ., ,
Always sute to please ; -Try
a can today--at our risk
A Handy Book containing 10 Cook
' Ing Lessons and 54 Tested BMlpesVifl
' b. mailed you 'FREE If you will sens'
' your nam. and address to '
fcrocer - &SL '
,.. .". j i i