Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Harlan Republicans , . " ,
Vln Session in Orleans
Scot. 8.-0SpeciaU
nty n
Conference Daring State Fair
Hakes This Recommenda-(
titm Among" Others.
(From Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Sept. 8. (Special.) The
state-wide niral school conference
convened in Lincoln September 6 and
-? at the call issued by State Superin
tendent Thomas- upon request of vari
, ous organiitiSns of farmers"through-
out the state. , The preltminarj con-
.- ference, which convened in Lincdin in
Mat, appointed It special coramittee - . ' "TTTi '
rnnsUtin of the state juoerintendent. BarlOn' and JSlTeriS
' rAt uia settlers' r icnic
Orleans. Neb.; Seot. 8. (Special )r-
The old settlers' and pioneers' annual
picnic .was the. attraction that drew.
visitors" iuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday. Tuesday was republican,
day and Silas R. Barton, candidate for
Secretary W.iH. Campbell of the edu
cational' committee of the , Parmers
congress and Y, J. Taylor of Custer
COUIllfT X Ills tuiiiiumtc faa ciupui.-
, ered' to make provisions for the, ccuir
Terence. At the morning delibera
tions In the Terpplc theaterof the uni-
vcrsny rresiqem . n. , uusiaiauu ui
jnass meeting held in the auditorium
"iS t'he state fair grounds ia the after-
O noon D. team, njaster )ot the State
icjrange, presmeu.
Resolutions were oassed bv the sev:
.Cfal committees' appointed covering
needs of the .schools and" especially
.tho of the rural schools, the resolu
tions passed by the committee of
which V. J. Taylor was the ehairman
being embodied in the following:
Theresa nerd of a more equitable distribu
tion of 'our temporary school fund and to
this en we favor the distribution ofc the
' three-fourths county .superintendent 'On
enumeration father than on averagu attend
ance. '
nnipiriTinv that KhrKka'a areateet In
dustry la farming- and- that the rural lite
.ehould be conserves, and further that the
'beHtway to perpetuate tfie farms or Ne
braska Is to give the country children as
now afforded the children of our town., e
lh.r.fnr. tnvnp A irnnerat STate leW Of 2 h
mills for the support' ami .encouragement of
rural higher education, ' j '
We favor tHo sale ot tha state Ichool
lands. . ' i : !'
Scottsbluff Coilnty Fair - .
To Be Hummer Tlis Year
Mitchell, Neb., Sept. 8. (Special.)
x-The Scottsbluff County Agricultural
association is making preparations for
the Twenty-sixth Annual County fair
to-be held in Mitchell, September 13,
,14 and 15. - ', ' . 1
The fair grounds have been en-
lareed. leveled and grassed, making
them the finest grounds.. in western
Nebraska. Ihe track is a halt mile,
water level and considered very
fast by "horsemen. !pver $5,000 has
been spenMiy thc directors in im-
I provements, wWch consist of doubling
the capacity of the grandstands,
V erecting a permanent dancitig pavil-
' ion, new horsbarns, etcN .
' Larger purses arei being offered for
the races anaS already thirty-eight
stalls have bieri engaged by horsemen
from six states.'' The county derby
carries a purse of $800 and promises
' to be one of the best Tunning races
ever held uiMhe state, "s
1 V ' Prof. G. E. sCondra -ill have his
, ; moving pietures.'at the fair and ia ar
ranging to take pictures of the derby
race and other features (,or exhibition
iu other parts of the sfate. - !
Jhe famous Harrif herd of PolrAn,
gus cattle willJje exhibited and van
especially wtirTtaiiiing program - has
been arranged for the evening's enter
tainment,' ti t' entire grounds being
-MveJl lighted. ; -
The association has published an
innual program and premium 4ist of
.fifty-six page's. . )- , ': "
4 Royal Bank Changes Hands. -
Rovaf, Neb.,' Sept., 8.- (Special.)-
Drayton brothers
liave sold ti)e
Royal State, bank to George rj,.
Gutru, --president of ' the Newman
Grove State bank, and W. E. Staab,
,vho has been connected with' the
sarne bank. -The management of the
bank will- be in the hands ' of Mr.
Staab and F., W. Muller, who Jias
been with the SRoyal bank for many
years. ' -. -; .
Orleans. Neb.. S
The Harlan county republican ten
trajcommittee held a meetingin Or,
.eans tollcTwing the address by Silas
R.i Barton. .All the precinct com
mitteemen were present together with
the county, candidate and Mr. Bar
Jon, candidate for congress-, in this
district, and J. W. Harrimond of Cam
bridge, candidate for the state senate.
A young men's republican'club was
organized.with the captain? as follows
for each township.- . .
Alma, Gtorgs 8. Joynai Baffa, Kd K.
Johnson Orleans: Antelope, Allen- Klllott.
dorado, W. E. Johnson Orleans; Fairfield, fachoola.-1
From t)ur Near Neighbors
Hnry Schmaulken,. Orleans; Turky Crek,
Miu i-uaner, Huntley; Qrleafls, Walker &
Plerw; Pralrl Dof. Trd ZlegWr, Jr., Mmi;
Rspublfran X'lty, J., P. Thomas; Mullally.
Q. H. Schuler, (Republican Vlty.:" RuW,
Ronald MHliken. Orjrana; Hpandlntvlan, Ray
Sohumard, Hfail; Spring flrove, D, I. Cas
tile, Oxford; Wtrnhlnirnin, . Johp Johnson,
Huntley; Albalty, Frank David, 'Atlanta.
congress, was the speaKer. Twentv-
five hftndred people were in attend
ance on that day; Wednesday 3,000
people asiembleti to see the day jire
wbrks and listen to an address' on
political issues in behalf of Hon. J. L.
Kennedy by A. V. Jefferis ci Omaha
int event-closed ihursday vith a
free dinner to the old timers in the
city park and free'streVt attraction
and band concertr- -
School at Burwell Opens. ' .
3urwll, Neb., Sent. 8. CSDtjcial.S
School i started Monday Voyith ojna
of the largest, attendance' in tlus his-
a. L. f aL .A TlA . . ' 1 1
lury ui inc'iown.. j lie nign scijool
department was so crowded that it
was necessary to engage an additional
teacher. s s.
. The board, is nutting in manual
training .and domestic scieuce and' in
otner ways Dripging the scnool up
to x high standard of excellency. G.J
R. Bopner, as 'superintendent, is en
tering his ninth consecutive years and
Prof. A.'L. Embree is also, back, bait
the rest of the high &hool teachers
are alltiew. i
Mrandafri, Walter "Lorn are tb parent
ot a baby boyk bocn Septeniber I.
iilnn Brtha afViooti left Saturday) Tpr Ote
county, wner inwiu leacn icnook
r.'aTid Mrs. Edward Mldkerf and daUfh'
ter have, ijetuiyietl from a ylalt to Homer,
Fred lilnVllM nd family hav returned
from a week viU with nlatlvea la llla
ourt. ..i. v ,. '
MIm SfU Opp left the latter part of
the week Cor where she will teach
chooL - t .
Mlaa telma Mnrquardt ft Sunday tor
Oma4ia, where the wilt teach .la the city
"arhoola.. : - .
Nloholati Trook left the flra of the week
for Dii Molhes, whereh will take a course
la phartyauy. ' fc .
Mrs. Alex Francis of Dunbar waa her
ttiia wck for a ' -with her daughttr.
Jra. H. H. Marquardt.v .
iiitj.uauioB Aid pwcioiy 01 in uonaTKa'
tlonM Church mat entrtalned at the hom
were heret hU week for a visit with fill
df Mrs. William Bogarfl Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Troy Ward or Xansai CV
; Klkhorn. ,
ilrs. Charles Witte, went to
.Sprinsv-Mo,, , .Friday. I ,
John Haney of Gretna, visited his sister.
Mrs. Calvert, Tuesday.. .
3Hrs. Harry Clekk was at Omaha Thurs
day, 'v t ,
- Mr. and Mrs. Joachim Bull returned
Tueitday from a two weks' visit In the
country wkh their. , daughter, lrs. Ottoi
Plombeck and- amllj ., .
Mrs. John Houstey entertained tha, Ladles'
Kensington Wednesday. i ' -
Mr. and Mrs. Johit Lebflert and; Mrs.
John Behrendt were Omaha visitors Thurs
day. 1 1
parenU, Mr: and Mrs. I. M. Ward.
Mr. and Mrs. Ix W. Fahnestock were at
Counojl luffs the first of the-week for a
visits with their daug-hter, Mrs. Charles
Woodson w
Misses Cavanaugh of Nebraska City and
Miss Uamle Muldoon of Corlay, - Ia., have
been spending the' wSek at tha home Of M
M, Straub. ' ;
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Young and Vera Orlensr
of ..Cook and Robert McCuTtoch of Los An
geles, Cal., were Sunday visitors at the home
ot Ora E. Copes,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ruge left Sunday for
a few days' vlslUwtth relatives at Bertrgfid.
Mlss.'Elile-Opp left 'Saturday for Lofton,
where she wtJl tpsrch school.
Mr. and Mrs. B. if, Teoman and Mr. and
Mrs. Einwr Smith of Denver, Colei, were
hecA this weekvisttlng relatives ahd friends.
Mrs. W. H. Thlsle has returned from a
week's flsif at Le we lien. ' -"
"Bennlnctoii. v-
Sohool opened Monday with ninety-seven
pupils present, ,
Charles Gfau spent tn week at the state
fair, judging farm products, , , .
Ooorge Dlerks spent the wKk at Lincoln,
where be has charge. of the couaty ex
hibit. . '
HejtVy DornackA and Kd Kerstetterwho
have been -aulte III with typhoid fever, are
reported to be holding their own!
Mr. and Mrs. Frpd Ohrt entertained Wed
nesday afternoon ahd evening. It being Mr.
Ohrt's blrthdayannlycrsary.
. Mr. and Mrs. O F. Gbtfieh, who were
both Injured revenfly when thslr aut turned
turtle, 'are abole to be about (nd their com
plete recovery Is hoped for.
Schools in District 44, Miss MyrlleS Leach,
teacher; District 2i, dlsa Bessie Orau,
teacher, and District 84. Miss WUhelmlna
Tholky, teacher, opened Monday tth ln
creaeed attendance. .' '
"m - '
. Weeplhg Water. J " J ,
, Chris Miller has purchased the Ranney
elghty-acra tract Just south of town.
Mr. -and Mrs. John Fate, who haVe just
returned fro mavllVto the Hawalla Islands,
an vlsltlhg at the homo of his parenu
here, , ' i .
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Reed leftf this week j
for a vacation visit to the Pacific coast. !
x Lee Bosworth received a badly sprained
ankle when he fell from tree white en
gaged In trfitrtHlng the branches.
Ixm Cone and daughlrr. Florence,
Uia ck foot, Idaho, made a brief visit the first
or the week Kith- His aunts,
and Lillian Bates. -
Misses Nora Thprrivs and Jennie Wachner
uuy visnea several flays tls
v Aiisaen isox
of Nebraska
first of lh SHk Wtlh Utalr frttni,
-C. M. OMaoa rti family hava raturnsd
from fj vacation trip by automobtlo Brlo
Kn, N.b .. .
Mra Osorn Barllo ha. con. to MarsKalW
town, la., for an .xtondsd visit, with nor
dauiht.r, Mrs. 61 Daucn.rtlr., s ,
. '. Mr. and Iirs Wtll IrloJ hav ton.
to Burwsll to visit their daufhtor, lira. F.arl
Miss Hill, Hstf -hsa (ono to K.w
. Moailo, Idaho, to vtslt formor rasld.nt
of, this plau, Mra Edu Hammsr Wil
liams. .''
Harol Marshall and M.rrlit MoDonald
started a faw 'daya an arivo ovoriana
by tsanrto Mlnltaro, fob., to provo tip on
a homastoad. r
. Mr. and Mrs. N.lson Fr,n avo Mturnod
to hslr homos at Talvnags. O., aftor sv-
xl Dull1 vult at tho osortVAakow homo
and' with othsr rolatlvas," -
Mrs. L. F. Slppls df Ord I. vlaltlnf sev.ral
days this wssk at tho homo of hor alst.r,
Mra. FraAJt Bok.lman.
, Dr. VrsdNlolbort and wlfo of Chlcaio arb
vlsltlnf at ho homo, of hi. parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Colbert, , .
Mr. F. B. Caldwell, who has hesn Siere
with relatlveV for several months, reft a
few days ago for his home at St. Cloud.
Fla, . . ,
Mrs.. Wllllsm Callaway left Thursday for
Hugo, Colo., for ten .days' visit with Jier
sop. ' .. f
' Mrs. J-, B. Pulver has gone to Xansas
City for fte&ral weeks visit with relatives.
Mrs. A. Fase returned the first of the
;week from California where she has been
'for several months. v
Mls Doris Clarke has returned from New
Tork where she spent the -summer,
OhtIn Soearman has ieturnd from Chey
enne, Wyo., where he has been vlsltlhg
several weeks.
The first meeting of the PaplHIon Wo
man'sxclut) was held Wednesday afternoon
with Mra G. F King. Miss Odlve Ortfflth
led an Interesting lesson on "Shakespeare,
the Man and jils Times." Six new meio
hers, were taken Into the club, Mrs. A. A.
Horn. Mrs. Fred 0. Moore, Mrs. C. F. King,
. i u r ...I- 11-. I. V. ..4 CnH-li- nramllk
of Faplllton and Mrs. M. L, King of Ralston.
fLeyd Hendrlckson of Frembnt Is visiting
at the home of hir grandparents, .Mr. - amT
Mrs. John Hendrlckson,
The Ls dies' Aid society met at the Ralph
Hall home for supper Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs.-James Johnson and family!
Mr, and Mrs. SorenWen andfamlly of DeboK,
visited at the Jacobsen home Sunday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Nllo Rssmussen, Mr. and
Mra. Deli, plonicked at Elmwood park Sun
day. ' '
Mr. and- Mrs. John Sileick and ' family
were Omaha visitors Wednesday.
Anna Wltike, Beatrice Knight, Bora Sun
dell and Larry Andemej, are attending high
school at Benson. ' '
Mrs, Nels Rssmussen, Mrs. Powell, Mra
Detn. Beatrice Knight. Marie Powell., Ed
Scanlon and eCbester Hendrlcksen attended
tne state ir weanesaay.
vlnlted V brotljera, F.
nedy, this week.
Mhs Myrtle Or vies of KlU. City Is again
a student of the galley schools.
Dr. -T, jenktns of Omaha occupied the
Presbyterian putpit'Sundtty evening.
Ml as Nellie Morris spent the week-end
with her mthor In Lincoln.
kMr, and Irs Hussel Eddy and, ion of
and J, B, KenJ Fremont were the guests of Sr. and Mrt.
T W M Maliin(,v . ri a.lnIl.v
Mrs. Harry Peterson, who has been quite
111 this week, Is Improving. '
Valley schools opened Monday with an
enrollment of a hundred and fortywnlne,
with seventy In the high school. The fol
lowing Is the corps of ieachers: W, A.
Sams, superintendent ; Wauneta B. Cook,
principal; Nellie Morris, domestic science;
Nellie Welch, language: Hoy Haggerty,
manual training; Harriet Wahlgren, gram
mar; .Merle Longacre, Intermediate; Sthel
Ingrdm, Intermediate! Orpha OameS, prim
ary; Pearl Hanna, klngarteit, . , .
Mrs.' RaptV of Virginia, undaa the aus-
pice's of the Women's Christian Temper
ance union, gave a temperance address in
the Presbyterian church Sunday morning.
In the evening she spoke to a large audi-.,
enye in the Methodist church.
, mi
Our showing of New Fall Garments for young men and
older men is the largest and best ever shown in Omeha.
1 The eartyrall models of the famous ".v
"Concgi'arid'l Syslcm' - Brarfds
are readjt in a multitude rich wool aiid worsted fabrics,
with subdued colored stripes, vd-jtoned effects, nubbed and
basket weaves, cassimcresr blue" unfinished, worsteds and
serges, two and three buttons, single and double-breasted,
ick point and slightly rounded battleship lapels-,
$18 $20 $22.50 v $25
. ' ' , and up to $4000 ' ; ' ;
Besides These
Worlcl-famed garirfeiAs our great'aRstSrtmeftt iofjawnonts at
$10, $12.50 and $15.00
Mrs. Anna Robinson and Ruth Hubbard
went to Omaha Wednesday. v . '
Mr. and Mrs, Butts mjHored to' Omaha
Misses Ellen pTimday. ' - V v- '
Thomas Hartford has moved' from
farm to Valley.. . S - , . '
Mrs. , Traoey and ohilhren of
are the best values you ever saw and wajLbeyond any we halve
ever been able to offer. All the .new snafpy patterns -and
models for young or old. . I 1 ' ''
At Half-price
We have vt limited, numW of medium might milts left from our1 big
ule sutUble for full and vtnter wear at HALF PRICE. , . ;
i Saturday pmltireljr your lut chance to get them. Values froq
i. to J1
87,50 to 817.50
.Max, Nob.,
Npt the weather but our, stoclr of Autumn
- Ready-to-Wear Garments t : : V
: :V . The wise 'vVerer this season will 'dela. h5t.''wilivatch without . .
waitingi an,d when the etyle that satisfies is .seen will hesitate not a"
I' moment, but 'buy; Needless to repeat what 'all must: know-rr-De-
liveries, are difficult,, materials are sc$rce and the demand is enor
1 mous. Our method of merchandising should especially appeal-
expert iasnion, service, responsioie ioy.. quality, courteous atteh
tion and assistance.1 ' . -, ,v.. . '.-. ::; V :'.
.' DRESSES are appealing-serges Satin, Taffeta, Party. ; i ' ; .
y SUITS are dignified and practical.. The new velour predominates.
,v ' COATS are beautiful, very full cutofhick', soft materials-they-
, uiaye, me ium m iiuwrng ioms.ana ,wim an air oi great
, he Store of the Town
For -J
Exclusive New Fall
Merchandise ' ' .
:, 'hnv . '
Men's and Young. Men' ;
N, and Children!!, ' .
Our Own-Makf Clothing
' Maiihattan jShirts " "
Knox and Stetson Hats .
.Largest and Most V
, Up-to-Date '."
Childrens Department
' in the- West .
drowning, King
& Gompahy ;
a MM prtrarattaa of aiaril
H.I pi to ,rad loata 4andrfl &
F-RMtorWCoUr ua
BalrtaCraTo,FaoWd Hair.
ton. andtt-OO a.
. . c imiurL. .
0 s a v..,a n - - - - a - - i
, Saturday Will Be a Day" of froud DisplajTWith Us.
- Children's and Junior Section is ary interesting evolution from anuncCr-
tain collection, of children's .wearables' scattered through many departments
, we have assemblebland dveloped.a department complete in its readiness to
I serve all ages the, babe, the girl, ihe'miss dresses, suits, sweaters,'coats and
fj all junior apparel, ' ' -v x , . , .; . . J , " ''
A special aaieaurday - i -
WomenY Blouses s
' An extenrsive purchase, of lingerie
blouses for our August sale arrived, mudi
to our annoyance, abodt September 1. .
They are good. They will be worn all
winter, but we' haven't the, display sp'ac.e,
so e are going ta sell them Saturday. '
. At 79t. values usual at $1.75 ;
At SI.59. values usual at $2.75
" At $1.85. valuesual at $3.50
.. All, new, fresh and attractive.
, Ready Saturday ' ,
x Shoes -
1 . for , women eicjusively. Never a time
J. when shoes were such an important part
,of costuming.' Never a, time when shoes ,
I cost more. $ver 'a time when thex were
f such a pleasure. 6yer a time when the
I importance of ' the -purchase demanded ;,
a such confidence. We offer- the expert .
1 ; Tuttle, backed by the best maers'lirathe
I world, and ojir guarantee' of tightness
I ' and . quality in SHOES, " individual .in
character at from $5.0(Vto $15.00.
I Our Septeniber Bedding Sale Completes ItI First Week with
I - a Steady Daily Showing of Record-smashing gales
New fall Man-
hattan Shirts -
, All the w . deslgni,
trlpe and1 figures , 'In
these - WBll-kBnwn end
(amed garments.",. $1,75
nd -$2.25
Other popular' brands, In
i madras and soisettes;
at ....v.r....;..8i.50
pur New Special, , with
soft French cuffs,-at. .$1
Handsome .Fall Neckwear
t 50t
Boy3' School Suit
New fall wearproof wool,
en Suit, with two pairs of
hill-llhed'. trousers, Jta
swelk pattern and, NoN"
folk i belted models, that
"usually sen at 17.60. 8pe
clal for Saturday $5
Other serrlceable and styl
ish suits at ...vg2.50.
83.50 snd up to.. $10
New Caps. 50. tf5 SI
Hosler7...15 and 25
and Shirts. , no
New Fall Hats
' If you want your new
Fall Hat to be. In a stylish'
color and to have both
style and' color you will
surely find it In Aur su
perb Hnes ot ! ,
Stetsons at, 33.50. 84.
$5 tft M...12
The celebrated Mallorys
( ' U. ....... ..$3
Our Special at........ 82
pwell Caps at...:....-T$l
The prevailing modes.
I . ; Never were values jnore appceciatedT-Never was our positibn sp fortunate
1 - to serve you and save for you; Ourlsarlyimrchases 'We cheerfully transfer to (
I you thjs month ion our customary close margin. When these are exhausted don't
I blame us tor tne present marxet, on wmcn you niust increase 01 3U7o to
i" 35. , Here are some of the. items . . " - . .. : -
Pillowv Gases Comforts
42x36 Saranac ,10c, : $1.50 Grade .,)
42x382 Fepperal ..i,.16c $2.00 tirade
-. ' , Sheets
72x99 Saranac".
72x99 Acorn .
' 81x99,Regkl
81x90 HercoleSf. .... . 79c
81x99 Rugby'. 98c
81x99 .Brighton" .....$1.19
81x99 T. K. Special.. $1.15
'81x99 Oceanic .....$1.20
'81x99 Astoria .V $1.25
,81x99 Waldorf .;.r..$1.35
: Bed Spreads '
$1.25 Morning Glory' 8c
$1.50 Easy Rest ....$1.29
1.75 Pleasant Dreams 1.49
- i
" Making Skirts to Order
Select any new malarial from ur
antlra are, f ooa. ttoclf anal our ax-;
part tailar will
aklat far S2.7S.
V Special Offer for Sbort Time. .
45x38 Yi Pepperal .v. . .18c
'42x36 Scalloped J....8c.
45x36 Scallojied . . v .20c
25c TUbing .'.19c
45c" 9-4 Sheeting . ,,..39c
65c Fancy Bath Tpwels.gc
,$2.50 Grade -..-.. . . .$2.15,
$2.75 Grade ...V... $2.45
$3.60'Grtde $2.65
$6.75 Grade . .
$4.00 Grade . .
$4.50 Grade,. ,
$6.50 Grade.. .
And a lot 61 other"names equally fitting to describe
the virtues of quality and .value; but vfhy reiterate? the
prices should suffice-i-42.50 Spreads, $,1.95 $3.50
Spreads, $2.95; $5.00 Spreads, $3.95, etc., 'up to $15.00
bpreads, $iz.eo.
JaMlW at Ik H. ." 4 "' ilU: . I at) iltSlT iiliUiiiBiU
-a . ; :
- : L' ..: v - - - - iiim Tm :. !. t
u IV AmA fand "all is weU'Vif ; J '
:! viJL -jAaawA I youarefbrtifiedith I A
WtMvS i Gund'a Peerless Beer-the I A
lrVlUfrW beveraga with the tnUd, , j ('
, IM'a QM I mellow flavor and, appe- 4?
mimk Wm f,
t. WwLLWrnf , Best and purest and most I lxa
I J V&&ipZit f!Wjtf wholesome since 1854. a Jl)
II t!S?flrir , ,,,, ' &m Thitdilina slot, and one hot. 3 ?
K lSfdn Hv""5s- . ue ol Guild's Beer pnm iu . a J -
t' uKxr. I , Delivered to your home v. '
nl I ffivSsr Jtifffl!7fflti(N& I in the case, or obtainable SEfev ,m
wfflIiWaiil 1 ayl!af0' duba uur,dt ;S j p :
fi pi III' i iamWlTnMl IF ' ' John Gnnd Brewlngto.,.- iS !,'(.
L'i llW 10 : Gun' Co. of Nebraska fjMlp ' 4 v '
r'.' XAX Jt' M. E. BLAIR. Mrr, Sptalf - i
hi wSri m1 jf ' 13M-24 Leavenworth St, EiilsS ' ! 1 i.
F, l .iV Omaha, Neb. . . a '&5? & !
V i ' ' ' . - J
r '