Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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U. . S. . Upper House Ratifies
- f Treaty Providing; for pur
chase of Islands,
; J Washington, Sept 8. The treaty
providing for the purchase from Den
mark of the Danish West Indies for
$25,000,000 was ratified by the sen-
, ate last night There was no roll call
and less than half-a dozen senators,
including, Senators Norris, Jones and
' Clapp. voted against it,
' The amendment Ify Senator, Norris
to reduce the purchase price trora
$25,000,!p0 to $10,000,000 was defeated
. by an overwhelming vote, and the
I treaty was approved -just as it was
'' signed by Secretary Lansing and Min
HsterBruh in August. ' , ''
Deal on Long Time,
Negotiations for the purchase of-
tne islands nave been in progress m-
termittently for halfa century. Be
cause of their strategic value, particu
larly since the construction of the
' Panama canal, the American govern
vment being anxious to acquire them
- not only with a view to establishing
a- naval base there, but to prevent
' the islands from falling into the
. hands of any foreign power. Ger
man interference was credited with
' blocking; negotiations on the subieot
in 1902, after the. United States sen
ate had ratified a treaty. , .
, In Denmark the treaty has de
"veloped'a political crisis that may re
sult in a new general election pf
me'mbeYs of Parliament After a bit
ter fight the upper house adopted
" a resolution notifying the cabinet-that
it was willing Parliament should be
'dissolved and a general election held
unless sale of the islands iould be
postponed until after the European
war. V i
St. Thomas and St. Johnsare'a part
of the virgin.Jslands; so named by
Christopher Columbus. St. Thomas
lies about thirty-six miles east of
' Porto Rico," with St John immediately
'to the eastward. Si Croix,, the largest
of the three, is situated about forty
miles south of St. Thomas, in the
Caribbean ! Sea. St. Thomas, an im-
"Tportant caalingstation and depot gf
.. trade, with,, ah excellent harbor, is
twelve miles long east ami west and
- from one to three miles broati. The
'only article of export is bay rum.
; v vvCycione Refuge. '
St John is eight miles long, east
andwest, and of irregular breadth.
Its area is about forty square miles.
It" occupiesran excellent position near
", St. Thomas and its port or coral
on the east side -is said to be the
best harbor, of refuge from cyclones
in tfie Antilles during cyclones. r
- St. Croix, also named by, Columbus,
.is nineteen miles, long, of irregular
' breadth and contains 51,890 acres,, of
which over 16,000 acres are devoted
to the cultivation of sugar. Christian
'Sted,' commonly called the-basin, is
' the capital "city of the Danish West
Indies and' is situated at the head
ofan inlet on the north side of St.
, Croix.' These are harbors at the,
capital and at Frederickstead, is the I
; ' The islands are inhabited mostly by
free negroes,, engaged in the cultiva
tion of sugar cane. - ,
. ' , Proposal Agreed To.
Copenhagen, Sept. 8. (Via Lon
idon The proposal of the conserva
tive party for the appointment of a
parliamentary committee of thirty
mejnbers to consider the negotiations
. for the sale of the Danish West In
dies to thiTUnited States, was agreed
to tonight by the representatives of
various parties in The Richstag after,
a lengthy meeting. ' i ,
Question, How Old.
: V Is 1' JoeHuinmel?
'.. How, old is "Joe" Hummer? He
will not tell his age nor wilt he di
vulge the date of his birthday.'
It is generally believed, however,
that Saturday will mark another mile
stone in the life of the park commis
sioner. "
Mr. Hummel came, to Omaha from
Yankton, S. D., when he was 6 months
old. He brought . his parents with
A True Statement of Facts '
' '. 'r- ' ' - v i '
, Regarding Our Annual
Sale of Odd Furniture
Pieces and Suites v
, On Monday, September lltJi
- mHIS is unquestionably the greatest money- '
x saying furniture event of the yearas we '
,ht)ve taken frohi our stock air odd pieces of v
furniture and priced them lit much' less than
actual cost-Hsome at one-fourth cost.; ' In fact,,' 1
- we have put a price on every article that will , '
, positively move Jt from bur.sfockt , jhese furV
niture pieces have been assembled on our main
floor for inspection only on Friday and Sat-
urday, September 8th and 9th,1 but no grjods -,
will be sold or orders taken until M5ndav
moriing, September, 11th. . . .
't Doors Open at 8:30 ,
Orchard & Wilhelm
; Company
: A-y
"prnxrT tfinn wm'"
, j . A
jh ftXi
' -'General Von Ludendorff, chief
quartermaster-general for General
Von Hindenburg, and said to be the
right hand man of the new German
chief of staff, has been singled out fdr
special honors by the kaiser. Von
Ludendorff has been publicly thanked
by the emperor for his past services.
It is expected tha,t Von Ludendorff
will figure largely in any new plans
created by General Von Hindenburg.
; I
Shopmen Around ;
Omaha Not in the'''
Strike Conference
Union Pacific officials assert thati
among the- shopmen of . the system
there is no talk of a strike and that
as a conseauence.thev are not takinir
any part in the"parley over an increase.
inMvages.j now being, carnea on, in
Chicago and in . which twetity-two
western roads are interested.
Shopmen of the Union Pacific, it is
asserted, were granted an increased
wage of 15 per cent less than six
months ago, and they are nomaking;
any ucinanus at mis lime. S '
So far as Northwestern, andjur
lington officials and men are' con
cerned, nothing is being done here in
the way of holding comerences. Con
ferences having to do with these lines
are being held in Chicago, and up to
this time the men on those portions
of the systems west of the Missouri
nvr havj, nnt htn ..gllal in" i '
The- fats of the S-oent loaf of bread was
undetermined as adjournment of the ses
sion of the executive committee of the Na
tional Master Bakers' association at Chi
cago. Ths general sentiment was in' favor
of letting the price of bread remain a local
Issue for each city, Instead of attempting
to promulgate a general Increase In arlce
throughout tha United States. ,
$2-Tlie flookier$2
-H Sensation of the Season
Your Heads to Bo Hatted
We can satisfy any hat desirp
no matter how hard you are
to please. We insist on taking
our pains to satisfy you. . ,
163 styles to Choose From. ,.
All Hats-$2-AII Hats
l42t Douglas Street
: V--'
of Attacking Machines
, Reported to Have Been
- Brought Down.
hThe Hague, Netherlands, Scot's.
-(Via London.) Brussels wastoom-
barded By a squadron of fifteen aero
planes Wednesday, according to ,an
eyewitness of" 'the raid who ar
rived here. To the Associated Press
he said he was sitting with friends
in a hotel in the center of the city
when the squadron appeared over the
Sale of Fashionable Furt at 25 and 33
per cent under usual. Sale Begins Monday
Morning. See Sunday papers for details.
. Lbom End Ribbons
Exceptional Sale
A large variety of
' brand new. ribbons.
Plain Satin, 6 and 1
inches wide.
" 'Plain High Luster- Taf
feta, 9 inches wide.
Pompadour Ribbon, 9
inches wida.
Roman Stripe, 8. inches
wide. . ( : ' '
Heavy Persian, 6 inches
wide. -
Black Velvet, 4 inch- '
es wide. '
Values to $1.00, Satur- ,
s 33c Yard
t i' Main Floor. :
Fall Neckwear
and Novelties,
Now Boiidoir - Ceps ' and
' Chafinf Dish Seta, consisting '
of cap and apron. Plain and
simple, but very effective.
Up from t. .,. . ...... .50
Net Coll ars are Very Good.
We havei them in -different
' shapes and styles; - The long '
back with tiny raffles across,
back is a leading feature.
' Saturday. .98 and 81.75 '
' sfieorgette Cree is always -among
the best, and we have
a large variety of collars in
different shapes. The long .
back, the round and chantilla
effect,,, hand embroidered,
, others with little lace edge,
priced... $1.25 to S4.50"
-Large Cape Collars, 50
to". v.7. .751?
Veitees, new line just re
ceived, ?ir OrgandU Jfet;
Georgette Crepe; some plain,
others, w$th small pin tu'eks,
frem 50 to 82.98
Main' Floor. ' . -
Franies and Mouldings
at Special Reductions
sje-adjifttment of -
stok before the
, arrival of Holiday 'A
goods enables you
to participate" in
thit radical clear- .
, . ance and share in
remarkable say
7 ings. ,- i
. Surprising . offer-'
N.." ingt ln -Frames at ,
. . .. $1.00. '
' Standards, usually
f 5.00, in this sale,
Third Floor.
Plaid Silk Blouses Georgette Crepe, and v "
' i Striped Blouses CrepetdeChincBlofises
x FIFTY 'STYLES to select from. These
blouses have just arrived. All new, crisp mer
chandise; all the new models and colorings.
Sizes 34 to 44. i . .
x Values to $5.00, at $3.98
Second Floor.; ' " ' -
Sale of Drugs
i , - ,, I ',
Pears' Unscent- Kirk's Jap Rose
ed Soajv- the Soap, the cake,
cake . ' - . "
10c 5c
salmolivo Soap. Jt Hie Pow-1
lOccake , der, , the box r
5c J 4c
Muwta T 1- Sloan's Lini
cum Powder -- nient, 50c size,
9c 28c
- '
tity. Anti-aircraft ,guns immediate
ly went into action.
It then was 1 o'clock in the morrf-ing,-he
said, and some time previous
warnings had been issued lor the
dimming of all lights. The' aeroplanes
were seen distinctly he said, and
some flew so low that they seemed
to touch the roof of the hotel, but
their nationality was not made out.
Guests in the upper rooms of the ho
tel hurried downstairs.
Machine Brought Down."- , '
Intermittent bomb explosions and
firing continued until daybreak. One
machine, he added, was reported to
have 'been brought down at Porte
Louise, on the outskirts of the city.
He said the damage done had not
been ascertained when he left Brus
sels. "This was the most important raid
in a, long while," he said. 'Smaller
affairs occurred almost every other
day. These frequent air visits by
entente aeroplanes hearten the Bel
Women's and Misses' Suits
v ; More wonderfully priced than you expected. ,
Despite the great discussions of higher prices,
. .you will fincrthe biggest and grandest values we"
have ever offered in our New Fall Silita.
y Smart 'Tailor-Madea for the Miss or
Gro4vriLady. ' )
. The most effective models of the, season, in the pret
tiest soft tones and colorings to be .fin An
found'. 919.UU
Chic models of the very latest tailoring -ideas
are to be found in this lot of Suits.
J The new wide flared, skirts and coats; the new single
i and double belted mbdels. The new wide convertible
collars to be worn as a high collar or latdown cape.
' Every pretty and practical material of 'aJOCAA
the season. Priced at. . ......... . . . PaleVV
Girls' Wool Serge and
Plaid Skirts,' $3.98
to $5.00 .
y Pretty new flared models 'with
the smart new pocket and girdle
effects. Good colors. Ages 8 to,
16 yean. ) ' . v , ,
Smart Silk Frocks for , .
' Street "and Afternoon Wear
$19.00, $25.00, $35.00
This season has given us some oftthe prettiest
and smartest semi-dress models we have, ever shewn.
The soft' Charjneuse, Satins, Crepe Meteor and Georg
ettes, all have a tendency to drape beautifully.
Wide full flared skirts and the smart new waist
effects are the features that everybody will appre
ciate; .
i Our Trimming Section is as busy as 'a beehive. The very latest
novelties and trimmings are here in great profusion. The new SCARAB
is shown in iridescent colorings, in Bugle Beads and Silver Pheasant.
Of course, ther are, all sorts of Wings, Ornaments, Pins, Velvet
Flowers and Novelties, Bright Steel Buckles, Chenille PiniyCabaschons
etc The widest variety we have ever shovfn.k. ., -,
' ' Prices are 39c to IJ.Bo.
, We are occupying twice the space formerly given over to thirdlsplay
New Arrivals
'in the v ;
Blouse 'Shop
Graves' Tooth Powder, the can .
Packers' Tar Soap, special, the cake...
Mennen's Shaving Cream, the tube..w
Williams' Sharing Stick, at
Gillette Razor Blades, $1.00 size......
Gam Razor, complete, $1.00 kind......
Rubifoam or Sozodont,- at. . . .'.
Eijthymol Tooth Paste, 26c size. ... . . ,
Rite Baby Talcum, 26c size package.,.
Jap Rose Toilet Water, 60c size bottle.
Babcock's Toilet Water, $1.00 size. . I,. .
Violet Toilet Water, 76c size bottle. . .
4711 Toilet Water, 76c size! bottle
Sempro Goybvine, 00c size,. ,
Honey Almond Cream, the bottle. .. ..
Ricksecker's Cold Cream, 60c size.....
Armour's Stork Soap,' 10c cake . .
Pond's Extract Soap, the cake....,,.,
Ida May Face Powder, 26c size'. .....
Freeman's Face Powder, the box.......
Sanitol Face Cream, 26c size , y
Ctillman's Freckle Cream, 60c size....
Pebeco Tooth Pastsy 60c size. , . . ... . . .
gian people wonderfully and inevit
ably lead to exaggerated notions of
the impending departure of the Ger
mans." '
This is the first report of an air
raid on Brussels Wednesday. A Brit
ish official statement, issued on Sep
tember 4, reported that on the two
preceding day's British aeroplanes
had made a raid on Hoboken, near
Antwerp, and on a tow near Bruges.
Raids Are Resumed.
London, Sept. 8.-Enemy .air raids
were renewed Tuesday, according; fo
a Reuter Bucharest dispatch,'against
Bucharest, Polesti, Constanza (Rust
endje)v Piatra, Neamtz and Beclit.
The public demands reprisals against
enemy subjects, the dispatch adds.,
Twsnty-ona parsons wsra aubposnaad at
Colorado Sprints. Colo., by M. W, Purcoll,
district attorney, to appear today at tho
ooronrs Inquest, called to tavsstltats the
responsibility for the collapse Monday of
the Welsh.White right arena when one
person was fatal!ylnjursd and 100 -others
wars seriously hurt.-- , , t
Girls' Wash School
Dresses, 1.98, $2.98
and $3.98 x
lade in beautiful plaids with
the combinations of plain and
fancy collars and cuffs.- Smart
new models in the wide flared
skirts and high waistlines.
iss. iiiitny new
Rumpled or Rolled Velvet Tarns
Are' the Foreword for Fall V
r , Not, a bit of stitching on these pelf-shapT
ing, likeable hats for Fall. '.' -.',
' " As soon as the steamer arrived from Europe
- and a few of the .model hats-had beeircleared -
, Corsets ' -v;
At Low Prices'
' Goseard Corsets that have
become slightly soiled 'from
handling. All good styles, in a
good assortment of sizes.
f Regular $3.50 Corsets $2.00
$5.00 and $6.50. Corsets $3.50
$7.50 and $8.50 Corsets $5.00
W. B. Corset, for Medium and
Slender Fifuresr medium tops,
free hip Section. Long hip with '
six extra, quality garters at
tached. Flesh and white. $2.00
. valuoj, at . ..c $1.50
-Visit Our' .
Enlarged vBrassiere Sectioii
' i We have (devoted more ipa'ce
-W our Brassiere Section. For
'Saturday we are closing out all
odd sizes, regularly worth $1.50, ;
$2.09, $2.60 and $3.00, at. 81 ,
S0e Braiaierasl back and front
closing. All sizes, Saturday, 39tf
v .
Second Floor.
Armour's Natural Rouge, BOc size 33c
Pussy Willow Face Powder, 'BOc size. . . . . . .29
Sayman's Vegetable Soap, 10c cake..,.. 6
Physicians' awl Surgeons' Soap, 10c cake...'.5t
Peroxide Soap, 10c cake.............' 5
Pure Castile Soap, 25c size cake. ........ .12
Llaterine, 60c size bottle .294 s
Lavoris Antiseptic, 60c, size bottle ..-.. .293
Clycothymoline, $1.00 size bottle. . . . , . . . .794 '
S. S. S. for the Blood, $1.00 size bottle 634
Sloan's Liniment, 26c size bottle. ........ .164
Mentholatum, 60c size 29
Sal H.patica, $1.00 size, at.' ..: 63
Bromo Seltzer, 60c size bottle ........294 '
Casearets, 60c size box...... ......294
California Syrup of Figs,. 60c size. . . , 294
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, $1.00 size 634
Da Witt's Kidney Pills, 60c size....... 294
2-Quart Hot Water Bottle, worth $1.60, at. .794
2-Quart Fountain Syringe, .8 pipes. Worth
W0, for 1 . . , ,. 794 ,
2-QuaTt Combination Hot Water Bottle and
. Syringe, worth $2.60, at. . . . 1 .1 $1.19
. . 29t
Thieves Steal Two
Autos in One Week; .
.From Paul Peterson
Paul Peterson, 323 South Happy
Hollow boulevard, has decided that
Omaha is a fine place for a motorist
providing said-ftotArisr has plenty
of money to buy cars with.
Mr. Peterson recently moved here
from Blair, Neb. He is a real estate
man. i
On September 2 'automobile thieves
stole, his six-passenger car , while it
was parked at Eighteenth and Doug
las streets. He failed to recover it,
and. needing, a car in his business,
bought a "flivver."
He left the "flivver" at Eighteenth
and Douglas streets last evening
and someone stole that car.
Kiddie' Horse aqcT Kiddie Kar
The Hit of the Season in Children's Vehicles,
We are showing a complete line, 98. to $2.50
New Character Dolls are in, 25c 49t. 98t
Toy Department, Pompaiaa Room. "
W 3' tV 111 eaW Tm
i "Girls' Raincoats for
School Wear With Caps
to Match, $2.98, $3.98
, and $5.00 A
Made in plain tans and blues,
shepherd checks, stripes and fancy
plaids. Pretty, belted'modela. High
protecting collars' and deep turn
back cuffs. ; '
' New Fall Skirts , -$5.00,
$6.98, $8.98, $10.00 '
Our wonderful showing for this 'time of the season
in street and walking skirts has been beautifully ap
preciated, as our sales Indicate.
DKiru ior every occasion sauna, serges, fopllns,
Gabardines, Plaids, Checks, Etc. The pretty pocket
eiiecis ana tne wiae giraies are still in evidence.
Special attention given to women requiring o'ut-
Second Floor.
' through the Custom House, we obtained enough
of the detail of construction 'to enable lis to cony
This is the most unique tarn of the seaon.
There is a free and easy atyle to it that permits '
it to readily adapt itself to any tilt, lilt or fapriy.
It never approximates the same atyle twice.- .
We are showing either with or without brimj
umiiucu umpiy in a great, variety.,
In black, navy, . t ' ' '' s
, , , . seal brown,
i . dark
1 1 nv price la
Second Floor. ,
His FJirst toPahts Suit
you lads who are just going intelong trousers will find'
a heap of difference between tfur" popular High School
Model Suits and the average , long-pants
MORE QUALITY. Every High School
Model Suit built along just such lines.
An' exceptionally large shoWing
Saturday, at prices that ,are mqst at
tractive. Priced as low as $7.00 and
upto'$17.50. ' . . s '
One ' Big Special Lot ,
4 ) " , : :
Saturday, at $10.00, .
1 . v- , , '
Blue Serges' and a splendid assort
ment of neat All-Wool Mixture Ef
fects. Ages 14 to 19 years. Priced,'
at $10.00. . . ,
Offer Job of Mayor, ;
Tor-Price pf $2,500
Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 8. An'in-
vestigation by the county grand jury
of a statement by Frederick J. Whif-
fen, wealthy former president of the
Los Anseles citv council, that he had
been approached with an offer of the'
appointment ot mayor Ql L.os Angeles
if he would pay $2,500 was ordered
late today by Thomas Lee Woolwine,
district attorney. .
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Samples and Odd
- Lots of
Summer Under
' , wear
A Remarkable Sale
i 2,000 Sample Garments
bought at Big Discounts. In
cluding all the Leading
Makes. ,'
Women's Silk Top and Lisle
. Body Union Suits, cuff knee ,
style. All pink and pink and
' White. Also Swiss Ribbed t
Union Suits, with crocheted
: tops j cuff knee style. Regu
lar and extra thet. .Worth
td $1.60, Saturday. . . .85 '
Women's Fine Lisle and '
Cotton Vests, lace and cro
cheteoStbps. Regular and ex
tra sizes. Worth 89c, on sale'
"at ......4...... 25,;
, ; Woman'. Fine Lisle end
, Cottoa Vests, crocheted tops. ,
Regular and extra sizes. '
Worth BOc, .very special,
at .....35
Women's Floe title Vasts,'
hand crocheted v tops. Pink
and white. Regular and ex-,
tra sizes. Worth' to 65c, spe-
cial, at .............50'
Misses', Boys', and Girls'.
Union Suits, all styles, odd '
lots. Some Munsing. Worth to .
- 69c, at 39.
Main Floor.
' 'Women's Pure Dre -Thread
x Silkf Hosiery, in colors and .
black and white. All full
fashioned, reinforced soles,
: heels and toes. All the latest .
; novelties two-torle boot ef-'
flcts, Roman stripes, fancy
embroidered 'insteps, all-silk
' to the top. Worth to $1.60,
special, Saturday.... $1.00
WomarTs Fancy Silk Hose,
black7 white and colors. Bash
' ioned, spliced 'heels and toes
with' double' soles and wide
lisle garter tops, irregujars, $1
' quality, at .60
r Special Woman's Pure .
Silk Thsead and Fiber Hose.
in all shades foe evening and
street wear. All new colors to
match shoes. Fashioned and
seamless, spliced soles, heels
and toes. Saturday, pr. 59
Women's Fiber Silk Hose,
in black,.white, pink and sky;
also piany other shades. Fiber
to the top with double garter ,
hem. Irregulars, 60c quality, ,
special 39
Misses' Silk Lisle Hose, all
f colors and black and white.
f -Double knees, soles, heels and
.' toes. Fine ribbed and very :
': elastic ............. ,25 .
Women's Silk Plaited and
I Lisle Thread Hose, in black "
. and white. Fashioned ' and
seamless, spliced soles, heels
, and 6es. 86c quality, 25t
suit MORE
'-L-jL v ? v - -
Lydla Piak, ospital Cottoa
powd, $l.ile; 1-lb. package -
59c" 28c
Horlick's Melt- Sanitol Tooth
ed Milk, hospi- Powder, 2 6 C
tal iize size -
$2.69 14c -
W o o d b u r y's Peroxide of Hy-,
Facial (Cream, drogen, , 1-lb.
26c tube bottle
12c ?2cS