Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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lood to Choice Cattle Steady,
: Others Weaker Lambs
, Steady to Higher. ,
, ' " Omtht, Septembw Tt ill!-1
Rertt were: Cattla. Hoga. I
officii mm ";
Officii Tti4y '
Official W.dnKlar .... MIS " "."J
Eatlmea, TbaiMV .... MIS
' Four dsn thle ntk..lMH .' IM
Rama Save laet week.. .11.1.1 ST.ISS
ten.. dy. I i aso.17.HI JI.IIS
seme aeye I weeke ii.ui .
' Zml day. 4 week. m..M" J7.J7J II.01I
km. daya laet reer..-U,l'
Receipt, and Slepoeltlon H ck
th. Union Sloe yard.. Omaha, tor twenty
four hour, ending at I o'clock p. m.. Bp
Hmber I. 116 : ,v ,
C. H. U. r 1
1 J ..
it ii
ii ii ' l
n i . i
41 tl i"
yiaeourl Pacific .....
Colon Pacjflc 17
0. N. W ect ..... .
C. ai N. W., t .... 40
C t P.. M. O.... H
C. B. Q.. .aat ....
c, a t Q-. t ,...i
n., r. t p.. M.t-.i, i
C B. I P.. ..
vjlilcago Ot. Weetern . . . .
Total recelpte ...... Ml
..... Caul.. Hoga.
Vorrle Co. ........ Ill
Swift Co .Ill
fiudahy Paoulng Co.. 7 111
Armour Co. MM 'J
J. W. Murphy
Lincoln Packln Co . . 14
a O. P. Co. II
Bunnlnger uiiver. e.
Korr Pecking Co
Cudahay (from K. C.) 14
W. & Vanaant Co.... I
Benton, Vanaant L. Ill
Hill Son II
r. b. uwii .
J. B. Root Co.... 114
U P. Hua
RoMnatoek Broa. .... 14
P. O. K.llott HI
TVertaetm.r Df.n. Ill
H. P. Hamilton II
Snlllyan Bra. ...... II
Lhm.r Broa II
Kotsohlld ft .. Ill
Chrutl. , II
Hinina ....... ...i.
Meyer. . II
Vakr. Jeno.,4 Smith 71
Banner Broa .... I
John Hnnrey . 101
Dennla Pranela .... II
Jenaen Lunsron .. 114 :
Pat C Day
Other huyer. 411
" Totals I.7M MM "
- rattle Recelpte wr. larf. for a Thura
day, 111 oara helng reported In. Thia brlnn
the total for tha four day. p to 11,714
hud, Juet about half ai larsa aa th re
oalpta wek at and a year a.
Oood to cholc. beef cattle were la demand
at fully .toarly prleee. Aa huh aa 111.71
Waa paid for Tory food hoary beevaa, that
being the klchwt prlc paid thto market
line June. . .
Cowe and kalfen (enerally sold In about
Ik bum aotcne aa yeeterday. Oood atock
era and feeder are fully ateady, but In
ferior g radoa art alow Milan, ehowlnt more
r lea weakneaa. ,. ,
Quotatlona on Mttle: Oood t hole
beevea, I.M)10.I4: fair to tood beeree.
II-7II.I4; eonimon to fair beevea, 14.109
l.7lj food to choke fraaa beem, I7.l0el
!.! fair to good araaa beeyea, l'.i;;7.ll
common to fair srasa beeywJ. ll.MfJt.lJi
food lo choice h.lfera, food to
eholo. cowa. Il.40t7.0l fair to fd ..,
15 ;l.4; common to fair cow. I4.0
I. 7l food to cholo f.edera, I7.llvl.le:
Air to food feedere. $I.IO)7.llj common
I fair teedere, II. 01 01. 71 1 food to chclc
alookera. I7.II07.11 atock h.llere. II.HC
e.Mi tck cowa, l.ltl.ll clock calvea,
II. IOI.IO veal cal. M.OOOH.IOl beef
bulla, euam, tc ll.M4Jt.O0s Bologna bull,
II ltt.ll.
. Itepraaentatlv - ala:
Ay. Pr,
. Ill II 40
.1061 t II
Ay. Pr.
...1014 II 10
II 7.
Ill I II , I. "
1 II
t 41
I o
...1017 1 10 It 1071
... Ml t ti II "41
...101 t II I
..,1111 I 41 II 1101
mi tit ifl . 1364
I tl
...IMS IS II 10. "II If
... 141 I 01 . tt lit 10 II
... 147 I 70 I.....'... 411
I 10
1 M
10......... Ill I 00 II.. 1011
' CALVES, , ,
l. ....... 119 I 0 I HI
F. M. Helnrtch Montana.
ilator(..144l 10 00 It eleere. .1417 110
M. J. Kohn Wyoming.
10 steer,. 11 HI 1 II Jt. leer... 101 1 II
Ultle Powder Stock Co. Wyo.
14 steers. It 10 II steer. .1111 111
Lance Cek Cattl Co. Wyo. ;
II eleere.. Ill I II
tatr.. 144 II I feeder, f II 1 10
llterg.; lit III lOeteera.. Ml III
Hog Boyr all took their tlm about
atertlnf thla morning and for the flrat
kaur. or o n trading was don. Chlcogo
with a moderate run reported Just strong
price end waa slew at that, and when the
local market got und.r way It waa on about
the name eort of a baale, both shippers and
packer filling their order, el flfure that
ranfed from eteady lo a much aa a nickel
higher. Once the movement otarted It took
only a abort while to clean up all the
offering nd practically everything had
changed hand before 1:10.
Bulk of th eela waa quoted at I10.40O
ll.l, big and of the packlnf hoga aelllng
around lll.i nd under. Buyer gav as
high a 110.11 for a couple of ple.e. of
load and paid 110.10 for full load. Sell.ra
tried hard to beat yesterdsy'a new record,
but none of today'! offerings were a good
a yeatsrday'a topper and lit klflh mark
we not vn quatd. ; T -
ReprMentaUV. aaleai . ..
M. A. Sh. Pr. No. At, Sh. Pr. :
II. ,101 1 II II M..H 10 1 40 ,
.. HI 10 1 41 It. .11 II 10 I
It.. lit I II II II. .HI 440
I. .11 ... It II M..1M ... It M ;
II. .111. ... II i
Sheep Whatever weakness there was In
fat lamb yesterday was fully mad up to
day. Packer talked ea.l.r price on flrat
Kunde, and with Chicago reporting only a
ateady market some sell.ra cut looeo at
price that were no more than steady to
atrong. In other caeca, however, aalea were
railed aa much ae 10911c higher. On band
sold aa high a 110.41. setting a new top for
the week, while several airinge lanoea at
It. I, and a bunch or two that from
packer atandpolnt left much to bo dealred
atopped at 119.11. In fact, no real toppy
lambe were on otrer, tnougn some aouot
wee etpreseed If cholc lamb would have
el above eie.ti naa may oeen nere.
Feeder lambe were In none too large aup-
ply, and moat of them had been cleaned up
by noon. Trade waa very uneven, and eome
!ee war ooneidered eael.r, whit other
looked etrong, general trade being quoted
fully steady. A new top for the week on
feeder lambs waa eetabllshed when one load
brought 111.4. Others reached, and
bulk of tha desirable kinds sold unward.
from, eome around 111.09 being of
only medium claea. Feeder eheep were
comparatively scarce. A deck r so of aged
breeder landed at,
It wa a cue of not enough fat aheap
Tt make a market again today. Almoet no
ewea ware here. Fed yearllnaa and wethers
sold 1 17.71, but nothing of that elaaa haa
been eomlng, and they furnished jyr basis
for Menparteoa. though they ware called
fully ateady.
Quotations an aheop and lambe. Lambe.
good to choice, II0.I0O10.II; lamb, fair to
goad,; ismoe, reeuera, it.ecv
14.40: yearling, good te cnoice. ll.eetPT.l
yearling, fair to good, ll.l0O7.0d; yearlloga.
Teea.ra, .eeja.o; lair vo cnoice, wea, good te choice, 11.1090.11
owee, fair to good. 11.0094.10: ewee. plat
ta culls, $4.00 91.71; ewea. feeder.. i.09
4.11: ewea, breeder, ait ages, 1s.119t.e0,
Representative aaleai
N. ' Wt, Pr.
til vrymlnf feeder lamb...... 47 lit II
no Wvo,.-.lna feeder lamal .... 41 19 11
111 Idaho feeder lamb I II 90
III Idaho feeder lamb 99 19 10
M Idaho feeder lamb ........ 91 19 19
2!1 Wyoming lamb , 99 19 90
111 Idaho awaa 1M (SO
Kaawaa City lit Stork Markat.
Kanaa City, Sept. T. Cattl Receipt.
1,400 head; market, eteady; prime fed
ateere, I14.90911.O; dreesed be.f a tee re.
17.269.7i: WMtern eteere. 14.1090. 10
tochers and feeders, l.IiOI.ISl bulla, 11.11
aye. fa; caivea ...ever 11....
Hoga Receipts, 7,16 head; market.
higher; bulk of aalea. 119.70911. 011 heavy.
lto.fiOU.09; packers and butckera, 119.790
11.11: light, tll.71fjll.ll: plea, II.7S01I.M.
Sheep and lambe Receipt. 1,10 bead;
market, higher; lambs, H0.10O10.7i: year
lings, !7.i0I.IS; wethers, I7.ii07.7i;
Cattl Weak. Hogs Weak. Bbf Straw.
Chicago, Sept. 7. Cattle Receipts. 1.000
head; market, weak; native beef cattle,
ll.44O10.i0; western ateers, I4.40OI-H:
stockers snd feeder, 4.7ll)7.7i; cowa and
helfero, I9.70.i0; calves. II.I0O1I.00.
Hoga Receipts, 11,000 head; market,
weak, ic to )0c lower; bulk of sale, 10 11
OU li; light, flS.40eyil.4a; mlaed, I10.00O
11.41; heavy,; rough, fl.liO
10.11; plge, tl.lOOl.tO.
Sheep and lambs Receipts, 17.40 head;
market, atrong; wethers,; ewea,
ll.iiOMO; lambs, ll.lioll.l. .
St. La!s Ley Stock Market.
St. Louis, Mo., Bept 7. battle Receipts.
7,100 head; market lower; native beef
steere, 7.004Hl.OO; yearling steers and
heifers, It 4010.2I: cowa, 1.1007.75; stock
era and feeders, 11.1001.00; Texas quaran
tine steers, IS.IOOI.iO; prime southern
steers, 11.0000.00; cows and helfere, It.l
OI.00; prime yearling steers snd belfera,
17. tool. 00; aatlv reive., IS.00 0 11.71.
Hoge Rectpte. 1,70 head: market high
er: pigs and lights, 7. 00911.10; mlaed
and butcher, I10.70OH.40; good heavy,
111.10411.40; bulk. 10.TifVlI..
Sheep and lambs Receipts, 1,1'
markat ateady; lambs, I7.00OI0.7I
ter ewea, IM0CJ7.35; bleating ww
10.00; yearling!. 1.00I.I0.
10 head:
Skin City Ur Stock Market.
Slou City, la.. Sept 7. Cattle Reclpta.
1,004 head: market, steady to 10O1IC lower;
beef steere,; bulchera, li.iOCJ
7.00; cannera, 14.009 i.2i; atockera and feed
ere, 10.0097.00; . bulls, ataga, etc, li.liO
I.S0: feeding cowa and heifers, 14.110 40.
Hoge Receipts. 1,000 head; market. 109
lie higher; light, - 110.16910.40; mixed.
110.40910.60; heevy, !; bulk of
aalea, flO.i0910.70.
Sheep and lambs Receipts, 1,100 heed:
market, steady; ewes, 14. 0097.00; lambs,
I7.OOOI.3S. ;
'" St, Mph Un Stock Market.
St. Joeevh. Mo Sept. t.-MJattl Receipt.,
1,600 head; market eteady; eteere, 14.109
10.60; cowa and helfere, 4.S0910.00! calves,
I! I0flll.l0. I
Hoge Receipts, 4.000 head; . market
steady; top, Sll.M; bulk of aalea, I10.I0O
Sheep and Lambe Receipt!, 10 head;
market slows. lambs, 110. 0010. SO; ewe, . , '
Un Stock la Slf hi.
South Omaha ..; 1.10 11,700
Chicago 7,000 11,00 11,000
Kanaaa City 1,100 7,10 1,100
St. Loula .......... 1,10 1,700 1,100
sieui cur .......... i.oo r s. i,oo
.11,100 ' 10,100 41.S0
Butter No. 1 erasmery. to cartons or
tubs, toe, No. I, lie.
Cheese Imported Swiss, lb.. !: domas
tic Swiss loot block SwlM.'3rJc: twins, 17o;
triplets, IT He; datsis, Toung Amer
ica, ilKc; blue label brick, UHo; llm
berger. 20o; Mew JTork white, 10c; Rocque
fort, 86c.
Oysters Stand arda, 11040c; aelsctt, 100
4lo; counts, saoitOc.
Plih rreshi Hstibut, lb., lie; cetftsh,
)v17e; red salmon 14c; fall salmon,--llc;
whittfish,, 16m btrrtng, Toj trout, ltci yel
low pika, 17c; bullheads, lie; carp, to;
blaok bass, llcj sunftsh. Ic? croppies, lc;
pickerel, lie; steak oodftsh. lSe; Ulsflsh lo;
fresh headiest shrimp, gal.. Il.ll; red map
per, lb.. He; Spanish mackerel. Itc; Lake
Krle, jumbo whltsftsh Hot flounders, lie,
fresh peeled shrimp, par gal., II.
Beef CutsRlts: No, 1, lc;No. I, ITc;
No, I, Ho. Loina: No. 1, Ho; No. I, It Wo;
No. I, Uo. Chucks: No. 1, lie; No. I,
HHo; No. I, lOHo. Rounds: No. 1, 17 Ho;
No. I, HHci No. S, J2c. Plates: No. 1,
10c; No. I, l; No. I, l.
Fruit and vegetable prtoea furnished k?
Otlloaky Fruit C.f , i
Fruits Oranges, tOs 100s. tt4s, 4 bo;
118s. 12IS, 14.71; 160s. fi 170s,; lOe.
Ills, l0s,,fK.I0. Lamonai 1 00s. 100s, tt.10; !
cholc. II. Peaches! Par box, 11.20;'ln lota,
11.16; bushels, 02.7ft bu. Poem: Bushel
Kelfers, II. M bu.: 1-bushOl lots. 11.11; 10
bushal tots or mora, 1.0; California Bart
lett. fancy 12.16 crate; Ch. l-tler 0, 11.71;
Bartlett 0-tler 0, 12.21; fancy Flemish, 11.10;
cholc Flemish, $2.21. Grapes: Home-grown,
lOo basket; Malagas, orate; Tokays,
2. Apples: Oravanstean, $1.21 bo; Bella
flowers, 11.74; cooking, 11.21 bu. barrel,
tl to; eating, ti ll. Cantaloupes! Stan
dards, 12.71 orate; ponya, fl.lti flat, II.
Watermelon: 10 1. P run est On ar
rtval, II. It crate. '
Vegetable: sweet spuds, vir. Barrels
14.10 bbl- Southern hmpds.. 11.11 hmp.;
California erates, 14 orate; potato, bushels,-
Il.ll bu.: onions, span, i crate; onions.
red, le lb,; onion, western, IHot cabbage,
mo; tomatoes. 7 to bask.; eucumbers 60c;
celery, 40c dos. ! 1
Honey, i.70 esse.
Poultry Llvet Brolten, m to I lh I0o;
ovar $ lbs., Ha; Hens: over is., ifc;
Under 4 lbs.. Ho; rooster and stags, 10c;
geasa, full feat herd; fat, 10o young and
eld ducks, full feathered, fat, 14c; turkeys
any si it over I I be., 14c; turkeys, las than
I itts., itatr price; capon, r ids. ana over,
14c! guineas, each Ito, Squabs: Homers,
14 oa. each, per dos,. 14.00; II pa, each, per
dos., 13.(0; I oa. each, par dos., 1.60; un
der I os, each, per dos,, lOo. Pigeons, par
dos.. 11.00. - . . 1 - '
MI.KTltaneus tracker jack, oorn pops and
chackars, case, 11.00; half oases, 11.71; pea
nuts.' Special No. 1. tb IHq; Jumbo- pea
nuts. .: Dopcorn. case.; nonay. new
oaaa, 8.71, , -
- CeMM Marhei. V .'.
Vw Tork. Sent' Th market for eoffaa
futures was nervous and Irregular In to
day's trading. Art opening decline of 1 to
4 points was followed by rallies with De
cember selling up to l.40e and March to
O.IBc. orr about point net nignen en
covering, but th markat soon weakened
under renew a noaiaaiton -ana , acaiiorina
pressure, whtch may have bean promoted
byitalk of slightly saslar firm offers. This
bra's k carried tha more active positions
into new low arades, with December selling
at I I Jo and March at 0.40c, or about 11 to
li noints not lower, after prices
rallied again on renewed covering with the
close net I points higher to I points lower,
near month being relatively steady, Sales,
18,000 bags. Closing bids: September, 9.41c;
October, 1. 4fl; .November, t tfcc; December,
O.Hc; January, f.40e; February, 1.44c;
March,; April, i.sec; May, o.ttc;
June, Ml-; July, 1.17.
Soot corf. Quiet;- Rio 7a, iw; Santos
4s. 11 ci tost and freight offers war about
unrhansed to -2 noints lower with 4s auoted
at il. tec, London credit. ,
The official cables rauortM an advance
of 10 rale tn tha Rio market, while Santos
spots were unchanged and futures It to Tt
re is tower; nto avenang on London l-iid
lower, Tha weather waa fine tn Sao Paulo
with temperature ranging from 12 to II
degree. . , .
' ' . Ctettas, JfjwlMi.'' i
New York. Sept. 7. Cotton Future
opened barely ateady; October, 11.41c; De
cember, lt.tBo; January. ,ia.fec; Mann,
it.sic: Mar. ii.iso. t
Cotton future eiosea , easy: . Ootober.
li.iic; pecamber, 11.330; January, it.le
March. H.tOci May. lt.llo.
Hoot cotton waa auiet: miadnng UDinna.
it, toe. no saie. k
Tha cotton mark closed easy at th low
est of the day or from 21 to 17 points Under
last night final figures.
Liverpool, Beut. 7. Cot ton Snot, easier:
good middling, t.!4c; middling, Mloj low
int. idling, s,iJ. Bales, voJ bale.
Kr4rarted Applaa and Dried Fruit.
New York. Sept. t. Evaporated Add!
Dull; fancy, 77c choioa, o; prims,
I4t4. '
uriea irruiis mines, wan nar: uanrornia.
0 Oregona, tltc; apricots, quiet;
r-hntr. If SI 1 1 Ue! extra C ho lea. ' U llts ;
fancy, littaiavfcc; paacnes. dun: choice.
0e; eitra vneice, tc; fancy, Tc Raisins,
firm ; loose muscatels, I I c ; choice to
fancy aaeueo, ityio; adieu, itioo.
'.' OU iM Reels.
Savannah, Oa Sept ' t. Turpentine-
Firm;-44o; sales, iit obis.; receipts, lit
bbla.; shipments, 114 bbis,; stock, 11.011
bbt. .
Renin Firm: ales, til bbls.; receipts.
i,s bbl.; snipmenis, is nois.; stocks,
114 bbls. Quote: A, B lt.10; C, D, Ift ll
R. Hit: F. 14. im; O. H.17U: H. 10.20
I, M.H; K, I0.ITI,: M. 10.10; N, II.!)
t.sei nui; w w, i.e. ,
" ' '; Meial Markei, ' ":
New York. SepL t. Metals Lead, II. IS 42
1.71. Spelter, ateady; spot. East St. Louts
delivery, offered at II. Tl. Copper, firm
electrolytic, lll.OOOH.Ov. Iron, steady and
uncnangea. Tin, quiet: spot, sas.iiBat.oi.
At London Copper: Spot, 1101 Is; futures.
1100 Ids: electrolytic, mi. Tin: Spot, 1170
ie; luiures, sin lea. ieao, as, apel
tar. 141 10.
? - . iUtr 0
Chicago, Sept 1. Falling off In dealing
by shippers and packers Caused hog prices
today to have a downward slant Thera was
no special can for cattl, , Sheep and
Iamb wars aisa plentiful.
, ' Dry Oaotia Markat. .
New Tork, Sept. T. Cotton good wara
firm today; oemanq waa active for heavy
convertibles. Yarns wara excited. Raw
silk was easier. Fin men'a wear gold Ir
regular tor spring. .
Cash Wheat in Omaha Strong
Despite Weakness of Chi
cago futures.
: Omahft. Sptrabr f , Sll. -Th
coflh whttt on tha Omaha xchattve
rsui vorv tron tailav. AHhouah tha Chi
cago future war fully i eanta lower tha
dmand for whaat here waa rood, Mlltng
at practlcalir unebanc) pricaa.
Tha damaAtl for oorn was vootl today.
Tha racelpta wara rathar Usht, but with
good demand thla cereal advanced a cast,
aelllnf unchanged to a cant higher,
Tha demand for oaU In thla market con
tinue! good, and with light recelpte, together
with excellent demand, oats aold unchanged
to a quarter higher.
Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal
to l.OiO.OOO bushels; corn, SM0 bushels.
Liverpool cloaa: Wheat uncitangea; com.
Hpld off.
Primary wheat receipts were 1, 111, MO
buahola and ehlomente 1.C34.000 bushels,
against receipts of a1.000 bushels and ship
menu of txs.BQO bushels last year.
Primary oorn race lots were S2M90 bush-
Is and shipments 274,000 bushels., against
receipts of eaS.OOO bushels and shipments of
Z7S,Q90 DUsneu last year.
Primary oats recelots were 1.141.000 bush
els and shipments I.OHs.OOO bushels, against
receipts of i,3t3,0Q bushels ana impraenis
of 1,404,000 bushels last year.
; Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Minneapolis ..,...
127 21! -MJ
.....187 ... ...
101 ...
Kansas City
St. Louis
Winnipeg ... ,,.. HI. ...
Thes sales wars reported today:
Wheat No, 1 hard winter, I cars, $I.flH:
ear. ll.Bl: No. 2 hard Winter. 1 car, 11.12:
1 car, 11.61; 10 cars. 11.11; 1 car, 11.60;
4 care, 11.10; No. 2 hard winter, 12 cars.
11.10; I cars, 1.41; 1 car, 11.41; X sar,
11.41; I ears, 11.47; N. 4 hard winter, 1
car, 11.41; 1 car, l.4; ears, l.4t: 3
cars., 11.44; 1 l-e cars, 11.42; 2-1 oar (rye
mixed), $1.10. Sample, hard winter, 1. car,
$1.41; 1 car, fl.40; 1 car, 11.14; 1 car, 1.12:
1 car, 11.02; No. I spring, 1 car, 11.41; No.
1 mixed durum, 1 car, 11.41; No. 4 mixed,
l oar. 11.47. Rye: No. 2. 1 car; 2
cars, 11.17;. Barley: No. I, S 2-1 cars, I0o;
No. 4, 1 ear, lee; i ear (corn mixed;, sac;
No. 1 feed. 1 oar, He.
Corn No. I white: 1 ear, !: 1 car.
12c. No. I white: 1 car, 12o; 1 ear, Tie. No.
1 yellow: 1 ear, II c. No. t yellow: 1 car,
!2o; 1 ear, lie. No. I yellow: 1 ear, I J 4c,
No, I mixed: 1 ear. lUAc. No. 4 mlxcIH. 1
car, He; No. I mixed; 1 car, II e. No. I
mixed: l car, hoc; i car, tic; i car, isc.
Oats Standard: 2 ear, 4te; 1 car, 41c.
No. I white: I cars. 41c: 4 cars. 44fce. No.
4 whits: 1 car, 44o. Sample; 1-car, 4Sc;
I cars, 44c ; i-o or a car, sc, '
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 1 hard,
ll.4l691.SI: No. I hard. H.401.I0: No. 4
hard, I1.10OMI; No. 2 spring,;
no. i spring, ti.44Qii.4i; no. i aurum,
491.41: No. 2 durum. 11.4201.47. Corn: No.
2 white, I2tft2c; No. 1 white, I20l2c:
No. 4 whits, ll0Hc; No. 1 White, 110
12c; No. I whit, 71012s; No. 2 yellow.
12H012; No. I yellow, '22012c; No. 4
yellow, Il0l2c; No. I yellow, I10llo;
No. I yellow, IO0llc; No. I mixed, 110
1144c; No. 1 mixed. Il021c; No. 4
mixed, IOA!lo; No. I mixed. lO0llc;
No. I mixed, 71020c Oats: No, 2 white,
4n04tc; standard, 4t04lc; No, I
white, 4404lc; No. 4 white, 440440.
Barley: Malting, 10010c; No. 1 feed. 770
12c. By: No. 2, 11.1701. II; No. 1, 1.10
1.11. .
September wheat opened a llttl higher
and December and May around a cent lower.
Tha two latter deliveries scored an advane
In th face of bearish news from Europe,
both closing above th opening. A cable
saying that Greek troops stationed at 8a
lonlkl have joined the allies and will fight
with Anglo-French against the Bulgarians
was th chlsf factor In tha market. It was
taksn by ths trade to mean that Greece will
soon formally Join tha allies and enter 'the
great war to fight shoulder to shoulder with
them. This eabl affected tha speculation,
but It did not keep tha export bids out of
th markst, or prevent their being tha high
est on tha crop. Considerable wheat was
woTRsq nera lor export.
Corn and oat both held withl a narrow
range. A return of mora favorable weather
had It effect on corn, although ther was
no general stampede to sell. .
Oats wore without particular feature, and
there wa very little trading In them.
omah closing prices on futures lor this
Art Qpsn. High. Low. Close. Te.
Sept, 1 41 1 48 141 1 4T 147
Dec. 1 10 1 104 US 0 110
May I II . 1 ll 161 l 11 it!
Corn. j
Sep'. II H4 It . lift II
Psfc tOH TO T0H i TO 71
May tl Tl T34
Oata, ,
Sept 444 - 44 44 44 41
Deo, 47 47 47 47 47
May 4lj 41 ltj 4t 40
Chicago closing prices, furnished Tha Bee
by Logan A Bryan, stock and grata broker,
lit South Sixteenth street:
Art. J Open. 1 High. Low. Close. Yea.
Wht, " 1
Sept. 1 It 1 61 141 1 It 111
Dee. ltl-ll '. 1 II Hi in it4
May 1 14 t II 111 1 II 166
Sept. 1111 It II It H
Pec. 7171 7 7 75 tl
May 1171 71 IT Tl Tt
Sept. 4T4T 4T 41 4 47
Deo. 414141 4t 41 4t
May tltt : tl 11 . II 12
Oct. IT 00 IT 00 IT 00 27 00 IT 00
Pee, 24 Tt II II 2 70 II 00 24 tO
Oct. 14 II A II 14 2B 14 41 14 IS
Dae, 14 II 14 II ' II 17 14 07 14 II
Oct. 14 21 14 H 14 IT 14 ST 14 tl
Jan II II f II II 12 OTj II 10 II It
ltoport Or Has Entered War bends
FHca af Wheat Dawn,
Chicago. Sent. T. Reports that Greek
forces had Joined with the British and
French troops to right tha Bulgarians led
to a decline In the wheat market today,
but prices later made a rally, helped by
word of Bulgarian successes against Rou
manla. The close was nervous, c to lc
net lower, with December at tl.H and
May at 11.11, Corn finished o off to a
like advance, oata down 0o to 0e
and provisions varying from 16o decline
to a rise of lc.
Wheat traders appeared to be watching
chiefly for signs as to whether an outtet
would soon b found for tha big surplus
took piled up in Russia ana Roumania.
Assertion that areen troops at naiomna
had reinforced the Analb-French allies had
an Immediate bearish sffect here. Oosslp
that some Greek export orders at Now York
had bean cancelled also served to depreaa
price ,
Bullish reactions late In th day failed
to overcome entirety tn previous Down
turns In tha wheat market. Ths recovery.
though, was atlll In pro tress whan . Inter
rupted by the closing gong. Most of the
relative final strength appeared to be due
to th surrender of a Roumania fortress
and 20,000 man within fifty miles of the
capital of Roumania.
Corn averasred lower with wheat. Ship
ping buelness lo tha east was restricted,
by Inability to obtain cars. Oats weaken
ed mainly out of sympathy for wheat and
corn. The primary movement exceeded last
week's showing.
Provisions had a downward tendency for
the most part. Packers, were sellers, ea
naclslly of lard.
Wheat No. I raeV ll.S301.t4c; No. I
red. 21.4t01.l2H No. 2 hard. Il.l44h01.t:
No, 2 hard, l.ZK0l.4. uorn o.
yellow, ll0ltc: No, yellow, IS07e;
No. 4 whits. ItOMc. Oats No. I whit.
40047; standard, 47 trier. Ttya No. 2.
11.11; barley tOrfrll.lO; timothy, H.7I0
4.71; clover, 111.00014 00. Pork IIT.fift;
lard, 114.47; riba, fl4.SD0I4.TS
Butter Unchand.
Ksas HlBher: receipts, 1.101 cases; firsts.
20Sc; ordinary firsts, 2402tO at
mark, cases included, soft sec
Potatoes Lower: racelpta. 18 cars: Jer
sey cobblers, 11.40 0 1. 44: Jersey mountains.
ll.IS01.4O; Jersey giants. 1.3t01.1O; Mtn-nesotes-Ohloa,
11,0001. It.
Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, Hoi
springs, u He.
St. issuls Grain Market. . S
t. Louie, Sept. T .Wheat No. t red,
ll.tt01.O; No. $ hard, 11.5401.41; Sep
tember. Il.ll i Depembar. 1 1.51V
Com Ne. t, tl0&Tu; No, I white, ?0
He; September, II o; December, TS0
Oata No. 2, 4te; No. Sjrhlt, 41o.
Ctty Clansral Market.
Kansas City, Mo,. Sept. T. Wheat No, 2
hard. 11.1001.11; No. I red, tl.t401.OO;
September, 91.41; December, IM; M,
Corn No, I nixed, H0llo; No. I
Walt, t0Oi Na . g FU9W, 40SS
September, I4ci December, 74 c; May,
Oats No. J white, 474 04le; No. 2
mixed, 46047c.
QnaUtls af the Day an th Various Lsjb4-
New York, Sept. T. Flour Unsettled.
Wheat Spot, easy: No. 1 duram, 91.7m;
No. 1 northern Dulutb 1.7t; No. 1 north
ern Manitoba, 11.77. t- o. b.. New York.
Corn Spot, firm; No. 2 yellow, 11.00,
e. I t New York.
OatsSpot, easy; standard, t2C&tc
Hay Firm; No. 1. fi.H: No. 2, $1.26;
No. 2, 11.11; shipping, yOc0H.OO.
Hops Quiet; state common to cholc,
ltll; telle; 1114, S0le; Pacific coast.
1116, I01to; 1114, 700c,
Hides Steady; Bogota, !2031c; Cen
tral American, 12 c.
Laathar Flm; hemlock firsts, 27n -onds,
Provisions Sorkr firmer; mesa, 920.000
21.00; family, HO.OO0ll.Ot; short clear,
127.00021.00. Beef, firm; mess, I2O.&O0
21.00; family, I22.IO0H.OO. Lard, steady;
middle west. l'4.IQ01f.OO.
Tallow rtrm: city, ic, nominal; coun
try, 0lc; special, $e.
Butter Steady; receipts, 12,01? tubs;
creamery, extras, 02 score), 130Hc;
higher scoring, 24034; first, 31031e;
seconds, 21 021c.
Eggs Finn, receipts, 12,721 ease; fresh
gathered, axra fine, 2601o; extra first,
34024e; firsts, 22023c; nearby hennery,
whites, ftne to' fancy, 4&4io; nearby nan-
nary, browns, 110 42c. - '
Cheese Steady; receipts. 0,303 boxes;
tate, whole mtlk, specials, HV,01lc; state.
average fancy, ll01lc.
Poultry Live, steady: broilers, lie; rowis,
llc; turkeys, 12020c. Pressed, strong and
. Minneapolis Oraln Market,
MlnneasMlIs. Seof. i. Wheat September,
11.40; December, ll.llfeOl.H. Cash:
No, l nara, SI.ST; no. I norinern, fi.eify
1.04; Ne. 2 northern, $1.170 1.02 ,
riour uncnangea. ,
Barley 04 0 He. ;
Bran 120.10021.10. '
Corn .Vo. 1 yellow, I40I&C. '
Oats No. Iwhlte, 04fHc.
Flax 12.0302.01.
tlvrpol Oral Markst.
a.,..i-a. 11. IIJ. Un 11a I AA Nn 9
14 Id; No. 2 red western winter, 14s lOd.
corn apot; American mixeo, new, jus
. ' - -
'. ' ' New York Honey Market,
New York, Sept. 7. Prima Mercantile
Paper 2 per cent,
fltariins- Exchanr Slxtr-dar bills.
94.71; demand, 4.7t; cables, 4.71 7-14.
Silver Bar, 7e Mexican aouars, nac
Bonds Oovernment, steady; ralroad. Ir
Time Loans Firmer: sixty day. 201
par cant; ninety. days, 202 per cent; U
months, 203 per cent.
Call Money Firm; highest, I par cent;
lowest, 2 par cent; ruling rat, I par cant;
last loan, 2 per cent; closing bid, 3 par
cent; offered af- 2 par cent.
U. S. r. ?s rag. tt M., K. AT. 1st 4s 73
edn rnnrvon M. P. con. Is. 101
U B. Is reg..!00M. P. ts 07
d coupon ,.iuum,. x, u. oao. es.ii
U. S. 4s, rei..l0lN. T. C. as. ...101
do coupon ..U0N. Y., N. H. A
Am. Smelt. s .101 U. cv s..r.lll
A. T. AT.ev.4sll0N. Ppo. 4b...... 01
Anglo-French to 06 do Is 66
Atctt. gen. vinv. b, u. re i es
B. 4k O. 4s.... 99 P. T. T. OS.. 191 4
Beth 8. ref. Is.lOOUPenn. eon 4s.l04
Cent Pac. 1st... HPenn gen. 4s.l0l
C. O. ev, 4s 84 Heading gen. s vs
C, B. sQ. jt. 4S t7St U A S. F.
C, B. A Q jt. 4shh flf. 4s . .... 11
!., MlVl O. . CV. SS....1U4
C.. R. 1. ft Fac. 8. P. rf. is.... It
Rr ref. 4s .. 71 B. Rr. Is 101
a A S. ref 4S II Union Pacific 4 IT
D. 4s R. O. 0. 411 ao cv, as .... v
tr.ria imi 4 ... fls.TT. S. Rub. Is.. 102
Oen. Eleotrle 6s.l04U. 0. 8. 6s. ...105
QL iNo. 1st. 4S 18 wso. rei s o.. ....
1. C. ref. 4s.... HKW. U. 4a .. t6
Int. M- M. 4s.lOIW. El. cv. 8s..l0
K. C. So. ref 6s D. A R. O. la.. 01
L. A N. Un. 4s tl . . , v
' Local Stock and Bonds.
Quotations furnished by Burns, Brlnker
A Co., 441-11 Omaha National bank build
ing. Omaha:
Beatrice Crmy. Co. T pet pfd...l06 . 107
Booth Fisheries Co. pfd.. 10 11
Dears 4t Co. pfd. iN 91
Douglas Hotel Co. stock...... to 70
Fslrmont Crmy. Co. 7 pot pfd.. 104 100
Oooch M. K. Co. T pet pfd B tt 100
Mountain States T. A T, t'o,.JU in
McOorv Stores Corn, pfd...; ..14 W
Omnha A C, B. Ry. A B. pfd OS
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. pfd..., 72 74
Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. com.. 4ft 12
Patera Mill Co. pfd tt 101
Packard Motor Co, pfd. ...... ,10 102
Kutxberger 4t Sons Co. pfd...... 09 100
Union Stock Yard I pel 100..109 , 102
Booth-St. Leu Is s, 1H1 tt 100 ,
Denver Qas Elec Sa, 1041,.,, tl tt '
East Bt. L. Bub. Is, ltll.... Ifc 17
Inwa Ptd. C. Co. 4s, 1914-1114. tt 100
Ft. Dodge, Pes Moines A 8. C. 12 92
K. C. By. 1st IS, 14 IT 92
O. A C. B. St. Ry. ts, lttl,, H 07
Sulsbarger A Sons Co, fls, 1141.. tt 100
Swift A Co. IS, 1044 ...100 100
Trenton Nb. Eleo, ts, 1121-21.104 104 11
LonAe Mosey Market. '
London, Sept. 7. American securities
were cheerful under th lead of United
States Steel. The closing was steady
Sliver Bar, 11 -ia per ounce.
Money I per cent.
Dlecount Rates Short bills. 101 per
cent; three months, 606 per cent.
f Bank Clearing,
Omaha, Sept. T. Bank clearing for
Omaha today were 4. 410, 411.17 and for the
corresponding day last year,
I- Sugar Market, ' .
New York. Bept. T. Sugar. Raw. steady;
centrirugal, 1.02c; molasses, 4.2to. Refined,
steady; fine granulated, I.Ho. Future at
noon war 2 points higher to 1 point lower.
Americans Aboard
Two Vessels Sunk
In Great War Zone
Washington; Sept. 7. Sinking of
two vessel! in the European war zone
with American, aboard was reported
to the State department today. The
department will investigate both inci
dent,. There i, no information now
to indicate that either vessel Aval at
tacked illegally.
Consul McGunn at - Glasgow an
nounced that there were twenty-eight
American on board the British steam
ei Kelvinia when she was sunk by
a mine or torpedo September 2, while
bound from Newport News to Avon
mouth and Glasgow. All of the
Americans, muleteers, were rescued
and now are in Glasgow.
Consul Hurst at Barcelona, ipain,
reported that two "presumable
Americans, James Andrews ana i-on
Bruce, were among the crew of the
Italian sailing vessel Stella Delmare,
which was sunk by a submarine off
the Belearic islands on August 29.
Folev Observes Thirtieth
. Anniversary of Business
T. T Fnlrv celebrated the thirtieth
anniversary of the opening of his
establishment on Douglas street,
Wednesday with a dinner for sev
eral of his Omaha friends. Foley came
to Omaha from the range of Wyom
ing and Colorado where he was a
cowboy. .
When Folev ooened his establish.
ment he employed Jim Mason, a col
ored man, ai an attendant: Mason nas
been with him ever since and Wednes
day Foley presented him with a check
for $100 in appreciation of his loyal
Wheat Holds Its Own, With'
. : Light Receipts Here
With receipts of seventy-three ears,
the lightest in several days, wheat just
held its own and sold at $1.471.52
per bushel, practically unchanged
from Wednesday. - The sales made
wara lartrelv for exDort.
Corn waa up a cent and sold at 79
(ft 82)4 cents per bushel, with twenty-
one carloads on tne mraicet.
Overextended Ball Accounts in
Some of Prominent Special-.
ties Suffer Depreciation. ;
New ork,. Sept 7. Orer-extended bull
account In some of th prominent spe
cialties suffered more or less depreciation
today's broad and actlre market, while
coppers, petroleums, tobaccos and numer
ous minor . Issue pursued a contrary
course. .
There was hearr selling of the Mercan
tile Marines, the eommon making ran ex
treme decline of 2 points, with 2 for the
preferred. United, Fruit forfeited 2 points,
but Paclfto Mail, controlled by the Marine
Interests, made a gross gain of 44-
united States Steel reflected steady realis
ing for profits on yesterday's advance to a
new record, though losing only a half point
on the day, but Kelly -Springfield Tire, one
of th strongest Issues of the motor group,
broke 4 points to 20 ft, only part of this de
QHne being regained.
Readlnera strength waa tha outatandina
feature, mounting 4 to 110, Its highest
price elnce last Van with moderate ac
tivity and strength In coaler. New Tork
Central, Baltimore A Ohio and New
Haven. Pacirica helped the movement In
rails for time, but fell back on llaht of.
ferlngs. - .
-improvement In conners did not make
mnch headway until the final hour, when
Inspiration rose 2, to the new record of 40,
with average gains of 1H points In other
metals, Favorable trade conditions and ad
ditional foreign orders were accepted as the
primary reasons for the movement
scarcity Of the finished nroduet nnnntA
for theactlvlty at higher prices of th sev
eral paper Issues, International Paper com
mon ana preferred gaining from 2 to 4
points. Munitions and eaulnments were ir
regular at best and moiors yielded to pres
sure with thttr accessories. Total . sales of
stocks amounted te 1,025,400 shares.
The firmness of franca and anathp pa.
tlon In marks, both on nominal daallnaa.
featured the exchange market
.Bonds were Irresulai with hMviitaM tn
Rock Island debentures. Total sales, par
value, 23,486,000.
united States bonds were nnthanad nn
Bales. High. Low. Close.
Am. Beet surer.. 7.?oft is
I0S 90H
62 62
American Can .... 18,500 64
Am. Car A Fnrtv 1 Ann aa
Amer. Locomotive. - 2,400 72
Am. H. at Raflnln. S 15ft in
Am. Sugar Refg... 200 102
72 iw
Amer. Tel. ft Tel., 1,200 122 1324 132i
lUO, K,. B., l,OUU Jlfrtt
Anaconda Copper.. 16,700 83 2ft H
104 14
TOIUWin altOCO. Jl,IUU eSr
Baltimore at Ohio. 2,200 28
Brooklyn Rap. Tr.
Butte ft sun. cod..
01 I
1,100 2S
1,100 ITS li
Calif. Petroleum...
Canadian Pacific...
Central Leather. . ,,
Chesapeake Ohio
Chi., Mil. Bt P..
Chicago sV North.,
Chi., R. I. k Pac. .
Chlno Copper..,..-.
Colo. Fuel & Iron.
171 176)1
I7S 57
121 H
17 H
. 1,700
Corn Prdcts Refg,
Crucible Steel
Distiller's Bees
,' 11,100
General Electric. . .
. 2S0 171 i 171 U
Ot Northern pfd..
Ot North. Ore etfs
Illinois Central
1,0 117 116
l,0 31 !8
'700 101 - 101
in ter ban con. jCor.
Inspiration Copper. 10,800 80 67
iuu mrir., ii, iuu iiee, no
In. Mer. Mar. pf cf 54,700 121 S 117
l. H7 :
15 Si It
a. j. Douinern.... bvv Z4
Kennecott Copper.. 22,200 62
Louts, at Nash
11 li
.... 1Z,
110 111
14 l14
Mex. Petroleum.., 38,800 113
Miami Copper J 7200 86
M.. K. Te. nfd.
Missouri Pacific,...
National Lead
100 4
100 II
1.100 lie.
, 11,100 105
Nevada Conner, , . .
rsew rorK central
N. Y.. N. H. H.
ioo ij
27 .
700 b9k
Norfolk A Western
4,100 121
1,100 11014
Northern Pacific...
Paclfto Mall 11,200
Pacific Tel. A: Tel.,
Kav con. Conner..
Reading 124.800 110 10
Ken. iron steal. . s.400 . tiu 65
onaiiucK Am. cop
Southern Pacific...
Southern Railway.,
1,000 241.
aiuaeoaxer co.. . . ,
Tennessee Copper.
Texas Company...
Union Pacific
Union Pacific pfd.
U. 8. Ind. Alcohol
U. S. Steel
U. & Steel- pfd...,
1. 100 124
4,100 21
,no 901
21.000 140 181 131
i.avu .ai. bi, , bo
3.400 114 113 113
IBS, 700 10V
1.200 111
ili ns 5
Utah Copper.. .
11. 14 15
Wabaeh Pfd "B".. 1,000
Weitern Union,.... 1.100
7 S l
1 10 10
Weetlnah. Electric. 1.000
Total .ale. Tor the day, l,03.,0o aharea.
Grand Council of '
Allies to Discuss
American Measure
Washington, . Sept 7,-What shall
be the attitude of the entente allies
toward American' trade retaliation leg
islation Vill, be determined by the
grand trade council of the ten bellig
erent Eovernments at Paris. In the
meantime all information on the sub
ject obtainable was being forwarded
to fans.
It is thought probable that no for
mal action would be taken unless the
president uses, the discretionary
powers of refusing clearance papers
to ships discriminating against Amer
ican goods, withholding the use ot tel
egraph and cable lines from subjects
of discriminating governments and
denying import privileges to countries
which restrict American trade.
Explaining the position of the State
department today. Secretary Lansing
said it was not felt that the resources
of diplomacy had been exhausted in
efforts to remove illegal restrictions
upon American trade, and indicated
that there would be no disposition to
put into effect the legislative weapons
anless an impasse actually was
reached. '
Many Thousands :
Use Playgrounds
, Superintendent English of.the Rec
reation board prepared the following
attendance report for August1 -
BlmwoM l,4l7Mandan ....... I.T3I
Hanorom ll.mSprlnr Lake.... 1,711
rontennell. ... I.IIICIearTlew 1.045
Kounta. t3,7l084lh At Lear.... 1,331
Miller 14.71 (Morton e,U6
Rlnrrl.w l.lio i
Carter ........ H.U48prln Lake ,.10,712
Rrrervlew 1,441
BlmwMd 1.101
Playsroundi ..H.sriQolt Llnka .... 1,311
Beachea 13.731 ,
Grand total .f. .... . .158,4m. ,
Hearing on Railroad
- Questions November 20
Washington, Sept. 7. Hearings be
fore the joint congressional subcom
mittee on railroad problems will be
gin here November M. I he commit,
tee agreed on the date today and de
cided to invite statements from the
Interstate Commerce commission,
state railroad commissions, repre
sentatives of the railroads and of
boards of trade, bankers and others
interested. The joint committee's
work will be distinct from that of the
special investigating commission au
thorized by the Adamson law enacted
to -prevent the threatened strike, its
scope will be broad and any legisla
tion recommended in the report to be
made may include provisions dealing
with wages and other questions in
volved in the present controversy be
tween tne roads and the comnus
sioners. -' " - - - -
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. . . . i
3V 2,1.
8 17
Convention Decide to- Work
for Vote Through State
and National Law.
Atlantic City, N. J, Sept 7. The
National American Woman Suffrage
association, by an overwhelming vote
yesterday decided to continue its pres
ent policy of working for equal rights
through both national and state leg
islation. The vote was taken after a
long debate and no sooner had the
applause that greeted the announce
ment of the action taken ceased than
a resolution was presented which
threatens to again open the whole
question tomorrow. 's :
Virtually all the speakers nrged
continuance of the nonpartisan efforts
of the association to bring about
equal suffrage. ' .
in Form of Two Amendments.
The question of continuing the
present policy of the association came
before the convention in the form of
two proposed amendments to the or
ganization's .constitution. One pro
posed that the association drop work
on state legislation and concentrate
on the proposed amendment to the
federal constitution. The other pro
vided that the association cease its
efforts in behalf of the federal amend
ment and confine its activities to get
ting woman suffrage by states. The
amendments were defeated by sTviva
voce vote, in which few affirmative
voices were heard. Then Mrs. Carrie
Chapman Catt, president of the as
sociation, presented the ' following
resolution1 " v
"That the forty-eighth annual con
vention of the National Suffrage as
sociation interpret article 2 of the
constitution, which pledges our aux
iliaries to secure the vote for women
who appreciate national and state ac
tion as meaning that the federal
amendment is our immediate : and
principal aim, and that all state cam
paigns, whether legislative or refer
endum are preparatory to this end."
. , Stirs Up Opposition. .
The resolution stirred up opposi
tion among delegates and there was
every evidence of a stormy session,
when further debate was shut off by
the carrying of a motion by Miss
Hannah J. Patterson of Pittsburgh,
corresponding secretary, that the res
olution be made a special order for 11
a. m. tomorrow.
Mrs. Catt opened the discussion of
the policy question and amused the
delegates by stating that Charles E.
Hughes, the republican presidential
nominee, had told her that the repub
lican platform came nearer to what
the suffragists want than that of the
democratic party., and that, on the
other hand, President Wilson told her
the democratic platform was nearer
to .woman suffrage than the repub
lican pianorm. - -, - .
Should Seek Aid of All. ";
" Miss Florence Allen said that if
state work was taken up exclusively
it would look as if the suffragists had
been captuied by the democrats, who
are strong for state rights, and if the
convention decided to concentrate on
the federal amendment, it would ap
pear as if the association had made a
deal with the republicans. , The suf
fragists, she said, should ask the help
of all men, regardless of their party
affiliation. , . .,
Delegates from Colorado' Cirrann
and Texas were among those who
spoKe orieny in tavor ot continuing1
the present policy. The delegates
from. Texas said that when Mexican
bandits invaded Texas the people in
that state did not stand on state
rights, but quickly called for federal
Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, former
president of the association, said that
if she were to be born again she would
give tne same amount of time to the
cause above everything else in the
world. ;.- . N
Experience Teaches.
An aged Scotsman alwavS drank off
his whisky to the last drop as soon
as it was poured out for him. "Why
do you drink down your liquor in that
quick way?" a stranger asked him. "I
once had a glass of whisky knocked
overl" the old man explained.
Colorado Y.llow Fraaatona, wrap
ped, 90 size, per fiCe
erate, at .......OJC
108 size, CHOICE, un
wrapped, per crate.
(While Thar Laet)
Mason Jars, qt. size,
ason Jars, qt size, per JO,
dozen, 48 and
Jar Rubber, extra heavy and
wide, per dozen . . . , 5t
WAT E RMELONS Delicious,
sweet, red ones; quality never
better. Guaranteed ripe, 1M
per lb. Not guaranteed, one and
one-t.Bth cant.
LEMONS, per case. .... .$6.50
Sugar is doing down watch it
Fresh fruit and Vegetables in
season at any of '-
The Basket Stores
. fvCKEL2tTE
Saasoa aad Variable Rout,
Chicago to New York tusel
return $31.70
Cbicags to Boatom and n.
tun S0JO
CUeago to Buffalo or Ni- v
agar Full aad rejturu. , 18JS
And nany otherr points.
Throo Trains Daily From Lo Sail.
-' Station.
Write A. B. B. Burrow,
D.P.A. X
TS7 Braneiois BMg. Omaha, Nob.
Given Lye Instead
Of Medicine on Ship
Washington, Sept. 7. Representa
tive Siegel of New York wrote Secre
tary Daniels complaining that Dr.
Ralph E. Osprey -and Samuel J. Ort
man of New York, two civilian sailor!
on the battleship Maine, when takei:
ill on the recent cruise, were giver.
iye oy mistake oy me snip a toi
officers. Mr. Siegel asked the de
partment to investigate. .
says the mistake was admifted abesnl
the Maine and it charges that the
mr!tr-a! nffirpre wr ton busy devel
oping photographs at the time that
the mistake was made.
Nlihte 2S-50-TSc
Mat... 25c SOc
all aeata reaM-ved
sstt'Sept. 10
Halaa H. JackaeV. famoue romance
I Caelr .1 Mleeton Sineera. I
JAJAfKyf EvBfi, 1S-25-SO-75C.
Tomorrow (Saturday) Mat. and Wick
' Ladle.' Dim. Metiaee Week Day..
IHE BEST Of VAUDEVlttl -ll.lh.
Hrilau 41. Hl.h,. ..IS. THIS WCCKv
Human eiLtaen..."
BAY,. Lei all. Elver.
Millar a Jtaleee Vlaaeet.
The BIN l. ine eieee.
Ham Slattaar I Edna Baeti. Thraa Kltara Sretheri.
DralwiBi Trl Wnkly.
frloM: Matinee eellary. lie. Int aeata (exeat Sat
erdiy ae. Sualay). 25o. Nlibta, lie. 21a. tto. 74e.
tS V7 Y IJ Spair,. Drama.
Nifhta, 10c, SOc Mate. 25c.
PRINCESS KA Sanaatknal Vamplra Dancei
1 Bmt and Latest Photoplay..
! , in
v Today and Saturdajr
Senaallanal Society Drama In Six Parts.
. Je-IN
A Paramount Feature .
' Aleo
Performance. 2. 3:4S. BiSQjTjyBBnA 9;0t
Webster 2
To Chicago
Take theuMilwaukee"
Travelers experienced in
the comparative com
forts and conveniences
of different roads unanl
mously declare, "Take
the 'Milwaukee' be
tween Omaha and
Chicago." v
Th reason perfect service
made possible partially from
the fact that equipment is com.
pany owner, and that attend
ants are Company employees.
Four fast dally trains
Phoos or caB (or iwttraiiooaj
. Iktal OOlca: BIT Feraia Smu. Oaual