TTTE BEE: OMAHA. SEPTEMBER 1916. ! I Want-Ad Rates CAnn WITH ORDER, i I C Pr word each Inaertlon 1 w (Set aolld no d I-play.) Ada ParasraDhed or st la Dlsul&y Stylo. So per lino .... on time To per Una ...three consecutive times ; Count tlx words to the line.) la per lino..!. ....on time To per lino..., throe consecutive Um , (Count all: words to th Uns.) ' Boorial Katewi hrm a nl Ranch laands. - 7c per Ha three onsecutlv timet (Count aix words to in nne.j FOREIGN ADVERTISING UNDER AGENTS OR HELP WANTED t'JUAlJBl FtCATIONS. - nor word ....on tlltl I He per word three conoecnllv timet NO AD TAKE FOR I.KMS THAN A TOTAL OF SO OH LESS THAJf , IBs A DAT, v CARD OIP THANKS. DEATH AND TO UIPB II T-T 1 1 ' F lie w Itn. each Inaertloa IMlntmum 10 c.nt.) MONTHLY RATE FOR STANDING ADS. (No change of copy anowea.r 1S lln.'ormMW ...DM tin 11.10 (Count .11 word, to th. Mot.) -; f Contract nw on application.) ,v .. ,,, . k. niKla f.. mora THBJ v&b will mn ww .d..." thin on. Incorrect inaertlon of an adver- . tlaement ordered ror more m.n un. - ADVERTISERS ahould retain receipt, given by Th. Bm In payment for Want Ads, no mistaKO can o wcura ........... .- UBBTHB TELEPHONE If you cannot con veniently brig or ml In your ads. Ask i for . Wnt-Ad Taker, and ou will re relve th. urn. rood aervice when -. Ilvertng your .d .t th. office. PHONE TYLER 1404. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE EVENING EDITIONS .11 ' : MORNING EDITIONS t:M P. MOVIE PROGRAM Curat .fieringa ! Mattes '. i won i" wm.i ; (Changed Dolly.) , Downtown. FARNAU, 141$ FARNAU T.AI.F KANIf. "VIA WIRELESS." princess HiT-it douolas BLUEBIRD, REDFBATHER AND UNI- VERBAL PRODUCTIONS. Ic PRESENTED HERB FIRST la . "LIBERTY" 1 th. 4th EpHodo. Featuring , MARIB WALCAMP nd EDDY POLO. BT CONSCIENCES BYE" DRAMA. ANIMATED WEEKLY AND ALSO A . COMEDY. ' t Worth. ' DIAMOND I4TH AND LAKE J-"SECRET OF THE m Submarine, no. )3." , t " "THE SPITB HUSBAND." I-RBBLS.' ' "THE Ol'lllBRS." ORAND 4 18TH AND BINNKI BT. ' "THE WARNING," by V IIENRT XOKLER. V , ALBOjCOMBDT. ' LOTHROK" HTK AND LOTHR6P "TH SPOILERS." I WILLIAM FARNAM And a f rut out ' In reele of th. wownmruL story, bt rex beach -South. Tmf AND LEAVSNVORTH" APOLLO, PARAMOUNT PICTURES. VirTDB MOOSE In f?H!MMIB FADDEN OUT WEST." BOULBVARIVliD AND LEAVENWORTH , ORRIN JOHNSON In l "THE LIGHT AT DUSK," 7-reelt, ALSO A COMEDY. West dCnDEB." .! k ilST AND UNDERWOOD '"fcn.MAN aiRK i "AN INNOCENT MAGDALENE, Alio i? food Koytton. Com.dy. 5Ioi5Hoa Jill farnaS CLTDE FITCH'S MASTERPIECE) : THB CITT.V K FEATURING THURI.OW'BBROISN., FIVB ORBAT ACTS. I ' OMAHA ' TH AND DODOB THB OIIILTT ONE." IN l-RKBIJ. "MOTH Blt'S SWEETHEART" nd , BILLIB RITCHIE In "HIS TEMPER NEUTRAL MOTHER-IN-LAW." South Bids. ORPHEUM, HT1I AND M "GETTING THE GRAFTERS," . t, AIM . - . ''.EE AMERICA.14 V v I DEATHS ft FUNERAL NOTICES. FULLER Ellon O., Mm., 111! No. Mth, . dt.d Sund.y morntng. Fttnor.I from Dod- d.r'a ch.pel 13d and Cumins, t I J. m. Wdn..d.y. Frl.nd. plomo omit flow. re. HENRY O. SADINE, , 1116, at 1114 Wirt .tn.t. As 1 rra and on. Mk. - Furaral TuMday, Sptsmhtr t, at S p. n). at ahov. addms. Int.rm.nt Foratt Lawn. Monuments end Cemeteries. BEAUTIFUL markara, tahUu arid" for unmark sravas. R.dman Orav. Markar Co.. 1474 Bpanoor St. W.bator 1 404. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DUFFY A JOHNSTON, and fu. n.ral dlraetora. Ill S 14lh, Tyl.r 1474. U. K. BURKET SON Fun.ral dinotora and ombalm.r, 1404 Laavnworth. Har. 44, HULSB A RIEPEN, undarUkora andM. aalmara, 701 a U'h S. Douflaa 14J4. FLORISTS. TtTfirtT QUALfTf CUT LOWERS or plant. Art ComMnstlon Bhlpped everjr- - where. Ifixoellsnt aervio to our custom ert In past year recommends HESS A WO BO DA, Mil Farnam Bt. Pom, ltftl. LAnOKttT A8HORTMKNT of freata (lowers, detlvired or shtpped anywhero. L, HEN DERflON. 1611 rarnam St. Douf. 1181. PARKER riow.r Shop, 111 ft lltb. D. 8101 A. boN'AUHUErT.n Harney. Dong. 10 Ol". BATH. (lorUU l- For asm 8L D. lOftt, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. , ' Births -willtam E. and J-ia Madden, .Si I lAke, lrl; John and Sophie MIoek, 440S Houth Forty-third, glrlj Giovanni and Uarla Masoarett. 1X11 South Beoond, boy; Salva fore and Conceit Mentlto. ISIS Plero, girl; : Norrasn H. and Mary Ogllvla, 1811 South Twonty-aewnth. boy; Martin and Anna Us trousky, 4088 Jsekson, girl; Roy E. and 8. : M. Hurshous. 4-30 T North Forty-third, girl; ; Edwart and Mary Burr. 3814 W, girl; Theo and Anna Stan, Hlfl South Twenty-fourth, hoy; Anton and Msry Bister, 1894 Berry ave nue, boy; Joe and Teresla. Ssllagyl, T10 North Sixteenth, boy; Frank B. and Olive B. tfohoeffsrs. 8888 North BUty-thlrd, girl, An tonio and. Msrta Oallsla, llll Mason, girl; I'empboll and Christine Brown, hospltsl, boy: JosfDh and Thereala Ctsler. firtuih and N, boy; John and Katerlna Curaj, 4iu) oouia rorriein, gin; rrea . and Msbel Dralee, 1108 Miami, girl; Chariot and Joule Oat). SI 20 Maple, boy r Charles and Anna Bundle, SIC North Twenty -socond, boy; Jo sph and Anna Binder, 710 Hickory, boy; John and tirace MeCrary, girl; poter and Myrtle MscIonald, 16 Cown Point ave- Miue, girl; W. C. and Ava Karpner, m Tlne, boy, Itosths Loul 1. Mullman, 4. HI North Twuty-jvnth; Kllsn O. Fuller, 71. 1118 North Twonty-elxth: RUet) Campbell, tt. tl South Thirty -strond avanue; William U Baiter, 81, 441 1 North Twenty-fifth av hue; Wary Christ tonsri. 18, Sill Larlmore Matt Evans, 44, hospital; Thidore Urban, , 47, J401 fekwlh Thirteenth; John C. Whlliner. 68. 464 North J(onth; John F. Ross, 1(, hospital; Roland Bosklng, T, hospital ; Uaby Dodtls, 250? Jeffersuo: Enid C. Hot her, 1, MOT OnUriai Hans J. Knudstm, 63, Sa North Fiftylghrk, Petar Jorgenswii, 74, 444 I'arlfl.s Ru a, , hospital; Mallln Mates, 1. Omaua: Chris Meyers; n, hoapHsl; M. F lnlwine, J. 3014 R; Samuol A. Nmlth. TS, honpltsi; Augustua E. Thomas, ilviios North Twonty-fourtb. , . , r . BUILDING PERMITS. A. Thodor, 1210 Bnulh Twenty-firth ave. uu fnim. dwelling, 44,404. Ooorg, H. Bow r, MM Wwt Monro., dwelling. 41,00.: L. V. NlrholB. Oil lompanr, JSS0 Kuinlng. oil filling station, 40. , v MARRIAGE LICENSES- Marrlags licenses wsre issued to the fol lowing couples: . f Nam and Residence, Age. John L. McCarthy, Beach, N. l W1 Sadie Noonan, Omaha... 2 Fred Swanson, North Loup, Neb,,,,..... -S-Peryl Hurst, Superior, Wis...... , William Wilson. Onawa. Ia.... t) Sylvia May Kukman, Onawa, Ia It Edward Hagert, Omaha.,...,.......... 14 AUda Vaudenbrofrkr, Omaha.,,..... 8- Oscar Pearson, Omaha. ......'. ' Tearl 'Patten, Omaha SI Osrar P. Anderson, Wolbaeh, Neb S Anna M. Kinney, Wolbaeh, Neb , U Julio Olsen, Omaha St Anna B. Grimm, Omaha..,... 22 Alfred Louis Llork. Omaha... 1 UIHe Sophia Rohlff, Omaha 2- Wtlllam A. Murphy, Omsha. .......... . 36 Orendollne McNeill, Omaha 1 Charlrs EverJy, Benson. Nsb. A Kva Keiiey, Benson, Neb.. 9 Jacob K. Leaa, Sioux City, la. . . .over tl Rose Corner, Slou City, la... .....over 18 AogusT. Kroger, Omaha,... S4 Ruth Berg, Omaha SS Oeorg Knerht, Waterloo, Neb 47 uouie (Simpson, Waterloo, Neb... Clyde Bond. Omaha 12 Oussle Vlnxant, Omaha........ 17 Jacob Jaoobsea. Omaha It Elvlna C,-Walllck, Omaha... S8 Vernon Oppermaa, Omaha. ....... ...... S8 Adeila A. Buel, Omaha.... 17 Kenneth H. Jones, Omaha....,....'.. ST Eihel Irene Davey. Omaha,. II Walter Earnest Rlverald. Cal., 14 Utile B. Rath bun, New Hartford, Ia.... 41 Edwin V. Parr, Lincoln, Neb t Elglt Helen Qustafson, Genoa. Nab.... 24 Jennings West, Herman, Neb... 11 May Thompson, Tekamah, Neb.. II William B. Young, Omaha, ............. 12 arguem T. Kilngb.ll, Omaha..,..,... 11 Roy K, Straw. Omaha.' 98 Georgia Taylor, Omaha.... , IS Letter Moore, St. Joseph, Mo,,,,,...,. It Lora Johnson, Omaha..,....,,,, II Hugh H. MrCullough, Omaha.,,;, , rt Iva L. Sohlndel, Omaha' 15 Howard Ar Pearce, Nbola, la.."',...,,.. II Esther Jones, Neola, Ia, IS William Nftlsen. Dss Vointm. Ta.... is Oiion Asseraen, Dea Moines, la...,,..,,, it Pearcy Ooodwln, Fltchburg, Masa 17 Tt-aioorg, Virginia, nina..., XI J'lllus Well, Llnroln, Neb.,. ,.orr 21 Fannie H. Livingston Omaha... .,.uisr 18 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF TOU lot anything and will advertise It nera. you win surety recover if if found by an honest parson. Remarkable recov er! e are brought about vry day throagh this column. THB LAW Peopl who And lost articles are Interested In knowing that the state law la strict tn requiring them do seek th owner through advertisamant and otherwise, and that a failure to do so, If same csa, be proven. Involve a a. vers penalty. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY' COM PANT. Persona having lost some artlcl would do well to eall up th oftlc of the Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In th atrset car. ' Many article each day are turned In and th company 1 anxious to restore them, to th rightful owners. Call Tyler 100. , LOST. Saturday, Sept. L Warehouse retpta: No. 1,114, 4,081. 1,068, given by th Omaha Cold Storage Co. Finder rewarded. upon rtarn or in receipts u MARSH A MARSH, ' ii 9. inn st. LOST tn Union depot, men's toilet, pocket book containing between 17 and ISO, Hat Union Paelflo eating house card with my name on It. Will glv liberal reward, C, Ptrltstrlnv. I1M HnrnBi ' ' LOHTOn Parker St., about I "p." mi flT- uraay, on ait automoau tools, rieaae phone Harney ITU. LTberaL rewaTYforreturn""of"gray- eat; answer nam oi 'iy." call nar ney 8161. LOST Auto Ilcenaa number. Finder pleas can nar. hut. ,s FOR SALE Miscellaneous Furnimrg and Household Goods. ; ' MANY 1111$ l . 1 CAN BE SAVED ON FURNITURE. If you will buy now while our big underwriters' sale is on In full blast. 8TATK FURNITURE CO., Cor. 14th and Dodge. Douglas 1817. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat- trestea made over in new ticks at half t the prle of new one. Phone us for sam ple or turning. Man order filled, HOT Cuming St. Doug Iss 1487. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, old Eng. tun our tuning room set, aw refrigera tor, bedroom furniture, library "table, sun room and porch furniture. Bj, J, McVann, no n, iisi hc. II 1CK boxes, SI ga stove. 100 ruga of II ilr. . 1U . .. n a... ami.auai, frvuiltf FI140 IIU (IB 1 1 111:. Up4JB till S n, m HOI X ti.L B. W.k 4at - w aa.i, tw. I1IU KJV. n.U, S, FOR SALE Pat.ntod Ironln. board, noat an. wall Bullti will laat a Ufa Urn.. Phon. u. inr parnoulara Dput. 4144. FOR BALE Qaa rang., vary raaaonabla Cll Inu. 1,11. BEAUTIFUL mahoiani dlnln. room t at Mcrlflc. Phon. H.Aiov ilAl. Pisnos snd Musicsl Instruments, i Sooirii now piano for lata ohaapT" Call n.o, no,. Stores snd Office Fixtures. COMPLETE set of mshogany cigir snd tobacco fixtures (or isle; rea sonable if bought at once. Inquire . JOHN'S CIGAR STORE, Jlfjthand Harney. Milliard and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand n.w, oarom and pock.t. with aOmpl.t. outfit. 14t: aKond-hand labia, at ra duoad prlitaa; bowlln, allara and nppllaa; "I parm.nta. Cigar ituraa, drug, d.ll e.t.n.n and aoda fountain flxturoa THB BRUNSWICK -BA LK B-COLLBNDEffc CO-407-404 South 10th St. Jewelry,' Diamonds and Watches. BKODBOAARD'S "Luoky Wedding Ring." ana uougia. Bia. Lumber and Building Material!. FORSAi7e iaffofm"Tumb.r. itvanVaYiatl., .,tn anq capuoi avo. Machinery and Engines. . NEW, AND SECOND-HAND MOTORS , ' EXPERT ELECTRICIANS AND 4 MACHINISTS. i BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, s FOR SALE Thraahor rig romplota, n.w una ana iruoa. .iMi earn 14x42, Mparator and 14 horaopowor R.mob .nglna, at m Bargain, jno. ureaiman. Jan..n. N.h. BOILERS, ateam, .Uotrlc, go. .nglnM, tnyvm. uiwt w rocKiog Lil., 1,1. Cuming. Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co.. alao publlo 7.1 i . ,J"r uugia itoa. 440 Paxton Blk. O.t our prtca on Job printing. uA.rAiun CARDS A SPECIALTY. U. 4L PT(3. rft nicM nt.n rirtt.n ... WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co!; guallty ..... ... p- at. Sewing Hschines. SEWING MACHINES- We rent, repair, eel I need lea. and parts f all tewing machines. , I. , MICK EL'S ' '. ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. ltth and Harney Sta, Doug. ll. yP?wI?Ie-rJula Supplies, NMW xnachlns sold tha same as" rent;' II tpor uiuntsi. o ih oeiars you gruy or rent Shipped any plaoa on ten days' Ires trial. Runs Typewriter EUchangs, 1 1 al Wt 1 0 4 k fla.k k. Skla. TTPEWRITERS aola, rantM and ranalrad R.nt an Ollvar Typ.wrlt.r, . I month, for $4.. Cntral Trvawrltar Exchanga. 1404 Farnam. . VK BUY. S.II, Knhang., Rent Typ.wrll.ra Typewriter Ribbon. 40oi Typwrlt.r Car bon Pap.r, ,1.44 a box. , Midland Cfc, Bm Bldg. RKMINOTONS. McnT.rchl and Smith for ronf, aent anywhere. H.m lngton Typ.wrll.r Compaap. D. 1444. , Miacellaneoua. BKfT' W.nt-Ad. UAINE ii;4T,"rM"5'ftE PAID ADS than any other Omaha new.-, paper gained tn fliwt aov.n month. 1414-; , Oood reaults at leaa ' coat la th. r.aaon why. MY high lan'd.Td'oT ouelity will be maln talned; 4 quart, of Old Funt.n.ll. whlaky $4,341 bottld In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order houw. Doug. 1142. , lli-124 ; N. 14th SL . ,,t FOR SALE Miscellaneous Miscellaneous. ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSE. Thirteenth andDoualaa. Bottled In bond whlaky. S&a, 11.90, II-SI, tail quart. GENUINE California wine vinegar, whit or rea, auarc bottles. 10 oents: sal loo. cent. Imported ollv oil, 71 cent per quart, lacmey Bros. Fhon Poug. 48. OBrlKS, aafnt. scales, showcase, shelving. etc. we buy, aell. Omaha Flstur Supply Co , 414-14-18 S. 18th, Doug. 1784. DRY KINDLING WOOD, ACME BOX COMPANY, HARNEY 1137. FOR 8ALK On Remington pump gun; trap grain, web. 1461 FRKTNOT FOR WASHING Ask your groe- ryman, or phone Colfax 1048. WANTED TO BUY WANTED High -fleas surveyor transit, an Instrument that It designed for gen eral land surveying as wU as drainage work. , Price must be right. Addraee Y ar, H. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deskg, used desks, bought, sold ana tratMa J. C Reed. 1807 Farnam. HOLMES pay your price for 2d-hand clothe, shoe and hats. Web. 180. WANT TO BUY MERCHANDISE STOCK. 411 ROSE BLDG. TYLER S4IT. v ANNOUNCEMENTS 1,000 Crawflah .v.ry da, llv. or oook.d. Call Wm. Slnd.ton, 100, BurdotU. W.bat.r 720,. BRODBQAARD'S "Luokr W.ddlns Blnn" atBtn ana uousia. sta. DAT and T. M. O. k, Sehool. Artists. , ARTISTS' work for th. trad.; oolortns, atr- pruanin.; nuyn-cia. work. 411 raxton. Accoun tints. B. A. DWORAK, C. f. A. -. A VAN ORDER. . g48 Btrnil Bids. Phon. Dou,. t!4t. Br4 end Iron Foundries. P.llon-MHcholl Co.. 17th and Martha Sta lakeries. CAKES, paltry and fancy brt.ry good. fluppitea to partle., lodge, and antertaln manU. X. H. RMd.r, 1404 N. 12th. W.4J4T. Batha. HYGIENIC BATH INSTITUTE, Madam Edna H. LB1I. 704 South 14th St.; va por hatha. Swadlsh maaeag. taught avary Friday tor man and woman. Lady .t t.ndant for ladloa. Phono Dougla. 104,. DB. BENDA Sulphur! ataam. .Modern TurklalfBATHS AND If A88AOB, PrlvaU apartmants for ladlai, with lady attend ant.. 1414 Farnam. Phono Doug, 4477. ALL kind, of hatha. (Lady attendant, for laaiaa.t uh. knollbnbbro, 0. w. . uorn.r ,m ana ' rarnam sr. . Fuon. uoogiaa 724.. RfTTENHOUSB Sanitarium, kind. oama jiu-ii. oatra bin., inn ana Douglaa, Buttons snd Pleating. DRESS pleating, hematltohlng and covar- aa Button. van Arnum Dra Pleat ing and Button Co., 2d floor Paxton Blk. Doug. 1104. Carpenters and Contractors. Laaaard i Son, 1,01 Capitol Av.. Ty. 1621. WHITE BROB., contraotora and hulldara: lobbing our apaolalty; aatlBfaotloa guar- aniaaa. rnona Kad 4414 or walnut 2224. C. W, Hokanaon, 2401 I.eiyen'th. Ty. 2141-J. Ieanin4r.and Preflainaf. LADIES' garm.nt. remodeled and raltnad in a "TAIOLR S WAY." Call Bad 1711. Camerss and Flnlahinar. "REXOETB" camera., 14,-214, $2.00: (nnl- veraat looua lanal, oraen'B Pharmacy, 14th and Howard. Baa them today. Chiropractic. Dn. Johniton, 1221 W. o. W. Bldg. D. IS11. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. Dunniwn o moaern aanitary ontro- praoito aajuatlng parlor., 414-11 Roaa Bid. D. 4447. Palmar Boh. grad; lady attandant DR. KNOLLENBBROl S. W. Corner 14th and Farnam Sta. Phono 7144. Dr. France, bawaon, $01-1 Roaa Big. Ty.1214. Dr. J, & Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. t. 1441. ' Costumes. THEATRICAL gowna, full draaa eulta, for rent., tot N. 17th. John F.ldman. veteenvea. JAMBS ALLAN, lit Neville Blk. eeourea in .11 oa.M. Tyt.f 111. Dressmaking. ACCORDION, Sid.. Knife. Box Fluting, tm. rjoiiono, namatitening. Eton, Pleating Button t;o., em-i raxton BIX, It. 4442. WANTED -Sowing, by experienced dress- maKer. wo. IB sterling Aptt. Dougla llll. Kelster Dressmaking Col., 1131 City Naff. Terry "EFreaamak'g oollegs, 20th and FarnamT Mssgduss. 8clntlflq massage; baths. 1S11. Farnam St Dancing Acsdcmy. DELUXE JSV: School, Monday and Wednesday ava. Daitoa, Tub... Thura.i Sat.. Sun. Night, n.ntiata t. Bradbury. Wo Pain. ,11 W. O. W. Bldg. Tuff. Dent. Rma, 104 Roi, Bldg. D. 114.. ' Expert Masseura. MANICURINO, facial mauaga, by export maaHUBa, 217t N. 14th St., oppoalto poat offlca, Rm. 101, dally, avanlnga. Espress Companies. TWIN CITT Expr.BB Co., "lilt Caaa St DouglMjIit abeavy hauling a apaclalty. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Everything lor Women. ACCORDION, Bid., knife, Bunburat, box pleating; covered buttona, all elaea and atylea; h.matltchlng, plcot edging, om : broidery; beading, braiding, cording, aya- let out work, buttonholea, pennanu. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 104 Douglaa Blk. Douglaa 1414. Fixtures snd Wiring. rtTTPlf l"KJKIectrlo waahlng machine.. AVUAVXVllNeiectrlc Iron and reading lampa, 1,22 Cumlr.g St. Douglaa 1414. . Hsir Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlor.., ,20 BaTrd Bldg. Manl curlng, toilet article.. Douglaa 4144. Attorney at Law. R. H. BREMERS, 20i Crouna. Bldg. P. 1221. FRANCIS MOROAN, 111 Bee. Doug. 4044. Hat Cleaning and Blocking, STRAW, Panama, all klnda hata, cleaned and reblocked. 1414-1420 Harney. Hsnd Laundry. CALL DOUQLAS 4424 and hav. your laun dry dona right and raaaonabl.. Job Printing. OATB CITY Printing Co.. high grada print ing, llll N. 14th. Phono Wob. 14,7. Justices oi the Peace. H. H CLAIBORNE. Ill Paxton Blk. Bad 7401. oNtary Publlo; dcpoBltion, atano. CTw. BRITT, 101 Barker Block. N Osteopaths. Mary Arideraen, 404 Bee Bldg. Patent Attorneys. STUROIS. 420, Brandela Th. D. 1441. - Pianos for Rent. 1 I 44 per Mo. A. Hoapa Co., 1IH Dcoglaa Scats Repairing. , Om. SUndard Scale Co., 4119. 11th. D. till. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, HOT 8. lllh. P. 111. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement, and printing. Douglaa Printing Co.. Tl. Doug. 444. - Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH ECLIPSE ELECTRIC; RK.NT, $1 AND $1.4. PER DAY. DOUGLAS 174. SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF you hav anything to trade, mStke up a little ad and run It In thia ooluran for even da It only oosts Slo and lo par answer. Thia offer la good only in Omaha, and exclude Real Estate, cash offer, and Business Properties For Sal or Trad These, aa well aa mall orderav tor use of Swapper' Column must pay regular ratea On or two anawura are auffloioAt to make your trad and th whl uansacuos only cost about SOq. Try It , EAT K R"ric r eaa l n PAID WANT-ADS . la Tlitt BKbi than m any other Omatia paper. 11,121 MORE PAID WANT.AD8 first seven month llll avr sain period of llll. Tbls rigur exeeede by ll.utl paid ada th Increas of any other Ooiaaa paper ror tne; same pftod. FKEt) GRINDER; best made; coat 8 7(1. good as new; S sets of burr; can be run with email gaa engine or motor. Will Nade for egg, potato or anything of ;aitiei caiv be eeen at my place, Ad dreat S. C, 111 Be. , SWAPPERS' COLUMN FISHING outfit, consisting of a 112 Hoi land collapsible agate guide rod and 17 reel, with silk line and wooden minnows. Total, value 20a Will swap for .21 rifle or automatic revolver, or, what have youi Address 8. C. 212. Boo. ONE 7 year-old bay mare, weight 100 lbs. no defects, valued at 841. oo. for automatic shotgun. What have you 7 Box 8. C 817, Bee. COIN collector would like to exchanga his aupncaias wjiq outer collector, nox m. HAVE one set of tiallfornl' gold halves and quarters; th smallest com aver Usued by th U. S. , Will trad for anything of equal value, uox B. c. i, use. SET of Byron. Longfellow's and Riley's books to exchange for 'other books of the same nauira or what havs you 7 Ad- oress B. C. -li. Bee. WANT some good mall order books: will trade anything I have that th owner can user Address B. C. Ill, Bee. PIANOLA, piano player, with forty rolls or music; cost over 3.Q. For trad. Make me an offer. Box 8, C. Ill, Bee. FILMS developed free when Drtnt are or dered, one-day service. KASB STUDIO, an wevine mocji. and Harney. SOME pieces Havlland (Llmoget) china, gold band; want Ixl rug, amall drop- Mar tame. Aaarea m. u, 111 Be. A LITTLE ad W this column will bring aoou. some remarxaeia excnajige. HARD eoal burner to swap for soft coal burner. Box 8. C IZI, Be. BUSINESS CHANCES . MOVING PICTURE THEATERS. Western Iowa and Nebraska locattont, xoiusivs nouses, town i,boQ to s,8o guaranteed' strictly money makers: ma chines, chairs, screens, tc new mad iiignuy uaea. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO., Balrd Bldg. Omaha. Neb. FINE LOCATION for gents furnishings, gooa rarming aistnci; western Nebrasaa; main Jin U. P.; new brick building for rent or sal; population 100;, lootrlo ugntt; two ttankt; two lumber yard; large territory. Aaorest T Bit, Be. BEE WANT-ADS GAINED 11,111 MORE r.was jud 4,ii n suij oinor uminji news Paper galnsd In Arst svn month lilt.""! rir-iil ...itl. . cost It th reason why, FOR BALE Good, clean stock of, hard. ware; live town, central Hearaaka. Good reason for asUlitg. B quluk. Addreat T IF YOU want to sell or buy a business or rooming nou call on Bason a Borgboff, 710 World-Herald Bldg. Phon D. Sill. WE BUY. we el motion nlcture thoatara. maenineo, reature nimai Co-Operattve fim ana auppiy tjo., us Bromley Bldg. WILLIAMS, established 21 years. To buy or sen ses aim. en Mccagu Blag. neterence, u. . national Bank. DOWD Sal and Auction Co., Omaha,, hav cronu out nwrt muse, siocxs tnan any otner nrra in u. B. write for terms. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, upplie. umana rim vxenang. is v. ifltn at, FOR BALE by owner Drug Store, dwelling anq Otoe;, square aeai. Address, owner, FOR SALE Good grocery store: - sale about 4 en, coo par annum;- llv town or ,, Adaresa x bit. Be. Rooming Houses." FOR BALE Furniture of 11 -room" 'nous full, ol roomarti alt house for rent. Red 8214, , ., SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. ISO PER LINE. Day work or business ads, regular rata. I lines ona week.,,..,,..,. ...... ....I0o S Unas ona week......,,..,.., ...4lo Bach extra iln llo per weekv- Msle. EXPERIENCEp city salesman and trade getter, acquainted with Omaha anq vicin ity grocerleo, la open for position with rs- liable firm where there 1 a future. Phon Colfax 1110 or address Box ,.1617. Be. SOMPETENT fireman, "janitor, repair man ror notei, apartment or rooming house. Would buy lntereat with right party. Box 6710. Bee. i YOUNG man wants work as piano player in a moving pictur snow, jaxpenencea ana reasonable. Red. nso. EXPERIENCED ' chauffeur " wlahas Post- tion. well acquainted . la - oily. Phone walnut nil. EXPERIENCED colored janitor; 11 years; wants position in apartment, References. BUS 80. IJM. NIOHT watchman or Janitor, strictly sober. with good references. Red,' ilia, or Box D7ii, Bee. JAPANESE, . competent cook, wants pool- lion in private xamuy, Fhon Barney hit. YOUNG married man - wishes position as onvsr or care ror trucx, web. 2258. FIRST-CLAflS ptumber want work put of town. Address Box 6505. Be. . PORTER Job or janitor Job: food man, married. Phone Webster 4181. Hotels snd Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, llll Davenport St. Douglaa Ilia. Headquartars for hotel hlp. Miscellaneous. Farmer For reliable help writ or phon Cunningham Agency, 111 B. lath. D. 1311. Female. WAITED Position aa houekper by re spectable woman on farm or ranoh; son II years of age and daughter II. Phon Douglas 7. 1483 A Leavenworth St. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. Publlo stenographer and notary nubile, 107 Bee Bldg. Doug. llll. Rea. rate. THB BEE charge for "Situation aH" Is lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover th cost of printing. WANTED Position by experienced lady stenographer. , Addreat Box 4617, Bee. EXPERIENCED practical nurs and house keeper. Beet references. Box 5Ba. Bee, EXPERIENCED colored girl wishes position at chamber maid. Web. 47. EXPERIENCED child nurse; encea. Box 4681. Be. Laundry and bay Work. PERFECT washing, day or bundle. Perma nently established; strictly dependable. Webster lite. BUNDLE waahlng; pleoa work; lao cur- talns; work guaranteed. Web. 2104, EXPERIENCED laundress want bundle washing or day work. Phone Harney 4482. WANTED Day work of any kind. , Tyler i-j. LAUNDRY work and day work. Web. S401. BUNDLE wash, and day work7Web. 8011. WANTED Day work; any kind. H.TTtO. dlswash; call, del.; guar. Mrs. East.H.8884 BUNDLE "waahlng done. Harney 8901. BUNDLE washing and day work. Web. 198, FIRST-CLASS laundress by day. Web. 1027. DAY wor k"wa n ted f Phonearney 1411 HELP WANTED-MALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER and clerk for permanent -position wtth fast growing manufacturing . firm; very good opportunity to work into an exeoutlvo position; salary depends, ap proximately til. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n., In,, tia Omaha National Bank Building. WANTED. ... Two young men, specialty men pre ferred; must hav sales ability and good reference. Apply between 10 and 12 a. m. F. . Browning, SIS Balrd Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and assistant to oredlt man for on of th largest establishments . In Omaha; exceptionally good opportunity to learn credit work; salary $70 to begin. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n., I no., 7 3 Omaha Nation alBank Building. SALESMAN, Iowa; drawing a cot. tteao and clerk, 74; ateno., JO; ledger clerk, '!; office clerk. 40; til clerk, fit; typist, 140; Offline boy. 834. , - . WA'rr REFKRBNl K CO., J. 840 BrandeU Th. The STENOGRAPHER and general office assUt ant for wholesale house offering very good chance for future development to young man with ambition and clean habits. State eiperletio, if any; age,, salary wajited. box eB , urns na nee. SgVARB PrfaB IN SQUARE HOLE We find a posit Ion that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., Nebraska's Oreatest Em ploy map t Bureau, loil-l City National Bank Bldg. HOTEL CT,fiRK...,....l-4, Bd, and Room RILL CLERK ..,....5 STENOGRAPHER ........ I . . 71 THB CANO AGENCY, III BEE BLDG. 4TF.NO., 174;, 4I; typist, 80; ledger clerk. 85; orflc clerk, 1(6: bookkeeper, 984 171; office rlerk: III ' THE MARTI CO . W. 0 W. Bldg. HELP WANTEDMALE Stores and Offices. YOUNG MAN study lawl EVENING, Downtown 8ES8IQN8. UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Law department, See'y Thomaeo, 405 Om Nat'L Bank. Frofesifons and Trades. DRUG POSITIONS ALL STATES CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., Nebraska Greatest Employment Bursal city national Bans: yf SHOWCARD writing taugbt svga. by work ing expert, complete or 10. Addreat Bos Ufa, Bes. DRUG store snaps; JobA Knstot. Be Bldg. Salesmen and Solicitors, SALESMAN' Excellent permanent position open Sept. . Capatrt talesman in Nebras ka. Staple line for general retail trad. Liberal commissions. 181 weekly advance. Ralph H. Ids, 4U9 Williams Bldg., Detroit. WANTED First-class salesman to represent a New York house; leads furnished and a weekly expense guaranteed: steady DOf tion. Must come well recommended, oil Kamgs Bldg. WANTED Twenty-five talesmen, local manufacturing concern; xperleno de sirable but not necessary, Glv phone number and reference. Address Z, Bee viiicB, council ojuiis. SALESMAN wanted for city and road: ex perience unnecessary. Apply 414 First nat i Bang. STOCJt and bond salesman. STAN WARD obaj. at ihv. tu, 1017 W. Q. W. Bldg. SALESMEN Big money for business- get- vera. ia)i sr. .01 1 w. fj,, W. Bldg. Boyg. Waated Boy over 11 year of ag In 14fiou depts. Position with good futures. Appiy eupt, foranaeit stores. s , WANTED Office boy; permanent position w,., tiiH itiumut nous, Appij in own 4Hg "iiuui. eves, i?ee BOYS wanted to learn trade; mutt b II . " 01 raon-iiawlei Co., ,th ana poqge. WANTED Two boys with blcycl. Omaha TraNfar. nnnv 9ax Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE ! Largest In th V. 8. Earn expenses whne attending by our -plan. Position guar anteed. Special summer rata. Writ 'for illustrated catlogu or eall In person. Ill AeiA ax., umana, a. t Established llll.) .. . AUTO MECHANICS. -EARN BIG MONET. , . Nvr Id Is Big Demand. - Easy to I.arn by Our Method. -NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING -AWN. 2817 N. SOth St.. OmahaT . Send for Fro Catalogu. LEARN barber trade; be Independent, more t man maa your expenses while learning. " w. aw. v.u,o, v m w vn a vvvr- ' charge you to begin; 1408 Dodge St. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. GOOD MEN WANTED To learn auto work tfor the manr no. ltlona now opon Fin training work la auto- and etectrio starung system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEQB, S05S Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Miscellaneous. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED ADie-DoQiea unmarried men under ag off II; cltlsens of United State ' of good character and temperate habit. who can SDesit, read ana writ tn Una llsh lauguag. For Information apply t ; Recruiting Officer, Army Bldg., lBth and podge st., omatia, nsb.; 150 n. loth St. Litncoin, ien. izt tn St., sioux city, Iowa; 107 Itb Ave., Do Molna. tow. MAN and wife; separate house; country bom near Omaha; must be abl to board two other men;- man ahould know aom thing about gardening; permanent post tion. Address Box 4681, -Bee. WANTED Young men as railway mail oieraa; 571 per month; sample examine tion question free. Franklin Institute, uepi. zzi r, Rochtr, is. 1. WANTED Man for genera, farm work. In- quire r. c. Bliss, 15 Sxcbang Bldg. . South Omaha. - WANTED jtperienc4 freight handlers. Union Facing Freight House, Its and ' aiacxsou BIS. MEN wanted to enlist in Signal Corps at once; report at uncom. LABORERS wanted; steady work. Apply at McLarrrey Bros.' yard at 12th m Paul. WANTED Men ; must' be x good penmen. sis ttamg Biag. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS wanted in every town- for Day Biruunf Durnera, ior oooKimngee. west m mcu. 10 Leavenworth. Ohiaha. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Stores and Offices. YOUNG lady of pleasing personality for stenographic position with small firm; ex ceptionally Bno office with good chance ror aovancement; salary 950 to 95, de pending upon experience. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n., Inc., 712 Omaha National Bank Building. WE CANNOTN MEET THB DEMAND for competent bkkprs., atonog., and offle clerics. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., Nebraska's Greatest Employment Bureau. - ( 1011-11 City National Bank Bldg. STENO., out of . town, 1100: ateho.. 175. steno., 566; steno., 60; -ornc -clerk, 910; steno. ana r. a. a. opr., 585. L - WATTB KEF. CO., 940 Brand! ThOt, WANTED Stepogrspher for abstract oirtcs. Must write plain legible hand. Permanent position. Apply to E. F. Rob Inson. Hartlngton. Neb. . MIDDLE-AGED lady wanted as saleslady muarv understand some dressmaking; good rererencea required John Feldman, 201 N. I7tn at. Douglaa 1128. WANTED Lady ttenog?apher. "Apply nartman rurnitur uo., iie Douglas, ASSISTANT 'office girl, 14 weekly W. A. Miienoaugn at co isi4 at. Mary Avt, Professions and Trades. WANTED First class all-around experienced gin ior imtn wiioiesai can ay rectory, mutt know how to dip. Address Y III, Bee. y . WANT to communicate with competent xperiencea aressmax oestrtng a part nership. No money required. Boa 1401, uee. I WANTED An experienced whit' girl for general housework at 1S1 B, llth St. Tele phone Harney- llll. j WANTED Girl tn Bat Work dept. Apply Bivans Model laundry, llth and Douglaa. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED 10 tady solicitors, house to house canvass witn advertising matter; no sam ples to carry; merely an advertising cam paign; good salary and commission. Ap ply at Beddeo'a, 1417 Douglas. Household and Domestic. HOUSEMAID wanted at once; must be competent and reliable and have Omaha reference. Apply to Mrs. Charles Mtta. 554 South llth St WANTED-A maid for general housework; good wages; references required. Mrs. Tom McBhana, 141 IS. 41st St Harney SS41. . - a. WANTED Competent girl for general nouseworn; goou wages? small Tamlly. Harney 2632. .Mrs. Chas. O. McDonald. WANTED An experienced white nurs tor children; good wages. Mrs. Dixon, 421 No. 38th St. Phons Hartley ISI. WANTED Girl for general housework; wages it per week. Mrs. C. R. Sherman - Harney 171. 123 N. llth Ave. MIDDLE-AGED colored housekeeper bylady ompiowtMi; no wasmng. rnone Douglas 101 morntngt and evenings. LIBERAL wages for competent woman for cooking ana general housework. Phone Mrs. Elwsvd, Walnut S454. COMPETENT girl for general housework; oeot wages; pieasant room; nierenoe. Ill S. Md St Walnut 1071. WANTED A competent girl -Jor genera. houworx: must be. good cook. 408 80 llth St. Harney 14. GIRL for general housework; Swedish .pre- twig, sin. a. n. oaqia, 01 9B Webster. Phon Walnut 1174. WANTED llrl for general ' housework! smat. lamuy; no, waanuig.' 9519 canting Phone Harney 84. EXPERIENCED vhtte girl for general nouseworui 1 u ramny. Mrs. Wheeler, SOI a Ifltb St ANEDonipeteiit white girl for gen- era 1 nousewora; gooa wage; a waahlng. I Harney 4471. . . 1 ;. . .:. I HELP -WANTEDFEMALE Household and Domestic. CABABLS girl (white) ; family of three good wage. Phon Walnut 171. fill! WANTED Experienced cook; good wages- lira. Dixon, 424 No. 88th Bt Phone Bar ney is. WANTED Girl over JS to assist with nouseworx; nomeuxe place. Harney IIB4. WANTED Girl for general housework: n wasmng. 834 Lafayette Ave. WaL 1101. WAN T Elf -An experienced white hurt girl .n ot. rnow narney esve. GOOD girl for general housework; good oook; rsrerence. zu bo. 11st Ave. GIRL wanted, general housework. Mrs. C. u. pturtovant, iia- Boutntrtn t. WANTED A girl for general housework. Appiy at once. 101 B. th Bt WANTED A maid for general housework. Mrs, h. j. Krant. Harney 9188, WANTED A girl for general houtwrk. ii-e no. tvin si. wen. jxvs. t WANTED Girl for general housework rood wages. Harney bj.i. ANTED Expert maid amall apt: no wasmng.. Harney 110. WANTED Girl to assist with houaawork. none walnut liti. WANTED Good, plain cook. In family thraa. Tmu 119 Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED At one, good lady cook (wntt), 910 par wsex. Betel Brunton. wan LKpwia. t Mlscellsneous. - Experienced demonstrators In drug and toilet good ctton. Apply Supt Brandela tttorea. . 1, WANTED A lady to take car of sT crew or lady solicitors; on who has had ex perlence and la familiar with crew work good salary and a permanent position. Ap- yiy at jaeaaeo s, Hi t uougia. WANTED Young women, axed IT to 21. with common school- education, perfeot ignt ana neanng, xor weal and long dla tanc telephone work. Apply to C. F. i.amoert. inn pougia Bt LADIES Make shields at home, 10 per 100; no canvassing required. Send ad dressed envelop for partlculara. Eureka uo., pept 103C, si, Kalanuuoo, Mich. WANTED at onoar dining room girl, oham- nermaiaa, waitresses, cooka, ate. Beta itaymona, 111 pougtaa st rirnt tlo.u L f7 nTI...t .-i' . .. v-nu,a, aav a trjll DISUU1I V.U. Apply -..H"a a VMtl BUO, t.CfU 10 GIRLS wanted. LooeWlles Biscuit Co, Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock. WANTED White cook. Address Tabor Col- I HELP WANTED Male or Female . WANTED Bright, energetic, ambitious hoyt -ana girts; must o it years of ag or vr, .appiy uurgsst-rsaan. WANTED Names of men or women, IS or over, witmng govsrnment jobs, 7fi month; vacations. Answer lmmdlatly., Y. 471, Ba EDUCATIONAL FALL TERM SEPTEMBER I. BOTLES COLLEGE. ; 1 1 DAT SCHOOL. , NIGHT SCHOOL. : - Every day la anrollment 'da.. Book. kaaplng, ahorthand, atenotypo, typawrltlng, , UUgraphy, olvll aorvlca all commercial and -Engliah branchee. - Catalogue frea. ' BOTLES COLLEGE, Douglaa 148$. llth and Hirney Sta, VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, DAY AND EVENING SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg., Mn.r.wce, aaw, xougia. oavu. Musical. Harp? Limited number pupils accepted oom. ing acaaon; early applications favored. Harpa fur. t,oratta.Pe Lone. 20$ Lyrlo Bid BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, 1411 Dodge. wa are atrlct, but tot croaa " and al- waya patient. Piano, voice, violin. D. 1471. FranclB Potter, Banford Hotel. Tyler 1211. , PERSONAL " PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. B, R. Tarry euros plies, fistula and ther- rectal diseases without surgical ope ration. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rec tal disease with testimonials. DR. ILL R. TARRY, 140 Be Bldg., Omaha. Neb. DR. AND MRS. LEE W. EDWARDS' arrived this morning from a six weeks' vacation In Minnesota, Wisconsin, Ohio, the last wK being spent at Davenport, Ia., the convention of th Universal Chiro practors association. Dr Edwards waa elected a member of the board of direc tor ana treasurer or the Chiropractors' National Publicity association. Have Good Health ' Chiropractic succeeds when all oleer metnoaa nave tailed' DR. BEN J. ISRAEL. " III Braodel Theater Bldg. Doug. 6424, THB Salvation Army Indus trlsl home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maaa- sines, W collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4124 and our wagon wLH call. Call and .inspect our. new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. PTTPTTTP l?'UCCMafully treated wlth AVUA A UAVUoUt ft surgical operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H, Wray, 104 boo Biag. v EATHQME-COOgED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 1801 FARNAM. RITTENHOUSE Sanitarium. Batha of all mnos; massage and chiropody. 210-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglaa. D. 2462. A MAE BRUGEMAN, M. F. , Sclentlflo masseuse baths. . . 508 Karbach Blk. Red S72T. CORSETS made to order. Prices $3.50 to 920.09. Kxpert fitting. Nu-Bon Corset Shop. Brandela Thea. Lobby. D, 4314. MISS L. L7LL.Y Bath and massage,' 1322 rarnam m.. iq noor. fhone Doug. 8419 A PRIVATE maternity home. 4418 N. 81th at mono coitax 2043, LUELLA WEBSTER, masseuse, Gil Ptixton Ktk., 10 a. m, to I p. m. D. S2S7. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring, .go. uaviagu bix. rnyi uougias i7i-i. GEORGE Your moihv. Bonaylee and I want you to come home. Lena. &C1ENTIFIC massage. 120 Reo Bldg. Phone Dt Uglas 8372. Uantrurlng ord mass. 16.8 Farnam. Km. II. FOR K'iil advice call Douglas 2421. FOR RENT-BROOMS Furnished Rooms. ' ATTENTION. BOOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find th room you deal re among these ads, call at Th t B offloe for a Room Llst-lvea tromplete detailed descrlptlun of va cant rooms m allu parts of the city. If more convenient phon Th B Want Ad Dept, and give your nam . and address, and a list will b ' mailed te you at one. New lists are Issued every week. 201 8. 24th St., large front sleeping room, witn two oaa; euuaoie ror two or four men;' reasonable. Also houekpLng BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOM. SHI California, In all-modara, prlrat Kb me; reference exchanged. Walking dlataae. , FOR RENT ROOMS - Furnished Rooms. ATTRACTIVE room; white furnltur. In modern, private home, for on or two gny tleman; on Dodge car line. Web. 1404. FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR MKN ONLY. 02 NORTH ItTH ST. FINE accommodations for two young men In double roomsat reasonable rent On Harney car line. Phone Harney Slf . &ILLER PARK Large south room, strictly modern, private family; board Id aeelred. Ooirax 1211. $4047 DAVENPORT BT.' south sxposurej room suitable for two men; private horn. CHICAGO 2610 in private home; large . south front room with alcove, also aids Toom. ROOSfS 12 per week; also rooms with kitchenettes. Ogden Hotel, r-onncu biuits. A COMFORTABLE room for winter In cloe- ltt modern horn. Phono Harney tits. NICK room In private family; ateam beat South 1000. NICE modern " room, llll private tam- tly; home priv. 2703 Farnam. P. I28t. NICE furnished room in private family F gentleman only. 602 Park Av. 2207 DAVENPORT, "nlc quiet room In prl housekeeping Rooms. S UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; ateam heat, gas and electricity. 141 8. llth. Douglaa 1141. t LIGHT housekeeping rooms, 13, 76 per wlc. All lighted, ' 2017 N. llth St 1611 HOWARD, modern housekeeping rmt. Board and Rooms. MON AMOUR, new flat; steam heat; close to business district; 1 tulte of rooms; ex cellont board. 1124 Douglas. 1 WANT to exchange room and- board and commlstion for competent dressmaking. Permanent Box 6E90. Bee. I FINE large light ct-ner. east'tront rooms,' suitable fon I gentlemen. Lincoln Apt. 2102 Chicago St. PINKNEY, 2123 Modern room with board for two. Private family.- Web. 6170 s 110 8. 26th Ave. Board and room far two $4.26 each. i Unfurnished Rooms. FOR RENTTwo furnished or unfurnished rooms, 121 8. 27th St Rooms Wanted. TOU P&OPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and find out , all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It'a a plan that is helping many aopl rent their rooms. BOARD and room wanted; lady with baby; mutt b In private home; . good realdenc : district; no profession rooming and boarding houses answer. Call Douglaa 1207 and ask for Mrs, MoCord. FOR RENTHOUSES x West. ; I-ROOM HOUSE jfL And on acre for rent. Fin for chick ens. W. a Frank, 201 Neville Block. North. FOR RENT Six-room house, two lota, 4973 N. 16th St, city water. $11 per month. Call 141., Omaha National Bank Bldg. or phone Douglas 2244. I-ROOM, all modem house for rent, $36; aauits only, Z717 crown Point Ava. Col- rax J. 6 69. FULL two-story, .-room house, all modern, . w izb nnnney, .,ruo. tsy owner. l-ROOM house, all modern, 44th and Da- eatur. Phone Walnut 8124. I-ROOM cottage, modern- except heat 1021 a. 24th st 161$ GRANT ST. 7r. conm., modern. $14. T. P. Hall. 433 Bamgo Bldg. Doug. 7404. 1-R. modern.- 1611 Chicago. D. 114$. South. 7-ROOM houie, modern except heat; oemant 12,200. 4744 S. 12th St. Douglaa 1411.' Miscellaneous. , HOUSES AND COTTAGES MODERN EXCEPT HEAT $-r., 140$ Maple St. I14.0. $-r., 3104 Saratoga St. 10.00 7-r 3701 Seward St 11.40 JSTRICTLT MODERN 4-r, llll N. 10th St., cholca bunga low, wtth garage In rear... 11.10 10- r 1221 Dodge , 40.00 l-r.. 1241 Charles; -good detached houao with large barn In rear. . . . 11.0, l-r., 3716 Lincoln Blvd.t cholca da- x ' tached houaa. in aaleot realdeno. - district 41.41 11- r., 411 S. llth St. ohoica brlok dwelling In Weat Farnam dtatrtct 71.00 , i-r., 1002 Dewey Avo.; choice brick dwelling within walking dlotancn 17.00 l-r., 713. N. 20th 11.00 WB HAVE OTHERS SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER A 8HOTWELL. : 1 101 R.-17th St. Doug. (Oil.- Y HOUSEb FOR RENT. CREIQH, SONS CO. 101 BEE BLDG.. DOUG. 100. 201 SOUTH 41ST, modern, 7 rooma, 121. S Flat, 2SD, Leavenworth, 4 rooma, ISO. JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGLAS 144. 7-R CLOSE-IN. good location, 127. SO. JTIHaT TRUST CO. &. 116L FOR RENT -Ap'ta and Flats West. APARTMENTS . In th Troy, 8009 Harney; 4 noma In each; every convenience; under leas to Oct 1, Can be leased from Sept 1. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCague Bldg. THREE- rooms and bath, near 26 li Har- ney. Very desirable. Only S3. Brnat Sweet. New Hamilton. D. 1472. N I.ROOM apt, with sleeping porch; all modern; neautininy nnisnea; west Far nam district; for rent October 1. Harney 1390. VERY choice 6-room steam-' heated apart ment on west r arnam t JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. ST. CLAIR. iVth and Harney 2 and 4-room apartments. Call Harney 047. North. ROOM modern apartment, steam heat, janitor service, second floor; winter rate, 127,60. 1814 Mapla St Vacant September to. nea insi. NEW 5-room apartment, all modern, steam, u. Din ana sionuo. rnone woo, 19V. FQR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores. TWO choice store build intra for rent lu good location. 2613 N. 24th, six 19x60, 128. 2617 N. SOth. 19x60, 112.60. Call at 2517 N. S4th for keys. FOR RENT Part of store room at 1414 Farnam; suitable for small line of mer chandise In connection with cigar and news. 934 S. 18th St MODERN store. 16th St, near postofflc. 176. G. P. Stebblna. 5001 N. SOTH Suitable' confectionery, dry- gooas, etc., living rms. rear. u. Offices nd Desk Room. DESIRABLE office rooms lb the remodeled Crouuse Block, 119 N. 16th St (opposite postofflce), 10 to ill per month. Conrad. Young, bS2 Brandela Theater. Doug. lifl. CHOICE office space. Balrd Bldg., 17th and Douglas. Aici:&gue mv. co. Mi&cellaneous. 13.60 6-r. flat, newly decorated, all mod. I era except heat. 9225 N. SOth St 114 Ware Blk. DOUt. gfl3 BILLIARD parlor; location 16th and How- WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Flats dFlatj. 1 Flats. I Furnished Houses and Flat. WANSkD4-room nicely funiiehed-horn. or .ii.nm.1 wun garage in Farnam, Dundee or Field club; urlctly modern, Call llODERN 2-room furnished apartment: man and wife. Box $490, Be.. . . MOVING ANP STORAGE 1'DIl I It-IB IV A Dl-U.ilm,, 1 Separate locked rooms for 'household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 102 8. 16th Bt Douglaa' 416S. TIT Q CO Q Til Van and two men van ana niorag to. Moving, packing. FIDELITY FREE Phon Dontlaa 281 for nmr,i.. list of vacant houses acd apart ments; also for storag, moving. ltth and Jackson Sta.