Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 06, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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; : 'Nebraska
Multitude of Attractions at Ex
I position Draw Hosts from
Nebraska. ' ,
Sunday ,
. Monday
; , . i 191. 1915.
8,842 9,892
'....,,. .29,949 15,714
28,039 29,571
irmm a guff CorMapondenl.)
- Lincoln, Sept. 5. (Special.) Feel
ing exceedingly fine , over the m
' cased attendance at the fair yester
day over any other year, in fact
. practically twice the number, with the
. grandstand receipts for the lay and
. night showing an attendance of about
9.8UU. : ' , , - .
Green's band of Omaha has teen
iving some fine music ' Mias Grace
Pnol. niece of the secretary, of state,
one of the soloists is charming the
people with her fine! voice while
Charles Gardner has equally pleased
the people with his excellent voice.
Dr. A. D. Land and Henry Lotz are
cornetists and M. Chaloupka, baraton
crowd this evening was
entertained by the band at the audi
torium after the fireworks
Ex-Guards it Police.
'Although the National Guard was
nahle tn do the Dolicing for the fair
this year, under, the leadership of Ad
jutant General Hall, the work is being
well done. This is tlue no doubt to
the fact that mest, of the guards .are
made up of former members of the
state militia, sheriffs and deputy
sheriffs who are used to discipline and
know what it means to take orders.
The police station is equipped with
att ambulance corps and a physician.
Pony Exhibit Fine.;"" '
' Xhis year the pony exhibit is the
best ever in the history of the (fair
and many a boy has' felt his heart
quicken when the fine six-pony team
of milky white ponies has been driven
about the grounds by their owner, W.
J, Thompson of the Dorchester pony
frm. . Two "years ago the exhibit of
fonies numbered but aoour lony,
while this year there is the unusual
number of over 100 of the1 baby
horses on the grounds. :
Superintendent Purcell of Broken'
fiow.'in charge of the gates, with his
assistants who count tickets, Thom--s
Wright of Ansley, also a news
paperman, and D. S. Dusenberry 'of
Nelson and lames stoner or i-incoin
have secured the good will of. the
newspaper men for7 their energy in
getting the attendance 'counted early.
- i . Agriculture's Day.
The agricultural display is super.
There js only one way to get any
idea of the exhibits from the farms
all over the state and that is personal
ly to look it over and then one' is
likely to be bewildered before he has
made the rounds of the big building.
Speaking of the -apple display under
the auspices of. the State Horticul
tural society today, Secretary Duncan
said: , . , ' ,
"While the apple crop in "Nebraska
is not as large as that of last year, yet
the apples that will be marketed will
be mud cleaner and Better class of
fruit, if the exhibits at the sfftte fair
are any criterion of the. market crop.
Commercial growers who are in at
tendance at the show, state that their
crop of fruit this season is clean and
free from insect and fungous injury
and will pack well. Prices promise
well for well grown and packed fruit.
The apple show comprises, in the
lip IKUUUrilUUU VI Ul U(J-
plesof fall, summer and winter vari-
lies; and a box display, r. A
HThe usual method of disposing of
Nebraska apples is in the three-bushel
barrel. One commercial grower, G. N.
Titus of Nemaha, is having good suc
cess in marketing his crop in bushel
boxes. He sizes and packs the frdit
so that each box has the same quality
of fruit in the bottom as is found on
the top. , His display t of "Nemaha
Brand" box apples is one of the out-,
standing features of the fruit display.
The judge's are working on the fruit
classes and will conclude 'their work
by Wednesday night." ,
Hastings Expects Date v
. From Governor Hughes
Hastings, " Neb.,'" Sept. 5. (Special
Telegram.) Hastings has been as
sured a date for Governor Hughes if
the presidential candidate comes to
Nebraska on his campaign trip. The
Nebraska speakers' bureau of-the re
publican committee expects to ar
range a Nebraska trip for 'Mr. Hughes
and the officers'bf the bureau say that
Hastings will be in the itinerary, v
, Judgment Against Railroads,
West Point, Neb., Sept. (Spe-
t...i .... a a iirAt.u ir '
viai.J-r; uugc .i. won, ui vvajriic
held a short term of district court at
West Point on Friday. A number of
decisions were handed down, the
most notable one being that in the
. case of the Bancroft drainage district
,1.. c .tn..i t:
jieapolis & Omaha Railway company.
The railroad company refused, to pay
the assessments levied againsf it, in
common with many others, and the
drainage district was compelled to
'"commence suit 'to force collection.
Judge Welch , gave judgment for
$2,707,38 against the railway company-
- '- '
v Cure for Cholera Morbus. '
. "When our little boy,, now- seven
years old, was a baby He was cured
of ' cholera morbus by Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem
edy," writes Mrs. Sidney Simmons,
Kair Haven, N. Y. . "Since then other
members of my family have used this
valuable medicine for colic and bowel
troubles with good satisfaction, and
1 gladly endorse it as a remedy of ex
ceptional merit." Obtainable. everywhereAdvertisement.
West Point) Has One
New School and Is
To Have Another
West Point.' Neb-.. Sept. 5. (Spe
cial.) The public schools of this city
opened Monday with an increased en
rollment.' School facilities at West
Point are exceptionally good, there
being, in addition to the large public
school, two flourishing parochial in
stitutions, the Catholic and-German
Lutheran. The attendance at these
schools approximate 250 pupils. The
German Lutheran congregation nrjust
finishing a fine, brick, modern school
building which will be fully, equipped
with the latest educational appliances,
including a large gymnasium. The
present Catholic parochial school is
Mtroving too small, for the needs of the
parish and steps are being taken to
erect a commodious school bulding
soon..' Land adjoinine the church"
property has been ptirchased and the
new scructure when completed will
cover one-half block of ground
Plattsmouth Officer
. , ;V Is Shot by Tramp
Plattsmouth," Neb,, Sept. $. (Spe
cial.) Officer Jones was shot through
the arm by a tramp early Monday
morning. Three tramps had built a tire
near a switch stand close to the Bur
lington station. , Mr. Jones warned
them to move it to the river bank,
where it would not endanger the"
property of the railroad company.
Two of them assayed to obey, while
the third demurred, grumbling as he
reluctantly started over the bank, ano
as he Was disappearing drew a gun
and began firing... One shot passed
through the arm of the officer be
low the 'elbow; t Other officers were
called and made an effort to appre
hend the three, but they disappeared
in the darkness. The wound . was
dressed, aiVi while severe is not
counted as being liable to prove fatal.
Three Men Are Accused ''
Of Robbing Feed Mill
: Beatrice, Neb., Sept. 5. (Special.)
Isaac Koons, Guy Reed and , Lil
Smith, who were arrested here Sun
day morning charged with stealing
corn, chopped feed and flour from
Black's mill, pleaded guilty this eve
ning before Judge Ellis. . Koons was
fined $100 and costs and the other, two
men $50 and costs each, rred larei,
another member of the party, was ac-
auitted. ' x "
Koons' was employed nights at the
mill and Is alleged to have assisted
the other men in getting -the grain
Bway from the mill. '
Camrbridae Pastor T
-.Called to Hastings
- Hastings. Neb.. Sent. 5. (Special
rTelegram.) Though there Were 150
applicants for the vacant pastorate,
the"' First Congregational church here
has extended a -call to the first and
only one of the candidates heard in
the pulpit. The minister chosen is
Rev. Joseph Toms of Cambridge,
Neb. The church expects him to ac-
New Sunrryside Home
: ' . For Old and Young Open
Hastings,", Neb., Sept. 5-(Special
Telegrjim.)- The new Sunnyside, fa
home of old and young, was opened
with a reception yesterday. The
building cost about $15,000 and con
tains eighteen rooms tor boarders, it
is said to be one of the most complete
institutions of its kind in the country.
Thehome was founded and is managed
hv the HasttnBrs Woman i r.luh. A
re. -
World's Famous Kotal
Opposite. Cental Park
v at 59tb Street . ,
CIom to AO Theatres and
Shops .
and Outdoor Terrao
Cool and Refreshing Place to
" v ;' ; Dine ' ;':-
WrtU jm Ravttlum Maf '
FRED STERRT. Muuin Director
Depart meat Order. ;
WBshiDjrton, Sept. 6. Special Tterm.)
. C. Bui loft hai bon appolntd pot
maiitr at Lisoo, Oardnrc ownty, Nebraska,
vie? W. Y. Oumaer, rMtcnd.
Mr. Harrlat Pratt ban been reappointed
postmastr at CuraminjviUo, WhMler coun-
lowa rural letter carrlr appointed: Fon-ita-
Hurry F. Kllr: llnwood, Arthur H.
lulu: Orsnvtllc, Wlltlam O, Arnold; Iguana,
valtpr Humphrey; U-ondHmln, Sunly P.
Uton: Piano, A. Caly Iftabold; Bomaon,
Uarrel W. Schults.
Vestgate Hotel
' :. AtThm Junction
On Main and Delaware at Ninth
y Kansas City, Mo.
H5 25
Sooat ; - - Rotffls
Ewiy . . I zm
Room j
Privata itigiir
- Has
Absolutely riroproof
' ' FlrxmaUllltwdtm "
Visitors to Stat Fair Bring- in
Stories of Accessions
to Kanks. -
Bayfield Inn,
Bayfield, Wisconsin
Cool and comfortable. Immunity from
hay fovor and respiratory trouble. Klafe
inx In lka Kupenor; tront stream or
Inland lakM. Writ tor information.
'(From a Staff Corraopondent.)
Lincoln, Sept. 5. (Special.) Re
publican headquarters at the. Lindctl
hotel' and at the farfr grounds are re
ceiving good reports from those who
come in for the annual big show of
the Nebraska exposition.
Many visited headquarters today
from different parts of the state and
everyone, when asked if they knew of
any republicans who were going to
support the president, replied, "not
one," " , :
R P. Goble of York, one pf the well
known business men of that city said
York county will poll an increased re
publican majority. Hughes; is strong
in that county and it will be found he
will run well up toward the. top when
the votes are counted. John L. Ken
nedy is especially strong in York as
is also Judge, Sutton, and big republi
can majorities for the full ticket may
be expected. "
' C. J. Watson of Fairmont, member
of the republican state central com
mittee, said republicans are loyal to
the ticket and will give the whole
ticket such as upport' that it will add
materially to the big republican ma
jority in the state. A ;
Senator Charlie Randall of Newman
Grove, brought good tidings of great
joy to he committee.- Madison coun
ty, as usual, can be depended ion to
five a big majority for the .-ticket,
enator Randall is pretty well ac
quainted with conditions in that part
of the Third congressional district
and says that big majorities will be
registered for every candidate on the
republican ticket in November. .
Senator Olando Tefft of Cass coun
ty, probably one of the best known
Nebraskans in the state aud a man
whose judgment is always Considered
good, believes there is nothing to it
but the election of Hughes and the
whole republican ticket.
Senator Bartling of Nebraska City
is atTendine the fair arid brought up
ah auto load of his neighbors' kids to
see the big show. The senator says
that republican sentiment is strong
for Hughes in Otoe county and that
there is little chance for the demo
crats there. '
"ReDublicans are loyal to the tick
et," said the senator, "and we are
looking for heavy J gains in Otoe
county. .
Piano Values
30 Days' Free Trial
To Any Responsible Family i
We sell the world's best
Pianos and Player Pianos at
prices that cannot be dupli
cated, including such great
makes as Steinway, Weber,
Hardman, Steger ' & ' Sons,
Emerson, MePhail, Linde-
mah & Sons and our own
sweet-toned Schmoller &
Mueller Pianos and Player
Pianos, and the -complete
line of Aeolian Pianola
Pianos. ' . " ' '
Ct established reputation
sweet tone' and delightful
action. Latest style walnut,
mahofranv or oak cases-
Special sale-j 9 AA
price ...i
Sold en $1.00 Week Payment.
; Free Stool and Searf.
From the world's greatest
manufacturers, completely
equipped ; the equal of many
$550 Player Pianos shown
elsewhere. Special
sale price .
Sold on terms of $2.00 a weak.
Free bench, scarf and selection
of music. , ,
$276 Kimball Upright. . . . .$.85
$250 Hainei Upright. .... .$75
$350 Bush & Gerts Upright 3165
$500 Checkering V Sons, Upright,
t JgiMJ
$600 Weber Upright ..... $360
$226 J. H. Hale Upright. . .$55
$400 Steger & Sons Upr., $150
$500 Knabe Upright. . , . . .$138
$326 J. A C. fischer Upr., $120
$750 Steinway Upright. . .$375
$275 Matthews Upright. . . .$85
$600 Chickering A Sons Upright,
$276 Mueller Uprigh,.. . ,$125
$1,000 Chickering ft Sons Grand,
" ..$175
$1,000 - Weber Pianola Piano,
at . ...i $800
$450 Auto Player Piano.. $225
$500' Gerhardt Player Piano,
Schmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.'
1311-13 Parnam Street,
Omaha. Neb.
. . . . . t.
The Largest Retailer of Pianoa
" in the World.
Young Couple Meets Pleasant
. Surprise on Return from Wedding
When you have promised and plan
ned, with faithful friends for a large
friendly .wedding, and then long be
fore the time indicated you apply for
a marriage license bribe the register
with a box-of cigars to keep the notice
away from the newspapers, and make
all preparations to do the deed
secretly, you should get what's coming
to you. Aiid they did. ' '
Miss Myrtle Harding and Mr.
Arthur Billings, known among' their
friends to be affianced, planned with
the most intimate of there friends to
invite them all to the wedding, when
ever the happy Men should take
plaj. Even the pride's maids" were
deciding what sort of dresses to wear,
when the stealthy two, resolved to
give their friends the slip. Accord
ingly they applied for their license
last Saturday, bribing the clerk gen
erously to kVep it dark Clerk iailed
in his bargain, and the young people
let their friends think that they had
already done the deedy
Last night while the Rev. Charles
Cobbey of the First Christian church
was performing the ceremony, fifty
-young men and women, with the aid
ot an accomplice, entered the -new
home of the bridal pair on Thirty,
fourth and Parker streets. There they
concealed themselves until the advent
of Mg. and Mrs. Arthur Billings. The
jubilee which followed far surpassed
the excitement of the interrupted
weddding . i .
"4 ya i
f ' H l
Athletic Club to Honor
x ' Swimmer In Ten-Mile Race
The Omaha Athletienclub will honor
Adolph Anderson on his. return from
St Louis, where he won eighth place
in a ten-mile swimming contest La
bor day.' The 4ocal Club.u:pects' to
give a dinner for him soon after his
return. . v. . ' .. ., ,
J Notes from-Beatrice
i And Gage County
At a meeting of the Board of Edu-.
ration last evening steps were taken
'for the erection of a new building
for the manual training department of
i the high school, to cost about $5,000.
I It was decided to employ a trained
i nurse for the city schools in place
I of a physician, and Mrs. Emma Hol-
lingworth was secured. ,
I, Announcement of the deathof Dan
iel Wilson, formerly of tins city,
which occurred at Kansas City Sun
day night, was received here yester
davi Mr. Wilson was 88 yrars of age
and a civil war veteran. He is sur
vived by three sons.
. Mildred Kthel, the 10-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mra.;H. C. Wa
gar( living northeast of Barneston.
died Snnday evening at a local hospi
tal. ' The remains were taken to
Barneston yesterday for interment.
Thirteen members of the Corn
husl'er foot ball squad arrived in town
last evening. They were joined by
about ten more members of the squad
today, CunUi" Corey has charge of
the men. w will- put in the week
training at Athletic parkN ;
W. I), t'athcart and two sons, wfh
were injured in an auto' accident at
Fairhury Sunday evening when; their
car ran off the approach lo the Rock
Island viaduct near that place Sim
day evening, returned to their home
southwest of the city yesterday. Mrs.
Carlicart, who sustained a broken hip
and a broken leg, is in a sanitarium
at l?airbury. , '
Haatlnga Enroolment
' Hastings. Neb., Sept 1 (Special
Telegram.)-The enrollment on the
first day of school was 1.593, or nearly
100 more than a year ago. ' The larg
est high school freshman class in the
history of the city numbers 170. :
Nine and Half Million More De
posits in Three' Months'
Time. ,
. ' .... :' . f i ;Vt; . ;
(From a Staff Corroapooflcnt.) .
Lincoln, Sept. 5. (Special.) Ab
stract of reports of the condition of
the commercial and savings banks ot
the" slate of Nebraska, at the close
of business August 10, 1916, is as fol
lows, the number of banks reporting
8.14: '
Laaita nl aiaoounu; . ...IUS.Mi; ta
Ovnlrafla , S0l.f07.SS
Bonda. aarurltlaa. judtmanta,
rl.lma. ....' l,7S,S7f.M
Banktnc houaa, furnUura and , ......
fliwraa V 'SM2! 5
Othr TMmlKN...,.,.... 608.lf0.S0
LMrrant canaitnaa, taxaa and
Inlfil paid.. 1,H,!.7
Pu from national and atata
Iwnk. M.HI,ll.i!
rut .X ,7,O!1.05
Utliar aaaata 7.ll-lf
1 Tolal ;.7i.,..l7t,ta7,7.7,l.
? . 4.UBIUTIB8.
fapllal aiork paid in. ,.
Surnlua fund .
Undlvldrd protlU.
nirldanda unpaid....... ..
tndUldual d.poalta aubjaot lo
Damand artlfl(!ata at da-
poall '
Tlma eartlfli-aiM f dapoall..
t)ua lo national and , atala
1,110 fr
1 HO.ttO.tO
. i.iu.aji.7
Nota and Mils rodlaoountad.
Bllla pajaola.i......
Othr tlablllllM . ..
Dapoaltora' suaranlir , fund . .
Tout ...... .-.."""'"''",l
Numbtr of dapoaltora,
rrva, St par oant! incraafe alnoa Mar t,
S" lt.aSi.MS.S4; loana and dlaronnta,
It : capital atook, ,101,000; surploa
fund. 177.Jt.ll. , V ,
School Needs-" '
As school opens you will un
doubtedly find that the children
need many things rely on this
store. Complete stocks and aure
savings. '
- -i. : J
k Exclusive Showing
"of the most
' Exquisite of the
An Exceptional Drapery Bargain
About 100 Pieces of Fine Mar
ouiaatte, Voile, Scrim and Eta
mine, plain and with bo"?1
Values to 49c, your choice Wed
nesday, per yard .19?
Main Finer. '
First DisDlav V
Model Blouses
New York
and Paris
Opening of the Second Floor Blouse Shop
; on Wednesday, September 6th
, The season optjns with the Itiost f astjnati ng display of Fashiohable Blouses we have 1
, ever shown this season designers have been wonderfully prolific in ideas, so that ' , "
r thtvvariety is remarkably broad and com prehensive.
' Some of the notable feature are:
Embroidered and Beaded Effects,
Gold and Silver Embroidery is em
ployed very largely. New . Russian
, Blouses, Puritan Collar Blouses, Col
larless Blouses, High Neck Jabot
Blouses are featured!
Most Desirable
Dress Goods
t. 1
- 42 to 54-Inch - All
Wool French -and Cos
tume .Serges, Poplins, ;
Gabardines and Novel- '
ty Suitings, stripes,
plaids, etc., embracing
all ,the season's most
wanted fabrics, in the
newest Fall colorings.
,Values to $1.75, special,
yard, 084, and $1.19 ,
BO-Inch Extra Quality All
Wool Chiffon Broadcloths,
. sponged and shrunk, in -a
great variety of newest Fall
colorings, also Black. Rich,
and lustrous finish. Wednes- ,
day, yard . , '-81.95 .
, 50-Inch Strictly All-Wool
Poplin Suiting, very fine ,
weave, especially adapted for
V the new. tailored -suits and
skirts. New Fall and Winter "
shades, also black. Yard, '
at .$1.50
36-Inch French and Storm
Serges, Diagonals, Cheeks,
. Plain anal Stripes, Granites,
Ete."AU the popular street
shades. Yard 45
Mala Floor.'" ::J
Wall Paper ;
At Low Prices
: Domestic Oatmeal
Plain Papers, in tan,
brown, green and blue,
with youi choice of a
: large selection-of cut
out bonders to jnatch.
Very good for down-
- stairs rooms. Regular
price, 15c. , Wednesday,
at ,.,.........,..94
All the New Stripes, 'All
overs, Chints and Black end ,
: White 1 1 tacts tor Bedrooms.
All k... ...
to match. Worth 12Hc and -15c;
sale price, roll... 84
:v- , Third Floor.
afm SaarneA 7f
All the newest colorings, , including I
Navy, Brown, Purple, , Burgundy, , J
Green, French Blue, Beige, Amethyst, 1
Cerise, White, Flesh, Black and many y i
othej shades. ; -
Ncx Fall Silks ; ;
. . There's a surprisingly wide variety of the' most
beautiful Silks for your selection this Fall. Makers
have outdone themselves in elaboration and fascinat
ing effects. We have one of the most complete stocks
in this country for you tor choose from. This Silk De
partment has a reputation second to none.
24 and 27-Inch Taffeta, Messa
line, Louisine and Satin, In plain
and novelty effects, including the
new checks, ' plaids, stripes and
Jacquard combinations in a splen
did range of colorings. Worth to
f 1.00, sale price, per yard..59t
36-Inch All-Silk Crepe da Chine,
a. splendid weight for lingerie,
blouses and dresses. Pink, flesh,
ciel, taupe, copen, lavender, re
seda ana black. An exceptional
offering, yard . . . . . 85
36 and 40-Inch Novolty Silk,
Novelty' Taffetn and Swiss Silk,
in the new stripes, plaids, checks,
warp prints and many other pret
ty effects, in a good range of eol-
36-Inch Satin Radiant for your
new Fall dress. Very soft and
shimmery, in the new shades
Wednesday,1 yard 81.25
40-Inch Silk and Wool Poplin.
Compare our 40-inch silk and wool
poplin with any offered In the
city. We show this beautifuPand
practical silk in forty new Fall
shades, Soft, drapy finish. Per
yard f)8
New Velvets are arriving daily.
We are showing many of the new
colorings In . '
86, 40 and 50-Inch Chiffon and 1
Boulevard Velvets, Velours, Plush
es and Novelty Fur Cloth, for
dresses, suits and coats. On ac
count of the popularity- and scar
city of these beautiful fabrics,
you should make your selection
onngs A bargain you should
avail yourself of. . Regularly
worth to $1.50, 'sale price, yard,.
t '. 98
36-Inch Boulevard Suiting Velvet, yard
40-Inch Black Silk Chiffon Velvet, yard, . . . .
22-Inch Velveteen, all colors, yard . i ....... .
40-Inch Black Chiffon Suiting Velvet, yard -,
m a a mi b sw w 1 '
w-iitcn Black inirron veiour, yaru,
Wf l aVt I. I"" Ot .1 1
50-Inch Novelty Fur Cloths, yard .
- . r ' Maid Floors
S2.95 to $10.00
1 New Fall Lace Curtains
Y There has never been a t all season wnen we leit
more enthusiastic about the stock of Lace Curtains we' v
are offering. They are dainty and fine and little priced. .
We are showing hundreds of new Fall patterns.
Lace Curtains, 64 inches wide, 2 H yards long, Wednesday, the
pair 11.50,'
Lace Curtains, in Cable Nata,- Filet Net -and Loom Weave.
White or ecru. Pair .S1.98
Lace Curtains, Including the real Quaker Filet and Lace Edge .
Curtains', pair. ........ v 82.50 '
Lace Curtains, such as Novelty Net, Bungalow Net and Filet Net
Curtains! pah- 82.98-
Laeo Curtains, dozens of new. Fall patterns. Plain and figured, ,
white, ecru and ivory. Specially priced, pair, 83.50 and 83.98
Ducbaaae Lace Curtains, with very neat border, from 4 to 6
inches wide. Pair, .84.98
Antique. Curtains, these are mounted. on thev best mercerized
voiles and marquisettes, trimmed with imported French an
tique laces. Wednesday, pair. ........ .84.98 and 87.50
- Third Floor, , ,
:t. ... '. "..........'.. '! v '' : '
1 .- :;-:v,:,
, New Rugs
Btmtiful Patttrm uti Colon
For Wednesday we
offer a special bargain
in . Wilton and , Velvet
Rugs, many of these are
seamless. We hava .
about 60. rugs in this as-
. sortment, consisting of
conventional. Drinntnl '
Chinese patterns, in
l -.. I , , j
ueauuiut colorings miu '
effects. All worth to v
$50.00; on sale, Wed
nesday, at v. ..$29.98 '
: 9x12 Scotch Wool Rugs, all '
good patterns, especially de- ..'
Arable for dining rooms and
bedrooms. Always sold for
J15.00,, special 89.98
' 0x12 Rag Rugs, nice col
orings and effects. Just the
, thine for bedrooms. Regu
larly sold at 112.00, Wednes
day for ......... .89.98 ,
Third Floor. I '
Notion Specials
Good Safety Pins, 4 cards
for . 5t
100-Yard Spools Sewing Silk .
for 3V4
Bias Tape and other Tapes,
bolt .........4(7
Pearl Buttons, 10c grade, .
card ...:.r. ........... 5t
, Large Nets, Wednesday, 6 ,
'for .............,...10t
Men's Neck Bands, special, 2
for 50 '
Wooden Coat and Trousor
' Hangers, each . ; ..... . .4et
Betsy RossyCrochet Cotton, 1
white and colors, ball.. 67
Stocking Feet, special,- pr. 57
Scissors and Shears, $1.00 '
grade for 507
200-Yard Spools Machine
Thread .2
Tatting . Shuttles, special,
each ....... ...2tt ;
. Dressing Combs, 60c values,
each .19;
Fast Colored Wask Edging,
bolt ......47
Fast Colored - Middy Laces,
each 4(7
Main Floor.