Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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tU A.. al.Mlv. KM and Orovar. 11.004; 1H
A. on saved U 12.000; I A. lid and
- Paciae, 13.000 cub. Doug. HIT.
Real Estate, Loan, Mortgages.
I PER CENT to 0 per cent on belt claee city
reeidencee In amounts 11,000 up; ale. lm
' loans. Reaeonabie commuaione.
PETERS TRUST CO., 1823 Farnam St.
11,100 MORTOAOE, bearing I par oont eeml
ana.; secured by proparly valued at ls.000.
Talmage-Loomla Inv. Co., W. O. W. Bldg.
OMAHA homa. Eaat Nabraake farma.
1010 Omaha Nat. Phone Douglaa 1711.
MONET to loan on Improvod farms and
k ranches, wo alao buy good xann anon
sagas. Kloka Inv. Co., Omaha.
THOS. L. HouARitl.
tlOO to 110.000 made promptly, P. D. Wend,
Weed Blds.,ntn ana Farnam ftta.
REAL ESTATE loans. per cent,
D. E. BUCK 4k CO..
It Omaha Nat Bank.
CITT and farm loans. 6, OH, per cent.
J. H. Dumont Co., 41 Keellne Bids.
MONET on hand for city and
farm loane. H. W. Binder, City
National Bank Bids.
r.ARVIM RPnU Omaha
'Natl, Bank Bldg.
FARM and city loan. 6-6 H and f per ent
w. H. Thomas, Keellne Bldg. Doug. 1S4S.
5 pet.
111 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Abstracts of Title.
- Cln or anion Abatract Co. We can bring
VJUdXiUlLcC down your abstract on
short notice. R. 7, Patterson Bldg. u. i7.
Tfaw Title, Guarantee and Abatract Co.,
aULv a oft a. j7tn St. ground noor.
Bonded by Maes. Bonding and Int. Co.
REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest abatract f-
flca la Nebraska. ioe eranaeia tmiw.
"WANTED 4. 6 and roomed houaaa that
v eaa be sold (or $100 each, balance fit
par month glva com pitta description first
- letter.
1120 Parnam Bt. Tel. Doug. 104.
OUR specialty handling property (or out-of-
: town owners.
HAVB buyers (or small houses and lota In
North Omaha, wnta oosa, gee.
Colorado Landi.
COLORADO land excursion postponed on ac-
oount of strike. Make Inquiry. . Natha-
y, giorenca, .piwo,
Minnesota Lands,
sotl. well settled part of Todd county.
Minn, good roads, schools and churches,
price 116 to 3t) par aore; terms 61.00 per
acre eaah. balance fi.00 per acre a year;
' 1,000 acres to select from. Agents wanted;
will make a low railroad rata to Inspect
Schwab Bros., 1016 Plymouth Bldg., Min
neapolis, Minn.
Nebraska Lands.
110 AND 10-ACRE Johnson county, Neb.,
(arms; wall improved. A bargain In Im
proved to la Sarpy Co.
, " STEWART, :
V. 6U A., very choice land. Just N.
Benson. Belongs to bank. Must sell.
bargain. See ma (or prioe and terms.
J, A.-ABBOTT, Patterson Blk.. City.
. FOR SALE 480 meres Improved land In
Garfield oounty, Nebraska, Price and
'. terms right Address Box 211. Broken
Bow. Neb. '
. FARM (or gale by owner; cholea ISO-acre
farm; N. B. Neb.; Ana Improvements;
terms to suit. Address T, 681 Bee.
NEBRASKA farma, all parts of state; prices
110 to 1160 per acre. w. T. smith CO.,
aii city Watlorwii -Bnk Bldg. Doeg. !.
.'SO ACRES of good (arm land near Omaha,
n Price Is right nV P. Bostwick Boa, 200
'' Bee Bldg.
140 ACRES, fine, level, well located, 27,000
Improvements. J. Gibbons. Blk horn. Neb.
Wisconsin Lands.
. UPPER WISCONSIN Beet .dairy and gen
eral crop atate In too union. Settlers
. wanted; lands (or sala at low prices on
easy terms; excellent lands (or atoek
raising. Ask for booklet. 22 on Wisconsin
Central Land Grant; atate acres wanted.
If Interested in fruit lands, aak (or book
let on Apple Orchards, Address Land Com
missioner Boo Railway. Minneapolis, Minn.
GET literature and .mips on the cheapest
good land in United States,
llth and Douglas Sta.. Omaha. Doug. 1122.
. offers from land owners, agents, every
ACREAGE to e-A. tracts on car lino.
Easy terma, C R. Combs, 111 Brandela
Thea. Bldg. Doug. tOlO.
Horses Live Stock Vehicles
For Sale.
T&6ob milk" coif for sale cheap. Phone
South 2161. .
Wagon umbrellaa, $1.00. Wagner. 201 N. llth.
NOW is the proper time for your birds to
ahed feathers. "Song and Moulting Food,"
'llo -per box, la what ho aeoda bow. Max
Qelaler Bird Co.
FCR SALE Several fine pedigreed Per
: alan kittens. Phono Harney 1664.
llil Wlllyi Knight, almost new.
r 2I1I Overland 8tx8l T, almost now.)
' 1011 Overland 12 T, slightly used.
1011 Overland 76 roadster, almost bow.
1111 Overland 76 touring, almost new. -
1016 Maxwell light Ave.
1116 Enger Six Touring, slightly used.
i . 1016 Cole Colonial Coupe.
1016 Overland, cheap.
, j 1012 Chalmers, cheap.
" 116 Partln Palmer, cheap.
1911 Overland, quick for cash.
Pope Hartford Racer, quick (or cash.
"'" 1116 Ford, open delivery.
1014 Kissel car, Racy Roadster, quick for
- , cash.' ,
Most of the ears listed have starters
and elcctrlo lights. Pricea from $100 up.
2047 Farnam. St Doug. 2290.
Firs, Theft and Liability at lowest rates.
9H-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 2810.
A BfeFORE you buy look these cars and prices
-over. It will pay you well: -Chalmers
2 Overland ...... ..t
Studebaker-I $460
Meti ,w 150
Cadillac .....V , ..,......... $60
I Fords .......,.....
Chevrolet Roadster ., , iso
1916 Indian Motorcycle, good as now. 176
i... $111 Farnam, . Douglaa III.
3200 Farnam. Douglas 2210.
.-, Ford Roadster $176 .
Cole Touring , 660 -
Overland Touring 276 - ' '
Bulck B 20 Roadster. .(,..... ill
PAID ADS than any other Omaha newa-
paper gained In first seven months 1910.
Good results at less
cost ts the reason why.
LA ROE 6-passenger. 40 h. p. Auburn: best
condition; good tires. Call for demon
stration. 20 Bromley Bldg. Phone Doug.
FOR BALE 1911 light Bulck Six; mechanl
cally perfect; run 1,600 miles, or will con
- wider trade on Ford. Harney 4016.
1114.11-16 Farnam Bt
WE will trade you a now Ford Cor your old
20th and Harney. Doug. 6261,
FULLY equipped S-peaaenger, 49-horeopower
1911 model touring car, axe naw; a bar
gain. 2021 Fowler.
R. C. H. light touring car, lata 1914 model.
perfect eonmtlon.
Automobiles Wanted.
Ford tourinaj car and soma cash for 1916
ovarian. Aak for Mr. rarrar, 2041 Far
nam St
Auto Storage and Garages,
DON'T throw away old tlroa. We make one
new tire from I old onea and save you 60
per cent. I in 1 vulcanising Co.. ilia Dav
anport St, Omaha. Nab. Douglaa 2014.
EXPERT auto repairing, "service car a)
ways ready." Omaha Oarage, 2010 Harney
Bt Tyier tat.
Auto Repairing and Painting. '
$100 reward for magneto w can't repair.
Colls repaired. Bayadorfer, lis . lit.
NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service and
pricea right 212 8, 10th Bt D. 7I.
Auto Tires and Supplies,
26.000 STOCK of Pennsylvania Urea, guar
anteed 4,000 miles, (or sale at reduced
prices by Duo Tire Co.. 1111 Chicago.
SEE ua for baraalna In standard make.
Expert tiro repairing. Zwtebel Bros., 261$
Farnam. v-
Motorcycles and Bicycles
gains In used machines. Victor Roos, "The
. Motorcycle Man, ztus itsavoaworia.
Roumanian! Victorious Over
Teutons in First Hard
, Battle Fought.
London, Sept. 3. In the first hard
battle between Roumanians and Aus
trian troops, the Austrians have been
forced to retire across , the Cerna
river, north of Orsova, near the Iron
Gate on the Danube. Vienna an
nounces t that the Austrian troops
withdrew after five days of heavy
fighting. , ; "
In eastern Transylvania, the Aus
trian retirement continues. Hermann
stadt has been evacuated. Apparent
ly the Austrians are carrying out the
reported plan of shortening the battle
line in Transylvania.
London announces another Zeppe
lin raid over the esat coast of Eng
land on Saturday nieht. Few de
tails have been received. Bombs were
dropped on several places. .
' Note to go to Zaimis. ' .
The entente ministers at Athens.
says a belated dispatch from the
Greek capital, have drafted a note
for oresentation . to Premier Zaimis.
The note probably was handed to the
Oreek premier on Saturday, ine
tenor of its contents is not known.
Th arrival of an" allied fleet off
Piraeus, the port of.Atheni, has been
followed by the announcement that
the flan of France has been hoisted
oh four German and three Austrian
merchant ships in the harbor. Board
ing parties from the entente warships
seized the vessels.
No official announcement! of politi
cal changes has come either from the
Greek government or the entente cap
itals. The revolt reported in- Mace
donia is now said to have spread over
the whole of northern Greece.
Disoatches from Athens say that
Premier Zaimis had a lengthy audi
ence with King Constantine Thurs
day, and afterward announced that
Greece maintained her policy of
friendly neutrality toward the en
tente. .
Rosa Take Position.
The Grkek oremier. another dis
patch says declared that political
Questions would be cleared up prob
ably before Sunday morning.
Against Strong Austrian rcsiaiaiiLC,
Petrograd says the Russians have
taken positions forty miles east of
Lemberg. Near the Hungarian fron
tier several heights have been cap
tured. .
Attacks bv the Russians against tne
Austro-German lines . in Volhynia,
r.aliria. and the Caroathians. were re
pulsed, Berlin says. Some ground
was gained north of Thorow, Galicia,
and nearly 1,500 prisoners have been
taken Dy me armie. 01 truitc a-w-pold
and Archduke Charles.
Uperations on omcr huiu. bu.
little activity. - - '
Bring Zeppelin
;: Dowmn tngland
London, Sept. 3. One of a squad
ron of German Zeppelins .which
raided England tonight with London
and the eastern counties apparently
as their objective, was brought down
in flames, an official announcement
but no- reports of casualties have
been received. ' ,
says. Many bombs were dropped,
I he statement says: .
"The attack tonight was made by
a larger number of airships than ever
previously raided England. The east
ern counties of London apparently
were their .objective. The attack on
London was beaten off and one raid
er was brought down in flames. Many
bombs were dropped in widely sep
arated localities, but no reports of
casualties or damage have been re
ceived." .
Dead Body of Hastings Man ,
Is Found at His Home
Haatinora. Neb.. Sent. 2. (Special
Telegram.) The dead body of Wil
liam Lewelling was found late this
afternoon at the family home. An
investigation showed that he had Been
dead several days, as the body was
- i . j 1 : if. T .....1)J
III D.O COnuilIUH. mi. a-cwA,ii.
was last seen by Charles Hebert, last
Mondav morning, and he was enjoy
ing good health. He was a carpenter
and was employed by Hebert. Mrs.
Lewelling, who is visiting in nay
Center, has been notified. A coroner's
inquest . will be held Tuesday
Dial Dlantmrd Xwr CM.
F.w of a. resUsa til. danger of court!.
aad soldi: ooa't take the rlaki tak. Dr.
Klnfa New DtfesTerr. Guarantee. All
drursists. AdYartlssment
Republican Nominee in Speech
at St. Louis Attacks
Wilson Policies.
"St. Louis, Mo., Sept 3. Charles E.
Hughes faced an audience in the
Coliseum last night that cheered
him twenty-one minutes, and in his
talk he referred repeatedly to points
made by President Wilson in his ac
ceptance speech. "I protest," Mr.
Hughes said, ."against the extravagant
claim that the anti-trust act was clar
ified by definition by our opponents.
They folded themselves up in a vague
phrase and presented that as the so
Mr. Hughes said that "from the
claims of our opponents with respect
to child labor legislation, you would
suppose they had discovered chil
"I am for the nrotection of chil
dren," he said. . "I was for it before
the present administration was heard
ot." -
What Governor Said.
"I want to read vou what a gover
nor of a state said to a legislature
nine years ago," said the nominee.
"He said in 1907. I recommend to
your careful consideration the ipmort
ant aubject of child labor laws for
the protection of children in securing
iur incm ineir rignts tnrouu-n an
elementary education and in sur
rounding them with aoDrooriate safe
guards, making an especial appeal to
human sentiment and that nothing
should be left undone to give them
"That. I said in the state of New
York nine years ago."
Mr. Hughes referred to child labor
legislation, enacted during his term
as governor of New York.
I think I know somethina- of child
labor and the importance of protect
;nM l- htl. . ....
h iu. x nc receni Din
passed in congress affects a very
small number of children in this
country. There remains a Vat
amount of necessary work to be done
by our states before child labor shall
be orohibited to a decree which mill
safeguard this important asset. I am
for the protection of our children " ,
Business Man's Rights.
The nominee declared that the busi.
ness man had a right to know what
he could and could not do.
Here again we are met with rt.
traordinary claims," he said. "I sup
pose allusion isi made to the ferlrral
trade commission law. I have no
quarrel with the composition of the
trade commission law, but I cannot
accept the crude statement of sugges
tion that the anti-trust law should be
clarified by definition.
It IS said in the federal trade mm.
mission act that unfair methods of
competition in commerce are hereby
declared unlawful.
Now, what are unfair method, nf
competition? Naturally a man in -the
street would think about fraud. It
is not necessary to establish a trade
commission to deal with fraud. Fraud
has been recognized by the common
law since its institution.
Not Thinking of Fraud.
'No. thev are not thinkintr nf lr.t
Fair competition had a different
meaning than the fraud under the
law.- It is-a time-hnnnrad nhra
know what it means. In a very sim
ple way of statement it may be said
to have relation to methods by which
one man's goods are palmed off as
uic guous oi anocner man, through
deceptive statement. In advrtieinr
and the like.
'Those thinffs im dcarrihad in tha
law as unfair competition. Was this
law passed to reach them? Of course
not. Talk about clarifying the anti
trust act by definition. Why, there
is not a buaineaa man in th rnnnlra
who knows what that act means or
wnat ne snoum do or not do under.
it :. ' '
claims made with respect to the clari
fication nf th law in .ha .ltnAJ
- " ... in
terest of business when nothing of the
sun nai peen done ana tne act ex
oresslv states that nothing .h.
sort was attempted. : You cannot mis
lead the American people by claims
of that description."
Not Made Good.
Mr. Hughes assailed the adminia-
tratinn'a U,i,nn nnlinw . I
OTntind that th nrnf.ecinn In A-V.
with smaller nationa in the same man
ner as witn larger nations,, is a pro
fession belied by practice.
. "It. has not n.n .mad .nnjti it
ought to be made good," Jie said.'
"W aaid tn Hrfa nn.
that he would not be recognized, but
mat ne snouia not even be a candi
date at a Mexican election. Is that
the way we deal with a great power
ful state? Do we dictate who shall
be candidates of great and powerful
states? What is the use of talking
about treating small and weak states
in the way in which we treat great
states wh,n Amnart fm ....11
- . "viu pimiiuic
and get ourselves involved in- serious
uiiuiuiuca oy ine Departure when we
attemnteri tn rnntrnl Vf-l.Bn i :
cies instead of adopting the straight
course oi protecting the lives and
property of American citizens."
Mr. Hughes' address in the Coli
seum was the third he had delivered
today. The first was at a non-partisan
luncheon gathering of business
Text of Adamson Bill as It
Goes to Wilson to Be Signed
Washington, Sept' 3. The text of
the eight-hour Adamson bill as it was
sent to the president for his signa
ture follows:
Be it enacted by the senate and
house of representatives of the United
States of America, in congress as
sembled, that beginning January 1,
1917, eight houra shall, in contracts
for labor and service, be deemed a
day's work and the measure or stand
ard of a day's work for the purpose
of reckoning the compensation for
services of all employes who are now
or may hereafter be employed by any
common carriers by railroad, except
railroads independently owned and
operated not exceeding 100 miles in
length, electric street railroads and
electric interurban railroads, which is
subject to the provisions of the act
of February 4, 1887, entitled "an act
to regulate commerce," as amended,
and who are now or may hereafter be
actually engaged in any capacity in
the operation of trains used for the
transportation of persons or property
on railroads, except railroads inde-
?endently owned and not exceeding
00 miles in length, electric street
railroads and electric interurban rail
roads, from any state or territory of
the United States or the District of
Columbia to any other state or terri
tory of the United States or the Dis
trict of Coluhbia, or from one place
in a territory to another place in the
same territory, or from any place in
the United States to an adiacent for
eign country, or from any place in
the United States through a foreign
country to any other place in the
United States. Provided that the
above exceptions shall not apply to
railroads, though less than 100 miles
in length, whose principal business is
leasing or furnishing terminal or
transfer facilities to other railroads or
are themselves engaged in transfers of
freight between railroads or between
railroads and industrial plants. i
Section 2: That the president shall
appoint a commission of three which
shall observe the operation and ef
fects of the institution of the eight
hour standard work day as above de
fined, and the facts and conditions af
fecting the relations between tuch
common carriers and employes during
a period oi not less man six monins
nor more than nine months, in the
discretion of the commission, and
within thirty days . thereafter such
commission shall report its findings to
the president and congress; that eacn
member of the commission created
under the orovision of this act shall
receive such compensation as may be
fixed by the president, that
sum of $25,000, or so much
thereof as may be necessary be and
hereby is appropriated out ot any
noney in the United States treasury,
riot otherwise appropriated for the
necessary and proper expenses incur
red in connection with the work of
such commission, including salaries.
per diem, traveling expenses of mem
bers and employes and rent, furniture,
office fixtures and supplies, books,
salaries and other necessary expenses,
the same to be approved by the chair
man of said commission and audited
by the proper accounting officers of
the treasury.
Section 3: That pending the re
port of the commission herein pro
vided for and for a period of thirty
days thereafter, the compensation of
railway employes subject to this act
for a standard eight-hour workday.
shall not be reduced below the pres
ent standard day a wage, and for all
necessary time in excess of eight
hours, such emnloves shall be oaid at
a rate not less than the pro rata for
such standard eight-hour workday.
Section 4: That any person violat
ing; any provision of this act shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction shall be fined not less than
Veteran Turns In Medal Score
in Qualifying- Round for
Club Championship. '
Jack Hughes was medalist in the
qualifying round of play for the golf
championship of the Omaha Field
club yesterday afternoon, Hughes ne
gotiated the eighteen holes In 81, two
strokes better than Sam Reynolds,
state champion and his nearest op
ponent : . . . : ,
Scores ot those qualifying were as
Cb.mnl.nRhl. Fllghi.
J. W. Huth.a ....81IJ. B. Frand.nburf.M
8. W. Reynolde ,. SI C. w. Calkin
Albert Cahn .....l C. B. Ouftey .ID
T. W. Hale 14 B. Sweat . .II
R. B Tounf 6l A. W. Mlchole .,. J
w. H. LaDone,iir.l6C' w.';hoad.s...".M
Joe William. IIV. Bi Melon. ...II
W, N. Chambers.. Ill Albert Krwur II
. .. t ... . . DRAW. . V ,- v ,-,
Hus-hea vs. Prandenbttrf.
Tounf vs.' Nlohola. .
Cahn ve. Gutter.
WHIIama vs. Ualoney.
Reynolds vs. Calkins. . '
l,a Douceur vs. Rlonarda. . t
Hala vs. Sweet. Jl
Chamber, ve. Krug. v ;
.IIIA. Cahn, Jr...... II
.IIIH. w. ' Mocor II
01 P. H. Woodland... II
C. J. Balrd . ..
O. J. Bauman.
James Allen . .
J. Coskley.
M. T. Swerti .
H. C. Oreensheet.10
P. Wernher II
Jack Share .... II
H. C. Xohn
H. B. Ullllken.. II
S. Doh.rtr ...... IS
C. B. Staht....,.,.l4
A. Balrd It
Balrd vs. Staht.
Swarts vs. Koha.
Allen ve. McCoy.
Wernher vs. Doherty. '
Bauman ve. Cahn. jr.
Oreeneheet va. MllUken. ,
Coakley va. Woodland.
Sharp vs. Balrd.
Third rUsht.
. R. Brand. .. 14,0. O. Lisbon
H. Bauehamp 10
Heavy Annual Run of Range
Cattle Expeoted After
Labor Day.
W. Tlleon.
H. Tllton...
W. Shield.
IChas. B. 11.11.
S. H. Wlleon...
A. B. Bhotwell,
Thomas vs. Bhotwell.
Tllton ve.
Bauehamp vs. flwarle.
Battelle vs. Foster,
Brando va. Lisbon.
Shields v.. LawraMa,
Tlleon .vs. Levell. -Wilson
v.. Towle.
M. T. Swart..... II
J. Lavelle II
0. D. Klpllns,r.,.iei
T, W. .100
Charles Footer ..100
B. P. Thomas, ,. .100
1. W. Towle ....100
Bank Clearings. k
Bank elearlnan In the TT.l,.a at.,.. .
the week ending Auruet II, a. reported to
Bradstreet'e Journal, New York, aseres-ato
4,100,411,000. a.alnat 14,171,141,000 laat
week and 11,411.171.000 In this week laat
yesr. Canadian clearings aggregate 1171,
MO0, aa agalnat lll.4l,000 laat week
and 1121,411,000 In thle week laat year. Fol
lowing are tne rsiurna ror tnis week, with
. E. Thomas Critically
III at Home of Daughter
A. E. Thomas, who has been a r,.
ide'nt of Omaha for sixty years, and
who was one of the first conductors
on the Union Pacific railroad, is crit
ically ill at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. C. C. Haynes, 4508 North
Twenty-fourth street. He is 81 years
of age. -
Had Bilious Attacks.
"II. arm in....n ..... .( ... ...I
-j " j w age eui-
fered frequently from bilious attacks.
Vt v- httchnd k.Aii.k, MnM. . I. . . I I
Chamberlain's Tablets and began giv
ing them to him. They helped him
right away. He began to eat heartily
and picked up right along," writes
Mrs. Thomas Campbell, Kirkville, N.
Y. Obtainable everywhere. Adv.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
compared with this week laat year;
CITT. Clearings. Inc. Dee.
Now Tork 12,647, OS!, 000 10.0
Chicago 104.0(1,000 II. 1
Phlledelphl. .... 314,000,000 11.7
Boaton 140,147.000 1S.S ......
St. Louis 10,114.000 10.0 ......
Kaneae City...,. 101,046.000 11.1
San Franclao..... 60,147,000 14.1 .,,,,,
Plttaburgh 11,114,000 11.1
Baltimore 14,001,000 14.1
Cleveland ....... 47,407,000 47.1
Detroit 11.111,000 404
Cincinnati 11,101,000 11.1
Minneapolis 16,771,000 II. I
Loe Angele. . . . 10,(60,000 14.1
Omaha UMMX 46 1
New Orleans 11,630,000 10. 1
Milwaukee , 10.111,000 II. 1
Loulavllle ....... . 11,101.000 ll.O
Atlanta '14,166,000 . 4!..
St. Paul 11,111,000- II. I
Seattle 11,617,000. 17.0 ......
Buffalo 11,111,000 16.1
Portland, Ore.,.. 10,110,000 II. I
Richmond ...... 14.661,000 11 1
Denver 11,166.00 II. I
Houeton ,. 10,111,000 II. I
Indianapolis 1.446,000 11.7......
Port Worth 7.101,000 11.0
Providence 1,171,000 II. I
Waahlngton, D.C. . 1.111,000 I.I
Rt. Joseph 1,166,000 II. I
Memphis , 4,141,000 41.1 ,
Hartford ' 0,103,000 II. I
Salt Lake City.. 7,711,000 40.1
Columbus g.111,000 11.7
Toledo 7,111,000 10.0
Naahvllle 1,611,000 II. I
Duluth , 1.100,000 II. I ,
Albany 4,100,000
Dee Molnea 4,107,000 I.I
Rochester 4.101,000 1.4
Savannah 7,104,000 16.1
Oalveaton 4.1(1,000 47.7
Norfolk I.KI.000 11.1
Wichita 1,404.000 .16.1
New Haven 1,146,000 14.1
Spoken 1.104.000 II. 1
Oakland ' 1,100,000
Orand Rapid. ... . 1.724.000 17.4 ......
Sloui City 1,170,000 II. I
Acranton 1,070,000 1,1
Peoria 1,601,000 10.1
Macon 1,141.000 til. I
Syracuse ........ 1,140,000 1.1
Sprlngfl.ld, Maaa. ' 1,711,000 11.1
Worcester 1,106,000 11.1 ......
Jacksonville, PI.. 1,414,000 17.0
Austin 1.141,000 104.1 ,.
Chattanooga .... 1.711,000 I.I
Lincoln - I.KI.OO 10.1
Fr.mont Ilo.oooj 64.0
Last w,ek'a.
The biggest day of the annual run
of western range cattle will be de
layed several days this year, due to
the strike scare, according to Traffic
Manager A. F. Stryker of the Live
Stock exchange of the local yards.
Labor day has previously held rec
ords for the greatest number of cat
tle to be shipped from the west dur
ing the annual range run period.
"When the railroads placed an em
bargo on shipments of live stock to
the markets of the country, they
caus'.d shipper! to delay their deliv
eries indefinitely,", Mr, Stryker said
yesterday.' "We have every reason to
believe that the cattle run this Labor
day, usually the heaviest of the year,
and for the rest of the week will be
comparatively light. I expect these
delayed shipments to arrive in force
before the end of next week."
Hing Lea Under Arrest
While between fifty and sixty peo
ple were eating and drinking at the
chop auey house of Hing Let,
Twenty-fifth and N streets, Friday
evening, detectives from the local
Station, acting under orders of Cap
tain of Police Briggs, rushed the
doors. There was utmost confusion
and in the mixup half the crowd
escaped, jumping from the windows
to the root ot the next building, or
through the elevator.
The majority were taken to the po
lice station and booked as inmates of
a disorderly house. There were six
girls in the arrested group. The in
mates were discharged Saturday
morning in police , court by Judge
Reed. Four failed to show up and
forfeited bonds. . The case against
Lee, as keeper, was continued until
next week.
Police say that liquor is being con
stantly sold after hours and large
numbers of people patronize the
Final Concerts Announced. '
Last municipal concerts to be given
this summer in South Side parks are
scheduled for dates during the com
ing week. Dan Desdunes' colored
band will hold a crowd together at
Mandan park thia afternoon.
Sunday afternoon, September 10, is
the last date for a concert at Man
dan. On Wednesday evening,
September 13, a banner concert of
the entire year will be held at High
land park at Twenty-fifth and C
South Side Park Superintendent
John F. Schultz announced yesterday
that he would have men working dur
ing the entire winter at all of the
Health Representative Henry
Schmeling made the rounds of the
West Side yesterday, looking to see
whether clean-up orders had been
obeyed. Residents are complying
very well with the request of the
city, says the health man.
' MagU City Oeeetp.
Teama Wanted Oood pay. See Kratky
Brothers, 4111 South 14th street, Phone
South 10 or 400.
Mies - Lllllon Ruderitorf has returned
from Columbia tlnlveralty. New Tork, where
aha flnlahed a poet graduate course In art.
Mlas Msbel Martin and Miss Helen Con
have returned home after ependlng two
montha In Colerado and weatern Nebraeka.
The Mv.tte Worker, ot the World will
meet at the- Odd Follows' hall at Twenty
fourth and M streets Tueaday evening at I
Oreat moving picture for Bease today.
Ivy Cloee and True Boardman. Tomorrow
'The Dlacard," with Betty Brown of South
Omaha. Tuesday "The Almighty Dollar."
Wedneeday P. X. Bushman. Thursday
"Virtu.." Friday Theda Bar. In "East
Many contributions to the 8oth aide
society eelumne of The Bee com. Int. the
office on Saturday, too late to be con
tained In the South Side soelety column
found In the aoclety asctlon of the Sunday
paper. All such Item, should be mailed or
brought to th. offlo. before Saturday
' Salesmen
Who travel via Fords, let iis attach
Worm Steering Gear jind Easy Riding
Shock Absorber. If not satisfied after
week's trisl, your money rtfurnied.
Standard Foundry Company, 6L'6 So.
14th Street. Advertisement -
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success. . v
Omaha Maids and Matrons
Will Hold Their Annual
Taj Day Wednesday.
"Buy t tag! Buy t tag!"
So you will be accosted on Wednes
day when the Visiting Nurse associa
tion wilt hold its annual Tag day.
Rain or shine, 'well known Omaha
maids and matrons will be on the
streets, selling tags lor Omaha's fav
orite charity, stations having been es
tablished in all the office buildings and
at busy street corners and intersec
tions. Headquarters will be in the United
States National bank building, where
Mrs. Albert Noe, Mrs. R. W. Connell
and Miss Alice Buchanan will be in
charge. Mrs. Barton Millard, the pres
ident, and Mrs. Luther Kountae will
relieve the fair taggers of the coin
they collect.
Following Is the list of women in
charge of stations:
Cltr Hull and Bh Bul.rJ!nt Mr. Victor
Rwtr. aMlated by MHdimN CharlM
lemur, William Holiman. J. a Kats. Har
ry, rllhMmar, Kerbort Arnataln, William
Harrli, Hattla Rubat, Louli Hlllar, Herbert
Kopald. Julius KfManbarv, Nathan Uantal.
Brandtla Build in t Mrt. Arthur Woodman,
mivfftd by Maadamaa D. L. Thorn, C. W.
Haller, O. B. Wllllama, C. 8. Relyaa, Lola
Cochran, Lou J. Traynor, B. F, Jaokion.
H. Q. Uatthat, Will H, Thomaa. F L. Bob
rtswn, J, A, Houaton. Oil), Johatoa.
Haydaa Brothers and Sherman lloCon
nail, Loyal Hotel. Poatoffloe lira, O. L.
Bradley, anlited by Maadamaa Ronald Pat
taraon, R. B. Davis, Eh .era, W. P. Cttllay,
P. B, Marshall. P. S. Uontfomery, J. R.
Golden, C. L. Burdlok, fc. N. Woodward, J.
Kelley, Mtaaaa Eleanor McOllton. Harriet
Sherman, Harriet Walker, Plorano Banks,
Haaal Evans, Baulah Clark, Hetan Plaroa,
Halaa Curtis, Helen Johnston, Kthel Mag
nay, Louise Batlay, Hannah Bmylla, Elisa
beth flmylia. Louisa White,
Omaha National Bank Bulldlnr Mra. H.
O. Edwards and Mrs, Ralph Brackanrldfa,
aaalated by Mlaa Martha Dale, Mian Mona
Tow la, Mra. A. W. Gordon, Uls Uertrude
Porter, Mlaa Dorothy Smith.
Owl Drug Company Block Mrs, W. H.
Rhoadaa and Mra. Blair, assisted by Mrs.
Prank Ptald, Ruth McCoy, Ruth 81 bam h,
Oraca Harta, Garaldlna Johnaon, Beatrice
Johnson, Ploranca Kuaeetl, Anna Russell,
Mildred Rhoadaa, Mra. K. B. Pernio. Mrs.
Rwlnt Brown, Gertrude Stout, Mrs. H.
Burgeas-Nash Block Mrs. Charles Met.
assisted by M'sdam". Louie Clark, John
Radtck, Fred Meti, William Salmon, A. P.
Smith, C. E. Mats, Arthur Mats, Anna
Psyche, A, Brand ea, Mlaaea Flortri Shaw,
Catherine McCagua, Donna McDonald, Win-
Ifred La thro p. Lillian Head. Ruth Miller,
Martha Gyger, Hlen Pay eke, Qartrude
Paycka, Gertruda Met, Olga Mats and Hrr
mlna Ponay.
City National Bank Building Mra: Her
bert Rogers and Mra. Alfred Bchalek, as
sisted by Mra, J. J. McMillan, Mlaa Helen
Millard, Miss Grace Blabaugh, Mlaa Lola
Bobbins, Mlsa Elisabeth Carr, Mlas Doro
thy Bingham, Mary Puller, Zoe Schalek,
Mra. A. D. Dunn, Mrs. Palmer Plndtey,
Mra. A. C. Stokee, Mra. W. P. Wherry, Mra.
P. a Morlarty.
Court House and University Block Mrs.
W, A. Templeton, assisted by Mrs. Dr. Mlll-
roy, Mra. Prank Elllck, Mrs. Millard Ftink
houser, .Mra. Donald Neeley, Mlaaea Ruth
and Helen Beatty,
Pen tensile Hotel and Telephone Richange
Mra. Prank W. Bacon, aaalated by Luc lie
Bacon and Nan flpauiding.
Beaton Drug Company Mra. T. R. Ward,
aaalated by Florence Chambers, Dorothy
Merrlam. Carry Mitchell, Stella W I It-ox,
Kthel Pry, Lillian Wlnegard, Berty Hoag.
Beaa Rogers, Mra. Gardner. Mra. J. D. His.
Thoa. Kllpatrlck Ca. and Union Pacific
Headquarters Mr. Philip Potter, aaslated
by Mrs. J. C, French, Mra. I-iewls, Miss Al
natt Palmar. Miss Gladya Miller, Mlaa Kath
arine Morohead, Minerva Fuller, Helen
Hatch, Clarloa Brown, Lenlt Hughes, Mary
Taylor, Alice Pry.
South Side Packing Houaa, Live Slock
Exchange, Stores, Etc. Mra. C. E, Soarr,
aaalsted by Meadamea Roy Dannie, Art Ma-
Donald, William HeNlohoia, Marry Bennett,
James Chlsek, Byron Demoraat, J. W, Mc-
ifliroy, Frank Ames. William K on old. Rich
ard Orotte, S. O. Puren, Richard Novak,
n. t. Amngnam. William Jamieson, Ira o.
Bleecher, Mlsaea Romonla McHlroy, Nina
Ames, Edith Pinch, Louisa Wadklns, Helen
Adklns, Thelma MoMahon, Grace Dean,
South Side hoapltat, the "Win My Chum
club" of the South Side high school,
Paaton Hotel Blook Mra. Prank Norton
and Mra. O. J, Ingwereen, aaalsted by Ann
Q If ford, Mrs. Prank Walters, Mrs. Charlea
Grlmmal, Mra. C. L, Sykes, Mrs. Howard So
botker, Mra, G. W. Platnar, Mrs. L. Hamlin,
Mlsa Elaa Smith, Mlsa Katherlna Gould,
Margretha Grlmmal, Ruth Gould, Florence
Rahm, Mildred Poota, Marlon Coed, Dor
othy Norton.
Woodmen of the World Building Mrs. J,
W. Tcwle, aaalated by Mlsa Marlon Towle,
Helen Ingweraen and Renins Connell
Rome Hotel. Dally - Newa Blook Mlea
Clara Thomas, assisted by Mlaa Alice Pry,
xnisa Jjaiey rry, misb aunet rry.
In Charge at Thlrtyetghth and Parnam
Mrs. Dan Wheeler and Mlaa Mildred Rogers,
assisted by Margaret Meyer, Pleasant Holy
oka, Katharine Porter, Helen Porter, Mlaa
Grain Bachange Mra. J. W, Hynes, as
sisted bp Mra. W. B. Updike, Mra. W. I..
Ouekert, Mlea Haaal Updike. Mlsa Marjorlo
Cavere, Mlsa Raglna Connell.
zn Charge at Twenty-fourth and Parnam
Mra, T. E. Bandera, aaslated by Mrs. C. P.
Shlreman, Marlon - Alleman, Elisabeth
Berrytnan, Katherlna Bandars. Katharine.
Rltohle, Helen Alleman, Beulah Clark, Mary
Puller, RUe Carpenter, Katherlna Sturte-
In Charge at Twenty-ninth and Leaven
worth Mrs. T. H. Tracy, aaalated by Uiu
met) v Diiutinaj mnu SDTOiiijr jrjsjawtj.i.
Dundee Mra. C. B. Nlawonger and Mrs,
Will Hoagland, aaslated by Mra. Charlea
J. Hubbard, Helen Cheaney. Lottie Snow
den, Ada Klopp, Edna Bartlett, Margaret
Wright, Gladya Goodman, Mary Haller, Hel
en Curtis, Eileen Oulnter, Miriam McMartln,
Catherine Corey, Florence Dow, Angellne
Rush, Gertrude Cuacadan, Edna Llader
holm. Burlington and Union Stations Miss Ger
trude Brnat and Mlaa Stella Halmaulat. a.
slsted by Mary Carrier, Margaret Marquardf,
miss araaea, Minna steainger.
In Charge at Thirty-eighth and Dodge
Mrs. Jno, L. McCagua,
In Charge at Thirty-third and Burt Mrs
W, R. Adams, assisted by Iaura Peters, Joe
Peters, Miss Cameron. , ,
Paiton Gallagher's Mrs, Ben Galla
gher, Wholesale District Ura, Tom Davis and
Mra. Wlllard Hosford, assisted by Ufa.
Harry Tukey and Mra. W. B. Roberta.
In Charge at Fortieth and Cuming Mra.
Helen Johnston, assisted by Bugenle WhH
more, Mra. A. 8. Johnston, Rhea Hendae,
Iva Nichols, Miss Kelner, Ardls Carter.
In Charge at Twenty-fourth and Amsa
Mra. R. Kulakofaky, aaslated by Mra. H. D.
Marowlta, Mra, B. A. Blmon and Mra.
Jacqnea Rleur.
Market Mra. Wheeler, Mlaa Elisabeth El-
Bridge Worker Attacked
And Robbed While Asleep
W. Jf, McConnell, a bridge worker,
drew his pay, amounting to $125 and
then went to sleep in a Vacant lot at
Seventh and Leavenworth atreet His
next stop was at the police station,
where he reported that thugs had at
tacked him while he was sleeping and
robbed him of hi- "rol!.M ,
AreYou Prepared for
Bauys Arrival r
Ton are It "Mother's Friend"
has been gtren a place la your
borne. Th dread and agony of
childbirth can bt eliminated to
the greatest extent by this won.
detfal assistant to nature. Drug
glata ererrwhere sell "Mother-,
1 ExMetam .
' amMn
The "Come.hack" man wss really never
down-and-out. Hta weakened condition be
cause' of over-work, lack of exorcise, Im
proper eating and living, damanda stimula
tion to aatlafy the cry for a health-giving
appetite and the refreshing sleep essential
to strength. OOLD MUDAL Haarlem Oil
Capaulea,, the National Remedy of Holland,
wilt do the work. They are wonde-ul,
Three of these capsules eaah day will put
a man on his feet before he knows Hi
whether hie trouble comes from uric acid
poisoning, the kidneys, gravel or atone tn
the bladder, atomach derangement or other
ailments that befall the over-aealoua Ameri
can. Don't wait until you are entirety down-and-out,
but take them today. Tour drug
gist will gladly refund your money If tby
do not help you. 26c, lOo and 11.40 per
box, Acaept no eubatltutea. Look for the
name GOLD MEDAL on every box. They
are the pure, original, Imported Haarlem
OH Capsu lee Advertisement, , ,
V 4 is
De.tfla Burt aa.
WadJallea Cesatiat
i Ju4s.i NeB-Pattlia.
Yea tea Vew Fer Em.
it tf sr. rsr r r
1 '
Warld Famous Hoset
OpaaMiM Csntial Park
at 59th Street
Claea M All Theatre, slid
utd Outdoor Tomes
Cool snd Refreihing Place to
ffrni ar HmntU Mm
RED STERRT Maoaamt Dwectar
Final Perferi!iae. Friday Nit. .
Free ants
The Meat Corieaue at All luaamer
Direct tree. 184 tJaaa. at ta. UMuaabi.
theeta,, Caicaga. -Original
Cakat. Cast,
lanuaiag uav. , .';"-'"
Ague. Sealer, Inaa Da Ver41er,
Joe. Manilla, Amelia BarMetU nl
PCAR aiAOIS! , .
All armleu sttHt, SaM Marl.,, th,
S.laiaa e Ssrlaiwa, wriaal te Ma Is
tiallMee, wliM eeoaara, wit, tte ''Fret
I..." hneaellr, Vm aaianS Ne m.
...Urr. HI, wshw N e. snat Wat J H.I
like aurlei . tfeket ieya.lf ever, earfern.
aaiV. V ieHMSOf, al ,T SAVsTY.
reaiaga aad Sunder Matineaa,
la. aae. SOa ana TSa.
mm Mh. au. as aaaaua.
afflr AT ANY WtHtK
can aa If
LADIES' , ins.
TirKGTa tW
Baar Carriage Carage at tae Uaar,
Dellr MUlaK 1:11. NUM. 1:11. THIS WIIKl
AND COMPANY I girl la mm mm.
H.rry Strttew 4 Kiel ...ti. Thra, Kltaf. arethara,
Or.h.aa Wertly.
rrlHl manna, ei
arSiy a. I SuaeayJ,
,rlai Uatlna. aallerv. IN. Mrt Matl Unest Sat,
ne. niian. ie, 4M. ww.
Yea The Largest aa tne Stage.
Lake Manaiva
Fos Foatnra Film. Etotj Et.b-.-.
log FREE
William Farnum
A Romanti. Drama of th. S.a.
Riding Devicca and Other
Attractions. -