THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 4, 1916. THE OMAHA DAILY UtM FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSF.WATER VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR THE BEE HJBIJSH1NQ COMPANY. PBOPKIETOB. Entered At Omaha soetoMlee aa eacond-elaae matter. By Melt per year .... ... e.SS ... . ... d.St I.SS TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. . By Carrier Mr month. Vlaflt and Bonder.,.. Oaily without Sunday Keening and Sunday ,.... Krealng without Sunday..... Me Sunday Baa wily 'i"7'' Via aa nail, nd Bandar Baa, three yam In """ .1-. mAArmm a trreralaritr IB OS- '.i in imm hi - - -- r I ti ru.l.ilM nnaptmMlt. . REMITTANCE. Hemit fcy draft, express or postal oroer. " taken in payment of email mmrnU. Pmonal hckt, fxeept on Omaha and amaUrn exchange, not aoeoptaa. t OFFICES. Omaha Tha Bat Building. South Omaha ltl N etreet. Conned BloHe M North Mala street Lincoln .24 Little Building. Chleago (It People's Cai Bulldlnf. NewYoi Room 101. 1SS Filth arame. St. Louis lt New Bank of Commerce. Washington 7l Fourtaanth street. N. w. CORRESPONDENCE. !uj.. HnH.niti.atlMia relating to news ana wjw natter to Omaha Baa, Editorial Department. JULY CIRCULATION 57,569 Daily Sunday 52,382 hi.Lt wrnii 4-allihM lwansLStsrr of TlW Bw VublLhinr Company, being duly worn, say thtf th L .2 i-a- V- k a Jill. Ilia. RU i vcrBBV cimiaiviun m a. "a" daily, nad .?,??..,,,,. subscribed In my presence and sworn to bafora us his Id day af August, ISIS. K ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public. Subscriber, IsaTing the city tamporarilr should hays Tha Baa mailt- lo .ham. Ad drees will be changed as oftaa at required. Until Tom Lipton springs another yacht chal enge all igm of peace abroad may be classed aa Kpunous. Railroad ownera still cherish the delusion that Jheir possession include Butting Bill. The truth s the consumer the only sure enougn goat. It is a mistake to assume that the four brother oods are the sole beneficiaries. The eight-hour kct insures a volume of business for the legal Crowds flocked to the court where Chicago's L. Ml: : ..... . .1. .... vh!K!tnn Vrtt inuuvnsiio aaj ,uai . waa v.....,........ : ..... (from curiosity, but to get a line on what they nissed. ' -. -: ''. " j Now that Woodrow Wilson has removed the mspense by accepting the nomination the boys ichind the pie counter may come out and pro ceed with the shooting. It is still a question whether the gas tn the iiy hall is more expensive than the gas of city tutoa. One thing is certain. Unlike the bld- ime gas bill, the new one Is no Joke. It should not be overlooked, that the atrike mergency act provides lor a commission of in vestigation. When congress forgets the future f lame ducks the milltnium Is tagged. State Chairman Langhorst of the democratic committee doubtless needed the information, itill, some credit ia due Brother Charley for his iromptness in showing Langhorst where he gets I The whirligig of time performs some amazing tunts. Not ao long ago the wishes of railroad lanagera dominated legislation not only in state apitals, but at Washington. Observe how the tighty have fallen. The idol's of yesteryear now ision their melancholy days. Pancho Villa' percentage in premature death eports rises steadily, but Chihuahua's rumor actory must show greater speed to approach tha care of King Henelik in the dying line. Menelik rrived at last. It ia equally certain that Pancho rill reach the destination with more or less elerity. ,-f '. : i ;i The conference to settle our .troubles with Mexico meets at Portsmouth, N. H., an ancient eaport fixed on the treaty nap by the settlement f the Russo-Japanese war. Out of that aettle lent President Roosevelt drew the Nobel peace rize. What ia coming to President Wilson out f the coming conference is anybody's guess. ' I With the exception of W. J. Bryan the late ohn P. St John, the Kansas apostle of prohlbl ion, sprayed the country more extensively with tump speeches and traveled more miles to do t thaa any other spieler of hia time. ' In other espects his achievements equalled Bryan's. Both ion elective offices and aided in defeating their arty candidates for the presidency. People and Events San Diego's second year exposition Is said 0 be flourishing, with greater average attendance han last year. The treasury is looking up and letting chesty, - . ; . 1 The Young Men's Christian association oper tea 707 gymnasiums, 307 athletic fields, 400 wimming pools and 4,645 summer camps in North imerica. No other single agency directs as large i division of outdoor life in summer, ( Joy ia eurely coming to faahionable mankind, he demise of the coat ahirt also marks the rise f a flossy silk aubstitute, ita shining bosom em iroidered with panay designs. Perfectly lovely, t The nestor of Illinois newspaper men In the harness ia John T. Been, editor of the Duquoin f ribone. Been ia just over 76, and has puttered iround print shops since he waa 12, waa a charter nember of the St Louis Typographical union, -nd hasn't taken a vacation in half a century, The tyranny of the work habit is fierce. Minnesota boasts of the model state prison in Management and profits. During the fiscal year uit closed the prison workshops turned out $2, .0,000 worth of agricultural implements and bind ng twine. Its profits for two yeara amount to .i0,000, after deducting depreciation and paying vagea of $1 a day or more to working prisoners, t is said to be the only prison In the United tatea that ia absolutely self-supporting. Humorists have played upon the joke of dad xpediting the flight of hesitant and objectionable waina until the point ia lost in general weariness, et the point remains and occasionally works. Will you marry my daughter tomorrow?" asked .d Udell of Wilmette, a Chicago auburb, of .barley Strahs, a slow moving "steady." "I ain't yini that I will," said Strahs, "and I ain't say it that I won't Thereupon dad swung the father and Strahs gained speed with each con act. It's no joke. , I Although he is past four score year. Jimmy iradley, founder and great grandfather of Asbury .'ark, N. J., still retains a holy horror of human ayety and the implement of evil. The other ay he led a Carrie Nation? axe raid on a shack hich harbored a wheel of chance, with dolls and .'eddy bears for prizes. Hit stroke failed to mash things, but the wheel and the dolls and ears moved off in the night ' Labor Day, On this day the people of the United States pause for a time in deference to a fundamental. "In the aweat of thy face shalt tnou eat oreau, the primal curse pronounced against the offend ina- Adam, waa one of the greatest blessings co ferred on him and his descendants. To work is to accompliah, to create, to produce, to add to the world's turn of achievement and accumulation. It light the inspiration and give vitality to hope, it spurs ambition and plumes the wing of im agination, and brings its reward to all who earnestly, and honestly consider it not as a handi cap but a an opportunity. The drudge is not him who toils at some humble task; the man who honora hia employment by hi endeavor honor himself. He who does not find occupation in the work at hand, who can not appreciate hi own contribution to the whole of man' effort, de grade himself and loses the nobility that arise from the condition of the real worker. ' And thi is why Labor day is observed. It Is not merely an occasion for the parading of the numerical strength of organized labor, nor for the utterance of phrases of praise and encouragement It haa, or should have, a deeper significance, a holier meaning. All nature teems with example of creative and productive effortt It is one of the three-fold attributes of the Almighty. Man who work i exhibiting hi connection with a hare in the divine plan. Therefore, "Labor is noble and holy." ' ' ' When you watch the marchera go by today, try to realize they typify not only the greatness of the American people, but the good of all the peo ple, past, present and future. Social and economic problems of deep complexity confront us now, as they always have, and our progress to their solution seems slow and uncertain, but the intrinsic and extrinsic importance of Labor is above all. Real work is man's highest destiny. Light on the Torrens Law. The Nebraska Legislative Reference Bureau performs a real public service in printing and cir culating a bulletin dealing with the Torrens land transfer law, enacted by the last legislature. The bulletin carries much useful information on a sub ject of prime importance to land owners, showing the growth of the Torrent System In other states, court rulings on the law, and a comparison of the essential features of the Nebraska law with similar law in operation in twelve states, The Torrens system of land transfer seeks to abolish the present wasteful and costly methods of title record and to aubstitute a simple certifi cate of ownership, of which a public record is kept Every other form of property may be dis posed of at will, but a change of ownership of land la hedged about by expensive legal details and bulky records which draw the sanctity of usage from the inventive skill of some European land grabber, If it no easy task to make a breach in the defenses of a system which affords an ever growing source of revenue to its beneficiaries. - The profitable character of the older tyttem explains why the simpler method of title trans fer doe not (peed up and justify the claims of its supporters. The Nebraska law hobbles the move ment at the Mart by requiring a petition of 10 per cent of the freeholders of any county before the county can install the system. This, in itself, is a serious handicap. Nevertheless a start has been made in Seward county and Dawson and Lancaster counties are moving In the same direc tion. For Douglas county, the chief mart and mint of the title business, the 10 per cent require ment practically makes the law a dead letter. Democratic "Harmony" 8till Rage. The era of good feeling between the leader of the unterrified in Nebraska got another uplift, when Brother Charley Bryan informed the wait ing public .that Chairman Langhorst was not authorized to speak for Brother Will Bryan, and that no plans had as yet been made for the presence in Nebraska of the great commoner dur ing the campaign. Thua ia the world enlight ened to the depth of devotion the teveral democrat of Nebraska hold for one another. Our senator, o( course, will welcome any sign of the olive branch from the late secretary of state, but no hint of such an offer is noted. On the contrary, it is made plain that if the peerless does come to his home state to help out before election, he will make a definite choice of those for whont he askt assistance, and that he it not likely to forget thote who took such pleasure in thwarting his ambition to go to St Louis at a delegate. The joy of eliminating Bryan in April it certain to have an echo in November. Control by the Nation. One of the interesting feature of the passage of the eight-hour law through congress waa that at no point along it hurried course was any ques tion of state' right seriously raised. ' It was agreed from first to last that the emergency waa one for the nation to deal with, Here ia one of the best possible example of the desirability of national control over matters that affect the nation. Just as much reason exists for rele gating railroad wages and hours of labor to atate regulation a did for the condition reached under the child labor law. Yet that measure met determined opposition because it invaded the aacred domain of state's rights. And the same logic will apply to the fixing of ratea for com merce between the states. It ha been foundthe only rational way to deal with the great questions of national life. On this point the republican party haa divided aharply with the democrats from its birth. State sovereignty must not be per mitted to retard national progress. . ; It is gratifying to have the assurance of County Attorney Magney that the Milk Dealers' association is not a combine to boost prices. This and other trade associations, it should be understood, are designed for the social, philan thropic and mental uplift of the members. The matter of prices never mar the studious serenity of meetings. No, never. The uniformity snd unvarying samen? of t price boost too often i mistaken for a combine, whereat the real cause of the uplift may be traced to the purity and sus taining nature of our celebrated atmosphere. ,V I l .....'vr' ' Recent reports from Mexico gave assurances that Pancho Villa waa all in, with only one leg to stand on and dead beyond hope. The rout of Carranz troop near Chihuahua indicate that Pancho la very much alive or hit ghost It throw ing a icare and tome lead into the vital of the) enemy. f ' .:'-- ' " -''- ' ' v The policy of "national instinct" which directs the armed energlea of Roumania differs slightly from the Impulses of the White House. The ob jective of one it territory, of the other 'plain politic, . , . I TO n A VI Thaua-ht Nunet for the Day. The house of every one is to him as his castle and fortress, as well for his defense against in jury and violence aa for hia repose. Sir Edward Coke. '.'"' , " ' On Vaar Ata Todav In the War. ' Allan line steamship Hesperian sunk by minebr submarine off southern coast of Ireland, with loss of twenty-six lives. ' . ' Czar assumed supreme command of tnes.Kue sian armies, and Grand Duke Nicholas transferred xo command in mc i.uuiui. Gernjans defeated Russians at Fnedenckstadt and reached the JJiva river near Kiga. Italian and Austrian forces hampered by heavy snowfall in the Alps, but continued fighting. . , This Day in Omaha Thirty Year Ago. Work ha been commenced on the building for the Omaha Corrugated Iron company in Bed ford place. The building will be 100x30 feet in j: ' f E7 K):t,l. ,U j.mtra.t for the oiniciiaiujia. j. a-. . brick work and Jame Griffith the carpenter work. ' ... , , A pleasant reception waa tendered by the Rev. and Mrs. E. G. Fowler at the Mettiodist Episco pal parsonage to their numerous friends. Mrs. Mumaugh, who haa just returned from the east, where she hat been taking further in struction in the art she ia already at the head of in Omaha, has opened a studio in the Paxton building. Her exhibit at the exposition has at tracted the attention of all the visitors and is well worth seeing. , - , Mr. Joseph Brennan of Jackson county, a '56 pioneer of Omaha ia in town looking vainly for some familiar land mark of the early days. "Uncle Joe Creighton is acting aa guide. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bennett have left for Soda Springs, Idaho, for a short visit From there they will proceed to Salt Lake, returning east by Denver and the Rio Grande. Gratton & Drummond have on exhibition at their repository, 1315 Harney, one of the neat est little phaetona ever ahown in this city, com bining comfort, style and durability. Rector Hamil of Trinity cathedral is making a short visit to Columbus, Neb. This Day In Hiatory. 1795) Charles Follen, the German refugee who became a professor at Ha.-vard university, born' in Komrod, Germany. Died at sea, January 13, 1840. 1892 Marcus Whitman, the pioneer and mis sionary, who guided the first immigrant train into Oregon, born at Rushville, N. Y. Killed by In dians November 29, 1847. 1826 Treaty between Russia and Turkey signed at Akerman; navigation of Black sea se cured for Russia. 1837 The twenty-fifth congress met in extra session to provide some relief to the country from the existing financial crisis. 1850 Chicago was first lighted with gas. 1862 Confederate forces invaded Maryland. 1866 President Andrew Johnson visited De troit and delivered a speech fn favor of his policy and against congress. - 1870 Revolution in Paris; dethronement of Napoleon III. proclaimed. 1894 Twelve thousand tailors went on strike in New York City against the taskwork system. 1909 Chinese-Japanese agreement regarding Manchuria signed at Peking. , 1911 A vast number of people were drowned by floods along the Yang-tse-Kiang river in China. 1915 Rear Admiral Caperton proclaimed mar tial law in Haytian territory occupied by United States forces. . i ' ' , The Day W Celebrate. Luther L. Kountze- vice president Frist Na tional banks, Is 42 years old today. He was born in Umaha and educated at Yale. Frank L. Campbell, hustling insurance man. was born September 4, 1863, at Bainbridge, O. tie is special agent tor tne new York i-ite insur ance company. Arthur is. turrte, in the wholesale coal busi ness, is today celebrating his 40th birthday, hav ing been born in Denver this date 1876. Dowager Uueen Ulga ot ureece, widow of the late King George and mother of the present king, Dorn sixty-nve years ago toaay, . -. General Count Luigi Cardorna, chief of the freneral staff of the Italian army, born at Pal anza, sixty-six years ago today. Simon Lake, inventor of the even-keel tvoe of submarine torpedo boat, born at Pleasantville, N. J., ntty years ago today. - Harold MacGrath, writer of many popular stories, born at Syracuse, N. Y, forty-five years ago today. - - Kt Kev. William M. Brown, formerly fcpisco al bishop of Arkansas, born in Wayne county, )., sixty-one year ago today. Henry Lefavour, president of Simmons col lege, born at Salem, Mass, fifty-four yeara ago today. ' j . Rear Admiral Corvin P. Reess. United States navy, retired, born at Reily, O., sixty-eight yeara ago today. . . Timely Jottings and Reminder. 1 Labor day. Spanish war veterans open their national en campment today in Chicago. Charles E. Hughes, republican presidential nominee, ia to speak today at Nashville. President Wilson is to take part in exercises to be held today at Hodgenville, Ky., marking the formal presentation to the federal government of the farm on which Abraham Lincoln was born. I. A labor organization in opposition to the iquor -traffic, the first of its kind in the country, s to bt organised at a conference to be held in Minneapolia. . A preliminary conference of me represents- tives of the United States and Mexico for the set tlement of the international difficulties is to be held today at the Biltmore hotel in New York City. For the first time in the history of Illinois labor unions, the farmer and the union workmen are to join in a celebration of Labor day at Springfield today. The annual convention of the Association o( Edison Illuminating comoaniea is to meet todav at Hot Springs, Va., for a session of four days. Ambassador Jusserand, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Governor McCall and other notables are to be in rail Klver, Mass., today for the unveilins of an equestrian statue of General Lafayette. atate lairs are to open today in Michigan, Ohio. Nebraska. Indiana. Minnesota. West Vir ginia, Maine, Washington and Connecticut Storyett of the Day. ' Feeling very content and pleased with himself. old Moneybags waa strolling through hia ground one morning, when he started back in horror. . There waa a stranger actually daring to fish in his private lake I The criminal I Bristling with rage, the old chap strode for ward.' v . . r .:- "Hi. you," shouted he. "Can't you read? Don t you see that sign there,, 'No Fishing Here?1 " The angler looked up quizzically at him. 1 "Course I can read It!" he replied. "And If it tint fair ridi'clusl Just look at these f hold ing up a string of a dozen aplendid fish. , "Ain't they beauties? The feller who put that there notice didn't know what he w talking about 1" Pittaburgh Pott Want the Eight-Hour Day. Gibbon, Neb., Aur. . To the Editor of The Bee: I beg a amall SDacs to AxDroaa mv oolnion with other thlnklna- seoole rea-ardlng the contemplated railroad strike. It aeema to ma tha lima la rioa (or the eight hour day and I also think -that 76 per oent of the good, honest thinking people want an eight-hour law passed. If congress doesn't pass such a law the people of this United States will be disappointed. And big paid railroad officials have full control of our lawmakers. If tha people of this United States will express their opinion by ballot we would have this strike settled In a very tew aays witn- out a raise In freight rates, but by chopping big officials' salaries. W must have government ownership of ths railroads and now is the time. Less freight and passenger fares and oetter pay ror employes, even tne mis erably paid section men would get a square deal then. Let the people settle this ana not tne Dosses. lours truly, . , A. B. H. Dual Form of Tax. Washington, Aug. 80. To the Editor of The Bee: Am enclosing you copy of an Item which I trust will be of sufficient Interest to the readers of your paper to Insure Its publication. The tax question la given so much Importance these days throughout the country that your readers may be very glad to get the specifications of the dual tax in the enclosed ex planatory form. BURLEIGH MILTON. The Hem Mr. Milton refers to is: "The chairman of the committee on taxation for the annual session of the National Grange, to be held In this city In November, announces that his committee will recommend the dual tax system, advocated by R. O.1 Richards, for their consideration and endorsement. ' The dual tax differs from the sin gle tax advocated by Henry George, in that It standardizes the assess ment of land, and does away with as sessors and equalization boards for protracted periods, and provides for a small uniform Income tax In addi tion to a tax on land. It allows all land owners to deduct 5 per cent of the assessed value of any tract of land from the Income of such land before paying an Income tax from that particular tract of land. It also exempts all kinds of improvements and personal property from dlreot taxation. It makes the Income tax a lien on land and business, and ap plies the registration laws as a pen alty for failure to report or pay the Income tax." Happy Historical Hits. GrlsWold, Ia., Sept. 1. To the Editor of The Bee Columbus discov ered a new world in the fifteenth cen tury, and we are Informed that when the Puritan fathers arrived on the good ship Mayflower they were in a reverent and thankful frame of mind,. When the city of Boston was a little insignificant village, one of tha wise men of the place (and all towns have them) treked out west and on his return, imparted tha In formation, that the whole blooming country was ; worthless beyond a radius of fifty miles. Later, we hear of the heroes ot Valley Forge and their meanderings up and down the Potomao In brave defense of principles, which they pre sumed were right, with such words as watchtul waiting yet uncoined. It prayers for victory were offered, they were probably answered, because they established their point In creat ing a nation amid a foreifn foe's bul lets and arrows ot murderous red skins. To hasten on with the story, trouble arose from another quarter aniK(he bravery of the pioneers of Texas has a prominent place In historical data that will never be forgotten. Next In importance, we have a civil war on hand with the north pitted against the south, where our fathers fought bled and died In the name of liberty. When the emoke ot the battle had passed away, a great newspaper man sounded the slogan to "go west young man and grow up with the country." The great American desert was calling for home builders and Its fertile soli offered aa homesteads to those who cared to endure the hard ships of the day. Later, land advanced to li.ze per acre. With the onward march of prog- , wa nnd prices increasing until the wild wastes of three decades ago are valued at $150 and upward per acre. With Investments made in tms period and handled Judiciously, we And millionaire landowners. Again, we find earnest hard working men with "no more land than a rabbitt." There are men who produce abso lutely nothing and draw anually from 11.000 to $600,000 from realties owned and controlled by themselves, and we wonder If It Is right In southwest Nebraska! we nnd the little farm of only twenty-seven acres employing four men and operated at pront in southwestern lowa we And a case where the father allotted one-tenth of an acre to a daughter who planted same In tomatoes , and has already canned over 6,000 pounds of the vine fruit thi sseason. The young woman was at the lowa state fair, where she Imparted lesons of comon sense In one little branch of homemaking. In view or tne present situation or political and social unrest we wonder it a correspondence school on com mon sense Ideas would not be helpful and place the price of beefsteak on a shelf where .It would not be prohib itive. Let ua try. TEH J. AITCH. EDITORIAL SIFTINGS. Chieaso Pott: You (otta band It to tha war aorraapondenta wm and than. Here' ona at tham daatrlbliur tha ramlti of artil lary An aa "a paitla-mtnd vulafa." Pltt.burth Diavatcht It's titydfty with tha support ot tha famous aolonols. Harvey doaan't Bead to ha askad tnia time to drop III Wetterson Instate en standing pat. Boston Transcript: ' As a rainbow of saa- tlenal peace that John Brown tablet in Naw York lan't half as Impraasiva aa tha status to Ban Butlar that Naw Orleans is going to araat In Its. Philadelphia Lodger: Tha Danes, baring learned that wa believe they hava to ho eaued. are having a new St of shyness aver the West Indies Issue, nut, of course, n will ha tha United States, not they, who will bo aeeused of being "greedy after the dollar." New York World: Oflelal denial is made of the report that the United Htftas De partment of Agriculture had predicted that wheat would rite to SJ. But any kind ot rumor ia good enough for peculator to make nee of in furthering their own ends. Gambling la food Is not a bneiaesa that re quires scrupulous regard for tha truth. Rons ton Post: PubHe sent! Blent ia not a vary oonststsnt thing. It wants fewer hour of work, snore pay and reduced rates, lower priced provisions and higher prleea for farm produets, to-eent cotton and a forty-etght-btch shlrttail, publia administration of every imaginable service and lower taxes and uai- voraal wealth with out tnolvwual endeavor ar aaerlflae. SortufiaJa Reoublteanr A workmen's oevapeeeettoa aomalaaioa authorised by the last Virginia legislature Is to ha appointed ay Oovoraor Stuart within a month. So rapidly haa this reform progressed la the United States during the last few yeara. Virginia's action may almost be recorded as tardy. But It la not much behind the ether states, tf the appointment of a aom mtaetoa at a prelude to aa early enactment, af a compensation law, aa it aught to be. NEBRASKA EDITORS. F. R. Galbmitb, editor of the Ainaworth Star-Journal, moved hia plant Into ita new home last week. C. W. Downs and K. Jf . Hendee, who have been associated with the Lincoln Daily Star, have purchased the Interest of F. M. Broome in tha Alliance News. Tha trans fer was made Monday. Mel A. Sehmied. editor of the North Ne braska Eagle of Dakota City, last week la. sued an illustrated aixteen-page edition in honor of tha annual meeting of the Dakota Old Settlers' association. D. D. Balrd, who has been in charge of tha news nd of the Holdraae Progress for a few months, retired last week to resume kls work as court reporter. He waa suc ceeded by Richard Ferguson, who has bean ia charge of the Naponce News, j Oakland Independent: There are now two papers at Winnebago, a town too small to support one properly. Editor Doran, who operated the Chieftain on a lease, had to relinquish It when the plant was sold. He then started another paper, alleging that nnderhanded methods were used to get him out of the way, as be was a thorn in the eide of county politicians. Of this the In dependent knows nothing. But the folly of having two newspapers in ao assail a town la dear, and it la also plain' that one of them must, go -under. - CHEERY CHAFF. "Do you think ffolnt Into politic Improve tv man's disposition?" "A. a rule." replied Mis Cayenne, "he 1 obliged to look pleasant at least often enough to have hts picture taken for cam paign purpose." Washington Star. WHEN MY HUSBfVND QOES ACROSS THE STOeet to Vitrt. W6 HIM r Wife- I've chanced Icemen. , , , Hubby Why so? Wife He says he will ilv me colder tee for the same money. Hartford Oasette. "The boy made a fine speech," said the old man. "and' I'm prouder than evar of him, but what waa them lanuae ha wan dernd off In ao frequent?" "Well, once he si una a little Latin, an' next he hit her up In Greek." "That's good! They'll be fine to awear at the mule In, when he rite home." Atlan ta Conetitutlon. , "Oh, Jack! If I should die, would you marry a woman i Just like me, for your second T" "Probably but I wouldn't And It out. till after tha ceremony." Puck. '"Rejected you, did be, old rnanf "Tea." "Too bad! No doubt yon had planned 'to buy her a lint and all that?" "Ye." "Had your money all aaved up, eht "I should say ao. Had $60 all ready." "I ay, old man, you -or- yon couldn't lend me that 160 till you And some other lrl who will have you, could you?" Boe toa Transcript. , Papa (sternly) Come here, itr! Tour mother and I acre that you deserve a sound whipping. Small Boy (bitterly) Oh. yea. that's about the only thing that you and mamma ever do agree about! Christian Advocate. 7 THE MARTYR. Dorothy Rothschild, In Life. Phyllis discourse profoundly on Brleuz. Sudermann holds her In thrall, Ibsen and Hauptmann and Schnltiler men Dleul Phylll Is pal with them all. -Secretly, free from her lofty-browed role, Phylll 1 dased and subdued, Thinks, In her early Victorian soul, " "Heaven, these people are crude' Privately loathes the eugenic Eugene, Wishes ahe'd never begun, Longs to return to her Chamber but then, ' It' being done. , Morning and evening, , her grlm-viaged scale Phylll courageously mounts; ? Strives to be like the proverbial rail, Battlea the Onrushlng Ounce, Wistfully waives breakfast, dinner and tea. Doggedly rolls o'er the ground, Counte that day wasted whose sunset find . she Hasn't dispensed with a pound. Phyllis, In private, admires a curve- Just an occasional one- Still she's a rag and a bone and a nerve It s being done, , Militant soap boxes under her feet, Yellow rosettes on her coat, . Phyllis hurls, reasons at crowds In the Shrilly demanding the vote.' Phyllis, at heajFt. gets along pretty well Minus the polls, a It were. Much as the primrose Impressed Peter Bell So Is the ballot to her. Home, she believes, Is her only true sphere Politics can't be much; Still, one must struggle for suffrage, my dear It's being done, ' tV V -Ja.- ft.J NfM ; I-sU II They All Know "PIPER" Wherever live-wire traveling men meet some body is sure to produce a fragrant, tempting cut of 1 PIPER." Wide-awake hustlers have carried this famous tobacco all over the world because no other form of tobacco is so full of good fellow ship, solid comfort and refreshing vigor as a sweet Juicy chew of "PIPER.' ' FIPM Hoidsiock CHEWING TOBACCO White Burley, of which "PIPER" ia made, ia the mel krsreat, wetest and rooet tsuty chewing leaf grown. Rip, . tender, carefully selected ana" aged Whit Barley to the only leaf need In "PIPER'and the , ezduihre PIPER Savor, pregaed lowly and venly through tha plug, giree : PIPER a tempting, ap petising, lasting flavor found in no other chew. One chew of PIPER" win prove that it is the moat uellcioua to bacco you aver put into your mouth. . Se and 10c Everywhere THI AJOR1CAN TOBACCO COtVANY OILS swnsun est c m i ii n i . deniitij IT isn't a question of averages purity in a barrel of Polarine every drop is absolutely ident ical, and all lubrication. POLARINE, the Standard Oil for All Motors. Minimizes friction. , v ; . Look tor the Polarine rijn. It means the best oil aid a reliable dealer. SBRVICR STATIONS TN OMAHA 19ta as Cose St 'Stk aa Great St. 8ta aa Hsraey St. (lu Si. ead Dodge St. 4ia aa Fanea St. Kit an 1 St, So. Side STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) OMAHA .