Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1916, Image 1

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    It Pays to Advert!)
Advertising pays tks JTewttses'
who main It nef auU tka eareet
way auldag it pay b to pat la
aaTartiMamt la THE BEE.
5C .
VOL. XL VI NO. 72.
Oo Tralaa, Hetele,
Keae eUaade, ate., te.
Most Formidable Air Raid Tet
Undertaken by Big German- ,
Airships Leaves Wake
of Destruction.
command. Tlia Kaitar a at re
noved Ganaral Erich voa Falkan
barn, chief of tha German ganaral
taff. and kaa appointed Ganaral
von Hindenburg to ku placa. Van
Hindanborg, tha naw chiaf, aalah'
liaised hinualf through hit brilliant
Ruailaa campaigns.
All Lights Dimmed So That
Zeppelins Have Difficulty
Finding Targets.
- London, Sept. -3. Thirteen Zep'
pelin airship took part in the raid
over the eastern counties last night,
and an official statement issued this
afternoon says it was the most formi
dable attack by! air -ever made on
England. Only three of the Zeppelins
were able to approach the outskirts
of London. One of these was shot
down and the other-two were driven
off by anti-aircraft guns and aero
nlanee. "
Reports regarding the number of
casualties and the damage caused by
the erat number of bombs dropped
had not been completed this after
noon, but it was stated that tne dam
age and loss of life were not heavy,
considering the number ot snips en
. The text of the official statement
"Last night's raid was carried out
by thirteen airships, and thus was tne
most formidable attack that has been
made on this country. The principal
theater of operation was the eastern
counties and the objectives seem to
have been London and certain indus
trial centers in the midlands.
: Lights Are Dimmed.
Reduction or obscuration of lights
proved most efficacious, for the raid
ing squadrons, instead 01 steering a
steady course, as in the raids of the
spruig and of Jast autumn, groped
about in darkness looking ior a saie
avenue to approach their objectives.
"Three airships only were able to
approach the outskirts of London.
One- of them appeared over the
northern district about 2:15 in the
morning, where she was picked up by
searchlights and engaged by anti-aircraft
guns and aeroplanes. Soon the
airship was seen to burst into flames
and fall to earth. -;.-.- . V
. Crew U Killed. )v'-,
"The ship, was destroyed, 7 the
wreckage, engine. Jnd half-burned
bodies of, the crew being found at
Cuf ley, near, Enfield-v, - ' " t
"The s large amoimt' of wood em
ployed in the framework of the Zep
pelins is Startling and would seem: to
point to a shortage of aluminum in
Germany. , '
"The other two ships which ap
proached London were driven off
without being able to approach the
center of the city.
"A great number of bombs were
dropped promiscuously over the east
Anglian and southeastern counties.
Reports in hand indicate that the
damage and loss of life will not be
heavy, a great number of bombs hav
ing fallen either into the sea or in
remote country districts." .
Heads of Ladies'.
Auxiliary of, War
Vets Entertained
National, officers of the Ladies
Auxiliary of the Spanish-American
War Veterans were entertained in
Omaha yesterday by General Henry
W. Lawton lodge, the Omaha chapter
of the order. Mrs. Mary B. Hamil
ton, president-general; Mrs: Clara
Levy, treasurer-general, ' and Miss
Raye I. Leventhal, secretary-general,
were the officers. They passed
through Omaha on their way from
San Francisco to Chicago, where they
will: attend the national convention,
and spent two hours here. A lunch
eon and automobile ride about the
city included the entertainment.
Two Motorists Wreck .:" : '
Horse-Drawn Vehicles
Two autoists who.'by reckless driv
ing, wrecked horse-drawn . vehicles
last night, are being sought by the
At Fourteenth and Capitol avenue
an auto smashed into a horse and
buggy, wrecking the lighter vehicle
and injuring the animal. The autoist
escaped. The buggy was occupied by
K. u. Knoadcs, inc. worm iwenty-
. At Fifteenth and Davenport, a few
moments later, Mrs. J. J. Greshen,
619 North Nineteenth, who was driv
ing south, suffered in a similar man
ner. In both cases the -motorist
drove on without stopping to help
his victim. .., ,
. The Weather
For Nebnuka Uaietttad; ootdr.
Tempcmtnnt mi Omaha Yesterday.
. ' Jbtt' 1 -ft 6 a. m
CMNurattT I! oortJ.
1919. 1 16, 1111. 111.
Hlghnat yBtrday... I 4 SI fl
Lowit yeatardny.... II J 67 71
Man temporatura... 71 . ' 74 -.- 61 - 17
Precipitation- .09 .60 - .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from tha normal:
Normal tens pe rat ur , 70
Eieeaa for tha day... t
Total axrtaa alnre March 1.. 171
Normal precipitation OS Inch
rwtclency for tha day OS Inch '
Total rainfall alnce March 1, .. ,12.41 Inchea
Efficiency alnca March l...,. I.TIinohea
xcm for tjorserlodf. iwii.. ..0Linc
It J
r Ber7,rvow ; i Repulse with
I X :
gjii-adM tlpon Cap- ,
ital of Oalicia. " "
Members 'of Antarctio Expedl-
tion, Thought lost on Ele-r
phant Island, Saved.
Punta . Arenas, : Chile, Sept. 3.
Lieutenant Sir Ernest H. Shackleton
has rescued the members of his
Antarctic expedition who were ma
rooned on Elephant island. Shackle
ton returned here today with his men
safe and well on beard the rescue
ship Yelcho. v " .
Local Of ficials
Of Brotherhood Get
.NewsrFrom Capital
"I'm exceedingly , happy that the
crisis is past," was the comment of
Charles Bogue. general chairman of
the Brotherhood .of Railway Train
men for the Union Pacific,. last night,
at the Carlton hotel, when a Bee re
Dorter called to tell him of the latest
strike news from Washington. A few
minutes later a messenger boy en
tered the hotel and handed the
brotherhood official a batch of tele
grams.' -. .'!;. ' I v ' ' , 1 i
Wait until 1 reaa tnese, ne saia,
eagerly, tearing open , the yellow en-
Ho A thrmicrli half a dozen mes-
4e . ah ni whirh ' annarenttv
contained much information.
"Yes, you're right, the strike is
nfft"lip Yi1atmrri. when he had fin
ished. "It says so here.'' '
He would not say whether his ot:
ficial notification carried anything fur
Hipr than the information embodied
in the press dispatches.
l win nomy an. uic incmucia ui
the brotherhood immediately. .These
messages describe - the situation
briefly, so I do not wish to say any
thing for publication at this time.. I
expect correspondence tomorrow
morning which might make interest
ing reading." . . .
Only Two More Nights to
' See King Tartarrax at Den
Only two more chances to. confer
with the gigantic goose at Ak-Sar-Ben
Den, or to witness the edifying
sight of King Tarlaraax devouring a
stewed mongrel, '
' For the Den. show and initiation is
to close for the season one week
hence. . The show tonight, when the
editors of Nebraska and Iowa are to
be initiated, and the show a week
hence, when the' closing night of the
season is to be given over as Omaha
night, will end the 'season's pranks
at this house of fun. -
Sa W. Pennypacker,
Ex-Governor, Is Dead
Philadelphia, Sept. 3. Samuel W.
Pennypacker, former . governor of
Pennsylanvia, died today of uraemic
poisoning at his home at Schwenks
ville, Pa. He was 7i yeass old. Gov
ernor Pennypacker wrote many books
on legal and historical subjects. He
was president of the historical society
of Pennsylvania and a -trustee of the
ITniwarjulv oi
Repeated Attacks of Russians
' in Carpathians Finally
Albert S. White Says He Was
Recommended to Employ
' the Able Democrat. '
Berlin (Via London), Sept. 3.
Strong Russian attacks made against
the Austro-German forces north of
Zeborow, east of Lemberg, were re
pulsed in bayonet fighting, says
the official statement issued today.
In the Carpathians, . the statement
adds; Teuton positions on the Ploska
heights, sooth of Zielona, were taken
by the- Russians after many fruitless
stormings.- " "'
Fighting Near Riga.
Petrograd, Sept. 3. The text of the
Russian official statement says: -
"Western (Russian) front: In the
region of Riga, Germans ' attacked
our Lettish battalions, who drove the
enemy: back, and inflicted severe
losses. .. '- i V ,-r ,
"In the directions of Zlotchoff and
Halicz battles are raging.
"In the region of Kaput mountain,
and also in the region of Doiranvanta
Our troops captured several heights.
The' enemy's counter-attack was re
pulsed by our fire. Here we cap
tured 300 prisoners. .,. ' . , '...-t
Turks in Flight. ;
"Caucasian front: In the region of
Ognott fierce fighting continues. The
enemy has been put to flight at some
points, t
"Turkish attacks in the region of.
Ichoruk were repeilea by our tire.
In the battle around this village we
captured another gun." , ,.
Germans Lose Ground.
Paris, Sept. WThe villages- of
Forest and Clery-Sur-Somme and all
the German positions between these
two points have been captured by the
French and British in a joint attack
after intense artillery preparation.
More than 2,000 prisoners, as well
as twelve cannon and fifty machine
guns, were taken. , t
Tbe.plficiaistatcment : issued by.
the. war office tonight making this
announcement, also reported progress
for the. .French troops in the oeigh-1
Dornooa oi rieury, witn tne capture
ot JUU prisoners. s ' i
McMillen's Body
To Be Sent to Perry,
( Iowa, for Burial
T- (From a8taff CorreipondBt) '
Lincoln, Sept. 3. (Special.) A
treacherous Kansas wind was respon
sible for the death of Captain Ralph
McMillan, Nebraska Guard aviator,
who was killed while making a flight
at St. Francis yesterday, according
to information received by National
Guttrd headquarters this afternoon.
According to Major Hayscl, Cap
tain McMillan got away in good
shape, but when he reached the height
of about 200 feet he appeared to
strike a heavy current ot wind which
nearly turned his machine over. In
an attempt to right the machine it
appears that the nose of the aeroplane
was turned toward the ground and
he came down at a tremendous gait.
The machine was broken badly and
the captain was dead when spectators
reached' the wreck, in appearance
nearly every bone broken in his body.
He was a member of both the Ma
sons and Elks and the body will be
sent to Perry. la., where those or-
?:anizations will have charge of the
uneral services. He was about 27
years of age.
Woman Carries Gun.;
Beneath Her Coat
Officer E. R. Gardner's quick per
ception probably averted a tragedy
Saturday night when he arrested Mat
tie Larrimore, , 2901 Farnam street.
The Larrimore girl's younger sistfr
had been keeping company witn Hen
ry Whitland, 523 South Twenty
fourth street, and when the latter
made a date to meet her at Twenty
fourth and Farnam street. Mattie
kept the engagement armed with a
38-caliber revolver. - As Whitland was
approaching the corner Officer Gard
ner saw the girl reach beneath her
coat and grasp the handle of the re
volver. He stepped to the corner,
took the weapon, and brought her to
the station. Whether or not she
would have shot her sister's admirer
will be threshed out in court, this
morning. . . t
Senate Passes Last
Of Big Supply Bills
Washington, Sept. 3. Last night the
senate passed the general deficiency
appropriation bill carrying approxi
mately $15,000,000,' the last of the big
supply measures, and cleared the way
for passage of the revenue bill early
next week and for adjournment of
congress Wednesday or Thursday.
The bill carries g provision for pay
ment of salary to George Rublee, fed
eral trade commissioner, for his fif
teen months of service before his
nomination was rejected by the sen
ate. It appropriates $3,000,000, for
payment to Nicaragua of the money
authorized in the canal treaty and
contains various deficiencies for the
army and navy and $100,000 for the
faxm Lean board.
.Another chapter in the story of how
Arthur F. Mullen prevailed upon Gov
ernor Murehead and the State Bank'
ing board to revive the charter of the
liquidated German-American ' State
bank of Omaha, and permit the op
eration of a new bank under th old
charter is told by Albert S, White,
secretary of the organization commit
tee of the Central State bank of
Omaha, which was refused a charter.
Mr. AVhite says that he was recom
mended to employ Arthur F. Mullen
as his attorney, because of Mr. Mul
len's influence with the governor and
the banking board. Also, that Mr.
Mullen asked a fee of $2,500 for his
services in extracting a charter for the
proposed bank from . the reluctant
Mr. White's Own Versiiwf
But here is Mr, White's version of
the transaction: '
"Omaha, Neb., Sept. 1. To the
Editor of The ; Bee: Returning to
Omaha, after a brief absence from the
state, my attention has been Called to
an article by Governor John H. More
head, which appeared recently in
varjbus daily papers, In which he asks
the writer to name who it was who
suggested to us that wo employ
Arthur Mullen to procure a charter
for the Central State bank, -If Gov
ernor Morehead wants this Informa
tion made public, I will Oo so. The
party in question was an Omaha at
torney, recently appointed to. office
here by Governor Morehead. About
the time we were preparing to apply
for a charter, this attorney called at
our office, without solicitation on our
part and said he was going' to Lincoln
the next day and tht as he was close
to the governor and AttorneyjGeneral
Reed, he would find out how these
gentlemen stood about issuing our
charter. On his return from incoln,
he again called at our officcf and in
formed lis that Morehead and Reed
were opposed to issuing a charter, but
that if we would employ Arthur Mul
len, the deal could be fixedr At his
requast, we went together to Arthur
Mullen's office and after some pre
liminary discussion, Mullen said he
would undertake to handle our matter
for $2,500. -1 told him the amount was
too large and that our people would
not pay it. Finally, he said he would
take $2,000 and not a dollar less. As
we felt both of these amounts entirely
excessive and unreasonable, we drop
ped further negotiations with . Mr.
.'Mullen.-- ... i; .
Mullen Employed Here.
"A little later, the Commercial
State bank crowd, which was also or
ganizing here,, employed Mr. Mullen
to get its charter, with the result that
the banking board, consisting of Gov
ernor Morehead, Attorney General
Reed and Auditor.- Smith, without
authority of law pretended to revive
the charter of the German-American
State bank, a bank-which had been
fully liquidated, over a ear before,
and the stockholders all paid ' back
their money. Fred R. Baker, the
president, paid every stockholder his
pro-rata claim in the guarantee fund
of $8,000. Baker thereby became the
only individual (other than the state),
having any claim whatever in the
guarantee fund or to the bank's
charter.; Baker employed Mr. Mullen
to secure the return of the $8,000 in
the guarantee fund. When Mr. Mul
len had the old charter revived, he ap
parently earned two fees, one for get?
ting the Commercial bank a charter,
the other from Baker for getting him
back the $8,000. In justification of its
action in this matter, the banking
board has, since issued a statement
that under the law, the board could
have pursued no. other course. The
opinion of several leading attorneys
in Omaha is, that, as there is no law
in our statutes providing for the re
vival of the charter of a liquidated
bank, this action of the board is il
legal, wholly without authority of
law. and therefore void.
"Governor Morehead further states
that the writer sent a telegram mak
ing serious charges against Secretary
Royse and afterwards, in the presence
of the board and others, admitted that
these charges were false in every
respect. While the writer did
apologize for sending the telegram
and also withdrew any complaints he
had to make against Mr. Royse, he
made no admissions that he was a
liar and Governor Morehead is fully
aware' of this fact. I am perfectly
willing to let my reputation for truth
and veracity stand alongside that of
Governor Morehead. People who
have had previous dealings with both
of us will arrive at a just conclusion.
Yours very truly,
Ink Slingers to Be
Omaha Guests Today
The ink slingers of Iowa and Ne
braska are to be Omaha's guests to
day. The eidtors and their wives
from these two states are responding
to the invitation extended them by
the bureau of publicity to visit the
metropolis. Special features of en
tertainment, including luncheons,
dinner parties, theater and dancing
parties, a trip to the baseball game
between Sioux City and Omaha, and,
finally the initiation at Ak-Sar-Ben
Den, are among the features of the
program. One hundred and fifty or
more have already definitely written
in that they are coming.
Winter Schedule at
Omaha Public Library
On Tuesday the whiter schedule of
hours will be in force at the Omaha
Public library. A twist in the types
made this announcement in The Bee
last week read "September 25" in
ataad oi Seutember j. -
President Pope of Farmers'
Union , Says Nation Has
Witnessed Its Humilia
tion by Unions'.
When ' Cotton Growers Made
Appeal, They Were Turned
Fort Worth, Tex., Sept. 3. (Spe
cial Telegram.) H. N. Pope, presi
dent of the Texas Farmers'' union,
has given out the following state
ment commenting on the eight-hour
law passed by congress Saturday:
"The people of this nation have
during the last week passed through
the most humiliating experience this
government has ver endured. A few
labor union leaders have stood at the
portals of congress demanding that
the government give them a ransom
or they would wreck society.
"This nation instead of meeting the
situation bravely has delivered the
goods in fear and trembling.
"Our American congress has stood
within , the shadow of the goddess of
justice and voted an increase in
wages to 400,000 trainmen, who are
the highest paid laborers in the
world, and never at any time men
tioned the 350,000 trackmen, who are
perhaps the poorest paid workmen in
the world and who must subsist al
most wholly upon the crumbs that
the trainmen leave upon the table. -
"When cotton' was selling for 6
cents per pound two years ago and
poverty stalked over the southland,
causing a greater financial loss to the
southern plowmen than the freeing of
the slaves, congress confessed inabil
ity to cope with the situatoin and
stepped aside, letting this awful bur
den tall upon the backs of the tillers
of the soil. The organized plowmen
pleaded with congress for relief, but
we were told that it would not be
constitutional for the government to
undertake to fix the price of cotton
or to advance money on cotton in
storage and that congress was a alow
moving body and could not meet
emergencies. .
Autos Must Not
Interfere With the -.
Labor Day Parade
- Arrangements have been made to
admit street tars through the Labor
day parade at intervals, but auto
mobiles or other Vehicles will not be
allowed to intersect the procession.
Acting Chief of Police Dempsey has
issued orders to that effect.
The parade will start at 9i30 from
Nineteenth and Farnam 'streets and
will traverse the following route:
South on Nineteenth to Harney, east
on narney to rouneentn, norm on
Fourteenth to Farnam, west on Far
nam to Sixteenth and north on Six
teenth to Cuming, where the paraders
will disband and proceed to Krug
nark. . .
Parking of automobiles will not be I
allowed on Nineteenth, Douglas to
Howard; Eighteenth. Harney to
Howard: Douglas, Eighteenth " to
Twentieth streets.
Speakers of the day at Krug park
will be Colonel T. W. McCullough,
managing editor of The Bee; Carl
Minkley, Milwaukee alderman and
member of the Wisconsin legisla
ture; Miss Gladys Shamp, who will
soon be graduated from Creighton
law school; Henry ' Beal, South
Omaha, member of the Typographi
cal union and recently admitted to
the bar. ,
Sons and Daughters of
Jerusalem Elect Officers
Tne Sons'and Daughters of Jerusa
lem closed their meetings by selecting
Kansas City as the place for holding
the next convention. - Officers as fol
lows were elected: .. . '
Harry. R. Urahim. fl. O. K., Roata
CavenH, 8. O. Q., Kannafl City: Salile Todd,
S, O. V. Q Omaha: Samuel Ulasa, 8, O. V.
K.. T. B. Robin. on, S. 0. 8.. Kum L'ltr:
Ada Woodion, 0. O. R.. Omaha; Oiorfla A.
Wood, S. O. T Kan. I'll)' : nv. H. May
Held, S. O. H. Pa, RoKod.U: Nellie Robin
eon, S. Q. H. Pe., Omaha: Richard Tounff,
8, O. M Kaneaa City: Mattie Johneon, E.
a. R. S Jenle Cook, S. 0. I., B, Omaha:
B. F. Oatewood, 8. O, I. d Rlehard Oray.
8. O. O. O., Kaneaa City; Amanda Pavle,
eerretary of finam-lal hoard; leab Walker,
Slater, Mo.: Jennie Wooda. Kaneee City;
Nellie Rohlnion. 8. O. O., rhlef. C. M. John
eon, 8. O. O., Marie Tonodeo, 8. O. O., Jen
nie Sellere. 8. O. O.. Rev. A. Waaoner. 8.
O. 0 Lullea Peareon, 8. O. O., Irene Faulk
ner, 8, a. Q. H., Omaha; Mattie Burna, 8.
O. R Kanaaa City; Delia Orlfrln. 8. K.
finance, Omaha; Albert C. Price, 8. O. F.,
euardlan, Leavenworth; Kmma Rrown, 8. O.
V. C, Kaneaa City; Or. Ida Wheeler, 8. O.
L. C. B Omaha; Dr. Jennie Malone, 8. O.
R. C, Kaneae City. .
Man Sued by Girl .
Of Omaha Is Married
Chicago, Sept..- 3. 'Professor
Charles Rose Rines of Dartmouth
college, who was sued for breach of
promise yesterday by Miss Edna May
Grove of Omaha, was married this
evening to Miss Charlotte Everett of
Chicago. His bride said she refused
to let a breach of promise suit inter
fere with her happiness.
Young Girl Drowned
As Falls in Deep Water
Crete, Neb., Sept. 3. (Special
Telegram.) Vilna Vavra, 13 ear-old
granddaughter of Anton Vavra, own
er of a park on the Blue river, was
drowned here at 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. She was swinging over the
river on a diving swing when, losing
her grip, she plunged into deep
water. ' Her grandfather dove after
her, but was himself nearly drowned
without rescuing her. Her body was
first vie praeidant of tha Na
tional American Woman's Suf
frage association! Miss Hannah J.
Patterson, corresponding sacra
tarr, and Mrs. Jamas W. Morri
son, recording secretary, have an
nounced they will resign. - There
ta no friction back of the resigna
tions. . .
X ..4V 0-. ' A A
j ese iiiiiiisi.wiui
Returns From Long Branch,
Makes Measure Law . and
Hastens ' on Trip .to
Make Speeoh.-s ,
General Executive of Santa
Fe's Eastern Linos Dies . .
''. Suddenly.
I In v vn
I, A '. ww 1
MIS m V - "VM A
Brotherhood Heads , to Close
Up i Headquarters Her
"77THir Return Hbnre. r;
The little camp of , bro'thcrhood
officials of the Union Pacific lines
maintained at the Carlton hotel, dur
ing the past week, will now 'gradual
ly break up. Charles Friday, gen
eral chairman of the Union Pacific
conductors, the man who . for two
days was under a restraining order
to prevent him from ordering a
strike ; locally, is jiow to, go back
to his home in Qieyenne probably
today. . v . . . . ; '
Charles Bogue, general chairman of
the railway trainmen of the , Union
Pacific,, and ,D. W. Smith, general
chairman of the firemen, and engin
eers of the Union Pacific, are to re
main a few days longer, receiving
correspondence, and picking up the
loose ends of a rather exciting week's
business here while the strike situa
tion was pending.
U wn mirlniirht Saturday . night
when these men received .their off!-.
cial telegrams from headquarters ot
the brotherhoods telling them that
the strike was off and ordering them
to cancel the strike order aU along
the line. v
: Notify Trainmen. ;
"We were busy most of the night
after that sending , out telegrams,"
said Mr. Bogue, "cancelling, the order
along the line. . I didn't get to bed
until way after 3 o'clock. The men
who did not receive their telegrams
Saturday night will all receive them
thif morning (Sunday)." . '
Mr. Bogue was in a pleasant talka
tive mood. "It is a great relief," he
said. "I'll tell' you the 'strain of
being under this constant bombard
ment for months is-awfully .tough.
I've been'at this now since early in
June, and it's beginning to tell on
me. v ..,., .
Mr.' Bogue reviewed some of his
experiences in Washington with the
committee and the conferences with
President Wilson. He was greatly
impressed with President Wilson's
simplicity of manner, and ready grasp
of the intricate details of the con
troversy as it was laid before him.
He was impressed too- by the fact
that when meeting hundreds of men
in the conferences Wilson entered the
room alone unattended by detectives
and secret service men..
On Record to Strike.
MtvBogue does not believe that the
canvas made by the railroads of the
number of men that would have staid
with the road in case of a strike
was entirely reliable. "I ' am sure
that many of the men who told the
company they would not strike, were
still on record with the brotherhoods
ss hsving voted for the strike. The
ballots with the names of the voters
are not public property. We had
no objection to having Judge Day
look them over and count them in
court in that injunction case, but we
woiild not have them turned over to
the railroads. That is a sercret
ballot. (
"The fact that a man told the rail
road companies he would not strike,
when they asked him directly, is no
indication that that man would have
gone out and 'scabbed,' if there had
been a. strike... ; ,
, , Bulletin.
Washington. -Sent. 3. President
Wilson returned to Washington at J
0 clock this morn ins from' Loner
Branch, N. J., signed the eight-hour
bill for railway employes, , and left
again immediately, for Hodgenville,
Ky., to accept the Lincoln homestead
memorial. 1 ' " .
He siflrned thfe hit! in his firivar car
at the station. -' ' ' -
Houston, Tex.. Sept. 3. J. t'. Mor
gan, general chairman for the Broth- .
erhood of Railway Trainmen for the ,
Southern Pacific line in Texas and
Louisiana, announced here today that
the code message which he had re
ceived from General Chairman Lee in
Washington did not cancel his strike
order end that unless he received his
strike cancellation order by 6 o'clock,
tomorrow morning - his men will
strike as scheduled. ' -
Bulletin, n . .
Topeka, Kan., Sept. 3. Charles W.
Kouns, general manager of the Atchi
son, Topeka & Santa Fe railway's
eastern lines, died at his home here
today. His death came shortly after
his return from Washington, where
he had participated in - the railroad
wage controversy, v , - . .c
Goes Through Unchanged.
. Washington, Sept.":. 3. The threat
of a general railroad strike which has
been hanging - like a. pall, Over the
country " for a month, , wit 1 lifted
last night. , , , i- , -
Three hours after the senate had
passed . ' without amendment the
AdamsOn eight-hour day bill, passed
by the house Friday, the heads of
the four great railroad employes'
brotherhoods telegraphed 600 odd
code messages to their general chair
men in all parts of;the country can
celling the, strike order issued, a week
ago to take effect next Monday morn- -itig
at 7 o'clock.'- : :;,;,"! ;; ;. ,
The legislative expedient to avert
the .strike was passed in the. senate
by, a vote of 43 to 28 almost a strict
party vote amid stirring scenes, aft
er many senators, democrats and re
publicans, had, fought desperately to
amend the . measure tiy provisions, de
signed to prevent industrial disasters
in the future. Some senators, thor
oughly aroused, declared congress
was being coerced into enactment of
legislation that it did not desire and
that it knew would return to plague
it in the future. , : ,.
Change Their Minds. V,' .
Officials of the brotherhoods, who
witnessed the final, passage of the
bill, had announced early in the night ,
that cancellation of the strike would
not be ordered until the bill had been
signed by the president end actually
had become law. But later they con
ferred, changed their minds, and -flashed
the code messages, signaling
to the waiting trainmen of the coun
try, through their chairmen, the mes
sage that a satisfactory settlement
had been secured. . . .
-The bill that stopped the strike
provides that after January 1, 1917,
eight, hours shall be regarded as, a.
basis of reckoning for a day's pay of
men encased in oneration of railroad
trains in interstate commerce (ex
cepting roaos less tnan luu miles long
and electric lines), that they shall re
ceive pro-rata pay for work in ex
cess of eight hours and that their
rate of compensation shall not be
changed pending an investigstion for,
six to nine months of the effect of
the eight-hour day upon the railroads
by a commission to be. appointed by ,
the president. .. .v..
Two Demos Against It.
Efforts to amend the bill in the
senate were futile,' the supreme ef-
fort to alter it having been led by
Senator Underwood, who sought' to
provide that the Interstate Commerce -commission
should have power to fix
railroad wages and hours of service
in tha future. . .This amendment waa
defeated bv a vote of 57 to. 14.. Onlv N
two democrats, Senstors Hardwick of
Georgia and Clarke of Arkansas,
votea against the bill, and one repub
lican, La Follette of Wisconsin, voted
for it. - , .;,' . .
Railroad officials have ' declared
that the action of congress will cost
them $60,000,000 a year in increased
wages to the trainmen. ' Brotherhood
(Centumd aa l'asa two, Caluma One.)
Evidence '
of the great popularity
of Bee Want-Ads is
shown in the wonderful :
record of increase they .
are making every week.
1369 More
Last week than the
same period a year
' -ajo.- . ,'; ' ",:-''