Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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7 A-
ti Inereaie Over Fifteen
Per Cent and Twenty-Efiht
Gierke Get Raise. 1
Anothtr encouraging- inereaie in
Omaha postoiftee receipt! was made
in August of this year, an increase of
15.8 per. cent over the receipts August
of. last year. The figures are: - .
Auru.t. nie. , . ...... i . . . list,sit. 41
Auttir iiu.....
' locrws.. .. .................. 11,111.11
This was the. first month- of C. E.
Fanning's incumbency. The. postal
receipts 'are considered the most re
liable index of the city's growth and
ait increase of 15.8 per cent Jri year
is "going some."-- "' ,v.. .
Such a. fine record for. increased
business has been made by the Oma
ha postoffice in the last year that the
department has granted increases of
$1.00 a'year in the salaries of twenty
eight ilerks. --. , -
Usually .such increases are granted
only once a year and to clerics re
ceiving $1,100 or less a vear.. .
ine present increase is an extra
one and goes to men receiving $1,200
a ,yearV The following received the
increase: ; Viola Coffin, Charles P.
Rodman, Vtrn D. Musgrove, Charles,
Ni Nelson, William L, Eckhardt, Fer
dinand . Krebs, Harry C. . Black
stqne, . Robert J, Jensen, Harlow - F";
eyer, Patrick'E. McGovern, .Irvert
W.Barr, -Charles H. Chadwell,- Jere.
nrWt-J. Curtin,, William , E. Deakini
Jamie Dugdale, Charles E. A-;
Johnson, Ectward Spillert, Lee H.' ytt,
Francis J; .d ta" Vega, , William F,
White. Edrtr L Hoasr. Jacob G. Ta-
cobsao, Frank J. Jodiet, Charles. JI
V.;il'T P (VCnnnr 1 S Mot.
W,, W.; Connorao, C. C Westerdahl
Goes to Russia to
Get His Family
Sar Kis Bedrosian, an Armenian,
secured passports at the clerk of the
federal cdurt'a office rul started Sat
urday for Russia to find his wife and
four children, and bring, ? Wen? ;.,to
Omaha. " v' '' :'. " '
sHe lives at 2540 Capitbt' avenue. He
has been in' this - country about six
teen years, but'waa back to his home
in Armenia four years ago, remaining
here three years. . -.
After the war started he could reti
no word of his family. . .Then through
' an Armenian paper, he learned .that
one of his children had died of star
vation and (he rest of his family had
been 'driven from their home by the
Turks. Later word came that they
Syere at a town in Russia.
To that place. Bedrosian is bound.
IT : 1 1 , vt " I :j ll I
l win go iu 1-ncw iuik, lie earn, ana
th I- will get passage on the first
ship that I can for Russia. I must
reachmy family some way."
The Douglas County- Teachers" in
stitute concluded its -session Friday
and 150 teachers from the rural dis
tricts and towns of .; the county re
turned to their homes to prepare
for the fall school-term, based on iri
structions and lectures staged for
their benefit during ...the week in
Omaha. i
Friday's sessions included educa
tional psychology, with discussions
by Superintendent Yoder; primary
reading lectures by Miss Caldwell;
library Instruction by the office force
of the superintendent's department;
work for rural teachers, A., V. Teed,
rural inspector for the State Depart
ment of Education, and- a general
discussion of methods for town and
country teachers by Dr. I. S. Cutter
of the University School of.Medi-
Enrollment at High Shows
Increase Over Last Year
Enrollment, at the. Central High
school this year will be much
heavier than last, according to pres
ent indications noted by Principal J.
G. Masters. Yesterday 406 students
signed the roster, against 396 on the
corresponding day of last year.
Already 1,623 pupils have been en
rolled, which beats last year's record
considerably. ,
Bridge Worker Attacked '
And Robbed While Asleep
W. J. McConnell, a bridge worker,
drew his pay, amounting to $125 and
then went to sleep in-a-vacant lot at
Seventh and Leavenworth street- His
next stop was at the police station,
where he reported that thugs had at
tacked hint while he was sleeping and
robbed bim of hia "roll." - v ,-
Dan Gaines Offers Big Cup
For Best Boars at Hog Show
Dan Gaines has offered a $50 cup,
known as the Merchants hotel cup,
for the four best Duroc-Jersey boars
which are exhibited at the National
Swine show which is to be held here
the first week in October. This prize
goes for any age. ' '
taken on the western battle front, show one of the British monster guns now being used.
The gun is mounted on a specially built truck, which runs over tracks laid for the purpose.
X v' V as V ,
T y
- .yi.i... -. " .
West . Side Residents Anxious
to. Beoure . New. Park in
. s Their Neighborhood.
i West.fide residents in' the weeks
past have organised three new clubs,
besidesvthe old West Side Improve
ment pliib.; ! Now the ' South Thir
teenth 'Street Imnrovement rluh i
advancing a new location for the park
addition now under consideration by
the city, commission. The club de
mands that no other site be consider
ed -when that from Twenty-seventh
to Thirty-second and fronv Q to W
streets is considered. ;, e-
. West 'Side boosters, credited to be
the representative club of the district,
have petitioned the council demanding
that it reconsider its proposition of
making a certain plot along Q street
(not yet made known) a nark by or
dinance and take under advisement
the . purchase of a -tract either at
thirty-sixth and U streets or at Thir
tieth and Z streets; next to the Jetter
properties. '
President Trainer of the new club
is urgent in his demand that his club's
wishes be considered. Mr. White
horn is secretary, of the club.: The
council has not announced its decision
in the matter. yet,.but is;.f xpectei to
UW U 9WISI . ,1-, J . p.' ,
Jqvenile Offker Paul -McAulay of
the bouth.ide;took m .hia: ; charge
thirty-tive newsboys yesteraav after-
noon and v made straight for - Krug
park, where the annual picnic festival
for the young news merchants was
held. ' The ;boyi all boated a street
car at; the corner or 1 wenty-f ourth
and N streets at 1 :30 o'clock. '
At the park they were hustled into
executing a varied program. All the
while the cry for eats was the prin
cipal note. Athletic contests of many
kidus were puuca on, wim ine ouui
van boys winners.
' . '. Church Note, -v
8t." Luke'i Lutheran church, TwentT-ftfth
and K Strrtii, Rv, 8. H. Terlan, Paator
tfunaay sonooi &t i:4. Harmon at ll.
Topic, "IMnUl.V Luther Lvaru at 7.
Orao Mthodlit, Next Sunday will b
a special day at Oraee church, Mr. Morrta
will epeaK in the moraine; on "Saul of Tar
ui," and In the evening- at o'clock he will
jive an Uluitrated aermon on "Shadow o(
the Croii." . . .
Wut Side Interdenominational. : Thirty
eighth and Q, Rev. W. U. Shallcroae, Pat
tor Sunday school at 1:41.. Morning wor
ship and communion services at 10:48. Chris
tian Endeavor at 7. Evening aermon at I.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at S,
Everybody welcome,. -
- Wheeler Memorial, Twenty-third and J,
Rev. R I. - Wheelers Pastor- Sunday school
at t;4l. Morning aermon at 11. Subject,
"The Conflict." Intermediate Endeavor at
I. Senior Endeavor at 7. No evening serv
ices. Henry 8, Kleser will occupy the pulpit
In the morning In the absence of the pastor.
First Christian. Twenty-third and I, Rev.
0. Alber, Pastor Sunday school at S:4I.
Horning worship at 11. Evening aermon at
1. - Christian Endeavor at 1. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at 7. Morning ser
mon topic, 'Monument and plrthDlaee."
Evening topic, "The Impregnable Portress."
Trinity Baptist. Twenty-fifth and H, Rev.
Charles P. Holler, Pastor Sunday school at
ft:4t. Morning worship at 11. Baptist
Toung People's union at ;!0. Evening serv
ice at 7: JO. Subject of the morning ser
mon, "Christ and Sin." At the close of
the morning sermon , the Lord's jiupper will
be observed. The evening service will be a
sacred ooncsrt by the church choir with spe
cial vlctrola numbers and a history, of each
hymn by the pastor. '
... Magic City Gossip.
The Kensington of Degree of Honor, No.
1S, will meet at the home of Mrs. Prince,
fifcfll South Forty-eighth avenue, Thursday
Jama Stevens, son of Officer Oeorge
Stevens of the local police station, who
underwent an operation at St. Joseph's hos
pital two weeks ago, la reported to be re
covering rapidly. He will e able to be re
moved to his home In two weeks.
Indian Summer
September is the
month for touring;. See
that your battery is
ready for it We'll give
. t you a few pointers. . r
Nebraska Storage Battery Co., ,
Omaha. v '.-.'.' ,.v . 1'.'' '
2203 Farnam St" Phone D. 5102
Free Intpeetlori ef any battery' at any tim.
Francisco Villa Attacks Car
ranza Force and Inflicts
Defeat on It. .
El Psso, Ttx., Sept. 2. Frtneisco
Villi, -with a (ores recruited as s re
sult of his recent victories in the
vicinity of Satevo, to about 1,000 men,
attacked General Elizondo in the
vicinity of Santa Ysabel and forced
the Carranza leader, who had about
600 troops, to fall back toward Chi
huahua City, according to private dis
patches here tonight. The Carranza
losses were estimated at about thirty,
while the Villa losses were said to
have been less. After, the engage
ment Villa seized a freight train on
the Mexico Northwestern, which he
set his men converting into a troop
train. '
A part of his force, according to the
dispatches, was sent north from the
line of the railroad apparently on a
scouting expedition.
1 Military authorities here, while ad
mitting that all their information in
dicates that Villa is less than 100
miles south and east of El Valle, the
southmost base of the American ex
peditionary forces, manifested no ap
prehension that he plans to attack
any ; of the United States detach
ments. , - f
Numerous rumors of revolutionary
juntas on the American side of the
border have been current recently
and at least two small forces of Mex
icans have left Juarez with the an
nounced intention of joining Villa. -
Hipolita Villa, brother of Francisco
Villa and his financial agent in Juarez
in his period of power, is now in the
custody of the United States author
ities, it was learned here today.
Manufacturers of Omaha .
Protest Eight-Hour Law
Manufacturers of Omaha, in session
yesterday, adopted resolutions - pro
testing the passage of the eight-hour
law and then authorized their presi
dent, R. W. Besley, to wire President
Wilson the following:
w ar absolutely oppwd to eonfmii
paialnf tho olfht-hour law at thla tlma. Wa mora tlma la neaded for Investigation,
aa affecta on bualneaa of oouotry. ara too
far-raaolUns to taka haaty action.
Political Advertising.
t ' 'elf ''I
up? ;"iJ.
' Central City, Nebraska , ,
Candidate for Elactlon on the Non
partisan Judiciary ballot '
For Supreme Judge
MR.' MARTIN la M ream of a, was
torn and reared at Plttaburs, Pa.,
where ha read law for four years
prior to coming- to Nebraska. He was
educated at Woostar University, Wooster,
Ohio, and Lafayette Collar; a at Kaaton, Pa.
He came to Nebraaka In 1SS8 and first
located at Columbus, where he practiced
law until list when ha moved to Merrick
County, Neb. He has devoted his entire
time and enere-y to the practice of the
law In thla atata ever since, exceptlne;
durlnr the yearn lilt and 1900 when he
was letai advlaer of the auditing depart
ment of the United States located at
Havana, Cuba, under the military occu
pation of Cuba.
Aa evidence of hta conception of tha
duties of tho omc to which he aaplrea,
and for the purpose of advlalng tho
electors of Nebraaka aa to his conduct In
that offloa If elected, ho announces the
following- .- .
Equality before tha law.
Remove tho law'a vexatious delaya.
Substantial Justice unhampered by
Purify tho courts by eavare punishment
for perjury.
No politics or favoritism known oa tha
"To io tha right aa Ood gtvaa me to
sea tha right"
Would Appreciate Your Support and
Will atrive to Merit Ye-.r Confidence.
Vienna Official Keport Says the
Enemy Wae Beaten Back
At Two Pointi. , ,
Berlin. Sept 2. (By Wireless to
Ssyville.) Austro-Hungarian troops
on tho Roumanian front again re
pulsed the Roumanians near Ortova
and Hercules Fuerioeon. August 31,
says the official statement issued by
the Austro-Hungarian army head
quarters under date of September 1.
The statement adds that the Tran
sylvanian towns of Nagy-Sieben
(Hermanstadt) and -Sepsi-Szent-Gy-orgy,
north of Kronstadt already had
been evacuated by the Austro-Hunga-rians
on Wednesday.
.Serbians Repulse Bulgarians.
Paris, Sept. 2. The, Bulgarians re
turned to the attack last night on the
western end of the Macedonion front
The war office announced today that,
an assault delivered by them in tht
Vetrenik sector was repulsed by the
The announcement says:
"On the Struma front and in the
region of Lake Doiran there was in
termittent cannonading. Our artil
lery set fire to the railway station at
Portiovica. Between the Cerna and
the Vardar there was hand grenade
fighting. ' . .' '."''' ,
"A night attack by the Bulgarians
in the sector of Vetrenik was repulsed
easily by Serbian, troops."
Funeral Services for Train
. Accident Victim Today
; Funeral services for William L.
Baxter, who was killed Thursday
when struck by a train at Fourteenth
and Wirt street, will be he.ld Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock from the resi
dence, 4411 North Twenty-fifth ave
nue. Interment will be in Forest
Lawn cemetery. ' ' .,
It la the condition of your mo
tor at the end of a .years run
that counts. "
We firmly believe that Pan hard
Ott ) of the beet quality for u
tomeblle uae. We have itoek to
It year after year, although there
re innumerable other oite of limU
lar appearance which would ahow
ue bigger immediate profiti. It
doesn't pay to experiment buy
Panhard and be aure.
AutoawUle Suaallee.
. 2011 Farnam.,
Lived on Berries and Grapes
and Frightened Women
North of riorenoe.
He led the officers to thest quaint
shelters, but offered no explanation.
That when he demanded food at
farm houses and was offered bread,
he insisted upon being served with
fried chicken and that when refused
he abused the donors, is charged in
complaints at the sheriff's office. His
right arm hangs limp at his side and
is being attended by the county physician.
After terrorising farmers' wives
north of Florence for more than two
weeks John Gonsales, twentieth cen
tury caveman and exponent of the
simple life, is now the guest of
Sheriff McShane in the Douglss coun
ty jail held on a charge of vagrancy.
His diet of grapes, apples, stray
chickens, herbs and berries has been
changed to pork and beans and the
health-giving viands of the county
After trudging through the woods
all day and a part of the night Deputy
Sheriff Muagrave and the Florence
marshal found the Mexican wanderer
in a- gully clad only with a handker
chief about his loins. His, ragged
clothing was hanging about an old
well where he had given the gar
ments the weekly washing. .
When accosted by the officers the
Mexican meekly submitted to arrest
and at once refused to talk. It was
only when an interpreter was called,
to the court house that Gonzales told
a portion of his story to deputies.
Broke Hit Arm.
'According to his rambling admis-i
sions he is 45 years om ana nss oeen
in the United States eight years work
ing at a railway laborer. While work
ing at Lincoln he fell and fractured
the imtller bones of his right arm.
From Lincoln he wandered to the
vicinity of Florence with his right
arm in splints and bandages. He has
since existed by begging handouts
fronv farm houses and by picking
fruit and berries in the vicinity where
he was located by officer. The man
was unarmed, but carried a huge club.
Three tepees, made from twigs and
leaves, and located on strategic look
out points, provided shelter lor him.
Benaoa, A. . MoClunl, reator Sunday
school at IS; a( 11, "Childlike Christian!;"
Chrlatten Endeavor at noon; eventna eervloe
at S, "The Or-eat Salvation ;" prayer mast
ing Wednesday evening at S.
Discuss Plans for; j
Wilson's Speeches
New York, Sept. 2. Plans for
President Wilson's speaking trips dur
ing the campaign were discussed here
today at a meeting of the democratic
campaign committee, after which it
was announced that the president
probably would make his most im
portant speeches from the porch of
his summer home at Long Branch,
N. J-
This Store Will Close at 1 P. M.
Displays of New Fall Merchandise
Arranged for the Morning
Will Make Early Buying Here Monday,
Both Pleasurable and Profitable.
; The early showing of new styles surpass all pre
vious seasons assortments broader and values un
questionably superior. September sales here point
the way to satisfying price-savings, without the least
sacrifice in style beauty or quality. , It always pays
you to -U"" -.'-'A
: , Try HAYDEN'S First
Maxwell motor can have
demountable rime and the
tame size tires on both
front and rear wheels.
REMEMBER these important features, because
they are not to be found on some of the lighter cars.
Maxwell cars have 3 in. tires all around This is a
generous size. : The tires are not overtaxed They last
longer and make riding easier.
Tires of one size mean that you have to carry only
one size casing and one size tube.
Demountable rims, of course, are recognized as the
best They are on all good cars. Don't buy any car
without demountable rims. If you do, you'll regret it
These two features along with the other complete
and up-to-date equipment; the economy and proved
endurance of the Maxwell, make it the greatest auto
mobile value in the world today.
. S aeeeewjar Toqrinj Car, $893 3-pwmfrr Ctbriaht, UtS
jhfaasasajl lr Xodtr - 3t0 (.pmsnfar Team Car, M
r arsaTsA 9W :.
2216-18 Faraam St.
Omaha, Nab.
Phone Deaf las S63.
Sixty, horse powerSeven Pasiearfer
Cantilever Springs
120 Inch wheelbaae Price $1350
For the Woman
Who Motors
Simplicity and ease
of operation make
the KING the ideal
car for women who
drive, and its ex
treme economy in
fuel, oil and tires is
only another proof
of high engine efficiency.-;.
See this car at Lincoln
State Fair.
Noyes-Killy Motor Co.
. Distributers.
2066-68 Farnam St. Omaha.