Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 A
t .
Republican Nominee Speaks at
Topeka and Kansas City,
Scoring Administration.
. Topeks, Kan.. Sept. 2. Charles E.
Hughes, speaking at , the capital
grounds to , a crowd that Mood
through a shower to listen yesterday,
declared the protection for which he
stood was more than protection in a
commercial sense and embraced pro
tection of American right on land
and sea. of national peace, of Ameri
can industry and against inefficiency
in government.
"I stand for protection in a com
prehensive sense," Mr. Hughes said.
"I use the word to embrace all thatJ
is needed to foster and promote
American enterprise and to better our
conditions." .-.
The nominee said he placed first a
"firm insistence upon all American
righta on land and sea." American
peace, he said, should- be protected
'by our being influential to develop
the instrumentalities of international
This could not be done, he added,
by a. reduction in the standards of
diplomatic intercourse for which he
assailed the present administration.
Must Protect Industry.
Unless American industry were pro
tected by a protective tariff. Mr.
Hughes said, "we shall be a sluggard
in the international race."
Safeguarding public institutions
through administrative work, Mr.
Hughes said, was "a hollow mockery"
unless administration were efficient.
"No corporation could afford to be
run the way this government is," the
nominee said in speaking of his pro
posed executive budget. "We should
cut our coat according to our cloth."
Mr. Hughes repeated his charges
that the present administration had
been more extravagant than any
other in the history of the country.
Half o(,the audience was- women.
One thousand women, members of the
Kansas Hughes alliance, welcomed
the nominee on his arrival at the
grounds. . v i
' Score Administration. '
Kansas City. Mo., Sept. 1. Charles
E. Hughes before ui audience that
filled the great Convention hall here
to its capacity tonight assailed the
administration for its policv toward
ban Domingo and Haiti, while it "pro
fessed inviolability of treaty rights
and the sovereign rights of smaller
states." - s :
Mr. Hughes said:
"I yield to no one in the respect to
the sovereignty of states great or
small, for the inviolability of treaties,
for rights under international law, but
when we speak of the inviolability of
small states and of their rights what
have they to say with respect to the
course of the administration in San
Domingo and Haiti, where today
armed rule exists by our marines on
the soil of these states?
"We want in this country profes
sions to match practice, we want
deeds to match words and we want a
sure policy which will protect the
lives of American citizens. ' "
Program Constructive.
Mr Hughes.again declared for pro
tection for American rights, Ameri
can peace, American industry and for
"a businesslike administration of
He declared that his program was
"constructive; not destructive."
"We are desirous to promote the
success of the national ticket," Mr.
Hughes said, "but we also desire to
have both the senate and the house,
in order that we may have an adminis
tration that will achieve results."
- Mr. Hughes said he did not believe
in putting the government into the
shipping business "to compete with
private owners."
"I do not believe we can accom
plish anything that way," he said.
"What we should do ought to be done
correctly and in line with correct
"We should rescue business from
unnecessary conflict of authority in
this country. We do not need, simply
- because we are practicing our local
and our national independence, to
have irreconcilable conflict of au
thority. That is a misconstruction of
our constitutional system.
So Stat and Nation Can Act,
"We can perfect our instrumentali
ties so that the state can act in its
sphere and the nation can act in its
sphere and so that business will not
. ' be ground between the upper and the
nether millstones.
"I want to say that wherever it can
be done legitimately the path should
be opened for the honest man to have
a chance to go ahead and win a Suc
, cess that hurts no one but benefits all
' within his radius.
"We want a new tone in our life.
I am not one of the kind that is too
proud to fight."
Mr. Hughes left for St. Louis at
II p. m. ,
Mr. Hughes spoke to an audience
that packed the great Convention hall.
A sprinkling of Grand Army veterans
was scattered over the floor. In
opening bis speech Mr. Hughes re
ferred to the civil war and the part
Council Bluffs Boy
- ; By Chiropractic
4 Adjustments.
Testimonial of Mr. and
Mrs. Cook.
"Dr. F. F. Burhorn, the Chiro
practor, has made it possible for
our five-year-old son, Deen Cook,
residing at 221 Vine St, Council
Bluffs, la., .to walk, after being
helpless, due to s paralytic condi
tion." , . . . ..
- By correctly adjusting the
Spina, I am very successfully re
moving the cause of Stomach
troubles. Bowel, Kidney and Liver
troubles. Rheumatism, troubles of
head, throat or lungs and other
organs. ,
Acute and chronic cases 'yield
readily to Chiropractic.
Writ for literature
Consultation costs nothing.
414-418 Re BMf., 16th and
Faraaai. Doug. S347.
- Palmar ScKmI Graduate.
pi L
taken by the veterans in preserving
the union.
Have Same Old Spirit. ?'
"No one can tell me,", Mr; Hughes
said, "that we have hot the spirit of
years ago. ' The same indomitable
spirit is with us today and what we
need is to harken to its call." ; 1
America faces a test today,, Mr.
Hughes declared.
"The test is," he said, "whether this
nation so preserved shall achieve its
highest ideals, whether it shall go
forward or halt, whether it wilt be
responsive to its ideals or will lose
its tone and the spirit of its former
Before his sddress at the Conven
tion hall Mr. Hughes was the dinner
guest of the Republican club. At the
dinner were fifty Grand Army of the
Republic veterans who voted for Lin
coln for president. Some of the vet
erans sat on the platform with the
nominee at Convention hall.
Upon his arrival here Mr. Hughes
sent the following telegram to Theo
dore Roosevelt:
H heartily congratulate you on
your speech at Lewiston and warmly
appreciate your effective support."
En route to the city Mr. Hughes
received a telegram from Governor
Johnson of California in reply to the
congratulatory message sent by the
nominee upon Mr. Johnson's success
in the senatofial primary fight in
California. Governor Johnson's mes
sage was as follows: i
"I was very glad to receive your
telegram of congratulation and 1
thank you for it."
Mr. Hughes entered the hall fif
teen minutes late. The audience
gave him a tbree-minute cheer.
He was introduced by Walter S.
Dickey, republican nominee for the
People's Church. SI I North Kllhteentll.
Itev. Charles W. HavlriKe, Pastor Morning,
"Wbit ! the of Joints Rtalna
I'p and Cloelns Iho loorT" Evening, Rev.
Mr. Knwoa.n of Rlehriolrt wilt epeak on
"Booing Jeue." Sunday school at noon;
prayer mooting Thursday ovonlng.
ROADS SEE SELVES I Court Crier Returns and Federal
Court May Resume at Any Time
Western Railways Order Re
scinding of Modification
- of Their Embargoes.
Chicago. Scot. 2. Convinced that
congress will force them to surrender
presidents of important western rail
roads tonight ordered rescinding or
modification of the freight embargoes
established in preparation for a gen.
eral railway strike. At the same time
the railroad executives announced de
fections from the ranks of the rail
way brotherhoods, and declared they
had enough men to operate trains,
strike or no strike. This was denied
by brotherhood officials.
Hale Holdcn, president of the Bur
lington, spokesman for the railroads
in the conferences with President Wil
son, said the railroads are convinced
congress will force through the eight
hour dav law before the date set for
the strike, but they -are taking no
, Forced to Surrender.
"It irtttti tonisht that congress will
make us surrender," Mr. HoTden said.
explaining an order by his freight de
partment revoking the embargo. "The
Burlington and other roads have felt
ludav there is litlle chance for a strike
now. We are revoking our embargu.
so as not to inconvenience the ship
pers at all. Hut we are going ahead
with our plans to operate trains in
event of a strike. , The strike order
must be actually revoked before w
let up in our precautions. VVe have
turn cuuugii iu iuu iu, ti,,u.
While railroad executives were
claiming defection of thousands of
brotherhoop members, otttciais ot tne
unions, through Timothy Shea, vice
president of the Brotherhood of Fire
men and Enginemen, said the railways
habitually circulate such stories, and
they have no fears their men would
not obey the strike call.
, Suits for Injunctions,
Suits for injunctions against calling
strikes were filed by individual broth
erhood members in various parts of
the country, including a number ot
Santa Fe trainmen employed in Texas
Chairman Higgins of the General
Managers' association, of Chicago, is
sued statements remarking the dis
sensions in the brotherhood ranks and.
stating preparations to run trains
would continue without deviation un
til formal notice of revocation of the
strike mandate was received.
President Calvin of the Union , Pa
cific at Omaha announced that the en
gineers of that line would remain,
holding themselves not to be involVed
in the movement, and he added that
a very large percentage of conductors
and trainmen would remain. Vhe
Great Northern railway, according to
a Duluth dispatch, nt out a call for
new men to report immediately, and
other northwestern roads were ex
pected to take similar action tonight
or tomorrow. '
One' thousand conductors ot the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul tele
graphed President Garretson of the
brotherhood that they would notwalk
out if ordered to do so, and a dele
gation of conductors of the Chicago &
Northwestern was en route to Wash
inaton to oodosc a strike before con
gress and the brotherhood heads.
rJ. c pyram, vice president of cue
Burlinsrton road, stated that approxi
mately 25 per cent of the brotherhood
members employed on that road had
given promises of remaining at work.
General Manager Gordon of the
Chicago, Great Western stated that 20
per cent of his train crews would re
main. A large number would remain
with the Chicago, Rock Island & Pa
cific, it was stated at the offices o!
the road.
John A. Whitmore Receives
Dangerous Injury by Fall
Aurora, Neb.,. Sept. 2. (Special
Telegram.) John ' A. Whitmore, a
prominent attorney of Aurora is lying
unconscious at his home from the ef
fects of a fall down the stairs early
this morning, which fractured his
skull at the base of the bsain. His
condition1 is regarded as critical.
Mr. Whitmore is the oldest practic
ing attorney in Hamilton county and
was at one time state senator from
this district.
Federal court in-fhis district .may
now hpld sessions at any time.
For Anton Gross, court crier, is
back from his vacation.
He's right here, good people and
lawyers, ready to cry whenever he is
needed. .
"Yes, we are back," said Mr. Gross
when friends greeted him.
He used the plural form of the per
sonal pronoun to include with him
self Judge Joseph W. Woodroiifth,
who has also been on a vacation, and
whose return is equally noteworthy, as
he, too, has important functions in
connection with the operation of the
federal court.
"How did you spend ( your vaca
tion?" Anton was asked.
"Well," 'he said, still clinging" to
the dual idea and politely putting his
colaborer in the court affairs first,
"the judge, he went on a trip to Cali-
Brief City News
"Towneenle for Hportlog Goods."
Have Root Print It Now Boston Prone.
. Minting tisturee Burgoai-Orandon Co.
Half Karat Whit Diamonds 1S Edholra.
Sloop Your Money Ann valuables In tho
iraarlran Bote Deposit valine. 21S South
17th St., Bee Bldg. Boiee rent SI. So for
I month, open from ? a. m. to s p. m.
Today's Movie Program." classi
fied section today. It appears In The
Be exclusively. Kind out what the
various moving picture theatera offer.
Xavy orflrw Fulls Off The local
navy recruiting station dropped to a
low mark. In August, securing only
eight recruits for the navy during the
Holiday Mall Schedules The usual
holiday schedule will be In tore at
the postofflce Monday, Labor day
two deliveries In the business and one
in the residence sections.
Mien Isabel Hoi brook to Tjectore
Mlse Isabel Holbrook of Los Angeles,
Cal., correapondlng secretary of the
Theosophlcal society in America, will
give a free public lecture at Theo
sophlcal hall, 701 Bee building, Bun
day evening at I) o'clock. .
Brings Suit .Against Rock Island
Because a fancy Jersey cow eat down
on his right leg and injured him
while he was caring for a load of cat
tle on the Rock Island, James Clar
rlgan has brought suit agalnet J. M.
Dlcklnaon, receiver for the road,1 ask
ing IS. 000 damages.
Falls on Picket Few Bowen
Orllta, 1 years old. 2310 Douglas
street, wa seriously Injured when he
fell upon the sharp Iron pickers while
walking along a fence at Twenty
fourth and Pouglas streets. ' One of
the pickets penetrated three Inches
into his aide. Ho waa taken to St.
Joseph's hospital. - ) - . .,
- F,ditor Will Conduct Service In
the absence of W. E. Foshler, presi
dent pf the Omaha Holiness associa
tion, Interdenominational, John , W.
Thomas, editor, of AlllanVe, Neb., ha
been Invited to have charge of : the
next meeting, which will be held In
the Danish-Norwegian Methodist
fornia, but I stay home all vacation.
1 paint my house, I go fishing, I
have a good time and enjoy myself.
Now we are back, ready for busi
A vacation is a decided novelty to
Anton Gross. This was the first he
had in over twenty-five vears, and if
it hadn't been for painting the house
he wouldn't have known what to do
with himself.
For many years Anton ran a bar
ber shop on Sixteenth street, south
of the viaduct. So busy was he that
he never went home to supper. All
day and evenings, too, he was busy
shaving and hair cutting and sham
pooing, and singeing and massaging
and tonic-ing.
, Then came the bestowal of the sine
cure of federal court crier and now
Anton bids fair to have a vacation
the rest of his life on full salary.
church. ' Twenty-fifth and Decatur
streets, Sunday, at 8:30 p. m. The
service will be conducted as a Bible
reading with an address, the subject
being "Knowledge Necessary to Chris
tian Life and Work."
Red Cloud to Greet
Eepublican Editors
Red Cloud, Xch Sept.' 2.-(Special
Telegram.) The Republican Valley
Editorial association will meet here
the first week of October. Prepara
tions for an elaborate banquet and
entertainment were made at a special
meeting of the Chamber of Commerce
of this city last evening. This will
include the meeting of all Burlington
trains with automobiles, bringing the
visitors to the nicely equipped club
rooms, from where they wi',1 adjourn
to the Royal hotel for dinner. After
this there will be an auto trip over
the surrounding country, returning to
the Royal for the evening banquet
Kriegerbund Veterans
V In Session at Lincoln
; Lincoln, Sept. 2. German soldier's
and sailors of the five states of Min
nesota, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas
and Nebraska, composing the West
lieher Kriegerbund, began gathering
last night for the eleventh annual
bundesfest. Tonight was occupied as
a reunion of the visitors preparatory
to formal meetings, which will start
tomorrow afternoon, following a
morning parade and music festival.
1 TJie organization is made up of
Germans and Austro-Hungarians who
have seen service in the military or
ganizations of their respective coun-.
tries. Gustave Koenig of Omaha is
president of the ' Kriegerbund. The
meetings will continue to Monday
night. . ' ;,
! Two Holdups and Many
Thefts Reported to Police
M. Meir of Humboldt, la., was held
up and robbed of $15 by two white
men at Fifth and Davenport streets
Friday evening. Frank Oren, 915
Avenue D, Council Bluffs, was rob
beM of a like amount by a negro at
Twelfth and Capitol avenue.
Fred Martin, 2102 Douglas street,
lost $7 from his room, while Harold
Winnslow, Glenwood avenue, was
separated from $4 by a 'friend." T.
A. Debar, 806 South Thirty-fifth
streets reports the theft of personal
-rr t- . k;. rAirm while Charles
elicits iiwii "1 ' . , r
Smith, 1533 South Twenty-eightlw-1
street, lost clothing ana jeweiry to j
IOC VatUC OI IW I"""! m n,vv...r jg
I. H. Tav lor. 3007 Harney streSt,, 1
reports the theit of silverware, from'
his home. Maud Darling, 1921 Doug-,
las street, asserts that wearing ap
parel valued at $30 was stolen from,
a clohtheline to the rear of her resi
dence. . - .-' v: ;
Plumbing thieves gained entrance
to a vacant house at 322 North
Twenty-second street, owned by Fred
Brightenburg. 2513 Chicago -street,,
and stripped the place of fixtures.
' i - -
iedtT Itnfull
New Fall
Striking and stunning are the new crea
tions in Fall Hata. Chic turban styles,
saucy up-turned brims, large dressy hats
with rolling brims and decorated with
fancy garnishments and feathers. Also
the straight sailor models. Come in this
week for your new Autumn Head wear.
Pay only $1.00 a week on hats 01 AC
priced as low as : . ... VVaaW
1417 Douglas Street v
'"' ' Mm Mftr w"0i' '
. IMlm Pfflll Starting and
7 Q ftm ifXtWm . Th man who lays down $695 for the Don car knows then, and s
y t V jYtt 9MyT("P'!!l always afterwards, that he has bought s supremely good car an
: ap O IXuT (2 PI ' -' h0IWt Wju, " P-
k ' I r rCsS Such has bean tho experience of the thousands of Dort owners and
lA fji ' O nrf 4T7 &4?5ne tny supply world of proof.
V I LW'O O iarV a5 TVl le territories oen m Nebraska and Western Iowa lor live dealers.
Wk J C tll alvrVH iAj' ; 2211-13 Farnam St, Omaha, Nebraelta. , r
V "Built in Flint" TSSZ, - . "
There's a World of .Proof
You Are .Right
. . aat
convicnoii tnat Here u a solid, common-sense
flashes in upon you when you see the Dort
and there is a world of proof you are right
First, an impression of notable beauty of line finish
nicety of trimming detail. Inspection of the wide, roomy
seats brings the comment, "It 4 a comfortable car." You
expect complete accessory equipment you find it
But as a motorwise buyer, these superiorities alone should
never be the deciding factor in your purchase of the Dort.
The real Dort, the car you are buying for everyday use
and pleasure, is beneath the body, beneath the hood. The
real Dort is a mechanical achievement: the extraordinary
motor, the staunch frame and trouble-proof rear axle, the
true cantilever springs, the unfailing Westinghouse Start
ing and Lighting are only a part of the proof.