6 t) THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 3, 1916. The Grip of Eighth Episode In Bohemia CHAPTER XV. The Irrepressibles., One evening tt dusk John Burton was anted in hi study killing the half hour which intervened before he must go to hit dressing room and change hit colthes for dinner. For .some reason his thoughts were tinged with an unusual melancholy. He found himself reviewing the bygone years, and the singular conclusion was borne in on him that he had never been really happy since he reased to earn a living by manual labor. - He wai now a marquis and a man of great means, yet, in the midst of i palatial establishment, with a troop of servants ready to obey his slightest wish, and an expensive French chef even then preparing his solitary meal, he suddenly realized that the last genuine pleasure within recollection had nothing whatsoever to do with titles and luxuries. He remembered the occasion per fectly well. He had been five years at work in a foundry when the man ager of his department stopped him one morning as he passed the check office and said offhandedly: , "Burton, in future, you take charge as foreman, and draw down $25 per week. Make good, and it'll be thirty at the end of the month!" Although John had deserved pro motion, it was none the less sweeet when it come. Now, after the full years, came the bitter thought that not only had he not really earned a cent by honest toil, but that all the joy seemed to have gone out of life. Moved by uncontrollable Impulse he aprang to hit feet and ran upstairs two steps at; a time. Hit valet wat arranging the ttuda in a drest auit. "Quit thatl" laid John, cheerfully. "I'm off on a tripv Take charge here till I come back. My lawyers will at tend to the necessary expenses." "For what period shall 1 pack, sir?" inquired the man. "Nothing doing," grinned John, "I'll fix things for myself." s Producing a bunch of keyt, he un locked a drawer which the valet was never allowed to open, and astonished his servitor by bringing forth atiold and worn suit of blue serge, the "everyday best" rig of his. working days, which, with a thick flannel shirt, he proceeded to don forthwith.. The man smiled. He believed his master was bent on some Haroun al Raschid escapade, and the marquis of Castleton was sufficiently erratic in hit behavior at times that the incident should past without comment. Beyond t plentiful supply of money John brought nothing with him which savored of the dignity he was leaving behind. He . meant giving himself a genuine test. He took train for a neighboring town, ate a meal at a small restaurant (to be candid, he found the food' coarse and unpala table) and let about finding a lodging such at would be suitable to a me- chanie out of work. A friendly po liceman directed him, and the man't ' sunburned face looked to kindly and sympathetic that John ; asked him ; where he might teek . . employment with tome prospect of success. Just then a row in the street called for the interevention of the law. Two men were fighting, and the policeman wat about to grab the pair : of them when 'an elderly,, wiaened ' man, fully 65 years of age. ran from a dilapidated building labeled "Mis . tion Hall," and thrust himself be - tween the pugilists. "Come, now. Jim, and you, Tomr tried the peacemaker amiably, "what'i all this :.bout? Why should two good pals like you try to settle a dispute like a couple of marling , curt? All right, officer," he went on, winking at the policeman, "I'll fix v thingt. This stupid icrap ends here and now. Neither of 'em will hit ' Brother Billy will you. please?" TWe combatants looked sheepish. One volunteered : an explanation which the other capped by demand ing fiercely: "Why didn't you tell me that " sooner?" ' So the row was settled. Inciden tally, John made the acquaintance of one who had devoted his whole life to the tervice of his fellows. Brother Billy invited him to enter the Mission hill, and looked ouuled on hearing that hit new friend wat in search off work. The missionary was a judge of men. One glance at the young millionaire'! clean-cut, thoughtful and self-reliant face told him that here was no waster, but a man well able 10 take care of himself. . "I could do with your help here," he said instantly. "Sometimes my lambs grow troublesome sheep and require rather strenuous handling." But the offer was not to Jotin't lik ing. It savored too much of the very inquiry which wat torturing hit tout, Ind he knew from tad experience that he had been an abject failure as a philanthropist. - The mii- iionaey promised to give hu case iome consideration on the morrow, and Jahn was about to depart when a poor woman entered, sobbing piti fully. She was in urgent need of a loan to save her children from starva tion, The missonary looked pained. He searched hit pockets. They were empty. He lived like the ravens, trusting to Providence to provide the wherewithal for the morrow. John's soft heart melted, of courie. He fol lowed the weeping supplicant and pressed a five-dollar bill into her hand, whereat BrotheY Billy smiled. He fancied he had taken the measure of his man correctly. Brother Billy rendered his new friend an immediate service ny di recting him to a lodging slightly su perior in quality to any place which Burton might have found otherwise. It hid been erected as a atudio build ing, but an industrial wave had sub merged the district, and art is a ten ner tlower wnicn teiaom inrrvcs in nrh conditions. . Still, the rnjfses had not wbol1yde- mrted. at lohn learned while bargain ing with the janitor for a sparsely furnished room. A pretty girl passed on the landing. She wat carrying a bottle of milk and a box of crackers. and lohn wat vastly turprised by not ing the way in which the man scowled after her. "1 don't mind a chap like you bein' a few days shy with the rent." came the , jaiu'lor's prompt explanation. "You can always make good after a week's work, but who'i goin' to buy little imaget of toft clay, the lame as she turns out? and a jerk indicated the retreating figure. "Why, the can't even raise the wind to buy a block of stone. I'll go and fire her right away." John had caught a glimpse of a sweet face, with big, artistic eyes of myosotis blue; eyes of that wonderful tint which becomes a deep and tender violet when shaded, and wiihed that he dared intercede in the defaulter'i behalf. If, however, he really meant ficrsevering in his latest role It was udicrously impossible that he should go about the world playing the part of stage uncle to everyone in distress. So he entered his room and, being somewhat tired, stretched himself at full length on the bed for a smoke and a hard think." The weather being warm, he left the door ajar, and toon became aware that a somewhat lively crew occupied a suite on the same landing. The janitor's heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs. Apparently he had gone ttraight to the girl't apartment, and John guessed, quite accurately as it happened that a gruff warning had been given and tearfully received. Seemingly a similar errand was im minent for the noisy, laughing young fellows whose chatter reached John clearly through the open door. Indeed, be heard the man say loudly: "I'm bringing you fellers a final no tice. You're three weeks behind now, and if I ain't paid tomorrow" "Hush," gurgled a rich flutelike voice. "Don't utter another word and I'll show you where we keep the de mon." John't curiosity was aroused. He rose and went to the door, and taw a very tall and "phenomenally thin young man leading the janitor into the opposite flat. The uncouth Irish man was tomewhat startled by that word "demon." and his guides sat urnine air was mystifying. At any rate, lie was silrnced for the moment and suffered himself to be taken across the room towards a cabinet which the tall young man suddenly tm-ew open. The ianitor stennf d back a pace, evidently expecting to see something uncanny, but his fascinated eyes merely rested on a few glasses and a big black bottle labeled "The Demon Rum." ' - '' ' ' A ribild veil from some unseen spectators greeted hit turprise. But the Irishman took the situation and the rum arood humoredly, and went out without delivering the ultimatum. John could not help overhearing what followed. Me Became aware inn inc lanky person flourished a five-dollar hill, the sicht of which evidently in duced a momentary ttupefaction in hit friends. .. ' ' "Tell vou what, bovs." chortled the youngster, "we'll celebrate tonight. I've actually disposed of a master- niece. ' 1 V- "Bring Mary," thouted tomeoneJ "She t at hard up s we are. The tusnestion wai acted upon in stantly, and John knew that a pro if.tinor hut lauahinff girl wat being dragged forcibly downstairs. But the brotherhood ol tne arts aia nor. cnu there. He heard the tall young man saying: . "ThitVfour of us. We want a fifth, since there't luck in odd num ber, at witnest tne nve in inia em. There't I new lodger across the way. Perhapt he't hungry, too. Thut it came about that John found himself In Bohemia, and was toon shaking hands with Mary Ames, sculptress; Reggie Burke, cartoonist; Tom Delancey,. writer, and Charlie Pierce, musician. ..- -ti, thru mi hid been, dubbed "The Irrepressible!" by their friendt, and never wat the title better deierv ed. They limply fcubbled over with human kindliness: tne wine 01 me irrmrd ever to dance in their eyes and effervesce in their heads. But that they were real good fellows there could be no doubt whatever, and John wai not long in tumming them up from tne scraps 01 traiYcmu which reached hit eart while tupper wat being prepared. Mary Ames was regarded as a fairy princess, and always addressed with ceremony. Tom Delancey officiated at cook, and hit Iriendt were dit- f latched on errands to the neighbor ng storea. Hence, John had a few minutes' tustained talk with Mary. He was very much taken by the girl. She was frank and unsophisticated, ana made no secret of the fact that her devotion to the sculptor'i art. while sufficing for her emotion! .brought neither food nor raiment, The foragers returned, and a moat appetizing meal wat toon tizzling and frizzling on a gas atove. Suddenly the cook uttered a cry ot dismay. "Dash it, if I haven't gone and for gotten the salt) There isn't as much in the place as would fill a midge's eye." - . .. "I have aome," said Mary. "I'll go and fetch it." , She was gone to long that Delan tey grew impatient and ye'led for her at the top of his voice. She came at once, but not alone. She was accompanied by a good-looking, well-dressed man of about 35 years of age, whose face and manner be tokened the successful artist. The three young men hailed him gleefuly at "Evan," and invited him to join in the impromptu meal. He accepted initantly and wat evidently more than willing to renew mem ories of hii own itudent days. Mary, whoae eyea were sparkling, but whose demeanor was now somewhat subdued, calmly introduced the new comer to John at Mr. Evan Tarker, and the surname revealed an artist whose work commanded high prices both from dealers and connoisseurs. Now, a dramatic thing had hap pened during Mary Ames' brief ab sence from her friends, an event des tined to shape the whole course of her life. She had gone into her room expecting to find it empty, and was surprised, even a trifle indignant, by discovering that the rich and well known Evan Parker had actually dared to enter her apartment without permission. He had even stripped the wet cloths off the clay study on which the was engaged. Nor did he turn at the sound of her footsteps, but continued his scrutiny of the cjay ugure. ins aiiuuiic was revcrem (- 1 - h a S nQr:WM ,f ) aY'4 I' 0. S Aatkar of Th. Wiaga U Mrif," "Th M lmr t Lights "Th Tarau of 5erondor, "nuaaoor i, By LOUIS TRACY 3Srt&' of " N" Copyright, 1916, by Looia Tracy. lkilfM mm BUKTON TRIES TO SHOW MARY SHE WILL NOT BE HAPPY WITH THE ARTIST. He seemed to exude a breathless ad miration. " ' t "Wonderful!" he murmured softly to himself. "I didn't think there was anyone within a thousarfd miles who could create anything like that. But where on earth did she , get her model? , Now. Mary Amet wat well aware that Parker't appreciation -of her work wat genuine. She knew, too, that praise from Sir Rupert was praise indeed, and her heart swelled with momentary pride. et tne nad to find commonplace wordt somehow. "Have you called on me, Mr. Par ker?" she inquired. The intruder spun round on his heels. "A thousand pardons." he laid, bowing gracefully. "I am here by mistake. I am horrUilv hard up for a model. Mist AmesA The new state art gallery has commissioned a mural painting of spring, and I can no more find a girl to pose for it than if I were asking for one cut out of a solid diamond. 1 called here tonight mean- ins to ask Rea-eie Burke tf he could assist me. I misunderstood the jani tor, and mounted one floor too high. Finding the door ajar, I peeped in, and saw your charming little study of a fawn. Do be kind, Miss Ames, and lend me your model. I'll pay her full time, both for you and for myself." The girl blushed furiously, and her eyes darted a sidelong glance at a full-length mirror standing close to the wall. Parker understood. She wat her own model! "Oh," he laid, "it that it?" Evidently astonished, and not ' a little amused, Parker wat gentleman enough to tpare the girl any embar rassment. Bending again over the nymph in the clay, he said quietly: "My eyet cannot take in more than one tuch wondrous creation at a time. I might have guetsed the truth, be cause no other model in this city could possibly have inspired this fig ure. You have a masterpiece here. Of course, there are faults, due to lack of training, but these weigh as nothing against the sure touch of the artist and the true tense of form. I hadn't the least notion that you could do work like this. What a pity I What a pity.l" . . Mary arched here eybrowt as the artist gave her a swift and search ing glance. ( "I hate pretence," he went on quiet ly. "You are too poor to ttudy un der the master you need. Isn't that lo? Don't I know too well what it means? Many a day have I worked in Julien's and tustained exhausted nature on a 10-centime roll bought for breadfast and another for - dinner. Now, let me suggest a way out of your difficulties. I mean no offense. I speak as one artist to another. 1 am sorely in need of just such a mo del as that from which you have fash ioned your naiad. Will you pose for me ? I'll pay you well and I may be able to help you irf other ways. Think it over, and let me know." Just then Tom Delancey shouted for the salt. Little wonder if Mary's eyet thone and her . mind wat dis traught. She wat not exactly bat tling against temptation. That had not come yet, but she wat in tore need, and Evan Parker'a offer reached her within a few minutes after the janitor had said quite unmistakably that she must either pay her rent or quit, v , w (..'.,.. CHAPTER XVI. Miry'i Deciiion. During the next three weeks John lived in a dun paradise, for paradise il not an earthly garden, but a heaven on earth of man's own creation, and can be found more often in the hovels of the poor than in the palaces of the rich. He thoroughly enjoyed the society of the Irrepressible! and, marvelous to relate, had fallen head over heels in love with Mary Amet. The girl'i beauty and a naturally aweet dispo sition combined with her artistic lean ing to single her out as a desirable wife. Moreover, what a delight it would be if he could woo and win her as a mere workingman, and lead her on tbeir wedding day into that glitter ing circle of rank and wealth for which every young and good-looking woman is inclined, no matter what her other ideals may be. 01 course, he maintained his soi disant style. . Since he did not wish now for regular employment, he ac cepted Brother Billy's offer, and helped in the work of the mission set tlement. But John was a poor actor, being ever too ready to let his heart govern his head. He encountered so much real misery that he felt com pelled to alleviate some of it, and either distributed , money surrepti tiously when he knew it would do good or assisted broken-down families into a new environment where work might be obtained and comforts se cured. Brother Billy's keen brain soon pen etrated the young millionaire's dis guise. A fevf tactful inquiries in other quarters, a few well-thrown flies in the shape of comments on men and af fairs casts which John rose at open mouthed and unsuspicious quickly made the evangelist aware of his pro tege's identity. He chuckled, but said nothing. He was content to thank Providence for the wonder-working assistant who had come to him out of the world. - ' So John was rnore or less master of his own time and contrived his attend ances at the mission in such wise that he was free to associate every evening with has four new friends. One night, when the Irrepressibles had gone to some revel arranged by men of their own let. John tat in his room and probed deep into his heart. In other words, he tried to survey Mary Ames from every point of view as the partner of his future life. She filled the bill adequately. She was beautiful and would grace his board as its mistrest. She was well educated. He might never fear that her graces would be dimmed when she dazzled and astonished the world as the marchionest of Castleton. Above all, her timid and trusting na ture enwrapped her like some deli cate gauze which half revealed, half hid, the fascinating creature of flesh and blood beneath.. After half an hour of close self communion he resolved to put his for tunes to the test then and there. Walking upstairs, he knocked at Mary's door, knowing that the girl was in, since they had parted on the landing, she having announced wist fully that she meant to take m little time in solitude "to solve a problem. John had smiled at the words. He k.i;.,..,( .Vi referring to the ever- l-present burden of debt. He knew that Mary nad tried in vain io aciuic , art dealer s commission ior tumiiti ing the statuette, but not a man among the local fraternity had sense enough to see the real merit of the clay model. They even refused to give her the menas of turning the soft mold into lasting marble. V He smiled pleasantly now at thought of the wonderment which would leap to her eye! when she found herself a titled lady with command of almost unlimited meant. ' Naturally, he took good care that AM not run short of the absolute necessaries of life. Little scheminjH was needed toward that end, since tne Irrepressibles never asxen wnence a five-dollar bill came they merely whooped at light of it, and planned Lucullian banquets. The Irish jani tor, too, was easily persuaded not to put his threat! into execution. But John meant to win Mary fairly. In that he was adamant. He had been swindled and humbugged !o outrage ouslvjn the past that the wife of his choice must come tohis arms single minded and unsoiled, sincerely lov ing him for himself alone. . So it was with a mixture of high rnlve Uld treoidation of heart that he tapped on her door. He was sur prised by tne souna or mc voice inn bade him enter. Mary had been cry ing. She made no effort to restrain her tear, even when she w lohn. "Why, girlie, what is the matter?" he said tenderly. She hung her head and muttered brokenly that it was silly to give way like that,' but she could not help it. He placed a hand gently on her shoul der. "Won't you confide in me, dear?" he said. ' . - rlt was the first time he had ven tured on any real tenderness in word or act, and the girl lifted her stream ing eyes to his. - "There are some things which a woman cannot tell a man, even a friend whom she prizes," she, sobbed. Then John knew that he was face to face with the great adventure. He took her by the shoulders and half raised her from the bench where she was lifting. "That it so, Mary," he said softly. "Perhaps you cannot confide in one who is little more than a stranger, but you might find it possible to take your husband into your confidence." "What are you saying?" she almost screamed, though she trembled vio lently, and did not seek to extricate herself from his, embrace. "I'll put it quite clearly, dear," he cooed. "Will you marry me?" She dropped as if he had struck her. "Oh. no. no." she wailed. "Any thing but that! It is impossible I" He knelt by her side and endeav ored to loothe her. "Listen, Mary," he whispered. ' "I love you, and I begin to hope that I am not altogether indifferent to you. You are a pure and good woman, I know, and I shall be honored beyond measure " "Stop!" she screamed in a frenzy. "Must I even sacrifice one of my few friends? Marriage between us would be a crime. Our poverty would crush us. Don't you realize what it means? I am ambitious. I love my art, and would sell my very soul for the wherewithal to prosecute it. I want to see the great wide world the world which I have read about and dreamed of, but which seemi to be a mere mirage of the ever more distant shore of the morass of my daily life." ' Now, John, in his wooing, had managed to lose sight of the all-im-portany fact that be was supposed to be desperately poor, and Mary's passionate refusal to bear poverty's handicap came as a shock. Yet he was strong minded enough to hold back, even in that tense moment, the explanation that would have cleared the horizon and led the girl't stumb ling steps into the firm, sure road of happiness. "We are both young, Mary," John urged. "I have every confidence of being able soon to. place you in a far better position than we both occupy at this time. Don't send me away from you because I am only a work ing man." - He was astounded by the hard and defiant glitter which shone suddenly in those beautiful eyes. The melting blue in their depths turned to the cold sheen of steel. She plucked a note from her breast. - t "Read that!" the said. Almost harsh ly.' "There you will find! the problem confronting me. God help me, I have to choose between honest love of a poor man and the temptation of a wealthy one!" Hardly grasping the true aence of the words, John opened the crumpled letter. - It was signed "Evan," and bore that day'! date. A glance at it! concluding passage sufficed: "to I must go abroad, to Paris. Will you go with me? Think of the opportunities you will have for study. And don't you care just a little for me? Unhappily, I can't offer you marriage, .that, as you know is out of the Question in pretent conditions. I want you to weigh thit propositionj fairly and reasonably, ana win come for my answer this evening." A dawning horror showed in John s face. He had met Evan Parker be fore, and deemed him a decent sort of fellow. Yet the man had the callous ness to admit an infamy oyer nis-very signature. Maqt's tortured soul bared: itself in a wild cry. 1 "God help me I ' I don't even know what I shall aay when he comes." John realized vaguely that . love making or consolation was not to be thought of just then. He felt, too, that Mary must be left to work out her own salvation, and there was a grim satisfaction in the notion that while the girl was battling to-. protect all' that a woman holds most sacred, he would assist her materially by smashing Evan Parker's face to n Pulp- running in dismay. None dared t interfere, whereupon someone tent for the police. It chanced that Broth, er Billy was actually talking to a roundsman when a terrified house maid blurted out the amazing atate ment that strange man, who gave his name as John Burton, was trying to kill Mr. Parker. The two hurried after the maid, but, while on the way. Brother Billy thought it high time to reveal John status. ' I he policeman was turpnsea. The two ttricken people were made I ot cojrj. but the knowledge that h. aware by hilarious sounds beneath that the Irrepressibles had returned unexpectedly. Somehow, the boys' harmless mirth grated at that in stant, and John went out, dodging into his own room until he couldr be certain that his friends would not see him crossing the landing. Then he crept downstairs, meaning to seek Parker in the artist's luxurious studio. . -.- In his rage against Parker he did not guess that his own visit to Mary might have a disastrous sequel. In fact, it nerved the girl to make up her mind, once and for all. She could endure the struggle no longer. Screw ing her resolution to the pitch of sac rifice, she lifted the clay model of her statuette carefully in her arms, car ried it into the disheveled living' rooms where the three Irrepressibles were sprawled in as much ease as their ramshackle furniture would permit, and, sweeping aside some cooking utensils on the table, deposited there her one precious gift. "I am going away, dear bovs!" she sobbed, heedless of the amazed silence which greeted this dramatic entry of their tear-stained idol. "I am going far, far away. You'll never see me again, and I want you to keep thit in remembrance f Princess Mary!" - She rushed out without another word, and three pipes fell with one accord from three wide-open mouths. "What's bitten Mary?" growled Reggie Burke, who was the first to recover the power .of speech. "She's not been herself for some time," muttered Pierce. "Haven't you fellows noticed " r . Tom Delancey, for all his good hu mor and lightheartedness, was the shrewdest of the trio.-'- "Tell you what," he said gravelyi "I've a sort of . notion that Evan Park er isn't playin' the game. Mary has gone to his studio a good deal of late. I think she's posing for that mural picture of his. "I kind o' thought that John Bur ton was gone on her," said Reggie. "I wish to the Lord she'd marry him." and Delancey'a tone wat very emphatic. "He't one of the best, and I do believe -Mary would inspire him with ambition. He't just the type of working man who ends up gsl tne neaa ot a trust or someining equally high and mighty." "Where .it .. h now?" inquired Pierce. Tom crossed the landing and peeped into John's room. But John was out. As a matter of fact, at that instant, he jwas confronting Mary s temoter and urging the man in. the most solemn way to abandon his pur suit of a . girl who deserved better treatment at his hands. Parker't handsome face flushed with anger when he learned the na ture of John's errand. I shall be obliged to you, my good fellow, if you will mind your own business." he said icily. "People of your class don't grasp these things. Miss Ames and I are blessed, or cursed, with the artistic temperament, and it is a mere piece of impertinence on your part to even try to under- 91AIIU U9. John i lips set tightly and his hsts clenched. , If I can t convince you by the spoken word," he said sternly, "I'll try another style of argument. You are a man, I tuppoie, but I tell you straight you have the lout of a dog, and not a well-bred dog at that. Still, the verieit cur will show its teeth when attacked, and now I'm going to lick you into obedience. ,N w Parker wat so angry already thalyj" ne was noirvmg toatn to accept mc challenge. He was a well-set-up man and something of an athlete, so the two were fairly well matched. ' They fought like a couple of bulls, raising such a racket in the respecta ble neighborhood which harbored the artists'! studio that servants came u-31 Healinz.' with a millionaire mar quis modified hii attitude coniiderj ably. John wai getting the better of Parker and had almost lucceedeo ra breaking the scoundrel'l right -wrist when the policeman dashed in and dragged him off his victim. Parker, whoae senses had never de serted him, glared balefully at hit as sailant, but motioned the policeman that he was simply to eject the in truder from his house. "I bring no charge," he snarled. "I'll deal with him in another way. I know how to hurt him, the brute I I'll hit him worse than he can ever nir me i . John understood, but had no option at that moment save to accompany the policeman. He had barely gono out when Mary dashed in. She was so wiiu-evea wun ireneicu iwwit. that she "did not notice at first the disheveled condition of the room and the battered state of the artists fea tures. But she had leen John walking down the street with a policeman, and a second glance told her what had happened. -' , , . "Did Burton attack you?" the de manded hysterically. c ' "Yes," was the savage answer. "How did he come to know of my letter?" - . , . "I I showed it to him. He aeked me to marry him." "And what did you say? . "I refused. I am nek of beinr , nnnr. I am here to tell you now that T aree tn vnnr terms. she had given no heed to Brother Billy, who had withdrawn to a cor ner of the studio when she ran in. "What are those terms?he said quietly. . ... ' She wheeled on htm like an angry goddess. ' ' , - ' "What business is that of yours? she snapped. "Keep your, psalm- singing for those who need it. I don t not yet, anyhow. - - :. '. "I can guess only too well, replied the saddened evangelist. "But you have chosen wrongly, you deluded girl. - You are ready to become the partner of this- evil-minded man who will cast you off when tired of you as a child discards a broken toy. And in the same breath you have refused the honest love of a man who would have made you a marchioness and loaded you down with the wealth for which you have sold yourseu, ooay and soul." ' " "What are you talking about?" shrilled Mary, almost at her wits' end, yet fully convinced that the old man had gone mad. , Brother Billy shook his head. - "The John Burton who ihared your poverty of late, ii none other than John Burton, the multimillionaire, marquis of Castleton in the British peerage, and owner of several fine es tates, he said. "I have known hii secret for iome time. Now it is your punishment - that you, too, should know it." - So John still found Humanity in the Grip of Evil. , (End of Eighth Episode.) The Formidable Tom. Jl writer, traveling on foot throntll the southern mountains atudytna the people foe literary purposes, oeme upon a man of whom he eouaht Information as to the loea tlon of a oerteln eebln where he had beta ,-. - .... r "Ton-mil coin' there r liked the men. "Well, Tom'e fuet-eleee men, tefce him ieeft rttht. but he'e mlshty queer.1 , "What do you meant Tt like thio: Tom'n be tetttif mtetda moet likely, en he'll eee you-eeomln' i he'll teke a rood look et you -ell, en' of you-ell don't eult hlra he may set the dewf on you. jsr ne aon-c, ana you fits to telkln with lm, end ley inythlne he don't like, he mey throw you down en' tromp tm yeu-ali, But ef you-'ell'e too careful In your talk, on the ether hend, he's lleble to alt uiplcteuu en' teke you-ell for a ipy en' nee hti sun fuit en' Helen to eiplenetlone afterward. But tt eln't no uee tryln' to alt by without topplna. St you-ell wee to try that, tt would be ell up, for he'd think yon-ell w.e proud en' henahty. Ef you-ell wenta to come outer the mountain whole, don't so peel Tom'e cabin without etopplns, whatever you do." New Tork Times. W mmvTH jl3aW. J J aMs i -V . More than 100,000 Farm Homes in the territory described by this map are regular read ers of ' , ' i- TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Miieoori Valley'. Greatest Farm Paper No other medium pretends to reach the farm homes in Omaha's gobbing terri-' tory as. thoroughly as ours. We reach 75.000 Farm Homes within 150 miles of Omaha This publication conducts annn ally the greatest power farming demonstration in the world and is interested in all matters that will benefit the farmers of the Missouri Valley. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, . NEBRASKA c mjnf " copy. .1 1 1