THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEB: SEPTEMBER 8, 1916. 5 D .FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. 80 ACRES, NEAR BENNINGTON, ONLY $150 PER ACRE. This it on of th eholcast piece of Ist.d in th county. Every foot la capabl or cultivation, Th improvement comui of aood thr-rooni house: rood barn and other outbuildings. Farm is all fsnod anil r row-fenced, nart of It hog tight. Loca tion Is only about on-half tell weat of 'ha McQe ranch. Surrounding rarms ara hi-.d at from 1171.80 to 1200.00 par aer. We regard thlo by far th boat I acre within reditu of ten ml lea. All clear, hut the owner will carry back on half i ho purchaae prlca If desired. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO Tvlsr 163$. Rose Bldg,, th and Farnam PiRU-AUCTION FARM. ISO acre, fin bottom farm. 4 mile frnm fdr RanldS. Nb. i mil n ..tirade; known as. the Oak lay farm; i mIbp rivF nud ana corner of Viae! I (-client for atock or general farming; all trnfrf; moderate tmDrovements, The above will b aold at auction en Hi place Wednesday. September 19, lilt, ai 3 p. m. Term, 11,000 on day of sals; $8,000 to be carried on. the place at tt or oent: balance to be paid by January 1. HIT. Possession win o given Marcn i For further particular addreaa Dollarhld AKIlbourn, Auctioneers, Wolbacn, Nab, I Assy 1 WESTERN NEBRASKA Land $10 to $20 per acre, whar ilk land in tne same towns mp nave paid for themselves every year for several year by single crops of wheat. Let me tell you about it Kimball, Banner i and Cheyenne counties. HKOROE G. WALLACE, 314 Kesilne Bldg. Omaha. WITHIN SIGHT OMAHA'S -SMOKE STACKS. A rolling -farm, more than half till able, good sell, balance An pasture with timber; fair buildings; near three R. R. station. Only . $40 par aer. Nothing so cheap on the market GEORGE G. WALLACE, 614 Recline Bldg. ISO AND 10-ACRB! Johnaon county, N.b., (arm.; wall ImproYeA. A bargain la Im proved 10 la Sarpy Co. . - STEWART, , ' ' lit S. I7tta. '' to ACRES 1 mllea waat on Pacific In Una of movement, SO aoraa alfalfa. Waat of Arwood and north of Loveland farm.. Price. $100 an aore. Want offer. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, Pom, 71. 1011 Omaha Wat. Bank Bldf. DOUGLAS COUNTT 160 ACRES 4 miles wast of Irvlngton, fair impi-qy-menta, rolling land. Offered to close up estate, $180 aa aer. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., . - Dour Ii71t m Qmn Nt- Bnk Bldr FINB Brown county, Nebraska, ranch to trad for good luxr-ber yard or Hardware, or both combined; fine water; grass and hay: extra a-ood Improvement: well stocked with cattle, horses and machinery. Address Y-660,, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE LAND NEAR OMAHA FOR SALE. Stltt A., very choice land, just N. W. Benson. Belongs to bank. -Must sell. A bargain. See me for price and terms. , J. A. ABBOTT, 4 Patterson B!k., City. FOft SALE 480 acres Improved land In Garrnid county, NebrasKa. race ana terms right. Address Box 211, Broken Bow, web. Auto Clearing House LARGEST DEALERS IN USED AUTOMOBILES WEST OF CHICAGO lloilna Dreadnought tourlot. late model, run very little, to bo aold at aacrlflce amcneii six touring, electrteally equipped, tnechanlcally Derfoot. very good looking car. eecrlSce at 111! . en Touring, very claaay car, o,x i uunn,, nice n.w, new tlrea, very quiet and aiceptlonally way ruling ..... innai, vary late model, prac tically new Overland Touring, new Urea all arouno. thoroughly ovorhaolad. . ITI ww"a xounnv. late modal, ran Terr little, bli bargain at 171 Detroit. r Touring, light car, aioellent 9 condition , .National Roadater, very claaay, newly painted. new tlrea, thoroughly overhauled; thlo car la exceptionally fact, and muat be aacrlflcod thla week Bulck Roadater b-10, perfect condition throughout 411 Feerleea llmouolne, original coat 17,00, to be aaorlflced , Overland Touring, aleetrtoally equip, pad, food ehap. , , , no Overland Tourlnr. run vary little 110 Cola Tourlnv, lata model, excellent condition Apperaon Touring, late model, run - vary little, tip-top ahapa 100 Chalmera Tourlnv, fully equipped, now tlrea , too Pierce Arrow Touring, Modal Six Thirty-Six; thla car ha, been very wall taken oara of and will be aold at a tacrine, Peerleaa atx-cyltnder tonrlnv, lata model, htgh-rlaee car too Stoddard Dayton Tourlnv. aeven-paa-- aanver. vary htvh-powered ear, In exoellent condition, at. ISO Locomobile Tourlnv, vary good condi tion throufhout no Ohio Six Tourlnv. llli model, like newt 4o WB CANNOT HBLP BUT STATU THAT TOU WILI. NOT RBALIZB ANT DIFFICULTT IN SBLBCTINO A CAR FROM A LIST LIKE THE ONE AP PEARING ABOVB. TOTJ WILL NO. TICB THAT IT COMPRISES SEVEN TEEN DIFFERENT MAKES OF CARS, RANOINO IN PRICES FROM TWO HUN DRED DOLLARS AND UP, AND IN STTLES FROM SPEEDSTERS TO LIM OUSINES. A VISIT TO OUR SHOW ROOMS WILL PROVE TO VOU THE WONDERFUL VALUES WE ARB OF FERING IN CARS THIS WEEK. Auto Clearing House 9301 Farnam St, Tel. D. $S16. Caryl H. Sera user. Hogy Bernstein. Managsrs. Open Sunday. Open Evening. GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Big Demand for Grain of All Kindt and General Ad v vanoe" in Prioei. WHEAT PSIOES MOTE UP 1 ear, ll.M 1 oar, I1.4U 1 car. Ne. It t oara, mlxedl till. Rro No. I; t oar, 11.1. FKiayM i-a car, fl.ll. Barley No. tl I oara, Mo. Corn Na. I while: I oar, 7IV)o. No. I white! I oara. TIHal 1 car. TOO. No. white. 1 car. lotto. Ne. I whltel Itt oara, 71a Sample whltat oar, TOa, No. t yellow: I oara, 00c. No, I yellowt I oara, 7OS.0. No. 0 y.llowl 1 oar, 70Ho. ,w. I mixed: I oara, T'Hc No. I mixed: t oar, 70Ho: I oara. TOo: I oar, IOujo, Ne, 0 mixedl 1 oar, tl... Oata Standard : I oara, 41 Ho. No. S whltoi 10 oara, tle. No. 4 white: 0 oata. 43HC Sample white: I oara, 41c; 1 car. 41 tie. Omaha Caeh Pricee Wheat : Ne. t hard, 0I.41O1.40; Na, 1 hard, 01.0f 1.44; No. hard, 11. It 1.44: No. I aprlna. 11.1)01 41 durum, mora active today and the fact ttat ll "i "1.1"'' 4ur.u.1?' , t t, . ,, . Corn: No. I white "0H CTIUu; No. Hke will probably be peacefully eat-1 white, rotJllHc: No. 1 white, TiH7 FARM for sal by owner; cholo 820-acr farm; N. B. Neb.; fins lmprovemanta; terms to suit. Address T. sal Bee, NEBRASKA farms, all parts of a tat; prices iiq to 160 per. acre, vy, x. smith uu, 914 City National Bnk Bldg. Doug. 2111. 160 ACRES, fine, level, well located, 17,000 Improvements. J. Gibbons, Elkhorn, Neb. New Mexico Land. BARGAINS in producing deeded lands In New Mexico. Inquire at ones of John N. Ksrn, U, 8. Commissioner. Des Moines, Jfew Mexico. j - - Wisconsin Lands. , UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and gen oral crop stat In the union. Settlers wanted; lands for sate at low prices n easy terms; excellent land! for atoctt raising. . Ask for booklet ii on Wisconsin Central Land Grant; stat acres wanted. If interested In fruit land, ask for book let on Apple Orchards. Address Land Conw mlsslonw Boo Railway, Minneapolis. Minn. QBT Uteratuf and maps tt the cheapest good land In United States, v BAKER A TILLOTHON, , Uth and Uouglas St.. Omaha. Doug. 11 tl. South Dakota Lands. DAIRT FOR SALE Two miles from town, gOO acres deeded land, 41 cows, . 20 horsea, milking machine, cream separator, wagons, farm machinery, auto delivery truck. First class, trade. Must sell because owner is with militia on Mexican border. Write, -lts TJ . 1. T-. I .. tr-, ale.a QailOk ramlr VVHI SrUUli a-TUll y , nut PUiui5i atax.a. Miscellaneous. BUMPER CROPS MAKE FARM VALUES JUMP Bumper wheat cropa and favorable live lock conditions create wide demand for Nebraska and Colorado lands; send for southwestern Nebraika folder, just off the press, brim full of facts and figures about crops which, In proportion to land values, are tafular bonanxas; If you desire land along the Burlington, including the gov ernment Irrigated homesteads, Big Horn basin, Wyoming, that are almost a gift, writs ms at once, before the settlers' activity which ts bound to follow these bumper crops on cheap lands, gets under way. S. B. Howard, Immigration Agent, C, S. Q. R. R-o Room 4 t Bldg., Omaha, Neb. crosstown garage; IIS S. 14th. D , 44(1. f ' FORD REPAIRING.;.',: For sal, Intsrstata chassis, perfect condition; make fine speedster; 16s.v . Apperson chassis, vry fast and pew -' irful, $170. . c .- Midland speedster, very raliabls, $111. . R. C. Hupp Touring car, On looker,'; electrlo lights, demountabl rim.. 1st model, $116. , . , ' Ws buy old cars and sail tht parts. Parts for Apperson 1909 ' and .1111' Inters tut Carter car, Midland. tc AT YOUR PRIGK.-;. f; 0116 Willys Knight; emoBt"ni' 'r 111 Overland Six -54 T, almost new. , 3IU Ovsrland 12 T, slightly used. 1110 Overland 7t roadater, almost now. ill! Overland 76 touring, almost new., 1116 Maxwell light five. . 3915 Enger Six Touring, slightly used. 1116 Cote Colonial Ooupe. . 1916 Overland, eheap. -y. v; J91S Chalmers, ehaap.'"'-' - 3916 Parti n Palmer, elksap," v 1911 Overland, quick for oash'. . 1 Pops Hartford Racer, quhjk . for .cash. HI Ford, open dellvsry. 1914 Kissel car, Racy Roadster, quick for casn. Most -of th cars listed hav starters and electrlo lights. Price from tlAs up, WILLYS-OVERLAND, INC., 3047 Farnam St. Doug. mo. 'V Omaha, Sptmr I, 1911 To demand for all kinds at grata was axcallent today Md thr was a gsnml ad vance la cash grain quotations. Trading was No. $ spring, 91.46; N. I much th strlks tisd has hlp4 th oash situation -idrably. AU grades of wheat sold on a batter basis than on yesterday, tha- Na. 1 hard Wing quoted a cent higher and the ramaUlng grade selling at Ho advance. No. hard sold as high as $1.44, but th gsoaral ran of samples of this grade aold around $1.41 H, whlla yesterday's average was I1.4H4.. Th No. hard wheat sold at about tha sam prlc as yeetarday and th No. 4 hard ranted from 13.11 to 11.44. with th bulk sailing from 11,14 to $l.$l. Tn ern market wa quoted from 4o to o higher and th yellow sold at Ho pro- ml am over the whits and mixed varieties. Th hotter grades) of oorn war tn good de mand and only fw oars of low grade oorn war sold. Oats were Arm. with nine of Uo an tha No, I white and He on the No. 4 white. Th rsoelpts of oats war good and th d- mand was easily strong enough to take oar of all tha samples at the prevailing prices. Rye sold around lo higher and th barley market was praettoally unobanged, tha wo. I grades soiling at 9o. Clearance wra: Wheat and flour, squat to 709,000 bushsls; corn, 491,000 bushsls oats, 910,000 ouehala. Liverpool eloss; wheat, unchanged t Id lower: oorn. ttaMd lower. Primary wheat receipt were 1,490,000 bushels and shipments 1,190,000 bushels, against rvoalpto of 1,441,000 bushels and shipments f $00,000 bushels last year. Primary oorn rotpts were 000,000 buah Is and shipment $49,000 bushsls, against receipt of $$$,00$ bushels and hlpmsnts of 161,000 bushels last year. Frtmarr oata racslpts were 1,019,000 buh Is and shtpmenu $91,000 bushsls, against receipts of 1,467,000 bushls and shipments of 1,010,000 busneis last yoar. LIVE STOCK MARKET e Some Cattle Higher and Some Lower for Week Lambs Under Last Week. WEEK S HOQS TWENTY OFF CAIiLOT ttBCurPTI. Wheat, Corn. Oata. Cfateue 14 111 411 MlnnaapolU 144 Dulutn ill Omaha Ill " St. Loola Ill - 40 Wlnnlpec 101 .- Thee, aalea ware reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: 1 oar. 11.44; 1 car, 141tt; 1 car, 11.41. No. I hard winter: 1 car, $1.41; can, 11.41: 1 oara, 11.44; I oara, 11.41; 11 oara, 11.41(1: 1 car. 11.11. No. I hard winter: I car, 11.4IH; I car. 01.41: 1 oar. 11.111: 1 car, 11.41; t care, 11.41: 11 oara, 11.41;! oara. $1.40t: I oara, oi.o. no. e nara wmi.r. . 11.44: H car, 11.41; I can. 11.11: 1 car, 11.17; 1 oar, 11.I1H; 1 can, 11.11; 1 car. 1.11H: t-t can, I can.; l car, 11.11. Sample hard winter: 1 car, 11.10; V, car, 11.11. No. 1 aprlnl: 1 car, 11.40. No. 4 aprlna-: 1-1 car, 11.14. No. durum: l car ,i.i; t-e car, .....i.- No. 1 durum: 1 car,; 1 car, li.ii; 1 oar, 11.17 . No. 4 durum: 1 car, 11.11. No, 1 mixed durum: 1 car, 11.97. No. I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 600 $.600 SEND TOUR NAME TODAY. Receive offers from land owners, agents, ovary- where. . UNITED REALTT ASSOCIATES, JOLIBT, ILL. OREGON -CALIFORNIA grant lands; 1,100, 000 acres timber and agricultural landa; post yourself immediately for first open ing, southern Oregon. Anderson Map Co., Box 1043, Portland, Ore, ACRKAUK H to 6-A. tracts on oar line. Basy terms. C R. Combs. $11 Brandels Thea. Bldg. Doug. $$16, FARM LAND WANTED WANTED To hear from . owner of .good farm for sale: itats cash price and de acrlptlon. D. F. Buah. Minneapolis, Minn. j'ARMS wanted; have 7,000 buyers; de scribe your unaold property. 110 Farmers' Exchange, Denver, Colo. ' WANTED To hear from owner of farm or unimproved land for sals. O, K. Haw lev, Baldwin, Wis. WANTED To hear from owner of farm or fruit ranch for sal. O. O. Maltnon, Minneapolis, Minn. Horses Live Stock-Vehicles For Sale. WE ARE going to oloss out our sntlr stock of wagons, teaming gears and harness at below manufacturers' cost; eom In at once and see thea bargains; nothing re eerved. We hav wagons and harness re suit your particular needs Don't you think you had better look 7 JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO., ; 1629-$l-l$ North :th St. FOR SALE Good, gentle horse, buggy and harnesa, chcp. 269$ Kansas Avs., or call Colfax 3014. TEAM wagon and harness for sale. Feaalnger, Harney 3228. GOOD milk cow for sals cheap. 8outh 3161. MORSES, harness, wagon and surrey. Col fax 1B4S. Wagon umbrellas, $1.00. Wagner, $01 N. Uth. POULTRY AND PET STOCK DOO CROUTONS, new. complete dog food, makes every dog healthy and strong; convenient and economical ; sample free for dealer's name. Dealers wanted. Crouton Mfg. Co., 111$ Hopkins Cin cinnati, O. money In squabs; our lllui. magatlne i aches business; edited by Frank H. Hoil inann; special Urates; 16 months $1; sample 10c. American Squab Journal, Dept. O. Warrenton. Mo. ( ) W "is ths proper time for your birds to had feathers. "Song and Moulting Food," lie per bos, ts what he neeck now. nu -irleler Bird Co, R SALF Several fine pedigreed Per--in.n kittens. Phone Harney 1S34. i AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE r'.I.V eyulppd 6-passengnr. 40-horaepower !1H modtil touring car, like new: a bar gain. 202 JTowiar. AUTO INSURANCE Fire, Theft and Liability at lowest rate. KILLT, ELLIS THOMPSON, 911-14 City NatM Bank Bldg. Doug. 3119. BEFORE you buy look thess can and prloes over. It will pay you well: Chalmers Roadstsr 3 Overland .....,, 8tudebakr-e $469 Met ....... 160 Cadillac hoi 16$ 1 Ford Chevrolet Roadstsr , $60 1916 Indian Motorcycle, good as nw, 176 C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., $31$ Farnam. Douglas $$$. AUTO CLEARINGHOUSE 3209 Farnam. Douglas 8110. Ford Roadstsr $176 Cole Touring 660 Overland Touring 275 Bulrk B 36 Roadster 42S BEE WAXT-ADS OAINED 19.699 MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven months 111$. Qood results at lees cost Is the reaaon why. LAROE 6-passenger, 40 h. p. Auburn; best condition; good tlrea. Call for demon stration. 205 Bromley Bldg. Phone Doug. 1647. FOR SALE 191 light Bulck Six; mechani cally perfect; run 8,500 mllfH, or will con tder trado on Ford. Harney 4036. USED CAR BARGAINS AT MURPHT-O'BRIEN AUTO CO.. 1814-10-18 Farnam St. WE will trad you a new Ford for your old one. IXDrfiTRTAL GARAGE CO., 20th and Harney. Doug. 6231, R. C. H. light touring car, late 1914 model. Perfect condition. CROSBTOWN GARAGE. Doug. 4442. FOR SALE One Ford delivery body twin motorcycle. 3611 Charles St. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED. 1 Ford touring car and some cash for 1016 Overland. Ask for Mr. Farrar, 3047 Far nam tit. Auto Storage and Garagei. DON'T throw away old Urea. We mak on new tire from 2 old ones and save you 60 per cent 3 In 1 Vulcanising Co., 1616 Dav n po it St., Omaha. Neb. Dougl as 3914. EXPERT auto repairing, "servlc car al ways ready." Omaha Oarage, $010 Harney St. Tylr 6SB. Auto Repairing and Painting. 1 1 00 reward for magneto wa can't repair. Colls repaired. Bayadorfer, 210 N. 19th. NEB. Auto Radiator Repair Service and prlrnti right. 218 S. 19th Bt. D. 7990. Auto Tires and Supplies. $6,000 STOCK of Peiinaylvanla tires, guar anteed 4.000 -miles, for sale at reduced prices by Duo Tire Co., 1111 Chicago. SEE us for bargulna In standard mak, wxperi tire repairing, zwtebel Bros., 2611 Farnam. Motorcycles and Bicycles "ARK YOU GOINO TO THE MOTORCYCLE RACES, NEBRASKA CITY, SUN DAT, SEPT. 10TH. HARLEr-DAVIDSON MOTO RCYOM2S, " Bar- gaina in uea maenmta. victor Root., "Ths jaoiorCdVd Man," 2702 Leavenworth. 1,490 Henry Tramp and wife to James R. Klngaten, v street, sv iev w.i of Thirty-sixth street, south side, SOvlltl $ Harry A. Wolf and Wife to Louis B. Stin. -Nineteenth street, si met south of Ohio street, east side, 30 X102 ............ ..i M. 8. Thomsen and wife to B. H Lw1s, Thirty -third strt, so jesi aouth of Pacific street, 90sl07 El nor K. Obe and husband to W. r. Mace. Grant streat, bib rt . wst of Twsnty-fourth otreet, south side, undivided one-sum uiimbi, 4ixi$o ....... .... ; . Caroline L. . Poppleton trustee, to lrenaeua Shuler at ai. tony third street, 43 feet south of Cass street, east side, 44x100 v,.,.. Caroline' L. Poppleton, . truetee, to Irenaeus Shuler it n soutnwast , corner Forty-third and California street, 40x100 . Carotin L. Poppleton, trustee. to Irenaeu Shuler t al,. southwest icomar Forty-third and Caaa streets. "- 43x100. ....... ......... H. F. Odell and wife to Georg Wild t , al, Thlrty-atxth trt 104 feet south of Pacific street, east slds, 63x126 James Hutchinson and wife to Lula N. Jerome, Thirty-first street, 00 feet south of Maple street, west sld. $0x100... Peter Henkel and wife to Peter Rem ku et al. Thirty-first strest, 87 feet south of V street, west side, . 48x130 Laura M. Richardson and husband to Mary C. Rtngwalt, southeast corner Forty-first and Davenport streets, 70x126 12,000 Gussis R. Palmer and Husband to Charles L. Smith snd wife, north east corner Forty-fifth and Boule vard avonue, 61.6x130 1 Adolph A. Tsnoptr to Frank Mach. Eleventh street, 102.6 feet south of Hickory street, west side, 83x182.. 3,000 Elisabeth L. Snyder to Clara Blaeer. Browne street, (0 feet east of Twenty-seventh street south side, 60x132.4$ 2 Walter L. Belby and wife to John J. Egan, Ftftlsth street. 100 feet south of Isard, west side, 60x48.. '2 F. J. MeShane, Jr., aherlff, to Jonas H. Keith, southeast corner Thirty-second and Poppleton, 60x140... 3,000 Jonas H. Keith and wife to Peters Trust company, southeast corner Thirty-second and ; Poppleton, 60x140 J Catherine A. Shield to Hastings A Heyden, Twenty-ninth street, 60 feet north of Spring street, east side 26x144 1 Anna Tomsu to Joseph J. Tourek et al. Twelfth street, 222.4 feet north or Hickory street, east side, 30x180.3 ) Nora Kelly to James Nesladek. Twanty-aeventh avenue, 08 feet south of Capitol avenue, west side, $0x07 Thomas Crelgh and wife et al, to Al bert I.. Bchants, southweat corner Twenty-fifth and .Leavenworth streets, 60.3x123.6 Joseph W. Fischer to Jessie M. W ears, Webster avenue 162 feel eait of Twenty-fifth avenue, south side, 40x132 la C. Haller and husband to Ed mund R. Elliott, Thirty-first street, 98 feet south of Curtis avenue, west side, 49x121 Fred G. Ettr and wife to Frsnk B. Cross, J street. 60 feet west of Twenty-third street, north slds 50x132 Uo: No. 4 whits. 7$ia7$4 P.O. Whit. 71071401 NO. Whit. 77 7ic: No. $ yellow. 79ft90c; No. $ yollow, iisii7t; no, yeiiow, Ti7to; no. s yei tow, iiejio; no, i nuxeo, 'tut Tin No. $ nilMd. 7BHOTIHC1 No, 4 tniaed. T9 079440; NO. 3 mixed. 7l0Tlfcoi No, ratstd. T7tT$Hfl. Oats: N. $ whits, 4$4$Uc; standard. $04$tti N. whit. 43049 No, 4 Whit. 439 41 H saney: Mailing, homo; no. i ia. C4lo. By: No. 3, U.18H0L14; No, $l.l$01.1$. Omaha Futar Uihtt. Omaha Bsptanbar I 14 1,4. Th ton of th futurem arket was much better today and closing prices on all cereals were somewhat higher. The wheat market was strong. Saotenv bar advancing 1c, December ruling about IH up and th May oloaing $4fco above th opening prices. Thar was a heavy movement of wheat on foreign orders from this market and Chicago reported LtOO.OOO buahela for export. This Hport demand, ooupied with th fart that tha mbargo has been lifted on soma of th Pis roads. is a oig neip to tn wneai anuauen, ana Dig movement or wneai 1 now w o nctd from the Omaha market Closing price on oorn war o higher on Bepumoer, up on vcmor ana hlaher on Iho Uav. There wii vary Mttle tradlna In Sen' tsmber oats, but ths December and May option were fairly active. Dioimbir oats gained Sc and th May ruled lo higher. Omaha closing prtoee on future for this asy Art. Hht. Sept Dec. May Corn Sept Deo. May Oata Sept Do. May Open. 1 $$ 141 U -43 i aa Tt ill High. ILowT Clos. Tss. i 1 $9 1$$ 1$$ 187 1 44ft 141H 144 140U 1 4ltJ 14$ 144H 144 $9 $$tt 48 i U n nit u n 44H 64V 44 J 46 IS 47 g 41 S iTh Chleaao eloiln nrlcaa. furnished Th Be by Logan At Bryan, stock and grain brokers, Art. I Open. 1 High. I Low.) Close. 1 TesT Wht. I f Sept 141-43 V 1 46 143 1 46 140 Dec. 144-141 1 48 146 1 4$ 144 May 148-147 1 49 147 14$- 146 Corn Bept 86-H $? $ $ $0 Dec. 72. 78H fj 19 73 U May 7$it 7 H 70 76 Oats Sept 44 46 44 46 44 Dec. 47- 46 47 4B7 47 May 60- 61 40 $1 60 Pork Bept 37 $0 37 $0 27 $0 $7 $0 27 19 Dec. 24 60 36 00 34 66 3$ 00 34 66 Lsrd Oct. 14 32 14 46 14 3t 14 46 14 16 Dec. 13 $6 14 16 1$ $0 14 II 1$ $3 Ribs , Oct, 14 16 14 $T 14 30 14 $7 14 16 Jan, 18 02 18 07 19 02 13 07 12 $6 2.660 619 2,000 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Wheat Rises at Opening on Indications f ' Strike Settlement. Chicago, Sent. $. -Confidence that a set tlement of the railway strlks would be ef fected led to a decided upturn in wheat. The close wa strong at th highest level or the session, a net advenes or xn44c wtth December at $1.47 01.4$ and May at 61.49U 01.49. Other leading staples, too. all showed gains corn tf c,. oats tf ittc and provisions len&oo. Disappearance of anxiety over th chance that the eight-hour bill might be defeated was evident from theoutset in th wheat market. All pressure to ell was absent, and instead algna developed that foreign demand had become urgent. Indeed, cash premiums paid by exporters were the high est of any ttmo this season. Notification of a general nullification of railway embargoes seemed to he chiefly desponelbl for th sctlvlty of foreigners. Although at Inter vals during th day realising by holders was o na noerai scale, tne ensuing down tarns in veiues proved oner. In addition to th fact that shipping Dusineuft naa aireaay imporved and was expected to he much better the coming wmk. in presence or frost in Canada tended aleo to give an advantage to the nuns, ne ports were at hand, too, that little plowing had been done so far In Oklahoma and that predictions were for a poor crop mere next year unless conditions goon underwent a rndlca ehanse.. Corn, like wheat, showed a broad general demand. Some export business was don and commission house buying was of a good uiana. Oats displayed Independent strength, owing to announcement that th British govarnmenc nad taken 1,000,000 bushels hero for lake shipment. Speculators and packers were active buy ers of provisions. Optimism In regard to me ranroaa situation acted a smora than an offset for a decline wjilch took place in loaf o Cash Prices Wheat No. & red, tj.ettvi.a; iso. s red, nominal: No. hard, $1.4601.47H; No. 8 hard. $1.S7ttft I., vorn: wo. I ye 110 w, 0 87c. No, 4 yellow, nominal: Nn a whit, nnmin.i Oats: No. 8 white, 44045c: standard. 46A46r, Rye: No. 2, $1.19. Barley, 83cO 11.09. Seeds: Timothy, $4.0004. 76; clover, rrovtsions: fork, 128.16; lard, l.oo; riDs. $14.40 0 14.76, Butter Unchanged. eggs uncnangea; receipts. 11,461 esses. routoes- uower; receipts, 86 cars; Jer sey cobblers, 316001,70; Jsrssy giants, f i.Dvuf; niinnesota unios, al. 46 1.50, Poultry Allvs, lower; fowls, 14 017c; springs, iwno. Kansas City General Market. Kansas City, Sept. $. Wheat No. 2 hard, $1. 469L30: No. 3 red, $1.4801.63: Hen. tember, $1.41; December, $1,43 1.43; Corn No. 8 mixed $l0S2c; No. wnue, 81H082C; No. 3 yellow, $2 Bap tember, 81 c: December. 78Uc: Mtv Oats No. 2 white, 46046o; No. 2 mixed. ww" no Butter Creamery. !8c: firsts. 28r; on da, 36c; packing, 36c. Eggs Firsts. 27c. Poultry Hens. lBttc: roostera. hPAii. ers, 30c. Minneapolis Grain Market. Minneapolis. Sept. 2, Wheat September, '""Hi ' 'wfmwr, i , db . cash : No. hard. 91.63; No. 1 northern. $1.6Q0 Flour Unchanged. Barley, flfi6r. Rye ll.16ftl.17. Bran-r$21. 00083.00. Corn No. 8 yellow, 8H 087c. Oats No. $ white, 44044c. Flaxseed $3.0602.09. U00 Klgln Butter Market. Elgin, Sept. 2. Butter Fifty tubs sold al NCLAIIMED ANSWERS BEE WAOT AW Aaa. An.. Aaa. 6001 1 CD27 1 4611 1 4801 1 (ill J (061 1 4704 1 tit 2 4711 t 1001 603 1 47....... 1 4100 2 4187 4 401,....,, t 4012 13 4111 2 4910 1 4807. 1 6241 1 1471 2 1110 2 4K46 1 4662 1 4811 1 6040 2 4004 1 1114 1 6241 1 4671..,,., 1' 4811 1 4647 1 1080 1 4117 1 8447 1 6011 1 4018 .' 1060 8 4974 1 4421 1 6062 7 6077 1 32 1 . 6061 1 6177 1 117,... 62K1. .. 4782 1484 4686 (281 4487 1207 48,4 82,7 6190 SO 101.. BC 214.. HC ,17.. Ana 1 2 t 1 SC SO sc HC AC SC 80 SC 8C SC 80 SO SO SC 220... 221. .. 282... 211... 211. .. 241... 21T... 200... 240.. 271... J 171. 284... 21... 292... Hundreds of other answers have been called for and deliverer) rlnri'n the last week. It is reasonable to suppose that all the above neonle h.v. supplied their wants therefore did not call for the balance of their answers. Bee Want-Ads Are Sure Getting Results Omatia. Official Monday Official Tgeanay Official tVediieadar Official .... Official Prlday Batlmato Saturday . . . S.pteuib.r 2, 1113. Oaltl,. Uo,. SbA-l- lt.llj 1.11. '( ,.l?4 S1H 1.114 1.6 i.opo i.i:t 7,111 100 III!, IT, .IT ;.m 1,100 41,141 llt.171 IM40 .' 41.KI IM7C 41.7,1 Tt.lll 11,141 4I.ITI 11,111 111,119 II dara thla week. .11.411 Sam. dare leal weak, .11.197 Same dare I wka. ala.IT.IIO Sane day. I wka. aao.10.917 Sam. day. 1 wka. ao.ll,ltl Same dare laat year. .11.114 Reoelpta and dlepoattton of lira fteek at the Union .took yarda, Omaha, for twenty four houra endlna at I p. m. KSCBIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hon. She.p. U'r a. C M. St. P 7 fetlaaouri Petfte .... t Union Paolflo .... 1 11 7 1 C. 4k N. W eaat.. .. 6 CAN. Wv waat.. 1 61 1 C, St. P. 11. AO.. .. C. B. A Q.. aaat.. .. 9 1 C, B. A Q. waat.. .. ,11 C, R. I, A P., aaat . . I C, R. L A P., weet .. 1 Illlnote Cntral.. .. I . Chi, Oreat Waat. . . 1 Total reoelpta 4 111 7 1 DISPOSITION HEAD. Co. Morn. A Co. Swift A Co. . . Cudaby Packing Armour A Co . , J. 11. Packlnf Co Tatal , Ifof.. .... 113 2.01, ...1.919 .,..2,10) .... 171 ....1.110 era. 17, 104)9,901 nattre calrm, II OOOH.);. Hone A.otpia, 1,1100 hc.a: litttriicl S6c lower than yaurdHV'. avor.xc; la. and II, hi.,; ml,.,! nail butch ere, S 1 8. aa i (ood haavy, 1I0.I.C) 10.11; bulk of aa'i.a, 19.0O19 l0. Shcp and lmb. Receipt, IOC head; market ateaur; laniba, 17.00019 :1; .lau,h t.r wm, 16. OnapT. ll; bleatln, ew.a, ll.oos 19.00; y.arlln,., II. One, so. CIIICAOU LIVC STOCK MARKEH. HEW YORL STOCKS Market Hesitates at Outset, But Strengthens Later . in the Day, ftlUg $,, Uog. Weak and Uw.r, Shep NEW HECORD IN MARINES Wsah. 9 ' litrssc Sept. 3.;att - Receipts, 12.0fltf head: marhev, wvaHi native beef rattle. $.s6 011,1V wester, i steem, $.0tf 300 storhers and feeder, It.TffT.eO; cows sr.d helfem, $.4l'0O..$; talvn, r.60tn.2k Htfs He. ovi. $1,000 h-kd; martlet, wenti 1640i! lowr; bulk of ). llO.Sltf; :n,, $10.16011.01; mixed, Mm 11.00; hvy, I. ,lt, 10. N: rough. I ifii '-0.01; $,1A0.Ou, Bhtiap and irfinibs- -Raoslpte, ll.ono hesr mark! wvaHi there, $0,110 ;,$; ewe $6.0007.10; limto, 14, M. Josph Ure Mok Market. St. Jossph, Mo., SpL $. Cattle 300 head; market alow; etesrs, $6,600 10.60; oows and hslfsrs. $4.36sioorf oalve. $7.00010.60. Hogs Rvlpt, 4.000 hsad: m.rW.i towsr, Cattle Jleealnta thla week hav been very larga, la fact, th largest of any week alno tn opnlng or th rang on, ana av oided ly larger than a year ago, In spite of th fsot that th threatened strlk on th railroads has thrown a cloud or uncer tainty araand tha market, ths trad a S whole has been In fair condition. At th bealnolns' of th wk cornfsd bva ad vanoed sharply, but later en th gain wa lost, th mark, cioaing, is anytnin. Hitis. iAws,t than a vuk aao on all kinds iopt th wy bast grades. On th other hand, grass beef eattl of desirable sua I icy ara 16elt6a htshor than a week ago, With common to medium kinds showing less Im provement. Cam and heifer af STOOd Quality ar around 10016c higher, with th medium to common kinds steady with last wek's elos. Ths best stook eattl and feeding steers are 16036e higher than last wx, wnu me common and medium grades nara wn uneven sellers and ar no bttr than last wh. . . Quotations on eattl I Qood 10 enoic beYs. $1.000 10.00; fair to good beeves. IB, 7600.10; common to fair bsva, $6,600 TS arnnrl tn Mhnlnd. artVU ttVeB. $7,600 $.00; fair tp good grass bev, $7.16 0 7.60; common to fair grass beeves. 36.3007.16; good to choice heifers, $0.6097.16; good to oholes oows, $6.40 0 7,06; fair to good cows. $6.7606.40; common to fair cows, $4,000 B.76: good to choice feeders, $7.360836; fair to good fders, $6.8007.86; common to fair feeders, os.oqvs.ts; goon nw lock ire, $7.6607.76; stock heifers, $6,600 6.60; stock oows, $6.3606.36; etock calves, $6.6001.00; val calves. $6.00011. 60; beef bull, stags, tc $6.0007.00; Bologna bulls, $$.$606.66. Hogs Ths official rsoelpts yesterday ovsr ran eat t mates nearly 60 per cent, $.606 hesd arriving befdr the market olosed. So today's recslpts M oars, or f.oow had, whll larger than any other day In two weeks, fall allghtty snori or y-. terday'a run. The week's supply is 46, m hesd, a very repc table total when the llrht run early In the week are consid ered and It shows a gain of 16.000 head over' either last week or a ysar ago, and comes within a hundred hsad of bslng as large as two wssks ago. ICvery one was at sea again this morning as to what prices ought to be. Heavy rs oelpts both locally and at Chicago gavs the market a bearish look, and wnue me strlks seemed in a fair way of being settled tor the time at least, the uncer tainty was still aotlns as a depressing in fluence on live stock markets, shippers be- ins- sfrald to do muoh, The result was that trad opened sharply lower, early sale here belnsr as much as 160 30a down, and a similar slump being reported on th open ing at Chicago. On the early trade it was , almost entirely a packer affair. i Later on the Improvement In ths strlks situation encouraged shlppsrs to fill some of their orders, and then th market be gan to pick up, Improving stesdtly until on the closs It was almost stssay wun yester- lav's aversse. Trade was tolerably active, though clearance was delayed by the late arrival of some of th train. . However. sellers had no kick on that score, aa prioss were getting better right along, and they wer a me 10 ciean up practice iy every thing by 10 o'clock. Bulk of th offerings was purchased at $$.$0010.16, and but butchers set a top of $io,tv. , Representative sales: Xo. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. nh. Pr. 962 ... $6 $6 48.. 881 40 $S 00 $$..348 180 10 00 66. .284 160 10 10 66. .80$ ... 10 30 Ml. .310 ... 10 $0 $6. .201 40 10 60 OMAHA OIKRAL MARKET. Butter No, 1 creamery. In eartui) ar tubs. $0o; No. $, $6. in -imported Hwlss. lb. 4lnt dama. tic Swiss 66m block twlee, toe; twine, 7o triple U, 17io daisies. 17c; Toung Amer ica, in Ho; blue label brick, llfeo; llm berger, low; New York white. $0o, ftooqu fort, Oflo, Uystsrs Standards. Il)40n: aslant... IDA 46c ; counts. $06Ou, Kleh rrhi Halibut, lb, 13c; catflah, 14017c; red salmon 14c: fall aalmun. lie: wbitsfish.1 Hot herring. To; trout, 10oi yel low pike, ITo; bullheads, 16.; carp, Or; black bass, SJo; unflh, $o: croppies. 16c; pickerel, lie; iteak codfish, IK; tlietlsh lo; fresh hwdlsss shrimp, gal,, $1.36) r.d anap Vr, lb. i$o; Hpanlsh matkerel, 16; ike ane, jvimoo wniteflsh lie; flounders. 11-; ; fresh peeled shrimp, ir gal., $3. fieef Cuts No, 1 ribs, lie; No. $, 17c; N. $, lie; No. 1 loin. 31c; No. 3, 18 a; No. $. 14Hc; No. i chucks. 18o; No. I. 13c: No. 3, lOHe; No. 1 rounds, IT Ho; No. $, 14r; No. 8, llo; No. 1 plstos, 10o; No. 3, $c; No, I. $v. rrult and vsgstabls prices furnished by Ollinsky Fruit Co.; milts Oranges, 10 300s. 334s. $4 bos; 154a. 181. $4.76; 160s, $6; 171s, $6.36; 30ss, 114a, 340s, $6.60. Lemons; I00e. $IOs, $$.60; oholo, $6, Peaches: Per box, lll lt; In lou, $1.16; bushels, $3,76 bu. Pears; Bushel Kelfers, $1.76 bu.; I-bushel lots, $1.66; 1$. bushel lou or mor. $1.60; California Bart lelt, fancy $1.36 crate; Ch. 6-tler 0, $3.76; Bartlett $-tIr 0, $3.16; fancy rimlsh, $3.80; oholo nmlh, $3.36. Orapeai Home-grown. $0o basket; Ualagas, $1.66 crate; Tokays, $$. Apples: Oravenstean, $3.86 boi; Belle flowers, 11.76; cooking. $1.16 bu.; barrel. 16.60; eating. $4.36. Cantaloupes: Stan dards, $1.76 israt; ponys, $3.36; flats, $1. Waurmston: lVio lb, Prunes; On ar rival. $1.66 orat. Vegetables: Sweet spuds, Vir. barrels $4.60 bbl.; Southern hmpds., $1.66 hmp. California eratas, $4 orat; potatoes, bushels, $1.1$ bu.; onions, span, $8 erst; ontona, rod, $o lb.; onions, western, $Hc; cabbage, J So; tomato, 76c bask.; cucumbers 60c; celery, 40c do. i Honey, $8.76 esse. Ulscenanaous Crackerjack, com pops and checkers, aaae, $8,60; half cases, $1.76; pea nuts, Special No. 1, lb., 6Ho; Jumbo pea nut, In; popcorn, oass, $3.60; honey, now ca, $.76. Poultry Live: Broilers, 1H to 3 lbs., Sftc; over $ lbs., lie. Hens: Uvsr 4 lbs.., 14c; under 4 lbs., 13c; roosters and stags, IQHot gees, full featherd, fat, 10c young and old duoks, full feathered, fat, 8 4a I turkeys any slss over $ lbs., 34c ; turkeys, s than 6 lbs., half price ; capons, $ lbs. and over, $4cl guineas, each 35c Squabs: Homers, i 14 os. each, per do's., $4.00; IS os. ssch. psr dos., $3.60: $ oi. each, per do. $1.60; un der $ os. sach. pr dos., 60c. Pistons, car dos., $1.00. Is. 101 S. I7U 367 62. .886 33$ 86.381 78. .178 7$., 304 40 $ $6 40 10 06 ... 10 J6 10 10 86 ... 10 $6 ... 10 $0 Sheen-i-Th I r regularity of this week's lamb markets makes th Job of comparing nrlces w th a week ago a rather nard one, Th first two days of th week values broke a auarter or mor. but Wednesday the market reacted, recovering at least half of the slump. An escitfd Chicago market Thursday was responsible for sympathetic advance her, prices moving up 6c on paper, wnil wetness oi neeces maue dressed costs a quarter or mors higher thsn the previous day. Friday, however, with ths rail strike threatening' and big receipts, ths bottom dropped out. prices dropping a quarter or more on paper and showing even greater declines in reality, sorting being more severe and fleeces car rying less watsr than on the previous day. And after a week of sharp fluctuations val ues have dronned as much as 30040c on paper, while considering th improvement quality tney nav siumpea even more than that, t ompansons are at tn oem none too aecurat a so many dlffsrent factor have to be conilderd. What lambs sold yesterday wont at $10.00010.10, while two bands were not rasnea, one oeing ior warded and another sent back to ths feed lots psndlng Improvement in th prlc list. Pst sheep wore In such smsll supply a week that on most days markets were mere nominal sffalrs, and closing quota lions are stesdy with last week, or nearly Pretty good to best eM are bringing $6.6Ain6.75, while killer yearlings are selling as high as $7,60, and desirable aged wethers t I7.00O7 2&. For feeder sheep it was a good, firm market all wek, There was not snough here on 1st days to be affected by the weakness that cam as a remit of buyers' Inability to get their purohsees out. I'p to midweek feeders were vnry little lower, but the Isst couple of days of ths week the embargo In id by railroads against ihtpmsnts shut off a number of buyer, and he msrket closed aa much sh 16016c be low Friday a wfk ago. Tntrday's top was $10.80, with bulk of the desirable light feeders quotable above $10.00. A hstf-fat lass which killers dp not want is selling I9.2l0t.75. and the same prices ars quotable on the commoner lights. Quote tlone on sheep and lambs: lmbs, good to choice, $$.80010.10; lambs, fair to good, $.$60$.$O; Iambs, fesders, 81.360 10.30; yearling, good to cnoio, 67.oo7,60; yearlings, fair to good, $6.6007.00; 'year lings, feeders, $6.600$. 00; wethers, fair to hole, $n.8t07.i; wss, gooa to cnoice. 6006.76: ewes, fair to good, ss.TA0S.5'; wes, plain to culls, $4,0006.78; swes, feed ing, $6.0004.36; ewes, breeders, all ages, $6.3600.00. , Kansas City Livs Stook Market. Kansas City, Mo.. Sept, 2. Cattle Re ceipts, S0O hesd; market steady; prime fed ateers $10.00011.00; dressed bef tuners. , ISO 6.76 : western stsers, 81. 60 0 S. 6" ; southern attars, $6.7601.36; cows, $4.60$, 26 : heifers, $6.000 10.7B ; stock et re snd feeders, $6.2607.26; bulls, $6.5506,60; oalves, $0.60011.00. Hog Receipt, 1,600 neadl market, 26c lower; bulk of sates, $10.30010.40; heavy. O.3501O.SO; packers and butchers, 310.1C 10.70; ugnt, 4io.3ii0to.7o; pigs, tb.60u to. Hhaen and I.smbs No rsoelpts; market stesdy; lambs, 8. 76010.26; yearlings, $7.35 H,00; wethers, 6'(.usj"-ro; ewes, Iti.&Ojj, 7.10. St, IaiiI Llv fttofk Msrkei. Kt. Lcuiti, M.. Rcpl, 3. -'uie Receiiits. KO hert ; i tarket loivt-;: iinrive b:' ters $V.0f ),,,.; yrniiln., ateis and heifers, $.a0 lO.-'lt; ' , SU.mti 07.76. sto'kis ' snd feeders, l.!i0f t.0; aoutherti srsntlne steer. $6.6006.60; prime south ern steers, $6.0000.00; cows and heifers, acse.: orlm dvearllns: ateers ad luix. New Tork Money Markt. Nw York, Sept. $, Mvrcantila Papr 303i par cent. v , Hirllng Kxchsnge Slity-day hills, 14.11; demand, $4.76; oablas $4,76 7.16, silver Bar, 7o; Meiican dollars. 180. Bonds Qovsrnmsnt, steady: ' railroad. stesdy. U. H. ref. 8s. reg 66 M K A T 1st 4s 73 H os couDon , i . . n mo. far. t:on U. S. if. reg.,.100t4Mont. Power do coupon 100 UN. Y. C, dub. V, S. 4s, reg,..10$UN. Y. City 4 Ms do coupon,.. .110 (1366) 10$4 A. T A T o. 4Us.H0 ov, 4s... ......113 Anglo.Frenoh &s 96 4 No. psc. 4s..,.. $1 U Alch. gen. 4s... $3H do 3s fi&'i Hetn. hisi r, 6s.iooore. s. l. tor. 4s. vl Cent. I'ac. l.., $8UPac, T. 4 T. 6s,100i. Ches k. O. o. 4tts H4SPpim, con. 4Hs., 10441 C 11. A Q. . 4s. 0744 do gen. 4 VS. . 101 V4 C M Ht P o 6s 10&H Reading gen. 4s. 06 H C, R. 1, a. P. Hy. St. L. Srn F. ref. 4s 7H4 ref. 4 70 Colo. A S. r 4s 6S So. Pac. cv. $s,.108H P. A R. Q. Q. 4s 774 do ref. 4s do ref 6s 6So, Railway 6s, ,101 RHe g-n 4s ; ?0t Union Pactflo 4a. $64 aen. Eloc. fs,..104H do cv. 4s $8 Ot, No. 1st 44s. tltU. H. Rubber ts.lOS in. vn. rei. s. k u. B. Bind I 5S..,i(lb l.U. M. M. 4U..108UW. Union 4Us,.. eg K. C. Bo, ref. la. W, Blec, cv. 6s,. 116 L, A N. unl. 4s. n Bid. Nw York. Sept. 3. Todav's msrket hesk taisd si ths outset, first uotatln Indicat ing lUut't on th part of lb profssisal H'tmnl s to th significant. of overnight In tr railway labor sltaatlon. This tfndltton gave way- tatar t gnral sirr-nglli, ths advance being aided by i tenslr short covering. TYadtng tn martnes. whlclt nupplled over ij per esnt et th krtsf session's turnover, was th noteworthy fa tur. th preferred making a new raeord en Its grose advance of four nolnts to 16. tth tl for the common and l tt I paints fr etnsr snipping shar, A new maximum was also mads by A mart -can Zinc preferred, whl.ih advanosd 8 points to 74. whit General Motors prs- rrrd siid al its beat quotation in many months, rUIng 3 point to 136. Copper and other metals wer I u 3 points higher, mu nitions and petroleums advanced about ss muoh and motors made up som f their reoent lossss, with addlUonal gains tn a corls. United flu tee fluet cam forward towards th last, tMlng xtnslvly taken -lip to $$V an strm gain of IS. and placing it with th quarterly and itrn dividends of th previous day, within a quarter point af Ira high record. - Heading and Canadian Pactflo lsd th ad vancing movement in rails at gains of al mott 8 points, with a point eah for St. Paul. Northern Paelfic, New York Catral and som of the eastern group. Today's sales amounted to 374,000 shares. Ths forslgn axohang markt was a nom inal affair, with ne change from yesterday xrspi for a slight rsuesaleo In rublm. Honds wr stoady. but dull. Angio-Frent h 6 being largely dalt in at th prevailing quotation, Total sales, par value, were $,. 446.000, United States coupon 4s ros K per utnt on call during the week. Number of sales and quotations n leading Sales. High. 1.000 1314 S.zou 400 1,000 1.00$ Si" IN 190 111 14 1,100 it 1.100 II Low. Clft... I'H II Ilia; It 71 7IU 7 97 ....I 101 111 lilt. 14 aiu ' 1.100 lOllt 191 li ..... i.ei 100 ll ,11 "i.ioo 'oiii 'oi'" 300 19 If U ioo 177 mi 1,100 11 U t(J 100 OOti 19U 00 94 91 too iim nut ...... ..... 17 1H Am. Beet Suaar. American .'au Am. iar A Poundrjr Am. Uouometlve. . , Am. Smell. Ref. Am. Sufar R.flDl.f Am. T.I. Tel..,, Ara. X., 1 a S ... Anaconda Copper.. AtohlwD , Bald. Locomotlre,. Baltimore A Ohio. Brook, Rapid Tran. B. A S. Copper. , , , Cal. , , , Canadian Pacific. Central Leather.; .. Choaapeake A Ohio a. u. A St. P Chlr.,0 A N. W... ft, R. I. A P. Rr., Chine Coppr , Colo, Fuel A Iron.. Corn Product. Ref. Crurlble steel.....' Siourltlaa Erl Oenoral El.otrlo... Ocat No. pfd Urat No. Or. otfl, llllnola Cntral.... Int.r. Con. rem. . ln.plratlon Copper. 17,100 Inter. Marv..t.p Int. IS. M. pfd. otfa. 41.000 101 ... aoutn.m.,.. ,00 Kenn.i-utt Copper. , 3,100 49U 41U 49tA Loul.vllla A Nah ., njr M.tloan Patroleura 1,400 101 101 U 101 vT 'Miami Copper. m.. k. a t. pfd..,v r Mt.aourl Paolflo..., 100 1U : ju u Montana rower..... i.", .".. , ., ,? National Lead ..... 04 1.100 10.. It - 1,400 104 , 101 9, 101 K u 00 111U Mt lit 1.100 loi 14 ioih loot. 1.100 41H 44 tj 1.100 900 1.100 400 117 117 414 7l' 4$ 1W 76 S 44 84 4. II8S1 IH ta- lOO 3T4 11 ITS 600 101U 101 lOOt $00 17 14 Ut II U $7 H $7V X 111 $ 106 10K ss Nevada Copper..., New York Central, N. Y.. N. H. H., Norfolk A Western NTorthrn PanlflA. Pacific Mall....... Pao f a T . A Tel Pennsylvsnls 3,100 661. 66 nay ion. Copper., 1,100 t H Rssdlng 14.690 106 108 Statement of Clearing Houst Banks. New York, Sept. $, Ths statsmsnt of the actual condition of clearing houss banks and trust companies for th wek shows that they hold 16. ill, no reservs in excess of legal requirements. This is s deereas of $23 641,330 from Is-t1 wssk. The statemsnt follows; Actusl Condition: Increase. Loans, dlae'ts, to. $8, 883.8S7, 0P0 $48,486,000 tRcs've, own vaults 441,614,000 14,746,000 in req. res. ohs. ii,ise,ono "6, 286.000 Other dspltorles. 68,117,000 Net demand dep'lts 8,864,841,000 Tim deposits. . . 1 70 408.000 Circulation 81)817,000 Aggregate reserve. $66,867,000 Usees reserve $6,136,140 3$,661 330 Summary of stats banks snd trust com panlca In Oreat er New York not Included In clearing house statement: Iioann, discounts, tc$714,AI7.SOO $ 718,700 Hpeci 63,421,700 76.700 Iegal tender 8,141,300 318,600 Total deposits., $$1,001,000 6,136,100 Banks' cash rseerv In vault 11,844 300 Trust companies' cash In vault 86,618.700,..,...,, tOf which, $374,408,000 Is specl. Decreas. 1.000.000 41,317.000 3,168,000 346.000 fit. Louis Grain Market, St. Louis, Sept. t. Wheat No. rod, $1.6001.631; No. 8 hard. $1.4701,66; Sep. Umber, II. 44; December, 81.46H 01.46. Corn No. 8, 864c; No. 3 white, 8&UC; September, 86c; December, 73Hc Oats No. $, 44fro: No. I whit nominal. Liverpool drain Market Liverpool, Sept, $, Whsst Spot No, I Manitoba,. 14s $d; No. 3, lis 4d; No Z red western winter, .14 td, w Corn Spot Americsn, mixed.' new, H't 7Hd; mixed, via Galveston, 10s 3d. Business Conditions Good, - . ' , Wanhington, Sepf. 3. (lenersK btt:ness conditions throughout, the United . staves continued good during Aus.ust. according to summaries from the twelve fediirr.t reserve district, made public tonight by th r. servs board. Generally discouraging, re ports wero recslved from no district. Rpd. Iron A Steel Shatiuek Arts, Cop, Southern Pacific... Southern Railway., Stuclfhakar Co, , . ,. Tennessee copper. , Txs Company , . , I'nlon Pacific Union Pacific pfd., u, p. inn. aicouoi. C, S. Steel U. S. Steel pfd..., L'tsh Copper , Wabash pfd. "B", . Wen i em Union. . . . nest. Electrlo, 1,700 tit. tiu ioo 'tiv'iiu 700 13 ij 11 II 1I9U 11' HH 11 111, 14 V 104 1. Ilk 114 1,000 II ...... t.ioo 13114 137 lira. 1.000 nou ioi 47.100 lot, nil 100 117, II7j 1.100 i;s 11 000 II II V .100 llli 17 li Total a.l.i for the day, 174,000 aharea. 791. 1091. 1171, ll, 91 ; Omaha Her Market. Omaha. Au. 11. Prairie Hay Upland; Choice, lll.00ffll.60i No. 1, I10lea)u.ot No. I, M.tooio.oo: Na. I, I4.looi.oo Ml: land! Choice, II0.10O11.00; No. 1, 110 014, 10.10; No. I, 11.50! 50; N. 1, M.ioai.lO. Lowlandl Choice, 110.00: No. 1. II loos ' I. 10; No. I, I7.00OI.00: Na. 1, II.OOfT.00. Straw none on the marheti eholoa wheat la quotable at tl.10; ohotoa oat or rye, ll.os 97.00. Alfalfa Choice, 111.104911 10; No. 1, lll.OOOll.IOj atandard. 11.00911,19; No, 1. II. 00tpl.00; No, 1, it.oo;i.oo. Metal Market. N.w York. I. Metale -The copper market remained ateadr at tha and of th. we.k with quotation, ranetnc from 117.99 t 121.00 for olectrolytlu. Iron waa unchanged. FOR SALE A PROSPEROUS INSTALLMENT FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT IN DENVER ' Proprietor readr to retire offm this' exertional apportnnlty. Beet loaatlaa In Denver, eheapwat rent Rvataea. approilmatalr I100,000-amild raadl. ly he increa.ed to a half million or mora at will. Offer ateek, fixture,, good wilt, leaae. ate. Now dlapoaing of atock In a eaeh aa), whlah la won. ' derfullr aueeeeefnl. Owner retiree with oompctaner. Saeeaaaor .an ,ta9 right Into a gloriou, future. For par tleularl addreaa, SIGMUND. th. Ad Man. ' Dmver, Me. IS 12 WORTH YOUR TIME TO INVESTIGATE? If ,o, we hav. new Income property located In Weet Farnam district that would net you 12 on $10,000. If you neve 12,000 and ara Intonated, call Duugla. 1018. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. 17th and Deuglaa St. Oauha, Nth. III A Majority of the office rooms in Omaha are in a general way quite satisfactory. ' , It is therefor a matter of loea . tion, convenience and service that should enter into your selection. THE BEE BUILDING "The building that is always new" ' is splendidly located, very conven imt and has the best of service." Office, Room 103 2