f 2 D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: SEPTEMBER 3, 1916. HELP WANTED MALE AGENTS AND CANVASSERS Trade School. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Unm to the V. a. Bant expense, whils attending by wr plan. Poettlene guar entsed. apodal eummsr ratee. Write tor tlluetrated catlogue or rail la psrssa. US llth St., Omaha. Neb. itetaouahed mi.) AUTO MECHANICS. EARN ! MONET. Never d1 Bit Demand, tuy t6 Learn by Our Methods. VATIONAL AUTO TRAINING AWN !117 N. llth St, OnukL Send far Ft Catalogua EeARN barber trade; be Independent, mora than make rear cxpelUM. whlla learning. 1 Wage, or percentage. Wo won't over charge yo. to begin: 14,8 Dodge II. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. MONBTMAKER8 guide magaslno, thraa months, 10c; halpa to ottccoaa; now Cen torr Supply. Deo Molnaa, la. AO E NTS wantM In every town for Day karoaena kurnara, for cook rangea Weat McL., 107 Loavanwortk. Omaha. AGENTS WANTED Something naw and uaaful, a fajt aaller at a big profit. Ad draoa AgaiiU Supply Co., 1434 N. Van Buran St., North Topeka, Kan. AOENTS wanted, own your own bualneaa. Sell Frltoh'a Vegetable Soap. Write for free aampla. J. A. Fritch, St Loula Mo. SUhScRIPTION aganta wanted; alxty prop ositions; Sherlock. Deo Molnea, Iowa. HELP WANTED- FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENO.. out of town... STBNO.. oat of town. ...$60-$100 temp..,.. $20 wk. SrIT ' Or THE UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED- Able-bodied unmarried men under ar of 16; clttMtui of United Stetso of good character and temperate ktUti, who tan speak, road and wrlto tha Bng llsh lauguag- For Information apply to icr-itif.g Officer, Army Bldg.. llth and Dodge St.. Omaha. Web.; Ill N. llth St., Uncoln, Nsb.; l-T 4th St., Sioux City, Iuwh ; 4t th A v.. Pee Moines, Iowa. M UN may aara $100 waakly addressing, ate, at homo, In spars tlma; operating mall order modlclno business; no knowledge of medicine, experience, canvassing or In vestment of your own capital roqulrod. net roe five book fro. C. H. Rowan, Dept. B. II, Milwaukee, Wit. STBNO. and bkpr., $41; atono. and elk.. 5b; ouiinf elk., 160; dictaphone opera tor, I0; steno. and elk., $66-140; bkpr. and typist, $4$; steno. and bkpr., out of town. 0. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n. Inc., 763 Omaha National Bank Bldf. GOOD money mads at homo, knitting hoal- ary, machines furnlehed on lime. We buy or Mil your goods; aaar and constant work. Wheeler Co. (Inc.). 117 Madison, Chicago. STENOGRAPHER $76 htbno. out town) go COMPTOMETER OPR..,..., 10 STENOGRAPHER (Inr,... ii 8TENO. (Real Batata) 40 THE CANO AOENCT. 100 BEE BLDO. MAN and wife; acparata hopes; country homo near Omaha; most ha able ta board two other man; man ahould know tome thing about gardening: permanent posi tion. Addreaa Bos 41.11, Bee. BARN Hth weakly, aparo time, writing for newspaper, magaatneo; sxp. unnec,; ds talla free. From Syndicate, I.I Bt. Louis, ilo. WANTED Experienced atonographer by local manuraoturlng eoncsrn : opportua-. Ity for advancement; state age, experience -n -lary expected. Box 1671, Bee. WANTED Lady for general off loo work ; might eoneider one aa partner in bualneaa; permanent If satisfactory. Write at onoo to Box 1611, Bee. FARMER attention; when you want re liable help, write or phone Raymond' e laabor Agency, Hit Douglas. Phono Doug. t i t 9. CLOSE IN, 111 8. Hth Ave., 7 rma., mod., oak (Mian, iw.fto; itanay s oar nnoa. Harney ftSlo. HUFTI.BRS to I0 made weekly die tributlng etronlara, aamploa, tacking eigne, etc Advertiser National Agency, Dept. tit, Chicago. R' AN TED Men ta work in yards and unload coo J i steady employment. Apply Sunder land Bros. Co., at !th and Hickory, Hth and Taylor and 41d and laard. WANTED First class all-around exparlenced s;lrl for email wnoieeaie eandy factory, moat know how to dip. Address T lt. Bee. 3 ' WANTED Toung man aa railway nail derail 171 per month! aample .lamina tion queaUena free. Franklin laalUula. Dept. ill R. RoehOfter, N. T. CHOIR LEADER WANTED to lake charge of ekolr of akout I yoteea, Omaha; state ealary and reference. Boi lilt. Bee. WANT " to communloata with eompeteat oxperlenead dreeamak.r desiring a part nership. No money required. Boa M0I, Bea WANTED Qlrle In flat work depi Apply Bvano Model Laundry, nth and pooglaa WANTED An ssoerlenoed III city Nat. Bank Blag. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Eiperlenood freight handlers, . Vnlan Psoitis Freight House, lie and Jackeon Sta MEN wanted to anllat la Signal Corps at owfta; report at I.lnoora. (TASTED Men; must be good pennies. Ill Ramge Bldg. LABORERS wanted; steady work. Apply at McCaffrey Brea.' yard at llth Faul. WANTED i man. iihlp today, Rook lelani; 3,c per kour. Ilw W. Broadway, Caua etl Blulte. INEXPERIENCED. Ws want several neat, attraetlv. wom an evr It years of ags to travel. Wo give you training with ana of our ex perienced saleswomen, references required. Manager, i.i, ipicaao a WOMEN WANTED Full tlma, salary III. selling Guaranteed Hosiery to wearer; lea an hour apare time; permanent! ex perience unnecessary. Wearproof Hoelery, Hometown, ra. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS 'taVBRr HOM ON FARM IN SMALL TOWN or suburb needs and will buy the won derful Alsddls kerosene oel oil) mantis lamp. Five times as bright as eteotrt Tested and rsoommondod by government and 14 loading universities. Awarded gold medal. Ons farmer olaarei over lite tn I woaka. Kindreds with rigs or autes earning list to $xv4 per month. No capital required. Ws furnish good on time to reliable msn. Writs quick for .ample lamp for free trial, distributer's preposition and secure appointment in Si elusive terrltsry. Mantis Lamp Co,, 111 Aladdin Bldg., nhiosgo. in. fiVBeTrlght, aapabts ladles to travel, dem- o net rate nna sen aeaiers; us 10 ssv par week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company. Dept 404. Omaha. Nob. Household and Domestic. HOUSEMAID wantsd at ones: must be competent and reliable ana nave omana references. Apply to Mrs. cnarisa Mats, n south nth st. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages; small rami. jr. Harney SII. Mrs. Chaa. O, McDonald. WANTED, competent girl for general house work and also oxpsrioncsd nurse gtru at HI I. llth St. Phono Harney 0000. COMPETENT gtrl for general housework; host wages; pleasant room; references. n S. I'd St. Walnut 1071. dlRL (or general housework' ;' Swedish pre. fsrrod. Mrs. J, n. wnina, sios weosier. Phono Walnut 1174. tl.ODO FEB man par county; strange In vontlon startles world; agents amased; ton 1 tnexpsrianeod msn divide 40,000; Xor stad. a farmer, did fs.109 in 14 days; tfchlslehsr, a mtniatsr, till irat II hours; II. Sftt cold cash muds, paid, banked by a tone msn In 10 days, 911,400 to data; hot or cold running watsr bath equipment for any horns at only ft.it; asit-neating: no plumbing or waterworks iwqulrsdt in vasttaatsi eiclusivs sals: erodlt given send no money; writs letter or postal today. Alloa Mfg. Co., Ill Alias Bldg.. Toledo, u, mi iiM Ad E NTS wanted:" 'th looloss Iosbox; try using Osdwb.M foot ess Issbos; this Is not a Mko. but a solemn scientific inoi, ' whoso valus Is vouched fsr by tho sol. ant lets of Ihs United States Department of Agriculture; our ice less leebox will kssp Its contents cool aa ft rsfrlgerstor with let on a hot, dry day without tho aid of tea. Tha "Godwin" does entirely away with tha iceman tn winter and at times will be tea or fifteen degrees lower than with too, and will not freoss contents. Fries II; one half profit, Writs : for free particulars. Xcsless icsboi vo,. Ill River St.. Chicago. wLAKNTC" salesmen, stop " nsro;' Jus.' out; now auto invention; Rolling liks wlldfirs; Ferrln More Power Valve, saves II per cent to et per eent on gasoline pins; makes more powerful snglns; svsry auto o.nr wants sno; uss on any style oar or truck) Days for Itself avery it days: noth- in.- nsar it In prios; big profits; listen i Davis. Tot., told 481 in 1 weeks; no cap ital required! not quick, territory Is free, but going fast. Writs tsday to Perrln Mfg. Os., Me Woodward Ave., Detroit. Mich. QARTS1DK8 IRON ' BUST SOAlHft).. 4044 Idanoastsr Ave,, rhlladelphla. Pa. Gart side s Iron Rust Soap, (Trade Mark. Print anc copyngM resiatsreo in the u. m, pat ant office) removes iron rust. Ink and all unwsshabls stains from elo thing, marble ' oto. Good seller, big margins, agnts wantsd. Ths original, no a tubs. He war of infrtngments and ths penalty for making, selling u4 using aa infrlngsd ar-ttoia. Bd toxtlis mills' wants ambttiou's msn' and women everywhere to show latest drsss . Mrk neckwear, hosiery, underwear and tHraatsrsi 4 St etylee; easy aalss. Valuoa . hasit stores. Many making over lis week ly; all of or spars tlma. Complete aampla outfit starts you. Steadfast Mills. .Dept. It. Cohoes. If. T. ffwH" business' Let us start you in' gold. .Ivor, nickel, ate., plating Prof, Gray's , now, ww prteo piatinaj outfit; no sx peiienre required; wo tsaoh you and fur- nlah recipes, formulas and trade secrete free; avery nemo, atora, possums oua tomert don't delay l pood today for par Healers. Oray 4b Co., Plating Works, tll Gray Bldg,, Cincinnati, o. WANTED Girl for general housework; smalt family; no washing, it iff coming. Phone Harney III. EXPERIENCED white girt for general housework; I tn family. Mrs, Whssisr, ioi s. ith st. WAT'KDCompetent whits "giri ' for gen- sral housework; good wages; no washing. Harnsy 4171. MIDDLE-AGED lady preferably, or girl, to assist with housswork and oookiag. it Do van port, A6ENT8-Our now Indoor clothes line reel is big sailer: svsry lady likes reel; liberal pre ills; particulars free; we have dossns of good agents' sellers, Halbur Salss Agency, Halbur, la. IN BIDS TTRES. inner" "armor for auto- mobile tires ! double mileage and prevent punctures sn siowoute; quick ty applied cost little; demand tremendous; proRts unlimited; details tree. American Acoes' no net t:o., Dept. it. Cincinnati, P. t .HKVVIND GUM Sell Qrans Juice gum to all storekeeper: new Savor, novo) pack age; good profits mads quick; write today. The Helmet u., Cincinnati. AGENTS make ISO per cent profit selling our euts monograms and Initials, window sign letters, changeable etgns and show cards; l.ts varieties; enormous demand. ttuiUva Co.. 1111 Van Bursn St.. Chicago, 111. CARCig, nianufaturor wants representatives to sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to hemes: writs for free samplss. Madison Mills, lit Broad way, Nsw Tork City. AGENTS Fres eatslogus and samples, nsw goods, quick aalss. big profits, make i to t deny; no avpertsnce; world' i greatest specialties. Cruver CO., Jackson TampheU. Chicago. BIO daily profits selling our new houee hold articles; valuable premiums with every sals; field unlimited; big winners. Chas. Carroll, Dept. I, 1110 Morton Ave., '4rand Rapids, Mich. AGENT'S to sell modem etors Bscssslty of unlimited sates possii.mt.ee in more mand among stl oUssea of merchants than computing seals or cash rsgietsr. sales Manager, iiss Washington Blvd. t-niAsgo. AGENTS -09 par cent profit. Free sai plee. Oald elgn letters for stare and of flee wtndewe. Anyone can put oa. Metal . lie Letter Co., ae rt. Clerk, CBleage. TAtLORIXO AOEKS3jetgrealeai line of men e made to meaaure aults. Retail al 14. ,,. Oood vrofita Fall and wialer nam. p).a ready. Loads Woolen Mllie, C'hleago. 111. TArO-HuMlDIFiKR. carbon .llmlnator . gaaellne oarer. A money-eaver for aula owhera; a jnony-meker for you. Na ' l (anally advertised. Aul. Gee Saver Co. I, g. LeSalla, Chicago. AOEXTS--We have "a aplendld h.ueehoTd . arllclet one which every hoooewlfe wanu. Parttoularo free. Write al anca. Smallay kales Co., ISIe ITtb Ave.. Denvsr, Cel.. PTKNOORAPHER, wholeael, Ml STENOGRAPHER, good future It STENOO.. out of town Ill OFFICE CLERK, good penman Ill TTPIST, out of town M COMPTOMETER OPERATOR .,.,,.140 STENOO. and P. B. and OPK TTPIST AND COMP. OPR Ml TTPIST, A-l, advancement 131 WATTS REF. CO. M0 Brandela Thea. Professions snd Trades. hair dresser. WANTED A girl for general housework; stesdy plans. 11,1 Park Av. Harney 1811. WANTED Olrl over Ti to aaalet with housework;' homelike plaeo. Harnsy lis,. WANTED olrl for general housework In homo in the suburb., walnut its. COMPETENT meld for eecond work. Mra F. P. weed, so, b. eom at. n. iti. WANTED A girl for general houeework. Apply at one 1,1 . llth St. WANTED A maid for general houeework. Mrs. H. J. Krana, Harney lll. WANTED Oood girl for general Bouatwork. i Chicago, Walnut 10,,. WANTED OirTTor genera! houeework nod wages. Harnsy lilt. OIRI. wanted for general housework, small family. Harnsy III,, WANTED EKpert maid small washing. Harney II,. apt.; so WANTED riirf to aealat with housework. Phone Walnut 18,3. QJRL to work for board, room and small lolfai 811. WANTED flood, plain cook, la family of three. Doug. 181. WANTEb A cook. 1130 Davenport. Bar. nor I,. Hotels tnd Resuursnts. EDUCATIONAL : FALL, TERM SEPTEMBER I. BOTLE8 COLLEGE. DAT SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Bvery day la enrollment day. Book keeping, ahorthand. atanotype. typewriting, telegraphy, civil aervfc all commercial and Englleh branches. Catalogus free. BOTLES COLLEGE, Douglas 1181. lth and Harney Sta. VANSANT SCHOOL OF BL'SINESS, DAT AND KVKN1NG SCHOOLS. Second Floor Omaha National Bdnk Bldg., Entrance, IIS, Douglas ). TEARS' echolarahlp at Tork College, cheap. Phone Tyler set l. . Musics!. Harp Limited number puplla accepted com ing aeeaon: early appilcatione tavorea. Harpa fur. Loretta Do Lone. 101 Lyric Bid BOUR1CICS MUSIC STUDIOS, 1811 Dodge. , Wo are strict, but "not cross' and al ways patient. Piano, voice, violin. D. H71, Francla Potter, Sanford Hotel. Tyl.r 1111. HELP WANTED Male or FemI WANTED Nsmss of men or women, II or ever, wishing govs men t Jobs, 7I month; vacations. Answer immediately. T. 474, PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA V CURED Dr. H. R. Tarry cures ptlss. As tula and other rectal dlseasss "without surgical operation. Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured.' Writs for hook on rec tal dissasea with tsstlmonlftls, DR. C R TARRT, 141 Bta Bldg., Omaha, Msb, Have Good Health Chiropractic succeeds when all other methods havs failed. DR. BBNJ, ISRAEL, III Brandsls Theater Bldg. Doug. 1421. f HESe.lvetion Army Industrie! horns so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga- sinos. Wo oo 1 1 ecu Ws distribute Phono Doug. 4111 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our nsw homo. U16-111I-1114 Dodgs St. LADIES Tou are invited to sss ths fres dsmonstration of tho art of removing wrinkles In ons treatment. Watch for announcement. Madam Parsons, UTTDTTTPT?U0CMfu11-' trsatsdwith- AfctUA A Ua.-Uout ft I Burfftoai operation. Frank K. Wray, 101 Call or writs Dr. Bss Bldg. fHEREBf wish to announce that X will not be roeponslhls for any debts traded by my wife en or aftsr this datf. A. Rogert, FAT How to reduce It; full particulars mailed fres. Hall Chemical Co,, Dept. A- 10, St. Louis, Mo. EAYHOmcOOKED MEATS NEW DBLICATRSSFIN, 110, FARNAM. KiTTENHOL'SE Sanitarium. Baths of all kinds; maeeego and chiropody. S10-I14 Belrd Blk., llth and Dougles. D. till. CORSETS made to order. Prices 18.80 to 180.00. Eipert titling. Nu-Bons Corset Shop, Brandela Thaa. Lobby. D. 48M. MECHANO TnnrlAPHT, MASSAQ8. lady attend.nl. It, Neville Block, llth and Harney. MISS L. 1.II.LT Balh snd maaaags, 1881 Farnam wt., Id floor. Phono Doug. 841,, A PRIVATE maternity home, lilt M. llth St. Phone Colfax 1041. LURLLA WEBSTER, masseuse, 111 Pailoa Illk., 1, a. m. to I p. m. D. Illf, MAB BRUOKMAN, M. T aclenttllc maa aeuee, bathe; 101 Karbach Blk. Red 8721. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. I Davldge Blk. Phone Douglas 1711. MISS CLARK, sea salt bathe and manicur ing. 111 Famam St., Room No. SCIENTIFIC massage. 130 Be. Bldg. Phone Douglas ,171. Manicuring and mass. III! Farnam. Ktn. II. FOR legal advice sail Douglas III. FOR RENTROOMS Furnished Rooms. ,(i ATTENTION, BOOM HUNTERS I tf you fall to find tho room you deslro among these ads, call at Ths Bss offlco for n Room List Gives ' complete detailed description of va cant rooms in alt parts of tho city. If mors convenient phono The Bee Want Ad Dept, and glvs your name and address, and ft list will be mailed to you at ones. Nsw lists are issued svsry- week. I Cool, WANTED Dining room girl, St. mtaTt Hall, a residence tor girls and Business women. Doug, HOI, WANTK D A t onos good lady cook (white), 111 psr week. Hotsl Brunton, Wall Laks. la. Trmde Schools. WANTED Ladles to I earn barber trade; special raieu ana inaucemenis. . TBI-C1TT BARKER COLLBOB, 1401 Dodgs SC Miscellsneotts. WANTE IV-'foung T womsn, aged "l "to" II. with common Softool education, psrfsot sight and hearing, for local and long dis tance telephone work. Apply to C. F. Lambert, 1117 Douglas St. EARN ISI wsekly. spar time, writing for newspapers, magasine. p.xp. unnec.; as talis free. Press Syndicate, t St, Louis, Mo. EARN '"I si 'weekly spars time, writing for newspapers, magasines. Kip. unnec,; de tails fres. Prsss S-ndloats, 14 St, Louts, Mo. WANTED Persons to color srt pictures st noms, essy worx; no oxpsrisncs: gooa payj sample free. Wheeler Co.. 117 Madi son, unioago. GIRLS to "work at tlen Biscuit deTApply to timekeeper at factory entrance, 13th and Capitol Ave. RBSTFUL ROOMS AT REASONABLE RATES, POPULAR WELLINGTON INN. With or with out oath. Public showers snd tubs sach floor. Hot and cold water. Circu lating ice watsr. Bl. svator and phono. Dally, weekly and monthly rates, most for monsy, Farnam. at llth. R. D. M Faddan Mgr. if you ars a young married .ooupls and 'looking for a comfortable modern room with a prlvato family. In a pleasant die triot and waiklni dlstanco, phono Har nsy 334ft. 101 S. 14th St., largs front sleeping room, with two bods; sultabls for two or four men; reasonable. Also housekeeping rooms. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOM. till California. In all-modern, privets home; references unchanged.. Walking aistanos. STRICTLY modern, largs front room, prl vats horns: Hansoom park district; also garage references sic hanged. Har, ill! ATTRACTIVE room ; whtts furniture, in modern, private homo, for one or two gen tleman; on uoags car una, web. 1401. iCLBAN, modern rooms; walking distance private noma, wear creignton college. Ddualaa 111ft. jm HARNEfrleiantly furnished room In modern noma with private family walking ailstanca. Douglas, lilt. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. THE BHRINER Now manasement. Han.ey NICE modern room. III; prlvato fam- Uy; home prtv. 1701 Farnam. P. t.tl. NICE rum lined room gentleman only. 401 in private family; Park Ave. FOURTEEN ROOMS, 130 8. X1ST STREET. Walking distance; vapor siem neai, divided In apartments; make rent so ten ant can make monev. See Neville. Ns rillo block. Douglas 3454. 3401 HARNET Front room, walking; dis tance. Phone Douglas Mfcl. . 4 ROOMS partly modern; water paid, 1101 s, 2tn Bt. Harney sgw. ROOM house, modern eicept beat; cement walke and garage; good lot: cheap at 18.300. 4744 S. Hth St. Poue-.aa 3I1 EIGHT rooind, modem, close in. 130 per month. Owner. Msrny Jot MODERN largo front room for one or two. 3404 S. 24th, South IIM. . 1311 PARK AVE.. 7 rooms, modern, brick. Phone Harney 2207 DAVENPORT, nics quiet room in prl- vats family. 4-ROOM housft, modern but heat. 131 3. list (lift. Harnsy I70i. housekeeping Rooms'. NICE clean rooms for light housekeeping with kitchenette; In all modern noma; furnish gas, slsctriolty and heat; on car line. 11.40. Doug. 7B6I. ' 204 SO. 10th: one large room complete for housekeeping; also 3 connecting rooms. Near Farnam Bt. 701 S. lutb; suits of 1 furnished rooms for light housekeeping; steam heat, bath. Phono Douglas 7041 LARGE, cosy, well furnished J -room suites, all conveniences, walking dlstanco, ib-ds. 004 South llth. ' 1 UNFURNISHED housekseplng rooms: steam heat gas and sieetrlelty. JJoug las 3141. FARNAM. lilt Two Slice housekeeping rooms, SiSotrieity, steam, gaa range. 1111 HOWARD, modern housekseplng rms. Board and Rooms. MON AMOUR, new Oat; steam heat; clone to bualneaa district; J suits or rooms; ex cellent board. SIM Douglas. WANT to exchange room and board and commission for com potent dressmaxtng. Permanent. Box S6I0, Bee. SOUTH 38th, 1021 Elegant furnished room for two, with or without board. Btneuy modern. Hsrney 1764. . FINE largs light corner, oast front rooms, suitable lor -t gentlemen, jumooin aiw. 2102 Chicago 8 IN Dundee, front room with alcove; hot water heat; breakfast and dinner, yyil Ml. 131 S. 25th St. Board and room, also table board, 16.00 and up. Poug. stei. 1121 S. llth; I nice rooms with board in private family, on ear lino. Tyior i.ae j. FINKNEY, 1131 Modern room with board for two. Private family, web. t7g. ST E'AM-HEATED, ivory furnished rooms. best of board. Phono Harnsy i.fs. 110 S. S6th Ave.- 14.11 each. Board and room for two Unfurnished Rooms. 1031 LEAVENWORTH. Newly remodeled I -room suits, unfurnisnsa. taraey Rooms Wanted. A BUITW of rooms with private family; ons sultabls or a study, tho othsr for a bed room; or two single rooms that could bo used as bovo by single man who can glvs ths bsst of references. Rooms to be In district bounded by Wool worth on ths north, list St. on ths east, llth st, on wsst and Wright oa south. Rax KB ill. Bee. TOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEH tVAIVT-AU ifoiri. tn. nan o.i all about ths FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE It's ft plan that Is helping many people rent their WANTED J or 4 completely furnished mnd em 11 .Th.t housekaoDlng rooms, or small house. In nice neighborhood. Rea sonable. Box 1141, Bee. WANTED Room .and board for man and wire and i cntiaren; can give gova rv. srences. Phono Doug-. 117. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartment, and Honett, Apartments. "'" "' PAGE APARTMENTS. ,11 R list. l-r. and sleeping porch enuth etpoaure; very fine. Ill, Garage S. Phone H. ill tdoar. ' HARLAN APARTMENT. Sltl-I Sherman Ave., Apt. No. I, I rms., splendid looatlon, on car line. MO. Janitor, Web. 711. A. P. TUKET SON, Phon, Dong. I0. 1I0T-I W. O. W. Bldg. APARTMENTS. Two ,scellent l-room apartments In ons of Omaha's finest apartment houses. West Femem dlatrlct. For leaee now or Octo per 1st . A. P. TUKfiY 4 SON, 187 W. O. W. Bldg. Phon. Douglas 1,3. -R. with built-in bed; 871 Dewey Ave.; new; close In. walking disk Sum., 137; Wlnt., 180. HASTINGS HETDEN. 1114 Har. Ty. 10. WEST FARNAM. Ill North llth St with garage. III. rooms, I baths. Houaet. WILL rent my deslrabls furnished hasted cottage, either furnlehed. Including piano or unturnlshsd; very reasonable to respon sible party. Walnut 1,17, wirftMiNHKn 1-room house to eultable party. Board and room to be furnlehed myeelf and daughters. II and 10. Refer encee exchanged. Phone Webstsr ,14 s.nhriu modern horn, to young coupl. by owner who desires to meae nome wu, the eeme. can walnut ilea perorv. i p. m. Miscellaneous. irltl l..avnworth. l-room flat. ...122.80 till cumlna. l-room flat 1-00 en ft 17th. 7-room. Dart modern.. 31.00 111 8. Slth Ave., l-room oottage.. 87.10 101 a llth Ave., rant reduced to.. 37.10 343 Cetdwell. 7-room mod. cottage 31.80 FIRST TRUST COMPANY, .101 8. llth SL Douglas 1111 FOR RENT HOUSES West. WEST SIDE. Dsndy 5-Room Cottage for Rent $27.50 Per Month. Tula houee located Juat one block : from tho oar llns, la all modern and nicely located In hew, highly Improved reeldenc. dletrloL Thera are thro, nleo largs rooms on tho first floor and two bedrooms and bath on ths second floor. This houss has a full cement basement and an axoallent, furnace. . Telephone about this today. Phone Walnut 181. Call Douglas 3ISI any waek day. , FURNISHED ROOMS, IVOR MEN ONLT. ,01 NORTH 17TH ST. WANTER While cook. Addreaa Tabor Col lege. Tabor. Is. EDUCATIONAL Y.M. C. A. Day and Night Schools DAY COURSE. Bustnsss. Ranking. Salesmanship English. - Shorthand. Typewriting. Civil Ssrvlot. Combined. NIGHT COURSES. Drawing. Arch. Use ban. Electricity, Spelling. Penmanship. Show Card Writing Bookkeeping. Spanish. Jr. Eleetrlolty. Jr. F.rst Aid. Jr. Photograihy. hop Skstchlng. Business Bngllsh. Business Carres pondeneo. Publlo Speaking. Plan Rsading and estimating. Shorthand. Typewriting. Arithmetic Three Ra. Hr, Pirei Aid. Balaamanahla. . Ask for Catalogue. Y. M. C A. SCHOOLS, OMAHA. NEBRASKA. FINK accommodations for two young msn in double rooms at reasonaaie rent. On Hsrney car llns. Phone Harney IM. TWO nicely furnlehed rooms In strictly modern home, near Perk school, sultabls for teachers. Call Harney IS 10. SlHTR of Wuiiekseplng roome," strtutty modern; private both; also one slseping room. 310 N, 30th. DESIRABLE south front room, svsry con venience; privets family; lis psr month. It 11 Dewey Ave, LARGE furnished room, bath In connection, large clothes elosst. electric lighted. Phono Douglas 114. MILLER PARK Lams south room, strictly modern, prl vats family; board If desired. Colfax ItlL 401 8. HTH Large, pleasant front "room, private hums; walking distance, Har ney 4411. 2404 DAVENPORT ST.; south sxposur: room sultabls for two men; private homo. XEVVLY decorated, modern. firnUhed room with kltrhenetre: running water. t per week. 8411 Capitol Ave. TWO bed rooms and sitting room; with or without board. 117 So. llth St. Harnsy 1T04, CH IC AGO 1 1 1 o in largs prlvato homsi south cront room witn aicovs; aiai rem. t . i - NEWLY furnlehed rooms; modern, steam heat. 11. is and up. Tvl N. llth St.. Id floor. ROtWB It per week; also rooms with kitchenettes. Ogden Hotel. Council Blulte, A COUfortablB room 1lor"wtnter"ln closs- In modern home. Phone Hsrney nil. li5rJOR3.f4 Niks airy rooms, 'reasonable to right party. Harnsy ti.S. NICELY furnished sleeping room.' Ill i. list Avs. Tyler 1147 J. N'TcCLY furnTehed rooms with or without beard, uoug. nm. ON'tTTurnrahed roam, also g arm re; 1101 n! ltd St., Web. 11TS. NIC if room la prlvato family; steam heat COTTAGE Close In; I rooms, all modern. hot water heat, just put in a-i condi tion; 115 N. 17th Avs. Rent 136. THh. BYRON RBKD COMPANY, Doug. 317. 111 South 17th St, I ROOMS, hot water heat, 40. O'KBRFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1011 Omsha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 2TH l-ROOM HOUSE And ons acre for rant. Fins for chick ens. W. a Frank, 201 Neville Block. Hot HOWARD Modern. I rooms, oak floors; mstai Btrtppo win a owe, wainut J61T. FOR RENT l-room'-tiouss, Sll modsrnVTlTi Capitol Avs,; only isu. toi. ed js-7. 111! ST. MARY'S AVE., 7 -room modern houss. III. Doug. lis. North. FOR RENT Eight-room, modern houss: bath, toilet both floors; hot water heat south front : one block from car llns naved street: barn tn rear; fruit and shade trees. 4040 Charles St.; writs or phone owner, L. A. Thompson, Walnut 1410. las psr month. FOR RENT Two-room brick housf, 3314 Maole: strictly modern sxoept furnace larxe clothes closet: two lots; will rent to colored people. Call Colfax 1114. Press Hleronymous. FOR R ENT Six -room houss, two lofs, 4471 N. llth SL, city watsr. Ill per month. Call 141. Omaha National Bank Bldg. or phono Douglas 1144. 1 LAROi. ciean rooms and bath; 'modern esoeut host: on tiro upstairs residence newly decorated, llth and Corby, 119. Webstsr till. 4-ROOM B and hall, full 1-story, strictly all modern house, 135. Corner llth and Rug- glee Sta. Tel. Red list. IDEAL Pl.ACK FOR WLNT BR. A l-room cottage, modern except host, Web. i:i6i. 1511 GRANT T. 7-r. ronin., modern, lis T. F. Hall. 413 RamgO Bid. Dsug. .404, FULL two-story,' 7-room houas, all modern. at 1131 Pinkney. l.lt. By owner. 7-RM. BRICK house, modern, bill rior enco blyd. Phone Colfax III. I R. modern, till Chlca-. D. 1141. FOR RENT HOUSES South. Miscellaneous. PAYXE & SLATER CO., ' "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN." HOUSES AND COTTAGES. PARTLY MODERN. gr., 210 8. llth St., bargain 111.60 MODERN EXCEPT HEAT i-r.sm Franklin St., newly dec orated, easy walking distance.,. JO.OO 7.r. 405 S. lHth St.. very clow ln.25:v0 ALL MODERN. .r. S508 Hamilton, 4 bedrooms. south front fine big yard, 'dandy place a...." s-r. 1011 Popplston. newly decor- a ted (- f.r. jHfli Farnam, brick t... 6100 g-r. Ml 8. 40th St., largo yard.. 10.00 l-r. 1541 Harney St., 4 bedrooms and maid's quarters, corner lot. south front, one block to Farnam emn, 45.00 DOUBLE HOUSES AND TERRACES. 7-r. 115 N. I5th St., 4 bedrooms easy walking distance, convenient , 1 to public high school Jind Crelgh ton college " 12 60 g-r. . 104 8. 84 th St.. 4 bedrooms, oast front, selsct West Farnam district 10-r. 112 N. I2d St.. dandy pines to rsnt out furnished rooms .-. ,40,00 FLATS. l-r. 1410t N. 17th St., city wstsr 7.00 Wo havs others. See our complete printed list before renting. PAYNE SLATER CO., "Omaha's Rental Men." ' 1 4 Omaha Nstl. Bldg. FOR RENT. 121 N. 21th St., l-r., modern sxoept heat. 110. 123 N. 30th St., l-r.,' flat, modern except heat. $10. 1114 N. 14th St., l-r., 1st flr., $14.10. itl V, 27th Ave., l-r., ail modern, hot wate heat, 126. 2101 Locust St., E. Omaha. 7-i., port modern, III. THE BYRON REED CO., Douglas 27. Ill S. 17th St. 4011 CUMING, l-r., modern and barn. .$36.00 223 so. 24th St., s-r., part modern.. JZ.60 1411 Harney, l-r... city water 3031 Pinkney, l-r., city water till So. 5th St., 4-r., city watsr... 3116 No. !th St., l-r., well.. 3411 Mia ml a, -r., wall ...$25.00 ... 25.00 ... 27.50 ... 27.60 ... 82.60 ... 82.60 ... 15.00 ... 26.00 .... H0 .... ioN)o HOUSES ALL MODERN. $127 Charles St., 1 rooms 1720 B St.. So. Side, 7 rooms... 20 S. 81st St., I rooms., 816 California. I rooms 110! Park Ave., 8 rooms 1B2I Georgia Avs., 1 rooms... 2220 Burt St., 7 rooms 112 S. Slth Avs., rooms. 8042 Cass St, I rooms..,., tot s. sath St.. ' l rooms HOUSES PARTLY MODERN. 1401 N. 24th St., I rooms ,.$16.00 ISO If. llth St.. I rooms 20.00 FLATS MODERN Bird PARTLY MODERN 1008 Leavenworth, rooms., $i2.6o 1411 . llth St., I rooms 20.00 MODERN APARTMENTS. $12.10, $17.60 601 8. list, I rooms and bath ; Janitor service; flrst-olass apart ment for ths monsy. ' 127.10 and 11.10 Two rooms and bath. Tho Bosworth, 2217 Howard St; walking dlstancs. Best apartments In ths city for the money. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANT. Ty. 1634. 832 Ross Bldg., llth and Famam. 1102 a I2d St.. l-r., all mod. house, $40. 1122 8. Sid St. l-rw sll mod. houss, 36. m 2017 Gracs St., 6-r., part mod. house, 16. ',809 N. S2d St., 4-r. house (for colored), ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., 224 Omsha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug, 722. V DETACHED. . I - - 2011 N. 2d., 7-r., mod $17.50 S197 Davenport, l-r.. all mod., fins looatlon 82.60 ATTACHED. 111 8. 80th St., 7-r. and reception hall, all mod,, very choice $37.50 410 N. 14th, 10-r.. all mod., good rooming houss 36.00 $401 Jones, l-r., all mod., new 86.00 . 472 8. 24th Avs., l-r., mod. new,. 30.00 716 N. 10th, l-r., mod., close-In... 32.00 719 -12 19. 22d., 7-r., each, mod, close-in, cholcs, sach 30,00, 1001-11 N. 21th, 7-r., each, all mod. bargain at. eaeh ,.,.,,.,... 11.00 FLATS. 712 N. 13d, l-r.. all mod.. St. Loula flat ..$26,00 six n. Mtn, i n., mod. ex. bt, 7-r.. reduced to 16.00 Will meks necessary dscoratlons for good tenants. A, F. TUKET tt SON, Phone Doug. 601. 1607-1 W. O. W. Bldg. HOUSES AND COTTAOES MODERN EXCEPT HEAT 4-R IIOlMaple St ....$ 1.00 4-R 1414 Carter Lake Btvd ,. 14.00 6-R 1406 Maple St , 15.00 6-R 1104 Saratoga 20.00 7-R 1701 Seward St ,..$11,60 STRICTLY MODERN, l-R 4111 N. llth St. nearly new).. $27.59 -R Jl7 h. 20th (nearly new bunga low with large garage In rear). .. .81.60 l-R 8841 Charles St., good detached dwelling with garage 21.00 l-R 627 Park Avs., close in 30.00 l-R 401 Park Ave., choice brick dwelling, oloss in 31.00 S-R 1718 Lincoln Blvd., good de tached houss, oboloe residence dis trict 40.00 10-R 1211 Dodge St. 40.00 FLATS. 8001 Dewey Ave., choice brick ...$37.50 26.00 25.00 16.00 ,.H0.OO 26.00 30.00 22.00 86.00 dwelling, close In l-R. fitJI S. 2th St 7-R 1806,S. ilth St. l-R 718 f. 10th St . PORTER SHOTWFLL, 201 8. 17th St. Phone D. -103 1417 Chicago StTTVms., mMrheaV$49 SSI 1 Run St., I rms., eleo. lights..! 1.&0 j. tut, iMattiMon Ave., i rms., mod.. 393B N. 31t St.. 7 rms., mod 209 Spencer St., I rms.. all mod. a 6i! it Kmmett St., 7 rms., all mod 111) No. 20th' St.. I rma. mod.... 2771 N. 2Slh Ave., 6 rms., md. ex. ht. 11.00 1922 Dodge St., 12 rms., all mod.... 46.00 134 8. 24th St., 4 rms.. mod...... ..10.09 22i Leavenworth, 10 rms., mod. ox. heat 20.00 2418ti B. llth St,, mod. ex. heat.... 12.60 402 S. 29th St., I rms., all mod.... 20.00 240S SL Mary's Avs., 14 rma., all md. 10.00 529 8, 24th Ave.. .7 rms.. mod 17.50 I47H B. 30th St., I rms., mod , 26.00 FOR RESPONSIBLE COLORED FAMILY. 714 N. llth Ave.. 4 rms $11.60 .4301 Hf. Charles, I rms., part mod.. 11.50 2428 Franklin, 6 rms., mod. ex. heat 16.60 McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 1601 Dodge St. Douglas 111. H O U SE87" APARTMENTS, FLATS. I16l-r, 4i North 14th Bt, modern except heat. $14.00 l-r., llll Florence Blvd., modern except heat; barn. 131.00 6-r. apt., "The Harold," 27th and Jackson Sts. I35.0O -r. apt., 1802 Farnam St. 136.00 10-r., 219 8. 10th St., modern. $Sft.oo -r 3511 Lafayette Ave,, modem. $41.59 l-r., 2167 Farnam St., modern flat. 146.00 7-r. flat 510 8. llth St., mod ern ; janitor servtcs. $40.00 7-r.. 336 N. 41st St., modern hot water heat. GEORGE A COMPANY. Phone D. 754. 101 City Nat Bank Bldf. 1 ROOMS. IK i 3 N. 17th St., $14. 4 rooms, 3801 South 14th St., 18. 5 rooms, ll 06 Georgia Ave., $12.10. 1 rooms, 3f 5 6 Farnam St., $16. S rooms, 1311 N. 40th St., modem, 30. 7 roome, 2420 Caldwell St. modern, sai. 50. 7 rooms, 1420 Sherwood Ave., modem, sze. 7 rooms, 939 N. 24th St., modern, 128, 9 rooms, 211 Psclflo St., modem, 133.50. . 19 rooms. 3412 esse Bt. modem. 140. 10 rooms, 2616 Psrker 8t, suitable for two rami lies, 927,69.. , BENSON & MYERS CO.. 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 741. RENTAL SNAP , l-R upetatrs, fine flat, modern Sx oept heat, 1131 N. 80th St.. ..113.10 4-R Cottage, In rear of 1331 N. 30th f.lo i-R All modern brick St Louts flat 1801 N. 10th 81 80.00 , H. A. WOLF. Ill Ware Blk. Douglas 1011 134.003011 8. 33d St., 7 rms., mod. l:,.0o 1310 Wright St.. I rma. ear... 37.1 2871 Poppleton Ave., I rma, mod. 181.00 1811 Howard St. I rma. mod. 110.00 ISO Norlh Hat Ave., ! rm., mod a.o.ee jbitt uoago Bt., . rnie., mod. K0.00 4,1, Hod,, ru, , garaae. 4l.0e 8M7 tav.npnrt St.. I rma.. mod. l,.l,00 3813 Lincoln Blvd., I m,., garage. ,,0.00li, s. loth St., I rma., double sarege. , ioe.ee lit m. nth Ave.. 10 rma.; very no . GLOVER & SPAIN. Dougla. MM. ,1,-30 City National IIOl'SKh FOR nCNT. CRK1UH, SONS CO. ill RGB BLDO.. DOUO. IM. FOR RENT HOUSES Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. 140 1301 8. 33d St., t roome. modern. 10 307 N. 33d St., I rooms, modern, 11 708 N. 30th 8t, I roome. modern. 10 130 N. 38th St, I rooms, modern. -14 1 Shelby Court, l-r., mod. ex ht 131 8. 83d St. 31 70, 8. 34th St., l-r., mod. ex. ht 10 3333 Isard St, 3 roome. . " I 3610 N. 31et St., 3 rooms. 18 113 N. 38th St, 4 rooms. PETERS TRL'ST COMPANY. 1,33 Famsm St. Doug. 8,1. CID DCNT Rn.ir.aaa Pr'n'la -I run s ... . " - r -J. y . TWO choice etore buildings for rent In aood location. 3611 r.. n, ai IIS. 3117 N. 30th. 11x10, S1I.80. at 3117 It 84th for keys. LEAVENWORTH, 13.10 13.80 7.80 10.00 1.00 CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY, Douglas 309. 101 Be. Bldg. FOR RENT. 113.10 i-R. flat, 3711 No. 34th. 120.00 l-R., modern, 1807 Lothrop. 823.00 7-R., mod. except furnace, 3103 Miami. 121.00 7 -Jl.. mod, 3701 Woolworth Ave. 30.00 l'-R., modern house, 3030 Lake. J.,.. -7-R., modern, hot water heat 33d and Hamilton. W. H. GATES. 147 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 13,4, Webster 3,81. 3006 N. 30TH Suitable oonfectlonery. dry gooda. etc.. living rma. roar, u. MODERN store, llth St.. near poslofnca, 76. O. P. Stebbtns. FOR RENT. 1 rooms, with sleeping porch and sun room, mantel and grate, hardwood finish, polished floora, tiled bath room and every convenience. Exceptionally fine view; quiet neighborhood 660. 6-room modern brick. IB nlc. condition. Walking distance. 3! J. H. DUMONT & CO., 41,-11 Keellne Bldg. Phone Doug. IIP. EIOHT-ROpM modern brick flat, oak nnlah; SIX blocke from r u. 'lei. uougiaa i-.p. 118.60 l-r. flat, newly decorated, all mod. ern except neai. .... ... ... ... H. A. WOLF, 814 Ware Blk. Doug. 80,3. 1301 8. 30th Ave., 8 rooms, strictly mod ern, 136. 2010 N. llth St., I rooms, strictly mod ern. 30. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1330 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1004. 3811 FARNAM ST., West Farnam district, rental 166. , roome, all modern, in ex cellent condition, first floor finished In osk, 3nd in whtts snamel. THE BYRON REED COMPANT. 113 South 17th SL Douglaa 317. 3433 Franklin St., 13-rma.; all mod., 330.00 1714 Sahler st, 13-rme.; ail mod... zi.ee 1436 Jackeon St, 4-rme.; part mod. 13.00 BIRKETT eY COMPANT. 488 Bee Bldg. l Doug. 113. 7-R., CLOSE-IN, good location, 137.60. FIRST TRUST CO. D. 1161. 301 SOUTH 41ST, modern. 7 rooms, 131. Flat, 3808 Leavenworth, rooma, ,80. JOHN N. FRENZKR. DOUQLAB lit. 803107 N. 10th St.; l-r. and garage. ,d SUI-IV a. lain Are.; e-r. 13 III N. 37th Ave.; 6-r. and bath. . 143323 S. llth St.; 0-r. with bath. 33 134 N. 10th St; l-r. with bath. 8. P. BOSTWICK ft BOK S00 BEE BLDO. FOR him. Ap'U and FUti West SEVERAL desirable 4 -room apartments In Ths Harold, 17th and Jackson Streets, $36 summer and $41.60 in winter; Immedi ate possessslon. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phono D. 754. 108 City Nat') Bk- Bldg. STRATFORD TERRACE), Park Ave., Jackson St; choice l-rm. high class apt, Oct 1; references. C. B. Moser. Walnut 1764. 4.ROOM apt. with sleeping , porch; all modern; beautifully nnisnea; wsst rar nam district; for rsnt October . Harney 1381. THRED rooms and bath, near llll Har- nay. Very deslrabls. Or 1 111. sweet, new Hamilton, u. its. Brass VjERY choice l-room stsam heated apart' JOffN W. BOBBINS, 1103 FARNAM BT. ST. CLAIR, 24th and Harney 8 and 4 -room apartments. Call Harnsy 047. North. 1104 N. 2d., 4-r., flat, stssl range, gas stove, kitchen cabinet water paid.. $11.00 RASP BROS., Douglaa 1161. South. . APARTMENTS . The Lafayette, 17th Ave. and Jackson; apt IS, two rooma and bath; 121 lum msr; 26 winter; four rooms and bath, east exposure, $38.60 summer; $41 winter; if you sre looking for something close In. here's just the thing; no carfare. The Carlyle, s26 8. llth St.; 4 rooms and fine front porch; no carfare; $35 summer; $46 wintsr. The St George. Slst Ave. and Dodge: elegant 4-room apartment, with fine front and rear porches; south exposure; $60 1 garage accommodations. PAYNE & SLATER CO., Ill Omaha Nafl. Bldg. HOME LOVERS Will be delighted with a five-room apartment In the Root; these apartments are particularly netea zor ineir targe, airy rooms; two south bedrooms, nice front porch and private entrances; located at iza ana racinc; west' Bias rare car, price $69. PAYNE & SLATER CO., II, Omaha Nat'L Bldg. .ROOMS and built-in bed; Berkeley, llth Ave. and Jonas. Cloae In. Just com pleted. No. I and I, Ml and 131. No. I, 131 and 114. HABTINOS a HETDEN. 1114 Har. Ty. 60. OEOROIA APTS., 1040 8. tlth St., 6 rooms, 137.60; seat front; walking aiatance, uooi. PETERS TRUST COMPANT, 1883 Farnam SL Douglaa 6,6. Miscellaneous. THE "Sterling," llth and St. Mary1, Ave., two 6-rm. strictly modern. Janitor eerv- lca First Trust Co. ONE Estabrook apartment; 136; modern; coma quickly. O. P. Stebblna. . FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores- 16TH STREET STORE. On the east slds of llth Strset, bstwsen Farnam and Harney. About : : 80, aquars fet. Modsra, up-t.-data front. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler llll. Ross Bldg, llth and Farnam STORES FOR RENT. 10 1007 Amee Ave. lie ,eia i. . i.iu - -- il?07 8. llth St, 10x10 ft; Meant Mat lentil 8. llth St.. lox ft( auant 1111505 Howard St.. 80x10 ft.; steam Desirable apace in Soott Bldg., llth and Howard BIS. ai low rental. nc.onm a ff.UPl W Phone D. 761. 103 City Nat Bank Bldg ' PETERS TRUST COMPANY STORE ROOMS. 703 S. llth St., 10x1, ft, full baaemeat steam heat eleo. light, gsa, water, 160, 111, Harney St., J storae and baaemeat, 33x10, heat, watsr, aieo. nam, gaa. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, llll Fsrnam Bt. Phone Douglas 8,1 STORES TO RENT. 311 So. llth St., Id and 3d floors. 9A floor cafa Rear .f llll and HOI Harney St. Star age epaea. C1TT TRUST COMPANT. ' llth and Harney Sta. Phone Doug. fn. Stores. sV. v! STORE ROOMS. "' One or 1 etorae. modern fronte. re. mented haaement. at 1431-31 8. llth SL Rent very low. H. A. WOLF, 614 Ware Blk. Doug. 8 pn n n ET. , Stors' room, with haaement; sultabls tor grocery. 13 8. 34th St. 30. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO.7 331 Omahs Nat Bk. Bldg. Doug. 733, fliYtaxnnoM. ' 3318 N. 34th, slss 80x63; good rstail location. M6. . A P. TVKEY SON 1607 W. O. W Bldg. Phone Dong. 603. Call !! 1,140, 330. 40. 1713 t?,a at m.pv'b Ave.. FIRST THLBI WMrnrn, 301 8. 13th. Pug. 1151. FOR ' RENT Part of store room at 1114 Farnam: eultable for email una oi ohandlee In connection with cigars and newe. 331 So. 18th Bt. MODERN store; 16th St. ,76. o. p. BteDDIns. near posioflTlcst Offices and Desk Room. DESIRABLE office rooms in ths remodeLd crounse mocx, lis m. i.in st. top.. poetofflce), 110 to (II par month. Conrad Young, 333 Brandela Theater. Doug. 1671. DESIRABLE eludlo location In Wead Bid,., s.y ltn ana f arnam, ana in aiarig. i,w-a 80th and Tarnam: refital roaeoname. r. D. Wead. 310 8. Hth St. Wead Bldg. Miscellaneous. BILLIARD parlor; location llth and How-.. ard; basement Wright uumury. u. ij. FOR RENT Surburban EDOEWOOD PARK GARDEN (Acrss), sis poultry house, well, ear, etc., 37 par mo. until cropa pay balance. 107 Paxtoa Blk. WlNTCn Tfl PFNT vv aT-evav a a cia . a. a f Unfumlihed Houses and Flati. WE HAVE PEOPLE WAITING. Por HOUSES to Rent, for QUICK re sults. List your properties with ARCHER REALTY CO., Douglas 2410. WANTED By reliable party, strictly mod ern 7 or l-room home, in Dundee or Ftsia club district; must havs four bedrooms and near car llns. Phone Harney 1816, WANT TO RENT Unfurnished apart ment of I or 4 rooms, in private family, with board and garage handy. Box 6117, Bee. WANTED to rent by responsible party 6 or 7-room modern nouss, num s years or less, In north or west part Will pay $31. Phone Harney '1987. WANTED Strictly modern four-roomw si;. nartmenL vrounrt floor nrereneo: must" J be Ifi good location. Box 1681. Bee. Furnished Houses and Flats, WANTED Strict ly modern four-room apartment, ground floor preferred; must be in. good location. Box 1610, Bss. MOVING AND STORAGE : FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooma for household goode and pianoa; moving, packing snd shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAOB CO. 103 8. llth St. Douglas 4118. Maggard Van and two men $1.26 per hour. Van and Storage Co. , Moving, packing, storage and shipping-. Phono Doug. 1494. FIDELITY siJ t FREE Phone Douglas 211 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments; also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. Globe Van and Storage Co. Por real moving service try us. Largs $ -horse padded vans. Storage, $1 month, . Satisfaction guaranteed. We move you QUICKER, CHEAPER 'AND SAFER, Phone Tyler 220 or Douglas 4111. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Packing, storage and mov ing. Ill N. llth Bt Phono uouna us. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. , rMfn1 -tretiHr -. ariveri tit ' trAmr fnw movlnf, packing or storage; offlco at Rey-X' , mona rurnirarn vo., iei ana sts How ard St Phone D. 4524. Jf1 PT?Trn Expresa Co. Moving 1307 Famam at . .Douglaa lus. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. NEW -" . WEST FARNAM DISTRICT A new frame and stucco resi dence, strictly modern and up-to-date and ready for occupany this ' week. This homo has tile vestibule . with coat oloset; large living room and dining room with beam oellngs; built-in book cases and beautiful fireplace In living room; butler's : pantry, equipped with cupboard; large kitchen with up-to-date built in kitchen cabinet; rear entry with refrigerator room; rear porch. Sec ond floor has three large bedrooms : with mirror doors, sunroom, linen , closet, tils hath with excellent Ox- , lures. Basement has laundry room with tubs, door drain, toilet, fruit room and ths best hot air furnace connected up with hot water boiler. . This horns Is beautifully finished In oak and has seml-lndlreot lighting ' fixtures and artistic wall decora- . tlons. Price $1,960. Located 806 South 40th St. NORRIS & NORRIS. 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 427, WEST FARNAM BUNGALOW. $4,500.00. This brand new, l-room, bunga low has just been finished. In the very best residence district of Omsha and can be bought at the above prloo on easy terms. Fully decora ted, oak finish downstairs, white enamel up. Classy lighting fixtures, beamed celllnga, built-in bookcases, . buffet, cupboards, etc. Downstairs consists of targe living room, dining ; room with colonnade openings, and bright j airy kitchen a with Icebox room sfid built-in cupboards, and ons bedroom with large closet. Upstairs there are two big bedrooms with tiled bath. Full cement basement under entire house, guaranteed fur . nsce, hot and cold running water, r . built-in coal bin, floor drains, etc. Ths houee faces sast on full sited lot; paved street. JEFF W. BEDFORJ) & SON, 121 Keellne Bldg. Douglas 1391. : SOMETHING SPECIAL. READ IT. We can offer you tho most beautifully arranged and finished bungalow in Omaha on payment of $500 cash and sasy monthly payments; located In new Leavenworth -'Heights addition. This bungslow has sunroom, dandy llvlngroom, colonnade bookcases; exceptionally fins dining room, with built-in buffet; com plete kitchen; another fine bedroom. The woodwork Is selected oak with oak floors throughout; full floored attic; full cement basement; Fox furnace; floor a rain, etc., win oa giad to show yusi aajr nme. OSBORNE REALTY CO, 7Q1-I Dm. Nafl Bsnk Bids hoiixu nir ii ,-room strictly motlt-ni num.; rifles by owner. Ifelt N. 4Isi. turn t Is tl to . linn!.