Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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All Boads Lift , Embargo and
; , Business is Put on . a
Normal Basis.
. , - ,. at ;
All fun of a strike being inaugur
ated by the trainmen next Monday
morning have vanished. Acting on
the assumption that the bill passed
" by the house and then in the senate
. woulds be passed by that body and
signed by President Wilson, and that
the strike order will be recalled, the
local roads have all raised the freight
embargoes and trains are' again mov
ing as usual. All classifications of
' freight are being handled in and out
of Omaha, and by the first of next
week it is predicted that business will
be back at normal
The Burlington waa the first to raise
the embargo, the order having gone
out Friday night, almost immediately
after the bill had passed the house.
A short time later the Northwestern
I issued its orders, and. yesterday at
, the opening of business, the Milwau
i ketv Illinois - Central, .Wabash - and
j Missouri; Pacific, came along . with
, ) theirs. 'X" ': - ' y
Conference at Union Pacific. .
i The .Union; Pacific held off until,
j nearly noon before it came across
V with . its order , lifting the embargo.
f Conferences were held between the
! executive, legal, operating and traffic
' repayments all morning, but just
' what turn the discussions took, was
; not given out Upon the adjournment
vof the conference, word was passed
out that there had been ordered a
'complete lifting of the embargo and
' that traffic had been ordered re
. aumed ovfcr; the entire system.
While a3eroad officials do not OUt-
lint the policy that is to be pursued,
' they express the opinion that the pas
sage of the bill by the senate
will afford only a temporary relief of
the present situation. They admit
that a test case will be brought in
federal court to determine the legality
' of the measure and that if it should
be adjudged faulty, the strike situa
tion will have to be gone through
.with again.
. Class Legislation..
. Vo to this time none of the rail
roa lawyers will express opinions as
to iust where the law is faulty and
weak; they assert that it is class leg
islation in this -respect, that it fixes
the hours of labor for one class of
enmloves and urnoret nil oners.
Around the freight yards and houses
everything had the appearances of a
Sunday.' The men were there, but
there was nothing for' them to do.
Anticipating the possibility of a ftrlke,
Friday and Friday night, the railroads
rushed.' toward destination all . the
iraa-hf that had ' accumulated and
there was none being received.' As
a result, for the first time in years,
the floor of, the ireigh.iiouse were
Cleared. " ,:. . " t,f ,1
- In the yard there were tne fewest
freight cars in years. " Anticipating
that in the event of a strike some of
the more, radical might conclude io
interfere '-with or' damage property;
practically all the empty cart Friday
afternoon and night were made, up
into traina and hauled out to -the
country townt and distributed along
the tidings. This applied, with refer
ence to the yards in Omaha, South
Omaha and-Council Bluffs.,
i Omaha Prepared.
Had1 the strike gone on it is as
serted that Omaha could not have
been- better prepared for a siege than
right now. It is said fhtt. some weeks
ago jobbers and others who handle
long lines of commodities-took time
by. the forelock and began to work
along a line of preparedness. . They
fought heavily and most of the pur
chases were stored prior to Friday,
At a result, while shipments to coun
try towns were enormous all during
the week. ' Warehouse here in the
city are still filled to overflowing. ..
The coal situation was not bad.
Generally there was a good stock of
all kinds of coal on- hand, with the
bit of a large number of the con
sumers filled. The railroad! during
the week rushed In coat at fait at
-they could get it from the mines, the
Missouria Pacific, alone having
brought in 114 carloads from the Kan
aat and Missouri mines Friday.
-Burlington officials figure that with
the strike practically out of the way
the crowds going to .the state fair at
Lincoln will be up to expectations.
Going on this theory, beginning next
Tuesday and continuing during the
week, besides the regulars, they will
daily operate thirty-nine special trains
- into Lincoln and from out In the state.
' Many Strikebreakers Here.
Alt of the Omaha roads, with the
possible exception of the Rock Island
and the Missouri Pacific now that
strike prospects nave - faded away,
What :Is a Visiting Nurse?
Familiar as the appearance of the Visiting Nurse has become about
the streets of Omaha, the question: "What is a Visiting Nurse?" is con
stantly asked. ... .
A Visiting Nurse is a graduate Registered Nurse, employed by the
Visiting Nurse association, to give to the poor and those of moderate
means the best home nursing possible, always under the direction of a
physician. They respond to all calls irrespective of color, race or creed.
As this age is fast becoming an age of prevention, the Visiting Nurse
finds that her greates twork lies along the line of prevention, i. e., to
teach "how" and "why." She teaches patiently and untiringly the law
of sanitation and hygiene, together with her nursing care. Every visit
in the home is one of demonstration and instruction, as some one in the
home must be taught how to care for hte patient during the nurse's
absence, or until she makes her next call. '
The Visiting Nurse, in her blue uniform, represents a staff of skilled
public health nurses, co-operating with every charitable organization in
the city and every state institution. They represent the very highest
type of womanhood, and their willingness and kindness, together with
their skilled work, hat won them thousands of friends among the poor
of Omaha.
find themselves with
men on their hands.
For several days the Omaha roads
have been hiring and bringing in large
numbers of engine and other classes
of railroad men, Had the strike oc
curred, they were to have reported
for duty Monday morning for assign
ment to their positions. To the rail
road officials they were designated as
trainmen, but to the public.they were
known as strikebreakers. It is esti
mated that there are at1 this time
something like 1,000 of these men in
the icity, quartered around at the
cheaper hotels and boarding houses.
. from whence came
strikebreakers, ho. one knows aside
from the railroad officials, but it ia
asserted that the majority of them
came from Chicago and farther east
During one day this week, 200. of
them arrived on trains from Chicago.
With the possibility of a strike out
of the way, the men brought in to
act as, strikebreakers will remain in
the city until after Monday and then
they will be sent back to points from
which they came. -The
raising of the 'embargo on
freight, automatically raised the em
bargo on passenger business, and now.
on all ot the lines, ticket purcnasers
are routed to such destinations as
they desire and without their tickets
reading, "subject to delay," as they
have read ever since early in the
week. .
(CaaUawMl from fit Om.)
ference with the operations of trains
a misdemeanor, - -
The enactment into law of enough
of President Wilson's program to
prevent the railway strike Seemed as
sured when the senate reassembled at
10 o'clock with a program which calls
for a vote not later than 6 o'clock this
evening. It was the belief of ad
ministration leaders that the. Adamson
bill at, it patted the house late yesterday,-
approved by President Wilson
and formally accepted by the labor
Iar1ra 'as meetinff their -demand.
would, eventually -be accepted by the
senate1, thus obviating delay in con
ference to reconcile ,diff5fn ith
the house.
;,As.foon,s the. perfected bill filially
ii passed, ' a special messenger' will
mt j it to - the summer White House
at Shadow Lawn, to the president
may sign-it'at once and end the. men
ace ot a general paralysis or tne
country's transportation lines at 7
o'clock Mondav morning;.
. The first amendment proposed to
day came from Senator Shafroth.
democrat, lie proposed to fix Sen
ator Underwood's amendment em
powering the Interstate Commerce
commission to make wage schedules
so that no employe would te com
pelled to work for the - rate pre
scribed, y'.-- ' - -
! Senator 'Hare-wick, democrat,' de
claring congrest was being held up
by the railroad employes, spoke for
the adoption1 J of the Underwood
amendment! - i-,!' '
"We will not measure up to what
is required of us," he said, "unless we
not only bridge over thil crisis but
also provide that there never can arise
again in tun country an opportunity
for any man or let of Men, railroad
managers or workeri to seize thit
government by the throat at it now
eing done." .
Senator Thomas also proposed an
amendment to make it a, misdemeanor
for any person to delay or obstruct
the operation of trains, punishable
by a fine of not more than (500 or
imprisonment for not more than one
year or both.
. Petty Political Bargain.
Senator Sherman, republican. as
sailed the efforts of the brotherhoods
and of other labor organizations to
prevent a compulsory arbitration law.
"It ia the senate that ia to be put
under involuntary servitude," said be.
"1 have been tougnt to be put unaer
involuntary servitude. If legislation
has fallen to so low a degree, if we
are ready so servilely to abandon our
lot of extra I duty, then American politics have
reached the point where the tew and
not the many govern."
Senator Sherman charged President
Wilson with making "a petty politi
cal" bargain on the eve of election.
Senators McCumber and Brande-
tee. republicans, botn opposed tne
pending bill.
senator Hinting of Wisconsin in
sisted that congress should do tome-
thing to avert the country'! being con
fronted wtth,the lame crisis again as
soon as the proposed investigating
committee has made its report.
Senator Stirling of South Dakota
oooosed the bill, declaring he would
not submit to congress being "dra
gooned." The pending legislation he
characterized at "a price of perfidious
wnen tne nouse convened, demo
cratic leaders had arransred a pro
gram to insure final disposition of the
eight-hour railroad bill by tonight, if
the senate acts. i
"We are first tsking up some pri
vate bills, and will then recest until
we get the eight-hour bill back trom
the senate," said Democratic Leader
Newlandt Offer Amendment.
Senator - Newlandi offered an
amendment to make it a misdemean
or for any person to interfere with
the operation of trains, punishable
by a fine not to exceed S100 or im
prisonment not to exceed six months
or both. This, he said, followed ex
actly existing laws relating to inter
fering with transportation ot tne
mails. - 4 '.-:
Senator Weeks laid the brother
hood men had put congress in the
position of "stand and deliver." He
said he believed that a majority of
the trainmen do not want a strike,
and that if it were called it would last
but a few days.
"If congress accedes to this de
mand," he added, "it is in an end tem
porarily, at least, to representative
Senator Reed denied congress was
showing - cowardice in passing the
measure. . He said the bill was de
signed to meet an emergency; that the
brotherhood leaden - were not at
tempting to force congreai to legis
late, and that there were many sena
tors opposing the bill, who would not
date vote against it unless they felt
sure it would have -enough votes to
pass without theirs. , , ,
Humbug, Say Kenyon.'
"I find myself iri tne position where
I .cannot support the, hill." said Sen
Tor Kenyon of low. "I think the
Underwood - amendment would de
stroy union labor and I do not be
lieve it should be dettroyed.
"I am oppoted to this bill because
it- it a humbug," laid Senator Ken
yon. -'The men will find themselves
after nine months just where they
were before with a strike on their
hands. Furthermore I am opposed
to the bill because congress is abdi
cating its right to. reasonable judg
ment and mediation.
Deaconess Institute to
Celebrate Anniversary
. . The Immanuel Deaconess institute
Thirty-fourth and Meredith avenues,
wilt celebrate its twenty-fifth anni
versary with a program starting to
day and continuing until Tuesday eve
The program for the three days is
as follows: '
. . iundat.
11:16 A. M. Communion morning sarv
Iom In ahapol,
r. a. Memorial aeaoonsss nwinor.
German Veterans Are
In Session at Lincoln
Between 130 and 200 members of
the . Deutsche Kriegerbund society
of Omaha will be in Lincoln today
and tomorrow for the annual conven
tion of the western division of the
order, which includes representatives
from Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas and
, Omaha is the mist important cen
ter oil the German veterans in this dis
trict . Ernest Koenis: and George
Hoffman, Omaha men, are president
and vicebresident, respectively, of the
order. The convention, which Started
yesterday, will be in tetsion most of
today. ' - .
Several umana memoers nau in
tended to make the trip to Lincoln
In otitnmnhiltii. hut on account of the
muddy condition of the roads most of
them nave aoanoonea me iuca nu
will go by train.
Hibernians to Hold
"Convention Today
The state convention of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians will be in ses
sion this afternoon and evening in the
ratskeller of the Henshaw hotel.
Delegates representing six county
organizations in Nebraska will be
here. Following the business meet-ino-
there will be a banauet. with ad
dresses, by John .Rush, M. A. Shine
nf Plattamnuth. state oresident: Mrs.
Mary Rafferty, president of the ladies'
auxiliaryand John Keane, president
of the Douglas county lodge.
P. C. Hraffv. chairman of the com
mittee on arrangements, expects that
about thirty-five delegates will attend
the meeting and that at least as many
more will be at the banquet in the
evening, ,
Congressman Stephens
Returns to Washington
(from a Staff Comaponeont)
Washington, Sept "2. (Special
Telegram.) Congressman Sloan wat
paired with Representative uan ate
nhens of the Third district of Ne
braska on yesterday't vote' on the
eisht-hour basis day for railway em
ployes. Members of the four brother-
nooas , were aurpriscu iu - s w .
Steohens aDoear on the floor of the
house thit morning. Mr. Stephens
had endeavored to reach Washington
in time to vote on the emergency
railway legislation, but was doomed
to defeat. He will remain here until
adjournment ' - -
Mr. Sloan, pairing with his fellow
Nebraskan, said today he would have
voted against the bill if he had been
permitted. He characterized tne posi
tion taken by President Wilson on
the threatened strike at the greatest
bluff that had ever been put over on
an American congress.
"In my opinion," laid Mr. Sloan,
"Wilton has finished himself with his
nwn nile driver."
. Representative ' Reavis, believing
that congress will adjourn next week
and no legislation ot any great move
ment is nendins. feels that he can
with entire propriety leave tor rant
City on Monday. He will arrange for
a pair with Mr. Lobeck on all party
matters, .
Automobile Industry ,' ;:; 'J.
Takes a Big Impetus
.: (From a ta Correspondent,
T.inrnln. Sent. 2. I Special. ) Ne
braska's bumper wheat crop and the
bright prospects for a heavy yield of
corn added an impetus to the automo
bile business during the montn ot
August, as is shown by the records in
the office of Secretary, of State Pool.
During August 6,460 automobile it
censes were issued and 159 motorcy
cles were licensed.
A total1 of 93,306 automobile num
bers have been issued during 1916, but
447 of these plates were given out to
replace lost numbers, and after, de
ducting the lost numbers from the
total issued, the secretary finds that
there were 92.859 automobiles m. op
eration in .the state on August ,31.
This shows a gain of 33,919 over the
entire .year of 1915. '.
The total number of motorcycles
registered up to August 31 was 3,558.
The cost of operating the automobile
department for-the month of August
wat $1,226,69. ,
1 P. M. gUwHasni Ib ImmkBBil Lulhwimn
efcuroa, Ntiwtismth an Cut ictmu.
' IfONDAT. ' ' V
P. M. ' tttPBtf ttrnd In tnothtrhoQM.
I P. M. OoumkUo. of. dacoDMM In
oupiL ,
TtnBIDAT. -t
il A. M. Abiu1 mMtlnt ot fcotrd
it roc tors.
I P. M, Thnnkiftvlni . and srayor In
Brotherhood Leaders Prepare
To Notify Men When Eight
Hour law is Passed. , .
If we should receive word from
headquarters to cancel the strike or
der," said , Charles Bogue, general
chairman of the Brotherhood of Rail
way Trainmen of the Union racinc,
"we can atay up all night if necessary
sending out wires to all the men on
the road to call the strike off.
'Yes. we are in good shape to han
dle that situation, if they give us any
kind of a show at all. Of course, we
will not do a thintr until we get or
ders from headquarters of the broth
erhoods. But we have things in sucn
ahaoe that we can reach the men,
although it will probably mean work
ing all night to do it.
"Judging from newspaper reports
this morning, the - situation looks
rather favorable for averting a
strike." observed D. W. Smith, gen
eral chairman of the' Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen and Engineers
of the Union Pacific lines.
"From the published , reports it
seems likely that the senate will pass
the eight-hour law some -time today.
"Yea. I should like to see it settled,
for no one would hate to tee a strike
any more than I, although I say
now,, as I have said before, that I do
not fear a strike so far as the con
tentions of the men are concerned.
Their contentions are just.
"I note that a number of the rail
roads have lifted the embargo, which
would seem to indicate that they feel
fairly confident that the matter will
be settled without a strike."
Mr. Smith would not comment on
the constitutionality of the Adamson
eight-hour bill, nor would he express
an -opinion as to whethei the rail
roads would be likely to carry it to
the supreme court. "Anything I
could say on that would be merely a
personal opinion," he said, "and I
cannot apeak for what the railroads
would do in tne matter.
(Coatlaa frm Fat Oaa.)
of tho morabofohlp of tho ordor on tho
Union Pacific voted In favor of tho strike.
Tho total membership la 606; total vote
la favor of "itrlke waa -361 ; total vote
afainat etrlko was 112; per cent of total
membership voUng In favor of strike was
71.01; per cent or those, actually voting in
favor of strike was 76.63.
Tho petition- of plalntlir la without
CQUitjr. It shows no Irreparable injury
t threatened to tne piaintiR. it tno struts
Illegally called all ths plslntlR has to
A-o Is to keep on- working for the Union.
Psclflo and thus ho -will preserve his posi
tion and rights with tho railroad. The
Order of Railway Conductora would have
no riant to e.pel him for refusal to obey
an lllegar- -order.- Therefore, tho pla ntilf
, In no danger at this time from cither
ths railroad or tho order.
It Is contrary to the public policy of tho
United States aa expressed la tho Clayton
scl for a court to Interfere by Injunction
to prevent strikes or to attempt to regu
late the Internal affairs of labor unions
The plaintiff -aa an adequate remedy In
ids the order for any alleged complain
Sa may ha,a regarding ths legality of In.
IjtrHie order. -., j'':-? .'." ".' ? ,.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
y '
attempts to secure "snap judgment"
and the request for a delay until
Tuesday, the day after the date set
for the calling of the strike, brought
about a compromise on a delay of
five hours in. which to consider the
attacks of attorneyi for the brothers
hood. : i
"If the brotherhood shows that
our allegation that two-thirds of the
members on the Union Pacific voted
against the strike is incorrect,' then
we have no case and are willing to
quit" said Judge Sullivan. It we
have been misled in our information
we- will start an investigation. As
far as I know our information came
from reliable sources."
Points emohasized by 'Jeffens- and
Tunison in attacking the application
of Conductor Hamilton follow:-
The allegations of Conductor Hamilton's
petition are untrue la that aver two-thirds
i Die Faslnon Center offiie HiddleWei r
' CsfablisKed 1886.
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$5A 53.C3 ind $10.C3
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14th and Farnam St.
1324 Farnam St ,
Phone Douglas 2872.
NOTICE Out-of-towa natrons
can f at Platas, Crowns, BritlgM
and Fillinga Completes! in One
' Examine
No Studaata.
The House of Menagh
Fashion Show ,
v With
Mr. Ora Cne ;
fa Lecture
Brandeis Theatre .
Sept. 6th and 7th j
Afttrnoom and Ettning ' ,. Y
There are a few tickets left for our
friends. Get theni Monday, no charge v
To our friends who cannot attend the .
afternoon matinee, we are extending our
showing to both evenings.
We have arranged with Mr. Ora Cne,
the well known style critic,, to deliver a
lecture at each showing. .
Ce Your Tiekttt at our itort, 1113 FARNAM ST.
Fashionable Apparel not merely
"new," for any store can show new
things we mean a different kind of.
newness, Here you will find the same. .
smart fashions that are shown in the ,
best Fifth Avenue shops of the metropo
lis. Our personal representative, Mr.
Robert Nicoll, selects each one individ
ually, and the styles, while conforming
to the generally accepted features of
fashion, are distinctive and exclusive, n
t Suit, Coats, Drettes, . '
v - Skirts, Blouses. v ,, . .
And they cost no more
than the most common
; j place kind. ' ; .
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No seat watted In basement or parti
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No tutting of -Jails or weakening ot
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A eating is tint cost because ot no
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No pipes to clutter your basement
A natural circulation that placet the
heat where you need it -
The Pipe Furnace
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331-8 heat wasted la basement and par
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Walls and floors cut to accommodate
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. Expensive Installation and extra cost of
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Tour basement filled with pipes that
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A forced circulation, leaving some
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Thousands in use in Nebraska and Iowa. Come in and see this furnace or
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'j Sold Under an Absolute Guarantee Terms If You Wish, v
This Is the Original Vacuum Furnace
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. Sold in Omaha and Suburbs Only by f$m-
Orchard Go.
N. B Out-of-town dealeri can lecnra agencies in unallotted territories by writing -to E.
B. Morrill ft Co, sols mannfaeturers, Fifteenth and Tarnam streets, Omaha. . ,