Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 18

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    4 C
Keel of Super-Warship Call
fornl Will Be Laid at Mar
Ii'and This Month.
! r
s -
f '
Sao Frani ;iaco, Sept. 2. Besides be
ing an elect-fell marvel, the new su
per-dreadnaught California, which ii
to have iti keel laid probably tome
lime thii month at Mare island navy
yard, will be as near impregnable to
mine and torpedo attackt as it is poi
sible to make a modern warship. The
r armor and other protection against
- these weapons have been worked out
' in the greatest detail and embody
many novel features that are the re
sult -of careful study of naval engage
ments in the present European war.
When 'the contract for battleship
Ao, 44 was awarded to the Mare isl
and navy yard the name "California"
already hid been given to battleship
Xo. 40, under construction at the New
York navy yard. Inasmuch as No.
44 was to be the largest warship to
be built on the Pacific coast, the Navy
department directed that the name of
the one to be built at Mare island
should be changed to California and
Lhe one building in New York should
be named the ew Mexico.
For some time before the plans for
the California were made the Navy
department experts satisfied them
selves by exhaustive tests that ves
sets of the proposed construction
could not be sunk either by striking
a mine or torpedo attack, it is un
derstood that the construction of the
bulkheads by an improved method
is mainly relied unon , to make the
vessel impervious to torpedo and
mine destruction. They are to be
steel, but will not be rigid, at is the
case in other ships. Also resistance
has been increased 25 to 30 per cent.
- . Main Engines Electric.
The main engines will be electric,
the electric generators Being anven
by steam turbines of 28,000 horsepqw-
er, tne sieam supplies nr oil Burning
water tube boilers. Not only the
type of machinery installation, but its
arrangement is said to be entirely
different from any ever adopted for
any previous warship.
It will be-fitted with two cage
mast' bearing fire control platforms
for controlling the tire at tne guns,
similar to the familiar type designed
by American constructors and now
fitted on all battleships ot tne united
States navy. Another feature of its
appearance that immediately attracts
attention is the clipper type of bow,
instead of the conventional ram.
The use of electricity throughout
the vessel will be most extended. In
addition to the main propelling en
gines of the ship, the handling of the
ammunition and firing of the guns
will be done by electricity, boats will
be hoisted in and out, anchors raised,
the vessel steered and ventilating
blowers operated by electricity.
Other minor machines driven by
electricity will be potato, peeling,
which is performed in a separate com
partment, the machine having ca
pacity of 1,000 pounds per hour; ice
cream freezing, complete laundry in
stallation, printing machinery, food
and meat grinder, kitchen and cake
machine' of sixty-quart capacity,
dough mixer of two barrels per hour
and a dish-washing machine that will
handle 1,000 dishes per hour. ,
Characteristics of Ship. ; ; P'
The principal characteristics of the
California are as follows:
Length, over all, S24 feet.
Breadth, ninety-eta feet.
Depth, forty-seven feet, two Inches. . i
Mean draft, thirty feet, three Inchee,1-
Dlaplacemant let thii draft), I!, 300 torn.
Hpaeai twenty-one knots ttwelve flours). .
Fuel oil capacity (normal. 1,100 tone. '
Twelve fourteen-lnea Bfty-eallber, breech-'
loading rlflee. i
Poor eubmerved torpado tubes. 1
Twenty-two rive-Inch rapid flra tuna,
Pour slit-pounder anna tor saluting,
Two one-pounder gone for boats.
Pour three-inch anti-aircraft guns, v
One three-inch landing gun.
Two thirty-caliber machine gun. ' I
The fourteen-inch main battery
guns are of an exceptionally powerful
type, and will be mounted in threes,
in four center-line, heavily armored
turrets. '
The complement of the vessel is
fifty-eight officers and 1,022 men.
Every convenience, necessary for the
health and comfont of officers and
crew has been carefully thought out
in this ship. . r -
The name California previously was
borne by an armed cruiser of the Pa
cific fleet, rechrtstened the San Diego
when her former name was assigned
to the new battleship. The San Diego
now is the flagship of the Pacific fleet
It is probable the California, when
placed in commission, will take her
place, .
Church Peace Union Makes,
Progress with New Movement
t orrtspondance OE The Aaaoeiated frees.)
London, Aug. 15. The alliance for
promoting international friendships
through the churches, whiclr had its
conception in the minds of some of
the members of the Church Peace
union, is making slow but steady pro
gress in the work of setting up its
machinery. The countries thus far
included in its membership now num
ber nine; viz.. Great Britain, Italy,
France. Switzerland, Holland, Jor
Miy, Sweden, Denmark and the
United Slates.
Owing to the extremely delicate na
ture of the work of organization
tmid the jealousies and hatreds en
gendered between some of the Con
i mental nations by the war, none of
the officials in the work can be quoted
for fear of discounting his effective
ness in passing from one belligerent
country to another. It may be stated
authoritatively, however, that the pro
gram of the alliance as indicated in
the resolutions carried unanimously
by the delegates at Constance, Ger
many, meeting August 1 and 2, 1914,
on the eve of the war, is being closely
adhered to, despite the many obsta
cles encountered.
These resolutions affirmed that "in
asmuch as the work of conciliation
and promotion of amity is essentially
a Christian task, it is expedient that
the churches in all lands should use
their influence with the peoples, par
liaments and governments of the
world to bring about good and friend
ly relations between the nations, so
that, along the path of peaceful civil
ization, they may reach that goodwill
which Christianity has taught man
kind to aspire after."
Samuel Gompers Reviews Progress
Made by Labor Daring the Year
Greater Progresi Made in the
. Securing Shorter Work Say
Than Zver Made Before.
Washington, Sept. 2. Samuel
Gompers, president of the American
Federation of Labor, made Dublic
tonight a statement on "Labor's
Achievements and Issues" for 1916,
in which he characterized the past
year as a remarkable one in the
progress w m- labor movement, eS'
pecially- b fhe shortening of the
working day and in general labor
legislation, l he statement, in full.
is as follows:
Labor day, 1916. brims to the
workers of America the right to
cheer and confidence in the trade
union movement. There have been
tests and crises that have Droved its
fundamental principles; there have
been opportunities that have tested
its practical efficiency. Through them
all the trade union movement has
made sure progress and sained in
confident vision for the future.
Every national and international,
every local union affiliated to the
American Federation of Labor has
made definite progress in securing
for its members greater advantages
in those things which are fundamen
tal of betterment in all relations of
life. In some organizations the suc
cess has been phenomenal.
"Taking the labor movement as a
whole, there .has been greater prog
ress in securing the eight-hour day
or the shorter work day than in any
other similar period of time. The
meaning of these victories can be in
terpreted only In the light of full un
derstanding of the meaning of the
eight-hour day. The shorter work
day - is something more than an
economic demand. It Is demand
for opportunity, for rest, recuper
ation, and development; things which
make lite more than mechanical
drudgery. '
Short Hour Workers Best Paid.
"The workers whose whole periods
are short are essentially different
from those who are so worn by toil
that they have neither energy nor
mind for .other things in lifei They
become more energetic, more re
sourceful workers, with keener men
tality and greater producing! oower.
It inevitably follows that the short-
hour workers are the best oaid
workers. With every reduction in
hours there is always a correspond'
ina increase in wages. Wherever
demands for the shorter workday and
higher wages have been presented
and urged by organized workers dur
ing the past year, they have met with
success. These economic gains have
a potent relation, to the social side of
life. ' :.
"Shortening the period of work
lengthens the period of development
and for all of the other activities that
belong to the normal individual. In
creases in wages give the workers the
means for taking advantage of the
increased opportunities of the shorter
workday. The workers of short
hours and better wages become very
different citizens from those who are
so exhausted by the daily grind that
they have neither the time nor the
energy for thought nor aspiration.
These gains mean better homes, bet
ter . food, better clothing, time and
opportunity for the cultivation of the
best and the highest that is possible
in the life of man. ,
."Economic achievements are the
basis upon which the workers can
secure social and political progress.
The power which secures these
achievements is the power that will
secure justice for them in every other
relation. Shorter hours and higher
wages give the opportunity and the
means to live better and more pur
poseful lives.
Power through economic organi
zation means political power. There
must be an economic basis in order
to give political activity reasons for
existence and a program.1 By organ
izing its economic power to .secure
political protection and by adnering
strictly to a non-partisan political
program, the American Federation of
Labor has yon glorious legislative
victories. ''.-. ,v
Organization Meant Opportunity.
"The object of legislation which or
ganized labor has sought to obtain
is .always to establish larger and bet
ter opportunities for life and freedom.
Organized labor : does not seek
through legislation to do things for
the workers that they can do for
themselves. It only seeks to estab
lish for (them opportunities. This
principle applis to workers in pri
vate industry. In the case of workers
in governmental employment, where
the government is the employer and
conditions of employment can be
fixed only by legislation, then the or
ganized labor movement seeks to, do
something more than merely estab
lish opportunity. It must secure
legislation regulating conditions of
employment. , . ., 1 : .
lhe record of the legislative
achievements of, the labor movement
since 1W6, when the non-partisan po
litical party was inaugurated, ia one
of splendid victories. .The two most
important are the seamen's act and
the labor sections of the Clayton
anti-trust law. The greatest thing in
both of these acts is the advance
ment of human freedom.
The problem of human freedom
was not ended by the work of Lin
coln. There still remained a class
bound to involuntary servitude, the
seamen. The ' seamen's act brings
freedom to these workers. It makes
American soil sacred to freedom, a
country upon which a bondman may
not step without losing his legal fetters.-
treed and give-man opportunity
to protect themselves, the seamen are
pressing their demands for higher
wages and better conditions.. Section
(r of the Clayton anti-trust act con
tains the most advanced concept of
freedom:' 'The' labor of a human be
ing is not a commodity or article of
j Labor Power hot Commodity.
"According to the. old-time ohilos-
ophy, political economy, and legal
thought, labor nor was a com.
modity and an article of commerce in
no way different from coal, potatoes
and iron. Under this concept the most
recent attempts have been made to
hold workers in oppression and un
der the domination of employers, but
tne power to produce commodities
is something different from the com
modities themselves. It is personal,
human, a part of life itself. Under
W- :si
-"Vic V" 9
the concept that labor was a commod
itv. and therefore orooertv. employ
ers have tried to repress efforts of
workers for progress and for larger
liberty by punishing these efforts un
der anti-trust legislation and by at
tempting to restrain them through
the injunctive process. It was to pro
tect the workers against these abuses
and to establish recognition of the
concept that the workers and all of
their attributes were human, that the
labor sections of the Clayton act were
enacted. In addition to these big
achievements . many other important
humanitarian laws have been enacted
by congress, increasing in number
with every session of congress since
the. titty-ninth session.
What , "
Women Are
Doing in the World
(Prize Story.)
Goes on Farm.
By Leona Walters, Aged 11 Years.
' Albion, Neb, Blue Side,
i I hive not written for a long time.
lo I thought I would write and tell
you where I am. I am at Albion,
weo.1, visiting my aunt. They live on
a farm. When I came I was sick for
three days. I had eaten too much
candy. I am having a very nice time
and the air is much fresher than in
town, the grass much greener. I
get the cows every night, feed the
hogs, horses and chickens and ducks;
four little ducks died; one died day
before yesterday, and three died yes
terday. . I think the pigs killed them.
It ia threshing time out here. I
just got through cutting out a whole
lot of paper dolls. They are all busy
cooking out in the kitchen, so I came
in here, sat down and began writing
to the Busy Bee page. '
My uncle just came in with a load
of wheat The three days I was sick
1 made my doll a lot of clothes and
today I washed them all. I am hav
ing a very nice time out here. Well,
must close with "love to all the
Busy Bees.
llits is a true story.
The West Side Woman'a Christian
Temoerance union will hold its regu
lar meeting Thursday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Frank Cockayne,
470J Mason street.
The regular luncheon and meeting
of the Business Women s council
will he beld Tuesday from 11. to 2
o clock in the court house.- ine
women of the Hirst Memorial church
will serve luncheon.
U. S. Grant Woman's Relief Corps
will hold its regular meeting Tues
day at 2:30 o clock in Memorial hall
at the court house. ,'
A regular meeting of General H.
W. Lawton auxiliary to Camp . Lee
Forby, Unite Spanish War Veterans,
will be held at Memorial hall Wednes
day afternoon. " '
Annointments of superintendents
for the Omaha Women's Christian
Temoerance union are announced as
follows: .
Evangelistic work. Mrs. F. A.
High; temperance and missions, Mrs.
1, r. ieavili; parliamentary snu leg
islation, Mrs. Alice Minick; 1 Loyal
Temoerance legion. Mrs. J. Lane;
mothers' meetings, Mrs. F. Hartnett;
mercy and relief, Mesdames Sarah
Powell, MrsL. Prather, F. Gallup, I.
Stegner, t. tdling; medal con
tests, Mesdames Edith bhinrock, U
Lane, Belle Wilcox and Miss Blanche
Young; jail and prisons, Mrs. U. H.
Ahlquist; medical temperance. Dr.
Jennie Laird:, scientific' instructions,
Mrs. W. T. Graham; purity and art,
Mrs. E. R. Hume; press, Dr. Jennie
Callfas; domestic science, Mrs. J. J.
McClair; Christian citizenship, Mrs.
C. Nite; Bible in public schools, Mrs.
Edward Johnson; Young People'
branch, Mrs. C. L. Smith; social
meetings and red letter days. Mrs.
David Linn; Union Signal collector,
Miss Grace Failing: foreign people,
Miss Nellie Magee' soldiers and sail
ors. Mrs. Cora Hoffman: franchise,
Mrs. Paul Brady; Sabbath observ
ance. Mrs.. J. A. Bryans; Sabbath
school work, Mrs. Belle Seymour;
flower mission, Mrs. H. Tunnison;
juvenile court, Mrs. W. H. Mick;
peace and arbitration, Mrs. H. C
Sumnev, and literature, Mrs. G. W.
West'Ambler ;
Social Activities
Mrs. Arthur King and daughter,
Violet, went to Manley, Neb., Tues
day on a visit of a week'with rela
tives. i ; .
John Kenney of Galesburg, III., has
been the guest the last week of his
cousin, J. E. Garman." ,
Miss Marguerite Rodgers and
brothers, Willard and Clement, re
turned from Brush, Colo., Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Cockayne wUJ entertain
the West Side Women's Christian
Temperance union Thursday after
noon, September 7.
Mrs. L. Anderson of Holdrege,
Neb., has been the guest the last week
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baarman.
Mrs. Frank Dunn and sons, Ken
neth and Clifford, returned Wednes
day evening from St. Joseph, Mo. -
Mrs. George Nouns and daughter,
Ruth, returned Saturday from a visit
with relatives in Idaho.'
Mrs. O. F. Myers left Monday for
Collins, Ia., to spend a week with
her mother, who will then accompany
her to her new home at Delaware, O.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wisler returned
Wednesday from their auto trip to
Sioux City, la., and Stanton, Neb. :
Miss Ada Ganlz left Thursday for
Hemmingford, Neb., to spend a
month with her twin sister, Mrs. W.
K. Ryder. .;. i . ,
Mrs, Clyde Stultt went to Council
Bluffs Tuesday to accompany her
step-mother, Mrs. Mary Cook of
Portland, Ore., home for a visit,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steiner are en
tertaining his brother. Earl Steiner,
and bride, of Hastings, Neb. They
will reside in West Side.
Mrs. Frank Wellman and sons,
Ralph and Roland, have returned
The Busy Bees
Their Own Page,
NEW BUSY BEE REIGN begins this Sunday. King Elvyn
Hovell and Uueen Kutn Kibbel have retired and a new King and
Queen have come to rule in their stead.
Walter Wiese of Bennington, Neb., is the new King. Walter s
stories are extremely popular with the Busy Bees for they are
zxiccuuigiy wcu written inu niuai interesting, wiriam Aiosncr,
in the Seventh grade at Farnam school, is the new Busy Bee Queen.
Miriam's stories, too, are of the sort that make us eagtr to read the next
on a Under two such excellent rulers, the Busy Bee page should prove
most enjoyable during their reign, which will extend to the first of the year.
Scattered votes for other candidates were received also.
Simultaneously with thejiew term of office, school opens and the Busy
Bee editor wishes success to all the little readers of this page. You have a
fresh start to make, all of you with the same opportunities. Now it is up to
you alone to do the rest.
From Palmer, Neb., has come an interesting letter entitled "A Wild
Ride," but the name of the writer was omitted. If the person who wrote it
will send his or her name the story will be printed.
Leona Walter of the Blue side wins the prize book this week. . Honorable
mention is awarded Jeannette Marie Oliphant and Jeannetta Sloan, both of
the Blue side also. A particularly neat letter was that of Edythe O'sen of
the Red side. ... . '
Little Stories by Little Folk
(Honorable Mention.) -!
Works to Earn Kodak.
By Jeannette Marie Oliphant, 402
south Garfield Avenue. Blue Side.
Have any of you Busy Bees ever
earned money to buy a kodak? I am
working for one by helping do dishes
and sweep and dust. Mamma pays
me every week. I like to do house
Work ' and ' cook and sew. I like to
knead bread, but mamma won't let
me. She said when I am older she
will teach me how. I crochet and tat
when I am through with my work
I am crocheting a pair of pillow cases
now. t-an any ot your Busy Bees
crochet or tat? I suppose most of
them do. -
I think I will now tell you a little
about my pet dog. His name is King.
tie likes to get tne Dan tor papa wnen
he plays ball When you tell King to
shake hands, he will put his paw in
your hand., We used to have another
dog named Queen. She would roll
over if you would tell her to. When
ever mamma tells her to go and lay
back of the stove, she would mind
her like a child. We haven't Queen
any more. We sent her to an opera
tor at Fremont. I am going to write
atorv ' everv Sunday if I can. I
hope, Mr. Waste Paper Basket is vis
iting his Pest tnend wnen my siory
arrives. . 1 : ,
(Honorable Mention.)
Prom Hilly Country.
By Jeannetta Sloan, Aged 12 Years.
rise duns, vvyu. oiuc smt. ..
This is the first time I have written.
I read the Busy Bees' page every
week and eniov it very much. I live
on a farm sixteen miles north of Pine
Bluffs and like it very much. We get
our mail every day and have a tele-
from a two months' visit in Cali
fornia. '
Mrs. I. E. Garman gave a dinner
Tuesday evening for Mrs. J. Freeder
of Florence and mother, Mrs. J. Fitz
gerald of Chicago.
The otticers ot west sum Koyai
Neighbors gave a luncheon to the fol
lowing members friday afternoon:
Mesdames Frank Cockayne, William
Vickers, C. Black, William Van Du-sen,-
Will Span, Will Johnson, J.
Boyer, S. Faulkner, J. Cole, E. Gro
man and E. A. Winn.
Mrs. Henry Baldwin left this week
for a months visit with her daugh
ter, Mrs. W. Baker, in Oklahoma.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. Brewster returned
Wednesday from a month's visit with
relatives in California.
Mrs. George Sutton left Wednes
day for a week's visit to Plattsmouth,
Neb., and will then loin a ttsning
party to Rock Bluff. ':
Mrs. Oscar Pickard left Tuesday to
visit a sister at Schuyler, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Blackett have
had as their house guests this week,
is father and mother. Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Blackett, and brother, WaU
ter Blackett, and wife, of Irymgton,
neb., ana her sister, Mrs. i.naries
Burritt. husband, and daughter, Mil
dred, of Manderson, Wyo. - .
Mrs. Frank Lockayne gave a party
for her two daughters, Misses Bertha
and Beatrice, on Wednesday evening.
She was assisted by her niece, Mrs.
1. Wisler, and auat, Mrs. William
Vickers. The guests were Misses El-
data Gantz, ElTa Getcher, Hallie Zorn,
Esther lohnson. bdith and 1 hn
jepsen, Florence Wright, Ruth Lar
ches!, Messrs. frank and jonn
Getcher, Cecil Simmons, Ben Elliott,
Harry Garman, Herbert Van Dusen,
Carl Mitchell and Glen Wisler,:. - v .
China Shows Interest , in .
Naval Program, of U. S.
Shanghai, Aug. 15. English news
papers in Chinese treaty ports devote
mucn space to discussion oi me
American naval building program.
Practically all the English papers
have printed editorials on the sub
ject in which they speculate as to
what use the United States will make
of a great fleet after it acquires it.
The following comment trom the
North China Daily Newa of Shanghai
is typical of the English expressions:
America obviously intends to nave
big fleet. What, when it is ready.
does she- intend to do with it? Pre
sumably we shall get an answer when
we know what 'undiluted American
ism' means."
phone, also a church, store" and school
house near our home. There is some
very pretty scenery here.
One Sunday five auto loads from
Pine Bluffs went to Pawnee Buttes
in Colorado for the day. After .din
ner most every one climbed one xf
the Buttes. They stand several nun
dred feet high. It is said a band ot
Indians was driven by another band
upon these buttes one time and held
them prisoners until they starved to
oeatn. i hope to see my letter in
print. I wish to join the Blue Side.
King and Queen of the Busy Bees
Johnny's School Days.
By Lucile Sonneland, 2805 North
Sixty-first Avenue, Benson, Neb.
Blue Side,
t It was Monday morning. Johnny
woke up bearing his mother calling
him. : He wondered what she was
calling him for, so he got up and went
downstairs, where a terrible sight met
his eyes.
There on the table lay a pile of
books, some paper and' pencils and
a nice pair of shoes and a new waist
He put the shoes on, then the new
waist and wondered what the books
were for. '
His mother told him . he was to
start to school. Johnny began to
cry.; "I don't want to go to anv
old school." Nevertheless his mother
took him. .
He met his teacher and
and decided it wasn't so bad after
all. He passed every year and each
year liked school life better, until
he graduated. Then he went to col
lege, where after a few years he
graduated. Now he is working in the
bank as bookkeeper.
Now, Busy Bees, don't be cross be
cause you have to go to school, but
get ready and go. with a smile on
your, face so you can work in the
bank some day.
it Jtsh
Ik y..
- . y !-
vs 4 i '
Has Cat and Kittens.
Therese Peterson, Marquette,
eb. Blue Side.
I am a new Busy Bee. I have
never written to the page before.
am 9 years old and will be in the
Fourth grade at school this year. I
will tell you about my cats and kit
tens. I have three cats and seven
kittens. Six of the kittens are very
playful. They play almost all the
time. . The othervone is small and he
can hardly walk because he is so fat.
I have also a dog and his name is
Sport. Then I have two gold fish.
Their names are Oscar and Adolph.
I will close for this time, hoping Mr.
Wastebasket is at a birthday party
when my letter comeS in.
Pet Dog Fido.
By Edythe Olsen, Aged 10 Years,
Weeping Water, Neb. Red Side.
My dog's name is Fido. . He was
only about two weeks old when we
got him. He is black and white. My
brother brought him home to me one
night. He called me, so I went to
see what, he wanted. When I came
out he gave me this little dog. I took
him to the house, and gave him all
Many Changes in the
Russian Council of
Ministers Since War
(Corresondenoe of Tha Aaaoeiated Press.)
' Petrograd, Aug. IS. -The recent
resignation of S. D. Sazpnoff, for six
year minister of foreign affairs in
Russia, and the resignation of A. N.
Naumoff as mjnisterof agriculture, to
be succeeded by Count Bobrinsky,
makes the nineteenth change in the
council of ministers since the begin
ning of the war, and leaves P. L. Bark,
minister of finance, and L. K. Gregor
ovitch, minister of marine, the sole
survivors of the original thirteen
members of the cabinet who held of
fice in August, 1914.
This record is remarkable in a coun
try., where constitutional government
has never developed beyond the em
bryo, where ministerial responsibility,
general elections, xotcs of confidence
and other parliamenary procedures,
which lead to the overthrow of entire
ministries, are unknown. Before the
war the average tenure of office was
long, but during the last two years it
has been measured by months and.
sometimes by weeks. It is also in
teresting that the frequent .resigna
tions and dismissals have in the main
borne no relation to party politics and
that men have been replaced by others
of the same party affiliations and
without any conspicuous difference in
political views, ? .
In the case of each dismissal there
has been a complete change in the
personnel of the department and the
ministry of finance -is the only one
which has not been upset by an almost
continuous series of appointments,
dismissals and reappointments.
- During the period of the war there
have been two prime ministers, two
foreign ministers, three war ministers
and five ministers of the interior, i
The ephemeral character of a min
isterial post in Russia has provoked
considerable comment, for the most
part facetious or satarical, in the Rus
sian press. "In the morning, vhen
they wake up," says a writer in the
Russky Slova, "all our minister do
the same thing. Each one exclaims
'Thank God! I am still a minister t"
For Ckildren'a Cent h.
You cannot use anything better for your
ehlM'a cough and cold than Dr. King's
New Discovery. Contains nothing harmful.
Guaranteed. At druggist. 6c Adr. :
he wanted to eat. I then nut him in
the washhouse and he fell asleep. The
first three nights he barked all night
long, so the next night we let him
stay out ot doors. He will- shake
hands with us. We tell him to shake
hands and he holds out his right paw.
We give him a bath everv Monday.
when we get through washing When
we had him about two weeks he got
sick and wouldn't eat for three days.
The next morning my sister told me
to feed him with a spoon. I did that
tor two days. Then he was alright
nis is a true story.
The Sunflower.
By Phyllis Covalt, Aged 13 Years,
crescent, ia. Blue side.
I am just the color of the sun with
one big brown eve. I am tall and
graceful, but nobody likes me except
grandmothers who have gardens. I
am very faithful and honest. Nobody
takes time to listen and look into my
way of living. The children say, "Why
Ai A Ii J . . -
jvu tut it aownr Dur one
grandmother said, "If you children
would just stop and study the sturdy
flower and be more like it this world
would be far better. It is always
faithful to its god, the sun. The sun
flower, no matter how small or how
large, its bright face is always turned
to the light of the sun, the way you
should turn to the light of your God,
and not be downhearted and gloomy,
just look at the Sunflower and have a
bright, happy face like it and you will
always be liked by your little friends
and be remembered alway for it."
I appreciate your thinking my last
story good and printing it.
See Remains of Engine.
By Albie Hajek, Aged 12, Clarkson,
S Neb. Blue Side. '
One Sunday afternoon we went to
look at an engine that fell Into a river
a week before The man (hat was
driving got killed. It happened at 6
o clock in the morning.
When "we came there the engine
was in the very same way as when it
happened, only, that the man was not
there. .
After we saw the engine we went
to my aunt-and uncle. We stayed
there the rest of the dav. There wri
other people beside us. We had a
Dig supper and then went home.
We are olannine to go out wear
some time, and so I will write and tell
you about .our trip later.
About Hen and Chicks.
By Marie Cooper, Aged 10, Wallace,
- - Neb. Blue Side.
I was pleased to see that I won
"honorable mention.'!
This spring we set a hen and she
hatched six chickens. "
After a few weeks she began lay
ing. 1
She would go around singing tn
her chickens like a laying hen.
Her chickens would sit on the nest
with her and wait for her to lay.
They did that for quite a while and
then the hen left them.
The chickens still roost in their
own home. . .
This is a true story.
blue and white, and the other two
were all black. I cannot remember
all their names, but the old cat's
name was Buster. She was black and
white. Then we moved to another
place, and we moved her, too. Then
in two or three months she had four
more little kittens. But before they
grew up we moved and took her and
her kittens with us. But she did- not
stay there very long. Just after sha
ran away two of the kittens died and "
an old torn cat killed the other two.
This is a true story. ,
My Flower Gardens.
By Ethel Schuman, Aged 14 Years,
St. Mary, Neb. Blue Side.
I have two flower gardens: but no
vegetable garden. In one I have sweet
peas and nasturtiums and in the other
one I have phlox, carnations, pinks,
kochia, balsam and verbenas. This
is the first timeil have written to the
Busy Bees cage. I would like to
join the Blue-side and I also vote for
Mildred Byrne for queen. I would
like to correspond with the one I
have chosen for queen, also Ethel De
vinney of Blair and Margaret L.
Crosby of Sutherland, Neb.
Many Pet Kittens.
By' Kofi Kerns, Aged 11 Years, Phil-
I: VT-i. n , fi
.nps, nco. diuc siae. .
Once we got an old cat from our
neighbor's. She was just a little kit
ten. I caught her and took her home
and put her in the barn and shut up
the doors, so I thought she could not
get out, but she did. Then I told
papa to catch her. We put her back
in the barn and in a coude of rlavs
turned her out.
A few months afterward she had
seven little kittens. Two of them
were black and white and three were
A Question. .
By Margaret Crosby, Aged 14 Years,
Sutherland, Neb. Blue Side.
; We were spending the day with,
grandmother on the Glenburine fruit
farm. The house is surrounded by
great, high trees, which makes it
shady to play outside.
Little sister and I were playing be
hing the bunk house and were greatly
surprised to see a white hen with nine
little chickens and wondered whera
she could have found them, as grand
mother had not set any hens sine
spring. i
We looked about us and finally
heard a little weak voice yeaping un
der the bunk house. We looked and
saw six white eggs that had not
hatched, and among them was a
ptiini. t ,i i . .,
win., vijuig an ne was worm.
The little soul, he was so cold and
lonesome, and was trying to get
warm among his brother eggs.
I took a stick and gently rolled him
towards me until he was in reach of
my hand.. He was so glad to find
one that took pity on him, and I ran
with him into the house to grand
mother and told the good news of
my discovery.
She took the fuzzy little fellow and
gently laid him in a window in the
warm sunshine. He began to get
stronger until at last he would not
stay in the window at all he was get
ting too frisky for anything.
When grandmother found that ha
would absolutely not stay in the win-
dow any longer, she made a nice, cozy
nest in her deep work basket At
first this was just all right, but every
few minutes she would have to talk
to him as if he could understand her,
to keep him from yeaping, and at
times she would pick him up and pet
him in her warm hands. He milrl
whe, whe, and be perfectly contented,
but as soon as she put him in the bas
ket he would begin yeaping again.
Now, how did this little white chick
en. With eves like two little hlarlr
beads and only a few hours old, know
grandmother from a basket?
It finally got too friskv to
in the basket. Grandmother had fin
ished her sewing and had something
else to do than to be a foster mother
to a little chicken. So she took it
out and put it with its mother. As
soon as it heard its mother clucking
it ran up to her in great glee and for-
a,v. ib syci iitfu a Ktnurnor.ner.
Now, Busy Bees, tell me how this
chicken knew grandmother from a
basket, or its mother from grand
mother? Do you suppose it heard its
mother's voice before it hatched out
of the egg? - 's
This story is a true one, and if you
don't believe it: vou can come to th
iarm and see the hen and her chicks.
Thanks for Priae.
By Edna Green, St. Edward, Net).,
R. R. No. 1. Red Side.
I am going to write you a letter and
thank you for my prize book, which
I received several weeks ago. The
name of my book is "The Fall of a
Nation," and it is a dandy book. Well,
I will closei as my letter ia getting
long. I thank you very much for my
Wants to Be a War Nurse.
By Ruth Tuttle, Aged 11 Years, Flor.
- ence, Neb. Blue Side.
This fs the first time I have written.
Hope to see my story in print. Well,
I will tell you why I should like to be
a war nurse. I think I could be help
ing some poor sufferer and be serving
my country. I should like to be on
the Blue- Sidei
A Child's Prayer.
Hazel McLellan, Sutherland, Nek
. Red Side.
A little child knelt by her bed
And lifted her hands above her head.
Said. "Lord, rorglve mr sins.
forgive them. Lord, until I win.
'tBer " he little ona stead
"And have htm ecatter treeloua seed!
rather, show htm all the way
That ha may follow day by day. V
Toritre my prectoua darllnf mother
IT I"" com.
rather, keep her pure within
rree from very ataln of etn. t
"And there Is baby brolh-r
Tet to be kept pure.
And as he srowe Into manbood ' '
Keep his aim all sate and sure."
af k