Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 16

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What . -is
Going On
in Society Circles
At tit Field Club. ."'
Mr. C J. Claasten had t dinner
party of ten guests at the club lait
evening. Others with parties of four
tod six were entertained by Sam
Reynold. W. P. Thomas, Ai Mc
Donald nd Dr. A. R, Knode. .A
. Mr. and Mr. J, L. Hiatt etifef
tained at dinner Saturday evening for
Mr. and Mr. Morrison Cattle, who
arrived last Sunday, to make their
horn in Omaha. Yellow marigolds
used on the table. Those pres
ent were: ..
Km and Meedamei .. .
Iferrlana Caatle, A. C Harlnian,
LovJa Plainer. Howard Ooodrlrh.
Dr. ana lira. L. I. Putnam, , , .t ....
Mr. J. J. llolvlhlll.
' At tfa Country Club.
Mr., and Mr. W. J. conneii last
I evening gave a family dinner party
! .. . . . w . t... u:ti
tor tneir aaugnter, Mrs. uic jnmci
Raymond, jr., of Lincoln, who came
vp for the week-end-with their small
granddaughter, Miss Florence Con
nell of El Paso, Tex., who has been
spending the summer with them and
with Mr. Raymond, and will leave
next Tuesday for her home. Those
present were:
Mr. an Mrs. Waller Roberta.
Bdwer A Craif Hton, leeaa X. Raymond, ir
MIm llerane Coamll.
Robert CennelL ';. Herbert Cennell,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cooley enter
tained at dinner at the Country club
Saturday evening. Their guests were:
Meaara. and Meedamee--M.
O. Oelpetaer. D. A. Bum, .,
X, Oj. Meorbead. '
Mr. Harrr Dearlr. '
Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane en
tertained a dinner party of eight at
the club last evening. Mr. J ud ion
Squires had party for four and Mr.
and Mr. C T. Kountze and Mr. and
Mrs. C W. Clarke each had parties
At Hippy Hollow Club.
A a compliment to Prof, and Mrs.
Dean of Hiram college, Ohio, who
are passing through Omaha on their
way to spend a year in California, the
Hiram college graduates of Omsha
and Council Bluffs entertained at din
ner at the Happy Hollow club Sat
urday evening. Prof, and Mrs. Dean
-were the guests of, Mr. and Mrs.
Southmayd at luncheon Saturday and
in company with Mr. Southmayd and
Judge Slabaugh they drove vwer
Omaha in the afternoon. At the din
ner were present tome of Prof. Dean's
former pupils, among them Judge
Slabaugh, Mrs. E. C. Sutton, Mr. Jay
Burns and Mr. G. M. Southmayd.
. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rushton enter
tained at dinner Saturday evening at
th club. A centerpiece of pink rotes
was used for the table. Covers were
laid for: ' . v
Meaara. and Meadaisee .' - - ,
Ckaxlee C. Balden, , i. H Puraont. .
Ueee W. Carpenter,
Mr. and Mrs.1 Geoige A. Roberts
entertained at dinner at the club last
evening, their guests being;
Meaara. and Maademee
Server One. M. W. Cochrane,
Mtaeea MliBfe
Kmaia Bereneen. Ruth Ceekraae,
Cllaeaetk Haberla.
Mr. C. A. . Flxler. '
Mr. nd Mrs. I. A. Liuderliolm had
i their dinner guests last evening:
Meaara. and Meadamee 1 ', '
1 A. Medlar, . ft Mentsomerr. .';
B. T. Rector,' B. . Hon, '
j Mr. and Mrs. M. M. ' Robertson
S- ave dinner party for twelve Satur
ay evening in honor of Miss Marian
( Key, "Who arrived Saturday morning
for a two weeks' visit with their
daughter. - The two young women
i were, schoolmates at Bradford acad
emy. - ,
j Other Small dinner parties at th
club were given by M. M. Lyons, P.
F. Pettmn aid F. B. Aldous. y
Camping Trip.
! A crowd of young folks, chaperoned
by Mr. W. A. Bridges, returned last,
week from their camp on Lake Quin-
ebaugb, Neb., the party inciuacu:
Viol. Mofrtj't
Hu Morcurtr,
M. Hailman.
Stalls Buna.
Of Blatr.
Krl Byrmm.
Harold rirrm,
J. ConiiMty
f DLoatur.
Valttr Kvtna.
rally BridtM,
atuUh ItolwrU v
j ot Ilr,
Add Buna
i f Blair.
fftiltani BanwrC
Byron Buun.
Tywrn , .-.,
I 01 Biir,
Young-Klingbeil Wedding Party
".r BY JM"""!-
Earjucrite ThenstSlinbtil
Mr. and aire, a, Bwui.
'leal Whit Shrirta Meeting.
I The Sojourners' club of Malva
White Shrine will meet Tuesday after,
qoon with Mrs. Ben F. Marti. Mrs.
C H. T. Riepen, Mr. A. A. Holt
man and Mrs, G. Morse will assist
th hottest. I,.
Of to Honolulu. "
I Mr. J. J. Dicker and her brother,
Harry Jordan, left Friday for San
f ran eisco, to sail next Wednesday on
tha Matsonia for Honolulu, to visit
Mr. and Mrs. BIomfield-Brown, the
atter be mi Mrs. Uicker aaugnter,
r. K. C Moore had expected to ac
company them as far .as San Fran
cisco, but has postponed going. ' .
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Megeath and
daughter, Mary, sail on the same boat.
Wedding Announcement ' -i
The marriave of Miss FinnieHelen
Livingston to Mr. Julius Weil, son of
Mr. and Mra M. Weil of Lincoln, will
take place Wednesday evening at 8
o clock at tne notci jronteneiie. uui
n-tow eruetta who have already ar
rived are Mist Selma Sternshine of
Savannah, Ga., and Miss Adeline Gud-
friend-ot Des Moines,
betrothal Announcement.
i Mr. and Mrs. Horace F. Shearer
tnnounc th engagement of their
lnhter. Florence, to Mr. Rots N
Cimrncl. The wedding date ia set for
jeptember 12.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolf announce
he engagement of their daughter,
iollie. to Mr. Joseph Slatnik of Des
tloinea, the wedding to take place
tome time during the winter,
Mr. and Mra Boris Pred announce
he engagement of their daughter,
-iattte, to Mr. Maurice Wolowits of
Peoria, 111. The wedding will take
i ace after the first of the year.
, Dr. and Mrs. William P. Hombach
if Council Bluffs announce the en
element of their daughter, Mitt
Anna Hombach, to John E. O'Brien
of this city. The wedding will take
nlaee in the near future. -
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Heaton of Wa
hoo. Neb., announce the engagement
of their daughter, Helen, to Mr. Mer
rill Curtu Kohrbauslt 01 this city,
' rloth the young people are graduates
of the state university, where Miss
Beaton was t member of the Alpha
Phi sorority and Mr. Rohrbaugh a
member of the Phi Gamma Delta
fraternity. The wedding will take
place in the early fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Hamilton
of Lansing, Mich., announce the en
gagement of their daughter, Jean
nette, and Mr. Searle Francis Holmes
of St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Holmet it the
ton of Mr. and Mri. Frank Holmet
of this city, and is a graduate of the
Omaha High school and University of
Nebraska, from which' he is a Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity member. The
wedding will take place the latter
part of September.
Qo to Suffrage Convention.
.Mrs. Draper Smith and Mrs. H. C.
Sumney start today for Atlantic City
to attend the annual convention of
the national woman suffrage organ
ization, which will be held there this
week. Dr. Sumney expects to ac
company them and after the conven
tion they plan an automobile trip in
New England togther, Mrs. Smith
going with them. Mrs. Sumney has
promised two weeks of her time to
the suffrage campaign in West Vir
ginia, and wilt go to Wheeling about
October 1, when Dr. Sumney returns
home. ; . ; . ...
Guttafton-Lindley Wedding.
On Tuesday evening at the chapel
of Immanuel Deaconess institute was
solemnized the marriage of Mitt Hil
dur Lindberg and Rev. Otcar 0. Gut
tafson of Elbow Lake, Minn. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. P.
M. Lindberg, father of the bride, as
sisted by Rev. C. 0. Lund of Hep
burn, la., and -Rev. M Frykman of
Gibson City, 111
1 he bridal procession entered to
the strain of Moskowtki't "Seren
ata,' played by Miss Esther Llnd of
Wahoo, Nebi, led by Junice and Signe
Lindberg, Anda Olander and Thyra
Bloom as ribbon stretchers. Miss
Ellen Lindberg, sister of the bride,
was maid of honor, with Mits Du
zenia. Gustafson and Miss Hildur
Frykman as bridesmaids, ' Mr. Ctrl
Gustafson, brother of the groom, was
best man, with J. E. Lind and Carl
Lindberg as ushers. :-
The bride wore a beautiful gown
of white charmeuie satin and geor
gette crepe with pearl trimmings, and
carried a shower bouquet of white
rotet and lilies of -the valley.
A supper was served to ZOO guest
in the parlors of the Deaconess Home,
which was prettily decorated with
garlands of goldenrod and sunflow-
After a tnn in the west the bridal
couple will make their home at Elbow
Lake. Mum., wnere Kev. oustatson
has his charge.
Entertain for Visitor.
Mrs. Ausuat Herman entertained at
her home Wednesday afternoon for
her sister, Mrs. Fred Johnson, who is
here visiting trom Kama Uty, mo.
I bote pretent were:
Otte fcalaren,' ,
rharlea Rlntl
Nlles Jenaon,
Hophla Thenar,
Clyde Maxwell,
Ouy Park.'
Floann Herman,
- J
otto Sandbars,
l,oula Rankin,
Edward Cattail. '
Asnee Raltren. Dorothy Johnaen, '
Marsaret Baltren, .Tanloe Maxwell.
Bllen Bine, , Uartarat Maxwell.
Ruth Rln(.
Maatere Maatera
John Harmaa,' foule Rankin,
Herbert Thenar, Howard nreemer, :
Edward Herman. Barnard Coatelle.
Robert Park. . ,
Family Reunion.
A iamilv reunion was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrt, Edward Cad-
wallader. West End. Council Bluffs,
last Sunday, when Mrs. Moselle
KioDs. her son. Dr. William Nipps
his son, Ralph Nipps, and hi son,
William Nipps, composing four gen
erations, were present. Alto in tliii
Jrroup were four William Nipps of
our different generations. Present
were: Mr. Moselle Nipps of Council
Bluffs, Dr. and Mrs. William Nipps
and family of Colorado Springs, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Millard, Omaha;
Messrs. snd Mesdames Warren Hew
itt, Edward Cadwallader, Raymond
Nipps, Ktinrt Nipps: ur, ana Mrs.
W lliam Niddi and Miss Ida Nipps
of Phillipsburg, Kan., and Mrs. James
May fie Id, south aide.
Summer Sojourner Return.
Mis Irene Rosewater returned
from California today.
Mr. and Mrs. lieorg v. lunnicim
com home today from Wyoming,
Mr. and Mr. C N. Diets are ex
pected home todav from Dome Lake,
Mr. and Mra. Henry Wytnan and
children arrived home Saturday from
Wequetonsing. '
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Loomls and
family came back Thursday from the
Thousand Islands.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steele .and
daughter have returned from Clear
Water Lake, Minn. ,
Mrs. Andrew Rosewater returned
Wednesday from Atlantic City and
Spring Lake, N. Y,
Mrs. R. W. Council and Mitt Re
gins Connell arrived home from
Eaton a. ranch on Friday.
Mr. and Mrt, Frank Judton and
daughter, Dorothy, will return today
from wequetonsing, Mich. -Mr.
and Mrs. A. L Reed and daugh
ters will reach home today from Os
terville, Mass., where they have been
tince early in July.
Mrt. George M. Ribbel and daugh
ter, Margery, returned Sunday from
a tummer at Chautauqua, N- Y. ,
Mr. and Mrs, R.. J. Dinning and
Mist Dinning are expected home to
day from Glenwood springs, Colo,
Mrs. J. J. Brown it home from three
weeks with her niece, Mrt. John Pat
rick, on the Patrick ranch in Wyom
ing. .
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd M. Smith and
family returned Sunday from eight
weeks at Kabekona Lodge in Minne
sota. Mrt. Htrley Moorhead and children
returned Saturday from Grand Rapids,
brand Haven and other Michigan
point, '
Mrs. George C. Smith and family
came home Thursday morning from
Ogunquit, Me., where they spent the
Mrs. Alvin Johnson and son, Stan
field, return today from Stead's
Ranch, Colo., whtrt they have spent
the summer,
Mr, and Mrs. Milton Barlow and
son will be home today from Estes
Park, where they have been at
Long Peak's Inn.
Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Scott snd fam
ily came home last evening from Clear
Lake, la., where they spent the sum
mer in their cottage there.
Mr. Albert Edholm, Mr. Fred Paf
fenrath and Mr. Donald PaSenrath
have returned from their vacation
spent in Canada and Isle Royale. "
Mr. John L. Kennedy is spending
this week in Estes Psrk with his wife
and family, who have been at the
Stanley hotel for several weeks. They
will return next week.
Mrs. Wilson Low will be home next
Wednesday from a month at Eaton's
ranch, Her brother, Mr, Albert Flet
cher, arrives from Boston the latter
part of next week to visit her.
Miss Etta Creighton and her neice,
Mitt Katherine Load, are back from
their summer at Clear Water Lake,
Minn. They returned with Mrt. C. C
Rosewater, , her son and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Porter and rhil.
dren, Foy and Gertrude, are expected
home today in their car from the
riatte canyon., Mrs. rorter and Miss
Gertrude were tt Grousemont for sev
eral weeks,
Mrs. H. D. Neely and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Neely returned home Monday
from six weeks at The Rookery, their
former island home in Rainey lake,
Minnesota, Mr. H. D. Neely it still
there, but will be down next week.
Mra. r. P. Kirkendall, with Mrs.
Barber and Mrs. C M. Wilhelm, left
Estes Park t week asro veaterdav and
are enroute home, but stopped in Den
ver ana v.oiorao springs and are re
turning oy way ot Kansas City.
Note at Random,
Dr. E, L, Bridget returned early
in the week from six weeks' eastern
Mitt Belle Dewev It inenrlinir tier
vacation in Chicago and it Douglat
Mrs. Alfred C, Kennedy and chil
dren returned Friday from Lake Min
netonka. Mra D. V. .Shotes and dnmhter
Mrs. Clifford' Calkins, have returned
from Madison Lake,
Mrs. C J. Greene is expected home
tnis week trom year a stay in Cali
fornix and will be at The Colonial.
Mr. and Mra. A. M. Borvlnm and
ton, George Paul, returned Saturday
irom vicar uiae, it., wnere they
spent the month ol August,
. Mrs, R, Beechec Howell has re
turned Siom - port Budget, Wyo.,
(f .
'v7 iV
. V' I I
a I
; .JVt
Ux Oscar Gu&lafson
where she visited her sister," Mrs.
Will Carter, and Mr. Carter.
R. J. Steffens, son of Commodore
SterTens of Chicago and well known
in the photographic art world, has
come to Omaha, to be associated with
the Rinehart studio. r
Mrt. W, C. Shannon has returned
from Bay View, Mich., accompanied
by her mother, Mrt. A. J. Poppleton,
who spent the summer there with her
sister; Mrs. Ferguson.
Miss Anne omord arrived home
Sunday from Atlantic City.- where
she wa with. Mm J. E. Summers
after taking her sister Mary to a
girls' camp in Vermont, ,
Warren . Breckenndge returned
Monday from Dome Lake, Yellow
stone park, stopping at Denver en
route home. Mr. Breckenridge re
turns the latter part of the month to
Cambridge for his second year at the
Harvard law school. ' '
F. B. T. Martin and his sont and
George E, Barker reached' home
Wednesday night in their car from
Estes Park. Mrs. Martin came home
last week with her youngest boy.
who was not well. Mrs. Barker re
mained at Etkhorn Lodge,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barber and Mr.
Fred Hamilton have been in New
York this week, but the former were
planning to leave today for Montreal
to return to California by way of the
Canadian Pacific. Mrs. Barber will
take a bungalow in Los Angeles this
autumn instead of returning to Phoe
nix, Ariz. ,
Residenc Change.
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Foster
have moved into their new home
at 4817 Douglas street,
Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Stephen have
Siven up their apartment at the Ham
ton and gone to the Colonial to live.
Mr. and Mra. Truman Buck, who
are spending the summer at Boul
der, Colo., will, be at tne tuacxstone
upon their return.
Miss Hilda Hammer is giving up
her apartment at the Clarinda and
will make her home with her sister,
Mrs. Harold Pritchett, and Mr.
Pritchett. . -
Mrs. Victor B. Caldwell, who sold
her home last sprinc, gives it up
this month and will move with her
family te the West Farnam, where
she has taken the apartment: just
vacated by Mr. and Mrs, Frank
Okobojl Colony New. V
Mrs. - M. D. Cameron has closed
her cottage at Okoboji and returned
Mrs. Edward A. Petran and children
motored' down from Okoboji with
Mr. Pegtu last week.
Mrt. J. Clarke Coit and ton tnd
daughter returned Tuesday from a
motor trip to Okoboji.
Frank I. Burkley motored to Oko
boji for ever Sunday and will return
Monday accompanied ' by Mr, tnd
Mrt. Harry V, Burkley and children,
who have been tt the ltke several
Dr. J. A. Hentke went to Okoboi
Tuetdar and will motor down today
with Mr. Hentke tnd her mother,
Mrs. H. M. McGanahan, who have
been at the lake most of th sum
mer, Dc McGanahan returned from
there last Saturday.
Stag Supper. , V
The Sigma Tan Nu will give a stag
supper at the Fontenelle Monday in
honor of alumni leaving the city for
school, ,
New of th Wsvfsrers,
Miss Elizabeth-and Miss Mellora
Davis, who are at Lak Placid with
their mother, are going for a week-end
house party next week en Lake
The Rev, Lloyd Holsapple and Mra
Holsapnle are at Ephraim, Wis, From
there the latter will go to Richards
Landing to visit Mrs. and Miss Thum-
mel. while Mr. Holsapple goes east
to visit his former home in New
lersev. ;
Mc tnd Mrt. C W. Hamilton and
Miss Frances Paine
Miss Marion' Hamilton left Beach
Bluff, Mass., Wednesday and are on
their way home by way of Detroit and
Chicago, stopping in both places for
a day or two unless the railroad strike
hurries them through. . ,
Afternoon Tea.
Miss Lela Ash entertained a nxrtv
of friends at a 5 o'clock tea at her
home Sunday afternoon, Those pres
ent were: . . .
Bee Shirley.
Florence Paullaon,
Mable Hogen,
Lela Ann,
I. B. Ain.
llorothy Peteraon,
Cora MatherJy.
Archur Jourdan.
Prettiest Mile Golf Club.
The Prettiest' Mile Ladies' Golf
club will hold its regular monthly
meeting Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock
with Mrt. Ralph Russell at her home.
18U5 Wirt ttreet. ihe hostest will be
assisted by Mesdames Arthur Jones,
Cuthbert Vincent, Thomas Falconer,
W. M. Clark, T. W. Rogers, T. C.
Rich and J. O. Hiddleston.
Tea for Mist Morse.
Monday afternoon Mrs. C. E'. Jo
hannes was hostess at an informal
tea in honor of Miss Katharine Morse,
who has just returned from New York
for a short visit before going back to
begin her work as head of the Eng
lish department in the training school
for teachers. This position was created
tor her because ot her recognized abil
ity in the work she has been doing at
Columbia for the last vear. The
?uests at Mrs. Johannes' tea were old
riends of Miss Morse, who was for
merly on the high school faculty.
Rockford College Luncheon. ' "
Ihe Kockford College association.
organized last year with Mrs. John
R. McDonald as president, is plan
ning a luncheon for Tuesday, Septem
ber 12, at the Fontenelle to greet the
girls passing through from the west
to attend Rockford college. It is
expected that there - will lie in the
neighborhood of fifteen girts, which,
with the eighteen members of the
local club, Will make a lively luncheon
party. The Omaha girls going"1 to
Rockford this year are Miss Hen
rietta Medlar, Miss Helen curtis ana
Miss Sarah Sears.
Gossip of the Visitors.
3COIE JMCOrillltK amvca jxiuuuay
from New York to visit his father
and his aunt, Harry McCormick and
Mrs. Kemington. Mr. Mccormick,
who has been on his ranch in Wyo
ming, will be home by Monday.
Mrs. Eva Wallace has invited Mr.
Richard Rifenberick to come from In
dianapolis for the Ak-Sar-Ben ball.
Mrs. Rifenberick was the popular
guest of Mrs. Wallace early in the
Mrs. Frank Coooer of St. Paul.
who has been the guest of Miss Mae
Engler, leaves today for Kansas City.
Mits Vada and Miss Helen Dingley
of Argona, la., are guests this week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
W. Russell. . '
Mrs. W. W. Morsman of Holly
wood. Cal.. but formerly of Omaha,
arrived here Wednesday and is a
guest at the home of E. M. Morsman
for two or three weeks. Judge Mors
man will come east about the middle
of the month to join her, and they
will return together. This is Mrs.
Mortman's first visit here since leav
ing six years ago ro live in t.aii-
Claremont Inn
. 17th end Jeckeoa tte.
"Omaha's Quleteet Downtown Hater
tkip.H, mi tisa ta rite p. M.
" Clear Soup Wafara
e fruit OeektaU
PPM Sprint Ohlekoa : ..
Bat Blaeatu : Fotatom
Teenta Salad .
Oaarfled tweet FotakMS
e Summer qaa.
lMe (a Oak a la Oream tag
- Oak Asnle We
Tea OaMet 1 Milk KeHermUk
fornia. She made the trip east with
Mrs. C. J. Greene, who stopped off
at St Paul, Aeb., to visit a tew days.
Comus Club.
The Comus club will resume its bi
weekly meetings Thursday'afternooh
at the home of Mrs. Leslie Thomp
son, 1810 Miami street. At that time
the annual election ot otticers will
take place. The plana of the club for
this season include a montniy even
ing par'ty, to which all club members'
husbands will be invited.
Social Gossip. .
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Smith have
returned from Atlantic City.
Mr. Denman Kountze returned
earlv in the week from Este Park.
Mrs. J. J. Sullivan left Tuesday to
visit her sister in Wyoming for two
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Yatea are
in New York, but are expected back
next week.
Mr. and Mr. Jame Chadwick,
who have been east since June, re
turned Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowell nd
Miss Mona Cowell are planning a
motor trip to Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gordon re
turned Wednesday from a ten days'
trip through the Yellowstone.
Mrs. Florence Neville arrived home
Wednesday from Tacoma, Wash.,
where she visited a school friend for
several weeks.
Mrs. Arthur Remington returned
Tuesday from Grand Rapids, Mich.,
where she has been visiting for two
or three weeks. ' ,
Mrs. George W. Deane, jr., re
turned Thursday from two week at
Hempstead, L. I., with her sister,
Mrs. C. U. Stowe.
Stuart Summers came home yes
terday from Atlantic City, but his
mother, Mrs. J. E. Summers, will re
main east some time longer.
Miss Gladys Peters and Miss Mar
garet Bruce left Saturday evening for
Chicago to visit Dr. and Mrs. Roger
T. Vaughn for two or three weeks.
Mrs. Isaac Miller Raymond, jr., of
Lincoln is the week-end guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Connell,
while Mr. Raymond is on hunting
, Mrs. Glen Wharton left Tuesday
for Boston to join Mr. Wharton and
Mr. and Mrs. Davidge of Bingham
ton, N. Y., for a motor trip in New
Mrs. D. H. Wheeler arrived home
Monday from Marblehead, Mass.,
where she has been part of the (um
mer since leaving Burlington,, Vt
Mrs. Wheeler is at the Colonial.
' Judge George H. Thummel and
Miss Stella Thummel will be back to
day from Richards Landing, Ont but
Mrs, Thummel and Miss Thummel
and Mr. and Mrs. George B., Thum
mel will stay another week or two.
Elsasser-Rasmuaaen Wedding.
Miss Alma Rasmussen and Mr.
Walter Elsasser were united in mar
riage' at the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rasmussen of
Benson, Wednesday evening by the
Rev. Wilbur Nelson of the First Eng
lish Lutheran church. , They were at
tended by the brother and sister of
the bridegroom, Mr. William Elsasser
and Miss Helen Elsasser. v
The bride wore her going-away suit
of gray with a blue hat trimmed with
gray to match and carried a shower
ouquet of bride's roses.- The brides
maid wore a simple dress of lavender
satin. " : , , ,'.
A wedding dinner followed the cer
emony, at which twenty-five guests,
were present Mr. and Mrs.. Elsas
ser have gone for a short visit in Mad
ison, Neb., before establishing them
selves in Omaha. , i
Welih Society Picnic.
The Welsh-American society will
hold its annual basket picnic at Miller
park Monday afternoon and evening.
All the Welsh and those of Welsh
descent have been invited.
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Miss Sidney Stebbins returned last
Saturday from several weeks' .visit
in St. Louis. '
Miss Helen Alexander has gone to
St. Louis for a short visit with rela
tives. Mrs. D. P. Feder of St Paul, Minn.,
arrived Thursday, to be the gueat of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Al
pirn. -
The Misses Alice and Daisy Fry
have returned from a month spent in
Fessenden, N. D.; Minnesota snd St
Paul. i '
Shaji Osato has returned from a
two weeks' vacation trip to Minne
apolis and Peoria, having motored
part of the way.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dempster and
Miss Bessie Allen returned Friday
from their vacation trip to Atlantic
City, New York and Canada.
Dr. Zoro D. Clark and four sons
returned Saturday from Clear Lake,
la., where they tpent the summer.
Mrs. Clark will arrive today by auto.
Miss Anna Northgraves of Chicago,
who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs.
J. S. Feehan, and Mr. Feehan, for the
25 Cent$ Per Dozen
503 South 16th St,
Tel. Doug. 2986.
ha returned (rem Maw York Cltr.
Reemana Sterile laatemeer lit.
IT Paraeja St Phaw D. MM
last six weeks, returned to her home
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Sype and son ,
have just returned from a trip 1 to
southern California. They visited
Mrs. Sypes' sister, Mrs. J. W. Hen
drick of Los Angeles. ' '
Miss Orpha McKitrick and' Miss
Pearl May have returned from a three
weeks' visit at Minneapolis and Lake
Minnetonka with Mrs. J. H. Girth
of MinneapoKi,-i-who " was formerly
Miss Josephine Carr of Omaha.
Mrs. F. F. A. Wellman and two
sons, Roland and Ralph, have re
turned, from, a . two months! trip
through the Pacific coast country. ,
They visited all the points of inter
est, including the San Diego expo
sition. Mrs. Rome Miller, her daughter,.
Mrt., H. A. Waggener, and her grand"
daughter, Margaret Louise Waggen
er, returned Saturday evening after '
spending several months in the Miller
family home in Hollywood, Los An
geles. Personal Mention.: "
Mr. W. J. Hunter has returned
after spending: the summer at Lake
Okoboji and Spencer, Ia.
Mr. Norman Lovelt of ' Paducah,
Ky.. was a guest for several days'
last week of Mr. Lute McConnell.
Miss Bella Robinson has moved to
4817 Douglast street, and, will also
open a downtown studio in the Kar-'
bach block.
Miss Emily Cleve has returned from
spending several weeks .with friends
in the southern part ot the state and 1
in Kansas.
Miss Blanche Busk, who has been
spending a month in Washington, D. ;
C, is expected to return to Omaha .1
Wednesday. .
Mm May i Cathroe returned
Thursday after spending a month at,
Glenwood Springs, Colorado Springs 1
and Denver. -
Mrt. Alice Kossiter and daughters,
Mona and Florence, and little grand
son, Dick, are expected home today
after spending the tummer. in Colo
rado. Albert Wedemeyer, jr., who ha
been appointed to a cadetshtp by the 1
pretident, left last eening to enter
Columbia Preparatory school, Wash- '
ington, D. C.
Mrs. S. H.' Isaacs , of. Vincennes,
Ind.. who has been here with her
cousins, Mrs. G. W. Doane and Mrs.'
C. B. Keller, for the last year, left
Wednesday for Chicago. '? -
' Mr. ana Mrs. juontz Meyer ana
daughter, Lillian, have returned from
a month s ttay in Colorado, accom-,
panied by Mr: and Mr. Simon Fisher
of Lexington, Miss., who will spend
several days with them here. "
Miss Sara Vore Tavlor . of tht
Central High school has returned
from a summer spent in study at
Columbia university and visiting in
the environs of New York CityK .A
feature of her outing was an auto ;
trip from Brooklyn to .Lake George..'
m an 10
Musical Notes :
Miss Bella Robinson
pianist and teacher el
will open hmr studio September
11th at B02 Karbach Block.
Residenc 4817 Douglas Straat.
Phona Walnut 3257.
$f "The Busy Jerwelers" JH
i urnKtrVoimaaimmumicK
1 1 1 I.I.I I.I.I III ,
Turpin 's School of Dancing
Sea$on Opens Monday, September 11th
tit I am, Manatee, lealimkn. II, n aa. Apt A . Tamfcy, lmiiin 1. n. ex. tOfk SeSmal Qaoa 1 J
aumaaia, 11 aw. a n. an, rwet mnmex-a uaaa miaain uintal . uim p. an. filiate Laaaaam Amy Tinea,
AnsdtaaiMat aeiaieiS new. Taaaaa meet neaieniala, Ma. Tuiem taaaaa B St r lira a ' Ten aat tne
t emea, SMetkt t tekeol tt 4ante. ...
28th and Farnam
Harney S143
Mr. Thomas J. Kellv will teach in.
Omaha Saturdays -in Mr. Duf field's
studio and Mondays in Mr. Bush's
studio, both of which are in the Wead
building at 20th and Farnam streets.
Miss Luelta Anderson has returned
from a vacation spent in Denver and
the mountains and hit resumed no-,
lin classes at the Brownell hall down-.;
town studios -at 518 McCague build-,
mg. ' ' -
Miss Cora Schwartz' ha reopened
her studio in the Lvric buildins after
a summer spent in Chicago coaching
with the well-known authority on
voice, Frank B.. Webster. During
:.. ci -. n.:... .u.
sill. j..ii vei b e BMV viiivw o , ,i
appeared as soloist m several promi
nent churches, among them Warren
Avenue Congregational, whose pastor
is Dr. J. A. Jenkins, formerly of St.
Mary' Avenue Congregational church -of
Florence Basler-Palmer has just re
turned from New York City, where
she spent ' another very - successful
summer season tndying voice under
W. Freytag-Frey. Mr. Palmer has
tendered the directors ot tne Bene- -vue
college her resignation as head of
the voice department, thus enabling
her to devote her entire time to her
arudio and to fill a number of concert
engagements this season, which she
is being urged to make.
. r fr.