Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 03, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 15

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Omaha Visiting Nurse Association Leaders
Convention of Douglas county Woman't Chris-
tian Temperance anion, Grace Methodist
Episcopal church, South Side.
U. S. Grant Woman's Relief corps, Memorial
hall, 2:30 p..m.
Society of American Widows, Crounse block,
i p. hi. ' i
Business Women's council, luncheon and prayer I
meeting, court house, 11 to 2 o'clock.. J
Wednesday ' ; . ' -
"Tag Day," Visiting Nurse association.
General Lawton auxiliary, Memorial hall, 2:30
p. m.
National suffrage convention opens at Atlantic
City. . -. '
Society of American Widows, Crounse block,
7:30 . m.
Woman's Christian Temperance union, West
side union, Mrs. George Cockayne, hostess,
.,". 2 p. m. ,
Philanthropic Ladies Who Give Much of Their
Time to Carrying on a Practical Charity Work
SEPTEMBER ushers in the opening of the
woman's club season as well as the return
of the younger set to school books and les
sons. Already opening meeting dates are
being announced and program committees
are getting together to outline winter
courses of study.
Abandoning, in a measure, the study of opera,
which has occupied its members for the last two -years,
the music department of the Omaha Woman's
club, headed by Mrs. John E. Haarmann, has planned
a most interesting course for this coming season.
The programs will consist of comprehensive talks
-'on vital musical subjects, with illustrations, by
nrominent Omaha musicians. . ..
" Thomas J.' Kelly has promised to come on from
Chicago to give a talk on "The Psychology of
Music," Loretta De Lone on "The Origin and De
velopment of the Harp," "The Harp as a Solo In- .
strument and as Part of the Orchestra;" Sigmund
Landsberg, "Giving Public School Credits for Music
Study" (something which is being done in New York
City and in Lincoln, Neb.); Mrs. Millie Ryan, "The
Art of Singing," and Henry Cox will talk on "The
Orchestra." '
American composers will be favored as much
as possible in the department's recital work this
season and for the open day program, it is planned
to present the only old English" opera written, "The
Bohemian Girl," by Balfe.
. That greater attention is being directed to home
topics is also demonstrated by the tact that the liter
ature department of the club, too, will devote itself
to our own country. "American life and character
as portrayed by present day writers" will be the sub- .
leader, Mrs. A. L. Fernald. And absorbingly inter
esting it promises to bel '
Early Italian art will be studied by the art depart
ment, under the leadership of Mrs. C. J. Roberts. ,
The dawn' of Italian painting, the works of such '
- masters as Giotto, Botticelli, Mantegna, the master
of the Paduan school; Andrea del Sarto, and others,
down to medieval Venice and the discussion of Ve
netian glass, Gothic architecture, the Venetian Renais
sance and its collapse, the Venice of today these are
suggestive of what is included in the study outline.
Mrs. G. C. Bonner and Mrs. T. H. Tibbies will assist
f t, i .. . . ;-. -
"Bind toeether vour SDare hours bv the chord '
of some definite purpose, the Benson Woman s
club exhorts its members. "To that end, they will
study the immigration problem, Pan-Americanism,
sex hygiene, music, drama, home economics and the
conservation of birds. !
Mrs.-F., H. Cole, chairman of tjie scholarship
.-' trustees of the Nebraska Federation of Women's
clubs, has further announcements to make with re-
i gard to scholarships available for this year." They
are the Mary D. Stoddard scholarship, which pro-
' vides a loan of $50 per year for four years, and re
quires that the student nominated shall have been
graduated at the Omaha High school, and recom
mended by the Omaha Woman's club, and attend
the Omaha university. . '
University of Omaha: Provides free tuition for
a four years' course in domestic science and requires
that the student accepting the scholarship shall com- ..,
plete the full four years' work, or refund tuition ac- ,
cepted to date of resignation. Reasonable consider- r
ation to be given by trustees for unavoidable com
pliance with this special provision.
It is also possible that applications may be con
sidered for Wesleyan University at Lincoln (conditions-
of which are similar to those of Omaha uni
versity) and Nebraska Military academy at Lincoln,
which provides board and tuition for four years.
This gift is made by Colonel and Mrs. Hayward to
whom applications should be made at once.
The trustees have on hand several hundred dol
lars which may be loaned to students desiring to
pursue work at the state university during the junior
and senior years, or special technical work as a pro
fession. ' . .
There is also one-half the Annie Reavis ,Gist
musical scholarship fund ($100.00) in the treasury
which may be loaned. ,, -Temperance
agitation will be strong on Tuesday,
v when the Douglas county Woman's Christian Tem
perance union holds its annual convention at Grace
Methodist Episcopal church. Twenty-fifth and E .
streets, South Side. Over 100 delegates will be in
attendance from the nine county onions. Elmer
Thomas, Rev. J. W. Morris, Mrs. F. A. High, Mrs.
John Blake, Mrs. M. McLaughlin, Mrs, C. E. Kull
bom and Miss Lillie Givenk are on the convention ,
':T"ThT State Convention and What It May Mean,
to Omaha" and be the subject for open discussion.
Temperance songs are a feature of the program.
Mrs. D. C. John will preside.
Plans are being perfected at the same time for
the state temperance convention, which will be held
at the First Christian church, September 19-22. Be
. tween three and four hundred delegates are ex
pected for this meeting, which will be attended by
distinguished speakers and workers from all over ,
ihe country. : '-' f r.
Sunday afternoon vesper services, conducted by
the Young Women's Christian association, will be
' resumed this Week for the winter months. - A serv
, ice of song, led by Miss Ora Johnson, general sec
retary of the Council Bluffs Young Women's Chris
tian association, will be the program for today. This
service is at 4:30 o'clock, following which is a social
hour, at which time light refreshments are served
, and there is opportunity to make friends and meet
old acquaintances.
The building is open from 2 until 7 o'clock on
, Sundays and at those hours there is some one on
duty in the office to give information or to be of
service in any way that is wished.
On Labor day the building will be open from
, 10 until- 7 o'clock and different secretaries will be
on duty during the day. The noon meal will be '
served in the cafeteria on Monday, but there will
be no meals at night. The other offices in the asso- .
ciation will be closed all day.
Miss Ethel Erb, the new religious work director,
has arrived in the city and is ready to talk about
Bible classes with those who are interested in that
i. d'partment. The regular classes do not begin until
o October 1. Nl
E y 1 U " . l l";- nrs carton muard
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Monday '
Orpheum party for Miss Marguerite Klingbeil
given by Miss Katherine Norris. '
Orpheum party for Miss Frances Paine of Ab
erdeen, Wash., given by Mr. Yale Holland.
Tea at the Fontenelle for Mis Adele Davit,
Miss Irene Kenny, hostess. '
Labor day picnic at Miller park for the Welsh-
American society of Omaha and Council
. Dinner at Field club followed by rehearsal for
Young-Klingbeit wedding, given by Mr. and
' Mrs, G. L. E. Klingbeil.
Evening party for members of Prettiest Mile
-Women's Golf club, Mrs. Ralph Russell, hos
tess. ; - '."'.
Dinner-dances at Happy Hollow, Carter Lain
and Seymour Lake Country clubs, i
Field club bridge tour.iament.
Sojourners' club Malva White Shrine, Mrs. Bea
F. Marti, hostess.
Visiting nurse tag day. ! '
Young-Klingbeil wedding.
Dinner-dances at Country and Field dubs.
Livingston-Weil wedding at Hotel Fontenelle,
Dinner at field club lor Mr. James Dyrenforth
of Chicago given by Mr. Edward Fuller.
....... .
Thursday ;,
Women's luncheon at Hfippy Hollow, Carter
' Lake and bey moor baw; clubs. .
Comur club, Mrs. Leslie Thompson, hostess.
Friday Night Dancing club at Prairie Parle
club house.
Dinner-dance at Seymour Lain Country club.
Saturday ; ' . .:
Dinner-dance at Country, Field, Happy Hol
low, uu-rer uam ana Seymour iaice unmtry
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i fk Edwards
JTrs "Ralph 8rec&cnrjJ$c
ERE MAN, can you remember the time!
when, tome charming woman, your
daughter, your sister, your wife or your!
sweetheart looked longingly at some
. . thing which money could buy? What
was your reaction (as the college profs, say)
to that? Did you turn away with a stony heart,
untouched by winsome pleading, unmoved by th
appeal of youth and beauty?. Or did your carefully
concealed tender heart melt within your breast,
leaving you a helpless victim of the fair one?
If you are the proud possessor of a tender heart.
If lovely woman can move you by the caress of hetr
soil voice, inc languor oi ner Dniiiani eye, uie pout
of her rosebud lip, beware. On Wednesday of thin
week, rain or shine, such a galaxy of beauty wilt
swarm Over Omaha as is rarely seen. On the streets,
in all the buildings, in the offices, wherever yon may
, aeek to hide yourself, they will 6nd you, and fuel)
- an appeal they will make you that, unlets you be the
' man of the ttony heart, you will find it irresistible.
Their quest will be money. They will coax tt
from your pockets, from your words or from yow
pen Dointt. Their cause will be not timolv th
feminine appeal for money for pleasure and aettV
f ratification, but it will be a stronger appeal for the
tick, helpless and afflicted. In short, in the cant
of charity, the Visiting Norse association, on Tag
day, will put an enormous army in the field to gather
in the shekels with which to supply the poor fq
health and wealth the wherewithal 4or recowy and
reiiet. , ' 11
The officers, of the Visiting Norse association for
. the year are:. Mrs. Barton Millard, president; Mrs,
Luther Kountae, vice president; Miss Clara Thomas,
secretary, and Mist Alice Buchanan, treasurer, Thi
board has mapped out the downtown districts of tba
city and placed buildings and blocks in charge of
' members of the organization. These names and
stations have already been published in the pages m
The Bee, Each of the women in charge has now
appointed fifteen young women as her assistants,,
Consider, then, what a garden of society bods Onuhit
will be on Wednesday, and bow carefully the pens?
' iout man will be obliged to guard bis mouey to prt-
vent the charming young women from spiriting it
, away under his very nose.
- Certainly, however, their eanae is an excellent
on. The Visiting Nurse association has been the
channel for the distribution during the last summer
ol the hundreds of dollars donated by friends and
subscribers of The Bee to supply poor babies with
pure milk and needed ice.. Families who an in iKra
need of medical attention, bat who cannot afford to
pay tor men ,nelp, or do not realize that they are m
need of it, are cared for br the nurses. . Those tinr
re tome of the best and most experienced nurses to
he obtained. Their work is thorough and cCdent,
It is hoped that the sum-which will result from the
tag day Wednesday will exceed former amounts and
will be sufficient to extend the work of the assocu-
tton. . ( . - r- 1
The Tag day set for Wednesday ,is an anmiaJ
event. It is strictly the gift of the mayor sad it
privilege granted only, once a year. It will take;
place "rain or shine, strike or no strike" eccordktg
to the vote of the executive committee. All the
tickets, printing and potters have been 'donated to
the association so that no expense will be incurred,
It is a remarkable occasion because of the partici
pation of an unparalleled number of young society
' The threatened railway strike has tanted I some
commotion among tociety people. Those who are
away from home, but expected to teraro later in itnn
fall have ten tried back in great haste. Others who
were planning fall trips have either hastened there
or changed their plans. School gtrls have been the
onet chiefly concerned with the situation, but smce
many of the tchoolt have late openings, the majority
of the girlt are not at all alarmed. Perhaps some
would be glad of a little additional vacation, because
they always leave Jntt m time to miss all the gayety
of Ak-Sar-Ben season. People are already planning
for company to share the gayety of the festal time,
Mist Gertrude Mets and her brother, Mr, Philip
Meti, are expecting to entertain a house party during
the week, of Ak-Sar-Ben at the new home of their
parent!, Mr, and Mrs. Charlea Mets, at Thirty-6ret
and Dewey avenue,. The guests will come the morn
ing of the ball and will be in Omaha for two weeks,
' Brides and bridals are beginning to draw atten.
tlon again, So many fall weddings are icheduled.
for ths months of September and October that these,
two months bid fair to rival June as a month of
bridet, For Mist Alice Jaquith and Miss Lucils
Bacon frlendt are already planning many prenupttal
affairs. Mist Adele Davis wat entertained last week
at luncheon and will be honor guest at a tea given
at the Fontenelle Monday by Miss Irene Kenny.
The wedding of Miss Marguerite Klingbeil will take
' place Wednesday and the wedding party is enjoy
ing a number of iniormal affairs. ,
. - (Additional Society Nevs ou Neat Paggjf. i )