Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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FUli'lftf H 1X1 I kl I'illlU I1
hum unu in vvuiu
Proposed Adamson Act Will
Crumble at Tirst Legal
Blast Say Attorneys.
Chicago, Sept. 1. Counsel for the
vanoui railroads are said to have in
formed the president of the roads
that the Adamson bill Is patently un
constitutional as being confiscatory
and class legislation.
E. P. Ripley, president of the At
chison, Topeka & Santa Fe, said to
day that passage- of the bill would
merely postpone the strike.
Our lawyers, said Mr. Kipley, in
formally and individually have ex
pressed the opinion that the Adamson
bill, if passed, will crumble at the
first legal blast If the bill passes,
the presidents and counsel will con
fer formally as to legal procedure. It
is illogical to assume that the rail
roads will abandon their principles
merely because tney are attacked
through congress instead of directly
R. H. Aishton, president of the Chi
cago & Worth western, said the rail
roads would obey the law.
'But, he added, it seems certain
to us that the Adamson bill, if passed,
will not stand the test ot the courts,
Strike Preparations Proceed.
A statement was issued at publicity
headquarters of the railroads that pre
parations for a strike next Monday
were proceeding without regard to
prospects of congressional action.
Officials of the four railroad broth
erhoods began massing their forces
here today to direct the strike on
twenty-five roads operating out of
Chicago in the event the strike goes
into effect. :
W. B. Henrichs, superintendent of
terminals of the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul railroad, announced today
that the Brotherhood of Railway Con
ductors on the section of that sys
tem between Chicago and the Missouri-river
had voted not to strike.
Food prices in this city, with a few
exceptions, have not been "materially
affected as a result of threatened tie
ups of the transportation facilities of
the country. Potatoes sold on the
market today at $2.25, the highest
price in many -years, and poultry was
up i cents a pound.
In a number of the lancer cities.
meetings ot otnciais nave been caned
for today to consider means of check
ing the increase in the price of food
,. Statement by Railroads.
The text of the railroads state
ment says:
."The managements of the railways
are disregarding reports from Wash
ington regarding the possibility of
the strike being prevented and are
proceeding exactly as they would if
they were certain that it was going to
occur on scheduled time at 7 o'clock
on the morning of September 4.
"It will be recalled that for about
eight months the railway manage
ments have been warning the gov
ernment and the people of the United
States that the danger of a nation
wide strike was real and serious.- On
the other hand, soothing assurances
have throughout this time been given
by officers of the United States gov
ernment, and even by spokesmen of
the labor brotherhoods, dhe public
now knows the railways were right
in saying the danger was real and
serious and the spokesmen of the
government, who attempted to mini
mize the, gravity of the situation, were
wrong.- - , - .
''The leaders of the railway broth
erhoods are playing a desperate game
and, as they say now that they will
not recall their strike order until they
wrinflr frnm rinflrraea tha lao-tclatinn
. j. - -w--
tVy demand, t or anybody to act
on the assumption that there will be
no strike would be .foolish and might
prove to be extremely unfortunate. .
v Reasons for Embargoes.
"The orders which the manasre-
mehts - of the railways have issued
placing embargoes on the shipments
of most kinds of freight and direct
ing that other kinds of freight shall
be accepted subject to delay are rap
idly going into effect, and shippers,
consignees and the public are begin
ning to teei tne results ot the strike
without it having actually occurred.
It should be fully recognized, how
ever, that the railroads in taking these
steps are not merely protecting their
own interests, but that in a larger
measure they are protecting the in
terests of the public, and that if they
are causing inconvenience and loss
to the public they are causing greater
proportionate loss and inconvenience
to themselves. ; ,
' "If the strike occurs it will be much
better for all. concerned for goods
which in the absence of embargoes
would -be shipped to be left in the
hands of their owners, where thev can
properly care for them, than for them
to De in ine nanas 01 ine railways,
which nrnhahlv could not nrnnexlv
re for them.
Warnings Are Repeated.
It is hoped that travelers as well
as sniDDera win act on me warmnsr
ot the railways ana not start upon
journeys which cannot be finished
before the strike order goes into ef
fect. "The railways believe that in stand
ing out for arbitration even at the
cost of a strike they have been try
ing to protect not only their own in
terests, but those of the public.
"In view of the expressions of the
press, of commercial organizations
and many thousands of industries
throughout the United States the
railways are confirmed in the belief
that the public wanted them to stand
firm and they believe they would vi
olate their duty to all concerned by
adopting any other course.
"' Appeal for Protection.
"It will be the policy of the rail
ways," the statement continues, "to
rritrm lha miHtir all .information mm.
fi ' ' -" - e .... ....w. ..... ..v..
cerning the situation which will not
embarrass them in handling the
strike, should it occur. -
"It is clearly to the interest of the
public that if a strike comes the rail
ways shall be able to maintain a con
siderable part of their service from
the start, and that they shall be able
steadily and rapidly to increase it.
,"How much service thev will be
to maintain, and how ranidlv
ev will be able to increase it. will
necessarily depend upon the protec
tion niven their employes and oroo-
. crty by the police authorities. It is
This man thowi what effart Mm entrance
at Boomaata lata tha great stnunrle will
hare a tha war.
As Indicated by the arrow,, Boussaaia will
attack Aejtrta a tha aarth ana Bulgaria
a tha acuta. At tha earns tin
wut ha abla la strike Bulgaria aad feasibly
Tartar tram tha rear. Boat la will aba ba
abla ta Croat tha Barrow atrip af Baamaalaa
tarrltary ahowa at tha top at tha map aad
that trlka a new alow at Austria.
The eerlaa of creases at the bottom of
the map Indicate tha preeent battle line la
Marshal Flynn Is
Away With His
"Tom" Flynn, United States mar
shal, is a mighty hard-working man
if you swallow all that he tells you.
He has returned from his brother-
in-law's farm at LeMars, la., where
he and his family spent ten days. And
he brought back some kodak pictures
which he exhibited to visitors in his
"Here I am unloading wheat." said
the marshal, passing oat a picture
showing a farm wagon beside the
door of a granary and a man in over
alls working vigorously with a scoop
snovei. . i
The next picture showed a thresh
ing outfit at work. - ' .
I hat s me up there stacking the
straw, the marshal remarked, indi
cating a tiny human figure toiling on
top ot the straw stack.
uosh, you re some worker, all
right," declared one visitor.
x bet. Dots a man good to do
that hard work," said the marshal
He displayed other views ot farm
activity, on ch of which he indi
cated, some unrecognizable figure in
to be assumed that while the railways
are putting forth every effort' to deal
with the governmental bodies, and
especially those of the municipalities,
they will also be making ample prep
arations to protect' railway employes
and property from every form of in
terference and violence.
Students at Omaha Uni. -T
" Work on New Building
Although lugging mortar and
wheeling brick are not in a college
curriculum, a number of students of
the University of Omaha have added
considerably to their knowledge by
doing day labor on the new $50,000
college building. . When Kiewit
Sons, general contractors, were hard
pressed for laborers they took on a
number of students for a trial and
since that time have added to the
"educated force" at every opportunity.
Work is being rushed on the build
ing, which is expected to he ready
October 1. The structure is entirely
fireproof and three stories high. .
Southern Mammy Cooks
Chicken at Fontenelle
A cozy, white-tiled kitchen presided
over by an old southern "mammy"
just imported from Atlanta, Ga who
cooks fried chicken that is really
fried chicken, has been installed at
the Fontenelle hotel. Guests will be
permitted to select their own chick
ens and then watch "Aunt Dinah" pre
pare tt with all her Dixie skill on a
stove set aside for that purpose.
Manager John F. Letton, who hails
from below the Mason-Dixon line, is
responsible for the innovation.
Used Resinol For
Bad Skin-Trouble
Considars Har Cur Remarkable
June S6. "For almost sla; months t suf
fered from a levera case of skin-troable on
mr lec between the ankle and knee. It be
gan hr swelling, with severe pains 4ar and
night, followed hr constant Itching. Mr leg
then became Inflamed, and later water bus
ters and pimply sores broke out on It. At
this time mr log was at least one-third
above its normal stae, and the continual itch
ing and burning sensation was something
terriblo. I applied manr remedies, but gain
ed no relief until I commenced using Resinol
Ointment and Resinol Soap, from which I
obtained relief br tha first application. After
continued use of Resinol Ointment and
Resinol Soap tha swelling was reduced, the
Itching and burning were antirslr relieved
and a complete sura was effected, having
used onlr three Jars of Resinol Ointment and
two cakes of Resinol Soap. , Mr troubls sure
serious and I consider, the euro re-
markabls." (Signed) Mrs.. H. W. Neefus.
825 Pearson St., Greensboro, N. 0.
All druggists sell- Resinol Ointment and
Resinol Soap. , For sample, free. . writa to
Dept. a-S, Resinol. Baltimore.
uoMonift. ttm. . flsMfc n n, ma. mm Aril
I likrk! t sir-W455aK
How Entrance of Roumania Affects War
Not Able to Get
Hard Work Stories
the very thick of the toil and care
lessly remarked:
"That's me."
"Gee, ain'tcha all sore muscles all
stiff f the admiring visitor asked.
"Oh, no, I don't mind a little work
like this, the marshal declared, mov
ing his fist up and down to indicate
unlimited .strength, vim, vigor and
"But your hands are all full o'
blisters, though.' , - . '
"Oh, no," the marshal answered.
But the visitor wanted to see. The
marshal didn't want him to see. And
then the .marshal tumbled from his
high pedestal. He was unmasked and
all his hollow pretensions of indus
try, energy and all that were laid
bare. ' I - .
i It is reported on unimpeachable au
thority that the marshal, while on the
farntr deposited himself every jnorn-
mg beneath a large shade tree, where
he spent the days in smoking and
sleeping alternately, undisturbed by
the rattle of the threshing machine.
The only thing that could rouse him
was the sound of the dinner bell and
he gained the distinction of being al
ways the first at the table.
Frank Moore Assigned ,
To Recruiting Work Here
Frank P. Modre, 3424 South Fif
teenth, has secured approval of his
application to be assigned to recruit
ing duty in Omaha for the navy and
has re-enlisted. .He served two en
listments before and is a chief ma
chinist's mate. He will relieve J. F.
Stauffer, who is ordered back to sea
October 24. The order will allow
Moore to live at home and be in the
navy at the same time for two years,
I Headwear If
h ror men wno aetire jr.
j a character and style at rCt K f V
B prices that are not Jt Vt jLJ
H prohibitive. f V aflV
U Borsalino t.
I FALL Rummell I W
1 Omaha's New SSlvf
Rose Building- 16th
A. B, Garretson is
Called, to the White
House by Wilson
Washington, D. C, Sept. 1 A. B.
Garretson, spokesman for the railroad
brotherhoods, held a brief conference
with President Wilson today. When
he left the White House he refused
absolutely to say why he had called.
The president kept the cabinet wait
ing while he talked with Mr. Gar
retson. -
White House officials said Mr. Gar
retson had called to give the presi
dent "some information." Mr. Gar
getson refused to say whether he dis
cussed the calling off of the strike.
There was every indication, however,
that the administration expected thei
strike t6 be called off before Sunday'
Fanning Signs His Name
; Fifteen Hundred Times
Postmaster C. E. Fanning signed his
name 1,500 times Thursday. It was
the first time since he took the of
fice that the payroll has come around
and he had to sign 1,500 checks. This
little job comes twice a month, as
all the rural carriers in the state are
paid through the Omaha office. He
moved payday for the local force up
one day, making it the first day of the
month instead ot the second,
Thirty Days for Trying to
Trade Bread for a Drink
Charles Barker, Twenty-seventh
and Izard streets, was arrested when
he attempted to trade several loaves
of bread for a drink at a saloon. He
was sentenced to thirty days in the
workhouse on a charge of vagrancy.
and Farnam Sts.
Petrograd Report Tells of Se
vere Fighting at Several
Points in Galicia.
Petrograd, Sept. 1. (Via London.)
In the course of battles yesterday
on the, western Russian front, says the
Russian official statement of today,
the Russians captured 289 officers and
15,501 men. Of this number 2,400
were Germans, . , ,
The statement says: '
"During an inspection of a position
six miles southeast of Baranavichi,
Divisional Commander Major General
Nikitin was killed by a bullet in the
; "South of Lake Wygonowskoie, on
the Oginsky canal, an enemy aero
plane was hit by our artillery. The
machine, after landing between the
German positions and our own lines,
was bombarded with fury.
In the direction of Vladimir-Volyn-ski
and west of Cleksineti stubborn
fighting is raging.
"In the direction of Halici, in the
region of the Horiovonika river, fight
ing also is raging.
"In the Carpathians, in the region
of the Tomnatic mountain, our troops
captures a whole series of heights.
"In the region of Dornavatra, on
the Roumanian border, we made a
slight advance to the westward.
During yesterday's battles, the Rus
sians captured 289 officers and 15,501
men, of , whom 2,400 were Germans.'
They also took six guns, fifty-five ma
chine guns and seven bomb throw
ers." ,
Last of Pet Shows at Miller
Park Saturday Afternoon
The postponed pet show, the last
of the season, will be held Saturday
at 2 o'clock in Miller park. Among
the features will be "Polly," Omaha's
famous White House parrot, owned
by Charles L. Saunders. This bird
was a member of the official family
during the Harrison administration.
Attorney 3. W. Bsttln rsturned Friday
from a trip to Michigan.
MIh Allca Cease ot tha federal oourt
elork'e office returned from a month! va
cation. Pha aptnt It all at her horn In
Council Bluffa.
Harold B. Staara, aon ot Poputy Clark of
tha District Court Aacl Staora, hai returned
from a three month' Jaunt la the Nebraaka
aand nllli with a United Htatea survey party.
Ha will leave to resume his school work at
Kemper Military Institute about Septem
ber 10. -
mm V
I 'THERE'S a certain "knack" about brew- tGhXX . -"
7 A ing Gund's Peerless Beer which gives it that IJImI !
round, full, creamy, satisfying flavof so many other llcjfl
beers seem to lack. 111 1 -'
And every sparkling drop has been the same fei '
I I the same in delicious flavor the same in zest the same JM
I I in wholesomeness, purity and cleanliness since the olden fi V'
I i days of eighteen hundred and fifty-four. 9 1
It was 62 years ago that Gund perfected this wonderful 1 1 I liLH
V beer, and the same standard of cleanliness, care and ingredients has been I I nLavCft
V adheml to ai these years. I I !a5pl -
You want a beer with iust enough snap and life to JJeaj) . .
V V make it appetizing, lind not a hard, bitter-tasting beer. CsVl'aj
On sale at all good clubs, restaurants and bars, or -tL&3f($f
t delivered to your home by the case. &sfksli j?
V, :" Gund Company of Nebraska Jrrmt '
M. E. BLAIR, Mgr. ' WZZr
S.V. 1320-24 Leavenworth St. if. 2lisf
VSv . Tel. DougUs 621. Omaha, Nab. f&
I Til 1 1 1
Editors Will Dine, Dance and
Meet' King Ak Monday Eve
Monday evening promises to be a
busy and enjoyable time for the mem
bers of the Nebraska Press associa
15131515 v"
Will Savo You Money
Make your kitchen
the pleasantest room
in your home with a
Combination Range
or Gas Range.
"xJSilp 16-inch oven, Peninsular Coal Range,
isnssS our price .$15.75
Combination Coal and Gas Range. , ". V. ;tt $39.75
Aluminum Ware fresh from factory.
Every piece a good onev :
V i-atals.l
Double Roaster..... 65c
Double Cereal Cooker
6 quart ........ .65c
al JLJ lKIU tV V
tion. Manager Letton of the Hotel
Fontenelle has sent invitations to all
the Nebraska editors asking them to
he his guests at a dinner from 5:30 to
7 p. m. The hour is set early in order
that the newspaper men may get out
to the Den in time for the festivities.
TheifeS. A Reason
18-in. oven, New Method Gas Range,
ourprice ......... ...... .$19.75
16-inch oven Peninsular Gas Range,'
our nrioe . . . : .$17.75
6-qt. Preserving
Kettle .... 65c
6-qt. Berlin Kettle; , . 65c
Tea Kettle, cast spout
ebonoid mntgs. . .$1.60