Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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r 1 w ll J xi -w r 1 y-vv r evi a r-w a' l f x l firvl nrt v t a l f f ay j j l w f " a I a f M m w- 7 rif 11 I I . a U'ri f w
Popular Squash Makes Its
Appearance on Local Market
Squash, regular, big, rough-skinned
squash, has made its debut among the
younger set in the vegetable market
of Omaha. Squash ii one of the most
popular members of the late vegeta
ble family. It is good for squash pie,
squash pudding . and other squash
dishes. ,, . '. . ,
Grapes are in their glory. There
are the whife and cerise-colored
sweet grapes, from sunny California.
And there are the purple grapes that
come in baskets and are the delicious
products of our own vines and
climate. All the grapes are very low
in price now. ' 1
Soeakine of fruit, the first of the
new crop of grape fruit has arrived
from California. They are the young
grape fruit with the smooth, velvety
skin of ybuth, quite in contrast with
the few old-crop grape fruit left in
the market with their rusty skins.
Plums are also plentiful, ootn tne
Cider Apple Butter.
Use sweet tider of good quality and
apples that cook easily, Boil the cider
down one-half. Wash, peel, quarter
and core the apples, carefully cutting
out all decayed spots. Boil together
equal quantities of apples and boiled
down cider. Boil the apples rapidly
until they become so tender as to be
mushy; otherwise they will sink to
the bottom and scorch. Continue the
cooking more slowly. If the quantity
is small, run the apples through the
colander, place the pulp in a. stone
crock and cook it in a slow oven, stir
stirring it at intervals of fifteen min
utes; otherwise stir it constantly from
;his time to prevent it scorching and
to make it smooth. If the butter is
not smooth when it has the right con
sistency, add a little cider and con
tinue the boiling and stirring. Add
sugar at any time if butter is not
sweet enough to suit the taste.
Doughnut Recipe
All measurements are level.
One quart flour.
Three teaspoons oamng powaer.
One and one-fourth cup sugar.
One-half teaspoon cinnamon.. ,
One-half teaspoon salt.
One-fourth cup Simon Pure Leaf
Lard. - .
. Two eggs. ; 1
One cup milk.
One-half teaspoon vanilla.
Method: Put the dry ingredients
. Beit Cant Granulated.
S Iba. bat Coffee .1.00
Coffea Special, lb. J. ; , . .30c
Tea for icing, per lb 50c to 60c
Sugar sold with $1,00 order of other
goods. 1 . ", ... " '
4M N. 16th St., Phon. , Dou.
.- s :
wild ones and the tame ones.
Apples are here by the bushel and
the crop is going to be bigger than
the pessimistic market men predicted
earlier in the season. But even at
that, it won't be the usual or average
Watermelons and canteloupes are
as plentiful as ever. Canteloupes are
being sold by the basket at a rate of
around 30 cents a dozen for small
ones. They are extremely sweet and
Cucumbers are abundant, the little
ones for pickling particularly so. So
are little onions for pickling. Bigger
onions, both new and old, are plenti
ful. Cabbage, both white and red, is
coming right ahead. Great big green
peppers are here and, they're first
Egg plant, summer squash, sweet
corn, beets, turnips and other green
groceries are also abundant.
into a bowl, sifting the baking powder
with the flour. Mix well. Beat the
eggs until light and add the milk,
which has been slightly warmed. Then
add the melted lard to the milk. Add
the wet ingredients to the dry, stir
ring constantly. Toss onto a floured
board and roll to one-quarter inch
thickness. Cut and fry in deep fat.
For th
( , Homo of
, To the
Who Wants
i Better Milk u
Mot than 71 well-few. mtt Ayr
shire and Jour ww an now pro
dueine rich. erMmr. wholMom. milk
on th. Lovaland Farm, aader unitary
eocdltlona lueh M pmait of "eerti
ffeatlon." This milk has elway. btm
old at wholesale to larf a enatoaaerv
Ilk. taa railroad dintac un, ata kvt
iroai ooir on it will i. ...(labia for
doliwr to ta koatta of Omaha.
A rrot Sinpl. Bottl. will b. lift
at your homo tt rota atopbon. nt.
Our dairy i. ota PnkU. (n
pactlon. Plum. W-.l-.nt 9K99
I Loveland Farms
. Dairy
v n- m
ii In I Bggeiiiaa ' i'
Cottage Milk is uniformly good never varies.
It is always rich, clean, pure and fine-flavored.
That is why you can use it wherever you use
fresh milk and be sure of delicious results.
Cottage Milk is more than twice as
rich as fresh milk some of the mois
ture is taken out by evaporation but
all of the valuable butter fats and food
f solids are retained. Every drop is
from inspected cows. Every step in
the process of condensing is rigidly
, safeguarded. Scrupulous cleanliness
prevails. Cottage Milk comes to you
sealed and sterilized so there isn't the
. slightest possibility of contamination.
Ask for Cottage Milk by name. Don't just say evaporated
milk to your grocer. Don't be satisfied with ordinary milk.
Old Fashion
. Pear Butter.
Wash the pears arid, without peeling
them, boil them until they fall to
pieces; then run them through a
colander to remove the seed and cores.
Place the pulp in a stone crock, add
half as much sugar as there is pulp,
and if desired add spices sparingly.
Cook the mixture sparingly until it
becomes mooth and thick, stirring
carefully to prevent burning or cook
it in a slow oven.
Peach Butter.
Wash the peaches and remove the
fun by wiping each with a damp
cloth; but do not peel the peaches.
Place them in a granite kettle, add a
little water and atew until they 'are
very tender. Remove the peaches and
run them through a fruit press or
colander to remove the pits and skins.
Put the pulp into a clean' preserving
kettle and sweeten it to suit the taste;
Where Quality is High and Prices Are Low
Home Drefiied Spring Chickens, lb., 33c
Choice Steer Prime Rib Roast, lb., 15c
Choice Steer Shoulder Roast, lb. ,I2VC
Choice Steer Shoulder Steak, 8 lbs., 25c
Choice Steer Boiling Beef, lb 7c
Extra Lean Pork Chops. Ib. . . , . 17 Vtc
Kxtra Lean Pork Steak, lb. ....... 15c
Young Veal or Mutton Stew, S lbs., IS
No. 8 Palls Pure Lard 45c
No, S Pails Pure Lard 7Sc
No. 10 Pails Pure Lard ,...11.80
No. 20 Pails Pure Lard 13.00
No. 60 Cans Pure Lard ,. . .M.M
Pure Cane Granulated Sugar, 14 lbs.,
for $1.00
Th. Molt Sanitary and Up-lo-Dat. Market
1916 Milk-fed Spring Chickens, lb. 19c
Juit racalvad 10,000 pound. H wring chickma will .ran to your ordar.
On ..I. Saturday.
Pig Pork Loins, Crash, net froaan. .ISM
Pig Pork Chops, por lb. ...... , ,-l7M
No. 1 Rib Roast of Bo.f 14 Ua
PI, Pork Rout, lb 14'c
Chola. Foraquartera Limb, lb.....-Bc
Hindquartors Lamb, lb ....14V.C
Pil Pork Butts, lb... ItV.c
Steer Pot Roa.t lb.. lOV.e
Younf Veal Roast. Ib" llV.c
Young Veal Chopa, Ib 14V.C
Portarhoua. Strak, par lb. ........ IS'ie
Oppoalt. Woalworth1.
1916 Milk-fed Spring Chickens, lb. . . . .1934c
Juet received 17,000 pound, of live spring chicken., which we will dree, to your ardor.
On aala Saturday.
rig fork (.bops, por Ib.
Pig Pork Loina, froth, not frozen.-.
No. 1 Rib Roast of B.f
Pig Pork Roast. Ib UV.c
Hindquartera Lomb, lb ...,!4c
Pig Pork Butt., lb., I.IS'.C
Steer Pot Roaat, Ib. (..'..,..... .'.lOVtc
Young Veal Roaat. lb 11 Vie
Young Veal Chops, Hi,... ..14Vc
Porterhouse Steak, per lb. . . . . ., .MV.e
(pare Riba. Ib . ' . .lOVic
THE first time you try Cottage Milk, you'll say, "That's the milk
-L I want." And youll say it of every can of Cottage Milk you
use after' that ' ,. v
REMEMBER Cottage Milk is more than merely evaporated milk.
It is rich, clean and fine flavored. It is safe milk evaporated milk
at its best. It is impossible to produce better. Don't let another
day pass vvithout knowing . how good evaporated milk can be.
Get Cottage Milk and use it wherever you use fresh milk or cream.
You 11 like Cottage Milk better and it will save you money.
1 Ask your grocer for Cottage Milk B and lOc can".
Fruit Butters
boil it until it is very thick and of a
rich color.' Constant stirring is neces
sary to prevent scorching. It is not
necessary to add spices of any kind.
Muskmelon Butter.
Select well ripened muskmelons,
slice them, and remove the rinds,
seeds, and soft parts. Place the melon
in a preserving kettle with a little
water and boil it until it is tender.
Press it through a colander and meas
ure the pulp. For each quart of pulp
add half a cup of sugar, the juice of
half a lemon, and a very little cinna
mon.. Continue to boil the butter un
til it has the consistency of apple
butter. .
N Crab Appls Butter.
Crab apple butter is slightly inferior
to cider apple butter, but as crab ap
ples are nearly always abundant and
cheap, it makes a welcome substitute
in some years. Wash the crabs well,
Diamond C. Soap, 10 bars 26c
AH brands reamerr nutter, id..,. see
Oyster or Soda Crackers, lb 7Ve
Fresh Crisp Ginger Anapa, 4 lbs... 23c
Kxtra Fancy Cauliflower, lb ISc ,
Extra Fancy Peaberry Coffee, I. lbs.,
for 3Sc
Extra Fancy Large Heads Lettuce, per
head, at IBc
Extra Faney Cooking Apples, peck, 25c
Extra Large Sweet Cantaloupes, three
for ...28c
Extra Faney Bartlett Pears, box.. $2.25
Extra Fancy Freestone Peaches, per
crate, at , $1.11
Large Grape Fruit, each 10
Washingtoa'e Best Flaw- Nothing
finer on the market, every sack war
i: ranted, per sack. .$1.05
In th. Will. 1407 Deutlae Street.
Spar. Rib., Ib 10i
fcxtrn L,an Regular Hami, lb 16a
8ugar Cur-d Hami, Ib "t?.
Extra Lun Breakfast Baeon, lb...ls44.
Sugar Cured Barnn, Ib .10.
ft to a P. M C. P. Lard, S-lk. cut. .Sac
to 10 P. M. Lamb Chop., por Ib. .TVic
US South 16th Stroat
Phono Doug. 2307
Be and 10c Store.
Extra Lan Regular Hami, Ib , ,
Sugar Cured Hami, lb
Extra Lean Breakfast Baeon, lb
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb
S t. r. M C. P. Lard, S-lk. can. .Sic
0 to 10 P. M. Lamb Chopa, por lb. .TVic
Phono Doutjla 1793
the Milk I Warn i
. . Chicago
cut them up without peeling; or coring
them, place them iu a granite kettle,
add enough water almost to cover
them and boil them slowly until they
(all to pieces. Then press the crahs
through a granite colander. Add the
pulp to the water in which the crabs
were cooked and allow it to simmer
until it is thick. Add enough sugar to
sweeten the butter, and, if desired, a
little spice. Continue the boiling with
constant stirring until the butter is
perfectly smooth and of the right
7 KC doughnuts
are gooq
Lek w tk. diw who feet clarification by the exclusive Armour
sh.wslhiaiwInklawuMUw .
,, process, v
Grape Juice is the great summer drink far ott. No
other beverage has so large
of its punty, is the ideal
people as well as for
Order Armour's In
There's so much difference in milks you can't
afford to take chances can't afford to get ques
tionable purity, inferior flavor, or richness below
the Cottage standard when the price is the same.
No matter what milk you have tried
no matter what milk you now use
no matter how well satisfied you
are try a can of Cottage Milk today.
We know you'll prefer it Thousands
' have had this experience. .
We spare neither expense nor pains
to make Cottage Milk the finest evap
orated milk. That's whv women in
towns where Cottage Milk is made
use more Cottage Milk than bottled milk. They know.
Take their judgment on the milk question.
consistency; or if preferred the cook
ing may be done in a stone crock in
a slow oven.
Judge Cooley Arrived in .
v Omaha Half Century Ago
Fifty years ago the family of Judge
J. S. Cooley arrived in Omaha and
proceeded, to Plattsmouth, Neb.,
where they settled. Judge Cooley
was invited to apeak at the home com
ing celebration being held in that city.
r). For Goodness Sake
IIC Baking Powder
. Parity Pint
It will never disappoint you try
it if you like good things to eat.
OK Ounces for OCt
100 Pure
m r
Armour's Grape Juice carries
the famous Oval Label -Armour's
guarantee of absolute purity. This
is nature's own beverage, undiluted,
nnfermented and nnsweetened sare
the natural sugar of the grape, Per-
a variety of uses. Armours, because
drink for children, Invalids aha old .
the strong and vigorous.
the FimilyCaseofslx one-pint bottles.
lUbt. flodMa. Mgr., llth
D. loss!
OuuUut, Nab. I
IlkUsoa. titk I
I M. 'A'OI. BO. V
- Wit WTltW 6ft
JgAgrAfej Book.
13 6