THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1916. & Society Notes : Personal Gossip .' Woman's Work : Household Topics rt- Vwn. in s SOCIETY LEADERS . 1 LOST 10 FRIENDS 'uiBnt It Turpi Out They Were in Engaged " in the Innocent P&stime of Shopping.1 pt AND THEY ARE SOON FOUND W ,5 By MELLIFICIA September 1. woura you neiirvc mat ionic ui Omaha's mod prominent women could successfully ' conceal their whereabouts from their families and friends for several hours:" That is what at least four of our best-known women did without trying to do it at all. They were not at home, their husbands missed them, their maids "J knew that they would not be at home , " for luncheon, and yet where they were I a no one knew Friends knew that they I : : were lunching together, but where I ! and with whom they were having 'luncheon they had no idea. Ml t sought for them as the parents (fidid for the little boy "who wouldn't ij say his prayers," but in vain. Fumor . . 'had it that the members of the "Oris- i : inai Cooking Club" were to have one r of their little luncheons that noon. S But the hostess was unknown. , The solution of this little mystery j( is that these same society women awre simply doing a little innocent .shopping downtown and had lunch- I -eon together, with the result that they 3 were "lost" for the time being. t At the Field Club. " ' Foursome parties wilt be enter I jtained at the Field club Saturday 'evening by J..L. Hyatt, Sam Rey g-noWs and J. C. Hartnett. ' i airs. G. C. Cunningham entertained I ja' children's party at the closing mail- irtjnee danc of the season at ahe Field . club. ' ' f , ! j Miss Virginia Dyball entertained 1 the Neversew club at the matinee t snce at the Field club today. The ipelub members ana their guests were . WWII Mil vwrrsifM Warn. UtMn Boekwelt. ;' 4?atherlne BmaMrk. ' ;ere MrASame. IglWlha Wldener. Helen WeM. , i Warjerle Ootid, Doiethr Canaan, ' Owendellu MeCoy. Uorotny Gray. . eadBirthday Party. . I , i Mrs. C F. Cavanaugli entertained I "tat a birthday oartV Tuesday evening A$ot her sister, Uiss Myrtle Judge. The j 'evening was spent in dancing and games. Those present were: Tin I In Mrawiwk. v el Katharine lan01n. ' Irene Blun. ilerme Hvroveneok. Veronlne MetlnldrU-h, ; tMarfaret Loaning, 1l 'la Oreea, ' . !A . ft.rrv. cHtMartaret Mrovenovk, Milan Uouthert)', if .Barbara Augustine, Mary fiue..n. Ms'lam cea, ,n(.r,.ri MeMlllan. , JilH ltuBell. , . i Smn. '. Walter Brunlns. : .frhoroae aumkAll, elti.nlT MnvilMk. JfrMV Hynea. Martha Vl'eltim, Merueila Noon, Wj'rtle Judfe. ' Meaar. SYaiik Hmilh. Thomea Vat; . Arthur Ofl, I'Some. FIIKserele, Uevd Wlllteine. Kreliela elurpll)'. I lifflnei Kdimiiid. I y rlannon. Kdward Kaller, ;'"fli rinler. lir-hn flrotl. Ueea. Hlstlli. Vtooert Keller,' "At Happy Hollow Club. ' ; ' Mrs. A. G. Edwards was ine mfm fber of a Dutch treat party of eight jvwho took luncheon at the club today viand spent the afternoon playing whist' I Reservations have been made for . i. . c -. I : .1. .1 i... "the Saturday evening dinner-dance by 'lames Williamson, by J. H. Kushton ' for eight guests and by George 'A. i .Roberts for ten guests, Miss Luella Petersen entertained at i " luncheon today for Miss Marguerite iiKlingbeil. who is a bride-to-be. Pink roses were used on the table. The Mace card were hand-painted kew i kjiies, draped with miniature bridal i 3Tveil and carrying bridal bouquets, it 'overs were laid for twelve. The aft- ernoon was spent in playing bridge. j Betrothal Announcement. j f :! Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Mock of MU ;t waukee, Wis., announce the eugage t tinent of their daughter Florence to ' Mr. Frederic Rosenstock of Omaha. Miss Mock ha been a very popular Visitor here as the guest of her aunt , and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fell i 'heimer, 'Social Gossip. ;. ; Mrs. Charles T. Kountae and Mrs. , V. T. Stewart, II. returned last eve 's iiing from Clear Water Lake, Minn.. .1 jwhere Mrs. Kountze motored with " Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sweattof Minne ., jtota, on their return from a visit in Omaha, to bring Miss Elinor home. ' ' Mrs. Joseph Barker and family have : eturned from spending the summer al 2; pialter't Points South Datmottth. k jrfass. : . ?' JTea Postponed, ,,4 On account of the delay In the , e)arrival of Mis Frances Paine of Ab erdeen, Wash., who comes this even - ,jng to be the guest of Miss Marjorie T.Foote, the tea which Miss Ruth Sla 1 ' haugh was to have given today in her . ' !honor and in honor of Mrs. Frank I Cooper of Kansas City, was cancelled. "Miss Slabaugh may entertain later for leveral visiting young women. f ,- - " I and Out of the Be Hive. f. Miss Irene Dyball has returned iprom a trip to Nevada, j j Mis Alice Virginia Davis is c.- i npecteo home Sunday trom a motor ; rip through New England. , Jj Mr. and Mr. Henry Con returned ; , I imrsday from spending their vaca tion at Pella. Mason City, Arnold's (jjPark and ttt Okoboji, la. hi Miss Stella Abraham will leave September 1J to enter the State uni versity at Lincoln.' She has been a . .teacher of German at Vinton school. 1 M Miss Martha Friedman, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Weiss, leave Saturday for Chicago, where he will be joined by her brother and , o on to New York. Miss Friedman irill return in time to take up her nitudies at Hunter college. i Mrs. David Newman and daughter, "isther, returned yesterday from De ; roit Chicago and Iowa points, Mr. i lewman having gone on to ,New i i"ork. ' - li Mrs. Isidor Newman left this ! norning for New York to attend the : redding of her niece, Miss Ruth iarks, and Mr. Philip Glick. which nil take place at the Waldorf-Astoria ! ext week. ?i Miss Pauline Greenebaum of Chi cago is visiting her sister, Mrs. Will arx. Mrs. Marx will give an Or neum party, followed by supper at ie Henshaw for her tomorrow even 1. which will include ten guest. l I I Timely Fashion Hint Handsome in the extreme is this lovely embroidered net collar. It come high in the neck and falls be low on the shoulders. Long points fasten in a V in front. This model Love vs. Friendship By BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Several week agp 1 wrote an arti cle on this subject. One of my read ers, a member of the medical profes sion, has written me so sanely and sincerely in reply to my article that 1 want to quote from liis letter and again to point out some of the quali ties which make for love which shall be lasting and worth while. All of us remember the beautiful lines from the Psalms. "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it." ' Nothing that is built on foundations of sand can last when the storm of life beat upon it. A love that is not .based on strong foundations can not weather time and stress; Most of the tragedies of marriage are due to weak foundations. When the builders of life hurry too fast and do not test the foundation on which they build, they practically invite fail ure: '.-T l " My correspondent. J. J. VV sayfin liart: . "Thej love, than lasts is the love of the minds, and souls of men and women whose thoughts run on par allel lined, whose aims and objects of life are co-operative and whose characters are companionable. A love that fades is a love based on jealousy, on appreciation of things that are only of a temporary' nature and on a com bination of two objects whose very atoms lack the property of union." Doesn't this sound sane and sensi ble? A wild flare of feeling a tem porary infatuation, an attraction that can be analysed into the fact that some little trick of personality ap peals isn't much on which to base a life partnership, is it? . Youth plunges headlong into in fatuations which it imagines arc go ing to be permaiieut-and youth lets impulse and instinct and a desire for companionship and sympathy mort gage its whole future. If friendship is to be based on congeniality and all of, us know that it hs--how much more must a lifelong friendship have congeniality on which to build? Marriage can not be a suc cess unless in addiiiotMo love (in its ?;enerally accepted meaning) it has a oundation of honest liking, whole some respect, mutual interest and broad toleration of points of differ ence. , . , ". . As a matter uf fact love in its gen erally accepted sense isn't love al all! Real" love ought to include these qual ities of liking and-understanding and respect. , An emotional attraction a sort of chemical affinity an instinctive ap peal are all needed to. make up love, but they are not love itself; instead lliev are but one of its parts. When a man and woman are not congenial, when they do not enjoy discussing such impersonal things as politic and current events, when they do not respect each other's work and ambitions, they have no right to mar ry. Marriage is a life partnership. Love is a wonderful big thing not a series of selfish demands on the be loved's personality and time, but a series of unselfish adjustments to the beloved's personality and time. Real love gives, while infatuation asks. Real love seeks understanding, while the love of the moment demands that it he understood. Not on shifting uncertaimie. .not on petty trivialties and not on tur bulent emotion can you build a real love. Instead, it has to be based' on life's big realities, which are honest and stable and for all time. Marriage must be a mating of souls which are in tune and of minds which understand. The physical can be sa cred and beautiful only when the mental and the spiritual give it life and color and poetry. The love that lasts thinks and aspire and under stands in addition to feeling, u Foods and Their Value An egg becomes a complete food if rice i added to it. - Dried fig are more nourishing than an equal weight of bread.; . , , Half a pint of milk and half a pound of date form perfect meal. There is no greater stimulating restorative than a tumbler of hot milk. ' r-' Old age is rarely attained by the excessive feeder. -Moderation and mastication are factor in long living. Tea, coffee and cocoa all owe their M wss one of those shown at a recent neckwear exhibit participated in by about twenty manufacturers, each of whom submitted five models. The object of the exhibit was to standard- lie neckwear styles. , SAILS 70S PORTO RICO TO VISIT UNCLE EreTyttflbrion " An interesting ttifr i in store for Miss Evelyn Morton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Horton, who sails from New York today on the steamship Bulia for May agues, Porto Rico, to viait an uncle who icside on the island. Miss Horton, who is one of this year's graduates at the Omaha High school, visited in Pittsburgh and New York prior to her departure for Porto Rico. ' - . stimulating and refreshing effects to an active principle contained in them all the drug caffeine, or one of. ita, allies. , - - . The value of vegetables lies in their mineral salts. Vegetable ahould be steamed, not boiled, or the salts are lost. .!' - LADIES We Are Showing STETSON'S SPORT HATS Felt or Beaver ' Velour Fine Quality. ' Snappy, but dressy shape Used for any occasion. Very exclu sive. Shawn only by us. $6 and $7.50 Pleasure to Show You. Fadden&Bittner 511 S. 16th St , Her Grand Building. --. ' i 4 V, ""I 5 i ami as iiina.i " - -.innmTr-i'irt.rni'' rntnsiT if---rv-""rT mi Shrimp Salad By CONSTANCY CLARKE. At this season of the year fruit and vegetables are plentiful, and heavy i food and much meat should be avoid ! ed, and fresh fruit and vegetables should be served at every mea!. Salads are essential. . They should very seldom be served with heavy mayonnaise, as the plain French dressing, properly seasoned, is more digestible during hot weather. This is a new one which is especially de licious: ' Shrimp Salad Shell one cup of At What Age Should a Woman or Man Marry? BY ELIZABETH M. DORRELL. ' Some person seem to be able to work themselves into quite, a health ful glow over the suggestion that one of our candidates for a certain high office hot long ago proposed to marry at the ripe old age of 80, ro thereabouts. "Why so hot, my little sir?" What difference does age make if two peo ple, who are at least old enough to know their own minds, propose to clasp hands and slide down the re mainder of life's hill together? Per sonally, it give me joy to know that even extreme old age has ita com pensations, Who was it said, "Marry early. And if opportunity permits, often?" Age cannot wither the hope of mar riage in some gentle hearts, nor cus tom stale its infinite variety. With the lady in question, mar riage has evidently become a hah't, like having cold Sunday night sup pers, or boiled dinners Monday, 01 any other little household rut. And by so doing, this little custom of taking a fresh husband every time one drooped and died, ahe has held her mind in a marriageable and plas tic state. There lies the crux of the whole matter. You are neither too old nor too young to marry if your mind is in that adaptable phase which will enable you to glide gently around your partner sharp corners without dislocating his life-long habit of want ing a large cup of coffee with his A BIG SPECIAL ENAMELWARE SALE TODAY AND FOR THIS ONE DAY ONLY . . , y THE s ONYX TURQUOISE BLUE GRAY A big apecial purchase of splendid Enamelware, bought at an ex tra heavy diKount, enable u to put the entire purchase on Special Bale for thia ona day only, at price that are poaitively lesa than wholesale. Come to thia big Enamelware Sale expecting to find ex traordinary value and you will not be disappointed, and, aa always, you make your own terms. t NOTE THESE EXTREMELY LOW PRICES rf Our inexpensive location, combined with our immense buying power en able u to make the lower prices; Cereal Cooker, with cover, ale 9Qe nric I.''.! ,eWl Double and triple coated wholesale 14-e.t. Dlah Pan, .aeaBaeeCLaeemeaeasJeeea-, Enameled aale trice, 24? A . Wash Basins, mk i..,. " ' : f ' '1 aal price n-t. Dlah Pane, W O lUC "V" 31 -IS. V" T Enameled oh A Jelly and pie " I plates, sale pr. lrie ilia enam- I J 1 Cg, led Drlnklm I 1 . Capes, ! Ijw k ....... 12-at blue en- ru- I I ameled water ''" L pail, aale pr., iX T:.t Tea Kettles, sale price. . .31tf 39c If """ " "' ' Enamel . Sav- Coma aarly I j, ory meat while tha as- dnn . J3j 1 flS roast, sal aortaaants f jl 1 lP I P Ir ' ara at I f I their ! V" itWrnTaaii., ,Th bif .naunelwar, ,rt Blia Krt. aale price. ifd sale t or one day only, Sat- m. eat. . , ... oo . n urday, September 2d. prie. ........ oe Plenty of Extra Salespeople to Wait on You , rriiif n i M rrf nr r- -if nr - gi r nr n'nif - -ilfrfii -TrtglflLW cooked shrimp, and quarter two me dium sized tomatoes and one lemon. Have ready a cup of French salad dressing and one lettuce washed and shaken dry in a cloth. Place a layer of lettuce leaves on the dish, then tome dressing with a few shrimp among it. Use the tomato and lemon quarters as a garnish, and, if anv dressing remains, it can be poured over all. : , - (Tuesday A Porch Luncheon.) dinner, while you prefer to sip a! demi-tasse after the dessert, or it ne will defer to yoifr preference for your own brand of religion instead of adopting that of your in-laws. Persons of cast-iron habits in daily life or even adamant mental attitudes, should never marry, no matter what their age. I have seen young girls of 18 so narrow-minded and set in their opiniona that they wesepredes tined old maids in, thought even if they married a dozen times. I have also aeen old ladies of'60 whose men tal plane was so youthful that I did not wonder that men still wanted to marry them. Did you ever see a boy with a nar row ' forehead and green eyes set close together without knowing that at AO he would be a deacon and pass the plate in church and make his wife scald the tea leave twice? Did you ever aee a fat, roly-poly boy with thin, light hair and a genius for making friends, that you did not know he would grow into a commer cial traveler and bring his wife a box of candy when he had stayed out too late? Did you ever aee a perfectly selfish young girl, who thought of nothing but silk stockings and how to, keep her complexion, that ybu couldn't see the patient way her Husband would have t sew on his own buttons and set the table Sunday nights, while the neighbors would always be buttoning her children's pinafores?.; Age has nothing to do with a per son's right to marry. I heard the other day of ait old lady who was going into incoherent raptures over the birth of her thirty-second grand child. What a born grandmother that woman was I Site probably had a genius for home-making. Three-quart Coffee Pota, aale 1 prlee lf Enamelware at less than prices. OiriTITTING 00 Tips on Fashions Rllk jaraar banded with fur If still la hish favor. . Plaid stlk walita. with hlh coliara, Bra amona tha advanced autumn walat modala. Soma it th new coata for motortn ara mada with aavaral llnea ol ahlrrlng to mark tha walat line. - Ball fringe la uaed aa an tdrlng (or aklrta &nd tunica, ueualiv In tha aama color aa the matarlal of tha frock, . Wool atocklnta ar not a wlll-o'-tha-wlaa Any mora. Tha Indlcatloaa point atronslr to thalr naa next winter. Already thay ara warn on the solf linka. ofun la bright col ore. Tha. moat faahlonable Jawelry of tha mo ment te tha ao-called eoatuma Jewelry and while jewelera report a falling off In tha demand for hlgh-prlcad pearla.and ruhtaa, NEW CLOTHING FOR CIEII, WOMEN AND CHILDREN ON CREDIT 11 MEN'S FALL SUITS $18.50 Presenting a wonderful shewing of the newest fell models fn Men's Guaranteed Suits. They come in styles that will meet any style notion of the oritical man. Fancy mixtures, newest weaves and in pinch back or full swinging belted models. We are showing some of our pinch back models in either single or double-breasted ' styles. The showing embraces styles for the young man, styles for the student and styles for the conservative man. Patch or regular pockets, cuffed or un cuffed trousers truly wonderful showing. For Saturday we offer as a special Inducement to secure new customers, a choice assortment of A A pa men's suits in the styles described above. Every garment sold I I 0.311 on sredit. 8aturday, at. , ; WB w w Other Models at $20, $22.50 and $25 Buy that Suit Saturday and take advantan of ear FREE offer of a sow Fall Hat with every Suit. Get yours tomorrow. . , , A full Hue of Men's Hats, Shirts. Ties, Shoei, etc., on eredtt. HIE)! CREDIT CLOTHING CO. , 1417 Douglas Street ERTAINLY. " Sister " .may have another plate of Ice Cream! " Give the children all the good Ice Cream they want It's nourishing to their little bodies. Let them eat at least a plate of ke Cream every day. ri.A Jl H M tit aX II The Sunday special reyrk 11. .. Ian. maralda and aapphlrea. the cheaper alonea. Ilka tha perldota. aquaroartnea and tourna liaaa, are In the flrat favor. , Bkoulaltely dainty underwear, suitable foi the trouaaeau lingerie, la of flreh-oolored georgette crepe or the American-named (abrlca almllar in texture, aome aeta charm lr.gly trimmed with lace; othera. almple hut equally effecUve, are trimmed with machln, hematltchlng. , Eepeclally pleaalng hecauaa of the charn of Ita almpllclty and Ita extreme uefulne le a gulmpe of One aheer white organdie having a collar of the aama material, edgl with plaited ruffle of the aheereat of crow.- . barred batiete, each aide of the front clos ing being flnlooed with a almllar ruffle m graduated width. WHuldn't It ha atranae If at thia late date I women ahould evolve a really lntereetlng reformed dreasT There has oeen taia droaa reform for woman for yeare and year, but never have any reeulta at all perma nent or far-reaching been attained. Now the talk has coma up again. FALL Ladies' Hew Fall SUITS. $18.50 In thii sMftortmtnt of Bnitt that w are offering at a special price Satur day ara a collection of charming style we secured in the east at a very attractive price concession. They are made of fine Velour Checks, Serges, Gabardines and Poplins with button trimmed coats; large an' small eollars; new flare cuffs; skirts with yoke and box pleated at sides. These suits hi cash stores would easily sell for $25.00. MA PA Buy them of us on ered- I 0.311 it, Saturday at, only wwww Other Handsomely Tailored Suits for women and misses, made of fine broadcloth and serges, in the latest colorings and styles. Priced at 20. $22 JO, $2$ and up to $45. New Arrivals in Beautiful FALL DRESSES, $16.50 Truly remarkable dresses at this ap peal. nil r low price! Splendidly made in every detail, and the fabrics are exceptionally fine in quality. Very attractive models In straight line and pleated effects, with Georgette and satin sleeves, eollars and cuffs. New fall shades of brown and blue or rich plain black. Materials are crepe de chine, new satins, taffeta silks, ele gant serges and eharmeuse. Women's and misses' sise Al A fA Sautrday special, sflOsOU rick he Cnam, s4EVk Sv koLJXJam or All Io& Creams tomorrow will be