Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Know They Are to Strike Even
if Leaden Are Not Allowed
to Notify Them.
' . Union Pacific brotherhood official!
now maintaining headquartera in
Omaha, ay they feel ure the injunc
tion order of Judge Seara, restraining
the officials of the railway conductors
of the Union Pacific from promulgat
mg or circulating the strike order for
Monday, will be set aside Saturday
morning, when the hearing is to be
held in district court
Th officials of the conductors art
si km on the matter, as the injunc
tinfi orders them to be.
"How do you do; sorry, I can't
talk," said Charles H. Friday of Chey-
' enne, and he sat back in his chair ana
read the morning papers, obeying the
injunction order strictly, not to
"promulgate" in any way. He ia
chairman of the conductors, and the
injunction is talking directly to him,
Smith More Talkative.
D. VI. Smith of Council Bluffs,
central chairman of the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Firemen & Engineers
of the Union Pacific, was more talka-
tice. There is no court restraint on
his tongue.
"I am satisfied there will be no dif.
ficulty in getting that injunction set
aside tomorrow morning," he said,
"when the chance is offered the con
ductors to be heard and to show that
they have complied with the rules of
the order strictly.
"All the restraining order does any
way ia to tie the hands of the chair
man and committee to prevent them
from getting information to the men
officially as to a strike order. It in
no wav restrains the men from quit
ting their jobs. And the men have
known all about the strike order for
some time, anyway.
Drawn by Railroad.
Commenting further on the injunc
tion feature, Mr. Smith said: "This
petition of the conductor, Hamilton,
asking for the injunction did not
originate with him. I have informa
tion that it was drawn up by the rail
road. Of course, he was asked to
sign it and he did. There are always
a few fellows at time like this who
will do a thing of this kind to curry
favor. -i . ',. ',
"I know, too, that another railroad
here prepared a petition of this kind
and asked some of the men to sign it,
seeking to get out an injunction also,
1 know the men who were asked to
sign it."
Charles Bogue , of North Platte,
general chairman of the Brotherhood
of Railway Trainmen, said:
"You can depend on it that the men
are all notified now, and unless the
order is changed they are to go out
at 6 O'clock Monday morning.
' All Have Orders.
In reply td the statement that many
of the railway men, engineers, brake-,
men and conductors interviewed by
The Bee Thursday, claimed to. have
received no personal order to strike,
Mr. Smith said: "Well, yoif under
stand there are a lot of men, and it
is always conceivable that some of
them had not yet received the order
Chairman Bogue of the Union Pa
cific trainmen said he felt confident
that the house and senate would stand
behind the president in the passage
of the eight-hour law now pending.
Digressing a little and dipping into
the arguments in this case, Mr. Bogue
aid, "At first the railroads declared
it would cost them $100,000,000 to
put the eight-hour day into effect,
when the railroad officials got to
Washington, however, where they
knew the records of cost of operation
could be found in the files of the In
terstate Commerce commission, they
cut it down $50,000,000. Later, Ripley
in Chicago has raised it $10,000,000
again, and puts it at $60,000,000."
Here Smith of the firemen and en
gineers broke in aeain:
"There are eighteen .oads in the
United States now operating under
an eight-hour day. Not one of those
vroads ia in the hands if a receiver.
i There are a number of other roads,
however, operating under a ten-hour
- day that are in the hands of a receiver.
i And it'a not on account of the num-
S ber of hours the men work, but due
I to th financial manipulations of the
owner in Wall atreet."
Nebraskans Go .
On Record for an
Eight-Hour Day
(Praia a fcurrCorre,poniltit.
Washington, Sept . (Special
Telegram.) Nebraska representa
tives today went on record irtv favor
of 'an eight-hour day for train em
ployes, voting fpr the emergency la
bor bill designed to prevent a walk
out on the part of the brotherhoods
ob Monday next. Kinkaid land
Reavi voted "ave" on th. ...
s of the bilL and "no" nr. M;
I I i , . . . r
j, uci menu motion appealing trom
mi ucciuon oi ine cnair. Kepresenta
I tive Sloan was recognized as voting
"present." On account of a pair the
unngenn irom neoraaka voted as
:, the president had requeated
The bill, which was passed by a
J te of 239 to 56 now goes to the sen
.J. ate, which body, it is expected, will
pass some sort of a measure looking
to similar ends, designed by the Ad-
amaon bill.
, Conference should be short so that
legislation makmg strike impossi
. ble should he accomplished late to
morrow. .':-t , C. v '-,,
While a' strike has been averted,
the representatives of the great rail
road properties get little consolation
out of the situation. The Interstate
Commerce commission today sus
pended all increases on canned goods,
leaving the ratea at at present,
tterearaate M Oaa ateaaien.
"Port. ' Arrived. aallaw
)tDFU.iKAL'X.....,l. ToureliM.Chlcua.
I'HB' lANSAXDOeoar II..,,'. - . 4
ULA w. .Anceeia. .... , . i ,.
,!. WL,.,; AXrlo. -V '
,NRW ,
NEW tO"K .....I'unoplo
fOFtSUAUKN.. Horn!
l'l.rMOUTH......AInl.... . '
. Dr. Hell's rtae-Tar-Heaer.
for yeur col ine bronchial rouo-b. aie
Bell'e VlBe-TarrHoney. ' it . euta the
llilcm. relieve eongeetloit. Qaejl' lie. All
Irwra-lfte. Advertlatment, '
DICATES Weary monarch givn
up throne in favor of th crowa
prince Gaoryioe, said to ba mors
in favor of allies.
(rnt4DHl from Pvt Oim.)
prepare the army for a possible rup
ture of existing conditions.
The part of Greek Macedonia in
which the forts mentioned are located
ia in northern Greece, close behind
the front, on which the entente allies
are fighting the Bulgarians and their
allies. Vodena is on the railroad line
between Saloniki and Monastir, an
important means of communication
for the entente allies. It is fortv-five
miles west of Saloniki. Fort Little
Karaburun is on the Gulf of Saloniki.
about ten miles south of the city.
Must Pass Two Censors,
Ward Price, to whom the above
dispatch relative to the abdication of
King Constantine is credited, is the
official British press representative
designated by the government to act
for all British publications in that
area. Nevertheless, his dispatches
are subject not only to the Greek cen
sorship, but to the French military
censorship, which controls all lines
of communication from Athens. The
fact that both censorships, as well as
the British . censorship in London,
have permitted this dispatch to come
through is significant.
On Tuesday Mr, Price sent from
Saloniki a report that King Constan
tine had fled from Athens to Larissa. I
This dispatch was discredited in Lon
don official circles. Doubt also an
petted to be cast on its correctness
by. (Hsnatches filed from Athens
Wednesday, one of them telling of
coming, meetings, between the king
and the entente ministers and others
Having to no with the, illness ot the
king, T who- recently underwent a
light operation. It is possible, how
ever, that the king may have depart
ed secretly trom Athens, as reported
by Mr. Price, and that his absence
was concealed from the newspaper
correspondents there.
Mrs. Jane Kirkwood
Is Ninety-Five
Iowa City, la.; Sept 1. (Special.)
Informal calls by her many friends
marked today for Mrs. Jane Kirk
wood, widow of Samuel J. Kirkwood,
Iowa's war governor, her 95th birth
day anniversary. Though hard of
hearing, Mrs. Kirkwood retains her
other faculties completely, reads with
out glasses and has spent mnch time
this summer doing fancy work, which
she plans to give as Christmas pres
ents. Ex-Governor Kirkwood died
twenty-two years ago, on his wife's
72d birthday.
Beaton's Saturday Bargains!
1 win c v mi-.. I
25c Mentholatura. 16
26c Bromo Seltzer. 16a
25c Bell's Fine Tar... 1T
26c Graves' Tooth Powder... 1B
25c Sanitol Tooth Paste. .... lc
26c Laxative Bromo Quinine.. lo
25c Beechama' Pill 19c
26c Williams' Shaving-Stick (new
holder top),..., ,17e
60c Dewitt's Kidney Pills.... J3e
60c and 76c per ounce Bulk
Perfumes, twenty odors to
aelect from, including all the
popular ones, Saturday, per
ounce 24c
$1.00 Ricksecker'i Toilet Wat
er, Golf Queen, Gyp, Voilet
and Lilas 89a
50cColgate'i Toilet Waters, all
iver Vegetals, all odors.. SAV
11.26 Goutorbe Rose Face Pow-
derfor BB
tie Tivoli Face Powder, Pin
aud'l ................ 4So
SOc, Stuart's, Dyspepsia Tablets
for. ..." ...Ut
100 Hlnki" Cascarn Pills.... 19c
s 10e Solid JtJcohol Be
cue Solid Al'conol Heaters.. J4e
10c Cuticlenea (for dirt and grit).
for .....V...... Be
photH dept.
Films Developed FREE
6c M. Q. DevelfPer, for, ,28e
We carry lle, largest and
most complete line of Inde-
gendent CamaBaa and Photo
upplies in Nebiaaka. We rent
Cameras for lOav a day.
Mail Ordjsri Receive Our Prompt Attention '
Beaton) Drug Company I
: . - - m tout mna rarntun. '
fenMBM4 trim rt Oee.)
onment not exceeding one year,
Senator Reed declared that if the
provision to give authority to the In
terstate Commerce commission to fix
wages and hours of service were not
abandoned, the bill could not be pass
ed in time to avert the strike. To
pass the nroviiion. he said, would.
stead of stopping the strike, absolutely
force it.
Under a special rule providing for
a vote not later than 4:JU this after
noon, the house took up the Adamson
eight-hour day bill approved by Pres
ident Wilson and accepted by broth
erhood leaders as a "satisfactory set
tlement." -
The senate interestate commerce
committee reported a similar bill,
which, however, contains an impor
tant provision empowering the Inter
state Commerce commission to fix
schedules of wages on interstate
railways. It provides that the eight
hour day shall become effective Jan
uary 1, 1917; that the present pay for
the ten-hour day shall apply to the
shorter day; that overtime shall be
jfaid pro rata, but adds that within not
less than six and not more than
twelve months after its passage the
Interstate . Commerce commission
shall assume jurisdiction of the ques
tion or hours and wages and that they
shall be subject to petition for change
trom either tne employers, ine em
ployes and the public.
Text of New Section.
The text of that provision follows:
"That the Interstate Commerce
commission shall have the power to
fix the hours of labor and prescribe
just and reasonable wages for all
employes of the railroads. The rate
of wages and the hours of labor pro
vided for in this 'act shall remain
fixed for service and pay until
changed by the decision of the In
terstate Commerce commission, which
within a period of not less than six
or more than twelve montha from
the passage of this act shall deter
mine what are just and reasonable
wages and what; snail be the hours
of labor for employes of the railroads
above mentioned.. '
"The Interstate Commerce commis
sion shall have the power from time
to time to change the hours of labor
and the rate of wages for all em
ployes of the railroads
either in whole or in part, prescribed
by it on its own initiative on the pe
tition of the employes, the managers
of the railroads or the public."
The possibility for a hitch seemed
to be in this added provision which
is being studied by the brotherhood
Freight Raise Eliminated.
The committee eliminated the pro
posal that on the report of the eight
hour day Commission the Interstate
Commerce commission shall consider
an increase of freight rates to meet
such additional expenditures by tne
railroads affected as mav have been
rendered necssary by the adoption of
Neither ot the two pending bills
contain the Canadian commission plan
which the labor leadera oppose, and
neither contains the government oper
ation provision, President Wilson is
willing to let those feasures wait until
after enough legislation to avert the
strike has been enacted. Republicans
decided today to frame a bill of their
own and offer it as a substitute for
the administration plan. A commit
tee was appointed to draft it. No
serious opposition to the administra
tion plan was expected, however.
President Wilson told members of
his cabinet at today's meeting that
there was every prospect that the leg
islation would be passed by both
houses of congress before tomorrow
Bill Reported to House.
The Adamson bill was favorably
reported by the house interstate com
merce committee, which amended it
tn make the eieht-hour provisions er
fective January 1, next, instead of
December 1, and so as to exempt elec
tric railways.
The bill was immediately reported
to the house, which met at 11 o clock.
Meantime the rules committee held a
meeting and, wlthou; any changes,
favorably reported the Kitchin rule
10e Tom Moore, Conchaa aiie,
for B
(Limit 6 to a customer.)
10c George the 4th, each. . .Be
lOe Gibraltar, Perfecto sise Be
10c Odina, Monarch size. . . .Be
11.00 Duffy's Malt Whiskey. .79c
25c Lustrite Nail Enamel (cake),
for 16e
50c Samuel's S-P Capsules. .29e
15c DeMar's Rose Glycerine Soap,
3 bars for 25c
60c Doan's Kidney Pills 34c
60c Lambert's Llsterine. . '. . ,29c
50c Kodal Dyspepsia Tablets. I7c
25c Colorite 19c
35c Caatoria 21c
60c Syrup of Figs 34c
25c Carter's Liver Pills, ..... 14c
25c Sloan's Liniment. ...... 17c
25e Wright's Silver Cream Polish
for r 17e
$1.60 2-quart Legrand Fountain
Syringe (guaranteed) 69e
10c Lustrite Emery Boards. . , .Be
60c Lavoria 34c
86c box Fine Linen Stationery 14c
60c box Fine Linen Stationery lie
26c Whisk Brooms. 15c
60c Nadinola Preparations. . ,34c
60c Pebeco Tooth Pasta.... 34e
COc Hind's Boney Almond Cream
for ......... k ..34c
26c Maaaatta. Talcum PnwHap ll.
25c Armour's Sylvian Talcum 12c i
26c Babcock'i Corylopsis Talcum
$1.00 Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal. . B9c
zoc minim i Dry cleaner
tl.00 Teniae
lOe Eureka Cleaning Pads. ,
60c Vera Form Bath Powde
I providing for two hours of general
! debate on the bill, and a vote on the
bill and -any amendments in the house,
at 4:30 o clock this afternoon. Mem
bers of the rules committee said un
der the rule the bill should be passed
by the house shortly after 5 o'clock
tms afternoon.
Democratic Leader Kitchin called
up the Adamson bill soon after the
house met.
"I ask unanimous consent for its
immediate consideration," said he.
"I object,' said Republican Leader
' Debate on Rule Begins.
Representative Harrison, democrat,
then offered the special rule and there
was discussion on that. Mr. Harri
son said congress, in the interest of
the American people, ought to pass
this bill by Saturday night and avert
the strike.
Representative Bennett, reoublican.
J I i ' 1 . .
uciiirumcu me propusca legislation.
mere are worse things than
strikes," said Bennett, "and one of
those things is the destruction of the
American system of government. I
don't propose to cast my vote with a
pistol at my head."
Representative Cooner of Ohio, re
publican, denied that labor was hold
ing- up congress, as Mr. Bennett
Representatives Caldwell of New
York, Borland of Missouri and Baker,
California, democrats, urged a strong
vote in favor of the bill.
Representative L'enroot nf Wiacnn-
sin, republican, amid applause on the
ocmocranc siae, announced he ex
pected to vote for the bill. Manv
others spoke briefly on both sides.
ine ruie was adopted without a
record vote and debate on the bill
itself then began. '
Greene Calls it Duress.
OoDOSition tO th teoiclatinn u.aa
voiced by Representative Greene, re
publican, Vermont.
"When any body of men holds up
congress ana threatens a net
amity, he said, "it is time for us to
fix the responsibility for the act on
those men rather than virlrl tn them
under duress." .
Representative Cooper, republican,
of Ohio told the house that for
twenty years he had worked in the
engine cab and knew from personal
experience what railroad conditions
"The men are justified," he said, "in
asking their employers for better
hours. The proposed legislation pro
vides the only way to avert the strike
set for Monday."
"When you say the employes have
held up congress and conspired for
this legislation vou sav what is ab
solutely untrue, said Representative
Taggart, democrat, of Kansas.
inis bill is a makeshitt, pure and
simple," said Representative Brown
ing, republican, ot Mew Jersey. -
Farm Demonstrator Resigns.
Beatrice, Neb.. Aug. 31. (Soecial
Telegram.) O. H. Liebers for the
last tour years larm demonstrator
for Gage county, today tendered his
resignation to take a position with the
agricultural department of the Bur
lington road. He will' have charge of
four states.
77i Store of th Town
Knox Hats
for Fall
The comfortable toft hats,
in many shapes and styles,
which are so popular for
early fall wear, have just
come in from NEW YORK
We have your size and
the style you like best
Our Stock of Fall
- and "
is complete in all the new
shapes and colors.
Better stop in our store
and inspect them.
Browning. King
& Company
Governor Morehead Suggests
Taking Over of Railroads
Lincoln, Sept. 1. In a ' telegram
today to President Wilson Governor
Morehead 6f Nebraska says that in
his judgment as a last resort, should
no other form of settlement be
found for the strike situation, the
federal authorities should take over
the railroads. His telegram follows:
"Hon. Woodrow Wilson, President
of the United States, - Washington,
D. C Mr. President The threat
ened strike of 600,000 employee would
paralyze business and industry, and
as I believe, should not take place.
As a last resort, in my judgment, the
federal authorities should take charge
of the railroads, placing experienced
men in control, the expenses to be
paid from the, earnings of the roads,
at least until such time as employer
and employe can adjust their differ-
Rock Island Men
Expect Strike on
Nebraska Lines
Fairbury, Neb., Sept. 1. (Special
Telegram.) Local Rock Island chair
men of the four striking organizations
issued a call for a mass meeting of the
men in trainmen's hall at 8 o'clock
tonight Practically all enginemen
and trainmen at this point are mem
bers of the striking organizations and
according to inside information every
man expects to be loyal to his order
and leave the service.
It is asserted that the Rock Island
Store Hours Now
In Effect
Store Opens 8:30 A. M.
Closes, daily 6:00 P.M.
Saturdays 9:00 P.M.
Basement Balcony
Wash blouses that are re
markable at these prices,
59c and 79c.
New House Dresses
For Fall Are Here
Shown, in', the basement
apparel ejection; attrac
4 tive style and modest
4, prices : aie . noticeable
throughout the display,
Fibre Hose Special
Saturday, 39c Pair
Women's Fibre "Silk"
: Hose, summer weight, in
black and white, regular
ly sold at 69c. Saturday
ONLY, they will go at 39c
a pair. .
Velvets Galore
A selection of foremost
. importance : Every new,
desirable autumn shade
and color. All of first
,, quality. You will be fav
orably impressed with the
extent of this showing.
Opposite the Silks
Advance Opening Saturday
of the Basement
Inexpensive Millinery Section
Trimmed Hats, Untrimmed Hats, Fancy
Feathers and Novelties, inexpensively priced..
Saturday we will present a wonderful col
lection of "Smart Tailored and Dress Hats;
priced, $3.95 and $4.95.
Untrimmed shapes in all the wanted colors.
Twenty-five New and Up-to-Date Styles,
specially priced, at $1.49, $1.95, $2.95, $3.95.
i V I
On account of prospective strike of engineers,
conductors, brakmen, . firemen and switchmen, the
Burlington Railroad solicits applications from ex
perienced men in these classes of service, and can use
j inexperienced men of good character as brakemen,
i firemen and switchmen. Make appli
i l I 'J I I
ences, or federal legislation be enact
ed to regulate the great business and
the employe. '
"Railroad companies are notifying
all shippers that goods will not-be
received for shipment within a few
hours. Nebraska, -with a quarter of
a billion dollars of farm products
ready to move, and the conditions
stated to exist, the losses will be im
mense, besides the extent of suffering
that the people will ' endure. A
movement of this kind, I feel qualified
to say, will be endorsed by a very
large per cent of the citizens of Ne
braska, and you will have my unqual
ified support as executive of Ne
braska. -.
: . -. .. ,., : "Governor."
operating officials have reinstated a
number of discharged trainmen with
a view of operating trains. One con
ductor, it is kno'vn, who was dis
charged eleven years ago for an in
fraction of a rule, was recently given
seniority rights on the division. Since
his dismissal he has been working at
various points on the Rock Island in
Mee Named Register
At Rapid City, S. D,
Washington, Sept. 1. President
Wilson today nominated James Wal
ter Mee, register of the general land
office at Rapid City, S. D.
- H Fashion GnleroriirU(lie
V tVabTtshedm'
Daintiest Blouses . ' j
The Store; for Shirtwaists
is a charming spot of de
lightfully new colors, ma
terials and styles. Beauti
ful Georgette Crepes
priced, $5.95, $6.50, $7.50
plete variety, offering
many ! novelties, . priced
to $15.
New Wool Plaids
Priced 75c a Yard
A choice selection of new
plaids, , especially desir
able for children's and
misses' school dresses; 38
to 40 inches wide, 75c yd.
Rear Mala Fleer.
cation to any agent of the Company,
or to -
' (Ceatlaaed Iron Pate One.)
President Herbert of the St Louis
Southwestern (Cotton Belt) railroad
Ltoday that a large number of the
trainmen employed by tnat road
would not strike. An approximate
percentage cooid not be given.
. Situation on Rock Island.
Des Moines, Sept. 1. C W. Jones,
assistant general manager of the Chi
cago, Rock Island & Pacific railroad,
late this afternoon declined to dis
cuss the strike situation except to
sa ythat a large percentage of the
employes in his. division would re
main at work. When asked if 25 per
cent would be likely to disobey the
strike order, he replied "not quite so
good." -.
Charleston Man Accused
Of Sending Threat by Mail
York, Neb., Sept. 1. (Special Tele
gram.) Will H. Warnich, who lives
near Charleston, was arrested today
by Deputy United States Marshal
Carroll and taken to Lincoln to an
swer before a United States commis
sioner to the charge of using the
mails in an illegal manner.
Warnich, rt is charged, sent letters
to County Attorney Gilmore. In one
it was said your days are numbered.
Warnich has had trouble with his
family and his wife sued for divorce,
which was granted. Warnich and his
wife have been remarried and at this
time are living together. The trouble
seems to have grown out of the prose
cution by County Attorney Gilmore,
who acted as attorney for Mrs. War
nich in her divorce proceedings.
Saturday the Second
Day of September
In the Apparel
Tailored Suits
Direct from New York,
made under our personal
supervision, in styles that
express the. latest in de
; sign, and appeal to wom
en who desire distinction
and exclusiveness in dress
$25, $35, $45 to $95
Lovely Dresses
For every occasion aft
ernoon, street and evening
wear. Creations chosen
because of their correct,
fashionable lines and high
quality silks ; prices are
reasonable '
$25, $35, $45 to $75.
Separate Skirts
A garment of extreme
practicability, popular for
autumn wear. Enhanced
by the beauty of the new
silks and woolens, which
fabrics are used exten
sively. Priced, $6.50,
$8.50, $9.75 to $39.50.
Silk and Wool Pop
lins Specially Priced
A line of silk and wool
poplins, in the best fall
colors (40-inch), $1.50
Saturday, $1.19 a Yard
Rear Mala Fleer.
Basement only.