Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Cash Wheat Rules from Steady
.: to Two Oenti Higher on
f J ;, Omaha Market.
' l .h. a-., , 1.1
Tha each vbsat situation wa eonldrablr
improved and tha market rated from staady
I Sc higher. The better grades of wheat
were in good demand at advanced price.
whtla the price on th poorer grade ware
about th aem a yesterday a. .No. i hard
wheat old generally at 11. ; No. t hard
sold aroond II. 4091.41. and Ni. 4 hard
ranged around II.Joei.14, with th bulk
. falling sround tl.M01.34.
Th corn market waa a trllte Irregular,
arlth price ranging from higher to He
-'' tower. Th bulk of th receipt graded No.
f and No. I, and th yello ld at fee
Th cash demand for corn wa quite st
rive, but leading was quiet on account of
the light receipts.
., Th oat market was units artyve snd
there was a moderately good demand for
aH grades of this ceresl.
-"The msrket ruled slightly lower on No.
1 whit, but th better grades sold at stcadr
. prices,
.The rye market was fairly active and
ruled about 1 He higher, while barley wa
quoted nominally unchanged.
Liverpool cloee: Wheat, 1014. higher;
corn, steady tn Id lower.
- Wheat, Corn, Oate.
"nlesgs IT It 111
Minneapolis ,.110
. EMilutb. ,,..10 ..
Omaha 101 it 29
Kansss City...,., .,....! II II
St. Louis Ill 1 34 41
Winnipeg sit
These ssles were reported today: '
v Wheat No. 1 hard winter: I ear. 1.41 :
1 cars, 91.41. No. hard winter; 1 oar,
11.41: 1 car, l.l)l ; 11 car, 11.41; 1 car.
1.4114; 1 1 car. 11.41: 1 14 cars, 11.40.
N. 1 hard winter: 1 car, II. 4; I cars,
11.41; I esrs, 1141; T csrs, 11,40; I cars.
K it; 1 ear. I1.HI4I I car. 11.14(4. No. 4
hard wlntsr: 1 car, 11.40; 1 car, 11.11;
) oars, II. I; i ears, 11.16; ears, 11.14:
1 ears. 11.11; 1 ear,; 1 ear, 11.10.
Uample hard winter; 1 car, 11.11: 1 car,
11.10; I ears, 11.11; - ear, I.JtI cars.
01.11. No. 1 spring: 1 ear, 1117. No.
spring: 1 ear, 11.10. No. 1 durum: 1 car,
M il 1 ear, 11.11. No. I durum: 1 ear,
11.17. No. 4 durum; 1 car, 11.14. No. I
durum mixed: 1 oar, 11.11. No 4 mlsed:
I car, 11.14.
,Rya No. I: 4 ears, 11.114.
. Cera No. I whits: 1 cars, He. No. I
whits: 1 ear, TIKe; I cars, 71 He No.
white: 1 ear, Iflie. fUmple white: 1 oar.
IjlHc No. 1 yellow: 1 car, 70 He No. I
xllow: I cars. Too. No, I yollow; I cars.
T7c Sample yellow: I cars, 71140. No. I
ftllssd: T ears, 71 Ho. No. 4 mld: 1 ear,
lac. No. mti.d: 1 oar, 77o; 1 car, !lt.
Oat Stsndard: I ears, 41o. No, I white;
tO cars, 41; l-t ear. 41c. No. 4 white:
S'ear, 4 In. asjnpl whilst 1 oar, 41e; 4
ear, el Ue.
. Omaha Cash rles Wheat: No. t hard.
tl 40l.(l: No. I Sard. M0ttO14l; No. 4
hard, 1. 101. 0; No. I spring, ll.ll)1.4T;
.No. 1 spring, 11.1(01.41; No. I durum, 11.17
Ol.ll: No, I durum, I1.10O1.I7. corn: No.
t whit. 7lO70o: No. I white, tlHOTIfie:
o. 4 white. 77e7lo: No. I whit.. 17140
77 440: No. while, 7414 077c; No. I yel
low, 7V704e; No. I yellow, lingmi no.
4 yellow, 717IHc: No. I yellow, T1UO
Tic; No. yellow, 7114071c: No. 1 Killed.
' IIHOIiKc: No, I mlsed, 7107IHo; No. 4
Billed, 77tl07lc; No. t mlsed, 7ll0 77l4o;
No.1! mlsed, 74 0 77e. (late: No. I whits,
4041l4e; standard, 41 041c: No. I whits,
414tlHo: No. 4 while, 41U041c. Barley;
Malting, liOHe; No. 1 fssd, 71I!c. Kye:
No, g, 11.11)401.11; No. I. 11.11(4 01114.
- . Oauka rutnr Market.
Omaha, gplmber 1. Itlf.
- Th wheat market opened steady and
heavy buying during the middle of th
aCMlon forced the market higher.
. Th market reacted ahartly, however, and
closed somewhat lower.
- September wheat closed lHo lower, t
. esmber ruled Ifca off and th May option
dropped 1440.
' The corn market, with th eseeptlon of
th May, was a trirts weak, ths September
declining 4a and th liumbr closing Ho
May osts declined fraction, but the
September and December wer firm and
Oloeed about e higher,
vomaha oloslng prices OK'ftiturM for this
Oate No, 1 whits, 41c; No. I ml ted, 440
41c. '
Butter Creamery, lie; firsts, lee; sec
onds, 10c: packing, Ho.
Keres Firsts. 17c.
Poultry Hons, IBHe; rooatar. llcj broil
ers. io.
"Art. I Open, j High. ILow.j Clos. T.
-slept I 1114 1 4144 HI 1" llt'
-Dec. I41V-4I 1411,1" 140V4 14114
May I 44 1 4114 14114 14114 141
Tasjt 1IH 1i 1 tl TI14
lies. S 1114 "ft II t 414
sy J1H Tl JlS J1H 11H
Dep't 4114 414 4114 4114 41 H
Dee. 41 , ,, 41 43 44 414s 41)4
May 4114 41)4 ItH 474,
" Chiesgo closing prices, furnished Ths ales
hf Logan a Bryan, stock and grain brokers,
si ooutn Bisteenin aireet
Art. I Open,
1, .
. Oct.
t 47H;
4 4 44-41
14 III
14 It
14 10
14 It
II 01
High. IIxpw
1 41)4
1 41)4
1 1044
IT 1
It to
14 II
14 11
II 01
14 !
IT 10
14 10
It 111
It It
1 1044
I 44
I 44
17 19
14 11
14 II
It It III 10
34 40
14 10
14 II
Itapmantal la ftirllM MtMtt Hh Bsliiok
- INHlltVlrMl..
t .Chicago; ttpt, 1. Ntrvouanou1 on th
IHirt ( many iradtra that soma hlteh in
tionru would provant a Mttlomonl of
th railway otrlka, turnad tha whaat mar
rat today down frada. Lartyalr In ean
ian tha eioaa Waa. unaattlad, 1 to
3 Ho not lowar, with Sop tarn bar at 11,40 1
and Dacambtsr at tl.43 to It. 44. Cam
Anlahad to e down,. oaU H off to
Ho up. and pro v talon varying from 4ltf 47c,
dacltne to a rlao o( T4c .
i Uaproaalon regarding tha poaalhla' ap
alaal of th atrik wttlamont did not ba
coni a dominating factor In th whaat
tnarkat until midday. Pravlou . to ttiai
Umi, tha llklthood aaamod to a that
Mm action of congraaa would bo of a na
far to rcault In- tha itrlh balng eallad off.
Accordingly, buyari of whet Vara dacldedly
aettv and price mad a rapid upturn.
It waa not long, hbwvar bafor th tanor
of despatches from Washington assumed
A lew and less rosy aspect, until finally
Inferenom -. were drawn that after all a
big chance existed of the strike settlement
being wrecked, doners! selling followed,
with bearish sentiment emphasised by dis
turbing reports from the Balkans, especially
annouaoemnta that the king of Oreece had
resigned office and that Oreeee would fight
tt th aid of the Anglo-French.
' Word that a large export business had
tn done at the seaboard helped the wheat
.. market to rseover a little Just at th cloee,
1ero were also late advloes that north
Vatera mill were heavy buyers of cash
Wheat in the southwest at th best premiums
f the season. Returns continued extermely
banish as to yields la the spring wheat
states and tn Canada.
Cera prices were highest during th first
hour, and lowest during the laat hour. ' The
change In th coarse of th market hinged
almost entirely on the .varying proa porta
regarding the suttees of the efforts to avert
lev strike. Oat wer governed chiefly by
atM action of other cereals. The fact, how
rver, that deliveries on Beptemebr contracts
were less heavy than expected, mad the
Beptember option relatively firm.
rovialon Anally gavs wayunder th in
fluence of a sharp decline la the hog market.
The. chief setback was In pork.
: Cash Price Wheat: No. t red. 1.4S
MS; No. red,; No. 9 hard, H.U;
pre. a hard, 11.17 tt IM. Corn: No. I
tl!ow, ( No, 4 yellow and No. 4
W4tlt, nominal. Oats! No. S whit, 44
; standard. 4641 lie. Bye: No. I.
tt.lEtt. Parley: IKftH. Beads: Tlm
ihy: 14.000 4.TI; clovsr, 1 J.0t)H,84.
Provisions: Pork. 37.ll; Urdd 114.10; ribs,
fl4.OI014.OO. -
; Butter firm: creamery. llo,
V Eg Receipts. 7,911 ease; unchanged. .
Potatoes Higher; receipts, SI cars; Jar
fty cebbtefa, Il.Tlttl.OOl Jersey giants, fl.TO
tl.0; Mlaaeeota Ohio. fl.4l4fl.IO.
Poultry Aiiv. lower; fowls, IS lie:
swrtnga. I0tyllc.
. ii"" 1 " (
. ... Ksjum City Oesmml Marfcei.
Kansaa City, . ept. I Whaat No. X,
f 414)1. ; No- t vd, $1.47J1,IS; Bcptam
swr, tl.M;, December, $l.$t; May, 11.43H
-1..4J.. ' '
Oors-r-Na. t mlsed, lOtfllHc; No. I
V nts. HOIlo. tio. I yellow, Hie: ftep
bbr, c; December, li, May, T4.
QuoUtleeta of the Hay tu iba Leading
New Tork, Sept. 1. Flour Unsffltt:1.
Wheel Bpot, Irregular; No. 1 durum,
Si. II; No. S hard, fl.ll; No. 1 northern,
Duluth. 91.41; No. 1 northern, Manitoba,
1.70, f. n. b. New Tork.
Corn Spot, steady; No. J reltow, fi'ic.
C I. f. New York.
Oats Spot, steady.
Hope Ksy; state, common to choice,
1116, fiftllc. 1114, E4c; Pacific coast,
lfflfi. Iffllc; 1114, 7tj!r.
Hay Stesdy; prime. II. SO; Na, 1, 1121;
No. 3, I1.10 tJl.H; No. I, shipping,
7. 1091. 00.
Hides Firm; Bogota, HHOIIc, Central
Amerlfs. 12 40.
ieaintr rirm; nemioca- iirsis, sie, sec
ond, c,
Pork Firm; mess, 120,000 JO.IB; family,
too t HA
liard Btrong;' middle west, fH.41914.41.
Tsllow Firm; city, inc. nominal; coun
try, Tlfc; special, $4c, nominal.
Rutttr tCasler; receipts, 1,440 tubs; un
changed. Kauri Easier; receipts, 1,347 cases; fresh
gath-rd, nitre fine, f&tflen; eitra first,
3.19 13c; firsts. Jlt3lr.
t'htiie-Flrm; receipts, 1,40 boxes; un
changed. poultry lilv, wak; no prices settled.
Dressed, weaker, unchanged.
Butter- No. I creamery, in carton or
una. SOo, No. 1 Me.
Chec Imported Swiss, lb.. 40c; dome-
Mwiba, Wc: block Hwlss. Iln; twin. 17c;
tritvta, 11 c; oaieiea, nc; young a mar
La. Itr.; blot, label brick, liWo; llra
bergcr, luo; New Tork wbtie, fOct Rocqu
fort. 14c
Oysters fltan da rd, llJtOcj selects, f0(V
41c: counts, aztjoOc.
Flah Freah: Halibut, lb., lie; catfish.
HO1 17c; red salmon, 14c; fall salmon, 11a;
whlteflsh, lie; herring, 7c; trout, 14c; yel
low pike, 17c; bull heads. 16c: carp, tc;
black baas. 12c; sunflah, tc; eropp!M, tic
Rick ere I, lie stesk rodflsh. lie; tlleflsh, lc;
eab headless shrimp, aal.. 11.21, red snao-
per, lb,, lie; spanleh mackerel. Iho; Iak
Krie, jumbo wnuerisn. iac; riounders, lie
freah Reeled shrimp, per gal., 2.
No. f, lif, No, t loins, Sic; No. I, ino;
i o. a. w c , no. 1 , on ur mm. -, no, a,
12o; No. I, lOtte; N. rounds, ITc; No.
3. lie: No. t. lie; No. 1 plates, l&e; No. J,
wv, iw, , m ac
Fruit and vegetabl artees furnished by
Fruits Oranges, 04a, ISO, H4s, 4 box:
ISfls, 131b, 14.71; lifts, flf 1T, fK.31; SOOs,
Ills. It Os, flag. Lemons: lOOs. 140s, It. 10;
choice, l Pcaehee: Per bos, fl.SO; In lots,
fill; bushel, $1 71 bu. Pears: Bushel
Kftlfers. fl.7l bu. f.buahel ota, fl.41; 1.
buahel lots or more. 11,40: California Bart lot
fancy, fi ll crate; Ch. I tier 0, 13.71; Bartlett
4 tier 0, 13.11; fancy Flemish, 13.10; choice
r'lemien, si.ze. urapes: Horn grown, 3 00
basket; Malagas, crate; Tokays. f3.
Apples: Oravenstetn, bos; Be J flowers,
fl,7t; cooking, fl.ll bu.; barrels, fa.AO bbl,;
easting, f4.ll. Cantaloupes; Standards,
11.71 crate;; flats, fl. Water
m Hons , le lb. Prunes: On arrival, fl.ll
Vagetablesi " Sweat spuds, Vlr, barrels,
f4.IO bbl.; Southern hmpds.,' fl.41 hmp.;
California crates, f4 crate; potatoes, bushels,
fl.ll bu.; intone, span, fl crate; onions,
red, lc lb.; onions, western, ic; cabbasc,
fttc; tomatoes. Tie bash.; cucumber, frOo;
celery, 40c doa. .
Hony, fl.74 oas.
Poultry Live: BrolUra, J to I lbs., SOe;
over S lb., lie. Hens: Over 4 lbs., lee;
under 4 lbs,, ale; roosters and stags, 10 -Ac:
gees, full feathered, fat, 10c; young and
eld ducks, full feathered, fat, 14c; turkey,
any siis over I lbs., t4c; turkeys, less than
I lbs., half price; capons, t lb, and over,
14c; guineas, each, 16c. Squabs; Homers,
14 os, each, per dos., f4.00; if 0. each, per
do,; fl.40; I os, each, per dos., fl.10; un
der fl es. each, pr dos., lOo, Pigeon. pr
do.. 11.00.
Miscellaneous CrsckerJaok, corn pops
and checkers, ess, fl.10; half cases, fl 71;
peanut, Special No, 1, lb., Ifcc; Jumbo
peanut, to j popoorn, ca, f t.tO ; honey,
new, ess, fl.7t,
a,., 'a
Miaaeapelis Grata Market.
Minneapolis, Sept. I. Wheat Beptember,
f1.ll; December, fl-IOH- Cash; No, 1
hard, fll.lftA; No. I north, fl.120
I. lli No, I northern, fl. 41 01.11.
Flour Unchanged.
Barley lltllle.
Bran fH.OOfJll.OO.
Corn No. f yellow, tOI7c.
Oats No. I while, 4l04lfce. i
. St. Lal Oram Market.
St. Louis, Sept, 1. Wheat No, I red,
II. 47; No. I hard, fl.41; December, 11. 10;
December, 11.41V
Corn No. fl, l4Hc; No, I whits, flic;
September, tle; liecember, 71 He? 71 He.
Oats No. fl, 460460; No. t whit, 4IHo.
. Urerpaol Grain Marfcei,
Liverpool, Sept. 1. -Wheat Spot, No. 1
Manitoba, 14 Td; No. I, 14 Id; No. t red
western winter, 14 Id.
CornSpot, American mlied, new, 10a Id.
1 ? j
Raalneea Makes Further Headway Iplta
Throateaed Heap.
New Tork, Sept, I. Dun' Review toomr.
row will say:
Kmbargoea on freight shipment and some
cancellations of contracts because of un
certainties a to deliveries, due to the
threatened transportation tleup, character
ised the situation during th week. Tot, In
aplts of thee condition busin mad
further substantial headway, new projects
in most' Instances being undertaken 'With
atistalmd eonflfVenoe. Current buying con
tinues noteworthy, though ordinarily It
might be checked, and divergence bat wee
supply and demand I still a factor of
strength In many markets; Prlcsa In lead
ing line tend upward steadily, but whll
the high roeta naturally causa some heetta
tancy, consumption Is not lessened per
ceptibly. In one important branch after an
other purchasing has broadened appre
ciably, following 1 a temporary lull, and
producing and distribution fact II ties re
main Inadequate to meet th ei pending re
quirement, with transactions surpassing
thoa of any other year, much mora busi
ness might be don were It not for the
scarcity of materiel end ahortag oY labor,
which prevent manufacturer from accept
ing all th contract offered.
Weekly bank clearings wer I.74I,141,36T,
,t ' . 1,' . I '"'I' J ........ I
.; New York Meetey Markt,
New , Tork , Sept. ,1. Prim Mercantile
Payor ICItt per cent, :
Sterling Bichange Qtxty-day bills,
$4.71 ; demand, f4.7l; cables, (4747-11.
Francs; Demand. &.!; cables, fl.ll.
Silver Bar, 44 He; Mexican dollars, llc.
Bonds Oovrnment, steady; 'railroad,
Tim Loans Steady; sixty days, 101
per cent; ninety days, If) lit per cent; six
months, 14)- psr cent,
i Call Money Stronger j highest, f per cent;
lowest, SMi per cent; ruling rate, H per
cent; last loan, t per cent; oloslng bid, 1H
per centi' offered at 1 per cent.
U. 8. ref. Is, reg.OI LAN. un, 4s...t!A
Mo coupon, ...00 M., K. A T. 1st 4s. 711
V. S. ts, reg.,.100H Mo. Pap. con. Is.1011
. Mo-coupon... 100 HUont. Power Is. .174
U. 8. 4s, reg.vlOOUN. X. C, deb. U. Ill W
Mo coupon.. ,110n. T. City 4Hs
Am. Smelt. Is, -.101 , i h.tOfH
Am. T. 4 T. r. N. T.. N. . Z
4t4a .........10H II. cv. Is .111
Anglo-French b.f 6 No. Pao. 4s. .....11
Atohlneoa gen. 4s.tlNo. Pac. la. Of
B. O 4e Iltio. S. L. ref. 4s.. 014.
Beth.Steel rcf Is.ioci M'ao, T. T. ta.100.
Cant. Pac 1st. . .11 H Penn. eon, 4s. ,104 W
C. A O, cv, 4H.l4H'Penn. gen. 4Vj.101i2
(,. B. Q. H- 4s. ft Reading gen. V.96V4
CM.ASt. la . 101 4 St. L AS. F. ref. 4s . 7 1
C R. I. A P. So. Pec. cv, Is. 101
Ry. ref. 4s Tl So. Pac. ref, 4a.,IO)j
v, at b. rei. in. .0 no. ny. ,iui
Cattle Trade Slow to Ten to
Fifteen Lower Feeder
Lambs Open Steadjj.
Oniaaa, Sept. !, Hit.
r..,l II... Uttman
Official Ueiida) 11.1S2 ' 1.(41 ll.llt
unir-iai Tuesday ... 8. SIO 7.374 Zft,Bi
Official ThureilaK.... l!l46 ,14 HI. lilt
uiinai, jnauy....'Z,SQQ i,.,,u
Piv. days this week.14.or,, 14.010 111.4,1
game days last wk.zMM Z.M 9t.t24
Kama 2 weeks ago. .17.7 ' 4t.Hi)') S2..t9
Sam I weeks aao.. 20.41, 26.lfH4 74.41
Same 4 weeks am. . 11.404 42.4,0' 47. 0:
earn days last 2S.HI 121.711
Recelpta and dlepeetllnn of live stoek st
ths Union stock yard,. Omaha, for twenly
four hour sndlns at I o'clock yenterdey;
Cattle. Hois. Sheep. H'r's.
. M. A St. P 2
Wabash ,1
Mlesoulr Psciflc.,,. 1 1
Union Panne .. 7 17 It 1
C. It N. W asst.. J 4 10 1
C. N. W , st.... I M 1
C, CI. P., II. 4k O. 2 I .
C, B. ft Q., rail.... 1 I 1
C, B. Q.. weet.. t 21 4 1
ft. It. I. P., es.t I I j , .
C. n. I. P., weat .. . I '
Illlnola Central 1' 1 ,. ' ,.
Chlcato at. Weat.. 1 1 ' '..
Total receipts.... 44 147 It t
stockers and feeders, !l.7i0T.7!t
I6.2Hj6.50. ralvea, t 60itu.c.
llors Receipts, lt.OOt head:
lower; bulk of aalea, I10.IOB10.II:
t!; packers and butchers.
io.v; llvnt. ,lo,; pitrs,
Sheep snd tamhs Receipts, 20,
market lower: lambs, l,.7telt-2fi:
lln,, 7.ttl.00; wether., . 17.00
ewes, lf.10O7.lll.
Cattle. Hogs.
Morris fJe,.M.... lit
Swift Co 74
Cudhsy Packing Co., lot
Armour is Co.,,,,,, Ill
J. W. Murphy t.
S. O. Packing Co.... t
Cudhay, from country
Cudhay, from K. C.
Benton, Vaneant A L
P. B, Lewi.
J. B. Tloot V Co..,,
J. H. Bulla
P. O. Kellogg
M. K. Calf Co....
Hlggina ............
Huffman ...........
John Harvey
Dennis Jc Francis, ,
Pat O'Day
Othr buyrs.,
. 47
1 t
1,424 2.222
1,1.7 II!
1,04, 2,221
..." 1M
1.414 l,f
for a Friday,
U.AR.O. con. 4s.?TUUnlon Psciflc 4s.4U
Rrle sen. 4s. .... .?0h Union Pao. cv. tin II It.
Oen. Rler. Is, . . .104 W U. S. Rub. e,.10t
ui. no. isi i )Oi r f u. . Diaai ee.,.VD
111. Cent. ref. 4a.MSWest. Vnlon 4sl
i, , m. i"ffa. .."(t Ti out. aiiv.ET, ott .lis
K. C. S. ret. le..litAR. O. ref. a.4S4
:' Oniaha Bsj Market.
Omaha. , Aug. It, Prairie j Har Upland:
CholC. 111. OfiOU. 10; NO. 1. IIO.IOOU.OOl
No. I, l "0O10.0(l; No. I, tl.lOOI.sU. Mid
land;. Choice. 110 1011.00; No. 1. Iioeeej
10.10; No. I, M I090.IO; No. I, fl.lOffn.lO,
Lowland: Choice. 110.00; No. 1, M 10)
I. IO; No. I, T.00gl,0; No. 3, IS MT.OO.
atraw none on th market; cho4cs whaat
Is quotable at 14.10; eholc oat or ry, 14.00
Alfalfa Choice,; No. ' 1,
Ili.oottll.lO; standard. If OOflt u.QO; No. I,
II. IOtt.OQ; ,No. I, to.OOQI OO. ,. h ,
: lsade tfAaeka BJhi Bonds.
Ixtndon. Sept. 1. America securities.
theuah Idle, closed Arm on th improved
labor situation.
Sliver Bar. lt-14d per euoc. i
Money 4 r cent. 1
Discount Rates Short hi Its. IHI44 nor
cent; thro months bills, IHli per cent.
Bajak CMaHaga.
Omaha. Sept. 1. Bank clearings for
Omaha today wer f 1. 161,111.11 end for th
corresponding day last year 11.314,011.10.
I in
1 40
T 10
T 10
V 00
1 60
111 car being reported In, and the total
for the five day amount to St.Ofil head.
the heaviest of any receit week and lars-er
than a year ago by ore. 7,400 head. The
market looked slow, Iwfng wnder the In flu
enca of uncertainty surround In the rati
road labor troubles. The. tendency o
prices waa downward, being In many cases
ivwioo rower.
Operators on th market are generally
advising shippers to go slow until the out
come of the labor troubles Is thoroughly
understood, and at the. same time to keep
in ciose urnm v.itn their commission Arms.
ItepreeentaUvs ssles:
No. Av, Pr, , No. , Av.
30.. no S S ' II 136
I... 0I 71 ft iei
4........ Bt I 00 4 lOli
t... T7Jj 00 10 141
1 S30 4 71 11 117
4........ 441 I SO 4. ....... 231
30 steers.. 1!T0 , 1 10 11 steer.. lilt
Hogs turfng the early hour of the fore
noon there ws absolutely no thin; dolns;.
Shippers were quiet, as there was ho assur
ance that they wouid be able to ship hogs
even should they buy them, snd packers,
with the total receipt at their disposal for
th first time In a long time, claimed to
have no orders and would bid only on a
sharply lower basis,
Toward mid forenoon things loosened up
little. Outside buyers not In and pur
chased a few loads at figures that were a
dime or more below yesterday, peytng a top
or iitj. 70, not buying most or their sturr
from 110.10 down. After order buyers had
started ths hall rolling, packers bettered
their flrat offer quite a little, and were
aoon getting a good many hogs at figures
mat wer tuiir losi&o lower than yester
day. .
Traa. ir any tain, wa aettins- a little
wore as forenoon advanced, and many sales
wer a flat llo lower, whll om towards
the finish wer called a much as 10c off.
Bvan th packer did not sesm to be able
to us all th offerings, and when twenty
or mor loads wer still in th pens they
quit entirely, most of them leaving the
wnat nog sola un to mi a at were aen-
erally IQftJOe lower, bulk landing at lio.oo, with a sprinkling of th better class
of butchers on up to 110.60, and a top of
Repraaentatlr sales:
No, Av. Sh. Pr. No, Av. Sh. Pr.
$ 10 17. .101 ... 10 Oft
10.. SOI 10 10 10
IT. .100 ... 10 30
I. .160 ... 10 36
71. .140 10 10 15
31. m
69, .ISO
41. .140
41. ,161
It.. 101
10 06
10 16
10 16
10 10
10 40
Sheep Th largest Friday sheep and
lamb run to how up here lnr September,
lltl, was on hand today, traders prepar
ing far ' th expected railroad strike by
cleaning up feed lota as much aa posalbl.
All told, arrival amounted la seventy-feur
load, or 11,010 head, or more than were
received at all tha other western markets
combined, Chicago wiring only 13,000, while
there wer practically nothing received at
the other MIourl river points. The five
daya' total here 1 111,111 head. Which tl
11,000 heavier than last week, twice as
large a two week age and greater even
then for th nam day last year by nearly
From a alter' standpoint, th lamb trad
wa In anything but satisfactory shape.
Packers had used their last day of grace
for loading stuff for the east and every
thing bought today would have t be killed
here, and If the strike goes through,' pos
sibly kept here for soms time. Two of the
packer claimed they were loaded to capac
ity, and had live lambs on hand besides,
whll th other two wore uncertain a to
what they would be able to do, and made
no move during the forenoon. Seller tried
their best to get offer of some sort, but
none wer forthcoming, thoush th talk ran
that when lamb started selling -It would be
at 110.00 and under, or all of 16S6c below
yesterday. A few feeders were bought dur
ing th forenoon at price that wer called
steady, one band that was wet bringing
1 10. 10, and another lot which ran a good
deal to fat stuff at the same price. A
weighty kind not good enough for killers
brous-ht H.16OI.I0.
Repreeeniattve sales: "
1060 Idaho feeder lambs, i
1100 Maho lambs ......
141 Idaho lambs
1031 Idaho lambs
lit Idaho year Unaa
064 Idaho feeder lamb
04 Idaho lambs
1611 Idaho lambs ......
$10 10
10 16
10 16
10 36
7 60
10 00
10 86
10 16
St. Leuls Un Stock Market.
At. Ttoula, Sept. 1. Cat tie Receipts, 1,600
head; mark, steady; native beef steers,
tT.009 10.76; , yearling stetrs end heifers.
l. 600 10.31; eowe, I6.60 9T.76; stockers
and feeders. I&. 3094. 00; Texas quarantine
steer. I6.60CI.60; prime southern eteere,
K.OOf00; row and heifers, 14.6091, 60:
prima yearling steers nd heifers, 97,600
1.00; native ralvea, 4.onti,jr.
Hogs Recelpta, 10 400 head; market,
lower;- pigs and lights. T.O0ll.6O; mixed
and butchers, IJO.KufiFU.t.; good heavy.
Ill ,11911. bulk of sales. 9lO.H6011.16.
Sheep and tambe ecetpla, 1.300 head;
market, steady; lambs, 97.00010.36;
slaughter ewes. 96.0091.86; bleating ewe
90. 00010-00; yearling ewes, 14.0090.IO.
St. .Joeepk Lira Stack Market.
St. Joseph. Sept. 1. -Cattle Receipts, 400
head; ntarket steady; steers, 94.60910.60;
cows and heifers, 94.96 9 10.00; calves, 97.00
Hogs Receipts, 1,100 head; market lower.
Sheep and isamba Receipts, 100 head;
market slow; lambs, 910.00910.40; wa,
, SImk City Uv stack Market.
Sioux City, la.. Sept 1. Cattle Reeelpts.
100 head; arket steady; beef steera, 90.369
1.60; canners, 1 13.7696.60; atocker and
(seders. !6.frO0l.7.
oHge Receipts, 4,600 head: market 809
30o lower. Itaht, (10,00 10 1 1; mixed,
910.10910.30; heavy, ttO.SOff 10.60,
Sheep and Jmbs Receipts 100 head.
ssBsaa City Ute Stock Market
' Kansas City, Ma, Sept. t Cattle Re
celpta. 1.100 head; market aleady; prime fed
steers, 110,00 9". 00; dreeeed beef steers.
7, 4094.76, western aieora, l.u01..0,
Cattle Weak, Hog Weak, Sheep Weak.
Chicago, Sept. 1. Cattle Receipt. 14,
000 head; market weak; native beef cat
tle, 96.00911.36; western steers. 10.40 O
0.26; stockers and feeders, 94.1697.76; cows
and heifers, 93.t09t.40; calves, .00O
Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head : market
waek, mostly 10 cents under yesterday's
a vera bulk of sales, 910.609U-00; light.
910.00911,30; mixed, 910.10911.16; heavy,
110.00 9; rough, 9KCT00 10.9; piga,
Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 18,000 head:
market weak ; wethers, 94. 36 O 7.60; ewes,
91.3697.10; lambs. 60910.74.
l ive Stock In Sight,
Recelpta of live stock at th flv principal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hose. Sheep.
Chicago .,.,,,..,,,..14,000 30,000 13.000
Kanttae City.,.,,,.,, 1,200 10.000 . 00
Omaha 2.100 4, BOO 10,080
St. Louts 3.100 10,400 1,300
Sioux City 600' 4,600 100
...18,300 90,700 94,400
Jottoa Market.
New Tork, Sept. 1. Cotton Futures
opened steady; October, 10.60c; December,
16.47c; January, 16.46c; March, 19.67c; May,
Cotton futures easy; October, 91004;
December. 16.04; January,; March,
914.30; May, 14.40; spot cotton steady;
middling upland, 910.10; no sales.
Th cotton tr, arket closed easy at a
net decline of 24 to 24 points.
Liverpool, Sept 1. Cotton Spot, - strong;
good middling-, lO.Otd; middling, t.tOd; low
middling, t.74d; sales, 1,000 bales.
Oil as Reeln,
Savannah, Oa., Sept. 1. Turpentine
Firm; 42 c: sale. 121 bbl.; receipts. 600
bbls.: ehlpments, 171 bbl.; stock, 11,374.
Rosin, firm; sales, 1,721; receipts, 1,011
bbls.; shipments, 436 bhls.; stock 77.147
bbl. Quote: A, B, 96.4606.16; C, D, 96.760
6.00; E. 96.7606 t6; F, 9l.06O6.07Vj ; H,
94.1094-16; I, 94.1694.30; K, 90.20; M,
9ft.20 9O.37H; N, ItUO; WO, 6.46f.60;
WW, 9000.
Metal Market.
New Tork, Sept. I. Metals Lesd, .
94.76. Spelter dull; ipot Bast St. Louis
delivery, 10.00 asked. Copper firm; elec
trolytic, 927.00928.00. Iron steady and un
changed.. Tin quiet; spot, 938.76010.00.
At London: Spot copper. 1110; futures,
f 107 10s; electrolytic, 180; spot tin. 1170 9s;
futures, 1171; lesd, 111 6s; spelter, I4t.
Evaporated Apple aad Dried Fruits.
New York, Sept. 1. Evaporated Apples
Dull; fancy, 77c; choice, 696 He; prime,
Prunes Firm; California, IfcOto; Ore
gone, 7 911c
Aprlcots Steady; choice, lSttlSHct extra
choice, UfttHat; rancy, ngumc.
Sugar Market,
New Tork, Sept. 1. Sugar Raw steady;
centrifugal, 4,60c; molasses, 4.13c. Refined
stesdy; fin granulated, 7.0097.26c Fu
tures at noon wer unchanged to 9 point
pry Good Market
ew Tork, Sept. 1. Cotton good and
yarns were strong today with rising prices.
Ready-to-wear trVde was active. Wool mar
kets wer quiet and firm.
America to Strike
Baek at Allies for
Trade Interference
... . -1.
Wiahinirton. Stot. 1, ReUlitory
legislation in support of diplomatic
protests against the allies', interfer
eiire with American trade has been
decided upon as a general policy of
.... - Tl. : . ... . ,.. t.,4 Af
ine Kuvcruniciu, xin, w i.iv
finally today with the explanation
u n.Avi.inii. ftf th.. ahinnifior hill
and the pending revenue bill were
tirst steps, up to now, a nign oiu
cial pointed outMhe United States
l .i:.J .n1.1.r An 111. t,n, nf ins-
n.a icncvi evwj . - -
tice of the belligerent nations, but
that despite the principle which this
government has denounced as illegal
in a sweeping note, trade pressure
and discrimination have been increas
ing exasperatingiy.
r..nntlv the. ffnvernment lias
decided after discussions between
Secretary Lansing and members of
congress to empower the president
to employ commercial rcuiwuuu.
The amendment to the revenue bill,
WOUIQ give uic fiMiui-.'
ary power to prohibit the importation
. f : . frnm ,h
imo iurcigu luuiiiui.. ..v... -
United States. This is aimed directly
at the British embargo restricting
the shipment of American tobacco.
Th amendment tn the shlDDins!
bill gives the secretary of -the treas
ury discretionary power to refuse
clearance papers to all ships refusing
to take American merchandise on
other grounds than the lack of space.
If Strike Comes, it
Will Be at 6 o'Clock
Morning in Omaha
W.thinvinn. Auff. 31.Railroad
hrnthrrhnnd leaders exolained tonight
tUat the strike order, if not rescinded,
would be simultaneously effective
.t.n....t.At,, Ih. piimilrv Vfnnrtav
morning at 7 o'clock, eastern time.
The hour named in tne oraers ais-
..:t.....J n .1,. Ir.inm.ii in tha
u luuicu antvit. ,.,.,,,. v.. ... .
eastern time belt is 7 o'clock, while
different forms sent to those in the
other belts designating 6 o'clock for
the men in central time, 5 o'clock in
mountain time ana H qciock in n
cine time. .
Conductor Goodwin
Does Not Fear Strike
S. O. Goodwin, 1808' Maple street,
conductor on the Northwestern be
tween Sioux City and Omaha, has no
fear of a strike of railroad men, for
Mr, Goodwin last night checked in at
the end of the last run he will make
for the company.
He has reached the age of retire
ment and wilt now take life easy,
while he draws his pension from the
Mr. Uoodwm formerly resided in
Fremont. '
Florist Dies as Result of
Taking Strychnine Poison
Theodore Urban, aged 47, . 1042
South Thirteenth street, died last
night as the result of taking strych
nine. Death followed the taking of
the poison almost at once. Urban
was a florist. '-
Alternate Periods of Strength
and Weakness Attend
Day's Market.
Committees of Hughes and
. Fairbanks Club - Discuss
Plans for Future.
Swift & Company
Union Stock Ynrdt, Chicaro, Be- & .
Dividend No. 120
DiTtdMrf of TWO DOLLARS W OO) vr har
M tb cap it, itoek of Swtf t ft Compnny, wilt b
Said on Oct. Itt, ltl. to ttorkhofdcrv of rocord,
ipL to, m. m thowa na Un book of thm
F. 8, tf AVWARD, Snrntnrr
' Nw York, pt. I, Attentat periods Of
atirnffin ana waKne attnaa toaay ir
regular market, tha favcrlsh movement d
rlvlnsj Ita I m pulse almost wholly trom tha
chanrlijv aapct of the railway altuatton.
Prlcea were almost nntvaraally atrong at the
outset, but stock were freely supplied on
the advance, and profit taking soon wiped
out most calna.
During; the Intermediate stage the list
attain wan elevated on the advance of Mer
cantile Marine Preferred, Tnaplratlon Cop
per and Kellr-Snrlnafleld Tire to new re-
ords. Marine Preferred touched with
a ior invpi ration ana it" ror Keny
flprlnffleld. These quotations were shaded
In the final hour, when weakness In the
motor roups, notably Studebaker Hnd
Willys -Overland, unsettled the entire list,
the market elosfnr with a heavy tone.
Ralls were watched with unusual Inter
est tweause of their Afreet relation to Im
pending conditions, Reading, St. Paul, the
Harrlmana and soma eastern trunk lines
yielded at every suggestion of pressure,
their Initial advances being later substituted
bp losses of 1 to S points.
United States Steel was a sheet anrhnr
of the forenoon. Its early maximum, plus
the regular and extra dividends of 24 per
rent, bringing It up to H of Its record price
and carrying other Industries with It. Pro
fessional pressure and the temptation to
realise were too strong, however, and with
few exceptions these stocks closed at net
declines. , Total aalea amounted to 730,000
The most slantflcant event nf th
In It broader abdication tn financial r.n.
dlllon. wa the farther break In Germans
exchange, mark declining to the low rec
ord or s"a. a denreclat on of fnllv in rmr
cent. Rubles were strong on further buying
of Russian securities, but sterling and francs
wrra uncnsniea.
Heavy ortertnas of. International war i.
sues Anglo-French fis, the new French
note and Canadians featured the lower
bond market. Total sale par value, aggre
gated $2,420,000.
United States bond were unchanged on
Number of sales and nuntstlnna nn Iai1ln
stocks were:
Sales. Hlsrh. Tiw flna
Am. Beet Sugar... 2,800 00 86 87H
American Can 14,100 624 IDli 604
Am. Car ft Foundry 2,000 62 60 0
Am. Locomotive. , , 6.&00 77 754
Am. Smelt. fc Ref.. 6,000 so' 4
Am. Tel. ft Tel... 4,000 131 130 1304
Am. Z. 1. ft 8.... 700 3t4- 34 U
niiv"imi, supper. J.sirv st g
Atchison g,(00 103 103 103
Bald. Locomotive.. 4,900 794 764 764
Baltimore ft Ohio. 1,300 64 86 , S&
Brook. Rapid Tran - St3
m n. uopper.... z.snn nb 6fi
Cal. PetrQleum..,, 1 000 14 10
(janaaian racmc..' T,
200 17G. 174V 17K
Central leather... 2,800 68 &6U
Chesapeake ft Ohio 3,400 O0 69 4 ftt
C, M. ft St. P..... 1,100 14 24 03
Chicago ft N, W 12
C, R. 1, ft P. Ry.. L00 18 H 17
Chtno Copper...... -1,800 63 '4 62 624
Colo. Fuel ft Iron.. 4000 48 4fi 46
Corn Products Ref. 800 1414 14 . 13
Crucible Steel 10,800 7l 734 74t
Dla tillers' Securltle 800 464 46 'i 46H
Brie 1,80(10 37 Zb USi
General Electric... ...... ..... 167
Great No. pfd fs . . ..... 1164
Great No. Ore ctfa. 1.100 87 37 87 4
Illinois Central 600 101 100 100
Inter, Con. Corp.... 43,700 68 , 66 66
Inter. Harvester 1134
Int. M. M. pfd.'ctfs. 80,600 100 103 104
K. C. Southern.... 400 24 24 23
Kennecott Copper 49
Louisville ft Xash. 300 129 129 128
Mex. Petroleum.... 7,600 104 101 101
Miami Copper 1,000 36 34 34
M., K. ft T. pfd ;. 10
Missouri Psciflc... 2,800 4 3 3
Montana Power..... 200 92 91 91
National Lead 300 6 5 63
Nevada Copper,... 6, S00 20 19 19
N. Y.-Central 8.S00 104 102 103
S. T. N. H. A M.. 1,000 60 68 68
Norfolk ft Western. 1,600 129 127 127
Northern Pacific... 2,800 110 109 109
Pacific Mall 300 21 26 26
Pacific Tel. ft Tel.. . 83
Pennsylvania 4,100 66 65 66
Ray Con. Copper,. 4,100 26 24 24
Reading 44,700 106 103 103
Rep. Iron ft Steel.. 7,700 63 62 62
Hhattuck Arls. Cop. , 28
Southern Pacific... 2.400 97 96 96
Southern Railway.. 2,8002 3 23 23
Studebaker Co...... 2600 124 119 120
Tennessee Copper., 1,000 26 24 24
Texas Company 191
Union Pacific 12,100 139 137 137
Union Pacific pfd.. 800 80 80 79
U. S. Ind. Alcohol.. 6,200 111 109 109
U. 8. Steel .119,00 97 96 96
U. S. Steel pfd...'.. 1,6)0 118 117 117
Utah Copper 1.1)0 83 62 82
Wabash pfd. "B",. 26 26 26
Western Union 1. 94
West. Electric 3,900 60 68 68
Total sales for th day, 780,000 ahares.
Strike of Electrical v .
Workers on Railways
Is Being Threatened
Springfield, 111., Sept. 1. Membe6
of the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers employed by sev
enteen railroads in eight states are
preparing to strike unless demands
being drafted, asking an eight-hour
day aqd a general wage increase of 5
centsaan hour, are met, according to
J. P. Noonan, vice president of the
Brotherhood, at Headquarters nere to
night ' - , . .,,
Fifth German Loan.
' Amstsrdam (Via London), Bapfe 1. The
subscription lists for tha fifth Gorman war
loan will opan 9ptmbr 4 and closa Oc
tober I. Ths loan will bo In the form of
I par cant Imperial bonds, not redeemable
before ItH, Issue price, li, and t per
eent treasury notsaat IS.
Committees of the Young Men's
Hughes and Fairbanks clubs have not
met since appointment last week by
President . Henry Beal of the club,
and held a discussion of the campaign
program for the next two months.
It is probable that a mass meeting
of members will be held within a
month's time, the gathering to be in
the form of a picnic or outing at an
Omaha park.
The educational committee has
taken under consideration yie print
ing of a pamphlet weekly, with a
circulation of more than a thous
and, to spread republican sentiment
from the young man's standpoint.
Make Final Shipments.
The last interstate orders permiss
ible under the freight embargo, for
meats and cold storage products,
were shipped yesterday morning at
the four big local packing plants.
All cars available for the transfer of
the goods were pressed into service.
By night yesterday, the loading crews
had begun to till intra-state orders
and local market demand.
. Dangerous Holes Reported.
Frequent reports have come to the
police station that dangerous holes
or cave-ins in the streets on the
South Side are being left uncared
for by the city. Yesterday two such
reports came, and were attended to
by workmen of the city under Com
missioner Oeorge Farks. Une hole
was at Twentieh and Missouri avenue
and the other at Twenty-tHird and
C streets.
Church Statement ...
West Side church oeoole will hold
a big rally at the West Side Inter
denominational church building at
Thirty-eighth and Q streets this even
ing. A free lunch and entertain
ment will be the program of the
evening. Music will be furnished by
an orchestra of local people and a
Motorists Return from West.
F. A. Cressey, local business man,
returned last evening from a 2,000
mile automobile tour of the west. He
was accompanied by his wife, son, R.
C. Cressey, and daughter-in-law, Mrs.
R. E. Cressey. The trip lasted two
weeks and included visits to Estes
park, Denver and other western
points. Roads were good at all times,
the shoeman reports.
Barbers Off Monday.
Labor day will be a holiday for
most business houses of the city. A
notice was issued this morning from
the local Barber's union that all bar
ber shops would close down all day
Monday, September 4.
Masts Cttr Gossip.
Furnished room for rent. . 8683 8. X3d,
Phone 8. 1081..
J. Fanfare, laborer, arrested for abusing
his wife, by station officers, waa sentenced
to elxty days In the work house by Police
Judge Reed yesterday morning.
The C. W. B. H of th First Christian
chruch will meet at the home of Mrs.
John Brown, 4028 South Twenty-second
street, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Miss Carrie and Sara Hutchinson ar
spending a few. days out of the city.
On nromlss of bettor tratement Police
Judge Reed suspended the ninety-day sen
tence he had Imposed en Jay Dunton for
alleged nonnupport. According to agreement
Dunton will have to turn over to Ms wtxs
a weekly allowance of IS.
' Persistent Advertising is the Road
to Success. .
Come to our store for your
Shoes. We guarantee you a sav
ing on every pair you buy.
Men's Shoes. .$1.98-82.98
Ladies' Shoes.. $1.98-83.48
Boys' Shoes. ..$1.48-82,48
Misses' school Shoes 81.48 up
Children's Shoes 98 up
Headquarters for Buster Brown
Shoes for Boys end Girls.
J. Helphand Clothing Co.
314-16 N. 16th St.
I Tlie Nebraska State Fair opens
I with Band Concerts at 2:30 p. iri.
The Kilties and ' . V
Nebraska State Band
Seven Automobile Races
; Monday
Horse Races Tuesday to Friday j
if inspired by master teaching,
is a valuable asset in the lite
service and happiness of any
individual possessing it
inspires the highest beauty of expression. Catalog on request.
. Address HCNKI tUA, ratterson BlocK.
Webster 202
Experienced Advertisers
Always Use THE BEE
MUSE , Dally. 1-3-T-
"(ovdy Mary"
Fall Mode
II I .Do not for the moment II If II
I consider that the suit illus- I
I llllll trated is the particular one I
II re thought best suited to HI !
your teste, reader, for . it I
II I was selected , at random II l
from a large number whose I
II I style features are all just as I ' j
II II truly distinctive. The pic II
ture simply shows the trend l
I fll of the new fashions for fall. II j;
II III Inexpensiveness is featured l ' f J
! llllll 1u',e " strongly as style in
I IHIII suits. You are cordially in- I 1 j
vited to inspect these Early i
Fall Modes in Women's j
Suits. Prices ranging.
II $15 up to $37.50 II
New Fall Showing in our
llllll Millinery Department. '
Trimmed Hats, latest mod-
llllll els. Prices range
$2.98 up to $10 11 ' A
.The Novelty V
214-216 North 1
16th St. " I i
The Store for the People.
Lake Mana wa j
S Labor Day Last Day of Park
W Season, f 7
Fox Feature Films Every 5
Evening FREE. . 2
Bertha Kalich : 1
1 "Ambition" I
Riding Devices and Other
Attractions. :
Doug. 494
Tht Best of Vaudevilli) and Imperial RiifsUn
Dancers and Current Bill,
ctaTn TONIGHT 8:10
NEXT WEEK Miss Evsn-Burraws Fontaine
t&ffJJjFtjA Dally Mats., IS-ZS-SOi
jAJAfyCsf EvB'fs. lS-25-SO-76
LAST TIMES TODAY, 2:30 ft 8:30
h7 ."Some Show"tt,u.
Tomorrow (Sot.), Mat. ana Wk
LaoW Dims Matins Wk Day,. ;
BOYD Sp1kllI'pify,.l
Beclnnlng Sunday Matin .
My Mother's Rosary
Evaning IOc-50c Mat... all Ssats, 25c
Wabr a Wilson, "Dsncinr a Is c.rl,"
V.udrvlll. Craat Dancing Review;
Strsaa A Bekr, High CUss Musical
Dlvsrtisssnwnt; Knapp a Corn.lla,
Pot Pourl of VaudevllUi De M.r
Slstar. Character Chans, Slnsins
and Dancing; Baat Photoplay Always,
"Hla StoUn Fortun," with. Franc's
Bu.hman and Beverly Barns.
"The End of the Trail"
Mill" i
Netd Japanaaa Actor
Ssva Aclsl