Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1916, Image 1

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    to Stop Strike
AeWtisiaf pay the aWtise
who snakae it pay, i1m mutm
way of making il pay ia to pal ike
advertisement im THE BEE.
VOL! XLVI, NO. 71.
House r asses Light til
It Pay to Advertise fl A i
i ' , ... . ..
King Constantine Abdicates in
v Favor of Crown Prince
Venizelos Powerful in
Hellenic Kingdom.
British Official Press Repre
sentative at Saloniki Sends
;.;",. Report. -
Athens, Greece, Sept. 1. An en
tente allied fleet of twenty-three war
ships and seven transports has arrived
off Firatheus. '. 4
London, Sept. 1. King Constantine
of Greece has abdicated, according to
the British official press representa
tive at Saloniki. .
The press representative says the
king has abdicated in favor of the
crown prince, with Venizelos as the
power behind the throne. The new
policy, he reports, to work
, with the entente allies. . (
According to this information Pre
mier Zaimis will remain at the head,
of the government.
Regarding the report from Saloniki
that King Constantine has abdicated
the throne, the Greek minister in
London said today: . .. .
I have received no such informa
tion and I certainly do not believe
such. atbing has taken place." " .
Garrison Surrenders to Committee.
The surrender of several Greek gar
risons to a committee which has taken
over the administration of part of
Greek Macedonia i reported inJ a
Reuter dispatch' from Saloniki. Ac
cording to this dispatch the garrisons
at Saloniki, Vodena and Fort Little
Karaburun have surrendered to the
Various rumors are in circulation
here in regard to the situation in
Greece. Reuter dispatches from Sa-
loniki say there has been fighting be
tween the Greek garrison at Saloniki
and Greek volunteers recently organ
ized to ssist the Greek regulars, who
arc. resisting the Bulgarians in . Macedonia.--
. , r- '""; ," ..
, - Revolution Under, Way. . ', ''.
' On its; face this-dispateh indicates
that k revolution- is under way in
Greece;,, but -the message is worded
vaguely, probably on account of the
censorship. ' .'.-'..j' .,!'.-
There nave been various indications
since the entrance of Roumania into
the war, of political turmoil in Greece,
owingr to the conflict between the
neutralists, represented by King Con.
. stantine, and .those who desire to in
tervene in the war with theentente
allies," led by former PremierVenize
los. . An Athens dispatch received
vrste rdav nredicted that Greece would
abandon neutrality within the immedi
... t . i -I... (..... nAv..
that Constantine was finding his po
sition, difficult on account of the
growing strength of, the pro-entente
faction, and it was reported from Sa
loniki in a dispatch on Tuesday that
the king had taken flight to Larissa,
where he was under the protection of
Germari soldiers. This report, how
ever, was discredited in 'official cir
cles in London.
. Committee Represents Liberals.
There, ia in existence in Greece a
committee representing the liberal or
Venizelos faction, and it is possible
the Greek garrisons surrendered to
this or some similar body. The com
mittee was aooointed on bnnday on
the occasion of the demonstration of
50,000 Greeks before the residence of
jm. vcnizcius in uncus, im wo in
structed to oresent to the king reso
lutions warning him not to interfere
in the approaching election and to
(Cntlnne4 oa Fat Two, Coin
l Two.)
The Weather
Nebraska Cloudy. -' '
Temperature t oawbi
6 a. m. .
6 ft. m. .
7 ft.
rwprmtl? ImI Becard.
Official record- ot temperature and pre
cipitation compared with the correapondlnf
period of tho laat three years:
11S. HIS. 114. HIS.
HIChcat ycetcrdey.... 7 1 7
Loweet ycaterday . . . . , 44 65 67 8S
Mean tcwporaturel. . . . 78 .04 ' 44 ; . 90
Prwlnltatlon ... .00 .00 .40'
Temperature nd preclplutlon departuras
from tho normal:
Normal temperature......... 74
Mxceea for the day........ 8
Total exceas since March 1.. .;..- Z6t
Normal precipitation. ..... ..... . '..OS Inch frtr the daV .01 Inch
Total rainfall ainco Mar9h.l....lS.41 tnchea
l,criciency since marcn i... w.oi mcra
I-.... tnv cor. nerlod. 1416 19 Inch
Ucflctency for cor. period 1414.. 4.10 Inches
Heparts iraaa ouueai a. m.
Slatlona and State-. , Tm. Blah- Raln
of Weather. . . J p. m. eat. tall,
f'heyenne. Clear ........ 74 ;. 78 . .00
I,aveport, clear . 74 80 ..34
Ijcnver, clear 74 ,82 .04
Lies Molnea, clear 78 SS .04
l,oJao City, clear 78 - . 8S' : ' .00
Ijtiider. clear 4 S .00
Vorth Plalte, clear u .. a
Omaha, clear . .....
.. 74
Pueblo clear .......
I'apld CUV, clear . ...
halt lal.e, clear -
M 40
,1,01a Ke. pari ciouoy. .. e
.shorldan, clar . ....... Sr-
Hiuua Oly. clear ; ;
Valtllllnc. clear
. K WC1J1M. H-larorlaalaL
'y - p. m'.r'..'.'.".'.'.'. 'It
,' 4 p. m..... 1
HSi i JrJltSfff P. ro... 1
t p. ra. ........... 77
7 p. m...,, 7S
'' ' . ; ' ' I p. m.. ......... u
graphed on the deck of the Frederick VIII, after the count
had boarded the vessel to meet her. For the first time since
the beginning of the European war, the countess has seen her
husband. The countess' arrived on board the Frederick
VIII of the Scandinavian-American line, sailing from Copen
hagen.- . -.;
. . .. . ...... .
Official Announcement Is Made
at Saloniki, According to
Reuter Dispatch.
Berlin,' Sept. 1. (By Wireless to
Sayville.) A dispatch from Constan
tinople savs that at 1 8 -o'clock last
night the Turkish government deliv
ered to the Roumanian minister at
Constantinople a declaration of war
against R?umania. j
London, Sept. 1. Bulgaria has de
clared war on Roumania, according to
an official announcement made at
Saloniki, as forwarded by
Reuter' sJ
correspondent there. ' "-;
Roumanians Are Advancing. ;
Bucharest, Aug. 31. (Via London,
Sept 1.) Roumanian troops invading
Transyvania have occupied the im
portant industrial, center, Pctroseny,
and the Tarlungc valley, near Kron
stadt, says .the announcement of the
Roumanian war office'.
The statement reads as follows:.
."On our northern and northwestern
fronts our advance continues with suc
cess in all directions.' Our armies oc
cupied Tarlnnge valley, near Brasso
(Kronstadt) and the important indus-i
trial center of Petroseny. Otir losses
were very sngnr. . .
"On our southern front Hungarian
monitors bombarded Turnu, Magureli
and Zimnitza." :,j
Petrosenv 'is tin. center -of a rich
coal field near the southern frontier
of Transylvania lying Just, north of
the Valcan pass through the Transyl
vania Alps. Jhe occupation of Tar
lunge valley indicates the Roumanians
are extending their invasion of the ex-,
treme eastern portion of Transylvania.
Turnu, Magureli and Zimnitza are
Roumanian frontier towns on the
Danube river. i
New York Official Charges
i Plot to Boost Food Prices
New York, Sept. 1. A conspiracy
to raise food prices because of the
threat of a nation-wide railroad, strike,
is alleged in a lettef to the fed
eral authorities here today; by Joseph
J. Hartigan, commissioner of the ma
nical department of weights ' and
measures. ' ;
One hundred and sixty carloads of
poultry, about 640.000 chickens, were
held up by shippers in "the yards ot
three of the large railroads. in'r
straint of trader Commissioner Harti
gan alleged, -in-violation of the inter
state commerce act. :
Attorneys for several of the eastern
trunk lines were preparing to test in
the United States supreme court the
legality of the Adamson compromise
eighl-hotir bill if that measure be
comes taw. . ' '" : '"
v , f -V V f
If $ fr : I
ill "
W 1
I L -4 V
erf7t.SCM! SEHTfC- a
Ultimate Consumer Gets Better
Foretaste of Railroad Strike
- Conditions. ' "
New York, Sept. 1. The ultimate
consumer got a bitten- fc.retaste of
railroad strike conditions today from
a sharp advance in prices of food.
Dealers attributed the raise to em
bargoes on perishable products put
into .effect last night and to pros
pects of a . serious ..shortage .if .the
strike -is. called. , '
Garden produce ' advanced 10 per
cent and dairy products reached new
high records. Butter went to 35J4
cents a pound, 7 cents above the
quotation of last year -at this time,
and the highest price in the last twenty-five
years. The. wholesale price-of
eggs of the class most generally used
reached 35 cents. Poultry went from
18 to 26 cents a pound. Wholesale
meat dealers in New York advanced
prices half a centja pound and pre
dicted a further rise. 1 1
i The New York City authorities are
considering means' to check exorbi
tant price raising, although doubt ex
ists as to their legal rights in this re
spect. v - . . - !
Medlar to Be Host to
! , Hotel Men, on Thursday
' The first monthly dinner and busi
ness meeting of the Omaha Hotel
Men's association will be held Thurs
day evening, September 7, at the Ho
tel Fontenelle, when the local mem
bers will be the guests of I. A. Med
lar, secretary of the local association
and also of the Northwestern associa
tion, which met here in July.
Just tell us ' - .
? ; Which is the best advertisement
1 'in The Bee next Sunday
' : t $5.00 to first beat answer and $1.00 each to five next best
i WHAT VO'J MUST DO Look the paper over carefully, pick out the ad of some
' - Omaha retail merchant, send it in with a statement of not over 800 words, giving the
,'' t- reason why it strikes you as the best for ita purpose.
i '; Address: Contest Editor, The Omaha Bee
Answsrs Bust In ! hy Stombw B Awards tfc lollrwln SuniUy. ,
Signing of Eight-Hour Bill Ex
pected to Be Feature of
Notification Ceremony.
Washington, . Spt-. 1. President
Wilson left here this afternoon for
the summer , White House, Shadow
Lawn, at Long Branch, N. J., where
he will be formally notified tomorrow
of his renomination. Mrs. Wilson
and a large force of clerks accompan
ied the president.
Arrangements were made at the
White House today for sending to
Shadow Lawn by special messenger
the bill to meet the threatened rail
road strike as soon as it is passed.
- Leaving Long Branch tomorrow
night, President Wilson expects to
arrive in Washington early Sunday
morning, stay, here three' hours and
then depart for Hodgeville, Ky.,
where, on Monday, he will accept the
birthplace of Abraham Lincoln- for
the nation. j
Five More Names
Added Ho Death
List on Memphis
Washington, D. C, Sept. 1. Five
additional names have been added to
the list ofvknown dead in the disas
ter to the armored cruiser Memphis
at San Domingo City, bringing the
probable death list up to forty-one.
Overnight advices of Rear Admiral
Pond to the Navy department said
three of the crew of the gunboat Cas
tme had been lost with the ship's
launch, and that two of the men in
jured aboard the Memphis when the
main steam pipe burst had died.
fhe additional dead are:
A. J. Anderson and W. L. Planck,
both of the Memphis, and L. F, Priest,
R. E. Garrison and J. R. Seymour of
the gunboat Lastine.
Patterson Chosen
' Chief Commander
Of the Grand Army
Kansas City, Sept.-1. William J.
Patterson of Pittsburgh,' Pa., was
elected commander-in-chief of the
Grand Army of the Republic at the
annual encampment here today. He
succeeds Captain Elias R. Monfort of
Cincinnati. v.
The senior vice commander named
was William H. Wormstead of Kan
sas City, department commander of
1 The new officers are: E. K. Russ,
New Orleans, junior vice commander-in-chief;
Rev. Orville S. Reed, Man
zanola, Colo., chaplain-in-chief, and
William M. Hanna, Aurora, IUViur
geon general. ,.
Germans in East
Africa Reported '
In.Full Retreat
London. Sept. 1. General Smuts,
commander-in-chief of the - British
forces in German East Africa, re
ports under date of August 30 that
the German forces in that colony are
in full retreat. .He announced the oc
cupation of Mrogoro, the seat of the
German provisional government, and
said he believed the German military
headquarters and provisional govern
ment had retired into the mountains.
Fifty Lives Are -Lost
in Hurricane
St. Thomas, D. W. I., Sept.' 1.
Fiftv lives were lost in a hurricane
which struck the British West In
dian island of Dominica Monday
night The wind reached a velocity
of more than seventy miles.
Rivers in the island rose to unpre
cedented heights and carried away
bridges. Some streams changed their
courses and swept through fields and
villages, carrying away houses with
their occupants. '
The number of houses, schools,
churches and other buildings wrecked
or seriously damaged exceed 200.
Two Kansas Visitors
Are Held Up by Negroes
Ray Davidson of Glasco, Kan., stop
ping at the Windsor hotel, was held
up and robbed of $60 by a negro and
white man at Tenth and Jackson
streets Thursday -night while Martin
Wilson of Solomon, Kan., stopping
at the Arcade hotel, was held up and
robbed of $20 by a lone negro at
Eleventh street and Capitol avenue.
House Acts, Senate Rushes Bill Forward;
Railroads Claim Men Will Stay on Jobs;,
Chicago Lines Lift Embargo on Freight
Burlington and Northwestern
First of the Western Roads
to Get in Line and Re
sume Shipments.
Fear7of Strike Passes Away
and Lines Get Ready to Put
Trains in Service.
The railroad situation took a, turn
for the better last night and on the
assumption that there is not going to
be any strike of the trainmen, begin
ning next Monday morning, the
Northwestern and the Burlington
lifted the freight ; embargoes that
were placed on all freight shipments
a couple of days ago.
, The presumption is that other
Omaha-Chicago roads will this morn
ing follow the action taken by the
Northwestern and Burlington.
No action looking to lifting the
embargo had been taken last night,
but it was announced from the office
of President Calvin, that if matters
shape themselves so that there is
little possibility of a strike, the em
bargo will be lifted this morning.
: As a result of the lifting of the
embargo, this morning the roads will
resume the operation of freight trains
on regular scneauies, nanunng
freight offered.
No Embargo on Rock Island.
With the Rock Island there is no
MmKliro-n ml BllV : classification of
freight. It is being received for ship
ment to any .and all points on tne
irstrm.. nnlv explosives being barred,
"'The situation on the Rock island is
brought about by a circular issued by
Freight Traffic Manager Johnson of
Chicago, who is acting under the di
rection of the receivers of the Rock
Island system. ' Mr. Johnson issuts
the circular on the assumption that
the road, being m the hands of re
ceivers, appointea
the United
States court, the road,
for the time
being is a part of the machinery of
the Bovernment of the United States
and that therefore its operation can
not be molested, tampered with, or
interfered with any more than could
the postoffices, or the army, or the
Expect no Strike.
Taking this view of the situation,
Mr. Johnson assumes that no majter
what may happen on other railroads,
next Monday there will not be any
strike on the Rock Island, nor at any
other time, so long as it is operated
by and under the direction of the
United States court. He has instructed
the company agents accordingly. The
result is that notwithstanding the em
bargo laid by other roads, the Rock
Island continues to accept both per
ishable and nonperishable freight, re
gardless of when it will reach destina
tion, providing this destination is on
its system. On consignments going
part way over the Rock Island and
later to be taken over by other lines,
the consignments are received sub
ject to such delay as may occur after
they get onto the other roads. .
K, 0. Postmaster Is
Ousted From His Job
Washington, Sept. I. Summary re
moval from office for "gross irregu
larities" of William Fristenberger,
postmaster at Kansas City, Kan.,
was announced late today by the
Postoffice department.
The following statement was issued
by the department: , ,
"The Postoffice department an
nounced today that it has been com
pelled to remove from office William
Fristenberger, postmaster of Kansas
City, Kan., because of gross irregu
larities in the conduct of the office,
as diclosed by a thorough investiga
tion made by the postoffice inspec
tors. The National Surety company,
sureties on the bond of the postmaster
have named I. J. Talbott, as acting
Say Large Percentage of Em
ployes Would Not Obey
Order to Strike.
Chicago, Sept, 1. Vice President
By rain of the Chicago, Burlington and
Quicy this afternoon stated that the
poll of engineers, firemen and train
men, including conductors, shows that
25 per cent of members of the
roads employes will not obey t
strike order.
Members of the four brotherhoods
employed on the Atchison, Topeka &
Santa le railroad will meet and re
quest their union chiefs to withdraw
the order to strike, according to a
statement issued todsy by V . J.
Black, passenger traffic' manager of
the railroad.'
The meetings, the statement says.
are to be held at Newton. Kan.: Dodge
IjCity, Kan., and La Junta, Colo,
rri,., -i,, ;. k. ni-r f u.n.
way Conductors, according to the
statement, refused 10 issue the strike
order on the Santa Fe lines in Colo
rado. It is the intention of the Santa
Fe, the statement says, "to start pas
senger trains from all terminals on
schedule time Monday with custom
ary equipment. We believe we shall
have sufficient train crews to move
all passenger trains and at least one
freight train over each division."
One thousand conductors employed
on the Chicago, Milwaukee & . St.
Paul railway have telegraphed A. B.
Garretson, general chairman of the
Order of Railway Conductors, that
they have withdrawn from the strike
movement, E. D. Sewall, president of
the road announced today.
Omaha Road Men Renig.
" Sioux Falls,- S. D., Sept t. Re
ports from authentic sources here to
day state that all engineers on the
Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis , &
Omaha line, have, refused fo strikt
i -To Run On Train. ' '
1 St. Pau!;'Mifih., Sept't Thelreat
Northern, the Northern, Pacific and
the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis
4: Omaha railroads, with headquarters
in St. Paul, announced late today
that should the strike order go into
effect next Monday they would run
one passenger train each way daily
on every division of their respective
lines. -
In addition to passengers, the roads
plan to handle milk, mail and express
on these passenger trains which will
run on day schedules except in the
case of trans-continental trains. They
also expect to move .foodstuffs and
fuel by freight. As rapidly as condi
tions permit, both passenger and
freight service will be extended, with
the intention of restoring full service.
The Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis
& Omaha road is taking a complete
poll of its employes, to ascertain the
number that would remain on duty
in event of a walkout. This poll,
President James T. Clark said to
night, probably will not be completed
until Monday morning. ;
The Great Northern and Northern
Pacific railroads, it was learned to
night, are taking a limited poll of their
men, but officials of the two roads
refuse to .make any statement as to
the result.
Kerwln'a Statement.
Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 1. E. E.
Kerwin, general superintendent of the
Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad, an
nounced today that he had been ad
vised by representatives of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive t Engi
neers of his road that the engineers
would not go on strike.
' Receive "Assurances."
George R. Huntington, general
manager of the Minneapolis, St. Paul
& Sault Ste. Marie railroad, tonight
authorized the announcement that as
surances' had been received from 40
per cent of the conductors and brake
men of that road, members of the
brotherhoods, that they would not
obey a strike order. Engineers and
firemen of the road did not take ; a
strike vote because of a three-year
contract still in force.
Won't Give Number.
St. Louis. Mo.. Sept. 1.-
ment was made at the offic
(Cwil-OMl n Pass Two, (Mam A ansa.)
Mrs.Dorward in.
: Charge of Estate
' The dav preceding funcra! services
, for Dr.' William N. Dorvard. dentist.
i who died on a train en oute back to
Omaha, his 'will and SAtition, asking
that the widow be atlpointcd admin
istrator of his estate), were filed in
the office of Countyjjudge Crawford.
According to the 'will, the wife,
Clara I., receives Ahe entire estate
after $100 each his been given to
Joseph J. DorwaiVdV a son, W'itten.
S.' D.; Lois F. Niclhols, daughter,, El
Paso, 111., and Beatrice Cole Gilles-'
pie, stepdaughter, i Omaha. The value
of the estate is (not stipulated, the
widow ' being siifnply awarded the
entire bulk after- payment of these
three bequests, i
When County I Judge Crawford ap
pointed Mrs. frawford temporary
administratrix Vjridav afternoon, his
order nrovided Jiliat the dental bus
inrai conductell hj- Dr. Dorward be
continued until final settlement of
the estate is nade, beptcmber 22.
Senate, in Night Session, Be
gins Consideration of Adam
son Measure Which Just
Went Through House.
Two Demos in Negative and
Sixty-Eight Republicans
Vote for It. i ,
Washington, Sept. 1. The Adam-
son eight-hour day bit! which railroad
brotherhood officials have said for-
mally would avert, the threatened
strike if finally enacted by tomorrow
night was passed late today by the,
house and sent to the senate.
The vote was 239 to 56, with five
members voting present. , i
Immediately after passing the
Adamson bill the house adjourned un
til 11 o'clock tomorrow, precluding a
possibility of final action by congress
tonight unless tne senate accepts tne
house measure unchanged.
. Two Demoi Vote No. -, ,
Only ; two democrats, Steele of
Pennsylvania and Black ot Texas,
voted against the bill. Sixty-eight re- .
publicans and -one socialist voted for
the tneaure. A
The senate recessed at 5:40 o'clock
until 8 o'clock tonight when debate
will be resumed with a view to action
before adjournment if possible. '
When- the senate reconvened to
night Senator Pittman moved to
strike out all of the enacting clause of
the senate bill and substitute therefor
the Adamson bill passed by the house.
At Senator, Newlanas'; request
unanimous consent was given to lay
aside the senate bill temporarily and
begin consideration of the house bill.
Final vote was delayed in the house
by renewal of the Sterling permanent
mediation and arbitration proposal in
the form of a motion to recommit
the bill to the commerce c6mmittee.
It was ruled out as not germane after
an argument . and Representative
Mann appealed from the decision of
the chair. .
Final voting on the Adamson bill In
the house began at 8:30 p.m. after the
house began at 3:30 p. nj. after the
house, in committee of the whole,
had rejected the amendment of Rep
representative Sterling, Illinois, re
publican, for a permanent board of
mediation and conciliation to settle
future wage disputes, and pending
whose report strikes and lockouts
would be prohibited.
An amendment by Representative
r- ii . i v .i. r i : . : :.. . i. -
3inmi ui iorui wuruiuia to a-pemy uic
employes to be affected by the bill an
conductors, engineers', firemen and
trainmen was voted down.
Other Employes Excluded.
An amendment bv Representative
Clark of Illinois applying the eight
hour law to shopmen, trackmen, eta- '
tion agents and all other employes not
provided for in the bill was rejected
by the house, 180 to 120. . . i
The house after considerable dis
cussion adopted amendments by Rep
resentatives Page - and Kitchin, . ex
empting from the eight-hour law -small
independent roads and electric
street and interurban railways end
providing that the exemption' shall
not annlv to terminals or transfer
companies. . - , . : ... ;
U , - X. ..-1 - .. J .. ' I.
ble report-Trom the committee at
t:M o csock and unanimous consent
was granted by the senate for imme-
diate (consideration. Senator. New
lands opened the discussion. . ' ? ;
Senator Ncwlands called special at-'
tention to a provision of the bill added
afterthe original draft had been sub
mitted, which would declare any per-
iYon who willfully delays, obstructs or
mnaers operations ox Hams, gumy ui
a misdemeanor, to be punished by a
fine not exceeding $5,000 and impris-
(Contlnued on Fx Two. Colanw Thiw.)
There are a few peo
ple who still look upon ;
advertising as an ex
pense. They will cheer-. .
fully hand out . many
dollars in postage to
have their selling mes- '
sage delivered to a few
hundred people, yet be
grudge the expenditure
of a few dimes on a
Want-Ad that reaches
tens of thousands. (
, lyiei -jlvuu
for Bee Want-Ads.