THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31. 1916. priej jiiy news It "Temuood'o for Sporting God." Boo Boot Print It Now Boocea Ptmo. Lighting Flituroa Burgeal-Grand.o Co. Hull Karat W"U Diamond. 75 Edholro Jewelrr Peddler Fined O. P. Will iam' of Kansas City. Ma, wu lined $7.60 for selling Jewelry without license. Last Pet Show The last pet show of the season will be held Thursday afternoon at Miller park, beginning at z o clock. "Tortavn moTls rroaTam." elasl. fled section today. It appears In The Bee exclusively. Find out what the various moving- picture tneaiers oner. Take Chemist's Place During the absence of City Chemist Crowley. Dairy Inspector Bossie and Gas Com missioner Butler are making milk tests In the city hall laboratory. VI iilner Draw Sine Paul Walner. (SI a South Sixteenth street, charged with cruelty to animals for driving a horse with harness sores on Its back, was arrested by Officer Francl and lined 17.60 In police court. Grocer in Bankruptcy Court A pe tition to have Isidore M. Wintroub. a crocer. declared a bankrupt was nieo by McCord Brady & Co., Marsh & Marsn ana me h. j. ttugnes company. Their claims amount to over 11,100. Continue on Pavinr City Commls sioner Jardlne states that the paving on North Twenty-fourth street will be he fears there will be cessation of pav ing work In the event of a railroad strike. Morrison Castle Arrivee Morrison K. Castle, son of Fred A. Castle, pro firletor of the Castle hotel, has arrived n Omaha to assume the managership of the hotel. Mr. Castle was asso niatad with his father in the manage. jnent of the Iler-Qrand hotel for sev eral vears. but has since been con nected with the Milwaukee railroad in Chicago. Break Into Show Case That show eases are to look into and not break Into, was a rule of International war fare that some Individual failed to ob serve In locating his fall supply of apparel. He not only looked in, but oroke me snow case 01 uco Allen, 203 South Fifteenth street, and then violated its neutrality Dy con. flacating tour suits. Messenger Boy-Collides With Anto Charles S. Bear, American District Telegraph company messenger boy, collided with an auto driven by James Una, wanoo, at ruteentn ana now. ard streets at noon. The boy sus tained bruises and lacerations. After receiving medical attention at the hands of Sr. Barney Kuiakoisicy, ne was taken home. s Two - Apply fop Divorce Sylvia Proctor has tiled avf etltlon asking du vorce from Fred, an assistant city en gineer, alleging extreme cruelty. She inks iiun ouo uo anftiuvu eu alimony and the custody of the son, Wayne. nii.a 11 years. May Bian chard .,h!j -tiled divorce proceedings ,-ainst Thomas on the grounds of nonsupnort. , . Increase Capital Stock Amend rneme tr-ntii les of incorporation of t'n Mountain Timber company, In- 4-!-ct;mK the caDital stock to Sl.oUO, 0 Ou have been tiled. Robert Z. Drake Is- Dresident. Tom I Roberts, secre tary and E. C. Strode, R. Y. Appleby and it. j. Tate, directora Tne Kyan Jawolry company has increased its ( stock to izeo.uoo. ueorge w. Kyan Is president and Herbert W, lljan, secretary. Juvenile Authorities Take Charge of Suspected Boys About 10 o'clock, three boys, Bennie Seaire, 16 years old, who said his home was 2205 South Fiftenth street; Morris Futrra, 935 North Iwenty aeventh street, 14 years old, and a 13-year-old negro boy, Percival Round tree, 1125 North Nineteenth street, were arrested, charged with robbing a drunken man at Twelfth and Doug las streets. They got $8 from their victim's pockets, it was said, and had ipent 50 cents before they were ar rested. Officers of National Butchers Compliment Local Association John A. Kotal and" Emil Priebe, retary, respectively, of the United Master Batchers of America, wrote to it tj v i : j . ... r i v, r. nunc), prcsiacm oi luc umina Retail Butchers' association, express ing; appreciation for hospitality shown visitors on the occasion of the recent meeting of the national association in Omaha. ' Nurses to Examine Pupils At Central High School The superintendent of schools de tailed two nurses to Central High school for examination of pupils as they register during the week. This will advance the medical inspection work an appreciable degree and leave these two nurses free to attend grade schools next week. Messer Returned to Omaha To Face Charge of Holdup Miles Messer, arrested in Chicago on the charge of having held up Clarence Busse, cashier of the Calu met restaurant, last week, was brought to Omaha last night by De tective Rooney, Messer is being held in jail. Charles W. Shook, Not Dr. C. F. Shook, Seeks Divorce Dr. Charles F. Shook, an Omaha physician, is not the Shook who last week filed a petition for divorce from his wife with the clerk of the district court. Charles W. Shook is seeking a divorce, not Charles F. Shook. Woman Will Recover From Bichloride Mercury Dose Mrs. Minnie Brunner, 2532 North Eighteenth street, is in a hospital suffering from the effects of a dose of bichloride of mercury, which she says she took by mistake for medi cine. She will live. Movement ot Ocean steamera. Port. Arrived. q Sailed. LONDON Anadanta LIVERPOOL-. .Tmcauia Philadelphia. Obituary Notes j MRS. WALTER F. HOW8, 2620 North Nineteenth avenue, who died in the Methodist hospital and whose funeral is held -this afternoon, leaves beside the husband two children, a boy 3 years old and a baby girl of 10 days. AH of her immediate family are In Edinburgh, Scotland. Two brothers are in the English army, one being a lieutenant Several of her relatives have been seriously wounded. Mrs. Hows was prominent in the Gaelic movement in Scotland and for two years In succession received a gold medal for singing the best Gaelic songs. Indoeao sloop. Taka Dr. Belli PlnorTar-Honey for that harking night eougb; It etopa (he cough and you sleep. i!tc. All druEglsta. Adv. "In the Days of RealSport" v- C"fiC i-N I HAPPENINGS IN THEJAGIC CITY Thieves About to Steal Sugar Drop Their Loot and Leave. CHURCHMEN GO TO MEET Frightened thieves in the act of making away with two 100-pound sacks of sugar from the second floor of the pickle factory of H. Thiessen, 3101 Soith Twenty-fourth street, dropped their prizes at the doorway and made their escape. The sacks were found untouched in the morning by owners. The place of Peter Ault, at 5524 South Thirtieth street, was broken into some time Monday night and $3.50 taken " from the cash register. Entrance was gained by pushing on the rear door' until the prop gave way. Sneak thieves also broke into the room of W. H. Held, 2311 N street at 6:30 yesterday morning and stole two blue serge suits. Held was able to give the police a description of the size of the trousers, but not the coats. Webster Alston, 2720 Drexel street, reported the loss of a silved watch, valued at $10, from his room at the address given. The theft was sup posed to have occurred Monday after noon. Baptist Program Sunday. Members of the Trinity Baptist church at Twenty-fifth and H streets, will be participants of a sermon hour of special interest Sunday morn ing and evening. In the morning Rev. Mr. Holler, pastor, will deliver a sermon to children on life facts, using chemicals as illustrations. The sermon is one of the minister's most interesting. . A sacred concert will be given in the eveninff at 7:30 o'clock. The choir will sing, accompanied by a vic- trola, to be m charge ot Liyoe t-irus Masters. Such stars as Rodeheaver, Caruso, John McCormack, Alma Gluck, Evan Williams and Louise Homer will be heard on the machine. Rev. Mr. Holler will give a brief his tory of each hymn as it is played. Trinity Delegates Leave. Delegates from the Trinity Bap tist church, five, in number, left last evening at 6 o'clock for Tekamah, where they will attend the conference of the Omaha Baptist association, which will be held today and Thurs day. Those who attended from the local church are: kcv. unanes r. Holler. Dr. Andrew English, Miss Anna Myers, Mis Hope Hibbard and Miss Gladys Wright. Negro Escapes Arrest. "Yo' hono,' I don' want t' be pinched as a vag," James Hadley almost tearfully implored of Justice of the Peace George Collins in the latter's court yesterday. "I kaint help a' done gone hurt ma a'arm. I done wanted to work, but dem bosses wouldn't let ma. Sec if you kaint collec' ma money for ma and I be so much oblige." So a lame negro, who had been in the South Side for a few days, burst out to Judge Collins. He said he had been working at a local pack- Nervous Period ical Headaches Thli tronh.6 eommonlr aalld "airst h. ache, (.aid to be due to the retention of urea. In the system. Often It It stated that e poor condition of the blood Is ayise of these headaches, or that It la ft nervous condition; and in certain casei, no doubt this is true. - Where treatment it demanded, tt li more for the pain than anything else, and Dr. A. V. Bohellscbmldt of Louisville, has found anii-kamnla tablets to give prompt and satisfactory relief. "Best should be Insisted upon." ha says, "and the patient should go to bad, darken the room, and all the attendant and family should be as quiet as possible. An emetic will some times shorten the attack. The bowels should be kentonen with "Aotoirta"! e,hrr.hrh nrt a thorough rub-down with a coarse towel, unen give graxeiut renei. two antl-kamnia tablets when the first signs appear, will usually prevent the attack. During an at tack, one tablet every hour or two will shorten the attack and relieve the usual nausea and vomttinsTM Thau tahiAta be obtained at all druggists Ask for a-K Tooa hsadachea, neuralgia and all palaa, insr plant, but sustained blood poison ing of one foot so he couldn't work any more. Ine company owed him $3.37, but refused to pay until payday, which was several days off. Tailor Under Arrest. John Share, tailor, father o? the two tots who were burned to death in an explosion in the upstairs of a building; at Twenty-sixth and N streets several months ago, is under arrest, charged with petit larceny. At his little shop at 2514 Q street, he is accused by a customer of having taken valuables in a pair of trousers left for mending and pressing. Share denies having any knowledge of the articles lost. Mad Dog Shot Fred Hafflce, a carpenter living at 5421 South Thirty-third avenue, shot and killed a mad dog which bit his young son Tuesday night and is thought to have bitten one or two other youngsters on West Q street. Haffke was bruised by the teeth of the brute, which snapped at him when he fired the shot Magte City fteaslp ' Furnished room for rent, 363! 8. 3d. Phone B. 1331. 1 The J. P. 8. elub will mtt with Mrs. gvvrstt Church hi U. ilT J street, Thursday afternoon. Jo Fonfara. Fortieth and t strests, was arrested at, I o'clock yeatorday, charged with abusing bts family at their noma. Cemmlsrilonar Kusfl oalA ttia flouth fltda police station a visit last evening. He earn, unannsuutim nta euaiuvag wm not nia known. , "Th Grip of Evil" shown at the Besn tonight. Thar Is also a big Vltagraph fea ture In addition entltlad "The Wandering Horde." Double bill at Basse tonight. The Keno club will hold Ita annual plento at Valley, Neb., Sunday, September S. About twenty -five couple are expected to attend. The trip will be made la automobiles. A request has been sent out by members of South Side camp. No. 1096, that an Important meeting- wilt be held Thursday evening. A stag social will form the program of the evening. The Knights and Ladles of Security. OnVt council. No. 1332. will hold a watermelon social at the Moose hall. Twenty-fifth and M streets, Friday, September 1, The enter tainment will be free. Mr. and Mrs. ' A. R. Thrapp and son, George, motored into the South Side Mon day evening after a ten daya' visit with relatives at Wymore, Neb. A family re union was held at that town. J. Howard, Seventeenth and St. Mary's avenue, will have to answer for the triple charge of speeding, absence of tall light and violation of road rules this morning in police ctiort. Motorcycle Offloer Bert Hlatt ar rested the man. FRATERNAL ORDER . H0LDSMEETI1 Sons and Daughters of Jeru salem Have Elaborate Cere monies in City. WILL HAVE PRIZE DRILL H.rry R. Graham, supreme grind kins of the Fraternal Order of the Sons and Daughters of Jerusalem, presided yesterday when the supreme grand session of the order was opened at Eighteenth and Webster streets. He was assisted by Mrs. hosie Cavens, supreme grand queen, of Kansas City, Mo. The church was dedicated, com mittees were named and the supreme grand king made his annual report, showing a great increase in member ship, and more financial standing. Among the features ef the day were the presentation of the photos of Son James R. Gordon, the father and founder, and Son H. R. Graham by Eureka Middle West, and of Daugh ter Nellie Robinson and Daughter Irene Faulkner, being received by Rev. H. Mayfield in behalf of the S. G. K. The presentation of the of ficial pillow was made by Bethsheba council, No. 12. The asylum, or children's depart ment, was called to order by S. G. Q. M. Irene Faulkner. Remarks were made in this session by Son G. W. Hibbler, Linie McCathurn, S. G. V. Q. M Rosa Cavens, S. G. Q.. and Mother Carrie McDonald. The fol lowing officers were present: Sllia Johnaon. 8. O. V. K-. Omaha; Carrl. McDonald. CI. V. Q. Kanaaa City. Mo ; Colon.l T. B. J. Roolnaon, 8. Q. 8., Kanaaa City, Mo. ; Ooorgla Wood, 8. O. T.. Kanaaa city. Mo.; Lillian B. Smith. 8. O. Kan xaa City, Mo.; Alberta Ballow, 8. O. A. R. Omaha; B.v. H. Mayfl.ld. 8. 0. K. P., Kan aaa City, Mo.; N.lli. Roblnaon, 8. O. H. r..; Rlrhard Toung, 8. O. M.. Kanaaa City. Mo.; Myrtto Malone, S. Q. ft. 8.; Julia Rn., 8 O. I,. 8.; William Wooloy, 8. O. t. O.i Rlehard Gray. 8. O. O. O.i Jonnlo Malon. 8. O. R. C B. ; Faulln. Harblno, . O. L. O. B. ; NpIIIo Roblnaon, 8, O. O.. Omaha; C. M. Johnaon, 8. a. -C. Omaha; Jennla Woods, 8. O. O. ; Amanda rtarta, 8. F. B. Board of Attendance Pollco Washington, Nelllo r.rhlna, Annlo Graham, Fred.rlrk Early, Gordon. ?. B. Psarvoa, Salll Todd. Last evening the order assembled at the church and marched in where the annual sermon was preached by Rev. ,W. T. Osborn of Omaha. St. Elmo Drill Team of Kansas City entertained the large audience. Col. 1. B. J. Robinson in command Child Severely Injured While Sliding Upon Porch Little Marion Arnold, 7 years of age, was playing and enjoying life yesterday afternoon on the front porch of his home, 812 South Eight eenth street. One of his amusements was to slide down the balustrade of the porch-steps, but about 3 o'clock while on a flying trip a hammock hook fastened to the balustrade caught him, and impaled him on its sharp point. He hung in torture for some minutes before neighbors who came to the rescue could release him. He was taken to St. Joseph's hosDitat. The injury is serious but ia not ex pected to De tatal. Burglars Rob1 Houses While Families Are Away Mrs. Walter B. Graham, 301 North Thirty-third street, reported to the police that during her ten days' ab sence from home some one had enter ed the house and stolen a considerable amount of silver tabtewear, jewelry and a revolver, to a total of about $100. A similar entry was made at the home of W. M. Long, 2926 Charles street, where thieves stole a small quantity of jewelry while the family was on a vacation. Insist Upon Goods Displayed On Sidewalks Be Covered A delegation of retail grocers and meat market men called upon City Commissioner Kugel to request en forcement of a city ordinance which requires that perishable goods dis played on sidewalks shall be properly covered to avoid contamination. The health department will be directed to enforce this regulation. s At noon today, refresh the mouth and cleanse the teeth with , Sr.Lyons PERFECT Dental Cream A Standard Ethical Dtntlfrict Sand 2e stamp for a (snsrous satnpla sf alttaar Dr. Lyon's Parfoct Dental Cioam or Tooth Powdsr. I. W. Lyon Sobs, Iac,S77 W. 27th St, N. Y. City 1lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli;illllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIK Everybody Is Invited to Compete in the Commercial Club's What and Why Contest. 1 $150 GOLD I I CASH PRIZES I For the Best Suggestions Sent in on WHAT Factories Will Best Succeed in Omaha. & WHY the Factories Will Succeed Here. s 3 5 X 5 150 Commercial Club 1st Pme $25 Omaha Bee Prif $25 World- i Herald Prize $26 Omaha News Prize Ten Prizei of $2.50 each, i jj Somebody Ii Going to Get Thii Money Why Not You? E s Write out your suggestions (they need not be long) and mail 5 them with your nama and address to "What and Why Committee, s E Commercial Club of Omaha. Contest closes September 6. s aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiMiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil VON H1DENB0RG IS CHIEFOF STAFF Conqueror ot Russians on Many Fields Succeeds Von Falken hayn as Man in Charge. APPOINTMENT BY KAISER London, Aug. 30. Field Marshs! von Hindenburg, who was recently given the command of all the German forces on the Russian front, has now been appointed chief of the German general staff in succession to Gencrsl von Falkenhayn, d.'sm'std by 'I" emperor. Berlin, Aug. 30. (Via London.) The emperor has dismissed Genersl j brich von falkenhayn and appointed Field Marshal von Hindenburg chief of the general staff. Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug. 30. (Via London.) The Kitasuas News agency published a dispatch giving the olticial announcement ot Ueneral iiArt 1Ts11ms bhh's lavMisil ku tit 1 emperor as chief of the general staff and the appointment of Field Marshal von Hindenburg to the post. General von Ludenorf, Von Hindenburg's chief of staff, the dispatch addi, has been appointed first quartermaster general. The recent appointment of Von Hindenburg to the supreme command of the German armies on the Rus sisn front came when Roumania was considered on the verge of a decision and German newspapers indicated that it had a political bearing. Ger many was credited with the belief that the prestige of Von Hindenburg would favorably impress Roumania. As chief of staff Von Hindenburg doubtless will be withdrawn from the cast to Berlin. HOTELS AND RESORTS. flnpwef. Bnrapea. HOTEL LOYAL lttk eaa Capitol, OMASA. . . . XsaiAIXA, State Trade Specially Invited Rooms, $1.00 and Sl.AO With Bntl), $1.00 and Up Cafe the Very Best Popular Prices STOP AT THE UVAL WHITE MTS., N. H. MAPLEWOOD MAPLEWOOD, N. H. High Altituaa. trm tnm Hay Ftnr. MAPLEWOOD INN Oppa.ll. Hot.1. Capacity 140. Tarns Moderate. Smnrlw ' Hal. toll Couraa S040 para.. Motsrlatt' But RUl.tlng C.ntar g, MM. BmUu 01 lie I ISO tnttwtr, Ns Vark, AIM MapUwoo. N. R Wan In Omaha Stop at Hotel Howard JNO. MAKTIC. Pray. Thraa Block. Iron DopoL KUROFKAN PLAN Restaurant in Connection 1002 'Howard St. Com.r 10th. T.I. Dougla. U68. Your Baby is in Danger From Cow's Milk Do you know that in Washington, the Govern ment of the United States has a Public Health Serv Ice, that is working; day in and day out to find out the best way to keep your baby well? And this National Government Public Health Service says: "On. r.a.on that oaeh lunmii .... th .l.ught.r of ttia Innocnt. to b.oou.0 mils, orStnorilr nar.atad,l abooluuly unfit lor human uaa" In th face of those words can any mother who lovos hot baby give him row cow's milk hill of tough indigestible curd? Cow's milk brings umm.r complaint, the droad scourge that takoa so many bablaa from thair mothers' arms each summer. ... Nurse your baby aa long as you can, of course. If you can't, wean him on a food as bee from aickness aa mother's milk iu.lf Nesile'sFoocl (A couplet food-not t milk modifier) Sanrf thm aeapewi be Mtnpfe cm (imiif. Ar 13 lWne) ntf m how Hth'$ nU him lUppr NoetM't ( cife, btcauta n hand touehti It anil It dMtfi't aour, Ntl'a It aafa bacauM It contain Juat tha rtht mouDt of prottlda and aarbohpdrata your baby ntdatolu. 14 aturdy bed? and an aetlva brain. Cow mtla la tb baafa ef NaatleWbut eow'a mill from aanltarjr dairlta purtntd, with tha ealf nMd medintd and tha baby a nda added. It cemaa to you In ft powder padi ad In an al Might can. You add only fresh watar and boil. tava your baby from tha tarror at aummefaemplatrit. nestU s food company. 04 WaolwwthBUi.tNawYork Plaaaa eand m FUSS your boob tad trial package. ATLANTIC HOTEL Atlantic, Iowa. Now addition to Atlantic Hotel will be opened by fleptrnher 1'. European plan. Room modernly equipped. Cafe and bar ber ahop in connection. Pioneer hotel keeper of Atlantic, Iowa. GEORGE F. LANG, Pyopriator. atv Heiu7RohIff Comnanys Y I 2567"69 Lewenworth St. J fj II hon Do"!1 678 If ffl Prompt deliveries to any VI I JfjilV V part of greater Omaha I f R J) Mail orders by freight or J l express to any point "IIMIIM 1 11 1 tp if fil ajet gjgi asviiRtvtts ' rtj2r IliPlvill frmours 100 Pure Armour's Grape Juice carries the famous Oval Label Armour's guarantee of absolute purity. This is nature's own beverage, undiluted, . nnfermented and unsweetened save for the natural sugar of the grape. Per fect cktrificatlon by the exclusive Armour process. Grape Juice is the great summer drink for all No other beverage has so large a variety of uses. Armours, because of its purity, ts the ideal drink for children, invalids and old people as well as for the strong and vigorous. Order Armour's In the Family Case of six one-pint bottles. ARMOURS-COMPANY PRODUCTS. laeafc far tha dealer rW sWwaUainlBUewiaeWw Rofat. Burtutz Mm., f'hniie li. WIltflUHoo, 8tU nntl 4), 11, Mfr 18th unit sIltn-Ma Ornish.. Neb. IV. TTHTlrvrn LOW (vm ft ' mr Ax