Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1916, STATE FAIR SECTION, Image 20

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payers of the state. It is their in.
swuuon ior meir cimuicn iw .uul
and for them to have access to in
........ T f rtn nnr rati
to be interested in it, for it is a factor
with which we could not afford to dis
pense with, no matter what might be
offered in its place.
State Fair Amusement List Well Filled
While the state fair to tome degree
is considered an educational institu
tion from the standpoint of agricul
ture mostly, yet the people who come
to Lincoln rather look toward a good
time mixed in with the rest, and so
from year to year Secretary Mellor
has looked about him with the idea of
bringing to the fair some good, whole
some amusements for the entertain
ment of the state fair patrons.
The races-of course, are looked
upon as the most important of the
amusement features and in years past
the people have not been disappoint
ed. This year the races will be better
than ever, with a .splendid entry,
which is bound to attract the crowds.
The automobile races last year, at
tracted thousands and they stayed to
the end, notwithstanding th weather
was not good for the races. Records
on dirt tracks were smashed by the
intrepid drivers present, among them
the best known men in the business.
' Wild Bill Endicott will be back again
this year and participate, while many
of the others probably will be present.
Visitors at the fair this year will
have the pleasure of seeing Ruth
Law, the woman avatrix, who has
been thrilling the crowds all over the
country with, her dives and loop,
which equal the most daring acts of
Thompson or Beachey. In addition to
the customary day flights, Miss Law
will fly by night with light and py
rotechnics to mark her flight through
the darkness. This alone wilt be
something new for the state fair vis
itor, and something new is what the
management of the fair endeavors to
give each year.
. As usual there will be the vaude
ville stunts on the quarter stretch in
front of the grand stand between the
races and in the evening. Three great
bands will furnish moat of the music,
the Nebraska State and, George
Green's celebrated Omaha band and
the Kilties from Canada.
Those who love popular selections
from the operas are going to hear the
best there is going and a double quar
tet of the famous Baron-Wheatly
singers will furnish the music. This
is all that needs to be said; the name
Baron-Wheatly is sufficient to indi
cate the class of the vocal work.
; The Midway. If there is anybody
who oomes to the fair who does not
visit the Midway, he loses much of
the fun that goes with a visit to the
Nebraska annual exposition. Johnnie
Jones is going to furnish the Mid
way attractions this year. Did you lis
ten? Johnnie Jones, the man who has
gotten together a bunch of attractions
which has become world-wide in their
attractiveness, and when the people
hear that Johnnie Jones is 'coming
they flock and flock and flock, and
Johnnie Jones does the rest.
A new-fangled contrivance will be
seen at the fair which is warranted to
cure the grouch, the blues or any old
thing which tends to make people
miserable. "The Whip" is what they
cell it, and it is a sort of riding device
that causes one to forget his troubles
and feel that life is really worth the
living. It is impossible to describe
what the thing is like, but give it a
trial, and if you are not satisfied after
you are through you can have your
grouch returned to you in as goon
condition as when you tost it while
riding the Whip.
Then comes the fireworks in the
evening. Everybody likes to watch
the fireworks and they are going to
have a chance this year to see just
about the best ever in that line. As
usual they will be set off in front of
the grandstand and everybody will
have a chance to see something new.
Something new is what the state fair
management is angling for and they
believe they will have it in the Therle
Duffield fireworks.
It might be well to go back to the
races for a little while before this
story is finished and give you some
idea of what you can expect. There
will be each day a conglomeration
of running, trotting and pacing that
will do your heart good to see. Be
sides the ten running races prom
ised the following program will, be
given, which gives you some idea of
what to be looking for:
Dv.nt Purs.
Two-ynar-old trot $ 300
Thre.-year-old trot ' 700
3:26 trot 70(1
2:20 trot 700
3:15 trot 700
2:10 trot 1,000
Two-year-old paca 800
Thraa-yaar-old paoa 600
2:26 pao 100
3:11 para , 00
2:13 paca 600
3:10 paca , 000
Fr..-for-all paca 1,000
That ought to be attractive enough
for anybody and sure, will be swift
enough to start the blood tingling.
Just now it is a little hard to tell
State Fair
Our facilities for, handling passengers to the
State Fair Grounds are better this year than ever.
Our equipment and tracks are in first-class operating
condition and every effort will be made State Fair
Week to handle the passengers, with speed and safety.
When you arrive at the depot in Lincoln, take
any street car and ask the conductor for a transfer to
i the State Fair Grounds.
I Take Cars for Fair Grounds I
just wnat base ball lovers are going
to have a chance to see in the great
national game. Last year the season
closed before the state fair opened,
but this vear the league will be doing
business at the old stand and putting
in the full-length season. . Lincoln in
the Western league is scheduled to
play the first two days of the fair
and the rest of the week in Sioux
City, but it is possible that these
games may be transferred to Lincoln
in order to take advantage of the big
crowds which annually visit the fair.
This is frequently done, and base ball
lovers may have a chance to see
Western league ball as it is played
Take it all around, the amusements
at the fair this year will be so At
tractive that none need fear that they
will not have a grand, good time.
State University
Shows Growth
(Continued from Far Three)
for an hour or two after they get
away from the dinner table.
She is taught the rules of sanitation
of farm homes, and she is given myr
iads of helpful lessons on making the
outside work that she can do pay her
well, so that her own income supple
ments that of her husband and makes
her a truly dependable factor in lift
ing the mortgage from the farm
where her "man" may have bought it
on terms and trusted to heaven and
himself and her to pay it off when
the time comes.
All of this the university is doing
for Nebraska's farmers and her farmers-to-be
just as it is doing some
thing for it lawyers-to-be, and its
engineers-to-be, and its everything?
else-To-be. The institution has a mul
titude of courses leading to a multi
tude of things, but the end after all
is the same the great institution is
seeking to serve the people of the
state in the best way it can by fit
tint them for the thousand and one
callinii's of life and in giving them the
fundamentals which will cause them
to succeed in their callings.
It is a great institution doing a
great work, and it belnncs to the tax-
College Normal, Commercial and Academic
Courses. ' Excellent advantages in Music, Oratory
and Art. A place where the highest ideals are con
stantly before the student. Efficient training for the
duties of life.
y Separate dormitories for ladies and gentlemen,
in charge of preceptor and preceptress of many years'
experience. Real Christian home training. Care
ful attention being given to morals and manners. .
Write for catalog, Union College, College View, Neb.
U.l-...l--.ltk.-.l.r.ttI.L UKJ. L UlUUI-H. Ii. 1-L.L..1 l l l ' I ' ' ' ...1. !.!-.!'
Security "Mutual Life
Those who have been in the habit
. of attending the Nebraska state fair
and have become acquainted with the
tall stone building at Twelfth and O
streets will be greatly surprised when
they reach .Lincoln this year to see
y the magnificent new Jmilding into
which the former tenants of the old
"Burr Block" are now moving.
The bfl1t3ing now stands remod
eled into a beautiful ten-story office
"ilding, modern in every way and
with marble finjshings not shown in
any other building in the country.
The building is only half completed,
,the front half having been rebuilt first,
but by January 1 the company hopes
to have the building entirely finished.
Standing at it does on the corner
whicbis the center of Lincoln's busi-
- ncss industry, the building will always
be in demand as a place for business
offices, the Central National bank oc
cupying the first story while the Se
curity Mutual will have its home in
the top floor.
I at 10th and P Streets
At thispoint you can transfer to any part of the
City or Suburbs. . (
Each car carries a sign on the front showing its
destination. Our trainmen and passenger directors
will always be glad to assist you in any and every way
possible to reach anyesired point on our lines. I
I You Can Reach the Following Places of Interest on
the Lines of the Lincoln Traction Company for
a Far of S Cents.
Bethany, the Christian college town; University
Place, the home of the Wesleyan University; Have-
lock, the largest railroad shops west of Chicago;
J College View, the home of the Seventh Day Advent-1
ists; Capital Beach, Nebraska's greatest pleasure
resort; Antelope Park, City Park, Penitentiary, Asy- I
lum, and last, but not least, the home of William
Jennings Bryan. 5
Lincoln Traction Company, offices and sales
room, in the new Terminal building, 10th and Q
Streets, on or about September 15th.. I
! The Lincoln Traction Co. !
Lincoln. Neb.
1 General Offices, 10th and O Sts. Lincoln. Nebraska I
1 " ' For Car Service Information Call B 1158 i
Go See the
Half-Million Dollar Motor
The Briscoe Four Twenty-four the car with the Half Million
Dollar Motor is here. Go today and see it Inspect the motor
that Benjamin Briscoe, with the help of fourteen noted
engineers, perfected in Europe. '
Benjamin Briscoe dreamed a car of finest design with every
modern convenience within the reach of families of moderate
circumstances. Here it is.
designed and perfected where gasoline cost more than 50 cents
per gallon hence of necessity it was buit for economy. It is
the longest long-stroke motor in America.
The beauty of this Briscoe Four Twenty-Four, with its extreme
streamline body, tilted eye-saving wind-shield will mean joy
to your wife and family. It is so roomy that a six-foot man
can ride with outstretcheHegs in either front seat or tonneau.
The sides are high and the upholstery is the kind you will
find in other cars of $1000 and $1200. 1
Take the wheel yourself or let your wife or daughter drlre. Let them
see how easy it is to operate clutch or brake which in the Briscoe Four
Twenty-Four operate much easier
Half MTffiaa Dallar Mottr
Bon 3 l-a hM Mrea. 5 I S iaj
mr aaolia mnm baadi TW
aw'tTpt )! t aiaayla TO
ombla flan abav. nhm
.. I..I..I lIT .trallM
an iiaa aaaigaai
abla mum far (ya a
la toartal aan foaciMiium
la tb. raaoaMV.
CatWraar Aaaaaaxla.
Drlw-Laft. C.lrol Can.
Fraat Asia 1-baaai aaatfcM
4np SmtuA rilb apadal Rria
ao. tied Vial bate. Raar
Ami. FlMtietf typa.
Vaa-JtaJ 1-1 ha. an areas
aati.tki. nraa ia raar.
aaraus. f .ar-aa.aaaaar
raadnar 6 fc a. b. jaakaa.
than ever before. Note the quick
pick-up, the quietness and smooth
ness of the Half Million Dollar
Motor. i
Your name and address mailed to
us, or a phone request, will bring
card entitling you to a free
demonstration. ,
Go see the Half Million Dollar Motor today!
Briscoe Nebraska Car Co.
Space No. 30, Auto and Machinery Building, State Fair Grounds, Lincoln, Neb.
2429 Farnam St. Phone Douglas 100.
Omaha, Neb.