THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1916. r T.inArfclri'c f!nrrirn pvymqI Arfnnt.v TTpphq Sfpn With flitv's Tiifp I t An eastern advertising man vyho when they have it came west witn tne crowu oi experts clearly. J he Bee and vvorm-Hcraio ana a number of other loyal Nebraska newspapers had here several weeks ago, walked down the streets of Lin coln one Friday afternoon. He stopped in, here and there, at the stores, he saw the kind of goods the people were buying, he saw the discrimination with which they bought each kind, he noted how they traveled to and from market, and his mind grasped t number of other I see that very points a lot of us past up, in all prob ability. 1 At the end of a couple of hours he had seen enough to give him a clue to the situation. He turned, then, to one of the Lincoln men, who ac companied him on the tour and said: "Your folks out here are the best buyers in the world. I have seen most of 'em, too. The chief thing that appeals to me is that they don t quibble about the prices if they get the quality. And anothe thing they have the money and they spend it n i ?i.r.ff?Hsmi in That is the secret of Nebraska mer chandising nowadays in these days of proseperity over the state and it is the secret of the trade which has developed so marvelously at Lincoln during the last few yars. Lincoln is a town ot good retail stores. Starting with the gigantic new institution which Miller & Paine have made over in their bright new home at Thirteenth and O streets and going from there to insti- luuons oi ine same ciase, nuugc at Guenzel't and Herpolsheimer's and all the way up and down O street and on tome of the side streets now, one finds modern ideas worked into every stock. These ideas have not come from the desire of the tradesmen to force them upon their customers. They have come because the people are ready for them, and because they are availing themselves of them to the utmost. The people at Lincoln, at at other points' of the state, have said that they wanted these changed and the storekeepers have responded with alacrity to their demands. It hat paid them to do to. Their trade has been stimulated by it and it has been money in their pockett to do so, in thort. People buy better clothes than they used to at Lincoln. Men as well as women do that. The fair sex have nothing on the stronger sex when it comes to draping their backt with the usi.j iRiju ija 9u m ) 7I'TV Looking West from 3tfJmfOJk KM 'atest creations of the designer. Con1 mon sense is shown generally in all o the costuming of course, and then are few who give way to extremes in either male or female adornment. Likewise the people buy better things for their homes. By this is not meant furniture alone, or hardware. But they are adding phonographs and more extensive libraries and more elaborate lighting effects, more pic tures, more musical instruments, more of these things in short which in struct and amuse. Homes in Lincoln are no more mere places to exist they are placet where the family hat at least a portion of its entertainment and where it gets additional reasons for staying in spite of the multitude of attractions the outside offers. Enterprising firms are selling all these things to the people. While it might be said that it is selfish for them to do so, nevertheless it is true that the firms are doing much to aid people of even moderate means to have tome of the home advantages their neighbors possess. It is easy, if a man is half way fair with his merchants, for him to have a victrola or a grafonola in his home, for him to have a set of Brittanica and for him to gather around him any number of easy payment plans which the merchants have offered. The firms of the capital city are progressive. I hey do busmesi on lines that their lathers might have smiled at, but which they would most certainly approve of if they knew as much as these merchants know. Bookkeeping systems are thorough and efficient in every tense of the word, salesmen are courteous and know their goods, the bosses arc mas ters of their business and they think from the standpoint of the customer because it pays them to do business that way. What the retail store has learned by its contact with the new Nebraska, the most prosperous Nebraska, the wholesalers and jobbers have learned, too. This class of Lincoln tradesmen have kept apace with the new thought. They have measured up to every change in trade conditions and have been the first in fact to jump in and give impetus to the movement for ii ore business-like conduct of the re ail trade. Lincoln jobbers reach a territory which jobbers of many other parts of the country would give a whole lot to handle. Lincoln is in the heart of Ne braska wealth, and Nebraska wealth, continuing, is in the heart of national wealth. In every direction from the city there are located thriving little towns, and some of them not so little, where the bank deposits are exceedingly high per capita, and where the people are spending money right and left for the things they want and the things they need. This territory has not been de veloped in a day. Many of the Lin coln jobbers have been built up with it. They have stuck by the mer chants when the times were not so prosperous and when it was a real sacrifice to do so. And now that the times are better and the merchants have the wherewithal to meet their bills thev are (ticking: bv their old jobbers and wholesalers in a way that is most commendable. Both are shar ing now the rewards of business per sistency and business justice and both are glad that they are. there has been no more remark able iorward stride in all wholesale and jobbing lines than in these prod ucts which ko on Nebraska tables. Grocery concerns and fruit jobbers have increased in number and busi ness output most astonishingly in the new era that has come to Nebraska. Where once not a man outside Omaha knew what grapefruit was and very few there knew it intimately now that product is eaten from one end of the state to the other. And lettuce no longer looks aueer on a winter table set somewhere out in the state, and it is not a cause for excessive comment at the small town grocery any more whenome of the families there have strawberries and radishes at the fag end of a severe winter. Syrup hat supplanted molasses, a corn syrup taking the place of the slow running product. Canned goods are bought by the case in most Ne braska towns by any number of fam ilies and stored away for winter use and fewer mothers stew and fret over the canning season than used to when incomplete or pioneer jobbing meth ods made it impossible to obtain fruits and vegetables at a moderate price. The automobile has been a great aid to the distribution of goods over the state. It has helped the retailer and it has helped the wholesaler. Now some of the merchants do their own shopping by means of the motor car, and frequently drop in at their houses to personally inspect the goods they want to buy. And deliveries have been quickened and stimulated by the use of the delivery truck in cities of al most every size over the state, and the trade, to some extent, has been increased through its use. Lincoln does not satisfy itself with reaching in its immediate neighbor hood either. Its goods reach far into the west and south, into Kansas and north to the Dakotas and into Colo rado and Wyoming. It has extended its trade into channels where a few years ago some of the business men here thought it could not possibly go. The goods have made good in most every line and in almost all respects. There have been so few failures that they are negligible as tar as this discussion is concerned. The slogan lias been "Good goods at a reasonable price," and that slogan has been adhered to straight through the years. Farm machinery has beeir sent out of Lincoln in wonderfully large amounts during the last few years. Some of the largest concerns in the world have made this a distributing point. The big buildings at the state fair grounds are used a portion of the year, for instance, for storage of some of this huge amount and it would surprise the nonbeliever to take a trip through the grounds some time during December or January to back up that statement. Co-operation has been the word most used by Lincoln jobbers and wholesalers during the last decade. Through the agency of the Commer cial club the interests of the city have been kept uppermost, and the trade has been promoted systematically and well, with the end in view of getting re-orders. Lincoln has been impressed upon the retailers as a city of fair busi nesses, ready to work with them for the upbuilding .of the retail business and to ultimately make more peole pleased customers than was ever pos sible under the old hit-and-miss meth ods, and under the old system of fighting with consumers rather than making them friendly by making good goods and selling them right and backing them up in the proper manner. JfiAw LoohnS East From As i ill lU" k I lottos mtzm ISSESPte jjj jlpl r, - . L Buy the Heat of the Coal Without the Waste and Dirt mm l. ii i i i i m ,s i Wffl' 6 I" 1 .I-'"' Gis is a Servant that can do a Lot of Things to Make Your Kitchen Work Easier and Pleasanter T T WILL give you hot water quickly and economically A send a. steaming stream from the hot water faucet just when and where you want it. Gas lighting is less expensive and more pleasing than any other gas will burn your garbage a gas iron will do a day's ironing for a couple of cents. ' And one of the perfect new Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges will smooth out your cooking worries cook quickly, thoroughly and economically. You can enjoy the convenience and saving of an All Gas Kitchen at a surprisingly Low Cost ' , Let us show you how. What do you really buy when you get a ton of coal? Heat, of course. If you could buy heat alone without getting the by products of ashes, clink ers, slate, cinders, soot and (Jirt, you would tell the coal dealer to deliver the calories and keep the dis agreeable concomitants. Make arrangements to do all the cooking in your home with Gas, then you can have HEAT of coal without its attendant waste and dirt. It is the cheapest fuel you can get, if care is maintained in its operation. A clean fire when you want it, heat shut off when not needed, hot water instantly, and no bother with ashes that's the results of using gas. Lincoln Gas is highest quality, and you can al ways depend upon the pressure and heat units. If It's a Question of Illumination If you want to know the best way to light your residence, a p a r tment, stores, hall, garage, church or factory if you want to know what is newest and most efficient in lamps, appliances pr electric power regard less of how little elec tricity you intend using this company is always at your service without any obligation to you. A Cool Mittcheiii Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges are built so that the heat stays inside VOU can face the hot days of mid-summer without dread if there's a Jewel in your kitchen. No super-heated kitchens no working over a stove that's pouring out with ering heat no "all gone" feeling or heat prostration, when you cook on a Detroit Jewel Gas Range. Real summer cooking comfort is yours with every one of these new Detroit Jewel ' Ranges the stoves that have been the best since gas ranges were manufactured. Keep cool this summer put one of our 1916 Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges in your kitchen. Phone B-6585 and Call Our Office Day or Night Lincoln Gas & Electric GAS & ELECTRIC BUILDING, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Bin " 1 DO'