J THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31. 1916. - 10 if GRAIN AND PRODUCE psh Demand for : Wheat is .ZzceUent, But the Market ' ; Is Irrepdar. I " , igtfE HIOHEE TO TWO LOWEE ; ;r Omaha, Awnet II, Hll, . aak Imiiri tor what wu aieelleat May. tat the mark. waa rather lrrelar and reled trm lo hlhar la la lower. Ne. 1 kara wkaat eold about te nnoer . ysetsr sft kl(h price, tat the talk f tba Ha. 1 era mil an a llktlr kattar bull than an the previous day. Althoeth No. I wkaat tit ik reach Te teroey'a kick mark, the aalaa wara ehoW the aaraa aa yeelerteys evoreae, tha hulh ft tka aamplaa aalllaa around 11. ana ''oiellty OBaMarad, tka He. a hard wkaat waa lowar. elthoowh a tew earn f cholcs wkaat eel wall above yeeterdey'a everaae. Tka com market waa alaa lrreenler, tka yallow edvanclna He and tka wklta and wlt.d folar at le daellna. , "Tka datnand for all tradai at earn waa emlte ectlve and tka recelpta wara fair '.Tallow corn aold from ta 10 higher than tka wklta. which aald about Ho In ad vance of tka mlied corn. ,.,, Tka kattar tradai of oat bold "k'T klfkar, tat tka talk at tka aamplaa told at practically onehanred prices. Oata raealpta wara not very fcaavy and tka demand waa aaally atron enough ta taka eara of all tka aamplaa. Rye waa quoted lo to lo lowar. Barley rulad from to to te lowar. - Seecewerel Wkaat and flour equal fa lMt koakolat aorn. 1I,W kuakala, and aets. Ill, act taafcala. Liverpool closed wltk wkaat ateady and iarn. ateady to Hd kukor. . Pftmary wkaat raealpta wara 1.1't.Mt ha lted eklpmoato of l.lll.MI ta.. agalnet ra- Spto af l.llt,MI ta. and aklpmantl of I.M ta. laat year. Primary oarn raealpta wara IU.IM ta. and aklpmantl of 4IMH ta., against fa. ealpte of Ht.tol ku. and aklpmantl of fro. set bo. laat year. . T-rlmarr oata raerlpta wara ttt.ttt ta. end shipments of tsi.ttt ta., agalnet re eeipta of l,lti,ttt bu. and ehlpment of rttt.Mt ta. lait mi. - . ,. Wheat, -ear. Oata Ckleago ........ ........ ' 1" ill Mbaneapolla Osaka t II Xaaeee City HI ' " Wlnntpaf "I ' ... v Thaaa aalaa wara reported today: Wkaat Wo. 1 kard winter: 1 oar, tl 44; 1 eara. I1.4H4: 1 car, tl 41; 1 ear. tl.UVt. Si ir. a k.. wlntar; 1 ear. 11.44: 1 car, si r . - . .. ... ., j.i. - i ai.ai.ftT eara.' ai.... i zmm, .t. - aan. 11.41; t-l oar, 11.41. . nam win tar: I eara, 11.41; 1 oar, 11.4114: 1 car, 11.4!: I l-l eara. 1141; 1 car. 11.441: I can. 11.41: I eara, 11.11: t oar.. II .If. kard wlntar: 1 ear, 11.40; 1 oar, II. II1; I mwm at ii. l oar. II. If: 1 ear. Il.tt: 1 car. ll.lll.; t cam, ll.ll; can, 11.14:1 ear, 13.111a; a a-l eara, ti.aa. " tar: 1 car, 11.11; 1 ear, 11.11. Mo. I durum: can, 11.17. No. I durum: 1 car, 11.11. , Vt). I mtiad: 1 car, 11.43; 1 car. 1140; 1 car, , a, aa v. a mlvod: 1 ear. tl.tt: 1 ear, 11 11U. damnlo mllod: 1 oar, lt.lt. No. I (drum mlxad: 1 ear, 11.11; 1 I-l earl, 11.11. " Hya No. I: t eara, U.K.. No. 4; 1 car, at , . 'Barley Na. I: 1 ear, II He. - Ha. 1 load: 1 car, lie. . . 'fork No. t wklta: 1 ear, Ttlte. No. I lta: 1 eara. To; t-l car, Tle. No. 4 w. u.i t earn. Iltie; t aara. Tie. No. I I aara. fie. No. 1 yellow: 1 car, i.uw,. Ko. 1 yallow; eara, Ite. No. I i .r. fiua. No. t yellow; 1 car, T7140: 1 car., tie. Na. I Had:.! 4 can. fltte; I t-l eara. HHo. No. 4 mued: I aara. TIHo. No. I mlied: 1 ar. t7H. ample mlied: 1 ear, l!io.' , data Na. t wklta;. 1 ear, 41 He Stan ' dwrd: eara, 41140. H. wklta; 1 ear. , tun II oara, 4iHo. Wo. 4 wkltaf I eara 41 Ho. Sample: 1 car, (llj t earn, 41e; "Omake Caik Men Wkaat : No. I kard, 1.4I)1.44: No. I kard. 1.I714I: No.4 kard, II U1.4; No. I aprlnt. I1.4I41 .41; No. I apriol. tl.4491.4l: No. I durum. 11 II 44.I7 Na. I durum, tt.lll Cern: Na. fwklta. tltkllHo; No. I wklta, 7IH7te: No. 4 wklt., Iaj7la; na. a wane. "W'. Na. wklta, 1474; No. I yallow, 0 au, K. i mi low. Tlaiac: No. 4 yellow. Itd7IHe: No. I yallow. 77Ht1le; No. t iJw. 177714o: Ka. t mltad, 71e1tr: da-l mind, llH7Je: Na. 4 mlied. 71 t4io No, I mined, ft ll: No. I ml". taajlTc Oata: Na I wklta, 41H41H: raodard. 4it4IHe: No. I wkite, Si NoT4 wklta, 41 0 41 He. Barley: Malt laat, II He; No. 1 fe.d. tiitc. Rya: Na. , tv4t.lfl.liHi Na. t. tl.lfl.ltH.. , . omama nmu mabjibt. wtrlka : ajraatlaa Attacla - Trad Wkaat - Balaa Iawar. . " Omaka. Aucuit It, lilt. . . thpMUMl rallraad atrlka kad Ita affect aa tka wkaat market," wkea wk.at tvrarea dropped lo ta lc. ' . wu a fairly rood aipert demand raaortad and tka crop altuatloo en wkaat Ii llttu akajuia. kut In tka flea of tka tkraaaaaad itrlk tere waa vary -little kar at e wkaat. ' . aker wkaat eioeea ia,o wwr, lUo of and tko May apilen rulad la lowar. . ' -v an,, mn altuatlen ramainr praeticauy anckaaaad and tka crop outlook U fair at tka aneant time. TaeiTtaniber corn cloaad at yeeterday'l k m ,ka Tjaeamkar rained He, Tkara wore ae tradai In tka September mum ana lae n . io ... .. ZZ .a.t waa la tka December option. . Oata were weak and cloned e lower on Savtamkar, lHo lower on .December and aaeut tie off on tko May. -Omaka oloalns prleae ea tutnrei for tkll &tl I Open. I Htfk. il-ow.l Cloie. WfcL apt 'TJao. rMay T-vra Sept Deo. Oata 'apt 1 It 1 tt 1 II i TIH i ii a 1 It 1 41H 1 4IH " h' , . 41 ItlU I 11 u 1 II H 1IIH 1 1 41 H 1 OH III tlH 7H Si Uh Si' 41 41 4IH ' 47 Cklcaao eloalng prleaa furnlafcad" Tka Baa ay ijaem i - - 11 . BQUia Bll..n.n mtwwt. 4?- 1 Open. I Hlih. ILew.l Cloae, I Tea. Sept ' Pee. .-May ' Oern . Sept - Jac. May lia pt .Cy Perk 4Upt 'er. ljrd Sept Oot. . P,c. ! Sept . Oct. Jen. 141-14 1 44 1 41 IIH 1 41 H I 47V 1 411 ' J 1 : 1 17H 1IT' 14114 141 5 x If!s 1 411 1 Iff 1 II' 71 ISVi n- u n ST 41 SS IS II II IS IS IS II 71-H 71 44 11 44U-H nil in. t ii 414. 47- tl-MH 17 47 tl It II II II II II It IT 41' SI 4t IS SSj IT 10 II 19 IS ST II IS II II 14 01 II IT IS 17 IS IS II II 14 IT 114 II II 10 14 10 Til to 11 II i II 10 111 III It) tl 14 IT 14 -t tl II tl 111 S CHICAGO G.tAU AND r-WVlSSONS. : rtflj DMllM IB Wi4M.t B ThrtMt- m4 Steik VUvwtuI ty Bit. -Ch!e-. Aug. lO -Whrtt . priffw w lwnry today un4r th atraln of ctl r9psrt.ona for a nril toppati f nail w.w traffic ami Mc.aUy baoauaa f ao- tlfia that art ambarno asatnit irata tor. tha aat antf (or Kttropa would bagin ta taka fft on ona of tha yrtneipai ua witnin farty-olvht noura. tb marttai cioaaa m atakla. 4i4tt44 nat lowar, with bar at 11.11 1. J an Daeambar at 1.4t1.4l. Corn ftalahed 9e. ttVaarft and oata off S9t, In yrevlalona tha aiitcoma rangad from !o daellna to a rtaa of SI eanta. . ttrllta davalapmanta atmeat coraplataly aonopoltaad tha aitni(oa of tha whaat ;. Malarial daetlnaa at tha epanlng 1 wra tamporartir dtapa.ied br raporta that l?raatdnt Wllaea waa attrntBting ta arrange poatponamaat of tha anferramant of tha trtrnta oraar. aui -aa immaoiata prtea ra 4oviry that anauad gava way laiar whan .daotala wra forthcoming front orflttala of tha railway ampioyaa' organisations thai any ehanga la tha atrlka ardor would ha nada uolcaa. tha damand of tha man wara aattaflad. Woraa waa knew fbltawad annotmetmantt I bafora tha eloaa that tha Pannayl vnlh railway withaut waiting for tha ' thraatanad atrlka ta opan. would oaaaa or Saturday tha acraptanca of ny fralght whatavar. In wmi raaaa. tha conaaquant fall in what Quotatlona raachad aa low aa IVfl huahal aa anpfd with yatardaya flnlah. Hoa,vy gonaral aalllng aroompanlad tha pMuga. Vlolant awtagw vara In prograaa Liu tba gong claarcd tha pit. " jCora htd ralatlvaly ataadr.. hut ra 'rflartad tha notion af whaat. Bullish crop porta tandad aamawhat to uphold nrteaa. 9 tfats had no , tadapondanca af othar a---T-Uf but 4kar waa hot llttla urgant prhataura to all. In tba prtt,lna trad It vaa dlffleult at tUMhf ta buy wit bout eauatog a aiMtrp adranee. Ai a rule, keweyar, kulroa failed to kold. The unoartaintlea of tka atnke outlook formed tko. cfclet rov.rnlnf Influ- Ckloara t2aak Prleea Wkaat; No. i red. ll.4H4-fH: No. I rod..1.4l1.44H; No.1 kaxa.-ll.474j 1.4114: Na. I Hard. tl.lfH 1.4414. Corn: No. 1 yellow. Ill, 17c: No. 4 yalktw. Hike,- No. wklta, Iiel4c Oati: No. I wklta, 4lo; etanderd, 44 440. Rye: No. t. I1.144M.1B. Barley. IToll.ll. Roadi: Ttmolky, ll.M04.7l; elorer. II.M14.tt. Proyhlona: Pork. 111.41; lard, lll.HHl rlba. fia.iiKayi..iii. . . icna Haoalpta, 7,ies Galea; ojienanvaa. Butter Uockanted. Potatooa Klrkor: rocalpta. II aara: Jer- ley eobblaro, 11.4491.14; Jeroay - ftinta, 11.1191.40; Utimaiota Okloa. I1.II91.II. poultry Alive alfkor: xown, ikvisyfec; eprinca. lie. NEW TOKK OBWEBAL MABKET. OjtotiMt of tha Par on tha Loading CauBodltlaa. Naw Tork, Ang. II. Flour Uniottkd. Whaat Soot, woak: No. 1 durum. 11.11; No. I hard, fl.Htt. No. 1 northern, Duluth,, i.s; no. l nortnarn, Jiaaitooa, ti.i.. . o. b. Now Tork. Corn Spot, eaay; No, I yallow, 17c, e. 1. f. Naw Tork. Oata Baraly attady, Hay Quiet: srlma. 11.10: Na. 1. 11.26: No. I, l.lH0;.Hi No. S, 11,1-; shipping. 97.Eiutyv.09. Hopa steady: atate, common to choice. 1111, J17c; 1114, 6Tc; Pacific coaat, Illl, 1014c; 1914. 1Q9o. Hida steady: Bogota: Zltt033c; Cen tral America. 12(40, aUathr stamdy : hemlock flrati, 17c: aec- onda, Ko. ' Pork Steady: mesa. I20.00O20.S0: family. I3I.IO02IO. Lard Strong: middle wtat, H 2&BH.3&. Tallow Firmer: city. Tc nominal: coun try. 109o; apaclal, l4o nominal. Batter Firm: recalsts. 10.4IJ tubs: mar ket unchanged to fco higher. Egga strong: raoaipta, 17,54 caas; rraan gathered extra ftne, I401bc;- extra firsts, 12031c; trill, lOCllc- Coieifl Firm; receipts. 1,172 poxes; state fresh, specials. II 0 18 He ; , state frash, average fancy, lie. PoultryLive, stead?: no prices settled: dreaaad, firm; chickens, HOIle; fowls, 17 lie; turkeys, HOIle. OhLtiA OENBBAt, MAHUT. But tar No. 1 eraamerr. U oartons or roba. Sto No. I, Slo. Cbaaaa Imported Swiss, lb,, 4lo; domoa to Swtaa, lie, block Swiss, lie; twins, 17o; triplets, ITo: daisies, ITHe; Toung Amor lea, llHo; blue label brick, 110; Urn berger, SOot New Tork white, lloj Aooqua tort, llo. oyatars ajtaniarda, Zi040o; selects, 10V 41c; eounta, l20fOc. Fiah Freah: Halibut, lb, lie; catfish, 1I01To; red aalmon. 14c; fall salmon, llo; whtteftah, lie; herring, Tc; trout, 14c; yel low pike, ITo; bull heads, Ko; carp, c; black baas, IZc; sunflsh, lc; cropptfi, He;, pickerel. 19c; atesk codfish, lie; tlleflsh, Sc; frash headless shrimp, fal., 11.31; red snap- Ser, lb., lie; Spanish mackerel, llo; Lake ;rle, Jumbo whlteflah. 22c; flounders, 11c, fresh peeled abrlmp, per gat., $3. Beaf Cuts: No. 1 ribs, 11c; No. I, iTe; No. 3, 13c; No. 1 loins. 23n; No. S, HM.e; No. I. 10; No. 1. cburks, tle No. I, llo; No. I, lOHo; N-. rounds, I7c; No. 1, lie; -No. I, 18c; No. 1 plates, loe; No, , le; No. I, !. fntlt and vegetabla prlaea furnished bf Ollinaky Fruit Co y-ruita uranges. IBs, ibob, n, 14 hex: 12a, Ills, 14 71; lK9a, tft; 171s, 11.25; tOOs, 114a. IfOs. lu.SO. Umoni: lAOa aatta. ii aa- choice. It. Praehea: Per box, $1 10; In lota, 11.11; btiaheis, fl.71 bu. Pears: Bushel K ulCeri, i,76 bu.: Ilbushel lots. II. ta- is. Dusnei iois or more, u.ni; uailiomta Bert let fancy, 12.36 crate; Ch. I tier 0. $3.71; Bartlett I tier -vl 28; fancy Flemish, 13.60; choice Flemish, ll.tl. Or a pes; Home grown, Sflo Diiriti; Msiagas, ai.es crate; Tokays, 1. Apples: Orevemteln, .6 box; BelleAowers, 11.76; cooking, $1.11 bu.) barrels, $1.60 bbl,; easting, $4.21. Cantaloupes: fltandarda, 13.7$ crate; penys. $3.11: (lata. II. WiUr- metona; lo lb. Prunes: On arrival, $1.66 Vegetables: Sweet spurts. Vlr. barrels, I4.lt bbl. : Southern hmuds.. II il hmn. Call fern la crates. 4 crate; potatoes, bushels. ft. iB wu. ,-. vinuns, Biietn, f. nraie; onions, red. lo lb.; onions, western, IHo: cabbage, Itte: tomatoes. Tic bask.: oucumbere. fcOet celery, 4to dos. ( noney, si.ts aaaa. Poultry Live: Broilers. 1U to I Ibe.. SOo: over I lbs., lie. Hens: Over 4 lbs., 14c; under 4 lbs., Ite: roosters and stags, 10o; geaaa, full feathered, fat, 10c; young and aid ducks, full feathered, fat, 14c; turkeys, any alaa -over I I be., 24c; turkeys, less than I lbs., half price; 1 capons, Ibe, and over, I4e; guineas, Mch, fie. Squaba: Homers, 14. on. each, par dos,, 14.01; it oi, each, per flos,, 12.10; I s. each, per dos,, $i.6; un der I as .each, par dt. $. -Plwiva, jiar dos.. 11.00. Mlacellsneoua - cracker Jack, cornpops and checkers, case, $1.1$; half cases, ll ti; paanuu. Special No. 1, lb., IVfco; Jumba peanuts, lc; popcorn, case. 11,60; honey, ew, case. II, T, v .'-i i Kaaaaa City Gsaerai Marfcai. Hrelraee Clt . 'Au. ILWhist-M hard, 11.41 Up!.-; No. I red, $1. 4191.14: September, $l.4ltt1.4l; December, i.S7Te; Msy. 01. 41. corn no. 1 mixed, loome; no. 1 wmte. 11 He; No.. I yallow. Slo; September, lor; December, Tlfte; May. 76e. oata No. 1 white. 47c; No, 1 mlied, 41 0 lie. 1 ' ' ' ' Butter Creamery, lie:: flrata. too: aeo nds, lie; parking, 4VsC, - Kin Firsts, iiue, Poultry Hens, lie; roosters, llo; hrollera. MlBAaapolla Grata Market. ' Minneapolis. Aug. 10. Wheat September, 11.40; December, ,.4TK0jl.474., Cash: No. 1 hard, $1.11; No. I northern, $1.60), Oji.oiH; wa. 1 nortnern, $i.if.fati.ii. yiour unrnangea. Barley 7cf$t.0. Bye $1.10. Bram $31.00031.00. Corn No. 1 yellow, II ITe. Oata Na. I white, 43 944c, t Plaiaeed II.OIH 0)1.00 , : St, Laols General Market St Louis. Aug. 10. Wheat No. I red, II. 1191. 64: No. S -hard, II 4101. II; 8ep tern her, $1.11; December, $1.41. Corn No. I, 1419160; No. 1 white, RIO tlc; September, Sic; December, 7397lo. pats no. s, 4c; no, 1 wnite. nominal. Uvavptaal Grata Market. Liverpool. Aug. SO. Wheat Soot: No 1 Manitoba, 14a 4d; No, 8, 14s Sd; No. I red, western, its 40. earn Bpot, American, silted, new. lee Coffee Market, '" New Tork, Aug. 80. An early decline In the market for cor fee futures here today waa followed, by re 1 Ilea on re porta of a ateady cost and freight situation and scarcity of freight room, particularly for shipment from Braail to New Or teens. There waa a renew.ii or scattering wail street and cotton liquidation during the early trading, and after opening at a decline of I to 1 1 points, active months sold about 10 to 14 notnta net lower. Nervous over tba rail road situation was considered partly respon sible for the esrly selling, but trade Inter eats were reported moderate buyers en the dcllne and. there was ooverlng on the rally from 0.14c to 1.30c for December and from 24a to 0.IU for May during the lata trading. The cloae waa a shade off from tha best, but ateady, net unchanged to S Mints lower. Bales, 44. 3. 0 nags, August, September, October, November. De cember. Otic; January. l.lOe; February, 0.14c; March, 1.33c; April, 0.13c; May, i tic June, O.llc; July, .67c. Mm) coffee waa reported in netter de mand with tha tone firm at 3'Ae for Rio 7s snd 11 Wo for Santos 4s. Cost and freight Affao were unehaneed. The official cables mooned a oecnne vr 71 rels at Rio and l-10d in Rio eichange on London, but Santos apots were unchanged and futures n rsis nigner. -V-" '" CatOssi Market. New York. Aug. SO. Cotton Futures opened Steady; uciooer, le.esc; wecernoer, 10.73c; January, ib.iic, wxn, 11.07c. cotton futures) elosed barely eteady;Oeto her, II. He; December, ll,T6c; January, 11.11c; March. II. He, May. 11 07c. Spot, quiet; middling uplands. $16, I.e. No sales. TnS Cotton mareei bwho ima. n nhetid to 0 notnts lower. IJvaroool. Aug. $1. Cotton Spot, firm : good middling. 0.7le; middling, O.llc; low middling, 0.4c. aataa. e.cse oaiea. KTesnt4 Apples aad Dries. Frulta. New Tork, Aug. 10. lBtapo rated apples, dull; fancy, 7tc; cnoica. sejani prune, tuaoan. Prunea Flm; California!, f9; Ore- foTrinBl 7 1 1 P. ApHeots Quiet; choice, 12912c; extra choice, .a arise; inncy, ie w o-. Peaches Quiet; choice. 4c; extra choice. If fancv. 7C. Relelne Steedr: renae musoabels. I We choice lo, fancy aeeded, 791c; aeedleaft $ " Metal Market. New Tork, Aug. SO. Metals Iad, $1.01 91.71. Spelter, eaay; spot, Bast St. Louis delivery. 0-oe. pepper, arm: eiecireiytie, IIT.OO9H.OO. Iron, ateady and unchanged. Tin. easy; spat, I7.i7uair.iw At London: Bpot copper, 1110; futures, 4100: electrolytic. Clio, spot tin. 1171: fu tures, 4171 lea. Lead, 131 Is. Spelter, ill. LIVE STOCK MARKET Good to Choice Cattle . Steady to Stronger Others ' jkre ... Easier Lambs Higher. HOGS -HIGHEST ON RECORD Omaha, Aognst SO, 1111 Pafl la, llaae Ikaaa Official Uondev ii ii-j' im' te tea Official Tueaday 1,120 7,17 Sl!l8 estimate Wednesday., 7,000 - 7,200 30,000 Three days this waeklS.IIS 11,122 11,723 tai wBfN...,!)! !,( 11,111 Same days 2 weeks ago24.4tO 27,103 IV, 7? 6 St me days I weeka atoll, 617 20,631 43,140 Same days 4 weeks agol4,l37 14,230 16,008 Same days laat year.. 33,711 14,071 10..J0S neeeipts and disposition of live stock at the "" wnn.n. i ub, uineiieB, mot iwenty four noure enaing at l o clock p. m. yes- terday. RECEIPTS CARS. C M. A t, P 4 3 .. I SS 47 "t n ii V. 4 i .. 34 16 I t l a. '1.1 101 10S I Wabaah Missouri Pacific I Union Pacific it C., N. W.. aaat.. s C., A N. W weat.... 64 C. St. P., Ii. A O.t.a 4 B. Mt O . hatdt . 9 C, B. A 0-. west.... 13a C. R. I. p., eaat.... 0 Illinois Central Chicago,, (it. West,.. Total receipts ,...,217 DISPOSITION HEAD. pBtltet Unn Ihear, Morris A Co........ 120 1,660 1,403 Swift and Comnanv ..,.1.174 171 mit Cudahy Pack. Co. ...... .1,30 .... $,70 Armour co. 1,130 1,108 4,011 Schwarts A Co.. S4 J. W. Murphy J.ua .... Liincoin pacn. Co II South Omaha Pack. Co.. !7 .... .... oemon, vansant au Lush... 70 F. B. Lewis ............ id J..B. Root A;Co........ 141 Hi Bulla 40 L. F, Huss ............ 41 Rosenatock Bros. ........ 436 ,r. .... P. O. Kellogg ... i 107 . Werthelmer A Degen ..... 470 ,. H. F. Hamilton ......1.. 20 .... Sullivan Broa 40 - .... .... Rothschild ds Krcbe .... 33 .... Missouri A K ansae Calf Co 12 Hlgglna 11 .... .... Huffman t Roth 72 .... .... Mayers 24 Oies berg , 7 Mannar Bros. John Harvey , 1S .... .. ..... A, 44 , Dennis A Francis Kline Jesnsen A Lungran 1.16 .... - .... O'Day 16 Other buyers 106 .,. .14.434 Totals .;. .-.Mlf 6,102 S7.I61 Cattle Race) nta ware vary fair for Wednesday, making a total for tha three daya this week 28,082 head, tha largeat of any week for a long time back. The threat euea strike on' Monday, September , naa made the situation .vary uncertain In live stock clrctee. At Chicago, where packers evidently want a few cattle for home con sumption to tide ever tha prospective strike period, prices made a wild Jump, At Omaha no great change took place, the trade being little alow, with good to c notes xinaa steady to stronger and common to medium kinds steady to easier. - Owing to the fact that tha big railroad lines ars giving notice that they will not receive live stock shipments for delivery after September I, there Is an expectation all tha live stock markets that they will be out of business with tha close of this week unless the strike for Monday la called off. ... Representative sales: ' k ' , UKNI" 8TB BBS. 1 , No. , Av. Pr. " No. , Av. Pr. 1. ....... Ill 01 17... 1034 $4 16 0 041 0 II . $.. ...... 1111 40 16. ...... .inoa I 0ft II...- 1017 6 76 II, ...... .1136 T 30 II... 1140 T SI I ...1440 I 40 1$ 104 0 10 II... 1311 0 00 61 ..1121 10 10 STBBRS AND HBIFBRS, I.. ..Ill I 4. II STOCK CALVES. .. Ill I II I , , 171 ' T 14 , VBAI. CAI.VBS. . , III I ,1 II .. Ill I 04 . I .... , . . 141 10 10 rHKDSRI. 1 ..III III I .. 114 7 II STOCK STBBRS. 711 It 40 1' 1...... t 1...... Ml I tl lit It tt it...... 11...... It...... II 101 I 04 . 4.,.., Ill I 11 II...,,'. II I II II...'., ill ii 1 10 t 71 7 41 .... Ill . ... Ill ..:.ien 1 Ill I II It.. WHSTKRNS. SOUTH DAKOTA. : No. A. Pr. No. A. Pr. 7 II 17 bf lira. ,1141 7 11 lkfitn.,1141 P. Ullla Wyomln. I4iteen,.101l 7 It iheltere. fit I 41 t'7t Charlaa Nalioa Colorado. Ilfeedera. Ill 110 I cow.... 114 H. P. HllmaB Colorado. , I kelfera. lit 111 Ilfeedera. Ill . 1.0. Woolfolk South Dakota. I 41 4 It II It. era. .1011 171 lieadera. Ill C. U Robert! Colorado. II feedera. Ill 111 It feederi. .771 t It C. 8, Webb Wyomlni. Ibt.tra.. 114 4 74 2 bfltrl..llOI J. Wan.k Wyorhln. I atk it. Ill 7 tt It itk lira. 141 Auruat Caraten Colorado. 7 II t II i II Ilfeedera. Ill I II I feedera. Ill H. P. Luke N.braika. Ilfeedera. 747 I II I feeder., til I 10 1 11 B. B. . Brook. Wyoming. lSeew,,..10ll I 41 11 cow.... tot Art; A. Branitlt.r Nabraaka. Ilfeedera. Ill I II 4 kelfera. t7 I II ill Perry Andaraon Colorado. I bf oowi.ioai lit' t.tkkf.. 474 T. 8. Steed Wyomlni. ltltkltra. 414 III llbf eowe.ltit III Stamble as Bnf.l-rN.bra.ka. llrtkkla 111 lit 14.lk.tr.. Ill I 71 7 tl Cobh A Reek Wyomlnc leowa.,.lltl 110 II atk etra. 717 Frank H. .lewett South Dakota. I Metre . 171 7 11 14 etk alra.1011 John Wkltakor Wyoming. - I II 41 itaer... 1174 I 40 F. ai. neinncn 'Hontana. II eowa.. .HIT lit Meow... .1411 I II Max Prochmer wyomlni. 4MW1...1100 4 41 7 iteera, .lilt Kd Knapp Wyoming. llltaera.. Ill 7..1I . I .taere. .. 741 7. II ' Hoge Tha market' wan anoth.r e.treme ly uneven and rhe.ny atfair, Shipper, had eonalderably broader ordera and bought fre ly early, paying prlneo .that were ail tne way from etreng to. In extreme caiei, a. much aa a dime higher, and on the bulk at their purrha.ee looked itrong to a nickel HP. They paid ai htgb aa I10.lt, wblca priea aela a new high mark for tba year to date, and equate the record for the yarda. Tha parker trade opened out juot .bout .teady, and a good .h.r. of the offering, eotd that way, three of the four outfit, tilling their ordera at yeeterdey'a prtcee One packer, however, refueed to even make a bid up to a lata hour In the forenoon, and aa a reeult there were .till twenty, er mora, loada of hoga In the pena attar the other buvere had flllid their order, and Uft th. yarda. Later en In the dey one er two packer buyer, went bark In tha yard, and rleand up what hoga they were able to get their own way. shlppera and yard tradera alM took a few late and by noon a fair clear ance of the freah etuff had bean made. Theae lata aalaa were a dime .lower than morning price., Th. average market waa llttte different from yest.rday'e, the early atrength being offaet by the weakneaa on the close. Bulk ot the ealae ehowed more of a apread, be ing ouet.d at tt0.llO10.lt, and tope, a. noted, reaching ft0.lt. Reoraaenl.tlve aal,,: Av. aa. rr. wo. av. 8h. Pr. SI. 10 ... tt II 71. .111 ... It 00 140 10 10 10 10 10 lit II 10 ... 14 41 lit 14 41 ... II Ii 7I..1IT 47. .114 41.. 114 T4..11T 01. .171 47. .Ill 71. .114 41 14 44 II..I41 i!..m 1. .SIT ft.. lit II. .Ill II. .101 141 It II ... 10 II 100 10 40 ... 10 10 40 10 10 ... II II Sheep Thla mornlng'e eheep and lamb run waa by far the largeat received on I Wedneeday ao far thla year, eetlmatea call Ing for 10T eara, or 11,000 head. It waa alio the blgge.t run on the merket map, Chicago, tha neareet eompetltor, wiring only 10,000 head early. So far thl. week artivali have bean 01.711 head, being 10,000 larger than laat week ana .,oov neevier than twa weeke age, but a ahortage af It. too aa com pared with the eame daya laat year. Pat lambe reacted 'thla .morning, there being a better reeling in the trade right from the oute.t. liovement got etarted la pretty fair eraeen, and while gome aalaa were calted !uet etreng. bulk ot the offer. Inge .old at a 10lle advance. Nearly everything ned rnangee nanee by midday. For tne gooe to cnoice lamoe II waa I1O.009101O affair, not much of any da. iraoie inter aiuri aenmg unoer tnia apread. More than one band reached tha toe, llt.lt. and other. Mid at tlliooyio tl, while en Tueaday only one band landed above even money. The definitely eertoua lure the otrlk. altuatlon had taken acared feeder buyera aomewhat, and on early rounde of the trade today erery one waa a llttla backward about taking; hold, and what few deala were made early looked weak at yeeterdey'a price.. Later on, however, buyera got over their fear of being unable to get ahlpmente out and when bulk . of feeder offerlnge moved It we. on a good ateady baate. For the better klnda of laroba It waa a 110.10 010.11 nronoaltlon. The beat of the reeding ewei again moved at lt.00O6.3S, with 14.40 04.71 buying cul a to fair atuff. Borne area breedere were quoted ateady at 17.40. Kenreieutatlvo aa ea: ,-.. No. .... ; ,Av., Pr. 14 Oregoa feeder ewei ........114 . II 00 II Oregon feeder lambe 11 ' ? 1101 Nevada feeder lambe .... 17 10 IB 111 Nevada feeder Iambi , 14 I 10 CHICAGO I.rVB STOCK MARKET. Cattle Strang, Here Steady. Kbee Strong. Chicago. Aur. 10. Cattle Receipt!. 13.- 000 head: market itrong; native beef cattle. 17. 154,11. 3S; wemern eteera. Il.7iet.40: atocken and feederi, 11.1008. 00; cow, and hetfere, tl.7S0O.4O; calve,, It. 00011.10. Hoga Raealpta, 31,000 ' heed; market ateady at lo advance; bulk, I1O.BO011.1S; ngnt, oio.7O0ll.BO: mixed. 110.10011. zo: heavy, llOOB011.il; rough, 1O.OS01O.3O; plgi, I7.S0OI.7S. Mheep and l,ambi Recelpti. 30,000 held; market atrong; wethera, ll.lSO7.40;. ewei. I4.1H07.3O; lamba, ll.S0O10.8S. St. Leali Live Stock Market. , St. Louli Mo.. Aug. SO. Cattle Receipt!. t.100 head; market higher; native beef ateerl, 17.00 0 10.7S-: yearling ateera and aeirere. fS.ftoaio.lB; eowa. oe.TOVT.i,; atoekera and .feeder., tS.SOOI-00; Texaa quarantine ateere. tS.S0OI.S0; prime louth ern iteeri, M. 00 91-00; eowa and helfera. I4.e09l.00; prime yearling ateera and helfera, t7.SO0t.OO; native calve., 14.009 11.7S. . Hoga Receipt., 1,100 head: market high- er; plga and light.. I7.I09U.3S; mixed and butchrn, 111.06911.40: good heavy, til. 10011. 40: bulk. til. 00 011. 31. Sheep and Lambe Recelpta 4,400 head; market atrong: Iambi, I7.00O10.40; ilaugh. tar ewea, IS.00 9 7.26; bleating ewei, 19.009 10:00; yearllnga, to.000,.10. Kaaiaa City Live Stock Merket. Kanaaa City.-Mo., Aug. 10. Cattle Re celpta, 11.000 head; market ateady; atockere and feederi ilow, lie lower; prime fed nteere. I10.00OI1.00; dreeeed beef eteere. IT.SO0l.7t; weatern iteeri, 04. 0001. .0; atoekera and feedera, IS.7S98.1i; bulla, IS. 00 On.so; calvea, 30.sooii.oo, Hogi Recelpti, 13.000 heed; market ateady; bulk, I10.S0O10.3S; heavy, 110.109 10.74; packer! and butchera, 110.00910.03; light, 110. S0910.IS: plga, t. 109 10.00. Sheep and Lambe Receipt!, 7. BOO head: Iambi, 19.760 10.3S; yearilnge. 17.1691.00; wethera, 17.0007.10; ewe., 11.6007.10. ; Slenx City Live Stock Market. . Sioux City, la,, Aug. 10 Cattle Re celpti, 1,100 head; market eteady to 16026c lower; beef, eteera, 14.16910.26: butchera. t6.1S9t.S0; fat rowa and helfera, 16.109 4.40; oannera, I4.t0 9 6.60; atoekera and feed eri, 16.4007.60; bulla itagi, etc., 16.3600. 26. Hoga Receipt!. 4.104 head; market, 16c higher: light, 110.00910.10; mixed. 110.20 010.16: heavy, 110.30910.76; hulk of lalea, 110.20910.40. . Sheep and Lambe Recelpta, SOI head. ;' St. Joaeph Live Steak Market. St. ' Joeeph, ' Aug. lO.-attle Recelpta. 1.100 head; market .low; .teen, I0.60O 10.10: cow. and hotter., $4.26910.00; oalvea, 14.00 911.00. Sheep and Lamb. Receipts, 600 head; market steady; Iambi, II.S0910.1S; ewea, 14.6091.71. Live Stack la Sight. Reaelpta of live stock at the five principal weatern markets yesterday: , . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep, Chicago ...1.1,000 12,000 10,000 Kanaaa City. ....11.000 . 13 000. 7.100 St. LOUI 1.100 1,100 4,400 SIOUX City 1,300 , 4.800 BOO Omaha 7,000 7.300 31.000 Totala ...!..'... 44. 400 IS. 600 41.400 Local Stock, aad Bond.. Ouotellona furntahed by Burne. Brinker Co.. 441 Omaha National bank building, Omaha, Neb: Stocka Bid. Aeked. Avery, Company, common .... 10 81 Beatrice Cream Co.. 7 pet. pfd..,100 10714 Booth Flaherle. Co., pfd 10 II Deere gt Co., pfd.. ex-dividend. . 19 Mj tl Fairmont Cream Co.. 7 pet. pfd. 10314 ..... Hooch, Mill. Kle. Co.. 7 pet. pfd. ti 100 Lincoln Tel A Tel. Co., com mon. .7 act. - 00 . 08 Mountain Statea Tel A Tel. Co. Ill ' 111 Omaha A bound Bluff. If t Bridie.-. vfd. ea Omaha Council Bluff. St. Ky oto .' 73 is Paler. Mill Co., pfd. It 101 Packard Motor Co., pfd 100 lot Sulsberaer 'at Sons, pfd. ...... II 100 Swltt A Company ...144 146 Union Stock Tarda,.! pet. atoea ex-dlvldend tv 1" Updike drain Co., common ,...103 Bonds nn,h at. I.0UI1 4's. ltll.... ttWj 100 Denver 0. A Blec. s:s, 1041.... Ill, II Iowa Fori land uemem i;e., ea 1110-1134 II HO Port Dodge, Dea Moines Sioux City " Kanaaa City Ry. ret l'a. 1144.. IT It Omaha A Council Blulfa St, Ry. Sulsberger A Sons. I s IIS1::!1 i'a. 1111 "Vt I7H Swltt A Company is .11014 100 City of Tork, N.O., uen. xmpr. ,s, 1110 Trenton. Nebr.. Electric, 11 lt21-ltll New York Money Market, New Tork, Aug. 10. Mercantile Paper 114 03 per cent. Sterling Exchange 40-day hllle. 14.71 H; demand. I4.76K; cables. 14.74 7-11. Silver Bar, 4714e: Mexican dollare. 1144c. Bonds Oovernment, ateady; railroad Ir regular. Time Loans 10 daya. 1 14 9 1 Per cent: It daye, 10.01 per cenl; I montha, 1404 per cent. Call Money Steady: high. 114 per cent: low, 114 per cent; ruling rate, 314 per cent: last loan, 310 per cent; do. Ing bld114 per cent: ottered at II. per cent. 11. S. ret. Is, reg.tl M., K. A T. lit 4. 7414 n a rf. Is. cou.tl M. Pac. con. Be.. 107 IT. S. 3s. reg. . ..lOOliMonL Power 6s,. .071, IT, 8. 3e, cou.. .levers, r. t aeo. ....in IT. S. 4s. reg...l0H,N. T. City 41,1 it a ... COU...U0 (1166) 109 Am. Smeller, fs.108 N. I.. N. H. A H 'A.T. A T.C.414S.1" cv. e ti2 Anglo-French 6a. 96 14 No. Pac. 4s 9114 Atchlion. gen. 4s.. 93V, -No. Pac. 81.... .46 , Bait. tinto ...... .-'re. o. ... rci. ...a- n.ih m.. I rf Ba. 140 14 Pac. T. A T. Se .loOU Cent. Pac. 1st.. .88 Penn. eon. 4 lis. . 104S Chea. A O. e.414i l4HPenn.'gen. 4"4s, .101 14 C. B. A Q.. Jt. 4a. 074. Reading gen. 4a. .96 C.,M. A St.P.e.ls.lOIHSt. I.. A 8. F. C. R. I. P. By- ' 7S9S114 ret. 4e 71I4SO. Pac. cv. Be. .loan Colo A S. r. 4Vj..l24,So. Pac. ret. 4a... lilt D a n: O. .0. ea.ie -ao. nauway aa..iuvi, 71 Un. Pac. 4s 961. Oen. Klectrlc ia.lOiajlla. Pac. cv. 4...93h Ot. No. let 414B..99 IT. 8. Rubber 4s. . 10? 4 III. Cent. rer. ti..i,tu. o. oiee, t. . . . tvr,. Int. M. M. 4vis..l084W. Union 41ia....lS14 K. C. S. ref. i....9'West. El c. Sa..1l I.. A N. un. 4....I3I4D. A R, O. ref. 6.4714 Bid. Offered I . . . " Beak rjlearlags. Omaha. Aug. 10. Bank eleartnga for Omaha today ware 14,096,409.11, and for the corresponding day laet year 13,314,121.16. OH aad Koala. Savannah. Oa., Aug. 30. Turpentine Firm; 4IH0 43HC: sates. 33S bbla.; re. celpts, 430 bbl!.; Ihlpmenti, none; itock. 30,684 bbli. Roiln Firm; lalea, 1,433 bbla.: receipts. I, 061 bble.; ahipmenta. none; stock. 7S.64S bble. Quote: A R. IB.80; C. D. 16.66; E. 16.1091.91: F. 4.00tJ4 074; Q, I6.OB04.1B; H, II.1IOI.I0: I, lt.ll0l.TO; K. 11.30; M. II. 31911714; N, lt.lt; WO, 11.46; WW. tl.lt. . Dry Geede Market. New -Tork. Aug. SO. Cotton goede and yarna were Arm today. Worsted yarns of a staple character were quiet and firm. Jobber, did an active trade. Sngar Market, New Tork. Aug. 10. Sugar Raw, dull; centrifugal, 4.11c; molasses, 4.13c. Refined, dull; fine granulated, 7. 00 9 7.11c. Sugar fu turea at noon were I to 11 peinta lower. Grain Receipts Are the -Lightest for Some Time Prospects for a railroad itrike have already had their effect upon the movement of grain toward the mar ket. Omaha receipts today were the lightest since the new. wheat com menced to come in. . Receipts were: Wheat. bl corn. 25;. bats. 36 carloads. V'hat prices were 2 cents down to I cent up, the sales being mane at $1.3(5; 1. 44. Corn sold a fourth orT to a half up, fetching 7880 cents per bushel. Oats were a fourth up to a fourth down and sold at 44J4 cents. . HEW YORK STOCKS Railway Labor Situation Again AU-Absorbing Feature of. the Market. V QUOTATIONS ARE LOWER New Tork. Aur. 3V Th railway labor altuatlon waa affair, th aH-abaorblne fea ture' of today'! market, but prlceji aug Bested that Wall atreet atlll had confidence that a atrlke would be prevented. Quota, tlona were mainly, and In lomt Instances, materially lower at the oenlnir, with com plte recoveries and a few actual raina at midday. Mercantile Marine Uaues made new rec ords, the common advanclnc 3"t potnta to 43c, with an equal gain for the preferred at 1 U. Combined dealing In Marine amountrd to about ITt.OOO shares, or tl per cent of .the day'a business. A new maximum waa established by Kelly Bprlhgfleld Tire, which roae 1 to 774, while other shares of the same de scription were lifted. American Can com mon .and preferred. Continental Can and the better known fertilisers were in 'de mand, at temporary rains, shading off, however, with the balance of the list In the -general realizing of the final hour. Rails and United Statea Steel were lower by 1 to l'ei points, but recovered some of their lossea when selling pressure relaxed. Munitions and related storks Hosed at Irregular declines. Total sales amounted to 680,010 ahares. Prevailing Industrial prosperity was de noted by- the restoration of American Loco motive common shares to their I per cent dividend 'basis after eight years of sus pended payments and the reviews of trade authorities, which reported an unabated inquiry for ateet and Iron products. Rubles were a rain the sole efature nf the dull foreign exchange market, on their fur ther advance to 34.00 In connection with additional purchases of Russian securities. Irregular changes were noted In the bond market, with heavy trading In Anglo French Bs. Total sales, par value, 13,870 000 United Statea bonds wero unchanged on call. (la ! HI ti T .nw flm Am. Beet Sugar 86 American Can T.2000 04 S8H h9 A. Car ft Foundry. 1,300 1 SOU flOH Am. Locomotive.... 0,200 7b 744 744 ntti. omen, n nei... 0,1,1)11 91 imfc Vt Am. Sugar Ref.... 200 131 130 130 Am.; Tel. & Tel 200 131 130 130 Am. Z. U ft 8 2.K00 33 31 83 Anaconda Conner... S.IO0 ML si Atchison J.300 102 102 102 Bald. Locomotive,. .0fl- 77 7fi 76 Baltimore A Ohio.. 3,500 85 84 84 Brook. Rap. Transit dfi R. ft 8. Conner T Sfifl est. K2 aa Cal. Petroleum 800 18 18 18 Canadian Paciflo .. 2.300 177 176 176 Central Leather.... 1..00A 60 60 68 Chesapeake ft Ohio. 5,000 60 60 fifl M. A St. P 2.300 83 i SV 2U Chicago fl N. W 126 C. R. I. ft P. Ry... 1,000 17 17 17 Chlno Copper 2.200 61 604 61 Colo. Fuel fl Iron.. 8,600 47 46 46 Corn Prod acts Ref.. 600 14 14 14 Crucible Steel f 600 76 74 73 'iBmier s occur. . u Erie 2.800 364 36 3BU Oeneral Electric... 300 169 169 169 Ot. Northern pfd... 7.000 117 116 116 Ot. No. Ore etfs.... 3.600 37 &6 36 lllonots Central 1,400 101 101 101 Inter. Con. Corp 200 16 16 16 Inspiration Copper. .17,600 66 64 04 Inter. Harvester 114 Int M. M. pfd. ctfs. 81,700 104 100 103 K. C. Southern 600 24 24 24 Kennecott Copper... 7.000 49 48 48 Louis. A Nash 129 Me. Petroleum.... S.100 102 102 .102 Miami Copper 1,400 24 34 14 U.. K. ft T. pfd Missouri Pacific... 1,300 3 8 S Montana Power 200 91 tl tl National Lead 66 Nevada Copper...;. 2,600 19 18 18 New Tork Central.. 6,000 10.1 102 102 W. T N. H fl H.... 900 68 68 68 norioiK western. sun iz iiv iz Northern Pacific... 4,000 110 109 109 Pacific Mall 4.200 27 26 26 Pacific Tel. ft Tel .... 34 Pennsylvania 600 66 66 66 Kay uon. copper... x.suo z& Z4 24 Readinr 88.400 104 103U 103 Ren. Iron fl Steel... 7.200 62 61 61 Shat. Arlsona Cop.. 900 28 27 27 Southern Pacific... 2,900 97 97 97 Southern Railway.. 3,000 23 23 22 Studebaker Co 11.200 126 122 124 Tenneasee Copper... 6.100 24 22 23 Texas Company..,. 700 192 191 191 Union Pacific 19.300 140 139 139 U. 8. Ind. Atcoho.. t.700 111 109 109 17. 8. Steell 112,900 96 96 96 V. 8. Steel pfd 1,600 117 117 117 Utah Copper f, 700 . 26 26 26 w a Das n pi a. - ... sve Western Union 94 West. Blectrla 2,200 68 68 68 Total sates ror tne asy. ssu.oou snares. Mad Dog Bites Five : Victims Before Shot Four children and one grown per son are known to have been bitten by a mad dog which, attacked every one in its path at Forty-second and Q streets, South Side, Tuesday even ing. . . '; The victims are js tollows: Fred Haffke. a caroenter, and his young son, S42l South Thirty-third avenue. Grace Henderson and Winifred Henderson, 5124 South Forty-second street. Alice Cummings, 5151 South Forty third street. ' When the crazed canine attacked Haffke the latter killed the brute with a bullet from his revolver. Physicians who examined the dog s head stated that the animal was af flicted with rabies. , The children bitten by the dog will be taken to the Lincoln sanitarium for treatment. Four Bound Over to The District Court Robert Williams, charged with a statutory offense by Juanita Nolan and Beulah Steele, was bound over to the district court with bonds fixed at $5,000. He was also bound over with bonds of $1,000 for robbing the Steele girl. Charles E. Russell stole an automo bile belonging to H. H. Cox of Polo, Mo., from Eighteenth and Dodge streets, was arrested by Officer Coop er while on the machine at Thirty third and Seward streets and was bound over to the district court with bonds fixed at $750. Kenneth Brown was caught with his fineers clutching another man's pocketbook and was bound over with $1,000 bonds, as was Sedelia Brown, colored, who in a little misunder standing with a relative, Jessie Brown, took a shot at the latter with a revolver. - Automobile Crashes Into Street Car on Farnam M. D. Giffons. 3829 North Twen tieth avenue, .while driving an auto mobile at Twenty-ninth and Farnam streets, collided with a street car pi loted by Motorman F. M. Drake. 3928 North Twentieth avenue. Both the auto and car were damaged consid erably and the occupants shaken up, but not injured. Judge Discharges Autoists Brought in by Motormen Vr C T7ii4tr.wav anr! Ouv Thome- ... j j - son, street car motormen, brought . -II I .--lc ..:.l.,..a kafnr. WO eurgcu ir(iiv. viuiiiuia the police judge, but both were dis charged. Paul Gilquist, 3011 Web ster street, was fined $5 and costs, with a suspended sentence. B. Mil der, 1817 Evans street, was fined $1 and costs. ' Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. , JOBBERS HAYE PLAN TO FOOIRAIIROADS Open Branch Houses in Ne braska Towns to Over come Freight Rates. - KEEPS COMPETITION EVEN Omaha jobbers are rapidly prepar ing plans to establish branch houses or warehouses in Lincoln, Grand Is land, Norfolk, and possibly Fremont, in order to compete with some of the other wholesale centers under the new freight rates, which become effective in Nebraska October 25. The conference of Nebraska rail road men, heid in Chicago, resulted unfavorably to the jobbers of Omaha. They had hoped the roads might de cide to. establish rates that would be alike for competing cities. Instead ot that, the railroad men are back from Chicago with the word that the big bosses at headquarters told them the flat distance scale ot rates must be put in. This is under the order of the Interstate Lommerce commission issued a few weeks ago, raising the Nebraska rates from the scale that has obtained for two years, to a higher level. Under the flat distance scale, Lin coln jobbers have a distinct advan tage over Omaha in shipments on the Burlington west of Lincoln, sioux City has an advantage over Omaha in competing for business in northern and northwestern Nebraska, fremont has an advantage in competing for business west on the Union Pacific. It is these advantages which have promoted the Omaha jobbers to de cide hastily to institute branch houses at points of vantage. Omaha houses handling hardware, implements, gro ceries and several other commodities, will establish these branches. Route Through Omaha. Then they can route part of their stock right through Omaha to these warehouses out in the state. This will give them the first advantage of the through rate and also of the ship ments in carload lots. Then they will be in position to ship out from these I AMUSEMENTS. Turpin's School of Dancing. First beginner's class, Monday, September 11th, 8 p. m.- First advanced class, Tuesday, September 12, 8 p. m. Applications re ceived now. Harney 6143. Private lessons any time. 28th and Far nam Sts. First High School class starts September 30th, 8 p. m. Children's class begins Saturday, October 7th, 2:30 p. m. Phona " Dour. 494. Dally Mails .a IilS Evary Nltht SilS THEODORE KOSLOFF Maslova and Artists from Imperial Russian Ballet. BON ITA A LEW HEARN, Cranbcrrlas, Li- bonita, Ruth Budd, Willing, Bantlay A wil ling, Baaman 4 Andaraon. Orpheum Travsl WaeklT. Prteea Mat., tallary Me; baat aaats (axeapt Sat. and Sun.) 26c; ntshta lte. Z5e. SOe. Tfic Opening Today for ThrM Day, Fri day and Saturday. WEBER AND WILSON "Dancing a la carta." Vaudavilla Graat Dancing Rcviaw STROSS AND BECKER High Claia Musical DivertiaMinant. KNAPP AND CORN ELLA Pot Pourl of Vaudavilla. DE MAR . SISTERS ' Character Chances, Singing and Dancing. BEST PHOTOPLAYS ALWAYS HIS STOLEN FORTUNE With Francis Bushman and Bavarly Bayno. "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER." CO'XaLatatCft D"1' Mat" !!"28-50c a"lr W Evan'ga. 1B-28-S0-75C BARNEY GERARD OFFERS . SOME SHOW AND EDMOND HAYES. Tha natabla vaudavilla haadllnar at "A Wiaa "Guy and "Tha Pianal u.i.Aa. Movar" fama. Larfa c..t , 'ir"1:,. and Garard Beauty Chorus. I BURLESQUE Ladiaa' Dima M.Una Waak Daya. Sat. Mai. A Wk.-O.y. Marlta A "Wsrll al fr.ll. i" BOYD N" Pioyfef DU I U Spaakuig Pllya. Four Daya Matinao Evary Day Baginning Sunday Malinaa My Mother's Rosary By Edward E. Roaa Evaninga lOc-SOc; Mats., all Saata, 25c SEATS NOW. LAST TIMES TODAY Owan Moors and Marguorita Courtout in Edgar Salwyn's Play ; "ROLLING STONES" 10c 'Admission Always 10c mm I I C C 4 Porloraaaneaa YIU9Cs Dally, 1-3-T- HENRY B. WALTHALL "The Sting of Victory" RASE BALL OMAHA VS. DES MOINES ROURKE PARK AUGUST 29-30-31 (Games Called. 3:15) - BaaaaasBaaaaaaaaaaaajaassaaaaBaaaassBBaaaaa points in smaller quantities 'or the local trade., paying tne flat distance scale of rates, which will make them no worse off than the cities with which they seek to compete. While the flat distance rates put Omaha at a disadvantage as against some of the other Nebraska cities and Sioux City, they witl give Omaha an advantage over both Kansas City and St. Joseph in competing for all Ne- braska and western business. Visiting Nurse Tag. . Day on September 6 All is set for Visiting Nurse asso ciation "Tag day" Wednesday, Sep tember 6. The directors and nurses are hoping that this year will be a banner year for contributions in or der that the good work of the or ganization may continue. The nurses are just now particu larly interested in a family of six chil dren which they cared for last year when one the children did. The stork , is once more hovering over the household, and so they are car ing for the mother now. . A 10-year-old tot in the family as sists in the care of her mother, help ing to get things ready for the nurse's visit. She watches the nurse's minis trations, and the next time the nurse comes has everything ready for her. Every day she has. a flower or some little token of appreciation as a part ing gift for the nurse who is doing things for her mother. "Jitney to Chi," May Be , Cry After Strike is On Jitney lines may run from Omaha to Chicago, Kansas City, St. Joseph and other cities in case of a general railroad strike. Representatives of automobile and taxicab companies said that they would undoubtedly make trips to Chi cago and Kansas City when the strike becomes effective if they could get loads of passengers and at a price sufficient to make it worth the trip. The trip to Chicago can be made from Omaha by auto in two days. It is thought that . regular , scheduled service might be established by auto between cities of this distance from Omaha. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Success. ,':,(-!!, ,.'.-" ' 1 AMUSEMENTS. BE IN THE MOVIES Tonight at 9 p. m. we are go- w ing to Aim the entire Strand y aodiance, so if you want to see 1 how you look in "movies," don't f forget to come down tonight. j BRING THE 1 BABIES DOWN Friday morning at 9, and we m will gladly film them free, tahs. S ing close-up views of Omaha's f coming citizens these pictures j forming a part of our picture ii called - I A Twentieth Cen-1 tury Courtship which will be shown at our I theater very shortly, r 1 Oh, yes, we have a corking u good picture on toinght called t the MARRIAGE OF MOLLY O, . featuring Mae Marsh and Rob- g ert Harron and one of those . 1 Keystones well, we can't de- fl scribe it you just laugh, then I? howl that's all. ' j llllimilHMIlHIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllll!! Lake Manawa Labor Day Last Day of Park 3j Season. s S Fox Feature Films Every S S Evening FREE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 "Blue Blood and Red" with Georf Walsh and Doris Pawn 5 BATHING BOATING I s DANCING f i Riding Device and Other s E Attraction. fiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniinj JITNEY TAXI MAXWELL CARS Webster 202 1