Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Trainmen Who Go on Strike Will Lose Jobs
The Omaha Daily Bee
Part One
PAGES 1 TO 10.
VOL. XLVI. NO. 69.
President of Santa Fe Says
Trainmen Who Strike Will
Be Discharged From
Judge Sears Issues Order to Restrain Conductors Strike;
President Asks that Strike Order Be Recalled at Once;
Railroads Put Embargo on Shipments of All Freight
OFFICE Mr. Joiephine Marshall Fernand it the demo
crat candidate for congress to represent the Fourth district,
opposing the incumbent, Congressman Julius Kahn.
To Forfeit All Seniority atd
1 Other Sights and Privi
leges Now Held.
' Chicago. Aug. 30. President E. P.
Ripley of the Atchison, Topeka &
Santa Fe this afternoon issued a
statement to employes of the road no
tifying them that the positions of
those who fail to report for work
next Monday will be declared vacant
and that employment of new men will
be permanent, barring ill-behavior.
Mr. Ripley's statement to employes
of the Santa Fe it is said, will be fol
lowed in substance by presidents of
other'roads. It says:
"All Employes: You are notified
that the Brotherhoods of Engineers,
Firemen, Conductors and Trainmen
propose to leave the employ of the
company in a body. To the extent
that this is carried out it will auto
matically throw out of employment
persons connected with the company
in other departments. It is. therefore,
important that a full understanding
of the -conditions be set forth at the
outset. You are advised, therefore,
"1. All employes employed by the
company failing to respond to the call
for duty will be considered as having
been discharged and will be re-employed
only as new men. forfeiting all
seniority and other rights and priviU
2. New men taken in by the com
pany will be retained so long as their
services are satisfactory.
"3. Men remaining in the employ of
the company will be given the prefer
ence of positions, other things being
"4. Those who may be temporarily
thrown out of employment thrdugh
no fault of their own will,be consid
ered ai absent on vacation without
pay and will no! forfeit any .pension
or insurance rights."
The presidents made the trip from
Washington to Chicago on a special
train. Those in the party included E.
P. Ripley, president of the Atchison.
Topeka & Santa Fe; A. J. Earling,
president of the Chicago. Milwaukee
& St. Paul; Louis W. Hill, president
of the Great Northern; R. H. Aishton,
president of the Chicago & North
western; H. R. Curry, president of
the Monon, and W. G. Baird, presi
dent of the. Chicago & Alton.
"We have no reason to believe oth
erwise than that the brotherhoods will
make good their threat to strike on
Labor day," said Mr. Aishton.
X J T - 1 ,
inr. ivipiey, representing ntmseir
and the others, made a statement to
the public warning prospective trav
elers that delays might be expected
and notifying shippers of the freight
"It will be the purpose of the com
pany," says the statement, "so far as
is in its power, to provide such trans
portation as is necessary for the
health and subsistence of the com
munities dependent upon it, to move
at least one train each way daily for
the transportation of passengers, mail
and express.
Strike of Freight
Handlers Averted
Chicago, Aug. 30. A general strike
of 6,000 freight handlers, affecting
practically every railroad in Chicago,
set for today, was averted this after
noon when the Chicago, Rock Island
& Pacific railroad agreed to the de
mands ofthe unioe for permission to
collect dues on company property, the
point at issue.
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair.
.8 p. ni ,
Comparative Ijoral Record.
1916. 191. . 1 9.T 4.
IliftKil yesterday .
Lowest yeatrday .
.lira it temperature .
'Jiiipralur and
precipitation, dpar-
lur from the normal;
.orim) tumpsraturA 3
Jjprirlency for the day 1
'.o al pxceea ittncf March 1 3.51
Normal iiwlpttarjon , . .. 10 inch
Ikfii'iery for the day 01 Inch
To'nl rainfall ulni-fl March 1....J1.42 Inrhra
lcficirn,y atnee March 1 10. at Inch'a
r.xcesM for cor, period. H16.... 0.J Inrhca
lJricin.-y for cnr. period. 1914.. 6.B1 Inrhca
Report from -Htatlon at 7. P. M.
Station and gtia Tfm. Hiffh- Rain
of WealhM". 7 p. m.
Chynnt cloudy fi
I 'a vcdport, clar AO
.jeuvr, cloudy , it
Dm Molnea, part cloudy K0
Tiodf City, cloudy "ft
Landtf part cloudy .... "0
North Platte, cloudy .... "A
Omaha, cloudy T
eat. fall.
f'uflblo. part cloudy ....
Pa it Lak clear II
Sam a Fa, clear II
ftherldan. part cloudy . . 7
IMoui City, cloudy .... 7
7t ,
Valentine, cloudy T4
U A. WELSH, Local Forecaittr.
I . m 9
4 pi ni j
Greek City and' Three Forts
Seventy-Five 'Miles' North -,'
east of SalonM TaVen.
' Paris, Aug. 30. The city of Drama,
in northeastern Greece, has been
seized by the.Bulgarians after a battle
with the Greek garrison, telegraphs
the Athens correspondent of the Ma
tin. The dispatch says that the Bulgar
ians captured three torts and took
prisoners the Greek .garrison of 120
men, and that a number of soldiers
were killed. ""This news is confirmed,
the correspondent adds, by refugees
who have reached Athens.
Seveoe fighting is in progress on
the Macedonian front. The war of
fice report of today says the French
gained ground west of the Vardar.
river. Bulgarian attacks west of Lake
Ostrovo were repulsed by the Ser
bians. The entente allies bombarded Bul
garian positions on the Struma front
and near Lake jJoiran: Violent ar
tillery fighting continued in the re
gion of Ostrovo and Petrenik.
Drama-is one of the principal towns
in northeastern Greece, seventy-five
miles northeast of Satontki, in the dis
trict cast of the Struma river, which
the Bulgarians have been occupying
for the last fortnight. There have
been other reports of fighting be
tween Greeks and Bulgarians, but the j
French war office on Friday last
stated the Greek garrisons at Kavala
and Drama were still in possession of
the towns and had not been attacked.
It was announced at Athens last week
that Germany and Bulgaria had given
a written understanding to Greece
that their troops would not enter Ka
vala, Drama or Seres.
Minneapolis Mills ;
Will Close Soon as j
Strike is Started
. i
Minneapolis, Aug. 30. Every flour
mill in Minneapolis will be closed
thirty minutes after the order for a j
nation-wide railroad strike becomes
effective, according to an announce
ment today by the Washburn-Crosby
"All the mills in the city are filled
to capacity and with no available stor
age space and no way to move the !
output, it will be necessary to discon-;
tinue operation immediately the i
strike order becomes effective, said !
an official of the company.
Coast Artillery
Troops on Border
Duty Ordered Home!
Washington, Aug. 30. Twenty-!
eight companies of coast artillery
troops, approximately 6,000 men, now
on border duty as provisional mfantry i
units attached to the mobile army. I
were ordered back today to their
posts in the tastern ami western de
partments. More than 10,000 addi
tional national guardsmen, ordered
to the border recently, will take the
place of the artillery troops.
j MM
Twenty-Two Lines Threatened
; With Possible Walkout of
JUf t-. IMr Employes-- ;
St. Louis, Mol, Aug. 30. Twenty
two large western railroads, 'it was
learned here today, are facing a pos
sible strike of shop employes. Men
in the mechanical departments are
preparing to take a strike ballot Sep
tember 9 if negotiations fail for a
wage increase of 5 cents an hour and
an eight-hour day.
Among the roads affected are the
Wabash, Missouri Pacific, Iron Moun
tain, Missouri, Kansas & Texas; St.
Louis & San Francisco, and the St.
Louis Southwestern, all of which
have their general offices here.
Brotherhoods Say
Clayton Law Bars
Court Injunction
Washington, Aug. 30. The injunc
tion issued in Omaha, which probably
is the forerunner of others, brings
up squarely for the first time in a
labor dispute the effect of the Clay
ton anti-injunction law.
Brotherhood leaders sav injunctions
are in direct violation of the law. Its
constitutionality never has been test
ed, but the present crisis may bring
one about.
The section which the labor lead
ers say protects them from injunction
against calling or enforcing a strike
"No restraining order or injunction
shall prohibit any person or persons,
whether singly or in concert, from
terminating any relation of employ
ment, or from ceasing to perform
any work or labor, or from recom
mending, advising or persuading oth
ers by peaceful means so to do or
from peacefully persuading any per
son to work or to abstain from work
ing, or from ceasing to patronize or
to employ any party to .such dispute,
or from recommending, advising or
persuading others by peaceful and
lawful means so to do. or from pay
ing or giving to or withholding from
any person engaged in such dispute
any strike benefits or othermoneys
or things of value nor shall
any of the acts specified in this para
graph be considered or held to be vio
lations of any law of the United
The heads of the brotherhoods say
any court order directed against them
with a view to. preventing a. strike
would be ineffective for the reason
that the strike order has passed from
their hands and they have not the
power to recall it. '
Hiram W, Johnson
Named for Senator
San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 30. "We
have done the impossible politically,"
said a statement issued here today by
Governor Hiram W. Johnson, claim
ing victory over Willis H. Booth of
Los Angeles for the republican nomi
nation for United States senator. The
governor's supporters estimated his
plurality at 15,000. This was not con
ceded by the Booth adherents, who
made no claims.
Judge Sears of District Court
Issues Temporary Restrain
ing Order Forbidding
Them from Striking.
Conductor Brings Suit in Behalf
of Himself and Fellow
Union Pacific railway conductors
will not be allowed to strike.
When suit was filed yesterday
morning by, Edwin A. Hamilton a
conductor on his own behalf and in
behalf of all other conductors simil
arly situated, it took Judge Sears just
thirty minutes to grant a temporary
restraining order preventing a walk
out. The hearing is set for Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock. The injunction
"It is ordered that the defendants
and each of them, in their individual
capacity and in the capacity of offi
cers of the Order of the Railway Con
ductors of America, as well as their
successors in office and all persons
acting for them or in conjunction
with them, be and are hereby restrain
ed until the conclusion of the hearing
for a temporary injunction, from in
augurating, declaring or calling or
carrying on a strike of the members
of the Order of Railway Conductors
employed by the Union Pacific rail
road, and from issuing, circulating or
promulgating said strike order, from
expending any of the, funds of the or
der or any other moneys in the con
duct of said strike and from doing
anything or taking any action what
ever in the furtherance of the strike.
Officers of the conductors' order are
restrained from taking steps to expel
Edwin A. Hamilton from the order
by reason of bringing this action."
Conductor Hamilton, in the com
plaint, makes the officials of the or
der the defendants in the action upon
which Judge Sears bases the restrain
ing order.
Cause of Action.
The suit is based on the alleged
fact that according to the constitu
tion, which is the organic law of the
order, the president of the order is
authorized to call a strike on any line
of railway if two-thirds of the mem
bers employed on that line have voted
in favor of the strike, but that less
than two-thirds of the members of
the order employed on the Union Pa
cific railroad voted in favor of the
strike. The strike was declared, ac
cording to the petition, upon a sec
tion of the statutes of the order
which was amended at the recent ses
sion of the grand division of the or
der held at St. Louis early in May,
and provides that in a general or con
certed wage movement if two-thirds
of the membership employed on the
lines of the parties to such a move
ment vote in favor of striking, a strike
may be ordered on all lines, regard
less of what may be the result of the
vote on any individual line of railroad
involved. It is contended that this
provision of the statute is in violation
of the constitution of the order.
Mr. Hamilton recites in his petition
the advantages accruing from his
membership in the order and his de
sire of remaining a member, and don
tends that if he refuses to go on a
strike he will forfeit his membership
in the order and his rights and bene
fits accruing to him from such mem
bership. He further states that in the
event he does join in the strike he
will lose his position with the Union
Pacific, his seniority rights and his
right to a pension.
Judge J. J. Sullivan appeared for
Defendants in Case.
The following are made defendants:
A. B. Gnrr.liton, president of th Order of
Hallwuy Conductor,.
Chrleii H. Friday, rhelrman of the rn
rel committee of adjustment.
C. 8. Hoffman, rhalrman of the lnrat
committee of adjuatment of blvlalon No.
lift on the Union Parlflo.
W. 8. Pox, chief conductor of-Dtvlelon No.
F. Petersen, secretary-treasurer and
cipher correspondent.
R. K. Woodworlh. chairman of the local
committee on adjustment, No. SI4.
F. P. Dreibue, chief condurtor of Division
No. IK.
ft. M. Wilson, secretary. treasurer and
cipher correspondent, Division No. IK.
G. C Yoel, chslrman of the local commit,
tee, No. H.
J. M. Vernon, chief conductor of Division
No. Hi.
J. O. Mcllvaln, secretary-treasurer of Di
vision No. SA.
H. C. Mecomber, cipher correspondent of
Division No. 36.
Paralysis Epidemic
Is Again Increasing
N'ew York, Aug. .10. The confi
dence of health department officials
that the epidemic of infantile paraly
sis was under control was shaken to
day by another increase in the new
cases reported. There were eighty
nine, against seventy-three yesterday.
The deaths were twenty-two against
thirty-two yesterday for the twenty
four hours ending at 10 a. m. There
has been a steady increase in the num
ber of new cases reported since Sunday.
Summary of Strike Situation
Judge Sears issues restraining order to prevent conductors of Union
Pacific from striking. Hearing set for Saturday morning.
Railroads prepare to ask for federal injunction if trainmen strike
President Wilson will make an effort to have the railroad brother
hoods call off or postpone the order for a general strike of train em
ployes called for Monday.
Unorganized employes of railroad companies protest to President
Wilson against action of brotherhoods.
Many roads have issued embargoes against the receipt of all freight,
and it Is predicted that it will be general within forty-eight hours.
New York milk companies are arranging line of motor trucks to
bring milk to the city in case rail traffic ia suspended.
New York police department will take charge of distribution of fuel
and food in case situation becomes acute. 1
Minneapolis flour mills will cease operations as soon as strike order
becomes effective.
Senate committee on interstate commerce will hold public hearing!
Thursday on strike billi suggested by President Wilson. Each side will
be given three houri.
Petition to President Says the
Brotherhood Leaders Are
Drunk with Power.
The following petition from Union '
Pacific employes, signed by Ira A.
Stevens, chief timekeeper; M. M.
Lesher, department inspector, and
Daniel Foley of the local freight
house, constituting a committee pur
ported to represent 80 per cent of the
employes of the Overland system, has
been telegraphed to President Wil
son: "We note with much disappoint
ment and many misgivings as to our
own future and as to the future of
the public generally that notwith
standing your urgent personal apeat
the four leaders of the railroad broth
erhoods have refused to hold even
temporarily the strike call, which they
have ordered to go into effect Sep
tember 4. By this action these four
leaders not only flaunt the interests
of 80 per cent of their fellow em
ployes, but they flaunt the interests
of the general public, they flaunt your
own personal appeal, they flaunt the
congress of the United States, which
is now endeavoring under your lead
ership to solve this problem and as
nearly as possible bring justice to
all sides. '
Don't Want Strike.
"From our daily association with
members of the engiuemen and train
men's brotherhoods we are con
vinced that individually these men do
not want to strike. They voted for
a strike because the ballot was so
fixed that there was no opportunity
to vote for arbitration.
"Many of these men have grown
old in the service and have the best
positions that wage earners can se
cure. They own their homes and hold
enviable positions in their communi
ties. The only reason any of them
would go on strke would be because
the four leaders in Washington had
ordered it.
"We are calling this to your atten
tion for the purpose of urging you to
appeal to the 400,000 members of the
rank and file of these unions to re
main at their posts until congress
can work out a settlement. We feel
sure that if yon i'ill personally ap
peal to these men over the heads of
their leaders, who arc drunk with
power, you will find an almost uni
versal response.
"These four men are leading 400,
000 to destruction. They cannot ex
pect public sympathy if they ignore
public interests.'
Hughes Will Not
Change Plan for a
Week in Mountains
Estes Park, Colo., Aug. 30.-The
threatened railroad strike situation
will not hasten the departure of
Charles E. Hughes from here, accord
ing to an announcement made today.
It was said Mr. Hughes will leave at
2 o'clock tomorrow for Loveland,
Colo., according to schedule, where
he will meet Governor Carlson of
Colorado and deliver an address at
the Loveland fair.
Resuming his itinerary, Mr. Hughes
will go to Denver, Topeka, Kansas
City, reaching St. Louis Saturday. He
will stay in St. Louis Sunday.
Speculators Not
Impressed by Talk
Of Railroad Strike
New York, Aug. ,10. In the face of
countrywide preparations of railroads
to meet the threatened strike, dealers
in the railroad securities on the Stock
exchange did not take the situation
seriously today. 1'rires were de
pressed at the outset, but .there were
sharp and general recoveries before
midday. Rails anil United States
Steel were well supported. Senti
ment in financial and industrial cir
cles was reported less pessimistic.
Railroads Send Notice That All
Freight Will Be Handled
At Shippers' Risk.
"Instruct all agents as follows:
Notify all regular shippers that,
effective at once, all sllipmcnts
except live stock and perishable
freight will be ac-epted without
liability for loss, damage or de
lay on account of strike. Stamp
or write on all receipts the fol
lowing: 'Received without lia
bility for loss, damage or delay
by srike.' Procure stamp if pos
sible. "Live stock and perishable
freight will not be accepted for
transportation if same would' not
arrive at destination on our line
or connecting ..line, on regular
schedule, on or before Saturday,
September I, and shippers should
be notified accordingly. Notify
connecting lines that no live stock
or perishable freight will be ac
cepted from connecting lines un
less same would arrive at desti
nation on this line or connecting
line on or before September 2. ,
"Effective with this notice, ex
plosives will not be accepted for
movement from local stations or
connecting lines."
The foregoing, which is officially
designated as an embargo, has been
issued by all of the railroads oper
ating in and out of Omaha. It is the
first public move upon the part of the
railroad officials that they recognize
the possibility of a strike of the rail
road trainmen being called next Mon
day morning. The embargo notice
is uniform he country over, it having
been agreed upon by the railroad
Prepare for Strike.
With the issuance of the embargo
order, railroad officials of the execu
tive, the operating and the traffic de
partments are busy in an effort to
counteract the effects of the strike
that most of them now admit is cer
tain to come next Monday.
In the Union Pacific headquarters
officials of the legal department la
bored all Tuesday night, working on
two phases of the impending labor
trouble. The outcome of one of the
phases developed when officials ap
peared before Judge Sears of the dis
trict court and secured a restraining
order against the company conductors
to prevent them from going out on
The second phase of the legal prop
osition is one in which all of the rail
roads will join and when the time
comes will find its way into federal
court. In reference to this proposi
tion, no action will be taken until
the men walk out, in the event they
do. Then, if they go out, a blanket
injunction will be sought, restraining
trainmen and other railroad employes
who are out on strike from trespass
ing on railroad property, from inter
fering with the movement of trains
and from interfering with men en
gaged in the movement of such trains.
Up to the Government.
If the restraining order is granted
and railroad attorneys say that it will
be, the whole proposition will be in
the hands of the government and the
striking employes of the railroads
will be amenable to the provisions of
the federal laws.
It is asserted that in event the men
out on strike should interfere with
the men operating train, or should
they molest, or attempt to molest
railroad property, or trespass on rail
road grounds, United States marshals
would take charge of the situation.
In the event they should be unable
to cope with the difficulties that
might arise, the federal soldiers would
be called.
The assertion is made that now that
the state troops have become regular
soldiers, they would be brought back
from the Mexican border and dis
tributed along the railroad lines and
at terminals and at such other points
where their services might be needed.
While railroad officials assert that
the application of such drastic meth
ods is not anticipated, they want to be
ready for the emergency in the event
it should arise.
President Attempting to Post
pone Suspension Until Con
gress Can Consider
Officials Insist That Only a
Settlement Can Prevent the
Men Striking Monday.
Washington, Aug. 30. With both
sides making last hour preparations
for a great railroad strike Monday
morning, President Wilson today
turned all the influence of his admin
istration toward persuading the
1 'brotherhood leaders to postpone or
: rescind tnetr strike order until con
gress has had an opportunity to act.
There were intimations that should
the labor leaders continue firm, Presi
dent Wilson even might make a public
appeal to the railway workers them
selves to direct their leaders to post
pone it.
Despite denials of the labor leaders
that President Wilson or anyone else
had asked them to postpone . the
strike, there were abundant evidences
that such was the case, and somehow
there was a feeling in congress, in ad
ministration circles and in other
places that a way would be found to.
avert the walkout. No one knew
what it was, but the feeling prevailed.
After a conference with Secretary
Wilson at the Department of Labor,
the brotherhood leaders reiterated
that no other power on earth except
a satisfactory settlement would avert
the strike, and that they had no power ,
to rescind the orderv Nevertheless,
efforts were continued to bring about '
a postponement. v
Omaha Injunction Discussed.
The first legal phase of the situa
tion developed with the temporary in
junction issued by a local court in Ne
braska restraining the conductors
from calling or enforcing a strike on
the Union Pacific. This brought up
for the first time the effect of the
much discussed Clayton anti-injunction
act passed by congress at the be
hest of labor. The brotherhood lead
ers unreservedly expressed the
opinion that the injunction was con
travention of the law and could not
stand. There were intimations that
similar injunctions might be sued out
in different parts of the country where
the sentiment of the men is known .
to be against the strike.
While effort was being made to
prevent the strike, both sides con
tinued to make preparations to meet
The senate interstate commerce
committee also considered a law pass-t
ed by congress in 1862 authorizing
the president to take possession of
railway and telegraph lines when in
his judgment public safety might re
quire it. '
Settlement Only Remedy,
"No power on earth except a sat
isfactory settlement can now prevent
a strike," said W. G. Lee, president
of the trainmen.
"We four heads certainly could not-,
obtain a postponement of the strike
it we want to, nor could we postpone
it if we received messages requesting
sucn acnuu irom every one oi tne.
committee of 640 who were here last
week. President Wilson has not ask-1
ed us to postpone the strike and he
understands, as we made it very clear
: to mm on Monday night, that we
! now are powerless to act unless a
! satisfactory settlement is made.".
I A. B. tiarrctson, head of the con
ductors and spokesman for the em
ployes, made a similar statement.
Will Consult Gompers.
Besides conferring with Secretary
Wilson today, the brotherhood heads
talked with several members of con
gress at the capital. The brotherhood
j ofrvials expected to confer today with
Sai uel Gompers, president of the
j American Federation of Labor. It
i . i " - -
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