THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1916. Want-Ad Rates ICASH W1TB OBDI5. ord "rh '"w"on w t solid no (Hauler.) Adi Paratrapfced or act In DlepUT rj. 10 nr lln. ."".JISl I r-lln. tnree conoerotlYe time. ; ICottBt ill word to th. Itno.) CnAltOF. BATES! . w lino .".fjl!! To por lino thro eeiMWUtlw Hmee (Count sir wordo to tho lino. twill PUteei -arm ond Far-en Land. , tc nor Dm o.rh Inoort on (Count oil wordo t tn llno.l POREmW ADVrRTIRINn CNM! : AOSTS OR HELP WANTED CLASSt- , FICATIONS. !- nor word ?" .i jTI! I He nor word three ronoorntWo times FOR SALE Mice1Uheoui Typewriter, ana Suppliei. NEW machine, oold the Mm no rent; M nor month. flee ui nfor. you buy or rent. Shipped .ny plae. on ton doyo' froo trial. Butts Typewriter Exchange. IK B. lath. Omaha. Neb. TYPEWRITERS oold. rented ond repaired. Rent an Oliver Typewriter, I monthe for IS. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1,0, Farnam. WE BUT. aell and exchange typewriters. write for our llat. Midland Co., 22, BeeBIdv. no An takkn ron " TJLVL TOTAL OF Me OB IBSS THAN loo A PAT. AIR BRUSH Model A. Thayer it Chandler; Carbonic Oao outflt. Both good aa new. 130 outUt (or 130. V. Cady, Ouldo Rock. Neb. HARD OF THANKS. PBATH AND FU NERAL NOTICES. ;o por lino . Inoortlon (Minimum charge to UONTHLT RATE FOR STANOINO ADi. (No change of oopr allowed.) O. tin. 'JJJ t ie Two llnea or tnoro .Pf IJn ' (Count olx wordo to tho line.! , (Contract ratoa on application,, THV BEB will not be responsible tor more than one Incorrect Insertion of ' tlerment ordired for more than one tlmo. ATWRRTIRERS ahould retain recell'tj riven by The Beo In payment for Want Adj. m nn mistake can be rectified IM""1 "; UPE THB TELEPHONE If you cannot con. venlently bring or aend In your ad;. AM for a W.nt-Ad Taker, and you will re reive tho aamo food eervlco aa when de 'tvertog your ad at the office. PHONE TTLER 1000. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE SVWfTNO EDITIONS V o u UORNINO EDITIONS. ' p- DEATHS FUNERAL NOTICES. TIENRICXSON Josle; aged tl 7H months. dayai beloved w fa of Mr. John Henrlckson; at Douglaa, Wyo., AugMt It. IMI. . . ., Funeral Monday afternoon it I oHoe, from family residence. IJ California St., 10 Memorial Lutheran church, Nineteenth and Caaa St. at :. Interment Foreat Lawn cemetery. friend ar welcome. , FLORISTS. BEST SuALITf CUT FLOWERS of plant. Art-Combination, shipped every where. ' Excellent service to our cuitom- ' era la paat' yean recommends HESS A ' gwOBODA. His Farnam BU Doug. 101. LAROEST ASSORTMENT of freah flower. delivered or chipped anywhere. L. HEN ' PERSON, Hit Farnam St Dons. IMI. PARK ERFlower Shop, ll B. llth. t. IIP fPONAOHUE. Illl Harney. Doug. 1001. RATH. florlat. 1104 Fs-nam St. D. o00. FUNERAL DIRECTOR8. DUFFY JOHNSTON, and fu neral airectora 117 S, lth. Tyler 1171. J k BURKET A BON -Funeral directors and ombalmer. 1104 Loavenwortb. Har. HU1J1IC A KIKI'UN, undertakers and em aimer. 101 llb St Douglaa ll. . Monuments nd Cemeteries. SaAUTlVUL markers, tableu and croaoaf for unmarked graves- Redman Orave . Marker Co., 1470 Spenoor St. Webster HOI. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS TP YOU lose anything and will advertise It hero, you will surely recover It If found by an honest person. Remarkable re roverlM are brought about every day through this column. THB LAW People who Bnd loot article ar Interested In knowing thst the state law Is strict In requiring them to seek the owner through advertisement " and otherwise, and tbl-t a failure to do V oe. If same can ha proven, Involves a severe penalty. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET . RAILWAY COMPANY. . Persons having loot aomo article would do well to call up tho orllce of the Omaha A Council BluRs Street Railway company to aeoertaln whether they left 11 In the street care. , . Many articles each day are turned In and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner Call Tyler 110. CONCESSIONS of all kinds still open tor Burt aounty fair, OaNaend, Neby Sept. II. II, and 14. Can use plenty and all kind. New and ' enlarged grounds: aleotiicl llgnted. . Better man over, wnio nevia Hopkins, Oakland. Neb. . LOST Saturday afternoon at Thompaon A Belden. brown sealskin purse. Return " to 111 Keellne Bldg. No questions. l5st Yearling Jersey heifer; weight 4S0 loo. II louna con smut LOST Brlndle, Ingllih bull dog. Reward. r,....,.. iiaa T,!lae eft4fi. LOST A note tor 111 I; Tinder- please oall Tyler' 74 and rocotv reward;; LOST Oold pin with amethyaVstons. HIS California St Harney CI41 FOR SALE Miscellaneous furniture ind Household Goods. AUCTION SALE ' All tho furniture, ruga,' linens, dlihea and cooking utonalU of aa t-room homo. LOCATED AT 107 N. IID ST.. will ha sold at pub;te auotlon, on pleo at a time, TUESDAY. AUO. It AT 10 A. M. Nothing roatrvad In this l-room noma Owner leaving town and everything muat Itatt. , Don't fall to attehdi this sale If you want good furniture, or ruga DOWD AUCTION CO, Auctioneers . AUCTION SALE , Today The 110.000 .stock of high grade fur niture, slightly damaged by water and amoko, 1 At 1411 Dodge 8t.,'ls now being sold at auction, one piece at a time, to the highest bidder. Sale start Monday at 10 a ,m, 1:30 p. m. ana evening POWD AUCTION CO. Auctioneers. OMAHA PILl.uW CO. Filt nd hair mitt UwV mud ovr In nw tick t hmlf thi Dhc of Dtw ontm, Phon w for tktn pl of ticklni- Mall ord.ra fllltd. HOT K B- boxtia, IS gfei Biovva. 200 rufi of II klntli; poultry wire ana ntttng. Optn 1111 p. m., j ui n. ntn at. wen. 1107, KuK HALE Paltntwl Irontnf board, neat . and well built 1 will last a life time. Phone u tor ptriicuitra, pou. b, MAJESTIC rarjfft and hard coal heater. Coif 1137 mOH-PRfCED Ecllpao high cabinet (aa tov tor aaie cnap. narney UAJS.8TIC ranire, turned oak furni ture. Colfax 977. ?6?4 Jaynei St FOR SALE On rent and Icebox, very vrteeooepie. uu youg. bisi. Pianos and Musical Instruments, ' A PIANO BARGAIN. . .,. . - . 'Have a beautiful mahoieny fjudwlf buncalow piano for eate, ; at a; allchtly ueed; preotlcally aa food at Hew,'. Ordinal price tl&v. Will eell for 1321. Addreea Box MM, Omaha Be. - CONCERTINA for eale, 60; $10 down, $10 a month. C: boutn i7i. zu Monroe. Store and Office Fixtures. tVl BALK rhrtfr. rood as new National , rletr, larte ftowT lrbox and electric motor. Cbrnee A Jo., Phone 16, Council BlUff - Billiard and Pocket Tables. WR -JALU BILLIARD TABI.EH. Brand . new, carom and pocket, with complete . outfit; "9126 ; eecond-hand tablet at re- ,' duoed prices; bowllna allrn and upplloe; . asy paymenta Cigar stores, drug, dell imesen and soda fountain fliturw. THE Dnt'NSWlCK-BALKF.-COLLIvNUitR CO.. . t7-eot soutn iein hi. - Boat, Yachts, Etc - - TCANOB rOR BALE. Will Mil my practical. new Mullen's Mtanoara hln grade canoe very ohaap Aiaaa oner, Aaareee me. Jewelry, Diamonds and Watches. BRODEOAARtyi ncky Weddlna Rtnra" at Utb, aad JUoukIm Sts RRMINOTONB. Monarch and Smith Premiers for rent; sent anywhere. Rem Inrton Typewriter Company. D. 1214. Machinery a.nd Engines NEW ANDSf.CONfc-HANDMOTORfl EXPERT ELBCTRIOIANS AND MACHINISTS, LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS tin-to . 12th St.. Omcha. BOILERS, steam, electric, tee enrtnes. pipes. Gross Wrecking Co.. 1811 Cumlnr Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parta of all sewing marhlnes. MICKEL'S v NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 16th and Harney Bts. Dou. 1002 Printing and Office Supplies. COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also public Bteno. Phone ror prices. Douglaa 2102. 640 Paxton Blk. Oet our pries on job printing. l-AMrAlun i.:AtiU A HKISUIATT. V. 8. PTO. CO.. BEE BLO. DOUO. 117$, WATER8-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2110. 624 B. 12th Bt Miscellaneous, BEE want-Ads GAINED lS.fiSt MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news paper gained In first seven months itlf. Good results at leas cost Is the reason why. JIT high standard of quality will be main tained; 4 quarts ox 01a ronieneue wnisay, 12.26 ; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Doug. 7163. ' 122-124 N. 16th it ANNOUNCEMENTS Electrolysis. BHPRRPLUOL'H hair, warta and moles per msnently removed by electricity; consul tation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss A I lender. 624 Bee Dldg Expert l,:sseurs. MANICURING, facial maeaaKC bv expert mxiKuu. 117H N. Itb St., opposite poet office. Rm. 20K, dally, evenlngs: Express Companies. TWIN CITY Express Co., 122 Cass St Douglas 1717. Heavy hauling a specialty ANYWHERE25e WB. 2104 . Everything for Women. ACCORDION, elde, knife, sunburst, tox pleating; rovorrfl buttons, all sixes ana styles; hemstitching, plr-ot edging, em broidery; beading, braiding. cording, eyelet cut work, bnttonholea, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PI.KATINO CO. 100 Douglas Blk. Oouflas Fixtures snd VVirin(. HTTP1TTM Electric w.ihmg machines. lylUIVXVXlN electric Iron and reading lamps, H2I Cuming St. Dougla Illl. Hair Dressing. IDEAL Hair Parlor.. 107 Balrd Bldg. Uanl coring, toilet articles. Dougla. ,111. Attorney at Law. R. H. BBEMEB8. 108 Crounse Bldg. P. Ill. FRANCIS MOROAN. 613 Bee. Doug. BSt. Hat Cleaning and Blocking. STRAW. Panama, all kinds hats, cleaned and reblocked. 1HI-UI0 Harney. Hand Laundry. CALL DOUGLAS 4J5 and have your taun dry done right and reasonable. fob Printine. OATB CITY Printing Co., high grade print ing. !5!1 N. 14th. Phone Web. 1,17. Justices of the Peace. H. H.- CLAIBOI1NB. US Paaton Blk. Red 7401. Notary public: qepo.uion, mivnv. C. W. BRITT. 301 Barker Block. Osteopaths. Dr. Mary Andersen, 601 Bee Bldg. P. Patent Attorneys. H. A. STUROIB. ,30 Th. P. M. ALEX JETTES LIQUOR HOUSK. 'lnirieenin mna uouiiu. Bottled In bond whisky, 66c, 61.00, $1,16,-1 full quart. FOR SALE t rolling fans, 111 each; one 13-Inch fan, 110. In best of condition. Webster S46. . GENUINE California wine vinegar, white or red; quart bottles, so cents; gallon. 10 cents. Imported ollvs oil, 76 cent per quart Pack ley Bros. Phone Doug. 40 It. DE8K0, safes, scales, showcases, shelving. ato. We buy, sell. Omana nature at Supply Co., 414-ll-U 8. IStb. Doug. 1714. roR 8 ALB Merry go round, fine condl tlon, with carnival bargain, s. A. Johnson, Russell, Minn. 1 CLEAN QUICK LT AND THOROUGHLY WITH tiUljlrOBi ftum.imi'i " t AND H.W PER DAT. DOUGLAS 1710. SWAPPERS' COLUMN FOR BALE One refrigerator and on baby carriage, Phone Harney ells. FRETNOT Ask your groceryman, or pbone uolfax lou. WANTED TO BUY WANTED Hlgh-claa surveyor' transit. an instrument titat 1 designed ror gen eral land surveying as well as drainage work. Price must be right Address T 161, Bee. OAS range to exchange for oil cook stove, or w ami oars ju i DESKS DESKS DESKS - New desks, need desks, bought sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1307 Farnam. HIGHEST prices paid for used furniture. stoves and carpets, continental Furniture Store, Cuming, near Hth, Phone D. 6816. HOLMES pay your price for Id-hand clothes, shoes and Pats, woo. a?ao. PRESS about Ixll; hand or power. H. Da- Lamatre, 1134 Spencer. Webstar 1670. WANT TO BUT MERCHANDISE STOCK. 410 ROSE BLDG. TTLER 1417. WANTED TO BUT Dental work bench and motor, Douglaa 64, ATTRACTIONS. ONE tk by IH convertible to S by 7 Sen eca camera; gimoii nw inyuu, case, I double plate holders; , complete developing outfit; will demonstrate. Also Cyclo punching bag rack and bag. What na,ve you. Ji-aare a. is, pti. ANNOUNCEMENTS POfULAR restaurant location; reasonable rent; with bsst equlpmsnt in city; com plete bakery. Will sell or lsas equipment to responsible party. , Place 16th and Howard. Inquire Thorson, Doug. 1406. OROCERT store and meat market at raa-i sonable price, if taxen at once, nn jei- ferson St, Boutn side, vmana. BRODEOA ARD'S "Lucky Wedding- Rings" at lth and Douglas Bts. DAT and T. M. C. A. Night School Jtrtistt. ARTISTS' work for th trade; coloring, atr- brushlng; high-class work, ell Paiton.- Accountants. ' B. A. DWORAK, C. P, A. A VAN ORDER. Ill Ramgs Bidg. Phone Doug, net. Bakeries. CAKES, pastry and fancy bakery goods uppiiM to parties, .oases ana entertain ment Z. H. Reeder, 1604 N. Ulh. W.lIfT. A NO. 1 good banjo to swap for a No. 1 good .S3 rine. Aaarm a. v.. . , . BUSINESS CHANCES Briis and Iron Foundries, Paxton-Mltchell Co. 17th and Martha Bta Baths. HTOIENTO BATH INSTITUTE. Madam Edna H. LaBell, 700 South llth St.: vapor baths. Swedish massage taught every Fri day -for-men and women. Lady attendant for lad tee. Phone Douglas 104 DR. KNOLLENBERQ, sulphur steam hatha massage and CHIROPRACTIC. Lady at tendant for ladles. S. West, corner 14th and Farnam. Ottawa Bldg. Doug. 7306. DR. ' BKNDA- Sulphur, steam. Modem Turkish BATHS AND MA 88 AO IB. Private apartment for ladle with lady attend anta 1010 Farnam. Phone Doug. 6477. R ITT EN HOUSE Sanitarium; all kind bath. 110.114 Balrd Blk., 17th and Douglaa Buttons and Pleating. DRESS pleating, hemstitching and cover ed buttons. van Arnum pret Pleat ing and Button Co., Id flour Paaton Blk. Doug. liuo. . Costumes. THEATRICAL guwna, full dree suit, for rent, joi n. inn. jonn reiaman. Carpenters and Contractors. Lessard A Hon, 1004 Capitol Ave. Ty. 1011. WHITE BROS., conVctora"and builder; Jobbing our specialty; satisfaction guar antued. Phone Kd or Walnut 1180. C. W H ok anion 1606 Leaven'th. Ty. H03J Cleaning and Preising. LADIES' garments remndnlerl and rellned In a ' "TAILOR'S ' WAT." Call Red 171. Cameras and Finishing. "REXOETE" cameras, St4x3, 12.00; (unl- vereal focus lens). Green's Pharmacy, 16th anaHoward. Bee them today. - Chirooractic. DR. KNOLLENBERO, 8. W. Cor. 24th and farnam. Doug. 7806. Lady attendant. Pre. Johnston. 133S W. Q. W. Bldg. D. 05g0. Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. DR. BURHORN'S modern, eanltary chiro practic adjust In parlors. 414-10 Rosa Bid. ' D. 6647. Palmer Sch. grsd; lady attendant. Dr. Frances Dawson, 601-1 Rose Big. Ty.1348, Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 64 1 . .- Detectives, JAMES ALLAN. 112 Nevlll Block. Evl dence secured in a II raen. Tyler 111. Dressmaking. ACCORDION. Side, Km ft. Box Pleating. Cov. Buttons, Hems t Itching. Neb. Pleating Button uo.. iii -a paxton nm. a m: WA NT 1 Sewing, by experienced dress- maker. No. 16 Sterling Apts. Douglas 6f01, Expert drenmaker in sll lines. Dug. 6& 4l! Kclster press makln g Col., 1 6 !1 City NaVT Terry DreestnaVg rnllege. loth and Farnam Massuese. Sten tl flee massage; baths. ISit Farnam St. Dancing Academy. -" DELUXE SV School. Mondajr and Wedneeday ev. ' Dance. Tuee.. Thw., Bat. Bun. Nlrht. ' Dentists. -. PYORRHEA, SORE GUMS, PUS, ' LOOSE TEETH, Uarvalouely relieved over nlghr, and com pletely corrected In a few days-tan accl- oeniei aiscovery. write ror fro informa tion, J. N. Neslev Commercial Hotel, it Bt.. Boutn Oraaba. D. Bradbury, No" pain. Ill W. O- W. Bldg. Taft s Dat Rm., 101 Rose Bldg. D- lit. Pianos for Rent 11.60 Per Mo. A. Hospe Co., 1611 Douglaa Scale Repairing. 0m. Slandara Scale Co., 618 8. llth. D 111. Towel Suoolies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. llth. D. Ml. Wedding Stationery. WEDDINO announcement and printing. Dougla i-Tinung tn. iuu- IF you have anything to trad, make up a little aa ana run it m, iu wuii seven day It only cost 1 6c and lo per answer. Thl offsr la good only In Omaha, and excludes Real Kslat, caah offer, and Business properties For Sal or Trada These, aa well as mall order for use el Swappers' Column must pay regular rate One or two answers are sufficient to make your trad and th whole transaction oniy cosia otiu o. GREATER Increase In PAID WANT-ADS In THB BKK tnan in any oiner Omaha paper, 12,031 MORE PAID WANT-ADS first seven months, 1014 over same period of 1016. This figure exceed by 10,610 pa4 ads th Inorease of any other Omaha paper for tne sam penoa. 60 PURE-BRED white homer pigeons; will trade for a bicycle or snoigun (len-oora preferred) ; also best marked thorough bred female Airedale pup in th state for bicycle or shotgun (ten-oore preierreaj. Address m. J.; ivw, umana nee. TOURINO CAR; five-passenger,. 40 h. p. This car never run over e.uoo nines ana in serfect shane. Will trade for Ford. Met or Saxon, a want Ught oar. Address V C? lOlBei. y m ,' mvfe new No. 6 Underwood typewriter. coat 1126. to swao tor piano aiso dmi ak in the state of Neb.. IKi hands high and registered, to swap for what have your Aaorese o. TO TRADEA lot of shoes sorted out of regular line, wnai nave you offer? Or 'will sell cheap. Address T 676, Bee. " FINE PONT, saddle and bridle, thing for school; love children, anve single. vn have year Will deliver pony. Write me. Address Y 7B. nee. FILMS developed free when prints are or- dered, . one-day service, hami nuwiv, 111 Neville blocR. istn ana narney. WILL trad wireless telegraphy equipment for guitar, or-what nave you w o. v., sis, nee. A LITTLE ad In this column will bring bout some remarnaDio exonanaw. FOR SALE One of the beet paying lines of business; nice, clean siock; no creait. no risk; should net $500 monthly and steadily increase; can undersell competi tors 50 per cent, still giving splendid value: eanerlenee unnecessary. 11,000 cash required; Investment well secured; no traveling or canvassing, but a business of extraordinary merit, suitable for any in dustrious man who means business. For particular, mi L U Janes, note. Loyai. Omaha, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. and 4 to 7 p m. MOVINO PICTURE THEATERS. Western Iowa and Nebraska locations, exclusive houees. towns 1.600 to 2,100: guaranteed strictly money makers; ma chines, chairs, screens, etc, new and slightly used. OMAHA THEATER SUPPLT CO.. Baird Bldg. Omaha. Neb, A DESTRABLE BUSINESS OF CONSIDER ABLE MAGNITUDE TO BE BTAKTBU IN OMAHA. A BUSINESS MANAGER, A SECRETARY AND TREASURER WANTED. MUST HAVE BOH IB MEANS, GOOD ACQUAINTANCE -. AND BANK REFERENCE. ADDRESS T 074. BEE. FINE LOCATION for gents' furnishings. good farming district; western neorasas; main line U. P.; new brick building for rent or sale; population 100; electric lights; two . banks; two lumber yards; Isrge territory. Address i Y 608, Bee. FOR SALE Restaurant and confectionery, eight furnished bedrooms . in- connection. Only restaurant or hotel in town, doing good business; price 1 6 10. A. B. Rutledge, Nehawka. Neb. . BUSINESS CHANCES Rooming Houses. FOR SALE Oarago doing . good business; good, Hvatown In Neb. writ lor particu lars. Box 6420. Be. COMMERCIAL college, located In a good Iowa -town, chance for the right man to make a good thing out of thi school. Will sell at a very low price. Schwab Bros, 1031 Plymouth Bid.. Minneapolis, Minn. ' V FOR SALE Oood stock of merchandise. WllLil. fixtures and leas tne building. Poetofflce Box 102. Wood River. Neb. FINE location for OARAGE MAN, good farming district, growing town, popula tion 160. Good building for rent reason able. Address Farmers' Stat Bank, Hel- vey, Neb. BHE Wsnt-Ads GAINED 10.600 -MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha news, paper gained, in first seven month 1014.' Good result at lea coat I the reason why A RARE opportunity for a Arst-class real estate promoter; must be experienced and have first -class showing as to ability and buslneas standing. Box 6S46, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE V'urnlture and fixtures of a flrst-ciasN room! it, house of 10 rooms. near 15th' him! barney fits.; nearly new. A ham it In B"- "363. Dee. SMALL rooming house; wslklng dtetanre; money-makir; newly fiiriilshed; modern; reasonable. Boa 0407, Bee. HELP" WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. WANTED Salespeople for shoe Dept. Must be thoroughly experienced. Apply Burgess-Nash Co. YOUNO MAN study law! EVENING, Downtown SESSIONS. UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Law department. Sec y Thoihaen, 406 Om Nat l. Bank. Professions and Trades. CARPENTERS wanted;' uiilf.n Job, 46 cents per houf; long Job. Apply ready for work. Westlnghouse, Church, Kerr A Compmy, West Burlington Shops, C, B. A Q. R. R., or address Buslnsss Agent Burlington local. WANTED Stone man for cylinder lock-up; must be sober and understand laying of all klnda of forms, catalogs, etc.; want a iVdl-claM mana, not a helper. Apply Combe Printing Co., St. Joseph, Mo. BRICKLAYERS wanted; 60 at once; union Job; 76 cents- per hour; long Job. Upply ready for, work. Westlnghouse, Church, Kerr A Company, Wast Burlington shops, C. B. A Q. R. R. WANTED A good, all around man, plow man and vhorseshoer; come quick. E. J. Culp A Son Shenandoah, la. - CABINET makers, stair builders and bench men. wanted. No trouble, Steady work. Farley A Loetscber Mfg. Co., Dubuque la. SEE) US FOR DRUO JOBS, CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. Established Ten Years. 1016-14 City National. SHOWCARD writing taught vgs. by work ing expert, complete for 110. Addrea Bog DRUQ store snap; job. Knelst. Bee Bldg. WANTUD A flist-clsa barber; steady work; Monday morning. Grand Hotel Barber Shop, Council Bluffs. Salesmen and Solicitors. CAN USE TWO ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. Must be young men with advertising selling experience, none other considered. This opening Is with a large dally newspaper and offers every opportunity for advancement to men who can PRO--DUCE RESULTS. SALARY . AND COMMISSION. State full particular in first reply, your previous experience, married or single, amoaiit money you. expect to earn, etc. Write to Box 6241, Dee. NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS ING SOLICITOR Wanted to travel on the road. Good proposition for good man. SMITH-GWYNNE CO., 114 8. llth St. Omaha, Neb. WANTED Old line Insurance man, big op portunlty for th right man. Will give highest contract for Omaha and vicinity, and commission on all sub-agent. If ' you ar contemplating a change and wish to tl up with a live, progressive com pany, write M. Tebrlnke, 8306 P St., Lin coln, Neb. WANTED Three young men, to take up special proposition on preparedness. Must have good clean record and some selling ability. Apply between 10 a. m. and 12 m. F. P. Browning. Ill Bslrd Bldg. A . RARE OPPORTUNITY for a first-class real estate promoter. Must be expert' enced and have first-class showing as to ability and business standing. Box 6140, Omaha Bee, SPLENDID side line for salesmen; no sam ples; big commission. Room S14, 120S Fa mam. STOCK and bond salesman. STANDARD SEC. A INV. CO., 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. MFG. wants traveling salesmen on commission.- Box 3028, Litchfield. III. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED--Fry cook and waiter. 2801 Cuming. ! Wrenn's. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Largest In the U. 8. Earn expense while attending by our plan. Positions guar anteed. Special summer rates. Writ for illustrated catlogue or call In person. 140 tt 14th St., Omaha, Neb. (Established ld.) AUTO MECHANICS. 1 . ' EARN IO MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand Easy -to Learn by Our Methods. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN. ' 3S17 N. 20th St. Omaha. Bend for Free Catalogue. . GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fin training work on auto and electric tartlng system. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, ' 1053 Farnam, Omaha. Neb, LEARN barber trade, more than make your tuition while learning; set of tools Included; Job guaranteed Cail or write for catalogue, 1401 Dodge TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Teamsters and Chauffeurs. WANTED A good driver for auto truck, Washington Market. 1407 Douglas. Boys. BOYS wanted to learn trade; must b 10 years of age. Gordon A Lawless Co., Ith and Dodge. Miscellaneous, FOR SALE Oood. clean stock of hard ware; live town, central Nebraska. Good reason tr sailing. Be dulck. Address T 167. Bee. ' ' , . - IF YOU want to sell or buy a buslneas or rooming house call on Buech A .lorghoff, 70 World-Herald Bldg. Phone 1118 WK BUY. we sell motion picture, theaters, ms chines, feature films Co- Operative Film and Supply Co., 110 BmmK-y Bldg. FOR RENT Albion Hotel; leading hotel -of Albion. Writ Geo. W. William,. Al bion, Neb. . " WILLIAMS, established 31 year. To buy or 11 buslneas soe him. 411 McCagus Bldg. Reference. U. 8. National Bank. DOWD Sal and Auction Co.. Omaha, have closed out more mdse. stock than any other firm In V. R Write far term. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES . Now and rebuilt bargain, su-tea Omaha Tllm Exchange, 101 a 14th 8t. FOR SALE by owner Drug atore, dwelling and stock; square deal. Add res owner, Sll Weal 4th Ave., Denver, Col. ARMY OF THE- UNITED STATES, MEN WANTED Abte-bod led unmarried men under age of 16; cltlsen of United States of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read end write the Eng lish lauguage. For Information apply to Heoruiung urncer. Army Biog , I6th and Dodge Sta, Omaha. Neb.; 130 N. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb.; JU7 4th St.. Stoux City. Iowa; jot bin Ave., ues Homes, lowa. BEE Want-Ads GAINED 10?6P MORE PAID ADS than any other Omaha new paper gt.. .ed In first aeven month 1110 Good result at less coat 1 ths reason why. WANTED Elderly business man, willing to care for grounds, for modern room. Box 6370, Bee. WANTED 26 young men, must be over 16 year of age. Salary 840.00 to 140.00 per month. Inquire Mr. Nelsen, 107 South lttn tureet. umsna. HELP WANTED FEMALE Household and Domestic. WANTKDompetent girl for general housework; 8 In family. Phone Wal. 227. WANTED Oomiiwtent girt for hone-work, m N. 12d. Ave. general NEAT GIRT, to ass!x with homework; for eigner preferred Harney 4681. GOO'd" general "housework glr1. tin family. Harney 2G1&. 616 S. SUh St. RELIABLE white girl to assist with generwi hons'iWork. Walnut 1030. WANTED Competent girl in family of 2; good wagfs. 124 So. 33d. W ANT r:n Competent "floor maid. Clarkson HorjrKM. WILLING maid for general work. Colfax 444. Miscellaneous. WANTED Young men as rallwav mall clerks, 176.00 month. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. Ill R, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Experienced freight handlers. Union ' Psctflo Freight House, 1th and .Tarkson Sts. MEN wanted to enlist ir Signal Corp at ones; report at Lincoln. WANTED Young women, aged 17 to 21 with common school education, perfect sight and hearing, for local and long dis tance telephone work. Apply to C. F. Lam bcrr 1117 Douglaa Bt GIRLS to work at Iten Blecult Co. Apply to timekeeper at factory entrance, 13th and Capitol Ave. v' HELP WANTED Male or Female WANTED Names of men or women, 11 or over, wishing government .lobs. 176 month; vacation Answer immediately. Y. 476, Bee FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, HOOM HUNTERS I If you fall to find the room you desire among these ads, call at Th Bee office for a Room List Gives complete detailed description of va cant room in all part of the city. If more convenient phone Tho Bee Want Ad Dept. and give your nam snd address, and a list will be mailed to you at once. New list ar Issued every weak... 201 SO, 24TH ST., large front sleeping room with two beds, suitable for two or four men, reasonable; also housekeeping rooms MODERN front bedroom, private family, 6 blocks west of Crelghton university, fine location. Phone Har. 2173. 607 N. 20th. FURNISHED ROOMS. : FOR MEN ONLY. 401 NORTH 17TH ST. SJTH AND PRATT Delightful south room, with alcove; private home; fln neighbor hood, wen. 37 CHICAGO 3610 In private Bame; targe south front room with, alcove; also aid room. ROOMS 12 per week; also rooms with kitchenettes. Ogden Hotel, . Council Bluffs. 1101 HOWARD Large cool front room; pri vate home; modern. Harney 1108. ROOM for young man by couple; close in; referenees required. Douglas 8883. S4S SO. 24TH AVE., or 1 modern rooms for sleeping or housekeeping. LARGE front room in private family. 80S So. 24th 8t NICELY furnished sleeping room. - 116 a 20th St. Harney 1840. NICE pleasant room, down-town, very reas onable. Call Doug. 8761. . , NICELY furnished room with or without board. Doug. 8180. THE &HRINER New management. Harney 4718. NICE modern front room, 110; private fam- 1'y; home prlv. 2703 Farnam. Ij. 6301. Furn. run,, at 801 Pine St. Doug. 8362. Housekeeping Rooms. 110 SO. 2STH ST. Modern single house keeping or sleeping rooms; free guest Harney 7417. 2226 DODOlf Nicely furnished room en suite or single. Desirable location. Reasonable. FOR RENT 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. 423 S. 16th St. 2009 HARNEY, sleeping and light house keeping rooms. Nice shady lawn. ' HOUSEKEEPING, large, cozy front room, 12.60 per week. 2108 Harney. VERY reasonable; down town. Call Doug. 8761. , 1611 HOWARD, modern housekeeping rooms. 611 N. 113T H. K.. also sleeping rooms. Board and Rooms. SOUTH 26TH, 1010 Elegant furnished rooms, with or without board; strictly modern; also garage. Hamy 2764. PLEASANT room with excellent board for 2 young ladles or gentlemen. 1616 Dodge St. Phone Harney 0060. ' NEW management; nicely furnished room and board for six girls. 2662 St. Mary's Avenue. 624 SO. 26TH Large front room with, board for two people in private family. Tyler 788-W. Unfurnished Rooms. 4 ROOMS, man and wife only. References. 286 7 Douglas St Rooms Wanted. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS, CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and find out all about th FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE It' a plan that la helping many people rent their rooms. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. SPLENDID. NEW FURNISHED, TRAVERTON. -fireproof. , ' ' , 24th and lan don court. Catering 0 people of reflned taatea Apartment la completely . equipped for housekeeplnt; up-to-date and comfortable TRAVER BROS.. Tel Dou,. 8. 70, Omaha Nat. Bank. Or call Web. (8H. . VERT choice l-r. and bath furnlahsd apt. In tho afaewood, 2611 Harney. Only 181. Telepbono D. 1473, . FOR RENT HOUSES -West HOUSE FOR RENT 121 North list; 10 rooms, 136.00 per month. Inquire at 1210 Davenport Bt. mono, uoug. eeo . STRICTLY MODERN -room" house, block from car. Walnut 2161. North. 4-HOOMS and hail, full 1-story, strictly all' modern house, 125. Corner 3itn ana itug gles Sts. Tel. Red 1831. DESIRABLE 5-room cottage; all modern; hot water heat; possession Sept 1. Phone Colfax. 2805, 1616 GRANT 8T- 7-r. conm., modern. 424 T. F. Hall, is wamge tiio. lpou. hv. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AGENTS wanted In every town tor Day kerosene burners, for cook range. Wee, ft McL.. leW Leavenworth. Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE ' Profession! and Trades. WANTED-OlrlB In flat work dept Apply Evan Model Laundry, llth and Douglaa. Household and Dcmeatift, W A NTE DWhlt girl for general house work; must be good cook; no laundry; 27.00 per week; good home. Call at 4031 Underwood Av. or phone Walnut 1420. HOUSEMAID wanted at "once; must" be competent and reliable and have Omaha reference. . Apply to , Mr. Charle Met. 444 Month ISth St ' WANTED At once. In a family of 1, com petent housekeeper. Must be good cook. No leundry. Excellent wage; City ref erence. Walnut 321. WANTEl-Comptent white girl for gen eral housework; good Wage; no washing. Harney 4472. WANTED An ap. -whit girl for gn. housework; muat be good rook, fl per wk. No washing or Ironing. 710 N. 38th Bt OOOD girl for general housework; small family. Phone Harney 1104. SIX-ROOM house, all modern, with cistern. 46 Uecaiur. rnone wmm si. South. 7-ROOM house, modern except beat; cement walKs and garage; gooa 12.300. 4744 S. llth St. Dougla 1S10. Miscellaneous. , .$10.00 . 20.00 . 12. SO . HOUSES AND COTTAGES. MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 5- r.. 840S Maple St 6- r., 1004 Saratoga St i 7- r., 2701 Seward St STKItrTltY MUL'ivrt.T,. l-r., 3111 N. 20th St., choice bunga low with garage in rear II. l-r., 123 8. 26th St.. cottage, all on one floor with hot water heat 27.50 l-r., 714 N. 40th St.' (Dundee)), very choice IT. 10 l-r., 2430 Bristol, brick dwelling with largbarn In rear 11.10 1- r.. 001 Park Ave., choice brick dwelling, walking distance 11.00 10- r., 2331 Dodgo 00.00 -r., 8840 CharUs, good detached bouse -with large barn In rear.. 11.C0 2- r.. 1711 Lincoln Blvd.. choke d tabbed house iu select rtildenc district 40.00 11 - r., 411 8. 38th St.. choice brick dwelling In West Farnam district 78.00 4-r., 3001 Dewey Ave., choke! brick dwelling within walkli.g distance 17.10 l-r,. 711 N. 10th St 24.00 WB HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM . PLETB LIST BEFORE RENTING. -PORTER A SHOT WELL. -JC2 8. 17th St. Doug. 8011- "HbrSES FOTt RENT. FOR RENT Ap'U and FUU West. THREE room and bath, near 2611 Har ney. Vry dolrable. Orly 133. Ernest Hwet, New Hamilton, v li'i- APARTMKNT LEASE AND FUR- MTUKB rUK SALt. Completely furnished, trree-room apartment in new building; rent 135; fur nlwhlngs Jacobean oak a.nd tapestry: Ori ental' rugs; cost 1000, and will sell for IC00. Furniture has not been used; will ell part Ideal for bachelor or one couple. Must buy the furniture to ob min rea?. uox oat, neo. VBRV choice t-room, stesm heated apart ment on West Farnam Street. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1603 FARNAM ST. North; 8-ROOM apartment, very nice large rooms; accoraie io suic we osier esao. South. TWO very choice modern brick flats, 0 and 6 rooms; walking distance, $20.00. Han ey 3744. 2618 ST. MART'S, modern 4 rooms, entire second floor. Doug. 4472- Miscellaneous. ESTERBROOK apartments, 4 room, 28; near post eft ice. O. P. titebbln. FOR RENT Business Pry ty Stores 2000 N. 20TH Suitable confectionery, dry goods, etc., living rm. rear. D. 1181. VERT desirable suites of rooms In Wead Bldg. and Baldrlge Bldg., now available at reasonable rental F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg. D. 171. MODERN store,, near postofflce, ISO per mo. O. P. Stebttlns. 1610 Chicago. CHOICE offloe apace. Balrd bldg., 17tb and Douglaa McCavue Inv. Co. Offices and Desk Room. VERT attractive spac on second floor Woodmen of the World build ing; on the -corner facing both Far nam and Fourteenth Sts. Can, be subdivided to suit. Available Sept 1. John N, Crawford, Mgr. Douglaa 1117. DESIRABLE office room tn the remodeled Crounse Block, 111 N. 14tb St (opposite postofflce), 110 to 116 per month. Conrad Young, 322 Brandets Thester. Doug. 1671 Miscellaneous. . AUGUST RENT FREE. 111.10 6-r. flat, newly decorated, all modern except heat 2226 N. 30th St . H. A. WOLF, . Ill Ware Blk. - Doug. 1048. BILLIARD parlor; location I th and How- ard; basement. Wright A Lasbury. D. 161, WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WE HAVE PEOPLE WAITING. For HOUSES to Rent for QUICK re sult. List your properties with , ARCHER REALTY CO., : Dougla 2410. WANTED to rent; house In Field club or Dundee districts, near car line; by reliable party; must have four bedrooms and be strictly first class. Phone Harney 0836. Furnished Houses and Flats. WANTED 4 room furnished apartment or house; strictly modern. Call Mrs. Ben Franklip, Room 206, Fontanel! Hotel. MOVING AND STORAGE . FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms, for household goods and piano; . moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 103 a "th Bt Douglas 4142. zzz X? TWq(Ttqt1 . VRn nd two men van and Storage Co. Moving, packing. storage ana snipping. Fnone Doug. 1490. FIDELITY S FREE Phone Dougla 288 for complete ' list of vacant houses and apart ments; also for storage, moving. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real moving rvie try ua Large 8 -horse padded van. Storage, 22 month. Satisfaction guaranteed. . We move you QUICKER. CHEAPER AND SAFER. Phone Tyler 230 or Douglas 4811. GORDON VAN CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Pckine. storaro and mov-1ft-. Ut N. llth St. Phone Dou las SM. METROPOLITAN VAN AND STORAGE CO. Careful attention given to order for moving, packing or storage; office at Rey mond Furniture Co.. 1612 and 1611 How ard St Phone D. 0624. tiV f?Ti Express Co. Moving. U. liLiEjlJ packing and storage. HOT Farnam St Douglas 6144. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 15c PER LINE. Day work or business ads, regular rate. 2 lines on week 30c I line one week... 45o Each extra line 16c per week. Male, SITUATION WANTED By young man 25. who neither chews, smokes nor drlrik. , Fairly .good at figures; soms knowledge" or booKKeepmg. wouia preier omct, wont, - but will consider other lines. Box 6281, Bee. " . WANTED Position as manager of county grain elevator; 16 years' experience; best of reference, with a bond. Address T 671, Bee. WANTED Place to work on farm by ex perlenced man, married, 1 In family; Iowa preferred. Roy Haley, Chatham, Sang, Co., 111. WANTED Position by all-around butcher: young: man, aingle, temperate and willing to work; want steady Job. Address Tf 664, Bee. . . MAN and wife would like small dining room th nin and would give meals for payment. j Box 4680, Bee. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, I year' experience, wishes position; best refer ences. Box 6280. Bee. TOUNO man desires place . to work for board' while attending Boyle College. Phone Douglaa 1646. RELIABLE colored man wants . Janitor work with .wife; good reference. Doug. 7441. I JAPANESE, competent cook, wants posl i tlon In private .amily. Phone Harney ' 3817. POSITION as watchman by reliable man; can give beet of references. Box 6244, Bee. JAPANESE school boy want situation. Box 634, Bee. Miscellaneous. TOM JOHNSON, chimney sweep, furni cleaning and fine repairing: 20 yeai perlence. Phone Douglas 8121. ' CHKItiH. BON A CO. 60S BF.H BLDO.. DOUO. 100, 356ft Dougla. 1 reams, steam heat.. 133.00 208 South 41st; mud i'rn. 7 rooms. ,.128.00 JO HN N. FUKNZBR. DOUGLAS 364. 7 - ROOM cottage, close In, lust re-decorated. First True, rrmftny. . D: 1131. ' ' . , 2l DOUGLAS. I nn., steam neat 111.00. Farmers For reliable help write or phone Cunningham Agency, ill S. 13th. D. 1206. Hotels and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT aGENCT, UIO Davenport St., Duuas 1866, ' Headquarters for hotel help. Vemale. WANTED lUoir. and board In private fam ily In exf-hiu for.' general housework. Address livx fa 10, Dee. Tfffe BKB tht$i for "Situation ads" I tower man any cmer inrm or advertising r.r.t covr r-nw-cost or printing. r " PUBLIC STKNOGHAPHKR. Public stenographer and notary public, f07 np U!dg lpur. IMI. Reas. rates. POSITION aa housekeeper with child. South 1118. Mrs. Weaton.. 2131 F St, SoOmaha. EXPERIENCED nurse for " children, with best of references. Phone Tyler 2430-W. ' Laundry and J)ay Work. PERFECT - washing,' day or bundle, guar anteed; permanently established; strictly aspenoapi. . weoster uav BUNDLE washing; piece work; lace our tains; work guaranteed. Webster 1260. EXPERIENCED la and rose want bundle washing. , Pbone narney 403J, , COLORED lady want day work. Web. 6441. Ask for Lorratn. - . , BUNDLE washing 342 . . ' and , Ironing. Tyler BUNDLE Washand day Work. WANTED Day work!; any kind. SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry and Day Work. Laundry, day work: any kind, Iou B'die wa.h: call, del.: tuar. Mm. East. H.84' DAY work wanted BUNDLE washing done M. r. J3. .rV Phone Harney 1441. -r s, , Harney 3003. EDUCATIONAL FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 6. BOTLE8 COLLEOE. DAT SCHOOL. NIOHT SCHOOL. Every day 1 enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotype, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service all commercial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOTLES COLLEGE, Dougla 1666. 10th and Harny Sts. vi v e.VT oruiini OP TITTaiMKSS Second floor, Omaha National Bank Bldg., Entrance 220. Douglaa 6890. Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com in season: eariy iijju'-i.ui.h iiru. Hams fur. Loretta De Lone, 306 Lyric Bid, BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIOS, 1611 Dodge; we aavocaie simplicity u imui .ijr u. i no siuay oi music, u. n. Francis Potter, Sanford Hotel. Tyler 1113- PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal disease without aurgiea operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rec tal diseases wtlh testimonials. DR. E. R TARRT. 140 Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb STOP THAT SNEEZING HAY FEVER IS HERE and has caught you; Radlumactlv Nature's marvelous product, check It . bring Inetant relief; soothing, refreshing treatment consisting of Hay Fever and Catarrh Balrrt and Hay Fever Powder; send today for free trial offer. Radium actlv Co., 13 8. Fourth, Columbus, Ohio Have Good .Health Chiropractic succeeds when all other methods have failed. . Dil. BENJ. ISRAEL, 161 Brandets Theater Bldg. Dong. 1430 THE 8s Nation Army Industrial home o llclta your oM clothing, furniture, maga slne. We collect. W distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. M. BRUGMAN. D. M. T., massage, ateam shower baths, electric and radio light treatment. T have also Installed ths Gard ner reducing and therapeutic machine for reducing stout people. Rm. 203, Karbach Bldg. Phone Red : 2727. Success fi U 1 TTJT1! T"D 17 Successfully treated wlth- 1VU1 KJ 1VU out a surgical operatlOr. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. Wray, 204ei Bee Bldg. "ty EAT HOME-COOKED MEALS NEW DELICATESSEN, 1804 FARNAM MECHANO THERAPHT, MASSAOE. lady attendant. 223 Neville Block. lth and H xrney. MISS MACK Maantf'irtng and massage; facial and acalp treatments. 1803 Far nam St. Room 8. R1TTENHOUSE Sanltkrlum. Baths of all kinds; massage and chiropody. 210-314 Baird Blk.. 17th and Douglas. D. 3463. COnSrtTS made to order. Price 13.60 to 610.00. Expert fitting. Nu-Bon Cori Shop, Brandets Thea. Lobby. D. 4306. MISS L. LILLY Bath and massage, 1322 Farnam St.. 2d floor. Phone Doug. 8410. MISS WILSON Bath and manicuring. No. 3 Davidge Blk. Phone Douglas 8761. LUELLA WEBSTER, masseuse. 518 Paxton Wk., 10 a. m. to 6 p. m, D. 3227. A PRIVATE maternity home. 4410 N. llth St. Phone. Colfax 2042. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 6872. Manicuring and mas. 1628 Farnam. R: FOR legal advice call Douglas 3623. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West WEST FARNAM Pacing east on 24th street, between Far nam and Dodge. Modern home of eight rooms, finished In light oak; hot water heat, 00-ft. front on 84th, by 132 deep All special taxes paid. Fine ahade. Price Is made very attractive for quick sal If Interested see H. C. Freeman, at office of PETERS TRUST CO., 17th and Farnam. Tilt LINCOLN BLVD. ll-room houa strictly modern, with hot water beatl Douglaa 13L1. NEW, strictly modern bungalow, close in, terms. Owner. Tyler 2877-W. FOR SALE- l-room house, Hanseom park district, strictly modern, first class con dition. Garage. Phone Harney 1077 or Doug. 1861. V inn North. 1200 DOWN, balance sams as rent, buys new, strictly modern bungalow; close to car and school. One block south Miller Park. Call owner, Colfax 1917, and let me show you this fin home. TAND 6-ROOM houses, good condition modern except heat; lots adjoining. Sell separate or together; occupy one and rent ih other. Doug. 8873. MILLER PARK BUNGALOW. . ONLY FOUR LEFT. W advertised last woek six bunga lows in Miller park, of which we havo four loft. All of those bungalows have th following features: Built-in buffet, bookcases and colonnade opening, oak floors and oak finish throughout; paved street; full cement basement; floored at tic; new or. nearly new. Prices rangn from (3. SOD to 14,200. Most of them can be handled -on easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha National Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1711. - SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW JUST COMPLETED Large living room , dining room and kitchen on first floor; three large bed rooms and bath upstairs; oak finish and oak floors throughout; built-in bookcases and buffet; full basement; everyimnf; complete and up-to-date. Located 3021 Nicbolaa St.; ;aay terms. SCOTT AND HILL CO., . Dou. 1009. Ground FL McCafu. Bldr- i Jl TODAY'S SPECIAL. A nifty new bungalow of 6 rooms anC bafh. oak finish, with osk floors, modem -In every way, full basement, furnace, finn south front, 1 blocks from Shermar. Ave. car; a little north of Kountse park Price, 12,060; about 1260 caah, res; monthly. RASP BROS., 108 McCague Bldg. Doug. 1663. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, 11,800. See owner, 2814 North 26th St. NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, strictly modern, full ba mehi, turnac heat, oak finish and oak fioor, nicely paperod and latest llghtlnr fixture Located 2021. North 16th St 1'iictj :t,l0u Term. , NORRiS & NORRIS. 400 Bee Bldg. . Phon Douglas 4270. SIX-ROOM house for sale by owner. 1 block from car. Oood term. Box 6117, Bee. ...... KOU.VTZBV PLACE restricted district rest- nence tor sale, r. V. Knlest, 1&16 N, 18th ALMOST hew, modern 4-room house, 2,loT 1300 down- and balance 127.50 per month Colfax 4020. 2671 Herman Ave. South. 801 Pi it St., 7 rms.. mod. 1315 So. Ith St., 7 rms., mod. 1116 So. 2ttb St., 100 lot, 11. 69ft BSRKA A MUSIL, D 6987 'i IK