-A HODELOM MARKET All Improvements in New Series of Car Are Along Definite Line. TEE MACHINE IS LIGHTER ! uiulamcii t.il um; lc- iiM,.ri ubirh conceded that i!:,' i;u.in--! .!. y : oc . d tut wind die iVn u :u :i n;u v Mandpnin; muM 'u- b.'iM-d a'.c vi:, ! ' "ht 1 in Serifs t Ik iuw model ! the I rauklin i.u All the impri enif UN are ;i!ot detinue lines. "I hey i n 1 f r 1:1 t !;. ne p.i rami unit jun pu-c the redm i;-.ii m weight of iln tar v t ! 1 tN maintenance ot urea! Mith'Ii. '':: t . ; llie le.ir. The lp is built im -i( .hi I nejib latent known as pha Mr on s! i m I u 'ii. The iuai'tci w in en tail Mile, allowing rralei ' 1 1 e,h!t li t isi-M: , at i' t::i iv will; this te nl' i'lanklni le sedan. A lue p.i-seiiKi-t ftudosed am! fie In .umhhani. a tour-pa- -.-ener eat , haw 1 1 nuts, compos d ot iv,,. adu!M.i!do wm.lshioI.lv l'hr -trout kT.ei Petier t s i , . : i .unl olieis he 1; : 1 1 -isunce to the w ind. 'Die biuou iit and the new tow n e;ir hoih ,; !' l-i. llie taet thiil the I'ta'il-hn i- nieal .i s an enclosed win :,' i.i'. m: ttrulat K heeaio-e the ;; . ( t air-i oidm, system w hich di-.'s a-.a w ill the handicap ot a iteein Heard at The Omaha Automobile Club Saxon Motor Car Employes Get iu Ou the Bonus Plan means an increased measure ni rcm--tiny in operalii.-i and mair.U u,i::. v. greater ea-e in operation and a re tinornent m" dn.nl- which is reilecttd in the new hm m i!,e body as well as in eer pa: t l the mechanism. The Frank In. eh a, -nu iiy adhered ! in l he mode', is to pinduce hi: or.e . foment! ;itinp I'tiiUKht. I in: i- aid all utlier pbn-'o--of development wmk on a sine ai title. Reduction in Weight. A reduction of 4IU pounds in weight ot the enes ' t.ve p,o-rni r car, com pare-1 n h Sc i ie s S, is "!; ot iTic aci .tniph-!t:-.'i Th- new car weighs only J.J1' pound-., hi!! equipped. 'I he Franklin ha- always hern know n as the bvh i si automobile m its class, and new t edeMLmmi; and the extensive use f aluminum and alio-, Meels have made further advance along this line. In at! ni'iti-r eais of rrpmalent cm truction l If j:a dtne cnrmunipt ui mmt he apprux'ma i.dy in propi-riii.it fi weight. The other cuiMM. rnium arr the efficiency of tin- ear a- a whole, including mere part i (Hat 1 y the engine; but w her? tpialily and etii . cieucy are tin'' :-anir, the wiipht telk the story, tdtiis ! he i i atddin omu pany elaiins to l ae taikhd the k?.- line prohiem m a practical vac. A mx-c) linder engine, with snialh'i ey!itidei, i one ui lin' r.aiural rc nlN of the further devt lopuieut d the I:ranklin car in accordance with an established police. Continuity of Line, l on tin nil y of line- t lie eUminat im -l anpk's-i a slrihiiiR r'uu acten-. r ot al! the latest rianklni cats. 1 no ettct has been aeenmplivhed thrfith body retinennnts and a new bond, different in contour, yet unchanged in distinctiveness. The touring model is a strictly five pa.ssenger car that is designed for the. requirements of the greatest number of people today. This year's design makes the body set lower, yet road clearance is unchanged. The roadster is smart in appear ance chiefly because of its low rakish lines. It is built for two passengers, just '.he right size for the man or woman who wants a personal rar. 'I lie new four-passenger roadster is designed to meet the demands for a condensed lour-passengcr car having the appearance of a light roadster. A distinctive feature is the original ar rangement of seats and doors. 'Die cabriolet has an off.ici seat lor three people and an auxiliary seat I'aeh office employe who has h.-er with the Saxon Motor I ar curp.ua lion longer than ninc'v days will re ceive a bonus oi 5 per cent ot the -alary received during the year, or for the term of employment if less lhan one vcar. but more than ninety days. I'aeh l.ictory employe w ill chaie on a like hais with those in the ofi'iee h-'oa: imeuts ecent those who hae ho u paid on a premium or piece woik basis and who will receive a bonus mi . per cent. The payment of thee litmuses will be made on Soon i1 -! . ! I'ri vid'-nt Harry W. 1-ord. in eoni nii uiitiii .-li this act .-I the company, -aid "Th- payment of a hoiius at thi time doc not bind the eot;ipau' to a J "! li i t lion ur eaidi year ; ' 1 . i - ,-v. r. the mana-M tn-Mit feels' that in ears w hen the prosperity of th" rompan - i - such a- to onaMe it to ma1;e a :-turn to the sharehohh-is. it ,vt!l ahu he dt-t'oicfl pay ome 1 1 iriM of hi mus t. einplovei It is honed thai the in mcnt of this honus , v : encourage each employ e to Mud Ins w-fM k to (he end that each one ma v increase his et fieieney. 'T'or 'lie p iyni' t;t of this fir-t 'inns, it --cni' d vt;e to us 1o u-e a flat percrn'.ttm to all employe; with 'he cvrentmn ahue noted " Twonty-Two Miles On Gallon of Gas II. Meyer, formerly m (he auto ii '-;. di- liii-tii. 'S iu Lincoln, but now i-mid'or l l.v !ie groernment. writes 'from Kimhall, Ne!c. that he flrove an '!cn thirty-seven out to Kimball I county and aeraped on the trip a j little o-r twenty-two miles to Mte : eallon of gasoline. A part of the time the roans w ei e not very pood. He states that I"1 secured a much as twenty-five miles t. a gallon of gas oline on ordinarily pood roads. Moves Into Larger Quarters. The future in store for a man in the automobile business is envidenred tn quite an extent in the business of ihe I'tince Auto company. Last year about Automobile show time this company took the np?ncy tor the with ihe Mutual Motor company on ! the Marion-Hamlley. The business iu j ccaied so rapidly, says Mr. Kent, in charge or sales, tliat they were force! ! into larger quarters at 2415 Farnam I street. Highland Cutoff. Die HiKhlaml entoii, limn :lh- t'euiral t'lt. i; reported hv iver- I hi ml tout ist s in he in splendid con t dn ioii and the (aiming count r v passed 'through was heaulilitl with oei ptos- , poet ot bumper crimps. Koads h.ive all been dragged DaiiRer Zones. ' Danges 70110s and neai side stop j for street i ars is needed about as badly as anything to eliminate aeei dents, auto club officials say. Willi j the establishing of danger 7ons in the congested districts the pedestrian waiting for a slreet car within (ho lmes will have a feeling of safely and the motorist will irahze that the eu tne 1 eqoii si I ii 1 i t y is on his shouldets, ihey contend. O.-L.-D. Official Visits Here. Mr I huh, assistant secret at v of the Omaha Lincoln-Denver Highway ! association, called 1 eceiitly at the club room and r ported that in mak ing the trip over the route from Den- vet he saw the club reward ctreu- 1 lars for the apprehension of auto thieves in garages, sales rooms, pro- i eery stores and even in postoff ices. I Road Reports. Omaha-Lincoln Denver route is re ported not vei y good bet w eon ( x lord and Met o.'k and between I air.u and Ifolvoke bad. 1 ineohi highway , from Juh sbing to (tig Springs to within a icw miles of heyenne rutty and time made slow oei this section. ; Kiver to Iviver and White 1'ole route in Des Moine- m good condition I'.Iiie irass mad in good shape. 1 an coin highway fhtoirjh Iowa undergo- 1 mg many tepans ami permanent cul verts being put in. Military highway lo I remont by the wav of Llk City 1 better and prettier route. ; Purchasers Turning To Cheaper Cars ! "The d-man 1 for In.v priced light ; cars ha- mere-a-ed nearly IdO per cent this s ns,,n," s:vs I . W. l;rancis, : Ma -.well de-lubuler. "I imaiiit'c the business of the other classes of cars has increased in pro ! portion, as this has been a wonderful I ear for the automobile men. "One thing, however, which makes me ibiuk that the sales of light, low priced cars have gained to a greater etenl is the fact that so many prole 'ional men and men wdio have larger cars, are purchasing small cars. 1 he economv of - r per at ion and ease of movement in crowds makes the light model an ideal car for work of this nature. "Automobiles are fast being recog nized as an economic factor in the I family pleasure fund. I he Maxwell. I for instance, can be operated for a j trifle over D cents per mile. This j proves to be a most enjoyable, as well las invigorating, form of pleasure. In ! addition, it is about as cheap a pleas i tire as om can purchase, i "These conditions have made busi i ness increase to an almost unbelieva I bit mark." Tired. Arhlnr Muticlr R1ItM. Hlnan'n I,iiilmnt lightly appl'Pd. a tlt'l. iu1?t, at"! your sorfriM dlsapynRra lit..' maKte. !"t a 2l- botlU tudy. All dru; Art vrUst'niflut. PEDESTRIANS' FAULT BELIEVES CHALMERS Awto Muker Sounds WarmiiR to Reckless Motorists Who Brenk Liuvr. ACCIDENTS ON INCREASE ' V ilh atilottiobile iu enh ni - m, t ea ing daily m the hugei 1 ntes ul il;, ioiitiii. ami civic authotmes at tlien w it cud m an et i. 'i 1 t.. -oI e t hi tiiiflie pnddeiii. it s(-euis in me thai the time has come tor the motorist to take up the but den," said 1 1 mih i Chahnei s. "Atthoiti'h praeticalh evorv ie. ';d kept by the p,di.e deji.11 1 llient sh..Vs , the pedetMan 1 espmisdilo 111 nine on: ot ten auJoiniditle accidents, wr must j t cecgnie the I act thai 1 lie genot al I public is inclined to blame (he toll ut I deaths and injuries on the drivet ot I the ear ! "bearing this in mind, I beliee 1 that it rests alinnst entuelv with m. ( tor car iiuneiN whether lutnie .0 cidetits ate lo ihcicim- with each s. a son's new crop ot dimts lu the lust plau there is undouhtedlv a portion of t lie Maine re si ing with certain tpes v.t drivers, Imprisonment for Joy-Kideis. "The iuioicated "o 1 eh 1 ' ami others of his ilk, who h-qm-nt o" slreets dm mg the ho.- h.. n -nieht. are a nieuaee mm i. t 1 this eU-s. speed laws mean nothing Ib-nw fnif". and unpi i-otimeni ai ah. nit" the onh a t nu die. lh,0 .01 be meteil nut 1" ilm l"V Ili'lllg ti.il. 1 I'lll"! I llll.l I. 1 V, L'W e ei , nih ,, small portion .d tin- lug total "I .10 1 dents iu the last ear t an h- 1 .0 I .0 the doni ot I'.c ;o lider. I vet v da' the papei- loiitain npoil- ot roll's ions on the open road and 1n.1t e e peeiafly in It a f I.e. "I( is in Pa the driving that the iih torist has the greatesl opportunity to reduee the nutiibe' ot accidents, h'e ports prepared by the New --k u lice department slnm (hat from Lin nary to July lasi ear, the maio- it fi accidents occurred from a v. to 12 noon and from 5 to 7 p m.. o during tlie so-called 'rush hmirs ' I lo ame report 1 arrirs the information that c0 per cent of the accidents wen' due tn carelessness or other fault ot the injured pedestrians. Knt if we are to he really emwientious ah. ml the matter, we mu'-t admit that m-i because the unfortunate man on foot is to blame, the motorist should not feel entirely absolved in the case. A little forethought on the part of the driver, slower speed in traffic, and les$ anxiety to beat the traffic police man's whistle, should work wonders in the way of cutting down accidents." I F.O.B FOSTORJA i And It Stii! Surprises A yenr ago, the Allen 37, then just out, was the surprise of the 19 16 season, because of the excess of value over what the public expected. And it still surprises - In Power .17 H, P. 3i"x5", 4 cylinders. In Size Mi" wheclliasi', roomy Iwc'". full live passengers ample U room. In Comfort 51)" icar spnnHS superb hilano: ihrouftliom docp upholstery. In Economy JO m, s or more vr gallon of nasolini'. Weight 23110 pouinis, i'asy on tin's. , In Beauty rtyhsh i'nd inodi'rn noat lines, haivlsome In.'sh. In Equipment which inciiuii- i evcrylhing. Mo extras to buy. Where can you find mote motor car value under $1000? Are you willing to b surprised? Let us show yuu the Allen tod.iy. :'i'AND4R0 MOTOR CAR CO., t),.lr,.nl,., lr S .itlliv l-i " .. M '.. una i.n.1 Wy mi rn . P'i n- D. 1705. Allen Motor Co. FtMloria, Ohio Its quality makes people talk 1917 GHANT SIX $825 THE 1917 Grant Six can now be inspected on the sales floors of Grant dealers the country over. There are over 1200 Grant dealers and they are just as much delighted with this new model as you will be. The records of the Grant Six Overhead Valve Motor in hill climbing; its extraordinary power and equally extraordinary flexibility and economy are the sort that make people talk, and in these days of good cars it takes an extraordinarily good motor to make people talk. The Grant chassis is simple, strong and thoroughly efficient. Grant bodies excite comment because of their roominess and beauty of line and of finish. Thrre is a quality of workmanship and stability in every detail of the Grant Six that makes it ea-sy to see the reason why Grant production has increased this season to 2(!,n0O cars. Before you buy any car, make it your business to see and ride in a Grant Six. FlT-Pnger Tourin Car, 825 ThrM-PaMBBf r RoadiUr, 825 Three-Pauenger Cabriolef, $1050 I. o. b. Flctorj We Cftn Make tmraediate DeltTerfna. APPERSON MOTOR CO. J. H. DeJONG, Mgr. 2417 Farnam St. Omaha. Phone Douglas 3811. GRANT MOT OK CAR CORPORATION, FINIH.AY, OHIO Bigger - Better - More Power Hundreds of New Dealers Join the Velie Ranks A LL over the country the announcement of the 1017 Velie Biltwel Six has caused a genuine furore. Buyers and dealers alike have eagerly sought the opportunity to secure the new Six with its remarkable specifications and equipment at the low price of SlOsf). The enormous facilities of A Mile of Velie Factory are required to keep up with the pver-incivasint? demand. Hundreds of new dealers have joined the Velie "ales Organization, and even now, so shortly after the an nouncement, the 1017 Velie Biltwel is appearing in large numbers in practically every community where pood automobiles are sought. Velifl values are fven preuter this var thnti hft'cri'. beautiful, new body styles jfivo a rature of selrction sat every need. The Touring car is larger, roomier and mure KTaceful than ever. Timken axles front mm! rear, a powerful Velip-Cuntint ntal motor, multiple disc chiU'h hntton starter, with everything in and nn-thrse an m dirations of the values found throughout the ear, Read the list lying push Del iverics Now See and judge for yourself. Ask for eonvinnrr dmnnstra tion, The nearest Velie dealer ran give yon dehve-y tn w. Iont wait. After you have tnt d out the flexibility a'id pnwor of the new Velie Fix - after you ha f-dt the luxury i-f h', h grade leather and curled hair uph'd-tery. and by com: trsmn have seen the beauty of its new b"iy and its mirror 1.1 t h. i will agree that Bigger Better More Power Is an Assured Fact Velie Motor Vehicle Co., 125 Velie Place, Moline. Illinois Velie Biltwel Features Slx-cyllnder Vnlic-Contincntal Motor Timken Axl front and roar Remov ablo Cylinder Hond for Inspection Helicnt Gar in Motor, no chains En closed Multiple Dry Disc Clutch Hotch Itias Drivo. no noisy torqua arm Spiral Cirars in Routine Rear Axle Remy Automattc Ifnition Push Button Starter -Double Ruth Ueadlifht Dashlifht All wires in Metal CoTdutU Raar Gaso line Tank Vacuum Feed smlpla Rock inf Gear Shift Lever Luxurious Body. 4 inches longer Unusually Wide Doors. May to enter High -Grade Leather Up holstery Cush ions Deep Tufted, Real Curlrd Hair Lotif, Flexible1, Underslunf SpriiiRs-- (LHtiatdinf Tiro Holder, no straps Mirror Hody Finish. 20 Opera tions Drep- Uht of Weight Economi cal of Fuel Everything in and on, ready for Ihe road. Eight Body Styles Model 2R. f i e-paasenger Touring, $1035 : (our-pdij.MMigei Companionable Roadster i original and ex apticnally smart type), $1 CHn; to-p tisenger Roadster, $1 UGS. F.ndosed hndie. exclusively designed: Cjririolet. $t465. Touring Sedan, SI68S; fjiir-pass.-nt;er Sociable Coupe, $1750; Town Car, $2200. Model '1, seven-passenger Six, complete tlie line: ' ?4-iruh wheeibnse. 45 n. p., S4 1 j tiri", 4-speeit transmiision. Tne litmoit in iu ury and refinement. Price, $1550. Ask lor tat.iloc. Se iind mdge lor vourself. They are at vour nearest Velie dealei's now. L. E. DOTY, Inc. 2027-202 Farnam Street, OMAHA, NEB. rjL -ssllillF $1085 a