I i I ! i i ! I HUGHES SPEAKS FOR A REUNITED PARTY Koxince Tells Cheyenne Audi ence That All Factional Dtf fcrcncos Put Aside. COWBOYS THK OMAHA S.'NDAY BKK: AL'GUST 27, 1!1G. Your Small Boy Will Very Likely Be Found Hereabouts; Ringlings Come to Town Today With Their Big Show SHOOTS OFFICER WHO INSULTED HER Woman Kills Army Captain, Charging He Offended Her by His Attentions. REVOLVER TWICE ti.i . Auk -'li.- -Captain i ir;i I ItriK "i I "iniany !". Xatimul (inard ui I and kill. 'I in h i ti,iili.ttlnn ciiiij-Mi-. II I. Adams l thi- o.iniM j.nl l.iriiKlU I't nil a chariot- .1 il.inis .i-trt-d lh.it TiliiiK. w It" :i". si phvsi- 'tttn.U .1 li,-r ly ,-itK-ntii'tis vri.il nis us' while she tl.inla l.-i taut- ' I !- ,..ii sun!! !i.v tri--ii jf from the it ... .!.,i't hr M,.rrir. n. out hint (( . . "wJZZ7 f"MUk ARE HIS ESCORT ,i.,;iv ,... . ,,,.,, rv . ' K" .! 'M 4I..I l.BH hid .; ;j ''flfejjjjr "-mt . j ' lAS'a , ,!,-, ,MI . nt.,1 aclinic ni.Mil I'W ..l.wtM m..l. ffljL..jj . .! .aHJPj ,,, "rp' .,'',""".,,,'1 hijj'i'L' tiy I v;;'s; 'j jgfvy fL: ...:i!.h'..-::'::-..,;i:!r: PTr,,(t'li:V VirWtJ ill !'" ; ' . I, 1 , , "ilv " "' ( .r..,-lmB tlir ySS 545raS loiinit.tti.Ml nt tin tutuir t tile I tllti tl f ,, ,M, , .., . , ,mM f IJEZ&, T1 ...hniniMiati..,! tli.it tr.i.iu-s its !. ,,,., ,- y.MK ui, ,m ( n 'i J ",,h , , , . I..M,h,.,l ami ,l,,,n U., ;,' :!., ft t&Xp 3 Tip -ast , r I nu.rv than l.ittlll Mi liiiitb. - n iii ijuil Ins H. Lira ,i,,,,i , , ... , , ... , I t AT J rlr9.-ir. I .1 . ...1. -...1 ii.'ii tli.it In- Ui.irr.l tin- .1 ii. iin 1 1111 n t S.it-1 shi-Urio.l ,l,r '.,',, Tli- UV 'laS&l l-ani i d,,,,,-,.., rh, s,.,-,;,,l,. l, ,.t ,',M.i,H-i,,i:. , MuTR-uinl 111,11 ,M ;,,.,,,, H,.,., ,,, ,,. , , V XtfTSLy I''" Hie licauthul stnrv 1.1 vhil,lho,i,l w"' rtM'"v,'r 1.1 tS- .l,.,..uuli. -." . 'l"Ul.,. the ,,.U,,,- ,1. (.., V V favorite tatlv-ulc hnoille ami ran -u-J ------ nilry r'l 'Urii'ns" o'msr ''.'.'u'im'i '""'V "' t". gg. .ihat c-.ii;l-t t... ,! ..,,,,, i,,,,,,,,,,,,! t Vl. A 11, ii-r 1 'I i-MulinlS leil the v,.i l,;i.. v ...11 1... ! TEMWWS ' !"'"." I'".-I i" H..m-i ,), . ,M.n K,(U. ,h, nii f '-A i Kft ...rniK as the, Kall,.l.e, f.,,,,,.,1 ;,,,,,,;,. , ,. ,.,, , 11- SN III It' an 1 1 111 that i ! as - 11 ' Til Mrs, Lezinsky Is Adjudged Sane and Given Her Position f Kxectttive coiisiileratiott of the case of Mrs. Sylvia l.ezinsky. inspector, who has been iloitiR rharitahle work aimiiiu ileiartnient store (jirls, yester day at'teriHii.n helil the attention of the I'lihlic Welfare hoard. Mrs. I.ein-kv. a chic widow of 25 was recently released front custody of private nurse after licinc held insanity charge. .1 woman almut .111 came lit. in lit r home ! and went direfllv At Ctiiitain Srutlinv' I the ol'lirer if he were I aptain SprailiiiK, and on heillK aiiswfr.il in tin- affirmative, tired at hini twice troin a small caliher re i.dv.r. h,,h -Ii,,t lakinu effect. . Accorditm to l.iiillenanl Samuel A 1 -"1 ,,f ( omiianv V: nil,, seized her I'lomeiii later. -In rried , mii a- -he ' "'I"''''-: " mi hale niihed -t i rraJ flay iiioiiKin u u.r mothers, 1 tie lnsan it coiiir.ii-i.,ii declared her sane and site iva- returned to her position. Kx planalion of the action ol an insanity cotnmissioii was plated before the Welfare hoard liy l)is. otlng and Jolmnii. Acti..n was held in aliey anre. '1 hose present at the ineetiny were : I hairnian T. Stnrcess. Superiu tenileiit K. SchrcilHi. Jack Walters. I!ahhi Frederick I'olin, Solus Neble ami ( ity Attorney John A. Kine. tTBT3g, aaaMrjaai-jfTtrirlfyrCTTi Vollmer's Daughter Jt Sues for a Divorce 5 Davenport, la.. Aur. 2t. Dorothy Vollnier-Pa.m, JO-j ear-old daughter of former Congressman Henry VoK iiht, who eloped I )icomhee. 22 with Kdward "ictor Palm, young son of a Chicago commission merchant, today tiled ti!t for divorce. Mr. and Mrs. Palm never lived to gfther.'her father and mother taking her from the young hushand a few hours at:er their marriage and refus ing to permit him to claim her until lie had gone out into the world and "made good." Hughes and Roosevelt Will Be in Movie Play New York, Aug. 2b. Charles E. Hughe will play the leading role in a campaign "movie" play with Colo nel Theodore Roosevelt and William K. Willcox, national chairman, both cast tor star parts, according to the plan of the republican campaign com mittee, announced todav. ! : ml tlh lurk, u along. ince rind Mrs llclies, in the first ol n tiiiu' of atitoniohiles-. The night was odd and the audience ;ore ocr coat and heavy wraps Mr. lluglirs spoke from a ri-ugh Imaid l a 1 1 1 L h.ou merod together late toilay, lacing the grandstand. During th. aftertmoti Mr. and Mrs. Hughes held a reception at the hotel, meeting tjie women voter of Chey ciiw. . Paler they visited the ajmost deseited army post nearby, Port I). A. Russell. After tonight's meeting there was another briet reception at the hotel and the nominee, thoroughlv fatigued, retired to his car, which will be held over in the railroad yards here until 5 a. m.. when the start to Denver will be made. Divorce Granted Twelve Years Ago Set Aside by Court After living apart front her husband twelve years, following Iter divorce in I'M. .Mrs. Christina Hillebrand, mother of a 14-year-old daughter, u again the legal wife of A. A. llillr lirand. according to n t!cri?( entered yesterday by Judge Sears. According to an action started against her husband in October, IH5, the couple were married July 15, 18W. The wife asserts that while sick she was induced by her husband to apply for a divorce, under the husband's unexplainable promise that he would rewed her after (he expiration of the specified six months. ln December, 1W4. after the di vorce had been granted, and while the wife was urging the husband again to marry her. she lomplains that Hillebrand caused an insanity complaint to lie filed against her. She was confined in Douglas coun ty hospital and later taken to the State Hospital tor the Insane at Lin coln. She iias continued her activi ties again to become the legal wu'e of Hillebrand since her release from the asylum and victory marked her efforts Friday afternoon when the decree was set aside by default, the husband failing to appear after pub lication of notice in a Ralston paper. That Mrs. Hillebrand had $o.-0 in cash when married and that this amount had been taken by the hus band is alleged. She asks that the court allow her $Jto for the keeping of the daughter, Ada l. Third" Society Girl to Be Attracted by Call of Business Kiss Esther Wilhelm is the third young society girl to heed the lure of business. Miss Wilhelm. who is the only daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm, returned Tuesday from HstesNPark and entered immediately the drapery department of Orchard Wilhelm store, where she is proving herself a good saleswoman. Miss Naomi Towle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Towle. is be hind the ribbon counter at Burgess Xash store this .week, while Miss Gladys Peters has been employed in the office of her father, M. C. Peters, for several months. n am e sir . I'.il :i -me to .mi. ui the gr .1- the y, 'tnieXrrs snov, minimis promt Monday ami H.nei-e the u-ual line ol march through the piiuctp.ll slreels of the city, ll is promi-cd thai tins procession will he mote i;.iri.reoiis and beautiful than any pinion- proces sional display seen here. It will lv more than three miles in length, tin, I will include not only most oi the fa tuous Rillglillil horses, hut a lout. li.. of glittering tableau waivnis and alle gorical cais as well. There will be scores of handsome floats tilled with gaily garbed dancing girls; a wild west section will include cowh.os cowgirls from the plains and ranches" ol the tar writ; a cotup.iuv ui t',,s. sack ride's from Rus-ia will f,,rm other section of the parade, ami prac tically all id the fine-t specimens of the Kinglmg druthers' menagerie will appear in great open il,-,,,, i n u. entire held of elephants, twenty lour ol them will .iKo participate in the procession. The music i,,r the parade' will be rendered by si hands ami two calliopes feature will be direct appeal In both young and old. The costuming is the most gorgeous ever conceived and is a veritable riot of colors. The arenic program has been by no means nrgecic.l p, make room for the spectacle, but. instead, will include more new and sensational novelties than ever before. More than 4(1(1 per formers will p.u ncipate in lb.- various acts in the three rings, (w, stages and in the aerial riggings, and of this number more than two-thirds are for eigners, who are making their first appearance in America this season. Among the nueliies will be An tonio Zmgaro and his hand ol reckless gypsy riders; Mile. I.eitzel, the world's greatest aerial gymnast; the 'laniaki troupe oi Japanese iiu iitsu experts; the Citing llmg.I.ee troupe of star pertormers from (he Chinese ' imperial circus of IVkim.- H,.r,li,. a team oi twelve camels, broken lo j f'"orii, premier dansciisc i,i the high bit and btulle and driven like horses, ! wire; the Josstlfson troupe of Ice drawing a huge parade tloa' '-'"d athletes; the world famous I wo peiformanees will! gi en by ' 1 larkoniaus. and the M ct ret -Dai en tile cui us in Omaha, beginning at J i I'ort riding troupe. A feature of tin am! 8 p. m. Monday, the doors of the I performance will he a complete cir luain tent being opened an hour i "is of trained animal act- il,.si,.i,,.,l allow time for a visit to the especially for the dill,!,-.... ;., big zoo. which this season e, ,11 1 :i ins chuliiii.- uonil.i- i beats, ponies, dogs and monkeys. tin Monday there will I,, town seal sale at the .Mi, Man Overcome by Gas at Smelter Still Unconscious I'.trri, an emplove of the inerican Smelting & Kefining com pany, who was found unconscious on a landing of the "bag house" Thurs- i 'lav morning, in still at Lord l.ister hospital and has not recovered con sciousness from the coma induced by the poisonous gases which entered lung.-. Physicians doubt that he For the Fireplace M display of up-to-the-minute Visit our exceptional articles for the hearth. Upstairs? Yes, where the light is good; where the surroundings are appropriate; where no street dust can reach. ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR KEELINE BUILDING. SUNDERLAND 3400 r.p.m. Chalmers $1090 Detroit Quality First P AHUTS' FOX BHAKFAPr .ai. oilier sinking gorgeous ol panli a inoiinled band, and yet staged by lin er I zoo, which th iv known ranti in the wild annual line I he program w ill open slnpi n. Ions new lain laud t iimei rna, saul to lie Lie t ie most iniinic productions Kiugliug Brothers. with the spt t tat le. il"Vll- li.li.,,, Drug store, lot"! hanum -treet. where admission or rescued tickets may oe purcmisetl at tile same pi le cd at the sh,,w grounds. 'arg- Singing Parrot Makes Hit at the . Pet Stock Show : The big noise at the pet show ' yesterday afternoon at the public playgroutids. Thirty-fourth and Leav enworth streets, was "Polly," a parrot exhibited by Margaret Peters oi .1-10 Leavenworth street. This bud sang "In the Shade ol the Old Apple free." and asked Superintendent Km-bth what time it was by Ins watch .mil chain. Jack Hartlctt of Thirtv -fifth ami Leavenworth streets brought his eat to the show, but the ft line became o afraid of the dogs that lack had t,, take his pet home. Once home, the cat climbed a tree and viewed ih, how front that vantage point. Miiong tlu- exhibitors were: Helen and Harry Tlucl. old South Thiitv lirst; Catherine and Hattie Loran, W1 South Twenty-lourtll; Margaret Min ium," 1.! South Thirtv-iouilh; Mar garet lladlei. .WIS Florence boule vard; Kulonda Colloui, S.io South Thirtv-lillh: gnes and l'loreuce llarscb. .i.s.'lt Pacific; T helma Sandel. 8117 South Thirty-fourth: A rime Skal berg. .i.ido Howard; Walter Mil ord. .'105 Marcy: Anna Kasiuussen. .iO.S.i Leavenworth. The show was held under the direc tion of Mrs. Alberta P. lladley. super visor. Brief City News "Townnemr for Sporting iootl.' Hif Runt Print ll Now HBcon Prru. l-lKhlliig Ktt.ir Hun;esn -OninrfeM Co. HkU Kurttt vi'tc IHum.tmlN f,i Kdholm. Septi'inln'r Victor llernrds On sale Morula. Augn.si L'S, Orehurd it WIU llelm ttnp;iny. Kp Vmir Aim vnluaWon n the I.'Ji Hide Htott'B i-til Si 00 fof Fries Quits Union Pacific and Goes In Grain Business the his 15. Ullll. ti mil ill ui ll p. III. -liHlajr-s stmt,, program." elasBl fiett ietinn toillly. ll appears In Ttld itee exelusively. Kind out ivhlit the virions iiu. vlng pletnre :ti,-aters offer I'rtinenu In Mo-illal I lurry ITi- . ilepuly elty eleik. lias gone to pilal Mhele In- , x., t.s in reiiuiln weeivs. on nee,. mil i,f an oiier.t- ti"il f..r an atl'eetiou of long standing. New stun- i'ompnii.v Articles of in-e.'i'piii-ali.ui ,,f Hie star Sline eiiiu paliy uf iiimiha tiave been tlleil bv Samuel liausky. Mark l.emi and Snm' ue! .1. t.een. -fbe cnmpani is lnt-or-P"lal, d for l.iii. a I,, Hie, Drama of Love and Adventure at Boulevard I.. Pries, general storekeeper tor I'nion Pacific, vesterdav t.-ndereil resignation, effective September His successor has not 1,, named. Uuilliug the I niou Paciiie after a rontiliuous service of more than twenty years. Mr. l-'ries will g,, j,ito lite gram business, hiking the uiati agement of a large grain elevator in.li me t puiKt- i.rain comiany re cently purchased in Milwaukee." This will necessitate his inouiig to (hat city. For nearly twenty rears Mr. l'nes was ui the otiice oi the freight au ditor of the I'nion Paciiie. having been promoted to the positi f auditor of disbursement-. I'wo years ago lie was given another promotion, Having been appointed general keeper, with hiadiuarlcrs here. store- A battle of wits betwe gambler and a criminal turni-hes the theme tor "l-'or Her dun! Name." the lioulciaid theater tin -n a soc inn stig the picture, showing at av. On the :;;;! Despondent Woman Ends Life With Poison same bill is a comedy entitled "Some Liars." ami the Mutual Weekly. On September -' Mr. McCaffrey has booked "I'lie House of Mirrors," star ring Frank Mills, and September 3 Xat (ioodwin conies in "The W'aH Street Tragedy." Uoth arc big tea tures ami are said to bt very good pictures. Driver of Motor Car Which Hit Girl GivesHimself Up, Take ron Says Docfor if yQu ! Despondency ove Mrsi Charles V. I- -xoriiiivestern railroad living at 4 Miernan comniit suicide at " o'c'.o by swalloiving c.-.i I i.'n- ; Mle was allow til t,. remain at home as her condition was hopeless from the tunc of discovci i . ill-health caused lilui.tli. wife of a teleirrapher. avenue, to ck last night U'lll Fire Loss in Omaha Shows Decrease Statistics prepared in the oiiicc oi the fire chief show that during the first six months of 1915 the total fire loss in Omaha was $233,443, while during the corresponding period of this year the loss in Greater Omaha was $142,144. During this period last year the alarms in Omaha totaled 551, as against 774 alarms in the consolidated territory for first six months oi this year. Chief Salter notes that the reduc tion in total fire loss in unusual. BacUliw Ntxht Coufh lUUtTrd. Dr. Bell'i Pln-Tar-Honiy taken a llttlp ' at a Urn will top your cough: aootheft Irri tattoo. Only Sic, All drucHaU. Atv. .Miss uorotiiy Kader, wno was, struck and dragged by an automobile i last Saturday, js still at Lord Lister hospftal in a serious condition. Ac- ! cording to LJr. C. H. Folu, Miss R.i- der is suffering from an injury to ! ncr spine and three ot her ribs are broken. I William Kck, 511" Hurt street, ai traveling agent for the Paxton-tialla-gher company ami the driver of the machine which struck and dragged Miss Kader. gave himselt up Fri day. He was plan d,untler bond for s-JO0 to insure his appearance Septem ber 2, when it is hoped that Miss Rader will be out of the hospital. rick is reported to have called on Miss Rader at the hospital in an ef fort to convince her that he was not to blame in the accident. Want Plenty of((Stay There Strength Like an Athlete! PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. (olonl W. II. CrciM). real t man ami Dliwor rUizen. Mat" hv e-,n rii to to Sin 11!,,k,. t,l-. n,,,l month, lo reirjlii Martrnrrt Itutl-T. inrc uT for Hun .Niifh I'cmpany, hs rft'sriii"! frm wh-r. fli" v-TX two ttt'tk.. tli I'Um two vvt'-ks nKht-ht'finir. Persistent Adertislng Is thcKuut: to success. Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Make Delicate, Nervoua, Run-down People 200 Stronger tn Two Week'a Time, in Many Caaea. NKW YOKK, N. V. Most eople foolishly I j--!!) to think they are going to get renewed neann ana t-trenifin ironi Borne atimuliitiita nn'tiu-iin?. afctvt nostrum or narcotio dniK, s-ai.l Dr. S:iuer. a well-Wnown specialist, who h:ts htuilie.1 widely both in tint country and Europe, when, an a matter of fact, real and true strength can only come from the food you eat. But people often fail to net the trenth out of their food because they haven't enough iron in their blood to en able it to chantre food into livinfr matter, from their weakened, nervous condition they know somelhuiff is wrone, but they can't Wll what, so they tfenerally commence doc toring for titomach, liver or kidney trouble or symptoms of some other ailment caused by the lack of iron in the blood. TbiR thing may go on for years, while the patient uf. fers untold agony. If you are not strong or well, jou owe it to yourself to make the following test. See how long you can work o- how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five grain tablet. of .r.iitiary nuxated iron three times iur ilay iivi- iin-ats Tor two weens, men tent your -t remit h acain and aee f-r yuur.elf , how m-h jou have gained. I have een doners nerwoiis, run-down people, who were ail I ;ivr ali th while, double and even triple : .heir blrength and endurance and entii-rlv Bet rid of all ymptoma of dyspepsia, livtr I other drugsista ami other troubles in from ten to fourteen tlnys tune simply by taking ir.n in the Proper torm. nnd this fter they hid ii. aome casts hvtn doctor;ng for m mhs with out ohtainiiiB any benefit. Ihn don't tike is of rt-ducvd iron, iron acela'e ot iron simply to siiv R fPH nitiHt take iron in a form thit "orbed an.l assimiliite.l, like you w.-itit it to do y.iu ,inv it nmy prove worse thin mi athlete or prize fin hter implv hecnuse he knew the and cent the old ! or tmctn cents. Y, can be eailv nutated iron if good, othervir. useless. Many haw won the ilay secret of irreat sir,'iVth filled his blood with iron i,-f.1P "i me anray, while mnnv n,oVn. gone down to ingloriom defeat simply for ihe lack of iroi.. otK-Xiimi(( iron r,.oiu.m.Mnlt.j ;i1.ovp by I.r S.ier. Is one of tlu. n. vv.r orK.nie nn compounds. Tnllke the oldor Inorp, iron products. It i, ea-fly a-Hmilat..,l. I ijr int. 1,'cin, in 'it r.im-dj. In n, ii, as well as for flK nc ,! li.tll r(-lt StIV.,00 U- Nil I t:oy cu.ini'.l t ii ur-Ti. iaiy. it f. forms J. run-dt nr fiii h ' thut ili..v . iirua.M.- ln ' iK-' any man nr uk-i Iron and n ' p-- oent or over Ide.l they havrt no Th.'y aluo off.'r to - your s'r.'nth and fiiduram-A in .., 'lays- time. Ii U d.-p-ns-d in thla elty bv nt-rman v .tici unnt-ii I'm,- Slur. Advortlstmeat. In fsviir arrloii or v.'fimd' v.. lou;.:i THE NEW WAY TO SPELL ECONOMY CHALMERS A cheap piece of machinery, like the boy with a little knowledge, is sometimes a danger ous thing. Men are Duying better arid better lawn mowers, and reapers, and printing presses, and gasoline engines and pumps. Vny ? Because they find it pays. Probably there's no better example of this in the case of automobiles than Chalmers cars. Figures show that over 75 percent of men who have bought Chalmers cars this year previously owned a $500, $600 or $800 car. Nearly every 3400 r. p. m. we have sold this year has been to sSOmeone who has driven a lower-priced car. It pays to buy a better car as much as it pays to buy better machinery. But it seems that the great big buying public has the same idea, too. I'm particularly strong for the 3400 r. p. m. Chalmers because it has tremendous endurance. There are now more than 1,000,000 miles of u.se to the credit of this car. Besides the fac tory writes me that the 3400 r. p., m. motor has a service record of 99.21 percent perfect. If you never had a run in the 191 7 Chalmers, let me know. I want you to get this thrill whether you have any idea of buying or not. R. W. CRAIG, Inc. 2512-2514 Farnam St. OMAHA A rOM.OCTC KKKt.ER FYfmont. N'rb. V Wll) lit Khl.l ND, YtaliM, b. una all I CTIA. FAIIKENING, rtutiom, N.l. I . II. BOI.TON. ...vrlA,i:" '"- L..M1, l.v a. JOHN K. PKTT;ilOX. I'ewla. Inua IEK.VRI MONVKH. iiaopvr. t. HANNEMAN BROS Uaiu.Ua, las ira, p. wjurnotD,. I.rrtna, N.h. JOHN PETKIIS Bdferaa, Hak.