Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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5 A
Chief Dunn S.tys Fifty Traffic
and H 'mane Officers Must
Show Mori Speed.
v In-. nf I'nlicc Dunn announces
)! ii i.i w.'mmvr tuti'if and hum.ui
i: iu-v( will In- mil Hi their i-(ui-l-i
mii.-. unl liny sivr rarl uMnwv
" ' -1 II, c Mifni r- in lac! .1 im'' 1 1 '
1 . 1 1 .
" vi.hmlcir ..). ..ri". ai i-ii
, :l.iu to ar badge anil cii- ali
i , .ilium nili-il Inr their zeal in iraltu
.t'l.l Iniinani- work, Inn lltf ni iii .!
Knv a woi-llll lack ul inliTi'st ill tin- I
... ..rk tiny ii fit' MiiipoM-il tn have had
i' In-art." Mated t'ic cliii'I.
nes l her wfi-k i.i grace will be given
"-- si- vo'nntreis lu ii .ic their bailee;,
ill hi- ealli-il in
' ' . .-' . .' at 'I'l' eo-oncra-
"fn nf those no'ict-r would result in
clucin tin' Iratiic evil.-..
Crr Crews to Help.
Chief liti-'ii at'i-r a conic dice with
strut railuav oiticiak. aimi iniceil tlu'
company hail promiM-d tn 11 struct ear
crews to take the numliers ( f all auto
mobile drivers who viola oil trattic
rules in regard to speeding and pas
infc street ears. The crows -.ill he al
lowed time oil to testily at inilico
court after the police hae Munitioned
the offenders.
Frank Clark. 1J14 Manderson
street, charged with speeding on com
plaint of Tom Carter, who telephoned
his numher to the police, was dis
charged because Carter did not ap
pear against him. To make good the
arrest Carter would have tu appear
against him.
Two, Jitneys One License.
T. N. White. 1417 Sherwood avenue,
operator of a jitney, was fined $5 and
costs for violations of the jitney or
dinance. A suspended sentence of
$25 and costs was imposed on Max
liaum, 524 South Twenty-fourth
street, for operating two taxis on a
.single taxi license.
Harney Specter, 1616 North Twenty-fourth,
a 16-year-old boy, w-as
turned over to the juvenile authorities
for driving with bright lights. W. J.
Fay. 2t38 Avenue C, Council Muffs,
paid $!.and costs for trucking on the
boulevard. Sam Margolin, .1852 Lo
cust street, charged with violating the
rules of the road, was fined S2.50 and
costs. Dick Williams. 1521 Capitol
avenue, passed a street car with a
horse and wagon and was fined $1 and
costs. M. Walbo, 2515 Grant street,
received a suspended $2.50 fine for
driving a wagon on the boulevard.
Asks to Be Administrator
of His Wife's Estate
Claude G. Cunningham, husband of
I he late Christina Cunningham, who
was killed by an automobile on West
I'arnam August 17, has filed a petition
in district court asking that he be ap
pointed administrator of her estate.
Personal property valued at $500 is
involved. No mention is made of
possible funds from damage actions.
According to the petition the foll
owing are heirs: C. G. Cunningham,
ihe husband, aged 74; Margaret Gor
don, aged 59, a sister of Florence; the
following brothers: John S. Paul,
57, Tacoma, Wash.; Alexander Paul,
2. Seattle, Wash.; George Paul, 45,
Idaho Falls. Idaho; Robert Paul, 49,
Manitoba, Canada; James Paul, 64,
Scotland, N. B. The hearing will be
ailed before County Judge Crawford
September 20.
Fire Warden Morris Advises
Inspection of Furnaces
Fire Warden Morris advises house
holders to inspect their furnaces and
flues before the time for starting
"Many fires are caused by defec
tive flues and furnaces in the fall,"
stated Mr. Morris, who added that
"an ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure."
Sixty-Six Families Move
to Omaha During August
Sixty-six families moved into Oma
ha during the month nf August, ac
cording to a survey just made by the
hureau of publicity. This totaled 214
persons. Thirteen states contributed
to Omaha's development during this
time. Twenty-nine families gave
economic reasons tor coming here.
Fourteen came back because they had
lived here before.
in our
The Cohmbia Grafonola
The world's greatest phono- "j:
uniph, w as selected by the U. S.
iov-ti rrv 'lit to used on the
Safety First m , which is
making a tour nf tie United f
'i'hh train eons'sts of eleven
coach- s and toy arc equipped jf
with Co' mbia tirnfonolas and 5j
a larjfe assortment of Columbia . -
records. -1
Colrmbh Grafonol.n can be -j
purchased on payments as low
as $1.00 a week. We show all g
styles and prices, $15 to $.150.
Any style Grafonola and selec-
tion of records sent to your s-
homo on approval. f
Schmoller& Mueller j
Piano Co. f
1311.13 Farnam St.,
Omaha, Neb.
Retail and Wholesale Diitribu- "
tori fo- Nebraska, Iowa
and South Dakota.
WHERE MR. AND MRS. HUGHES WILL REST THIS WEEK Stanley hotel, at Estes Park, Colo., where Mr. and Mr.
Charles Evan Hughe and party will spend a few days in rest. They will reach the hotel on Monday of this week and re
main there until Saturday, when Mr. Hughes will return east to enter the Maine campaign.
viy tt: '
N (I
V- ' 1 '
'City Dads to Doll
All Ui) to JudG;e
llutler will he attired in a new blue
serue suit ai d cuhist shirt.. Commi
siuner Hummel will have his suit
pressed for this auspicious occasion.
Aviation Flight ; Pootcf fice Prc-ares for
Hit1 rity ruiiiinis'.innrrs ;iit all "up
it; the an " d it ap"")il ii cuts rr
.Tivrd iiiini I ii i;',.nlir; (,ciicial P'iil
I., II:''! ,',. a Na-io-ial
' :-.v 1 1 , .... r , . i.,,! ,.s ,.t :m
rn'i.'iU'Mi tli ;!ii in It madr (Ins
M-nr b .! i ! ' I :. Mii.ii i
iit;n llu- '.!,!,( Lin .li'Ui'fls .. -'trt
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i ,' I
111 I! IS HI
Commissioners, Although Beat
en in Lower Courts, Will
Continue the Fight.
Payment of tecs for the recording ;
of vita! statistics uii births ami deaths j
at two bit a throw to City Physician
K. W. Contiell following a series of 1
legal battles with the Douglas county
commissioners, in which Dr. Connell
came away victorious, was again '
brought to the attention of the conn- !
ty board by County Attorney Mag-1
ney. 1
Or. Connell complains that the
county hoard, iti committee, has re
fused to O. K. his applications for
payment, which now amounts to ap
proximately $2,000 annually, and in
sists that lie will cany the district
court's decision to the supreme court :
to secure orders directing payment.
''Dr. Connell is paid a straight sal
ary by the city for the work and ad- '
ditional fees should not be required
paid, by the county," said Chairman
John C. Lynch of the county board.
"We have fought this matter through
the courts, but have been defeated and
will continue the fight in the su
preme court. In committee we have ,
decided against the payment of fees
of 25 cents each for the recording of
births and deaths to Dr. Connell. He
fore the annexation of South Omaha
these fees totalled about $1,200 annu- j
ally. They now amount to $2,000 to
$2,200 in addition to the salary paid j
by the city to the city physician. '
Decisions have been handed down I
in district court by Judge Lee Estelle
and Judge Kennedy in favor of Dr.
Connell. '
Bank Clearings Continue
to Gain a Million a Day ,
Omaha bank clearings continued to
hold up their average of a gain of a ;
"million a day" during the week. Bank ;
clearings for the week were $24,725,- i
47471, a gain of $8,000,000 over $16,- 1
554,664.28, the total clearings for the i
corresponding week last year. j
Mother Rejoices
at Return of Her
Bright Baby Boy
Alter promising to he a deserving
mother, Mrs. Anna Nutl;aard, an at
tractively dressed woman ol .21, has
been aeaiji awarded the custody of
her hide -on. Frederick. aiJed 2, who
for three weeks has been the ward of
juvenile authorities at the Kiverview
During die Weeks the bright baby
has been eared fur at the county home
Freddie has become the pet of the in
stitution. When the young mother
appeared Saturday with her arms full
of baby clothes, attendants were re
luctant to allow the youngster to
For three weeks Mrs. Nodgaard has
constantly appealed to Probation Of
ficer A. W. Miller and to Judge Les
lie ior the return of her baby. She
has been persistently refused and has
been kept on probation under the
watchful eyes of juvenile attaches.
The child was taken from her because
of alleged unsavory surroundings.
When Judge Leslie signed the or
der in juvenile court Saturday morn
ing tears liurst trom ine eyes 01 uie
girl-mother, she subbed. "At last I
can have my baby," and left for Kiver
view home to claim him.
One of Omaha's Planning
Experts Sails for France
Secretary Kvenild of the City Plan
ning commission has received infor
mation that George Burden Ford of
New York, one of Omaha's planning
experts, sails for France, as a mem
ber of the American Industrial com
mission, upon invitation of the French
government. The commission will in
vestigate industrial conditions and ad
vise how they may be improved.
Mr. Ford expected to be here Sep
tember 1, but -jv'II defer his visit until
October. K. P. Goodrich or I harles
Mttlford Robinson will be here week
after next to confer with the' plan
ning commission on the proposed wid
ening of Twenty-fourth street and
other matters which are pending.
j County Employes
Ask for More Pay
The high cost of living has nminced '
! upon employes of Douglas couniy. ac-
cording; to a petition being iiietl
circulated, in winch tnc hoanl ol com
missioners is asked to increase the
, salaries of these employes 10 per cent.
The name of George Ant lies heails
, the list of about fnrty-iive signers.
the payroll shows that ys.JMi is be
ing distributed among the appointive
employes every two wtjeks. This
amount does not include the workers
in the treasurer's office, the register
of deed's staff, the county judge's of
fice or the clerk of the district court,
where the employes ate paid from
The Bee's Fun 1 for
Free Milk an ' I
n Kv,
.1 ;b-'
. nd the con-
Say Wife Left Husband
Because of His Cruelty
, Jacob Friede's suit for $10,1100 for
, the alleged alienation of the affec
, lions of his wife, Klirahrth, has been
; answered by Lloyd A. Maguey, attor
, ney for Max and Ksther Yenger, par
j ents of Mrs. I'riede. Kriede sued on
I July 2o, alleging that his wife had
I been induced to leave home with
their baby and return to her parents
at Genoa, Neb. The answer asserts
1 that Klizaheth left home May 15 with
i the baby because of cruel and barbar
ous treatment. The Yengers declare
that alter their daughters marriage
they loaned money to Kriede to build
I a home and buy clothing and sup-
plies, and that her departure from
j home was caused solely by cruel
i treatment.
Hot w. Ii r. : o c'ti
. abies am: '.tiic ch .
about past for th s ;.
But :he purse: t: t.-.k
. h:artcd are still loo c
tributions to Hie lice's fund continue
( to come in.
A great number of happy, healthy
babies and thankful mothers are the
reward of those who have made up
this large sum of money this summer
and provided pure milk and ice to
' keep it cool for the use of the little
; ones.
Previously r know Ireland . . rtfn.Hl
A Frlrnil ."Fi
! A FrlMitl, Bfllwooil, Nch V.l0
In memory of Mm. Koa Nrninnn,
I (by HUnrhr Nruinun) ft. 00
I Frank Mftlmiry, Jr 1.0O
I M. V. T I.0
I A Friend (K. J. P.) 1 0.1(0
j A Krlrnil ..
1 Total ...M7.M0
Hood cf Campaign "Lit"
I'rrpa redness for the coming flood
rf po'ui, al hiivaturc this fall is go
n it: fnrwatd ai the Oil a!ia postof-
I'i. V.
! lifers lave been sent to all pO
'i; . ' ii " trilii ':ow they can
- . i t' !;s and at the same
c r m ; '( trar st mission of
-:i o',i:: al heart throbs to the in-
rut v i!i r.
v air l vised to use the im-
: t '1 t ;ii paid" on tl eir envel-
nr, if t!iis is ina-lvi'iable, to ue
. c i .itH -e'rd stamps, thus saving the
ik o! putting Ihe letters through
;,ic , ;i hi ( 'ing machine'.
I I r air further advised to SCp
;!' tl:r lctirr it. to bundles for each
or town I lie postinfice will
i make ihe mailing b's of ctndt-t-,
so ihe lettns u.av be delivered
-.. i t clrik1 abrady -rja ated into
ui' .!-. t'oi ca i of t':e nire distrih
. nf Gre-'-r " 1 -'a
for the Race
Ewv fpp n runner racing with an
ovcrtdul '.' Would you expect him to
win? Can you win life's race with a
handicap that prevents your working
at full capacity, and prevents your
thinking clearly and continuously?
How can you expect to work well
unless yntir physical body is up to the
highest efficiency ? And can you think clear
ly with bcail nnil throat full? That mg
li'dcil catarrh is u handicap on your success.
It mcnnii less work, lc: s efficiency, lees re
ward. Why don't you overcome it?
PER UN A Offers Help
Prize Winners in
Pushmobile Contest
Fred Hlidck of 4(111 Smith Tbir- j
tccnth street and Kddie Peterson nf
IJOd Atlas street won first place in
tl.e piislmiobilc race at Ktvcrview .
park Friday afternoon. In second -place
were Frank Malioney of 2'fi
South Tenth street and James Mi-'
i rasky of l'M4 South Twelfth street
The race was an cxcithiK contest and
was witnessed by more than JlHI
1 t'riem's of the contestants.
First, it is the prescription of a sucressful physician
for the relief of catarrhal troubles.
Second, it has met with wonderful succeBB, testified
to bv ninny thousands nf people.
Third, it has been befor the American public forty
five years with inerensiiiK success.
Fourth, in your neighborhood some one-or more hav
found it of great help.
Tablet or Liquid Form Both Effectiv$
Manalin is the ideal laxative and liver tonic In
tablet form it is delightful to take. Does not pripe
or weaken, forms no bad habits.
THE PER UNA CO::PA:iY, CcIjs, Ohio
Our Furniture Repair Shop Will Save You Money
En -
Best on ali Tloads
H5-I7 So J6St M 1 Phoo IhiiSM VSt fl
Omaha Home Furnishing Headquarters
Just Four Days More
In Which to Choose From
This Mammoth Store Full
of Elegant
New Furniture, Rugs,
Draperies and Stoves
at the
10 to 50 Savings
Made Posssible by
the Wonderful
Beaton & Laier
Expansion Sale
The last day of August marks the close of
a furniture value-giving event without a
parallel in Omaha's history. You cannot
make money faster than by spending the
next four days supplying present and an
ticipating future home furnishing require
ments at the tremendous savings afford
ed by this sale.
Everything in the Store
Way Saokta SpritiQ and W'hitloll lings mdy exetplni
Discounted 10 to Vz
iwl Open a Chnrge Account and Welcome 78
Most Miles perVollar
Extra toughness for greatest resist
ance against cut and fmnd.
Kxtra thickness (built-up
tread) fcr mo::t security against punc
ture. Extra traction (non-skid) for
maximum safety and economy of
gasoline. Extra resilience for fullest
comfort, car protection, and, again,
fuel economy.
These extras in the make-up of Fire
stone Tires keep them supreme in
service cvcryvlicrc, and explain why
the demand fcr them grows faster, in
a bigger way, than for any other tires.
They stand the punishment cf the
rough, gr:"y roads cf reck, gravel,
sand, frozen rut:., etc. Ana they
resist longest the frictional heat cf
fast going en geed roads.
Our fiscal year j::t closed, August
1st, 1916, shows Firestone annual
sales of iV3 ,311,194.61 That's nearly
r.3,C00,C00 over and above the year
. t M
juc.i a rariiur
1 1
increasing demand Firestone Tires, when there are
nearly 200 other brands offered, is
ample proof that they are giving
tnc extra service-
Mo:,t Miles per Dollar.
Firestone Tire and Fv" ! cr C - y
"America' Larftit Excluaiva Tin anj V :h . V
2566 Farnari Street
Omaha Njb.
Honw Offirr a rut Factory; Akron, O.
(tranche and PnVii 1 . -tvv l.crH.
Makers of First Truck Tlrea Leaders Then and Lenders Now, in Quality and Volume
w m m