Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1916, SPORTS SECTION, Image 32

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    4 S
Ifli: OMAHA NI'NMA i HKK: An.t'ST 27
MM ft.
chance to mm
Is on Trial for Exist I
ence When He Moots Bis
Carl Morris .Labor Day.
Xe V.-ik. uc I ti-x l....t. i
is on tl Ml t,. I ;i:,v-:. ,
Ctrl l vnv i !.'.!'. . ., V -..., I
Tt'iini.! ChiHiipioiijliip ToM'.-li-
Thruc Corjiurcd Affair
i'I hiU...
1 .,!tr ....
will ait
while a
Clli.'C tin
i'!MVOl 111 iM
in the iuiii; t.
A ilcif .i; t!
omo i. 1 :
ootid nJi'i t,v
and Mo: u i
dflij?!iitu! :i;t.
Colicv u; or
hood in thi
Rive Mot ah ot
him out i To!
two prt' i , s
due to i' . 1 .t 1 1 1
that MVr..n w
r V S
k! . Will V (
the Lit.
iv i
. i ' I
H in
Commercial Club Will Give
Luncheon for Omaha and
Dei Moines Clubs.
n.'i r rh.un i I '
' rrailv !s-!ir-
'ifjl! I-V M..-.r
! cl'i. liic i.t
hunger it In h.i.. to icl on In- riiijf !
earnings to live '
Iir. IiiiiiIhm M -r:t ni.- pi ovc !
a nutch lot l'l- liner h.o n.u
livfd up to tlu nin! rrijUirrnifiirt f '
the rtii n n.unc snu-o h ailn-i.-.! Imh
." hoard oj Mn:r $J5.''it'i tor 1 n ' " ;
, Jess Willat.l twt-K in March H - I .-ut
' with .lark Dillon ifveaUM this mutt.
; After hrin trounced h hnlr Mil-
Ion Moraii Rave out tin t .u 1 1 ! i k ip j
. fonnatuMi that he had not trained i nn j
) scieiititMily for the how:, l r;tn i
should he the lat tighter in the iM '
to thus alihi himself. In Irs !r j
proseperous da Moran alwa mn- !
tended that the rinc w.v r.o nhire for I
a fihtei unless he a fa:nrd to t!u- j
very minute, avi' s i In thour ! )or.
cays .Moran tranieil v. :trtouly, tor !
it was only hit ruKK'd name that en- I
ahled Intn to cow with his rivaU.
Doesn't Make Good.
Yet a ivw yeais later, Moran. the
preacher ot strut n.iiiunn tor (uc
ccs in llie ruiti. deviate- from 'he
course and finds hitneh stranded -ii
the island of tnvpopiil.inn for ii"t h -inp
up to his preaehment
SniartitiK under the sting of de
feat by Dillon, M orali promptly re
'solved to pav more attention to Ins
physical welfare, and eliminate the
vices that tended to undermine his al
most superhuman strength. Ilr ad
hered to thi re-olve for a few days;
then returned to the oh! life on Broad
way. As a result, he left for the
west with enough r t nudity around
.-the girth to please an alderman,
i Moran must work off this superflu
ous avoirdupois hefore he can cope
nvith Hig l"arl Muniv The latter
ssurely must have improved even
adightly in the many years he ha
5teen in the game. When he lough
if-here Morris wa an unehoided giant.
with the strength ot an o and the
lurabiltty ot Itattlmg Nelson m w-
nalmy days, hut n ;i larger scale.
Karl could not land a straight punch;!
ie cuffed his opponent- and p.twtd at j
"hem. I
4 ' ii III II mil HiiWiiiiiiii I II lililinn iim li II III I'lllBlpilPIIWlllMWWUMtMMMMUiMliWIIWPIIM UllllWff 'WWWHWMIII'y.'HI PMBMIMWIWWIIII'WIMI mil1 1 lil'l)llli Mil ''I1 IH1 'II lilll I llliB
Ihr ,(.
i .irk. UK I lilt s .i I'urV
.tPlHMI., .Illll tJl.U 1 .lK.l MiS
!l trill!!', thr h.Hllr I r. tin' 11,1
( li.utijii..ii.)iii, u hii'h In fills mi
"ft - .it Km i .1 Hill.., L. I . in
. w ill in- a tlircr rnrnd ril al-
uith tvt.i tormct li.itlliiiii-, attil
pu-M'ti! ('liiiinpion ,is the r.intc.t
K. Nmris illi.iin. .iit'l M.itt-
nrr Mil :itiiltlin, Imth ni ltom liavf
lirlil llir Imtinr itt ti.rtiKT vcarv. ami
ill til in liiliiisliui. tin'- M'tttati.iiml
t alttorttian. wllii prufil to he tlir
ilail. Imrsr last yrai, ate in I'rinic c. 'ti -ihtiiin
lor the ir.iv,
Mrl.aiiKltlin, wliilr not playittK 'lis
foriitcr (tashtij; style i name, lias
a.ldi'il a bit to ln skill, aco.i rliiir; to : player and usually puts up
tln-se who hae sei lt him tilts year. Iiraml of tennis.
anil will give the others a hard tussle
t.-r tir.t honors.
William-' has been playinp his usual
in ami out game, now showing flashes
of wonilertul tennis, and then going
down to defeat before some mediocre
plave.r. Williams in a tournament
th a title at stake is a fearsome
a great
Johnston's game this year has been
quite up to standard and admirers
of the youthful westerner predict an
other victory for him. His forearm
dives and half volleys are still the
wonder ot the tennis world and. a
though he has been taking things
easy so tar, his skill has not diimn
ished, judging by his performances it
preliminary matches.
Booster day will be celebrated in
Omaha Tuesday. I
The derision to hold a Booster day
as made by the Omaha Commercial'
club Kridav. For sonic reason or
other, probably because the club is
leading the league, and it was pre
sumed the a tttKlir,. ,. .. ... ,.! .. .
Booster day was promoted earlier in
the year, as is generally the case, i
But when the Commercial club did
discover Omaha has been a little de-
liniment about patronizing its league
leading ball club, it decided to get '
busy, and pronto, the Tuesday Boost
er day was framed.
To lend the day the proper atmos
phere, the Commercial club has in
vited the Omaha and Des Moines
clubs, which will tangle that day, to
a luncheon at the club. Everybody
is urged to turn out for the luncheon i
and then hike to the ball park. It is j
Western League
W. I.T AR R I p,.f
41 2 391! iHO 1120 vfi?.
" i ;!. i ban n.ij sttjj w
6 J .1374 113:; -K. Tlrortkhn
'0 0 .1X49 575 !(..; 27H Inmni . 4.1
0 3734 6K1 f 1 H -73 ' 'w Vortt ..53
6 f-6 1 3N30 607 K13S 7 1 1 S!-
2 "5 2 S970 tiff J0.-I7 261 ,''naKf ... 6
5 49 1 3748 361 943 r3 I'hi l dlhta t
ri.Vll FIBI.ding 1 Pittsburgh .M
i'J'.TP.PB.I'o w T,.t Um 62
"7 rt 4 3I7 nil
21 3122 1S47 176 .964
11 3011 U5G mi 96l
2 3034 Ib65 IBS 9l
12 31111 m .960
31 5076 !52rt 19S .959
15 .11 t&?ft ma aec
IM n.,.. i. i ' As LBAIiKS. ft. I.OUlS
, .... ,n n nai'fl I&MPn n.rl In , . I'h ....
! Imped a 1 rnwd ol .'.mm or .W pr
sons will turn out.
I I' very other city In the league ha.
I held a Monster (Uy, Des Monies lt.ul
1 4,tn proplr at it Homier day and
I Kim nil! almost hit this mark. Omaha,
I however, doesn't expect to equal t lie
I Des Milium mark, as the Iowi capi
j tal is some city when it comes t'
turning out for its ball club.
The Rotary club will also attetn
the game Tuesday. All Kotarian
will be guests of their brother Ko
tarian, I'a Kourke.
I'es Moines plays a three gam
series with the Konrkes. Tomoiro'.
there is no game. Tuesday Isbell'
crew arrives and they remain utu..
Thursday, when the Kourkes go i,
l.iiicoht for games there Friday, Sat
urday and Sunday.
Paul Murray Breathes
Defiance to One Perkins
l'aitl Murray, boxing itistruetoi
pugilist and "smoked Irishman," is al
riled up because lie read in The Bee
about a fellow named Perkins. w!i.
was "looking for trouble."
"You can just tell him that I'll nor
him all the trouble he wants," iiioth
I'aul. "If lie's looking for tn.u''
I'm trouble. If he can make 11,1 -weight
58 to ojl'll take him on.
I'll fight 'm for money, marbles o'
chalk. I'll"
And Paul continued to breathe fiert
defiance of Misto Perkins until w'r
were out of hearing.
National League
"'Irhlie . .
Ti.pokH ...
Pt. .1'isfrh.
St. Joufnh lis 71
rtfnvnr 117 Ida
Uneoln n&
rfB Mo1n 111! ti
Omaha na so
Wfrhlta . .,115
i.i'n HAT'riNi ;,
r. a h.
1 3n!i :
1 3oi :
4-1 r ?r'S3 4iU N 4
s 4 :i
3 4 (17
1 hllafllplii;i
-lmMiinnti .
Every Team in League Except
Athletics Will Make Money
This Season.
Takes Flynn's Pounding. j
t. But he was game. Little Tin-
i-1 vim piininieiieii nun liij'i.llil rcrog ;
mion, vet tie retuseu to vven go 10 1
11s knees. Nor did he look pleadinu j
v at bis m..r.',l.'ss ml '.....i.i It.,
Usl pjmdded along, taking all I'lvim j
lad, ottering nothing 111 icturi!
. it the end of the ten rounds ha patted
, lis conqueror on the back and told
11m what a great little tighter he
'as. Of mh stuff is Carl Morris
y He is no longer the Carl Morris
'. $.f those days. Kcports have him as
sTi greatly imtiroved bo. r. with mote
j han a smattering knowledge ot the
, $ine points ot the game nd he can
i j-leliver a straight punch! With t ail's
, licit behind one oi these blows, should
'.ie deliver it to the point ot M..ran'
"Ihtn, Mr. Chatles l-'t-ancts Moran will
i hen and there be a tit subject for .1
" Pugilistic obituary.
j I No Longer a Youth.
if Should Moran enter the ting out oi
Condition, it will mean rhe end of his
i.areer as a leading bght anfong the
ifavies, for Moran is no longer a
out!? who can come back and attain
MS old effectiveness after a long lav-
'ft. Morris did this very thing, but
e was a youngster when lie learned
.he error of his inexnerience.
' I Should Morris be fortunate enough
1 fc flatten the esteemed Mr. ho ,,
jfill be seriouslv considered as ilie ' .
ext opponent for Champion Will.vd !,..,
'I'arl has been "white hoping" these ',
i.itfny years, ami lllav vet tigllt tile t'r
''t'hammon of to. .ta H k .! ' .
' " - ' ""'
sided? Why didn't Jiihnsou take some
action against the owners of the St. :
l otus club? Shouldn't he have lined
them a sum stiff enougl) so they, too,
would have learned a lesson; so that
in future thev would see to it that !
bottle throwing will rease in St. .
lamis? It was there that Ctnpire Mil- !
ly I'.y.tns suffered a fractured skull; it 1
was in St. Louis where other players
hav e been subjected to the same !
treatment as was accorded Koth.
Kolh had no right to throw back
thai bottle. He might have hit an
innocent fan. But what woi!d vim
have done, placed as was Roth? Pop
bottles came pelting down upon him. ;
anyone of which might have injured
or possibly killed him. He asked for
protection from the police and he
didn't get it. nd so it put it up to
Koth to continue to suffer or to 1 etali- j
ate in kind '
When Ban suspended koth he 1
should have fined the St. Louis club !
heavily al the same time. The home !
club's duty is to protect the visiting
player. It didn't do so in Koth's case .
and so it should have been punished
in such a way that in future they
would hire enough police to stop-;
for all lime - the bottle throw ing prac
tice as it is practiced by a few rowdy
fans who have brought disgrace upoii
St. Louis. j
Ty's Aim Overhaul Tris. j
Tyrus K. Cobb is leaving no stone 1
unturned in his mad dash toward the
batting leadership of the American
Sox home crowds "K,uc', passea loe tacKson,
t"1 1 I JlC tllH S nil v 1 ri StirnlrrT dmiiiiin
hi in- -and Ty is determined that Mich
a condition shall not exist for .our. :
A short time ao wheiwthe Timers !
and Indians battled each other it was
Ty who dictated how Public should
' pitch for the letniters. Kour times
' Speaker came to bat with men on
baMs and one or two out The lopt
i cal plav was tor Pnbue to walk Spea- 1
l ker Hut Tv siim.-illed Diihitr t. m.ikt
Athletics Only Losers. js njt.
I hiti locked gloomy for Phil Ty's hope was that Speaker would
H.ill in a financial w.iv until about go hitless and thus suffer a battinc !
New ork. Auk'. -V - I he- jeans of
at least fi American league mag
nates are hiilm. with ctprency and
,'nn. The nlbseaMM rloeness of The
U-Mh race nn ans ue ..t the mnst prs-pfvi-iw
o,ir. in the rftistory of tin
ohnon'.in circuit.
I hr 1 ;idian. regarded as almost
certain Ihmis in a wiy when
pl.M hri;oi.' !ii.ihed all I'leve
l.,nd iee.'-nK. I h. u nuke more
in i", ir their owners than any
itli city iliih in history Their
net point tor the e.istni ma go ;losc
t-. sir.viyv
The N anVee t ncis figured when
the -ieasi'ii beau tint if the could
dr.iw a daily crowd 4,'HKl at noie
would lircak
to date is ahout
"elvet" of Se-
SliW.tXK) for the
an on the road 1
e en. 1 heir averau
7.0IHI, v fuch -nran
WCCtl MMHIO ;nid
Yanks I'I-. :;!
have been tairK lure all year. The
team has drawn weil on the road and
even it the do not win the pennant
the So wdl coiM'tude ihe year tar
thi-ad in a lucte way.
t he 1 'Ut i - ,w ,i iiav e been t
wreat ..ihl c'ii ilu road. The home
crow, is lut In en er pood and' the
liters snrrb will make elo-se to $50,
IHH t' .r Vavin ct al.
. iw-ln weeks in.. And then the
Hrowns iattrd their unward move
men! r.rtniMt!v ipr Hall, most of
the lonwnii unis cum en the home
l"t Ihr crowd mm"! I ironi a few
tin iis,,tnl to the p.:rk i if actv S'Tt
.ifti r da tlii- .iMendanee in
ert . ;jv ihr turn came T!ie
noil v, a wiped oui and the
average reduction. He' realized it.
Tris took tour swats at the ball and (
tailed to hit safely on each occasion, j
And so l'v crept up a tittle in the
ir i
riven up nope ami ne mailc many con
Pssions in order t.i entice Moran into
ic ring with lum,
the 1' 1 . o :ncs itw h.-w a
in - whtcii cannot 'ne wiped
eh M.. mattei how the
t.if irom now .'ti
Int. .sov ;ire well of
mii,uum1I'. due to -o-ne
v ds .it noii-c .uid s. me hutte
San (Hot Gossip
IM- rS 0.r. it t novr a nifiitbT ot th hotrd
f rl-!tri-.;"n tin t'rrnf.T Omfh lnu
P dtlsii' wltti ill Smith Oin.t)iH Mr
mm .-.ill fmh :"; m n I .simiv f.-r i'rl
V.'s. iivl prt-ta; t t th Murphy 1.1
.M.H. A. to Hold
Field Meet at the
Fair Grounds Today
I I let t
I an
The annual n.M i.. 10.1
1 1 the Omaha ou-g Men's II
tsoj.iauon win t i., u i;M.
osiu ai mi lii.ujla. i ..utm
ronnds. This mil I., th, ,..
which lc wish at! l,t.. .o
pitted to compel, e .er h. !d
The days event. ui!! .ta" v.
! hall gjtm betwien th, N
len's Hebrew ass. ti i.ili, n 1 in...
- - . . . . . -
pt toung Men. Mtlirew a-s. .t ,M
f Following this a hi ard das!;
ar ! r ur, . SsSit v ir ,
felB, brr,ad .'irnp. t'irf ,.i war and
iy races wdl b, heiH
The Young Men Hib.f a.soca.
w tl new ..riraniali.'ii It
larted in St I.oun and Kansas i in
.aron DaitlUon l. the serretAr. ..f
lie local Me After r'.ieirber I
'tnsorarv hejduuarter. wM l.e n
Ulleel m the Paston hl. ek
in.'; ii-. t
II, !
' t ir '
-Ir ui; k
"W uer s I
I , i
.'i 1 1 air
..r th.
St Lou
lt'.l :il
I he .
i'-, I.,.'
::'l n
land The
.uid thev
!'!,tl',l to
big. but
hr tine
li" Senator. al
.ini-'iim u ill br .mall
:' tl.i 'ttli
i, ; th, , ,,. ,.1W. ,,,
There were two of them. They
sat in the grandstand back of
third base. They had mooched
a pass from a friend, had shilled
a couple of old transfers on the
street car conductor and were
Irving to discover in the crowd an
acquaintance who might have a
flivver in which to haul them
back to town. They were a
couple of regular hard boiled
( ine of them had organized the
anvil chorus and the other was
the first charter member.
" f he Kourkes is rotten," start
ed one of them, just as Marty
Krug busted a triple with two on.
"There ain't a guy on the team
worth a jitney," added the other,
as Miller sent Marty home ahead
of him with a home run over the
right field fence
" I he pitchers ain't got enough
smoke to break a pane of glass,
and the hitters couldn't hit a
flock of buckshot with a cricket
bat," continued Xo. I, as North
whiffed three in a row and
Krueger opened the home half of
the inning with a double.
lust then a kid, who had saved
tip his dunes tor a week to buy a
grandstand seat, transferred his
attention irom the game to the
lumpier duo long enough to cut
loose as follows:
"Aw. you guys go 'an drown
yourself in a jitney bock, if you
can get somebody to buy it for
you. I know your kind. You
wouldn't pay a nickel to see the
kaiser and king George go twen
ty rounds while standing on a
plugged dime. Lincoln for you."
D. Resta is a wonder and so is Eddie
And their speed would make a man
feci faint and sick.
But they haven't got a thing.
On these loonej guys who fling
Their cars around a curve and think
they're slick.
Thev say Ralph Mulford made
a new world's record in Omaha
lu'i I. '.ut he was traveling a
.snail's pice compared to the amy
,.h,' hreeed bv us y esterday on
I'arnaf street.
There are a lot of things in this
world that are mysterious to us,
hut the puzzle of puzzles is trying
to figure out why a guy will de
liberately pay out money to see a
wrestling match.
I crowned the pill with noisy swat,
For miles they heard my cracks,
I hoped to gain a major berth.
And then they traded me to the
German beer supply running
shot- reads headline. Call off the
We thought probably you
would be interested in knowing
that the Western Roquet tourna
ment is over. No, we don't know
who won.
We see that a salesman for a
slot machine company in Chicago
testified that slot machines are
not gambling devices because
they pay out no real monev.
Neither, as we remember it, did
the dear old shell game.
It Never Happened.
A foul tip hit an umpire in the
shins and nobody applauded.
The Browns staged a great '
winning streak. So did the
Giants. So did Maurice Mc
Loughlin. So did the Ger
mans. But the greatest of all
winning streaks was the
time we held a husky full,
three aces and a pink com
plected flush eonsecutivrlv.
We see that an expert says Brook
lyn is due to crack under a strain
At v vanin akmg lilt's ruqqy trail,
Whilf othtrt by iw buzz.
We rin thai wr eouid eraet in twain,
Tht my that Brooklyn dots.
And then as our mind wanders fur
ther on the subject we dedicate the
following to I'ncle Wilbur:
You may win the National rae,
Robby Dear,
You may have it in a bag,
Robby dear;
But no matter what you will.
You must meet the Red Sox still.
And you're going to get your till.
Robby dear.
or mori names
,,. .. - AR n. H. SH.8B.Pot.
Hunter, Llnrnln . . . 42 127 20 44 R if; m
Johnson, l.lnooin.. s, 236 J '
rSAl,;,-,,, I: ' 1! i!
Oakw, iionvtr . 'it.i iii ii i 7- :i 'til
50 14i 22 4fi 4 1 .329
S5 227 31 74 3 S .325
f2 313 38 101 JO 4 .323
39 99 14 33 6 6 .323
32 106 20 34 5 4 381
M S2A 97 I'I 19 i t
116 464 63 145 14 22 .319
O.rlfflih. Wichita
Krti(Kfr, Omaha
Livingston. P. C
Jray, Wichita. .
Racier. R. C
istevennon. I,tn. .
Coy. Wli-hlta
rVmnolty. 8
'"t.l'R FIEMUNi,.
ti. I'rTI'.l'll Pf . A, K Per.
106 ST 0 f :'SM 1..T4 IM
no ; i !.; 2:t h:x i
11S i) ! IS:' 4 IH.P :
Nfw York. . .ins 0 ft 23 .j
. 1 It. fifi ft H f24 ms 174 g. '
.116 lOfi ft 17 31 111 1 f,!U c,n mo
.117 77 0 14 .ll'lti t.Mll nr.-
ING .300 OR HKTTftU.
O AR. R. Ii. SH SJt
97 37n 111 12L' 1 fv-l ;1 v-;;
113 .tUfl i.4 2S f 1
91 335 i-i hit
.103 404
31 f
4 .hi:
ti lb .313
Dvf r. nrivf
Krausa, omaha .
Hartford. Dps M..112
Thomaaon. 1An .
.steraer. Dnnvpr. . .
"PK-... U 152 2B 48 6 6 .316
Tl at-on, 3. C 1 17 450 78 142 29 29 .313
ahMUk. Danvr.. 92 3ft6 3fl 9o 8 S .310
Ktrkham. St. Joe. .112 434 43 134 7 8 309
HetMnjr. Wtrh H9 324 45 lflrt 29 6 309
K. Smith. Omwha.108 455 80 140 25 16 Sft$
Lob-r. Lincoln. ...116 439 67 134 17 1 .30B
2r?.vwr' 43 82 13 " 2 2
KMlPher, Dnvr..ll5 4&G 86 139 31 13 ,86
Sullivan. Ft. Job.. 114 390 40 118 18 1 .303
Gregory, Lincoln.. 38 86 14 26 1 6 80
Cochran. Toppka.,105 387 fi7 117 17 25 'so1
tzs 10 37 3 1 .301
ForHyth", Omaha. .1 13 400 fiR n 26 10 298
Jourdan, St, Jos.. 90 336 39 100 12 9 20S
M 116 414 76 123 IS 1ft 9T
87 370 Kft 17 IT A 1AC
113 441 68 130 25 14 '.295
., ............ lva 11 Ol 1 1
MPtz, Stoux City.. 9S 3til 67 106 U 8 294
Kllduff. Omaha... 114 407 66 119 19 16 .292
Fox. Wichita 107 407 68 119 20 19 292
CarllalP, Lincoln. . .116 446 92 130 12 U .293
.1. Thompaon, Oma. 93 349 88 102 19 20 .292
Krug. Omaha 117 464 81 135 32 IR .291
Mlnan t H 111 inn ...
(ioodwln, TtpPka.,116 4S3 47 131 16 8 28
ih(l4i T. II! .IT n ... . ..
..t-h iii tut Q a .2fll
Marshall. Omaha.. SI 177 35 51 , 4 .288
Lejpunp, . C 89 336 57 96 11 7 .286
". Miller. Dnvpr. .109 458 71 131 24 .286
Brltton, Wl' htta. .11 4 432 K6 123 10 14 .285
Devore. Topeka 69 233 41 66 3 15 23
Callahan, S. C 78 330 44 9:i 9 10 282
.116 448 72 126 16 9 .281
,109 424 64 139 10
, 39 113 17 91 1
. 78 228 87 63 16
, 63 229 36
.18 4ft 3
. 98 321 34
. 3H 9J 12
88 308 3Z
114 377 ft.-.
Paubert, Brkln
Hornnby, St. L.
Wagner, Pitts.
Rnhrtnnn V V
T.. UrCirtv ii-bl' t- .... ,
Chase, C!n !l05 390 41 12j
vi haat, Brkln 107 4!i 49 127
A vie.
k n
O. VC. L. IP. PG. H. BB SO
Evavn Pitt..... 4 2 0 22 0.41 13 6 6
Alaxander. Phil 82 22 9 267 141 2 32 I2n
iheney, Brkln. 29 14 6 180 1.&9 1:3 aiid
IMarouarri HpIt -i s a , '
3 K'4 1.74 S4 30
i 0 3 .75 44 21 4"
143 1.90 97 38 tt
6 145 1.93 114 35 77
1 S4 J.a 75 24 52
9 145 1.9 K,4 39 71
.37 16 202 2 05 17 60 04
i 0 jb ;.n izs 4 s7
29 7 5 119 2.12 lis 2. 3
2 6 10 139 2.13 119 IS f,"
lZ 2.14 102 H 4,
Hunter, Dea M. . .
Hahn, Dps M....
Cole, Denver
Rrppn. Dps M . . . .
Engip, T"p-ka...
Rigsby, ra M. ..
Rapps, Wichita. .
Halia, Lincoln . . .
Claire-, Dps M . . .
Litechl, Wichita..
Lloyd. Dnver. . . .
r'roahv. S 0
M r"a ho
Bur, riniahn .
Aglr. Totiekn , . . ,
Schwpltzer. Top. .
. .top.
63 6
11 0
88 19
2fi 7
A4 1.
02 32 14 !271
fi4 233 25 i.J 5 8 .270 !
Tfl 25ft 27 67 12 4 .2 '
1"6 39 43 114 !S 21 .265 i
112 410 52 108 24 13 .263 :
J 19 4rJ7 61 122 17 17 .261 1
95 3 3;- 53 87 10 15 ,26ft
Marqijard. Brk24
Schupp. N. T. 19
Mil ap Olr 14
Cooper, Pitts. '. .28
Dell. Brkln!!
Vhr Do.
Rtsey. Phi!.!
Prffc u
Packard, Chi!!
I,vnfler, Chl..2 7 10 142 2 21 1 07 45 ii
Mamaux, Pitta. 13 18 S 231 2 S3 U6 ,
Ragan, Bo...U 6 5 111 2 :7 7 34 ,7
JfcSrie 'o-28 4 H6 i"7 3 '
..s,u...a. u, j)iB..ii t 62 2 42 44 "i
i.,.hn, (iM - 11 ll ii Hi ' 5,5 ' i'
" i.4J 172 44 SO
1 7 111 2.61 67 is 22
S 2 " 2 ii0 33 a pi
J 1J 15 123 48 42
! 24J 2. S3 215 K -,
H.VV;.. m.'.l'.i : .'. I" "I 39 62
andereon. N. T.29 f 10 12 ?S us -
Rurk.r, Brkln.. 1 0 2S 2 77 "5 i,
laoob., Pill.....;, s , , j4 J ;
;V,,,t,J?' T' '0 13 1,1 ' 3. on 202 45 ii
S.chlz. Cln 35 1 15 157 .1 10 I f "
Tetr-au. N. T..27 11 11 nJ. 7 ;j ,'
.. 7 121) 3 23 ,'
?onoP'ZKr' 1 1 11 ill 3.33 ill .',' ,
foomhs. Brk...t8 10 4 o.l'-s -2 ,! !j
Knl..n. N T. :s 10 n 3,4 ,, i'
McQuillan, Phil! 30
m. Brown, Cht.10
Kantlphnur, Pit. 28
Schneldsr. Cln.. 37
Tuler, Bon 21
4 .281
0 .277
4 .276
7 .275
0 .275
6 .274
1 .272
99 3.-.R
M 41
. 1 f
73 26 11
n 14 n
4 n
1 4.'ii .9 1'i
fc 277 29 Tl it
ThomDnon. On. a. 28 77 8 20 9
Lattlnmr. Lincoln. l ! 4 41 6" Ifta 1
Morni', 1 .incolii . .
T. Smith. Lln.'oin
JHi-kfi-ii. Wii-hl'.rt
H. WillUmf. r.ln .
Ka(. I.inoiilii . . .
Kwt.-U. 1".- M . . . Des M . .
K'lpntrtpr. u i-bita .
M'ClPllan-t. S J-.
Mufjtfr, Df s M , . .
Winning, Topca . .
Ai ''11. Ton.-ka. .
Wright, St. .If..o .
Wll'iaiti. Sr. .
Mourn, Tipka
Ktt'ppn. M.
Katlna. St. .If
7'oiniiiiTV Sf J"
Funer. !. .to".
!IHtgan, Tn M
15 .257
American League
.M Itift It'.
. . 3l 119
,.s.l04 3H5 4t
. . !4 3ft2 4-
. . 17 IT. i
. .ln.S .13ri 34
.lift 41'
!M t:
1 ?4l
-,L42 .
(1 j4ft i
2t 2 35
ft .2s:
: .-..'I
14 .23:1 ,
Cl-vlair! .
, Npw Vrk .
st. r,o.n, . .
Stpv.-n. iivr.
Kohr'-r, l.lii.'.-ln.
'ler'tnr, L!n'-"!n
Man-er. T'niT.
Thotna, '" M
Schar-lt. 1'
Mpts. S' U.- .
Ford. Dt.v'
Hakpr. D M
I'oylP. Top-k
Too;-. 1 mi jha
Mer. on'.tha
PattTsnn. St J.x
121 t:
hH 71 7 2!
A L T AH R I? r..
' - I 1179 ill iftf,
M I 4m.
5?. 3N77 477 .,
" l .'797 414 S.'K "4.
6.: '1 t :.s mZ
' 4 i'ltr, (.-, f,7n 4
5."- ; 4 3,5; -7,
H is 1 :--i:,
' Ll'H FfEI.OtN-fJ '
i- DI' TP Pfi pi ,. a r; fV.
-"i i; ? ? '
-" 1" "2:''. -s4
tt7 .. t, ir. ,3iU ,A.
'2-1 ;-u 22 :u nt i..-
- ' -1 : ' 'II ITIfl ;u
!'" 0 ;ft . 2M Mi; -h
P:i ",; ' t ?9 isai
1 'hicaBe
New Y..rk
St 1,r,U
Phils. Vln :
tNDIV tfir'Ai, IiATTrN
.1 WillUm-. Si .1 .
North, t ifiah;.
, Wl.-htta
Tppka .
2 it:
I .'67
0 1H0
II no
il 1 M
ft 1 5 5
1 154
1 1 17
0 . 1 4ft
Mull.'n V Y
;rtnr prt,
R'.'h. -v
St run k. Phii
Floianrf. Itrt
VtiWfnrrt, I J
StllT. S(
t:: .".is 5-;
l ' f 1 -9 m
rtTr-HIVt; HK 1
w r. ri-
thp.r hi.k agaln-t th K.. Omah. ml, Thv -cl-tved tf
rattond ' Plirtimeurh. , pip,- to th tanrt of nmt't'v
, 1 ui
RcaI Hard-Luck Titchsr.
hiini'li of kl.N 1
Hl.o-Tir mmt HutiHa
tt.n .if fh fo-irih
' t. 5 in favor ,.f
mi Mrt I
tfarrtfigf on.
... 04 .13
ir: '76 4t
fia. Ai Zi-gur f.-rtr.erlv nn
h.. I It.ri'h!,, t, n,vl rt'nhiDc
n 1 .an. Utrtp-i 1 I.- Siin.
' nn-
1 V:7 Ai-
11 1 K K
A F. R wii, hi 47 1,4 4 zr j . ,-
T. Pet ii1rtl. N Y J ft 13 I ; ,''.
f. 1 ftflrt n-rtifnan, . ht :h 1 ',:
f, j ,i,, H 1 ..V( l,rrt v. : 4 1 o m-
, LarnMth, ."av t , . , , ' ,A '
- tl"ll' ' : i:: i 19
9 ',niu")n' t'1 21 ; -i : -t
7 ' t tt !7 2 02 M- k
:, .'.,: s R'"-"ii. u r, n ,. , , (1 " ,
;-, K. N .'H l -M
' 1 - . r"l H..S -. : ;,-i .-, ,.. ( (.
1 Kir 1 hi i . s
r4'lf Plta
"rtp I jiif
lv :n ,
'A h''
a n'
t-ix nr-.tmr-v.
Mr Tvphndf
hn t'i
' a-
?maha Miny Umps Want
j Tournament Engagement
! (jftftfr t Urk' nuKt4l utr,
Jm rt kktrj ' rrr4mnt rn
HWr?ii rtut ..1 th ,f K.fb mn
g 4'l,Mi4'V4intn th
4J t4MHlU. 4t.ttt,i anj w ''! Iik
&f 14H'1 ' tvtjtfrr gm4 .
Why Wercn t Browm? FinH.
H h'.v K -rS I !.f-,-. p-
In'' t 4 h- fr "i j....p '1 -t 1 V- r -r
f 4t trv,-,4. u- 4 ' r-,,1 ! ,;-,
Ha'iH' X "m-fiff (,j fHr ri"'.'' ,
nimst-.l "Sr r -r ' ! im w
(m i r '(-! j.'if 1 M ' '
Ph ,i'4''t'v pt..'i.t 1 l it V-'uN-f
'h tii kf-t 'ip n 1 r'l h.-f1
4rit !'f 'ii'.. h,- ',-.)
i '1 ! h.l 1 t "-' s',,i. .-.vt... .!.( S .1 nt 4 ,.Ur
N . "tl 4i t-' "'V
lu:ty M r ' 4n t l'4 t nt
DPf 'H'hlM with
Vmt Muntv -.n-n.; -i i -tart
fh-o chrto i-.i-.i f,ir . n, M -r N-t ' ThHV
ay t'y ar 4tnv e 'r-m vs-ivipr th-
nnp a rP'Vtrtn nil- -n t M -'n-a. I ; Hia hi'dm is -i- 'f' (r. -,f ,, w-v
i r- 1 iTi
! William far. r-t -w W"h
s rir4 S-li. ' ,,. 1
ivi .1 ' "' ' "'' ' r- i t .
iPia. ' ",'"4 h' '"ni
T .hit 'ip i Kmlin ta' rtrt
ff,B ppn.lut'M-i ir4 tT, iiratvl tia tH
i "11 !nltr.a. hat Mr-in Pir.rt 'tf
i mnr mvi th? -tv., -.m Pr.-litr rh
, fru.-eit Ooi.rm many iitoonn f.M y
'irt , In 1 1" nn-" r.tml f . rrthya
'i' '""rr h(' t"i- , (sar tr,
--r. I jtn th .''rpi v,i foe ,, ..( .j a4m.U
'.i"iia' v nt - a -no inn R 111 . tiw
4oi.Tl.ort. 4'. !' ' M 1 m"hr
St a'iir,v- '. a '-.ti' nM - 1
fU"t ' TP -tstr H(MI H
Hll' f' -Ml-f 49 "Tt4' ' 4 it rt .
V 1
(ha tV r St
nHv i'Ipv
.r Mii h piii'
I'Uiln, W tilth
"hitrn ft,.
to M
1" 13
7 1.' 3 i
4 " J J "H
iih'a '
In 1
N- t t-'WI waft 4HM4 4"w -aufc Li. 4l iW 4b4M Mfi , al 4 s