THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 27. 191H, 3-D REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. ' NEW. WEST EARN AM DISTRICT. A new, (mm and stucco, resi dence., strictly modern and up-to-date and ready (or occupancy this wc-k. This homo has tile vestibule wllh font closet; large living room nnd dining room with beam ceilings; built-in book cases mid beautiful fireplace In living room, butter's p.iitrx. e-iuipped wl'h cupboard: Urge with up-to-date built in kitchen cabinet; rear entry with refrigerator room; rear porch. Sec ond floor has threw large bedroom with mirror doom, sun room, linen closet tile bath with excellent fix Mires Haicment ha laundry room with tubs, floor drain, lullet. fruit room Hnd the heel hut air furnace connected up with hot water boiler. Thin home la benutifully finished in oak and has senil-lndti eot lighting futures and artistic wall decora tions. Price (5.9&0. Located 6M. outh 40lh Si. NORRIS & NORR1S. 40ft Bee Bldg. fhon Douglas 4:70. ' WTM AM) CASS hi nf Cass St. on the east .t,i. nf -isth We want an offer on this 7- a a .! vn end no feel deep. urn ..II n .,vmentn of llt'' ash and Urt per month. Somebody will u bargain on thla lot: must bo sold I at on. OkEEFE REAL EST A I E l.O Doug. -)'' l01 Oniaha Nat KKMI-UCNCALOW, r.ihr.l lltrlct: ban 6 nice rooms fl down and 3 up; oak floors thnnKhou tt'H a tern; now beinit compiet Webster St.; look it over. ivriuht & lashi'iiy p. nz. Tt-r;-- W "..' nimleni home, 21 Dodge " SC ' Bargain. Leaving i-liy. A1",2"4 Hieknrv St.. new. modern G-room, $2.6u. Kasy terms. Will lake aulo aa pari Harney 5 h 4 o . Bk. Bldg. at 3 bOO ni, YD 11 -room house. with hoi water heat. f18 LINCOLN etrictly mortem Douglas 118. - NEW." strictly modernbungalow, cloao in terms. Owner. Tj ler Idii-Vx. " North. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. MAKE US A OFFER. On this f.-ronm rot t an.-, strictly niod ern. Hung room, dining room and kltch en on ftret floor, two bedrooms ami balh upstair.; good furnace . good location . Bond plumbing ; paved M reel t 'lit of town ownere price $:,MO0, Located 1" North 34th Street SCOTT & HILL CO, Pong ion?. Ground fir, McCague Bldg CLOSE IN HIM.Al.OWS. Want offer on those two beautiful butt d town, modern and up to Mate . beamed celling, paneled xvalK fireplace, bock. usep. buffet mid ehlna I'losett. bnlh front window fdiidb- water roeler; eveiv thtnit eomplete. n I money and will UTttlc the-- tninif III h ImrBalu " owner mid builder and ciu- noitraetor'e REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. one'' OtIS. profits a. n. tn.MPTKAh. 1 l.othrop St t'bone $100.00 ("ASH. $18.00 HCR MONTH. Buva you a dandy 5-room, story and a h.ilf house thnt Is only four years old l'uy Ibis plm-e on these easv piiMiienlM nfid yon will '' abb to sell out In a few veers for more than you p"1d for this house nod lot. Fontenelle Park, rentrnl Pnrk School, r lores nii'l ear are within one block of this houmv lo lodaj to 4717 No- 42nd St. If you want lo buy a home on (he eimy pnyment Plan. This placti is worth thfl price asked. CREKiH, SONS & COMPANY, COS Bee JUtlff. PouKlns 100 arid two larR' rlosets on second floor very be.,t of hot NORTH SIDE HOME At Iran thiin c..t. Han vri.llbul. larRe ILvlns roum. "nin room, kitchen, panlry and rrtrls-rator room on iho first door. hedroonn wttn large Pull bnemeiH. atT homing plant. First floor l finlshfil In gumwood. piano- finish. Was built but a short time ago for a homo, on a nouth front lot, 60x128 lih lartf f and ahado trooa. Paving all iul.l. "nlv 1,10,11 ,rom the !th atreet oar. The lot la worth 1,400, and the house could not be dupli cated for l.aa than S,0M. Iur price for immediate sale 1b IJ.SSn eaav terms. Don't delay. If you want aomelhlng good. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO. Tyler 18. 742 Omahl Nat. Bk Bldg. MlI.I.rR PARK ONLY FOl'R LF.VT. We a,1vertl-ed lat week elx hun-a-lowa tn Miller park, of which wo have four loft. All of thoBO bungalow, liavo the following features: Hulll-ln buffet. LmUrflii,, and colonnade opening, oak floors and oak nnlah throughout: puvod Mreet; full cement linseinelll : floorod at tic; new or nearly new. Prices range from 1.1. 201) to 14,20:: Most of lliee con he handled on ca'iy terms. PAYNE INVI-STMF.NT COMPANY. Omaha National 1'k. Hldg. Poug. 17l SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW JUST COMPLETED Lnren llvlnir room, dlnlnr room and iiit.-hi.ri on first floor: thr- lurne bed r,,nm nnrt hath uustalra; oak finish ami oak tb.ors throughout; hulll-in booki-as'-s and nuffot; full baaenient ; every IIiIiik coinpl-te and up-to-dat. Located u SOB Ntcholaa St.; tasy terms. SCOTT AND HILL CO., Doug. 1009. around Fl McCftKiTe Bldff. TWO ATTRACTIVE HOMES. Theec two homes can bo purchased upon very easy terms. No 1 Has f. rooms and bath mod ern except heat rooms are all large ...... tlu througrhoui u- nient walks larB lots, beinK filfxl-S well located in regarrl to M-tiuol. church .nd iransportatton. in0.wi MAKhfc Tlib. i,'ihst PAYMENT BALANCK LIKK RKNT, ONLV" 1 " PklCBD TO SELL AT $U6Q.'.0. LO r-A rhn i-4l AMU KVANR STUiiKT. . v -i'hi- house was built by the cwnr for a huinc, and la locad on Avenue two blocks aoulh ti Miller Park -a v.rv nouuiar reaideiulal district, lias ui p,-om und is fully modern. WK tiNLY HAVB UNTIL HiSPTKAiBKll 1HT TO DI8POEB OK THIS HoUPhl FOR THJC rVCi'TltNAL LOW' i'KIl'l-; OF IS,- tiUD. TLKM8 lJiiO.00 CASH, BAL ANCE fle.tfO PEU MONTH. VV. FARNAM SMITH & COMPANY 1.(20 Faniam St. Tel I)ou. 101 Lvcnini' 'phone Harney 2 a lit. CORNER LOT, EAST FRONT. Wo have Just Uken on our list on of ihe beat cousirucicd houeea we have Had ilia pinnHure of otlunng for naie tr aome lime, located at North iJlflt Ave. Six. rooms and sieei'injf porcn; ak florns tlirouuhuut. with oak finish down utans; ml the rooms are good size, with good, lare windows; good big ciuseis in ine bedi ooms ; full baKoiueni, with not air lurnace; juft two biotas north of Ames Ave. on- ami in a difirtet surround ed bv good homes. H v ai e uuoiing a price oi s.i, .' and can arrange i-asoo.'iiHe te. ims. miu mui-'t ihis propfriy at once. JIIATT COMTAXY, Pnrmrl-- H in 1 1 - Fa I r ilel d Co. "i'-l-A utimi.a Nmli iK. Hi'lg. Tyler 60. A GOOD BUY 6-kOOM MODERN HOUSE. jjOOi) $J00 CASH ThlK is your oppm tunlty ; located onfi-1-air biock north of Luke n 2Mb Ave; u- have a Rood f-room house, mutlern m every I'uvtjct, t-uni 'inly a few eais. that we are oi.eriiiK for lens ihnn H-e ,.IS, ot the house this lot is ainall. but have Hi ft-ei Adjoining that w; cun kpI tor lajf. who n win mane a lino prupoaltloii; will eeii the loi separately: ttiis is a a.iitp aod wont last many das; t'li'.e. M75.1H) BUYS HOUSES. RENTAL, $1.' PER MO. We sre instructed 1.. close nut ones two small houses m M 7-1 1 Martha st rett Metier see this property t".iaj nod rail our office Monday, as this in i"ur to sell. TUF. RYROX KKKD CO., Douglas :7 112 So 1 7th St ni-.l.D (. DISTRIC'l, oxk of thk iu:sr, $10,500. Built "f brick nnd nttfeo and located on a fine fust front en-tier Ut Tht h"ine 1- nt-Hollilel 10. il belli tnlde eio t.ut lairitc niriiine hall. bi living room lfisl'tt, dinhtg room snd vonvenii in kitchen on the (HM floor. " large be.1 loonis. d rest. I n k room, tile bath room slid peeping porch ir. wecnn.i floor. Mal.l i room :.nd compleie bath on the lMr.1 floor. l.nrtLe f ont per.-ln-s nn i seret-ncl porch rf (he illniiiit room Th houso Is finished In the erv fines of .iiiiiM-r onk with onk fl.ur iitlT find tiown. The iirntunenient of the rooms l unuii.illv sltrnetMe. PlunibliiK and llht In fixture in.' IV.- bent m-'tl'y - nil buy Flist class hoi watt r 1 ting plant Pp-to-iUto Ktii.iKi- to 111- bast llient V. r.r.Is f til lo d. r rili (l is beautiful home t'nll us up ndy nnd we will make nn appolntniriit to -how you through. It en n't fall to plense yell. A N M ST K O X ( I - V A LS 1 1 CO., Tyler 1Mi Hose Hldn , llh and Farnam RANCH BARGAIN. Through a tniNt agreement w own nnd wish to sell a highly Im proved U.niHi-urre lanch In west -ern Nebr.ifkti . .'.f.Oe n res Irrigated. 1,00(1 iu-i-ph of this In alfalfa. On Lincoln highway, five miles from enod town; finest ranch hetwetm Iieiiver and Omaha. Price f22f.0fl, nr only a little more than unim proved, untrrlKAtoit western laud la selllnt,' for. Wo can give good tenuf- You pay no romnilHslona This 1 a Knap for a man big enough to swing I'. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY. Kremtmt, Neb KtAL ESTATE IMPROVED MiKcellrneous. C( K NEK LOT. "-M00. tiful -diade and hbrub be i l 111. ht'U.-i Hout 1 mid east li prettiest flmei ill tb eleanth lli,l:-bi-l . 1 ' h hob- lot I i-io lr. 1. be.Ue. phim o( Uv- mil b.-l.Ul.tul law pHVed Slf ! M lib I'.l ll.iked to K-'t J l.lo'". I d b,l 11 I" 1 1 1 A 1 I Hi, L't',-; 'i Oniab.i Nat I'.ioK Tyb t r.KAUTIFUL lU'NC.ALoW. $.,.M0. h ro.itiii. strlclty in.' v Iractive, good lan. shade, c-io.-iii ilk--. '1 I REAL ESTATE Suburban Dundee. DUNDEE YCAT HAlUrAINS Two full lotn oi. the northcH r-bttf REAL ESTATE bo HOUHKS WANTDII WB IIAVK Hl'YKllS FOIt IIOMi: WORTH Till-: M O N K Y IN ALL I tF THK CITY LIST YOfti I'llOl'Lli TYWM'1I CH KOH HKHl'LTrt Ni:iL HEAL l.tlAli. .v i llrsndels Tbei..r Hid T KOOM fl il, 111 fine million . "I'b , ,!,,!,, ; m, Koi..l lot anon m if'tb. II1.IMHI, l'hi'in l'Oimnii REAL ESTATEUnimproved KOUNTZE PLACE HOME. T-ocated on a brnutlfut corner, one block from the ear line. This is a well built, conveniently arranged a-ntory house, with eight irood -sized rooms and a large sle.p tng porch; selected oak finish and floore first floor; hot water heat; tlno lot. with Inrne shade tre-n: paved atreeta; largo barn or garage. This place ran be bought for $5,600, though It's worth much more. GEORGE AND COMPANY, 902 City National Banlt Bldg. rouglan 7&' $10.00 CASH Mnkea the down paymrnt on a splendid home alto, located 27th and Wirt Streets; balance $6.00 per month. Trice $500.00. OR Win budd for you if you can psy $200. no cash inll ni office and ree rdaff. W. FAR NAM SMITH & COMPANY 1,120 Farnam St. i M. l"'"g TODAY'S SPECIAL," A nlftv new Imncalow of 6 rooms nnd hath, onif finish, with oak floors, modern tn every way. full basement, furnace, flna nouth front, 1 4 blocks from Sherman Ave. car; a little north of Kountze park I'rtce, I2.9&0; about $:rn cash, monthly. CLOSE IN. NEW BUNGALOW. AMONG NEW HOMKS. I.nri:.' llvlnir room, dining room, kitrhen na D r n on first floor; three larg hedrooinw nnd biith n second floor; oak flnlb aiol oak floors; built-in bookcases and Llltfet, beam c-IIIng; French dnors between dining moin nnd sun room; easl front tot, on paved slieet, located 652 H" :i2d Ave. Trice, $fi.2n; easy toruis. SCOTT & HILL CO., Doug. n. Ornund Fir,. Hrami JUrtg 1IANSCOM PARK HI N't 'A LOW. Kind itniA advertieeil. f-room. strictly ,i, h.,t,imiiiw. i block south of Hans com nnrk on S2d St.; oak finish and oak floors throughout; has built-in hookcase colonnade openings and buffet, beam eel ings; paved ntre and pnved alley; nb -ffo This i the areatest Hacrltli that has ever hc-n nffeied In the way of a tirsl-rlasa bungalow. Hie. ua at once, INVESTMENT COMPANY. Hldg, Poug. 1711 TAYNB Omaha National Tk. RASP liROS.. 106 MeCngiie Bldg. Houg. 1A53. BEAUTIFUL KOUXTZE PLACE HOME. Mont beautiful homo In Kountze Place for smaller house or small farm; houso 4 years oh! and in fine repair; beamed ceil ings; paneled wall, fireplace, bookcaaes, buffet and china closei. Haa nine room and btllard room, hot water heat, corner lot. 74x124, facing south. Will give somebody a good trade. A. H..OLMSTKAP. 1924 Lothrop St. Thona Webster 33 2 n. HOME BARGAIN. Owner offera home !n Hemis Park dis trict. A snap. Best of workmanship and material throughout; south front. F.0xl52. Ideally located, one-third block from Har ney line ; eight rooms, do w nut airs white oak ; upstairs mapl" and birch ; floored attic; tUrtctly modern; llrst-tlafs condi tion; barn nnd txarden. l.ok this over before you buv; 4,N0fi, which is less than house coat. 331') Seward St. Tel. Har ney 294S. iTo'o"7rASl-i. 'llKM TEH ' SAO..' will buy a dandy 6-r. cnttape. not new, but In good repair, fully modern eg. heat, lot 40x! feet, or. 's block to car, close t. o-hool and about 12 minutes ride to town. Price of house cut to $1,900, worth I2.40H, hut must be sold. Be sure and let ua show you this bargain. RASP KROP Poug. lfif'3 $ l'00CASHr B A LAN C E TO SUIT. Excellent five-room cottage, with bath modern eicept beat; newly decorated; tr. rood repair, large sightly lot; at a bar in 12.000.00: $100 caah. halance to auk mirehttser. 3335 ypaulding St. Colfax 32fif.. belter eef una P" HI ATT COMPANY. 245-7-9 Omaha Nat 1. Bk, Tyler CO. $z50 CA&H, 29.5U PEK AioNTH. Will uuv a ciaaay ih.i-.'ow o 6-r. and bath, simtly modern, iwn front rooms fitn-ned ir. hlKh-grade oait. with aolid oak fioorn throushout the bouae. ii.riud iig i ho kitchen uuor; dining room ban wlm'.uw 8.,-at. Piaie lull and panel wa..a bullt-l'n cupboards iii itu Kitchen; two large b-d. ooiim. opening oft" a hall which leads to hath room. High-grade lighting tlxiuiea. nuaianietd piumulng fixturea. Housu to bt) decorated. It fold ;tt once, buyer can select own decora tions Full cemmt busvirunt. furnace h'-ut. laundry connect hum ; I'lne easi from lot, only I '-j bike to cur, located in Wearne Park Addition. I'rkc for tbi week, $3,100, would lotialdcr pood lot a.i pari i aymei.t. RASP BROS., 106 McCagU" Hidn. Poug. K.S" FOR SALE BY OWNER. Homo on Prttlost Mile near park en trance; 7 rooms; floored attic; nrepiaoe with bookcases, buffet, Hoosler cabinet, all choice oak; tile bath. Located 6231 Flmynne Wvdoifax 021. Trms, NEW BUNGALOW. Five rooms, atrictlv modern, full hast inenl. lurnace heat, oak finish and oak ftoora. nicely papered and latest lighting flxturea Located 3P23 North 21ln 8t Pi Ice $ -t. lflw Teims. NORRIS & NORRIS. 400 Bee Hldg. Phone Douglas 4270 kv HOME FOR NEW AUTO. Hi and new bungalow of ft rooma and bath nearly all finished In clear and ouarlcred hiiwd oak. etrictly modern and m,. i, -datM. choice corner lot, neat ace Trice, $3.9&0; worth considerably more; will take good aulo or )ol part payment. 106 McCaguo Bld 801 Pii.e St., 7 rma., mod. 1315 So. nth St.. 7 rmi mod. 1916 Bo. 2th St.. 100 lot, $1,600. IJSHKA & Ml'SlL, U. 667. WAl.KINO PI9TANCE Near L'tn ami Leavenworth, motif rn e-rootn noure. una finish, 'low nstatra. Call owner. Tyler 2101 HIX-ROUM house for sale by owner. One block from car. Bee. Poug. 1663. od terms. Box 6328, Miscellaneous. HOMES ON EASY TERMS. BUILT AT COST. Wo will furnish the lot and the money with which to build your house and let you repay us at your convenience. You may uee your own rontractor and tirivo the houso built Just like you want It ami we pay the LI I Ik. .Sen us about thts extraordinary plan whore the ma n w ho f u rnishes t ho money does not make the profit. A. P. TUKEY & SON, BUY THIS PLACE t leasi fwnd nink wauls to hell ,rtce of till: moiiorn hout. $500; the owner and has cut ih- dandy 6 -room, all thin house was built four years ago and Is in good con dition, but a coal of (alnt would add novttral hundred dolla.s to the value; school, stores and car lino are near; th.t yard Is In fine condi tion and a hedKC along the side walk line; if you want to see a house that Is worth the price, go today to 4MB N. 3lit Aveuuo; re member that this is a bargain buy. CRELGH, SONS & COMPANY, 08 Bee Building. Douglas 209. SKVEN-RO M. modern bungalow, concrete Rarage for two cars, near Vinton school, ti I'lve-rooni .-oltiiK.', gas trie liirht. block t '-ai and Miller park ,. hool. 11.460. Must Jell Make offor to owner. IHMiiH 122 i:"0 OOWN balJin. '- kiiiip an r-nt, buys n- w .drlutly )ridern lonmn bnv elope lo '-M nrt uehonl. One block fl'Oiih .Miller Park Cull owner. Colfax HIL and lei me show oU till- fina home. TUB HKST OFFRR WILL TAKK THIS. LEAVING THK CITY. Seven-room, homelike residence In Kountze Place Cart be, had at much h'dow Its value. Furniture included If desired. Wehstrr 6950. POH SALE 7-room new modern bungalow; oak finish; extra well built; corner lot. 6013.".; on block from Peaf Institute car line; $3,00it. fail owner, 433t, B"d ford Ave OWNKR sell i front, fuil lot. worth $3.3"o; room lU'wieru h.'Ui Sfiaa N. 23d. Price. Jl.fifo' mortgagH, east $2.ti6i I'nlfd SlX-Hf.KiM modern house, large south fr.-nt lot, nood barn, fruit treea ami snruimery, 3 blocks to car and f"ur to f ehool ; smalt payment down nnd balance Mkc rent. 3424 Boyd street. SIX-ROOM house for sale by owner. 1 block from car flood terms. Boi 6327, koVntzf. ti.aci-: detice for reotrlct..! district rsl- V Knbn. 3616 X. ivth. l'ip S '.LB 6Uxl2, two cottages, at j16 Patrick Ave.; leaving city, will fell h- nv ow N Kh on obsv terms 6 rooms, all modern. !i724 N. 2Mh Kt Pouglas 664. ALM 'ST new, modern 5-r.nmi house. $2,100. $300 down and balance $27.50 per month Colfax 4029. 3S73ILirmati Ave. 1625 LAlHP ST., new, strictly modern bun alow. $30. Rasp Bros., Douglas 1(163. ai'vi'v. ROOM modern house, $1,800. Beo owner. 2H14 North 26thKt: South. iji-ir-rtinn. fi-room uluceo, just finished l blocks east of Hnnscr.m Park, in best nelRhborhood, on corner lot ; If you it v,.u will admit that It is one of finest Place you ever saw; can b- had on verv essy termt-. same ns rent. -72J Woolworlll. Call ci enlnpn T 7-ROOM house, modem except heat ; nient walks and Knrns; g.od lot. rlimp at $2,300, 4744 S. Ulh St. Douglas :Mt fine $32 eseh.. part cash V I II ST TUt'ST e l.ttb Ht i'M PAW. I'.otn M AC V . U24 West. ("HOICK EAST FRONT LOT, 51ST AYE. AND FARNAM ST. till top of ridge, iiff n x i Imn . di.-t.-h : . rot th- ' trect -a-l If. 'in tb- rtbur Conley bon.e rill. iciiil.t'd dl irl.l and la only Hi. ek ti. .tn Ho .ar llio- itily uii. hoti-.- cm be hnlh on lb. Iwo bit--. Not iironher bieiilb.U ot e.lml le In Dundee will compare with M f.'V Ml.' l.J S..iitb''l ..rn.-r ..f Mil and '!' i.mhIh, T.'.x'l." I of h round 'l't-1 riot, i, .t. t.-p "f ih. bill 'nl nn. hi... Ii from t h. . ii i Iho i inenl Mull,-, no.) p.vum i.u b..lh -ld--: and impiM m. -nc. f.r lo full Th!. h ..i. opporumio t.. it.-i . I,---. I,. I Ii line .1(1.1 . I I'-' Ill ..n ..f tb- I ln I ... lrb-1- In loo ! K MST K )"( . I.MI to. Ti b- oi r, IImR.iI ulll.V modem bibk and niuc-i' loone In Pniid .-. IHInu room, dltdnit iomih i.n.l It II. hen imtalis. lln-.' bedteon,.. ami nler.iim- (ior. h 11 1 n 1 1 w . bnlli tn buf fel. I k.naen, flrepiae.'. Oe . ..nk ftooit 1 br .oi); hollt . oak Woodwork deunnta It rt Millie i-niini.'l and mahmiiias uiistulis l-. i siile h owner, who built It for a borne 'all Walnoil 141. H-OMi'lttil h ,. lain.. GEORGE AND OiMI'WY, p2 City Natbmal Hank 10.1b PoiikIiis .1'' ADJOINING l.OCKWiOD $550.1)0 burgnln . only or.. .' We have let. 6oict;tO (1. "! I.eavonworth St., " you know what I1 this vicinity ? y..u money buying now nin'l help bi HI ATT CO. Mi.-" -9 Omah tr for Nat 1 Mnnii in Id-' foi lllte III." liiK 'dty LOT. 40x130. tenella addlH dence Crtlfan I2l Wolp:i II l0.l'l . ar Hue In F nation foi ie North. T)VNKR WANTS Ol l-KK on t;t',xi:ui f.-et, bai .ih and barai;e, io. i'-.-v . i fortila SI, s. o .N'onixjris'.. -;:2 eviiie nio. -a. FOR SALE. dandy vacant lota. block to cat line; cut to $1."0I) 'aab for quick sate- CALKINS & CO.. Douglas 1311 City Natl. Bank Bldg " TO ""BVll.DK ID 77X136 ft on N. 3IH Hi . roar Laurel Ave. Paved, sewer and W"'" A ftatn for some builder W.-L 2792. FKW FINK BrtLPIN'O LOTS left In Druid Hill. $2-00 down, boc per wt-vk. Douglas ami 60TH AND Burdette. con nut 2 r, 1 3. or 42d and nn .'r lot. Cuil Wl ntlton Htti South. FIELD CLUB BARGAIN. Clear lot on Woolworth, m-ar cheap If sold by Sept. lsi. STEWART. 216 H. 17th SI pur "V'l.fiHR TO TR ACK AO Ranrrnft and 20th. ellh.T und-r or levl with viaduct; oth abuttlnj; lington H. U.. $6T. to $l.'ioo. IlKoROF. O. WALLACK, M4K Miscellaneous diii" n-ar V.l t with tttep I oi: i ..i ll. lalK- U v lOK i.'ooi. h.-t iter b- it t nitwit, .1 In bald wood- K.'iir .bum be.- oil Heioiid and "lie el. Ibi d flool I'--' .,ul, k ' i;. r.ia i: Il Ib'nner. .:: It.illli;.. llldK , I Mil :ll .1 ltil ll"V. Hot tM Ini'iiH.ib.w In Dundee, all t .t mib- tn nwn.r, $.7I0. brand n.-xv; $Jb .oil, '''''J jth' Ro 'J5'. H-e Flotence. ri.oRioN-!.: noci.KVAitP. 6-room and bath, tdiletly modern bur. mib.H. located ..ri Flotence Blvd. with oak nnrh and ak finlr-b I hroiighoiii . full i 'ii.c lit biiaeitienl and b-al. hi." lot Can bo handled on rean..m.tb terms I'AYN'K INVKMTMKNT COMPANY. imuha National Ilk. llhltt I '"ie 17 I ONE ACRE, $f5V :t hli h to .nr line nnd p d tit reel d, man) in l-'bir-tice. btwli, e!.-ntty r. I en ll'lllleH 11.", ' llV HASTINUS A KYDKN, 11114 Harney St South Side. SOUTH OMAHA STOCKMAN Watch vour chance; k larit" ro.oti facttiK t on 24 th bet e.-n I eer Park Phil , nn. I A St.. Oil fl front on I'Oh and I r.a fl on etreet, runnliiK wnst ; irood alb y in rear itei-eptlon hull, purb.r. Ilv ItiK r..oui and lilt-lien with large imntry on first Moor, and four large bed rootui xv II hi closet to ea-h room, alio hnMi rt.oio .n nee.iiil floor, two stit 1 1 wn ) a. on- lead 1 ii K front tho hall and the other fro the kltch.'li in ihe sernnd Hour; Iho flnb Is excellent. Basement, laundry Imt nti'1 cold wnler and Intern, rlecirl motor for washing. Cellar, furnace room furmiee with oil burner Hum nnd an-, plenty of frull. shrubs and nhad this Im a swell pln for the money; tl hulldiims alone are worth what w ai f..r the entire place. $ri.6iiu will tako ull and on verj ca.ty terms c n Si-hi'ich'T. flMii Ho iuh Thone Tyler 906 REAL ESTATE Homes m Minne Lusa Can you think of anything better than owning a HOME in a NEW, highly develop ed, restricted residence district, where every modern improvement is being installed where there will be no stores, no "flats," no saloons, no "undesirables" where every neighbor is a home owner where you can have a car and ride to the business district over the finest road in Nebraska, or ride on one of the best equipped car lines in the country where you are only a step from the prettiest park in the city, with public golf course, tennis courts and base ball diamond Such is MINNE LUSA, and there you can buy a home all ready to move into, built by the OWNER, who has years of experi ence, built as good as a house can be built, and on account of the PRESENT low prices of the lots, you can buy a five, six or seven room house, modern in every appointment, from $3,300 to $5,000 ON EASY TERMS. We want to fill this addition with HOME OWNERS, and are making big in ducements. We shall be glad to explain and show you those beautiful homes. OP PORTUNITY is knocking ai your door. IChas.W.Martin&Co. Tyler 187. 742 Omaha Nat'l. Bank Bldg. SACKIFHT. SALE. 1 IHH SES, 2.1 D AND H Non-i-eHldent owner must dl.poso of hU properly at above locatbm on or before October 1. lSlb. one nU-room house mid one Be veil -r.iom house, huth complete, modern In every respect Bot h houses were built at a comparatively recent dole We ar- of the opinion thai they tan be bough! for $1.600 00 less than U v.uld cost (o duplicate the hounffl alone. THE BY RON REED CO.. iv.uglus :,87 ..8.,"R"-..i:l.'1 st:. SOt "HI OMAHA ACRES. Ch'.l'-e ihr GOOD lot tor $7-00 f good tors fir $76 00 each. to a 'ar Una. $1 down and 60e per week Box jiO.'ifi. Omaha lie" REAL ESTATE Suburban Benson. 30.00 ATTACHKD 410 No. 14th. lo rms . all mod Kood rooming nous- 710-12 No it lid. 7 nns. . lose In, each. 6T2 So 26th Ave, 6 rms, bII mod 716 N. 20th. R rms.. all. mod , rlose in 33.00 616 So anth, fi rms., :i'l mod., good neighborhood $0.00 1009-11 No. 21 t h. 7 rms. each, all mod., bargain at lS.efl FLATS. 911 No 24th. 3d Fl., modern ex cept heat. 7 rms., reduced to,, ifi.flo 712 No 23d. 6 rms,, all mod. St. Louis flat Will make necessary decoration- for good tenant A P TP K BY ft RO 1f,07-1 W. O, W Bldg. P'oiglas 6fi2. SUBURBAN HOME. BRICK IMPROVEMENTS. $10,0(10. Located on three acres of beautiful ly ing ground in Benson Acre.1, and only about one mile from the end of the car line, we have one of the inod attractive suburban homes anywhere within a radiii" of 10 miles of Omaha The houte I less than one year old. Big living room with artistic fireplace, dining mom. nnd kitchen on the first floor. Three good sized bedrooms, tewing room and bath on the second floor and two rooms fin !sh"d In the attic, Larue H'Teened porch off Ihe dining room. Oarage in the bane me nt ot th" house Absolulel:- modern in every particular wtth oak woodwork and oak f.onrs tn vry room in the h.oihe Fleet rlc lights, whit fr-nn n pree.-ure tank with autnmnlb- motor and sepTb tank. Practtcsltv all of the ground Is In alfalfa. Ther are two fin.- ( hlck.-n houses and a number of chb-k'-n run". Owners are moving to California .md wl-b to sell out this fall ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO.. Sole. Agcnl-.. Ty'er lsnfi. Hose Bldg., 1 fit h and Farnam LYNNWOOD Go out to Lynnwf od today and se th beautiful tuts we are selling from $4ii0 to $t.Uli. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Phons Doug t'2 1507-S W O W Bldx HiAKi U! CK lloMf. I Hfc.NaitN BUT THIS LT! $10 00 down and $l oti per Tionfh. price $860IjO i. BOllS. located on' 8t,. Between Clark and Horn ham. cut far from school and i-sr Una Geo U W rlEhr Be of 'Ice I irnaha A FINK five-acre tra t highly Impro' "l close to Country club Can a- i g I residence as pari payment TOLA N I) & Till M HILL D. 6707. 4" H'-e HI Ik A BI-'.NKON BAHtlAlN -U rMir.i eetlage. floe condition, east lnmi, two bbo-ks fimti .t lot 60x121; bearing fruH l,"axlt,g - Hy Mllflt sell Call 2414 N fifih A v. 1 k tt over. Make orT-r ' all Benson "29 " Bellevue. FoRrLFln Bellevue. 8 lots. . ro.-m house. ',ood burn, ' hi' ken house, vi-i! and cistern; fruit and shade Ireen Tbre. blocks from car Iwi". on- fr -m p-ib,b school and four fr-.m colb-ge Price $; r.oo; part cash, baiam mumii niy pax of fniii. $.!.ti)U. e-ncre trnct. heat, etectrb lo achool. f Hou"e, 7 lights. Lot', bargain a' lit A H AM. BLK BLDtL 6-ROOM residence. Pouth Hid" ash. balance 11 per monir Miscellaneous. $1.00; 160 !oiig, QJib $100.00 CAMI-$15.00 TER MONTH W- have mst what you ar looking for n -hb-ken ranch, completa. ayulp p.-d ub ( A new four-roomed houss, with large llviiiK room, iwo bedrooms and a I0 14 kitchen. 6xlu r-ar porch; ejectri' Mithied: has brush brnrifl lighting f turcs; two large lots; chicken yard i tin f,-,.t fenced xvlth 1-foot WOVn WIT' Ih rire chicken house and coal shell ; all outbuild trig" re -hlngte-roofed and of flrt-t-elHss construct!' n; plenty or water; extra gruii'nt, well adapted to gardening i inly tli ree blocks from car. Trice $1. ;f0. '''. Two lioueea ready for 'nspeetlon others under construction. Take. Benson car. c.'t off N K i-orrer Country eluh. 'Hi account of warm wather nil cars will be nr' by h utomoblb' fri-ni 2 o'clock to f, o'clock t'ob.y. Salesmen at tiousw t show you through W. FARNAM SMITH & COMPANY 1,120 Furnam St. Tel. Doug, Dj64 Lvcntngs Tel, Harney 2664. CHOICE APARTMENT HOUSI- SITE. IN DUNDEE. nr.nlJl ft, corner lot, with norlh an eaet frontage, tn car line; pnved streets, convenient to stores and public Improve ments. This Is by far the cheapest buy eiiltahle for this purpose on th. Llncolr. Highway Prlco and terms on application Do imt fall to Investigate if you aro look lr k f"r a rnoney-nikker. GEORGE AND IOMPANV. 'jZ 'l'.y Nattoni'l Bank Bldg DouiMhh 7iib REAL ESTATE Exchange UAN'lhb- To lir.(. d-;r.. lr pruirtba In Oraml IsUnd. i-'tkh Isnde all .-lest tt.-ll s.ciitM.i r.,.t ii uge and cash, tor a good Orb l i.-j,l-ness I'lop.T'y In grow ..ig ...mj vxeil es tabllshed cttv in NebfiiPka V S I, mid am! Loin Cooibm.y. Hor 4 fJiaed l.l.i'i-l Nlh OOi H fur no . well imnrox . d. i'-cated. priced right. g....d terms In l.voo 11.t,ty. .MtnrieH.t'a. ami vblnlt. -0 i-iil-a ft-i:-. the l.-WH Mi..- In the last com ul (.ml nlfalla section of the mate iUo full, j.artlciilMiri In your first letter h t- -vim' 1 you havu and what you waul. LLKWELLVN & Mi J.N, .M.tftrbat!, Ly-,n Coil":-. Mirn ' 1'i-A ci.KAIt, imp. t. .el, rul-tr.g mid f.ivin- ( lug land. In Blaine .-...intv. 12 ml leu Dun iiliiB, Hr-wlr. and " 1'ur'loin. l,i.'H young lr. ! "d h.nie, she. I, !nrn, t' li I Wa Impi .1. filial). fa r m ; Humphrey $11, Xiii ; (General i bain to Btitu goed to flrit It-tier ou b 610 M.fHffue Bldg $!,0t- AN el-l-rly lady wants L. ,-elutnl" her clear 1 'O-aurn farming land Tor a home in Omaha; will assume from fl.fiaO to $2,r.oo, Land In Kevu-I'ahn county. Nebraska. Will stand clone InvtO Iga t Ion ; deep, black, tertll- soli; ri Improvement1 '. .1 i ansn. M M.-Cague Bldg FOR k. II AN'tllC La (n.nde (,. ' :i4 acr- full-bt arlng cherry, apple or'hnnl. Crop, 23.0l.ol bones, $Di.oH0, Michigan acre stock, fruit, grain submit. Joseph W Delivery.. Chbago. FOR 320-acr, So. Minn. farm. 30o-acre ' Dallas Mtunly, l-wa farm Hon." city ( property . equity In all. $li6,2,oi. Want , land In one body. Must t good A. M Thornburg. Perry, la. I FINANCIAL rfverMe. offer my Oitark moiin- : tain peuch fhrin, crop .lust harvested. ! to net $1,000, for good ninaha residence. J vacant .,r income worth Iti.O'.O. Hu . 6ib4. Be- 1 FINK Brown county, Nebraska, ranrh to trada for good lumber yard or hardware, i or both combined; fine water, grass and hay; eitru good improvements, well sleeked with cattle, homes and machinery, i Address1 V -660. Bee. ' : 1 1 i t HKK Want Ad- (I A IN KD 19.W MRB reT.TP . . PAID ADM than any ether .in aba n-wi . ( Rfc, AL fc5 lA I t.---lnvetmeilM paper galnsd In fh-t seven niot.ihs lltt. . . . (.tooit rsttulls ar less coct Is the r-asidi why FlitST CLASH eastern Nebraska larm tor first morlgng g"-.d tt.eomo pr..poy Four Real Bargains A five-room in Ben son, $1,900. A five-room, in south part, modem, $2,950. A brand new 5-room, southwest part, all mod ern, $3,150. A nine-room, modern west part, for $3,500. reasonable payments. BENSON & CARMICHAEL 642 Paxton Block Phone D. 1722. "'all or sddrer-s 61. W-HingKn Inn irk resbisitci or suburban I'hoi Nit Off I'"' ho i MUST BE SOLD. 7-room dwelling, nearly new. strictly modern, oak finish, full lot. fruit, chicken house; all in flno condition Price redutcd to $3,45. S. P-Agent HOST1CK A SON, i. Be Bldg 6-it'MiM bvn;alow ( akflcors throughout, naat "In. nil In living and din ing rooms, Urn '-, llifht, whit eilHine!' iK'lr - .'i'ie , g, iti.1 lo.-i. tlon : rv r. 'd udillt'en A loirr.i' . at Dundee DUNDEE BARGAINS. $S,2f.".0 - )". r- Hollow. 7 r aio oak snd enanol finiwb large lot well kept lav and shrubbcrv Thin If $f, Mm fie An ami rooms ; also loping p ere in Hapr: sleeping pon-h. h.. w..t-r beat , i with fruit lies in ideal l,'iii!i.r, lUe home .-f ' rch and a br'-al. oak :-i. I I l'asi room ; water heat . nb located on I 'aver. p..; t SI . and 61st Sit- $6,600 an This W " dsi rooms; etrictly m"lern . fl nn CapHol Ave . between Hts 'I'll" owner h.i red' and it In now rock bottom properllel i . name) finish , b. I fii ACRKAUE .UiHl listed, 17 acres Junt went of Falr n. rep. nbe iHjing land, Ownt-r Iri" ! eld, d put thia ttn th market for days ' H Interested nee ua ilI fence CAY N K I N " K S T M K N T COMPANY. ('iii:.lia National Bk. Bldg. Dou KM M HI'KBAN H" MK BAR i A I N". A diijfii fine lot- -garden. tr-e :hrubb.ry Hour", e'ghi rooms, cb $3,000 Fgl'ITY ti. Ib'i'Hi to esihangn for city property. Harney t47t. 2,000 BtjlHTY In two faiidly modern bouse, to for lots. i.efeage or land. TEMIM.LTMN. 3(l l,1,1fj 1 j.r niori, r-stdi-to t . pavtng paid; wsnl b-r mod bungalow as first pajm-nt: bal ance e?sy terms. Morgan. iKiUg, 417V FOR KXCH NO I - N-w bri'-k "tor. I-o weat-rn land Cef;t nwn"i. REAL ESTATE Investments A REAL INVESTMENT. We have a desirabl piece of cli.f-e-in incomo property, paying . -r 12 per cent groa on $20,000 Thl-. price will take, it If sold thlf. ... k. Can make terms attractive. I'. D. WEAD, 'ii,.rA .ui KMlias Bldg. -ri4 nity property, largs raachM peelnr IIAKNI-'-i SI 1 !'. .UMi. REAL ESTATE B'new Pr'ty "ti SAl.i. .'tia.Ji. taas ttirs atrl, near n-w Cord building, splendid maott- I tat firing s'ts. Addrnaa. B-4U. 9, REAL ESTATE Other Citiei I j li 'MTLA N 1 1 r. m b-ncu for Nebraska prop . crty Hilton ll While, Columbus, AeD. iii HAM, HKK BI.I'i; ll SAI.K I Hrar.dels Bldg I 7 ro.iin hi-ust. , do" ni'alt -. n ( Kith and FM Soi'h 211; ttmaha, $D'" r,i ha'ig", A rch. r ,KMSTi((iNr, ; ! CO.. tl.,.. It'-ltr . 1'.' Ii " ' '" INVKSTMI-N'I SI'KA I I.A1 U IN REAL ESTATE WANTED VANTKD 4 6 and -ro' nvd houaes th I ;an te' Hold f.r fie.i .asc, baianca $1 per month give eomplr'.a description An I tetter. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO 13:o Firnain Ft Tel Doug. 1$ j H'l. ; .-ci.i', handiing property for out-of. I 'i.'l.: . K & NFLsON. Omaha, Nsb. IA Vi' i for u na;l bouses and lota Ll aJ.-i. Ue. Wrli- HiUSKS T ORENT. oinaha Nat. Hk. Doug. 24S(I ieW ilr.iwnill Ha! Mei'ague Hldg. REAL ESTATE Exchange! TR I' TI.Y (o-d-n. I"t K'l I fe. frmle f..r west- Kdutty, li;,"Oft. k n -1 r -,lb rlien Uh i ..n snut h et ,. v n je. I n c i n . 1 1 1 1xi;0. n.iw r-n Choice 1 ..atbo.. ,- r l.ih brick . r $il ,i1h b: RIOIIT. BPILT uion r HIOHT U you vxant a go, don I fall to call me up n-ul for an appointment t. si c thet.. C. A. GRIMM EL, HP tun Nat. H'.t Bldg. 1' LOCATI-'.D ti'i I'ltH'KD L . MKNSi'N .' f..-: Paxl.'ii Blot- IVrjiisti-m AH to J-lU'U'S' CA It M l( 'H A K.L :-euiis 7:$ K the Ro.k! Dt'NI'KK. Must be sold this week. This T-ro. in and bath, strictly mod ern, Dundee hotm munt go at a -a.Tltbe Has nil bulli in f-iCurec, full ' nient baeeiio-nt. fuma- h.-ai. i a . e 1 1 Ft :! Ing all pa id and lane l"i. t.e ir Oo- . tr and ho..l Price l.u- t" r. re. lined $!."" In the U. t u.-.k P N I I N' l";: ii-: NT C II. Mldg. 'MPANV. -tly modern ho IMh St F.i umbra $4.iioa; will for , O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO. D.oig :71!. D l! Omaha Na' Bk Hldg Howard County Mo., ?,Are r,rrrn of high Missouri river ho n hmd . tin. -Hi (uw!lty of soil . 1." 'iear iniomr J"hn Hal nient. t all lrb-l are rapidly being pi- k- 1 op b vnom l-'urthT pari iculfti r- ao tain I lr .in THE BY RON REED CO., Dftugiat. :7 -i- :,tl : jnTH AND CUMING. -,. KKl. .if ectlol t-t doubb s and im piy carrx Northeast corner bv at-d on th- North :4;h. l lt,r.tltute, B.-i.-'ti a:ol I ""I Th-re le nn "!-l bi'iK L-'M' -operty w! i h for $4 The -txe .f the ground b eriy on Cumin!" Street a in atue tn tb.- m1 t -luetittoiviblv wIM ciriMi ii Slore . .in I his proper' on! Ihe pre-ent time, but If ready to build lb prceiit r- Ihe prcp'-riv win; It l " r. a tn v.ilue ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Snip Acfuts Tyler IMS R"-e Bbig , D"th and Ct'TTAOS S1TC HA Hi IAIN. Corner :ih and Saratoga, four ip-irt-menl huse Spare for l eottag'" Fir.- piec of ground. $f, i1 Wll! tak same trade W T UKAHAM, BKK BI.C), SUMMER RESORTS LAKE OK0B0JI COTTAGE FOR SALE i' Mi" oV th-' l.i ru est, most com plate an I summer enttags on Omahl h. l.aae tkobojt. with full lot and i ual nr., in i. led .intTsi in 'he park anl ie Ii o a iarKe garagt . family motoil .rn. ro.. b...i.- and household furnltu'l .mpb-te. .til for $4.0(io. Terms will ll ven if d. hir.-d tiwii-r hBs rstlred ac iifornla, hence this aacrifbl moved prb- Otnsh.i H -neb is well known as tl !:. I ui. l ;!, 1 r 'tul spot on Lake Ok t-.jl. f. 11. DUMONT xS: CO.. 11'-!-. K.-.-.itie Bids Thou Doug. 10. FINANCIAL Real Estate; Loans. Mortgage. -..'i' Mi'UT; i;K. bearing fi. p.r cJ prnpTt)- v.luad ila lm. C. W. I .v. , T.,:.Hia,- I lU.tK ivN I to a per i i .nt on lwt oku ol'l ral(1-n r, in aniuiinc Sl.,00 np; 111 rami loan Ht-a,ifani, aomniMamal. l"KT''K Tie'ST I'll. 1M rmrMa, (t. I KEAL KSTATU I.OAN8 WANTED. THOU L. MeOARRT. KEELl.Nt BLDG. TEL. BSD 4144.1