2 D THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 27, 1916, r ''iMumMMumrnrw ,1m,1 .)i;iiiim!!i!i:itiiii:i;!,!;!."iHmi4ii!t:'ii"!'"' ft':"!':,' Mr. Renter, your comfort and happiness are at stake If you're going to move this fall, don't jump into the first vacant place you see and then spend the next twelve months wishing you hadn't done it. Look around, see what's on the market get the place that is best suited to your comfort, conven ience and happiness get the best Omaha has to offer at the price you want to pay. You can accomplish more in a few minutes by looking through The Bee's Rental Col umns and find better places than you can in weeks of aimless wandering. Don't delay, begin studying these rental columns today if n'Ttnutrimfli'inwi'i HELP WANTED MALE S.iifmrn ami Solicitors. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS HELP WANTED FEMALE .it.) ; hi 14 .U i.t rilffeTe-.t . IS iPiii!iiir."iiin on rh tr1er li-prt- 11111 Mlfi l'o . ('Oil-.'' .. 1 ,. N V t : I !.t Mn u.iiiu.' man. Mg op- f f mtiM for thr n.'U n,a:! Will gtm. hich'-nl . ontr. I f-i I'nmli am! .-lsvH . an. I r.'inniUcli' nil uh ag'-ntu It VHl rr .'.irtrinpUtstil. ft .'hangr Mini Wlldi n nr 'th a lit progrsue cm t i fl'lMMITl'MTT ! FOR A .:pi-rn-i.. m ih" l,n'1 i"" , tt MiK:t tentl-n. lt.rHt In I li' tuMin--. Kh lll.rn,) i-t.'tti to II ic man ( A.l.lrew Y H. Mor 1 V AN'TTt ' Slitw inr mi if m n .mIHoh on ' -initi. iltp-rimnt. eifi-lrli-ftl. Jrwelry and '.inhurf norf 1 Pf-1! our Krsdlum inoii clock-. rruHfU.-t. miHw. hh llfhvlHi' im-trhbove and hoii-r mini lrrP 1'ho Pioneer Corp'-mibm, I'ept l.Sf J U hV. ft . I'bti'RfO. SlLKsMAN -Kceflent, permanent portion, j Mien trit I; capable tutlesman iti Ne- , brai-kit Uplf r"r " ' retail truli". liberal mm in 1m I""": tsfr weckl. ad v;).. lUlph H M.', 4.U. William- IM.1l . ! -Hl.KWMAN spe.iaity man for Ne .rak: staple line, on new ''"' ecnp ll.-nal terms, vacancy im ; attracts r.invulssttn contract, lift we.-kly for pne Mile- T Hitler (.. 3I-JN farltii H iU . rifVfliinrt, ..AT.l'SMKN Live" "idde line; something new; nine minutes' t1m psya you $, pnrkM wimple, prompt eommlaalima, stale tfrrtlry rovrJ. K I wood Mff. Co.. 1111 Mlrhti-an Avn., ChUaBC silK LINK aaleaman wanted; now fall and ioli1ay line now rdy ; largiat ctmourn In country i hltl clM l-ibmrd only; fprnm : 4 to IK cflh ordar. Chli'Mn llamonl Importhif Co,, . Ptato St., v'hk-mro llllll f.'l Inn , .ti1rf1, I ) ' li nlv l plumlilriK nr wiifi wiirh" ro filiratf. "Hfliifilvf N.ik; 1 rilll I thi'n, Hi-tnl in' imnrv, wrltn .'ttir nr i I'fiU! li..1,iv AII1-I1 MfJ lo . A Hun 1 )ttit . T"','-t liij' llTIl'ti: J iid I out, "ln lU(iil)or ' fr Ford H.'aUUkMf. NHIUik like vllil Ilif frv i lirr" (live-, n i-1 n 1 Li drlvtim , IIrIiI at low Hi-ff.l. hfi.j hull. from luirn- Imr out . KiTkh Mi lv auinniallrall. N-fd.'d on fvrry For.) Dl( rroflta f(iitrk ! l.tnipn llopklim, T.miii . . Irarnl l:fl Aral day. Whttn, Mlih. II :U on wc.k. No , Housrliold and Urmcfiiic. WANTIM' - .imi'tnt iclrl for fftir.l hmiai-work ; mi wahtna , umall family; I hhoI WRX'r, iilutn bHih for Kir! fhoiif 1 1 r n .1..:, or rail Sunday afternoon. Ul N 1Mb St WaNTKP--Whit flrl for inral hoiitn 1 work . tii'itt tif ood rook . no laundry ; k""1 wtiH"' ami oo1 hom. rail at ib2Z I Tmlnrwooil Av, or choiin Walnut 8(JB. H rsi ;,!AUf waiUi-d at on , mull t 1 romp' "tit and rUabl and hava 1 niab rfianff Apply o Nri Tharlea Mli, ; ftMf South !lth Ht. I V AN r K 1 llouaikpr "by" wldowor, a Ruod, 1 cipniiaM woman of nil dill an ; I 'aninh pre for n d A good horn for 1 hf rlbt party Add roan V h7. H PERSONAL iwfuiu Wf do I iiilliil nocdrd Ruuraiilfil Hurry drl , writ H"w1 for ifi lal hiforniHllmi. A'1dri Klt-n ho"trumnt Co, 31 alan- tlll lilllK . ToN'dn. ( (1AHTS1PKS Iron ituat !..! t'o. l.n . Biial.T Avf, I'lillitdpl'-liln Fit llnrlalde n ttnn Kiial Snap (Trartn Mark. Fttfit and i'o'rlht rpglHtArad In the I' H I'atont ifTli"i r'niot linn mat, Ink ami all un-wanhitbl.- atKliiH from clothing, hi a r bio. to. Ooo.l sfllor. l lit marglna. a til a wantad Th" ortflnal, ifv a tubo. linwaro nf In- WA.NTfaw-At on.o. In a family of .1, com- Iiilnl hotiafhepr. Mual ho Bond cook. No laundry Hic!t1nl wagon. City ref- i-rnc.' Walnut WANTKI I'ompotont whlta girf For gon- cral hnutfwiirk, good wagoa; no waahlng Harny W2. WANTKI' -An rip whit girl for gan hnuafwoik, 111 11 a 1 b good rook fl pft wk No wftxhliig or Ironing T I ft N. IKth St, ;nur'TURE"r ;;".!: ' Call or write I'r Fnmk H Wray. 3u . I FAT Mow to rehire It Full piirtl. ul.U t mul If .1 frf Hull Clio mi. 11 1 Co , I iw A !0. HI l.oiilt. 'o I iEAT HOME-COOKED MEALS ' N V. W ItKJ.ICATKfJHKN, 1n0 FAHNAM I 1 MFCllANd THKHAI'IIV MAS8A(IK, luil j ntlfndatit Z1H N'.nllle Ilioi k. Uth hh) I II trnry. SHHS MACK iluit tilvut In K and tnamtiK- ! farlitl and (nalp l rput :u-nt 18"? I'r 11,101 Si lloom i. IIITTKNHOCSK Saiiltiirluiii Umha nf al I kliHln, maaaag uml i'hlrnp6tly ?lfi-'ll Hilnl Mlk . 17th nnd liourlan l i Cnn'fiivTS niad to ordpr J'rli cs .l fn I" ! I '0 00. KnpTt fitting Nu-Honi- Cora." FOR RENT HOUSES West 1 cook Fnit i:i:nt--3.m Sh hi' ;im.io 1'iM.riis, (.IT. ti piT toon Hi Inqul-r ill lni I'lipt.n Si I'tum-- ImiiK. 'i;SI' FAli.NA.il V21 Norlli :iMti Si r.uni9 : hatha Htlti ton u'ATi II my bom a utnt-r iinintnif tlon. ' ompiirf win luiiaorthli ami iimtrrlala. K. S Trulllrigpr. IUium hmisf. n...l. in i-xfcpt hf ut. " It, 1 3 1 u v f nporl Walnut 2" 1 1 . STItlCTI.V Mnh'.HN K.;..m houao. a bin. I( lioiu .r :,iimi -:ibl. North. FOR RENT Ap'ts and Flats Notrh I )Ii ;ilT-H' 11 M brick tint, oak ili.l.-h, mod .111. fi h.l,- from 1' li I- I .'luto.M it) a 1 1 in. 'tit. V'-rj nir.' I.uno roimis. ilc.-nralf hi ult ttVli:.-i- 4 f. 2 b . South. id Ihf 1 W ANTKI lamen aui aalfawomcn to Kfll ntrek m Oatrnan mlna, itanda oloarat investigation; n abaolut wlnmtr: will make monoy and frlonda, V, J. King. stock Krchng, l.oa Angoloa. t'al v."ANTKt Thr young mn. tft ialifl up pctl piopoaltton on pr-pardnM. Muat havo good claim rocotd and aotne atlllng ability. Apply botwoen 10 a. m. and 11 m, F. P Prowtilng, 813 nalrd Pldg. A IIARB OM'onTI'NITY for a hraLclaaa real atai liromotor Muat bo tprl enrsd and hava flrat-clana ahowlng an to ability and bualnaaa aiandtng. liox Omaha B WANTKI Saloaman; can mako 114 por dav and up In rommlaalona arlllng aulphui and all lota tn proton ftold. For parttcu- lain addrra W. B. Powtr, Mobllo, Ala. St'I-KNI'tD td lln tor oalraman; no aam plai big commlaaton. Hoom l. 1106 Far nam STOCK and bond aleaman. TANDAHP 8kj. a iwv, co.. i on w. o. w. Bidg. Hotels and Restaurinti. w ANTK f -Fry "eook" and waltor. t30 Cuming. Wrwnrt'a. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Trg.t tn tha V. . Earn srnaa whtla attending by our plan. Toaltlona guar anutd. fplal iiimmtr rat. Wrlta for muatrtad catlogua or call in parton. 110 t. Hth St., Omaho, Nob. t natobllahod nif a. t Al'TO MECHANICS. BARN BIO MONBT. Kavar Idle Big Damand. Eaay to Larn by Our Mothoda, NATIONAL AUTO TRA1NINO ABS'N 1S17 M. SOth St., Omaha. Bnd lor rraa Catalogua ""OOOD UB?r WANTBD. To laorn auto work for th big aprlng ruab. Fin training work on auloa and alaotrk lartlng ayatema. AMERICAN AUTO COLLKOB, MM Favrnam, Omaha. Nab. LBARN barbor trada. mora than make your tuition whlta laamlng; Mi of tool Included ; Job guarantaod Call or writ for catalogua. 1401 lodgo TRI-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE. Tcsmstcrs and Chauffeurs. WANTED -A good; drlvr for auto truck. W aahl n g t o n Marltat. HPT Pmiglaw. Boys. BOYS wantad to learn trado; muat bo lt year of ago. Gordon 4 Lawlaes Co., Ith and tvdg. WANTKI) Boy" to aaatst on freight wagon chocking, unloading, etc. Otvo aga, aal ry wan tod. Bo. Tifcr6 orlhroo boya, ateady work ; good pay. Omaha Box Co . Kaat Omaha. filing and utlng an tnfrlngod artlrla. MIM' TKS pay dollara domonatratlng IT M aiblltig ma.-hliio. wondi-rfu) Invention: nihil., aubtrai to. multlpllon . work oquala l.'iiO umrhlm'. B-y-ar guarantee; aclla evorywhem, fiiortnoua ileitiand; every aalo leavfs ou 4; outa offlto labor 0 0 pr cent, write tjiilok; free trial offer; exclu sive te rlfory. Caleulator Curporallon. Iept. 4Kb. llrand Kaplda. Ml. h. WANTF.P At-tlve men to oell Hlmplex U IManle No osperlonro rociulrod. fan mako ISdO to tbOO i' ci month uihera are doing It. oo on you. Addreaa Htniptnx (las PlMnta' Co., 164 Whiting Hi , Chicago. III. AI'ToMOIVmIm AtlBNTS Wr7tonr wlro to day for territory; Hlarkatone Hlx aelllng like wildfire on eaay paymenta. Immediate delivery. Hlackotono Motor Co, 23 Quinsy 81 , t'hliago MAN WITH FonivCapabio handling terri tory for new Ford timer Sella on night, haa no equal. I'rteo BOe. For parilcu lar and nampln wrlln: Manufar turara' A Markatern' Aaan., 763 Hartford Ave., Loa Angf tea Cal AO K NTS WANTKl'i ForarTlrio wftloh mi hoiiofwlff ran realat. Sella at almost every home Wootorn Salwa ('0., Box 4H, Wlohlta. Kan. AOKNT8 l A NTKH Hornet hllig now" and uaeful, a faal aeller at a big profit. Ad dreaa Agenu Supply Co.. 1424 N. Van Huron ft,, North Topoka. Knn. CAHHONVoib, 1 h tube eiiuals 60 gallono nf gaanltno, allmlnatoa rarbon. Kxriuiivo county agency. Aulolata grab It. 1100 per cont profit. Send l for anmplo tube. Llloda of America, Bradley Beach. N J. AO K NTH WANTKr . (00 per cent profit tail ing uaiful apaclalty; uoed In homea, ho tel, atorea and by auto ownora; good re peater, aample free. Auburn Hpaclaltloa Co., Popt, 'Hi, Auburn, A(ENTS Our now Indoor Clothea Lino real la a big aollar. Kvory lady Hkea reel. Liberal pmftta, Particulars Tree, We Halbur Bulea Agency. Halbur, In. INSTDK TYRES; inner armor for auto mobile tlrea; double mileage and prevent pu net urea and blowout; quickly applied; coal little; demand tramendmn; profile unlimited; datalla fioe. American Ac coaeorloa Co.. lopt. 19. Cincinnati, O. AOKNTS Hell rich looking Imported ax6a ruga; each. Carter. Term., eold 1H tn 4 dya; profll, $67. You can do tame Writ for oample offer aelllng plan ; exJuMve ter ritory. a4inpl rug by parcel pnJt propuld. ac. Con LHm Importer, Mtonlngton, Mo, AOKNTS--To Vdverllao our gooda by dia trlbutlng froe ampleo to conauniora,; f oenti an hour. Wrlta for full piirtlcuitira. Favor! Company, 8430 Haa St.. Hayton. Ohio. AOENTS tnaka 60fl per, cent profit soiling our auto monograma and Initials, window algn let tore, changeable olgna. and ahow carda: 1.000 vartetteo; enormous nemanu. Sullivan Co., llU Van Buren St., Chicago, 11L AOKNTS BOO per cent profit; froo sainplee; sold alan etteri tor atore ana onioo win dowa; anyone can put on. Metallic Letter Co.. 4fc N, Clark, Chicago. Miscellaneous. ARMY "OF 1 HE "lINlTBU STATES, MEN WANTfcII Able-bodied unmarried men under age of la; cltliena of United States of good character ana temporal nam it. who nan apaak, read and write tho ting Mab language. For Information apply to Recruiting Offlco, Army Blug , lath And Dodra Sia. Omaha. Neb.; 180 X. Ulh St, Lincoln. Nob.; Ul 4th St.. Sioux City. Iowa; if 7 6th Av., Lea Molnoa. Iowa BEE VTnt-Ad OaTNED-l.5M MORR fAir AL8 than any other Omaha new papor g. od In ft rat seven months Good reeulta at leaa coat la the reason why 1 BECOME : "a datccti"vo; inexperienced ap- pltcants everywhere, write, Bertillon Sc- ' cret Service Inytltute. .t'hlcwgo. EARN :6 weekly spare time, writing for newspapers, magaiinen; oxp. unnec ; de- ; t-ilb free. Traaa Syndicate. S48 t. Loul.i, ; mj. ; WANTKU Klderly bulneaa man. willing to care for grounds, for modern room. Box , 637. IW. I hTtXeIIS $20 to 3i made weekly die- tribullng circulars nampleb. tacking ?lgiia etc. Advertisers National Agency, tVpt ; A 84. Chicago. i WANTED Ih young men. muat be over 1 1 year of age. Salary 4n.00 to $6,0i , per month Inquire Mr. Nelson, 307 Sou Hth Str-ot, Omaha. V.'ANTEU Young men us nttiwav mul. clerKs, $75. 0 month. Sample examination j question free. Franklin Institute. lit 2:i It. itocnesier. w. 1. WANTEU "F.xperlented freight handlftrs. Union Pacific Frctght Houte 9th and Jaekaon Sta. ATTKACTiVE contracts to full lime men writing health and sec. Ins I'rev ex. not neresasry FJral Ins Ca . Lincoln. Nee UKN wanted to enlist li Signal Corps at ante; report at Lincoln. AGENTS ANDANVASSERS FIRST TIME APVEKTISEIV Aa opportunity like this may never again present Itself to you; If you moke less than HO? per month, write today: man or woman; only responsible agentx considered. We give all employed exclu sive territory, depending on thorn to m&kr locality productive. We are a lar" new corporation, planning to do bur In. -is on new lines that will Insure our ,,eoie a Meady and satisfactory Income In return for loyal work and undivided attention to our business. No Investmtnt required Free particulars o all who answer this our first advertisement. Fifth Avenue Stores. 17 Tlmea Square, New York. 2VERT HOME ON FARM, I jTSMA"lL town or suburbs needs and will buy the -wonderful Aladdin kerosene (coal oil) mantis lamp; five times as bright as elec tric; tested and recommended by govern ment and 34 leading universities; award ad gold mtdal: one farmer cleared over $f0 In six weeks; hundreds with rigs or autoa earning (100 to $300 per month: no capital required ; we furnish goods on time ta reliable man. Writs quick for sample tamp for free trial, distributer's propor tion and secure appointment in exclusive territory. Mantle Lanp Co., Ill Aladdin Bldg., Chicago, III. AUUNTS wanted in evor town tor Day keroaens burners, for to 3k ranges Wv. A McU, I(i7 Leavenworth. Omaha AlKNTSwantd. own your own business. Hc.lt Frltch's Vegetable Hosp. Writs for free sample. J. A. Fritch. Ht. Loula. Mo. SiTlsrRUTlON agents wanted; sixty prop oeitlona: Sherlock, Pes .Moines, bnca. CHEW1NU gum agents wanted; profitable business that la good all year round ran bo built up quickly; no experience ie quired; writs today. Helmet Co., Clncln' n-itl. TAILORING agenta; got greatest line of men's niadO'to-meseure suits. Retail l&. tlood prof Us. Fail and winter samples roady. Leeds Woolen Mills, ChU'HMo. Ill, PORTRAIT men; I ship print, tlnish'nl work or frames In S4 houre; have 30 artists: write for rataloguo. Roberts. 14i!(i McOee. Kansas City. WANTED Man with Ford "to aetl ".New Ford Timor; pries 60c. and otlwr spe cialties that sell un sight; write for vr ticulars and sample. Riverside Specialty Works, Riverside, Cal. HELP WANTED FEMALE t lores and O faces. 1 )( m H girl for Kencral houiework; small faintly Phone Harney 2104. W A NTKI --Coin pf ton t girl fur general houaework, 3 In family, l'hone W. J'iii NKAT apiiearlng lady for general houaework- Call Walnut 192.1 after 8 p m. NKAT llllll. to aaalst with housework; for eigner preferred Harney 4l OOO P general housework girl. 3 In family. Harney itf. flltt H 37th HI- RKLIAHIR white girl to aaslnt with general hoiiaewoik Walnut tnai). VANTE1 Competent girl In family of 1; good wages. t24 Ho. J3d. WANT HI i Competent floor maid, Clarkson Hospital. Wll.l.lNO muld for gi-neral work. Colfax B4tt. Hotels and Restaurants. WANT KB Wait rose for nn American pi: hotel; $32 50 per month, with room m.-i board, Poland A Boone, Fnlrbnry, Nob. Hhop, Brandeta Thea Lobby 1 4 ;9i MISS U LILLY Bath "ami inasaagi', H'J I'aniam Ht. 2d floor Phuoe 1m. 3410 MIS8 WlLHtiN -Mnth and ni.itilc.rlni; No 2 )vidg- Blk ri.on-' t'ouui.is S7M LCPI.LA WKBSTKIt. timsH. u.i. . Ms I axu, lUk , 10 s m to tt) m ! 327 A" rillVATI". niHt..ri:lt ho. tie 44P N Ht ( hone Colfax 3tH2 SCIKNTIFIC massago .Jft He Bld,g I'h -n. I'.uirlria ?72 Manicuring und mans Hi:. Fitrtiaiti Urn FftR legal advice call Iitg,'is FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms, FOR Ill-INT 6-room, imulcrn buiiKulow. ;14J1 Kloi.n.c Hlv.t, n,.fir I'lnkney. 15, Iiifiutrc IS-- Eitiint'lt. I'KSIHAMLK f room ott;K'; nil modern; hot water heat; poetM'HSlon Sept. 1. Phone Colfax runs. i:.iV;jUNT HT 7-r otim" niodtfrr. ".T i' F Hall. 43:i Hamge Bltg Doug "40J HI.Al TIFl I. 4 ltou.,1 AP A ItTM I" NT IN Till-; MAI'I.KS. ?:VH1 ANl HAKNKV. PHICH $aT.l.n. HAS NOHTll. WiUTIl AND K AST KXPtiUl'ltKS, AN1 PHIVATi; FHuNT ASH KKAIt POHCHKS, CALL AT A PT'J-' KICK OR S 1-; KJAN. D, 7M14 A fl KN kaTi koad MEN' THK Cl.o,;i., IIP South 10th St. 5 nb e rnoiiiH 111 Ajl, No. 3, Hom' (i your work, rr I'.'Hsornibli' $;J.,"U "( iiimIm .1 Kfiilal Mt-ii." fill! oiimha N.it'l Hunk Hldg. fi-UOOM Hiuilniriit In the L'ruiina- 1-17 Park Ave, $40.li0, ill ATT CO., 24.ri-7-9 Omaha Nat l I'-ault. Tyler CO. MOVING AND STORAGE K1DLL1TY terKREE Phone I'ouklis iti for eomrdets iat if ivni' hotiMt'S and apart I 1 ri 1 is . m' 1 for n'oi Hge moving I li 'h ntid ,lH,;ror S's j Globe Van and Storage Co. ("or real moving servte. try us. Largs 3 horse oaddd viuih Kioruge, $3 month. HuMafiictlon gusnml.'i'd move you ynrKKR r:i::APi:it and .safer. Plume Tvlei !'3(J or I'oijliia 433S. GORDON VAN CO. " Kltti-.l'nOOK WAUKHOL'BM. 19 l-"li RI:NT 4-room . otmtto i iC.4 Chin U-s St . hhv, w.iter. loilft. (ill W.'b. 4,ni;. SlX-lti)OM hous. nil n,odrn 3H12 CnHtl 1 Ave ; onh iift Plmn Red 3fl67, 'SIX-RuuM house, all mo.loru. wlthtistern. I 4H heiHiur Phono Walnut 31 '.' 4. South. 130tl S jiMh Ave., (i rim strictly mod. ". $25 2lit N iNth St., H rnis strictly mod... 20 W PARNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 Fiirnnm .Ht Ioug 106 4. Trade Schools. trad. WANTKI) Ladles :o learn barber lisrlal rates and lndu-?mnta. TW1-CITY BARBKIl COLL BOB. 1402 fiodgo HI Miacellanroua TACIlRHfl wanted for grade, rursl, high arhool vomnierekal, domestic science, mu sic and drawing poaltlona. Writs Rocky Mountsln Tear hers Agency, IS8 Kmplre Hldg . Denver, Colo. WANTED Young"" women, aged 17 to 2S wtth common arhool education, par feet sight and hearing, for local and long dis tance telephone work Apply to C. FV Lambert. IS17 Douglas St. LAIMB8 Msks shields at home, $10 per 100; no eanvssalng required. Send ad drenaed envelope for particulars. Eureka Co, Dept. 103 C-86, Kalainasoo, Mich. EARN $2lT"weekl)C spare lime, writing for n-wapapers, magazines; exp. unpec; do tails freo. Press Syndicate, 143, St. Louis, Mo. OIHLS to work st Iten Btocult Co. Apply to timekeeper at factory entrance, 13th and Capitol Ave. HELP WANTED Male or Female WANTKI' Nm of men or women. 19 or ovar, wt.hlnx government lob,. .75 month; vacation,. Aiiawor tnitnedltely. T. 47., EDUCATIONAL Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools DAV COURSE. Business. Banking Saleamaiiahtp. Engllah. Shorthand. Typewriting. Civil Fervice. Combined. NIGHT COURSES. Drawing. Arch. A Mechaii Klovtrhity. SpeiltiiK Penmanehlp. Know Card Writing, Bookkeeping. Spanish. Jr. Electricity. Jr. First Aid. Jr. Pholograi hy. Shop Sketrhlng. Buflnens English. Bun I peas Cor res pond ones. 1'ubllc Speaking. PI mi heading md Uetlmating. Shorthand. Typewriting. Artthtnetlo. Three It's, Sr First Aid. Salesmanship. Ask lor Catalogue. ;. M. C, A. SCHOOLS, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. GOOD HOME CHEAP. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. Eight-room f-story modern house, elt'eptng porch; not new, but well built and In good condition; located on chhI front lot hi ft. wldo by 100 ft. in depth: good loeatlon ; Hue shade treaa; pa tin ftrtM't hikI offered for the first lime ai tut very low price of (3.9&0. Location. Sslh Ave. and Howard St. Investigate thin proposition if Inivrreied In a good lumie at a low price in thm locality, GEORGE AND COMPANY, 9: City National Bank Bldf. Douglas ht. MODELS WANTED. VOl NG UOMt.N TO MODEL AT A MYlK MiOU. I NjL 1 K t HE TW Kt-N 11 AN'i' 1 Ou,OU MONDAY. l.iKANDEIS THEA TEK UO Orf ICE. FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 5. 1IOYLES COLLEGE. DAT SCHOOL. NltlHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, nhorthsiid. aieiiiupe, typow Itlng. telegraphy, civil servi.e all commercial itnd Engllah hrancliea. Coialogue freo. BOYLES COI.LEDU, Douglas l M 6. HHh and Harney Sts. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF " Bt'SlN E.-S. Second floor, Omaha National Bank Bidg., biliiimt I'iM, I'ougiaa osHo. Musical. liarp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season oarly h; iH attons favored it.iriia iu Loretta Do Lone, 301 Lyric Bid BOl'RICH'S ML'SIO'STCDIO!," IslC'Dodge; we advocate simplicity and since, lty ir.- th' study of muHlo, D. 24J1. Franc lsPoitr, "Sanford HoToT Tylor 1J13 STENOGRAPHER $75 ST UNO. AND BKKPK $e6 STENotl It APHER. (lav. experience) . t-TENOOK APHEH, tlaw experience) ., $50 iJTENOO AND UKKl'U $nC STENOGRAPHER STENG. AND HKKPH $40 BILL Cl.LKK $i0 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR $40 ST ENG. AND P. B. X OPR $35 WATTS REF, CO., H4" Brand, Theater IMdg. TVPIST auTTaehier. $Vi'"i" tit.;noT, $40; asst. bkkpr, $40; compt. opr., iii; steno , $i6; .tteno.. Hit. steno., $ui ; eteuo., (id, steno., Jo, dictaphone opr., $io. CO-OPi.KATlVE REFERENCE CO., lOls-U City National. WANTED Sienogrnpher for wholesale house; bright beginner will do; saiarj, IjO to s.nrt. Wfs.ern Reference and Bond Axi'n, Inc., "b'l Omaha National Bank B.dg. LAL'V drug cle;k (town 300J '. ...$40 i'wo j.d, drug clerks (city) 10 Lady d.uc ilemansiiatar ;0 Co-Oi I'fauve hef. Co., 1015-lfi CUy Natl. Prof essionsj.nd grades. WANTED Girls In flat Work dept. "Apply Evans Jiodel Laundry. Hth and Dougias. Saleswomen and Solicitors. FIVE iirignt, capeols ladioa to travel, dem- onstrute and sell dealers; $25 to $60 per -week; railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept. 4. umaha. Ncp W ANT ED-- Experienced saleaUdyfor Mil- linery Department. Thompson, Be iden Jk Company. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. E. R. Tarry euros pUss, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Curs guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wrlta for boo on re tal diseases wtlh testimonials. DR. E. R TARRT, 110 Bsa Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Have Good Health Chiropractic auccseds when all othsr methods havo failed. DR. BENJ. ISRAEL, 86$ Brar.dets Theater Bldg.Doag 1431 THK Salvation Army Industrial homo" so licits your old clothing, furniture, mates tines Wo collfct. Ws distribute. Phone Doug 4135 and our wagen will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. M. BRDGMAN. D. M. T.. masssgs. steam shower baths, electric and radio llrht treatment. ' have also Installed tho Gard ner ndU'-lng and therapeutic machine for r- Un i;w aio'.it people. Rm. L'ua. KurbaCb Boig 1'honv Red 2727. ATTENTION, ROOM IH'NTEHS' jgJf you fall to find ihn room you dTalrs among thse ad, mil nt Tho Bro office for a Room l.iet Jilv!8 complete detailed di-Rcilptlnii of vn isnt rooms in all narta of the city If more convenient phone Th Hoe Wanl Ad Dept. and give your name and add reus and a list will bo mailed to you at oin New lists aro tasued every week. Cool With or with out hath. Public showers and tuhs each floor. Hot and cold water. t.'lrcu Intltig Ice water El ovHlor and phono. Daily. weekly Hnd nwiil hly rntea, most for money. Fnrntim. At ISth. R. D. M'Kaddan Mgr. WANT two gentlemen for attractive front room ; excellent furnishings; two In il. telephone extension; modern ; walking distance; breakfa.it served. Harney ;tlPs. 2bVSO.24TH ST., "largo front sleeping room with two heds. suitable for two or four men, reasonable; also housekeeping rooms. RESTFUL ROOMS AT REASONABLE RATES, POPULAR WELLINGTON INN. BP: MIS PARK All modern south room suitable for two respectable young InclleH September 1, 33"$ Myrtle ivt. liar. 2itiii &ODERN front hod room, private family, 3 blocks west of Crelghton university, fine, location. Phono Har. a 1 7.1. f.i(7 N. SOth. FUnNlSHEDROOMS FOR MEN ONLY fl08 NORTH 17TH ST. IjTH AND"PRATT DolightfVrsout'h room; with alcove; private homo; fine neighbor hood. Wsb. 317. 7-KOiiM hoosi', modem eiccpt heal: cement walks ii rid gum if; good lot; cheap at $2,300. 4744 H Uth St. Doiiglas 213 FOR R ENT Nes t ti - room cot tage ; mouern excel t hhl; burn If d.'slred 841 S. 5 2d St I'INK fi-ro.itn flat for rent, 9th and Wool- worth Cull Harney M 7. nil' PARK A V 7 -rimm riTodorrTbrTckT on car line, Harney &tiT0 Misccllaneot s. 1604 MADtSHN AVE". B rmaT."aTPmd$i;oToO 4204 Hamilton, up, f niia., md. ox. hent lfl.no nils Di'.'iitur Ht,, 7 rms.. all md 27. SO 2907 Bristol St.. 7 rmn all md 25.00 2rtu Sprnc-r St.. S mis . all md 30 .00 2ti2! Kmni.-l St., 7 rms., all md 22.00 ill No. 20th St.. 6 rms. nil mod 3f.0 122 Dodge St., 12 rms., hII rnd 45. '1(1 fM Ho. 2lh St., 6 rniH all md 30,00 G29 So. 21th Ave. 7 rms.. all md 27.60 17 2! Lea ven worth, 3 rms., apart ment, heat $2.f0 2221 Leavenworth, 10 rma., md. ex. heat 20.00 241NM, So. lfith St., R rms.. md. ox. heal 12.50 602 So 29th St., 6 rms., all md 20.00 2403 St. Mary's Ave.. 16 rms., all md 90 . 00 FOR RESPONSIBLE COLORED. 710 Nn, 2Rth Ave.. 4 rms $12.50 2ii34 Clin r les, rms . part md 13.50 2i)2 Franklin. 5 rms , md. ex heat.. 15.60 13KOj 1'lerce St., 3 rms 8.00 MTAGl'E INVESTMENT CO., 150 li Dodge St. D. 415. Ui.nliiilA APTS.. DMil 8 29th St. 5 rooms. $;'. 5'l; f-ftet f.otit, winking liiHt.iiiie. Cool. PETER8 THl'ST CoMl'ANV, D122 l''arnniii 8l. Douglas n5H. STRICTLY modern 4 -room Apt,, newly deco rated. Corner soulhcant Hiiro hi Ap's. Mrs. B. M. Curilx. l'hone Harney 14,0. TWO very choice modern hrh k f.ats, 6 and ti rooms; walking diaiauce, $30.00 Har ey 3744. ;01j HT. MARY'S, modern 4 rooms, entire second floor. Doug. 4472. Miscellaneous. PAYNE & SLATER COMPANY "OMAHA'S RENTAL MEN" APARTMENTS. THE LAFAYETTE, 17lh Avenue and Jackson bL 4-r. Apt. No. 31, East exposure. If you want an part muiit etose in, hares Just, the tiling. No car fare $33.60 THE CARLVLE, 82& South lsth St., four large airy rooms, n.ie f.ont porch, no car faro 36.00 THE MAHON, 31sl and Maiun St., nice nvri-rooin apHrtnitiui. conven iently arranged, pleasing surrouud iiiKM, very roHSoiiauio, summer and winter 40.00 PORTLAND ANNEX, 80th and Leavenworth Hs. U and new six room apartments, sleeping porches, on car line, easy walking distance. Only ono left, uon'i oe loo late... 55.00 THK PORTLAND, 50th and Leavenworth Sts. s-H. Apt., conven iently arranged and very rt-asonuoie, summer and wmier at 42.50 Xiiri ST. UKUHUK, 31st Ave. and Dodge Bt. B-R Apt. No. 6, soulh expfsuru, fltio frmu and rear porches, garage a conunudailons 50.00 Payne slater company, ''Omana s Rental Mnn" 616 Omaha Nai l Bank Bldg. Packing, storage Hnd mo v. 1ng Ut N llth St Phons Douglas 394 ai iko i '0 lTTa NVA NA N D " STORAGE CO. Careful a i lei. Hon given to orders for moving, packing or storage; office at Hey- mutia urnl1ut 1,0.. mu ana idio uu Hid St Phone D 6624 Express Co Moving, packing and storage. 1207 Pariiam St Douglas 1146. J. C. REEL) REAL ESTATE IMPROVED 1 FoR RENT Largo southeast room with atoeplng porch and board If desired. 2U07 Webster. CHlCA(lO-2610 In private" h "irto; targe south front room with alcove; also eld room. ROOMS $2 per week ; r Iso rooms with kitchenettes. Ogden Hotel, Council Blufls. IFoiOWARIWLargo eool front room; pri vate home; modern. Harney 190,1. ROOM for young man by enupl; clone in; references required. Douglau sNn3. 3671 HT. MARY'S -Ave. Room and alcove, clean and comfortable. Doug. 4300. 46fl(V24TI1 AVE., 2 or S modern rooms for sleeping or housekeeping. LARUE front room in private family, (ifis So. 24th St. NICELY furnished aleeptng room. 118 8 $8th8t. Harney 1H4 NICE pleasant room, down-town, very reas onable. CaU Doug, NICELY furnished rooms with or without board1 Doug. s8S6. THE bHRIXER New management. Harney NICE modern front room, $10; private fam- I'v; home priv. 3703 Famsm. D. 6263. SI'ITB for housekeeping. I05 Chicago ft Furn ."rms.at"l0 1 Pine St mug sSfij. TWO nicely furnished rooms for light house keeping; Hanscom park district; new, modern home; private family; referencs Harney 6966. D'EsTRABLE light housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. Lincoln Apts., S 1st and Chicago Sts. Tyler 2607. Prices are right. lHISO."26TH ST. Modern single houso keoplng or sleeping rooms; free guest. Jtarney 7417. 2225"' DODOE Nicety "furniVhod room "n suite or single. Den 1 rati 1 location. Ilea- sonablo. FOR RKNT S furnished housekeeping rooms. 6228.lthSt, lOO'rHAlRNerYr'sleeping and light house keeping rooms. Nice shady lawn, RoiisEkEEPlNO,' "large,- cozy front room, $2.60 per week. 210S Harney. VERY reasonable; down town. Call Doug, j $7si. ; 1611 HOWARD, modern housekeeping rooms. I dTn, -iflT H, K.. also sleeping room Board ant Rooms. HANDSOMELY furnished single or en suit". , private baths, lavatories; excellent boa d. 709 S. 29th. Harney 404. j rtOCTH TriT 1089 Elegant furnished I rooms, with or without board: strictly modem; also garage.Harney 2754. PLEASANT room with excellent board for ; 2 young Indies or gentlemen. S.'Di Dodv St. Phon Harney. tiOSfi. NEW management; nicely furniched room and board for six girls. 2562 St. Mar. 's Avenue. 824 SO. 2STH Large ff-ont mom with board for two people in private family. T ler T8-V. UnfurniLhed Rooms. FRoldS man and wife only. References .tiiiT Douglas St. Rooms Wanted y7V.'p"eopli-: who" rent rooms! ca'i.i THE HEE WANT-AD DEPT and find out all about the KTKNISHED Ron.M iU'IDE lis a plan that Is helping many peo.le rent their rooms 3 ROnUM. lK2:i North 17th St., part md-rn $14.00 4 rooniM, 18204 North 16th St. "irt mcileni ... 15 . 00 4 rooms. 2414 Ernklne St., pt, mod.. 14 00 4 room;., pMiJ So. 14th St 8.00 ft rooms lior. (leorgla Ave 12. SO i rooms. "iiT-j Karuam Si 15.0(1 f. rnnniH. j r r s Pierce St. modern.,.. 25.00 C rooms, Lilli No, 40fh St 30.00 7 rooms, 242" Caldwell St 21.60 7 rooms. 1422 Sherwood Ave 25.00 7 rooms". 9.19 No. 2'ith St 25.00 I roams 29M I'nclfle St 32 50 10 roonus. 2412 t'iisa St 40.00 10 rooms. 2615 Parker St.. suitable for two families 27.50 BENSON & MYERS CO., 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 746. 5-RM. APT. In Sterling, very desirable. 1752 Leavenworth. 6-rni, flat $22. 50 2579 Cuming, 3-rm. flat 9.00 611 So 17th. 7-rm house 25.00 221 1 So. 20th Ave., 7-rm cottage, modern 30.00 209 So. 2Mh Ave.. 6-rm. house.... 30.00 2420 Caldwell, 7-rm. cottage, mod.. 21.60 1306 No 26 th St., 5-nn. cottage, modern 16.00 3222 Charles St.. 7-rm., mod. ex. ht. 15.00 FIRST TRl'ST COMPANY, Douglas 1151. FOR RENT? Seven rooms, sleoplng porch and sun room, new ami desirable; exceptionally fine view; (julet neighborhood; $50. Nine moms, strictly modern and almost nw, with 'urge lot, one block from street CHr line This house has hardwood finish, oak floors, beamed callings, mantel and graie, bull t - In bookcases unit other fea tures m lilch np resent l lie difference be tween a home and a stopping place; $56. Flvi-rmmi mol-rn brick. In nice condi tion. $22. J. H. DVMONT A CO , 4!fi-18 Keeline Hldg, Phon Doug. (590. 243.1 FRANKLIN ST.. 12 rms,, till mod , $:0. 1704 Hiihler St.. 5 rmi., all mod, $27.50. 101 S. 12th St., rms., part mod,. $20. 3426 Jackson St., 4 rms., part mod., $1$. RIRKETT & COMPANY, . 423 Beo Bldg. Doug. 633. ETERBRouK apartments, 4 rooms, $26; near pus.oftlco. O. P. Utebblna. i GR RENT Businew Pr'p'ty .tores' FOK KENT. 4-STORY biuCK BUILDING. IN SIOUX CUY, IOWA 62,50u square feni ot fluor Ppaci, two wa; ei'iinkler system, iwo elec tric freight eievitlois; on tra-kagd; suitably lot u led lot Jobbing busi ness; In heart of wiioleuaie dis trict. THE WOODBURY COMPANY. MELV1N .1. SMITH, AGENT, MASS. BLDtl., flIOCX t'li'Y, IA- STORES FOR RENT. 316 So. 16th St., 2d and 3d floors; 2d floor cafe. 1411 and rear 1409 Harney St. Store Cood. CITY TRUST COMPANY. 1 6th and Harney Sts. Phone Doug. 789. STORE room with bane me nt, suitable for grocery. No. 1221 S. 21th Street. $30.00. ALFRED C KENNEDY CO., 238 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 722. 2677 Cl'MINO $15.00 1754 Leavenworth, 22x60 30. 0(1 1726 St. AUry's Ave 40.00 FIRST TRL'ST COMPANY, Douglas 115L VERY desirable suites of rooms In Wead Bldg. and Raldrlgo Bldg., now available at reasonable rttutal. F. Q. Wead, Wead BMg IV 171. 2006 N 20TH Suitable confoctlonsry, dy oods. etc, living rms. rear. D. 116$. MODKKN ntnle, near postoff.ee, $60 per mo. 11. P. Rtfbblns, 1610 Chicago. CHOICB office space, Balrd bld . 17 tb ftnd DoiiKlits McCai-ue Inv. Ca. Offices and Desk Room. 209 SO. 35TH AVE.. 8-r., modern ... $50.00 2533 Spencer St,. 6-r., mod. x. ht.. IS. 00 220 Custellar St., 4-r . city watsr.. 10.00 1H15 V 32i;d St., fi-r., city water.. 10.50 .1:10s Mlondo St., 4-r., city water.,. 9,00 4035 Browne St., 6-r., well 10.00 CltKICH. SONS & COMPANY. 60ft Bee Hliltr DoUKlttB 200. FOR RENT. 1123 So 32d Stu'ot, n-r. mod. house, $36. 1102 So, 32d Str-et. S -r. mod house. JI0. 2019 Ur.ite, 5-r. part mod. house, $15. 2609 -North 3lM St., 4-r. houso tfor col prciii, $10. ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO., 2.16 nniaha Nat. Pl",,:,s.'::;. hoi'si: ron ru.N'i CKi.l'ill. Si INS & CO. hds BKK HI. DC, DOL'O jno ROSE BUILDING, OFFICES. Best location In tho city (corner 16th and Farnam Sts.), and one of the bes. office bulUllni.8. Reasonable rates. See 1 what we have to offer. I ! ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., AGTS. Tyler 1536. Hose Bldg., Hth nd Farnam 2i.fiii DcukIrs S rooms, steam heat . . $33 . 00 20S South 41s! ; iii' d-rn. 7 rooms . . $23.00 J..HX N FliKN7'.R. DOfdl.AS 554. 7-KiniM cottapc, cluse In: Just re-decorati d. First Trust Conijiiiiy. D, 1151. o LOL"C.LAS. 8 rms.. steam beat. $33 00 FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apa rt merits. SPLK N DID N K W l-'L'RNISHED, TRAVERTOX. FiRKPROOF. 24TH AND LAN iU.'N COCRT. Cstrlng to people ef n lined tastes Apartment Is compisieiy equipped for housekeeping ; up-to -da: e and comfo. tabts fRAVKK lilt'-S.. Tel. Doug AHr. .06 ntfhit Nat Bank Or call Web 4SJ5. VERY cholcs 2-r. and bath furnished spt. in the Macwood, 2611 Harney, only (35. Telephone 1'. IH2. Houses. 1100.00 pr month. Furnlnhed room homo in Field Club District. Has every con venience Including sleeping porch, nun room and garngo. Till May 1st. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1536. Rone Bldg, 16th and Farnam. FOR RENT HOUSES West. NINE rooms, hot water heat 140 O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 101b wuttiia Nat. lik. Bid. Doug. 2715. JrUK KtM-Ap'ta ano Flats West VERY attractive apace on second floor Woodmen of thf World uiiltti tng; on the corner facing both Far nam and Fourteenth Sts. Can hf subdivided to suit. Available Sept. 1. John N. Crawford. Mgr. Douglas 1117. 'J KIK ABLE office rooms :n the . nndi. , Cro-Ji.jn. Bkck, 11 N itith St .u,p.i posioifiiu). $10 lo klfi per monii) vuhr. lou.g. ji!.' Brandels ThtHlei Doug 1. ATARTMENT i.KASE AND Fl'R MTl'RH FOR SALE. Completely furnished. three-room apartment In new building; rent $32; fur nishings Jacobean 0:1k and tapestry: Ori ental runs; cost $Mi0, and will sell fo $6H0 Furniture has not been used; will sell part. Ideal f'-r bachelor or one couple. Must buy the furniture to ob tain lease. Box 6347. Bee. ST R ATKOH P "f 10 RRACB. Psrk Ave., Jackson St, ; choice 6-rm. hlRh elsBs apt. Oct. 1; references. C. B. Moser Walnut 1756. 21ST AND HOWARD STS. Twi- &-room Mtck rims, beautifully deco-.-ated: s'.ric'lv ni)dui. rcasonahie rcn For k s tall 'loqy'its K0ji7 or Tyler iMfi TTiTfliL " looms ar.4 bath, near 251. Bar ney Vti dfStrah.. tny $ 'i lirnes: S vr New Hiimi" ,n P 147? VKRY clioue r.-room sle;i:ii heated apart ment op West Fnrn.im Street. JOHN W. ROBDINS, 1M: FARNAM ST. North. KINK 4 -room apartment In the Ivy, 2407 ShTir.mi Ave., newly decorated; reason- iilde rent. HI ATT CO., 245-7- Omaha NsCI Bk. Tyler 40 . TuO N 22D 4-r flat, steel range, gas plato, kitchen cabinet, water paid, $lfi. RASP BROS, Doug. 16S.1. N I C K 7 -7oo mn at . 1907 Cuming $2fi JOHN V. RQBHINB. l0aFARNAM ST. Nt;V 6-room apsrtment, all modern. nUAm heat; 2002 N. 26th. Phone Webster 1902. Miscellaneous. Al'tilTST RKNT FREE, $13.60 u-r, fiai. new I) decorated, all nioUem exu'i" lo at. 2J2' N. 20tb Si. II A WOLF. 611 Ware Bik. Doug. S0C8. WE wllll erect a building at 16th and Jones suli.'ible for garage and sales room. Reasonable rental. FELL & -JIL ?,ituNJ '- B36.eellne Bldg. BILLIARD pirlor; location 14th and Row"- l:J.ta,':i.lu'ni '!V'lhLA-taajir li- WANTED TO RENT. Lnia.naheu Hou.es and Fiati. WE Ha v j-; rKOPLL WAITING." Fur HOUSES to Kuni. for yCICK re sults. List our p.ope.tb'S with ARCHER REALTY CO., Deuii!..s .410, WANTED By young ioul-- with fl-rnonth". old bauy. i'-ioou. ..if jrr.ished ground Loor api ., l.-'at l'irr..i.;fd; close In. rea oaab.e pi it . t'n..!!" ilarney 4U. WANl'i.i.' .Ai-iut :.i .i. 1 or later, it tod sir n home, bk. jouns parish; re.eiem.o. Hu j .. B- e. vvN'riTrA-iTr'iujC,S!;sTdRi;NTi Bi:.t i-tld, ISO timaria Nat, Bk. Doug. 2450. MOVING A.NU biORAGE FIREPROOF WAJH-Jlloi'sE. Separate locked rooms, for hi'Usf bold goudi and pianoe. niuvlng, packing and shipping OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO 6tl2 . 16th St Douglas 1111 iviaggara n.s( p hour Van and Storage Co Moving, packing, storage and shipping, Phone Doug. 14. g. Wtst. ( WEST FARNAM, BRICK AND STl'CCO HOUSE NOW BEING BUILT. This house Is located at 122 TC. 34th St., .nn block from new Presbyterian church, Farnam car; two Mocks from the nw Henry W. Yates school sit; attractive ex terior design of brick, stucco and cut stone trimmings. Houso haa entrnc.. porch with canopy roof over front door, large sun parlor and pergola roof terrai n across the front; entranre v Kttbule. with cont closet, large living room acmH r-ntliM front, with open stairway, large flreplsv: French doors opening into sun parlor uml wide opening Into dining room; well ar ranged with plenty of light and wall upaco for piano and large davenport; large din ing room; well lighted. Those two rooms to be finished In oak, quarter pawed oak floor?, combination butler's pantry and breakfast room, large kitchen and refrig erator room, all to b finished in white enamel, with work tabl. cupboard, larg': one-piece porcelain sink, clothes chutt;, etc. Second floor has three large bed rooms ami large heated sleeping porch, tile hath; oak floors upstairs; white enamel flnich; mahogany doors; recess tub In bathroom, with shower, pedestal lavatory, towX.. closet, medicine cabinet; also large tin-.. 'W closet in hail; closets off each bedroom. Third floor to bo finished In natural pine; has trunk room, two sleeping rooms and bath room. Full basement with fine, well UghtM laundry room, stationary tubs, heater room, bricked-ln vegetable room, toilet. This house Is now Just ready for the white coat of plaster; will be finished In about six weeks. Our price is $8,500. Wo have not spared any expenae nor cut any corners in building this house. Everything that has been put into It is flrot class and we wish you would take a look at It and see for yoursplf how well we have con structed It. It Is an UNUSUALLY well built houne. Every room In the houe has celling and side lights and plugs for portable lamps. Best of hardware has been i selected for all trim, and houue wh-n J rompleted will be first claiss in every re- spect. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, St5 City Nat l Bank Blrtp. Doug. 4P. NEW HOME. ALMOST READY FOR OCCUPANCY. An up-to-date, modern home Is now under construction and now ready for the Interior decorating. If you are looking for a well built, strictly modern, six or seven-room home in an excellent neighborhood, this will surely please you. We will decorate to suit your wishes in the way of wall decorations and lighting fixture-, etc., and can have ready for occupancy by September loth. Price, approximately, $6,750, and will make terms if desired. Haa a large veHttbulo with coat cloaat; beautiful living room and dining room finished In oak. with oak floors and beam ceilings, built-in book cases, etc. Large kitchen with latest butlt-ln cabinet; rear eniry , three large, nice bedrooms and bath on second floor; linen closet; stalrH to large attic. Basement has laun dry room, toilet, large furnace, r lothea' chute from upper floor. This strictly modern, up-to-dato home is located at 3:1.5 Walnut t t. NORR1S & NORRIS, 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. c CLOSE-IN SNAP. 2114 CHICAGO ST. 3-story brick, all modern, 11 100m house, almost new. Ideal place for a close-In home for .arge family. Will mako a good living to family as a close-In rooming house. Owner must ;iell; will sacri fice. HARRY A. WOLF, 514 Ware BIk. Douglas 806S. CALL UP OWNER, 5104 IZARD ST. Locutcd at one of tho highest spots In Imiidec. Don't inlea looking up this house. The houne was built for a home, not to bell, hut circumstances are such that It must be sold ; all materials were care fully seiected and the beat of workman ship used. The Mulsh on the first lioor Is select ;d oak, and white enamel on the svv'or.d Moor; Urire living room, with flre I la c: three lie-LnomB and sleeping porch, on the BHu.in.l floor; full basement; south fn.nr lot; nil homes tn nulghborhood new. 'I'Vj is u chs'.ice to sevur a good hou ai i iov price. CALL WALNUT 1431. 1) READY FOR INSPECTION. NEW 6-KOOM BUNGALOW. Ltdm? room, dining room and kitchen on fu'' floor; th.ee large bedrooms and hath I'-i s-:ohd floor; oak finish and oak floo.s; Uillt-ln bookcasps and buffet; plate ta'- Mid panel mrli.u; full basement; good f'.n.aie; lo'Hi"d among new homes, 302$ Ni-holas St. Price $4. .50. SCOTT & HILL CO., Douk. 1009. Ground Fir,, McCague Bldg. SWEETLY SLEEPS THF. SOUL CONTENTED IN A HOL'SH THAT'S OWNED NOT RENTED We have th ee brand new up-to-date horciftt at 3Ulh and Cass Hlrest: go look at them. (jALLAOHER & NELSON, 644 Brandels Bldf. Df. 21$.