Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1916, SOCIETY, Image 16

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27, lOlo. -
I 1 SHE ENTERTAINED MANY them, will not be back until Scptem- .-f New York and their children, who
UTUni- NEBRASKA DELEGATION TO NATIONAL SUFFRAGE vti?Niii ivuppMWT ,, r iuvc been u.n n .summer. jMT'i
Wnal CONVENTION Mrs. H. C. Siimnty, Mrs. Draper Smith, ?K1END3 Al KACE Mt.LT M : . b ,r r M.. n;, ,nd l,,l,- rr- M,. ., .1. Whrdvr ,r.! he . I,.,;..-
i H-mncv Oil Mr.. J. M. M.tcalf of Omaha and Mrs. W. E. Barkley of TTint'r 1 ' ,' y " K'''.'V'rli .Mom.!',y ,;,,m 'V' "IT'S' fcM.- l!'"V ''"A .
IS bOlllg Ull ; Lincoln depart thi. WCok for Atlantic City, N. J where f M& ! --" , . r:::a.': and vY! AM!? jf'
111 SOCietV CirCleS , Ihey will aUn,l th. National Woman'. Suffrage convention sf$$&m&0: I ! ' : .. vt. m,,,. ,o! in ,-, fc vi l M,. jRrW 2
: as delvsato. frcr.i Nebraska. (tt Wlf'S sJWV''- '' , u '"-" ,!as ': .:ar',:.!.c I. Ft&M.' ' -. -,v Nsv I
PUn, c-f the School Set. I M'MwW' ' " ' '.. ' ' 'Si- : "V:ul ;.!.. r rr-rn '' ' ' '.v
V- - ' 'i felltl W ' H PR ' 'v.,,, ..;TV.;;;::-, dainty thincs for Baby
. .i Mi " . j'yN ' ! ' 1 '" I! i" ..1 ' ' '-:" Mhitr:i.le.ll -r . .ursclf .T l!:c pretty
A' ' ' " t- Jt " 'r:' ICtOSTER
" " . .' .,, .... I, : ' I (f53v'Wiv I .: , Summer Trips. "Whit ihuisiuyj ui:i!e colon Mat lor"
1 V' , ' ; .Jl i ,' ' l4iUeU et l rii,.r !.&,
..... I ' ' f fe' 1 ' " -.. !j ' ' t v.ei if How to get Free instruction, for
f '",' ', ' ' i v.1 jM ' w5fSH I "' ' '. M- ti;4r Millv.ll of Om;ih.i i- experts and beginners
' 's sZT QiJ 'iS;. T:;;r;::::: 1
.(...-.- tM v - ,1.;.., t f, Vcung Wo,-,,,',
". .' M- 1 I ' : ml .. I .; ... ... f..r...r l .... Mare,.. t.:;n.-l,jn , !.'.!:. n .... .m hmh . .
:, pOk ' !,t .'i''' I ,'','.'.;"'ri,."i., , '','' ,'""., 1 i'1- '"' '"iic1' ;'01 i
' " . .. . , Jjk.-?1, ' "'... ,:-5, I.,..: .. ,; i ... i ... !..'., "V .' i"'' i!'.;'1 v...r '."' I M . mm jiith coll-.e. j
- ' 1 v ' 1 1 I 4&1ttA v,., .. , A ,! M . ... i ;,:: Winter Plans.
' i -i-r.'. .: witm .. . 1 : ' ' , I 1 1 ...n . , m, i la nd Out of the Bee Hive. ; Mi. Warren R,.pi ill give np
..ft1 ... v.nml I -ixllt r,,-.,,, , .1... : ,. . .!,,:. I Mi. I'". H. V'ard and mjii, Marvin, hn- imartment .it i'.' 1'e.tti'ii next
1 ' K" V 't ..'.R ?5 M .i ,, l, I.,'' ;c ritni ne.l, after three month on and with h.-r damtdter. Mis.
l"l!,' ' M""n' V v: ja Jj . i ..... ,r. he. : :i,h!-...:. uill p.. .-.:.! i .r tlie winter,
.iii.l v.iitnu;. V..:ti. ii H I. , Mm . Mr- i .! I ,i ., i , , . '!'- 1 1 rite Johnson, recetttlv r, ,in(. a month ui Iier ..I.I home. at Hanmmh, I K. l ... .,, .... . ....... ..,., i-:e.! at a houe narlv eiven bv Mi ' I
he a . II ! n-Jf I ...... .. .... . (,... .11 .'n,. a! 1,-r l,,.me in II. rh...
,-V k tsijli &rSf . WiV Mi M'.nle". i f-firn: d l"i!.la.
" ' j V. , ineilv ., i.ieniher ,.i ill. 1 -Mis. Kie.leri.k J. Adams
. (h' ' ",;. -hMT . ,! . .. ..I u,.uiV !.,,.. ,JS i,,.,.,, i .'i.d I'.itierson and I'avson, have
... ,j . ' .jf i! v...i'k ,,t I ninnil.ia nn:- 'etnrned trom a month's visit to
t S a if, a yrfti . l.Me- park, two weeks of which were
l!P K, ? s 1 Mi.. t...Hl Ka.tman and I nt with the Colorado Mountain
ytm. .vJJjVfc J-I ' r n umwl Sindav , 'w'' ' Wild llasin.
i'vS.V' MTk. .IKl V f 3k It 1 in. Wis.. .Ahere Ih.'v ve,.'..
.19 f yfTtW Mlw I .r ten davsor weeks
AVH Wli a' 1 II 1 -turned ,., MdwanU, and
4 Cs 'HlfrT1 4 - :-: al I N-pt e, her Jli
OVW 'ftilLl C rf , ' ' ' 1 1 .'Her the Al. Xir r.e
w 'VV. ti. ttVy ' y"'' - a. p ' ' ' -tt. I.e.- at lac Ait institute Dr.
1 a c k (
trr 'hen
v liilc Allu-: t lhlH'r!'.'t!'. wi'l
junior. Kit. -.i'I. 1 nrjiuui i'mutv In
sci' t .u tlirrc a tit! John S under
kniti ail' x Knbert 1 oimiii-. will tc irr.h
men ;uul 'iimI'Iv;!: I
dcci'lt' t o to Pat input'.
Sniitli colU'pc cectui i hn c the
pretoreuff ihis year anoiiK tiif girl.
;ntl ln-M'lcs Mis I'lt ence Uusscll,
M iss 1 .dme! Mht nun. M is .-
Kobbins, M rs 1 vene w .lit i uiwl
M is l:lf;iinu MetiilU'ii, who were
there last yeai . there are iouv nr
entries.. Miss Alice Kushton. Mis
Kuth Mck'ov, Mis Mil.hc.l KhtatU-s
anil Miss I aioline 1 IoImhi.I!-! Miss
Henrietta Kurt, a tunnet ( n,.iha
girl now living in t'luean.', will .iKo
enter Smith tins autuuui.
Miss Virginia Otlutt aiul Mis-
Ksther Wilhrlm will retur-i i. Mis.
Spcncc, hut the fnrmer only a a dav
pupil, as her mother goes with
ner to stay all winter. Miss Helen
Smith will he a new student there.
Miss Marion Howe will go hack to j
New York to continue her piano
Study, as will Miss Helen Vrarce. al- j
though the latter will probably not
po until after Christinas Miss Doro
thy Weller has been out of school lor
a year, hut has decided upon a two
year course at the Ftirabeth Harrison
kindergarten school in Chic ago and
will leave about September tor tin-,
Mis Mary Fuller and Miss Harel
I'pdike will lie at the Bennett school
at Millbrook, X. V.. ami Miss K.lsic
Stor at Miss Finch's school in New
York. Mis. Marion renter will
enter liio l'iiici-uv ft Wisconsin at
Madison. M:s Mart!. a l.eavitt rocs
to, lit if ..t. ! M-s I'-culah t'larke
to t!ic Nat;. Mi.i' School oi Ponifsitc
Art and Scu i cc t:i .p'.'.Mion. Mis
lianiel Waltets uMini'..s ti' Kenr.H'r
Hall at Ken.-sra, i- , a.'d Mt-s Cer
tm.ic Porte r to t'u- lale at lm -to.i!i-on-tl'.c
1 iitir-ini Niiss F.rna Kcct!
enti'is her it :rd c a i at aar and
Mis Ccrum'e Owen will m to the
Kno itchooi at Tarn lown-on-teh-Hudsti;i
M;.s Kt'th v 'at tor will o
to S: Man's at N-tre iV.-no. Ind.
Mis-'. K,tt'-ari:H' l.t;t.n and her cm--in,
Miss Maikel. are atreadv (ast ami
will c'.u i --'-re one ot" the eastern
.schools. "d's M:;:y tii'.'loi'd oes back
to Dana H-'.l.
At the Field Club.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Kol.uui Jones had
eleven quests at the club lust evening.
C. B. lirown had a party oi li.e, as
did also I. F. Hale.
Grant V. Wilnatns, H. A. ahl.
Paul K. Walsh and O. S. Goodrich
each hail parties ot six ;;nd (.hailes
F.. Foster had seven quests. J. W.
Hughes and K. P.. F...::s ..No were
At Seymour Lake Country Club.
The regular musical program will
be driven at the club Suniiay evening
Mrs. B. F. Roth will rntertam at
a children's party Monday aiternoon
for her small nieces. Mi?s Hael
Glover. Nine little :o'k will ho in
vited. At the same lime Mrs. Koth
will entertain ix -I her ;:ie;uls at
kersington at the club house.
Mrs. J. W. Woodrouu i ntertaired
at dinner Saturday evening for Mr
and Mrs. K. 11. Dunham, Mr. ami
Mrs. Herbert Daniel and Mr. ami
Mrs. John i.iouberger.
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lord have gone
to Mackinac island for a ten days'
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Roe are spend
ing two weeks at Lake Okoboji.
Mr. and Mrs. George Heller are
week-end visitors in inux City.
Dr. M. L. King and family returned
Friday from a summer on the coast.
Mrs. A. J. Leonard and Miss Leon
ard of Louisville, Ky., who have been
visiting Mrs. W. B. Tagg, returned
to their home Monday.
Judge J. W. Woodrough is expect
ed to return from his trip to the coast
some time this week.
Parties at the Friday evening din
ner dance were entertained by Roy
Motoring Trips.
Mis. v larke Coit anil children mo-toit-,1
to (-kithoji Sundav for the week.
Mr. ami Mrs. Lee Huff and Dr. and
Mrs firneimig arc motoring to Col
li t .Springs (or this week-end., Mr..
immliis in Ne
ir. ;snd Mrs .Joseph Parker have
taken Mi.s. Herman lountt's hon-e
for the winter from November 1 Mr--.
kouruze plans to go to New ork :
lake an apartment with her ilaugliter.
Mrs. Magee. and children. Mrs. Ma- .
gee, who is at present at l ake Placid
with Mrs. E. Dimon, wiil be home this
w e e i. .
Suppose ymi got out yor.r
husband's fall puit and over
eoiit ami let us put them in
shape to vear now.
lie miirht as w;!l be prrpnrc I
for the first cool rnapn but
ihei'M i no us" making sucli a
s i'.r's: ioa t- hm; men never
1 ih"ir clothes fixed up until
the thiy they want to usl them.
We Are Not
Rushed Now
.-o this is a ood Vim;1 to have
youi' jacket lined or a new col
lar and cuff.; put on. You know
wv do all kinds of altering- and
rcpftirin of both men's and
women's garments.
C:;l! us up or come in and
talk it over.
Pinni.s, win. h.i.l i.iu-en unet)
Henry Ra.nd had sixteen 'iesi.
II. G. Windhenn had. a parly (t t.tieen :
Mr. and Mis. Ileniv 1-oisler and Mr.
and Sir... t . A M in.;nni ea. h had
twelve ;nests Mi-s Margaret l'o
had s party ot sivteen; J. II. l'ai
tatt had ten gm-sis- t . i' l'arsons
was host to seven and llenrv
Murphy. Allen Dudley. Miss May
Mulvahill John I and . K
IMiilhy had smailei paitie-.
At the Country Club.
Last evening Mr, and Mrs. l.roree
H. 1'rnu. Mi and Mrs. Will llnn.s.
M:s. K. W. Nash. M,ss M, i
t'oniud llhitis, Mi t". W. Ilnll and
Mr. Sam llnrns were the quests of
Mr. and Mis. . 1 l ove at dinnei at
the .Inh
Infcwf ren entertained
.Hinder set at dinner
Mai ion 1 hiiinp...ii of
Smith, I.atton Millard.
Miles F. Met and .
etc dinner hosts last
Mivs Helen
MMeen ot the
'o nnet Miss
M itmeaptdis.
W l;.innm
W. ! i oa.l. C
1 !. Whecer
At Happy Hollow Club.
I'liesday Mrs. i . 1. Woliath will
have .i luncheon tor loin .
Mr. and Mrs. , H. K,mis,,n coiu
memoiateil their wedding aunncrsarv
ktsi evening with a lantily dinner at
the Happy Ibdlow club. American
1'eaiitv it'M'i tormetl the centerpiece,
voveis were lanl for Messrs. and
Mosdames J. K Farney ot Kansas
v ity, Walter 0 Preston and son, Kay
C. Wagner and son and Robert L.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cary gave a
dinner for twelve guests Saturday ev
ening. Other diners were 0. Fl. Niswonger,
with a party of tive; Y. F. Palmatier,
with ix guests; Harry Hyrne, W. L.
Smith. P. !' Paulson, W. F. lawson
and F. Callahan, with foursomes, and
K. H. Williams.
Howell-Rustin Wedding.
The mairuge of Miss Margaret
Rust in, daughter of Captain ami
Mis, William G. IVane, to Mr. Pran
don 1 1-nvell, ou tif Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel F. Howell of this city, is to
take piace i'hm stlav, (,)ctober 5, in
Herke.i'v. Cnh. wiiere Mis. Doane and
her dauchter and son. Wilkins Kustiu,
have spent the last year, while Cap
tain Doane is complying his tour of
duty in HtMU'Iiiiu. Mts.s Lois Howell,
sister of the groom, is to be the only
attendant, and the wedding; is to he a
small home one. with only relatives
and a lew friends present, and fol
lowed by a reception. Mr. Howell will
bring his bride to Omaha and they
w ill be with Iter grandmother, Mrs.
Charles P. Ktivir, for awhile until
they find a house. Miss Rustin has
lived here ami her return will be wel
comed bv scores of friends.
ding breakfast was served at the
home ot the brides mother, at which
only immediate relatives of the young
people were present.
The bride wore a gown of white
taffeta with a corsage of Mrs. Ward
roses. Her onlv ornament was a dia
mond brooch, the gift of the bride
groom. Dr. J. T. Antony of Pruning, Neb.,
was best man. and Miss Pertha An
tony wa bridesmaid. She wove a
damtv dress ol chnloii over pink mes
sv hne ami a eoisage hoijiuei ol pink
sweet peas.
Out of -town guests were Mis ller
ht rt Hans of Indianapolis and Dr. J.
!'. ntonv of Pinning Mr. and Mrs
M.itr left lor a wedding tup on the
lakes and will make their home after
September 15 at Tabor, S. D.
Alpha Tau Omega Dinner.
Sunburst loses and blue cornflow
ers lot me. i tne attractive tame decora- .
lion for Alpha lau Omega iraterni-
ty's dinner patty at Happy Hollow I
club last evening. Covers were placed'
Mfn and Mnnilaifrta
Wedding Announcement.
( u vtduesda morning at S
o clock M iss M ildrcil, daugh
ter ot Mr. and Mrs. 1-.. J. Gross,
will be man led to Mr. Joseph M.
Malier. .son of .Mr, John J. Maher, at
M. Peter's church. Kev. Father
Neligan will pet form the ceremony.
None but the immediate relatives will
he in attendance. After the wedding
the couple will leave lor an extended
trip to Chicago and eastern points.
Out of Town Engagement.
Mr. and Mrs, C assuis P. Manuel of
Kearney, Neb., announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Ruby Rose, to
Mr. Hugh Seoouover of Wapetou, N.
D. I tl ueddm;; is to be J lies. lay,
September IJ. at the home of the
Mtss Manuel was a kindergarten
teacher in the North Platte schools
and was also connected w it h the Fl!i-sou-White
(, hautamiue .w stem of
Poitland, (tie., tor ihe last "two summers.
O. Hridccs. who has been
in the east with Mr. and .
F. Gurlev. is now in Chi- !
1'tu.rlea H 1
l.ihit W Tw!.
K K McCnn.ll,
M tsar
,'ulia Jst.-obaen,
Ff-ru I'lurk.
Kltiat.elh Kln. ,
K!ltiint tlulu'fr.
Mm-tfUfi'llt ft'iUl,
It Hits' 111,
M.'.sM-M -Kfiitif
I Parks,
.iHTtti'N 1 .Kvcrett.
OttaiitlltT Trlmltlc,
l."nicr t'w'iii1!1!!,
U.'iv Rflnhitl
I., (t Kmui'it
SllSf'S -
I..i I,omh. i h,.n.i.
' i( Mromn.
I.iut Horn.
Hurry Urah,
Marj llitllel.
W" (titer .l.'hnson,
AKkmI O. KHmAr,
w f Utittluson.
W, 11 Ituin.
K A tnttr-Und.
Kail Mr.,. n
K. S. 0:ue.
Reception for President.
The women of the First Christian
church gave a reception 1 riday after
noon at Uie church in honor of Mrs.
Fdw ai d ( ! Jones, w ho has t ecraPy
been elected for the seve-th time to
the p'fstdencv of the Nebraska Chris-
ttan Wtunen's M issionery society at
jihe state convention held at Peihary.
j Neb. The church was decorated with
j golden glow and ferns The execu
tive committee in charge of the re-
Iception was composed of
tiover is a prominent busi
ness man of Wapetou. vv here they
will make their home.
Farewell Party.
A farewell party was given in honor
of Miss Geurude Orbury of New
York City, who is returning" to lur
home alter a mouth's visit with lur
cousin, M iss M ant-! i loan. The
rooms were lastefuiiy decoiated with
blue-birds. The guests were.
mimi.s-- :,:,..,,
t !rr tnuH- t'ri.u ? . t' i: , ,. , i' t ..Im n.
I. flit Ati. h. r..- Hm hhan,
AiH!.l U.trst..U.'.
John Ov.l.i'
VVlllhu,! W
M.-SS-S ;
I' W ,V1.
ii i; h.'u
' i'ly.
ui Mc.stJ.mH-i
.!.!. I ..I i. 1 t'llt,
.'t I'.Oll.k 11,
Marr-Antony Wedding.
Miss Adeline Antony, daughter ot"
Mrs. Marie Antonv, and Mr. J. T.
Marr of Tabor. S. i.. were untied in
marriage by Rev. Father Rrnnsgest
at St. John's church Wednesday
morning. After the ceremony a wed-
C t Moran.
Jam eei Taylor,
Ki'ftl V.
0 K. Hintth.
John cm.
V.i:. Josej him
Mtitl,on tp
V!. 1. Parkpr.
N K 1 1 ti r n s,
t.?Hi.y Oorllpn,
P i p.-: fl son.
Notes at Random.
Mrs. Harry L. Cnmmingi returneii
Sunday to Chicago, but will come
back to Omaha in October for the
w inter.
Dr. and Mrs. ft. ft. Davis and son.
Herbert, returned Friday from Fstes
Park and are at their country place
on West P.-dge
Ro'leric Crane ic.oes atitt-day for
Fast on. Pa., w here he v. ill join a
Pagalco Club.
The Pagalco c
members at a w ei
ty at Mr. Uutfm
Platte river near
cliaperoned by Mt
present w ere ;
1 ol . M.rti.
ii. n Hiiir-i
Home from the We
Denman IGumt.'c
week from P.lkht n
Miss Fs-::cr Wd'
Tuesd.ti in -u: h s;
Wiihelm. who w,
tcr hack next w t
i N
i 1
uh entertained its
end camping par
t" s cottage on the
Melia. Neb., beuw;
M. Those
Changes in Residence.
Dr. and Mrs. K. L. Bridges have
taken the former home of Dr. Fwing
Brown at o405 !;arnam street and
move into it shortlv.
Mr. and Mrs. lav D. Foster have
and is expected home this week. , bought from Harold Pritchett
. and Mrs. I. W. Carpenter and ' in Haitov Hollow at Fiftv-second ave-
their daughter, Mrs. Lnckwood, and ; nue near Dodge street and later will
Isaac Carpenter, jr., who motored ! build a home there.
t (Jktdoji last week, returned lues-
'i-'V- ! Surprise Party.
Mr. and Mrs. C F. Maxwell of Pes! Miss Grace Tucker was given a
Moines and Mrs. F. L. Donnell and vcrv eniovable suri-risi- partv at her
clrdtlreii tit" Minneapolis motored to home Thursday evening by her iol- j
wtr.u a, to peiui tne week-end wttn . lowing girl lnends:
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hinzie, jr. I Mib-. Miss.s.
Mr. and Mrs. George F.. Micket V.vtJlm?8'1, a,!r!'f vu'
and family ami Mr. and Mrs. Arthur i M-iVta Math-wa,' v. tin ,nnr.ini:3.
L. Mickel ot" Council lilufts have re-; " ru KA M-tiS'y, h.s" i .ni-nburR,
turned from a motor trip to Lake ! t:,''iyl, Ka"'- Tj,'to'
Okoboji, bringing home, with them,
Miss Gladys Mickel, who has been at
( amp Mctlride.
'Good Cleaners and Dyera."
1513-17 Jones St. Phone Doug. 963.
South Side, 4703 South. 24th St..
Phono South 12S3.
, ';.,":"' '! 'i ,'r!,:;;H"!''"flt!rl'TiT' "
v to Order
For Michigan Guest.
Mrs. F Thomas Turner entertains
at a luncheon for her guest. Miss
Dora Prayer of Grand Rapids, Mich,
The plaee cards were decorated with
I C1,-t- t,.w -..-,,1 ,..,.r,. hoU i rvlnr-o
Mi. Mr
( .ihior.o i tot-
Notes of the Wayfarers.
Mr. Frank F.. Alexander and sisters i
. G. A. Meyer are in
two n- three weeks.
went to Monterey this week
an l-'rancisco.
Charles Clelaud will leave
stlay for her home in Port-
i re., after spending the sum
mer witii her sister, Mrs. Charles
Mis. 'i'riuder, nee Nannie Page,
'...ho is with her husband, Dr. 1'rinder,
in the Philippines lias recently en
nned a tt u to China, v isiting Peking
an.1. Tien- I'sin.
Mi-s Anne Giftord, who took her
isier, M ar . to a girl's camp,
ha- !et.n nt ikmtic City ever since
with Mis. 1. -.. Summers at the Mait-bor-
u,:;: Blenheim.
Mr. art en Sw iirter, w ho lias
been in California most of the sum
mer, will be detained there sometime
owing to a severe sprained ankle. Mr.
and Mrs. Switzier were in La Jolla a:
the time of her accident, but have
gone to Long Peach this week.
One day was spent by the Reeds
at Dennis with Mrs. W R. McKeeu,
Mrs. George Palmer and Miss Kthel
Morse, ami at iurcheon w ith them
were Mr. and Mrs. I Urman Kountze
tuiv candv tagot s.
laid for seven guestt..
Dr. and Mrs. . ('.
Icrtaiueil Tl'tirx'.ay o
trr Lake club for Mi
C overs were
Lawrence en
ping at Car
1 haver.
Press Club Luncheon.
"1 he Omaha Woman's Press club
will re-nine its fortnightly meet mgs
(CtttiiiiMied on Puirr Ptiur. I'liliinui Two.)
t i...... . V
On;- ha. N other
I" i . in Today Un
til September 30,
wa ill tailor
y i: ihu lit'est.
v.'iition in skirts
.a' Jailor
412 iV;.'.. Block
16th an.:'. ; - s -.m its.
' ' .-. ... ...w ,.
Our Vedding Rings are
Pain Proof,
Color Proof
Divorce Proof.
Movie Actresses
and Their Hair
make them honest
and pure.
Any quality.
Ask (or and Get
36 fog Recipe Book frte
( iAfi&EJT KACAR'Jkl thLKft .it AMERICA
Learn to play the
by note
Solos Accompaniments
26 Arlington Block
Res. Phone, Han;cv 2042.
Did it ever occur to ou t' at every
j movie arhTss you have reel lias lovc
! ly hair, while the most j-o-; tilar count
their curls as their chief beauty? In
' fact, (this is a secret), many are
!eadin;r ladies just hecause of their
I attractive locks. Inquiry among
:' litem discloses the fact that they
brititf out al! the natural beauty of
their hair by careful r.hamponine:, not
1 with any soap or rnak'-s'-ift, but. with
a simple miyture which they make
up for themselves by jiuUinsr a tea
spoonful of cantl.rot; (which they
Ket from the drmreis: I in a cup of
lint v. titer and applying this instead
of soap. A Iter its use their hair dries
re.pidh, with uniforri color. Dand
ruff, excess oil and dir. ar.. dissolved
and entr.v'y disappc.i-. The hair is
so fluffy th:.! it loul. i much heavier
than it is. lis lustre and softness is
dclichtful, v.-h 'c ,j. stimulated scalp
K.iir.s the health .'.'!: insures hair
t:r wth.--Advert isenu-nl.
Cs I'.Us
wit'.l i;c: , '
. witll Mr
t .V-
iirkcnd.t!t a
M:.s.s 1,,
l!'..n.-he 1V;!
I'..rtia Su-;-
h.nne the pin!.'!.- ,-i the -.m-. W
Mrs j. Y. I'isI:,.,- ,( ! , v.n,:!--ter.
Mis. W.a'.tct l'!.i-k. x-A !..') aic
home tro':i Welle:. I ..lo., ulicre
were t!:c :i:.sis ot Mrs. l-'islier's ta-tl-.rr,
C. 1-'. Weller. and Mts. Weller.
Mrs. Charles Mel and Mi-s Ger
trude Met;', returned Sunday from
i--:cs p.irk .V"- J. - ::i V i':i':i ar
Turpin's School of Dancing
Season Opens Monday, September 11th
Adult B.tinnir,, Monday. September II, t p. m. Adjll Advanced. Tuedy. Seplemher 12 n Hi.i, ,k.i r...
I . m. Flr.l Ch.ldren'. Clau Snturdjy, October 7. 2:30 p. cn. Prlvl. Les.ons Ar.y Tim..
Slnt ...urd.y. Serletnber 30, 8
arum K nh,
Applioationn iwetvcd now. Terrai moat riuoiubli. Mr. Turpin teachea
beat t nct. Strictly a achoot cf dnctng.
til the new, modern da n.i-. Vou jt
Harney 5143
28th and Farnam
with !eMTtVMhtVAeV4WakfcrltI' AtkhtiAAutiiMtMvtr-Aii