Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Good Things for the Table Off erings of the Market Household Hints
Markets Flooded With Fruits
and Garden Truck at Mod'
. erate Prices,
sow is the time to institute a pro
gram of preparedness for next win'
ter's keen appetites.
The enterprising housewife can get
a lot ot good things on the Umaha
markets now to convert into delicious
things in jars and glasses for the win
ter's delectation.
Quinces have, just made their ap
pearance. Quinces are not things of
beauty. But you know what quince
jelly is, the kind that mother used to
make and that mothers are mak'rg
nowadays, too.
Grapes are plentiful, the purple
kind that make such good jelly and
the prices are very moderate. They
will be even more plentiful in a week
or two.
Tomatoes are in the 'heydey of their
summer's existence and now is the
time to put up catsup and tomato
'Little Picklei Abundant
Little pickles for pickling are abund
ant as are also little onions for the
same purpose.
Cooking apples are' coming in tin
goodly quantities, especially after the
gloomy prediction that they- would be
very scarce this year. Crab apples
are also plentiful, for making apple
There is no sign of any decrease in
the visible supply of watermelons and
cantaloupes and the prices remain low
and the quality delicious.
Summer squash of several varieties
are on the" market.
Pears are plentiful, but peaches are
not very abundant.
Egg plant, cauliflower, red and
white cabbage, cucumbers, new swee,t
potatoes, wild plums are among the
good things in the markets.
'cosxnrr u ekcme a mm scam
Orange Cream Layer Cake
Household Suggestions
To make a good furniture polish
scrape two- ounces of beeswax into
a pot' or Jar; add. as much spirits
of turpentine as will moisten the
whole, and the eighth part of an
"ounceof resin. Dissolve all this to
.the consistency of paste and add as
much Indianred as will deepen the
-color to a dark mahogany. Stir all
well together.! , ,
To wash brushes and combs, pot a
teaspoonful of ammonia into a basin
of hot water and dip the brush up
and down in it, letting the, comb re
main in the water for a few minutes.
Afterward rinse in cold water.
If new enamel pans are placed in
pan of water and allowed to come
to the boil and then cool, they will
be found to last much longer with
out burning or cracking.
; Always rinse black Stockings in
blue water, and they will keep a
good color right an -to the end. ...
Before cleaning knives on a knife
board, damp them slightly. They
clean more quickly and gain a better
polish. , -
It is at this season of the year that
the mind of the thoughtful housewife
turns toward the cake Vox, and- the
question of how to find something
that will be both good and unusual.
This is a delicious cake.
Take one cup of butter, work it to
a creamy consistency with two cups
of powdered sugar, after which add
by degrees three tups of sifted flour,
one-half cup of sweet milk and the
whites of eight eggs beaten to a stiff
froth. After working the mixture for
fifteen minutes, add two tablespoon
fuls of baking powder and one of al
mond flavoring. Bake in layer cake
pans, fill with orange filling, and
spread with orange glace.
Filling Put one spoonful of corn
starch in two tablespoonfuls of water
and, when it is dissolved, add the
beaten yolk of one egg and stir until
smooth. Place the juice of two or
anges and the grated rind of one of
them with one tablespoonful of water
on the fire, and when the liquid boils
add the egg mixture. Cook for three
minutes, add the slightly beaten
whites ot the egg just before taking
the tilling from the tire, and cool part
ly before using. '
Orange Glace Put the finely
chopped peel of an .orange into a
stew-pan, and pour over it two table-
spoonfuls of boiling water, cover the
pan and let the contents remain till
cool; then add the juice of the orange
and strain through a piece of muslin.
Take one and a half cups of icing
sugar, and mix with it three table
spoonfuls and a half of the liquor pre
pared as above; stir over a fire until
it is warm, and then use. Decorate
the cake with fresh orange slices.
Best Cane Granulated.
8 Iba. beat Coffee .$1.00
Coffee Special, lb so
Teaa for icing, per lb. 50c to 60c
Sugar sold with $1.00 order of other
406 N. lSth St, Phone Dous. 2446.
- ask tor and Get - . e ,
3i ftp Rtdpt Book Fm
1916 Milk Fed Spring Chickens, per lb 1ft3i
We have Jiut received 15,000 pound, of Live Spring Chlckena, which w. will
Spare Ribs, lb 9
Ex. Lean Reg. Hams, lb.. 15
Sugar Cured Hams, lb.. 11
E-x. L,ean creaKiast Bacon, per
id , 17?
Sugar Cured Bacon, lb.. 15
From 7 to 8, Pork Chops, per lb. . .IStte
From 8 to 9, 8-lb. Pail C Lard 35c
From 9 to 10, Lamb Chop., per lb. . . Sc
113 South 16th Street
Phone Doug. 2307
Forequarter ' Lamb, genuine
spring lamb ft
Fresh Pig Pork Loins, lb.. 15 ft
Hindquarter Lamb .1494
Pig Pork Butts, lb 1594
Steer Pot Roast, lb . . 10
Young Veal Roast, lVi..(114
Young Veal Chops, lb. .14 H
Porterhouse , Steak, lb . , . 16
Opposite Wool worth's Sc and 10c Store.
nwnumiwn fluuiMi rvx iua jqvn hi iruw ahi aiUKb in mc, tHiT
Pure Lard, per lb .15c
Compound Lard, 2 lbs. for 25c
Pure Granulated Sugar, 14 lbs. for $1.00
f " laiicv amurn is unpn, per DUKei,,,,,, jfQe
Extra Lean Pork Chops, per lb. .... .tOe
Extra Lean Pork Steak, per lb...... i. ......15c
Strictly fresh extra lean Pork Loins, per lb ........... 16
Extra fancy Genuine Spring Lamb Legs, per !b., 17 Vic
Extra fancy, home dressed Spring Chickens, per lb , . .23c
Choiae steer prime Rib Roast, per lb .15c
Choiee steer Sirloin Steak, per ib 17 Vic
.xtra xancjr xoung- Mutton Chops, Z iba. for...... .25c
Extra fancy Young Mutton Stew, $ lb, for... 25c
Extra fane Veal Ghana. nr Ih... .
Extra fancy Veal Roast, per lb. . . .
Veal Stew or Breast, $ lbs. for. . . ,
Phone Tyler 470.
Pheoe Tyler 1470.
Extra fancy Pears, oer banket . ' 9it
Extra fancy Cooking Apples, per peck 25c
Extra fancy Crab Apples, per peck... 25c
Extra fancy Peaberry Coffee, 2 lbs. for.,.. 35c
Diamond C Soap, 10 bars for 2B
..15c Table Salt. 8 sacks for in
.l2Vac Our Bakery Department is in tip-top shape. You can get
.ZBc anytmng you want in the Bakery line.
The Largest Mail Order House In the State. ' Mail Orders Promptly Attended To.
i U07 Douilea Stmt.
tvtr n n
J! I 11.11
I Jt ir?
Wrfrmours III ill
' rirVVTrs i tit i si j J
Leek fee Oil. tin a
ever a
Crushed from full-bodied, lus
cious Concords bottled at the vine
yards, right whr. the beat grapes grow
delivered to yon undsr th. purity-protactioa
of th Oval Label that's frmir'm I
The health-pleasure drink for
all ages.
Th delldoaa thint-cguencbing smack of
rich, fruity goodness. DilaU it to your taste.
Buy mfrmour's in the Family Case
of six on-jlnt bottles.
ROBT. BODATZ, M,r., 13th and JonM Sta,
W. L. WILKINSON, 2f II Q. T.I. So. 1740.
11 l
1 A 1
L .
Suggestions for Cake Bakers
The following recipes may be of
use for cakes to serve, its they arc all
simple to make and not very ex
pensive: One-quarter pound flour, one heap
ing teaspoonful bakinij powder, two
eggs, two ounces icing sugar, , three
ounces butter, two ounces powdered
sugar, two small lemons.
Grate the rind, of one lemen and
squeeie the juice; cream the hutter
and the powdered sugar and then add
the eggs one at a time and beat well
for ten minutes. Then stir in the
flour, lemon rind and juice and lastly
the baking powder; hake in a lined
round tin for about an hour. Do not
have the oven too hot. When cold, ice
with the following; Squeeie ahd
strain the juice of the second lemon
and mix with the icing sugar to i
meSist paste. If not moist enough
add a few drops of water. Spread
over the sides and top of the cake
and leave to dry.
Seed Cakes.
Three-quarters pound bultei. one
and a half pounds of ilour, half pound
sugar, two eggs, a little milk, half
ounce of carraway seeds.
Rub the butter into the flour, add
the sugar and seeds and mix all with
the well beaten eggs anil the milk
Form into rock-shaped cakes and
bake in a quick oven.
Almond Sticks.
One-half, pound of powdered sugar,
three ounces of flour, three ounces of
ground almonds, two whiles of eggs.
Whisk the whites of the eggs to a
"olid froth, add the sugar, then the
flour and almonds. Roll into sticks
hind bake in ratner a slow oven till
crisp. A few drops of almond essence
will improve the flavor.
Chocolate Hearts.
Two ounces of butter, two ounces
of cornstarch, two ounces of grated
chocolate, a tablespoonful of milk,
two epg?, one-quarter tablespoonful
of baking powder, three ounces of
powdered sugar.
t'ream the butter and sugar to
gether, beat in the eggs, next add the
chocolate, cornstarch, baking powder
an 1 sufficient milk to make, a tbick
batter (rather over a tablespoonful
may be required). '
Have ready twelve little' heart
shaped tins, well greased. Divide the
mixture between them and bake for
half an hour in a moderate oven.
Ree Want Ads Produce Results.
1916 Is Thrift Year.
Buy your groceries at
Save W hile You Eat.
and watch your bank account grow"
H'ro tire ft fw of our every day low prices
1916 Milk Fed Spring Chickens, per lb. ...... . . . .19
W. have Ju.t received a cario.d ol llv. gprlaf Chlekma, which w. will drn. to
Lamb Legs,, per lb..,.,. 15 rEx. Lean Reg. Hams,-lb..l5Xt"
Fresh Pig Pork Loins, lb.!5?ia
Pig. Pork Roast, lb 12 Vie,
Steer Pot Roast,- lb . ; . -. . 10V4
Pig, Pork Butts, lb -.153i
Young Veal Roast, lb. .I.IIH
Young, Veal Chops, lb. . .14 Vis
Porterhouse Steak, lb....16H
..1MB, IU.. -
Sugar Cured Hams, lb. .lii;
ax. L,ean creaKtast Uacon, pe
' lb. -.17
Sugar Cured Baeon, lb. ,154e
J to t P. M. . S-lb. Pall C Lent 3Sc
S to P. M., Lamb Chop. Be
( to 10 P. II.. Pork Ch.,.
Nut Cake
is simply delicious when made with
KG Baking Powder
D 1J fall" I r- 1 iSfiiS.
x in c- iicauinui rrnnntnirai aeuasmzx
The highest grade of baking powder pos
sible to buy and your money refunded
if it fails to satisfy. Ask your dealer.
Jaques Mfg. Co, Chicago
Mason Jnra with lncqnerod ei
Fints, -lOt d"?.. Qts., 42d
tU2. tii-p'al., (5tf doz.
Tip Cocoa, li-lb. can...,18
Bst tall Rd Alusha Salmon, per
can 1S
American tjidy Cedor Oil, $1 00
size, !): FOc size,. 30ti
25c sise, ISt.
I. X. L. Starch, 10c pkg. .7d
15c sise Corn Flakes, iif; 3 for
Ice Tea, fine tiuality, lb..23
Independent Coffee, reg. 35c
prado, lb 28c1
Thrftv Habit Coffee, Pantos
blend, lb..., 20
Fancy Oueen Olives, qt., 33;
Pt., 17.
Best grade Cider Vinegar, per
gal. l6
Quart bottle 7
White Grain Vinegar, gal. ,14'
Hipno Washing Powder, 4
pkg.i 8 for i....l0
Pyramid Washing Powder, 25c
size for .'. 15
6c size, 4 pkg.; 3 for 10
Sunbrite Cleanser, Ec can, 4
3 for 10
Kine Talle Salt t nearly half
what you pay elsewhere. 8
lb. sack, 3; 6-lb. sack, 5!
14-lb. sack. . . .' . . . 13-'
For quality and flavor in But'
terine, try the following: -
Princeton White, 1-lb. cartonr
for i....23"
E tra Princeton, , colored, 1 lb.
carton. .23
Empire, medium grade, 1-lb. cat.;"
ton 19'
Magnolia, 2 1b. roll 30
About the only Butter we evetf
tried which suited most every?
body is Daaish Pioneer, at per
lb 3Ui
Short Ribs. lb. . . . 1112 V4
Cream Cheese, lb.- 20,
Spring Chickens, lb., 74-25
McLaren's Peanut Butter, a de
licious spread for bread, per
lb. 11
Dromedary Datenut Butter, 10c
size .. .. ............. . .8'
Parchment Paner, roll..8-4
Crene Paper Napkins, 100.15
Picnic Plates, 25 in pkg., sani
tary and economical, pkg..
g; 8 lor 4...2-(T
13 lbs. of Fin., Dry, Granulated .Sugar for
We have just purchased our fourth car this season and believe'
th quality is better t'-an ever. We recommend that you buy them
not guaranteed, same as we do. ' . '
1 l l0c lb. lViclb.
300 or 360 s'ze, per case, 87.00 Per dozen, 24. 28. 34,'
38. Most stores have all sizes. .
Missouri Pears, similar to Keifer, per bu., (so called) ... .31.60
Malaga Grapes, lb., 7; 3 lbs. for 19;basket. . . 38
Phone Gan.ral Office, Tyler 440, for Locatlosts of
The Special Ice Cream
. for Sunday will be'-
i X "H UCE hi. W "LI
$T Cni "tihtk 1 yRttMA 1
11 1 WS.I I aaf ISaV SI
BelllN. ft A-
as 1 f 1 f IT 1 Till
t-t : Sir
11' ':
npHE rapture of motion in a swift par over perfect roads
through fragrant country is increased two-fold by the
anticipation of stopping in some pretty town and having
the Store Clerk bring out to your party, great, foaming
glasses of Ice Cream soda or frigid mounds of our pure,
whol me Ice Cream. You will double die joy or your
motor-guests by. such a treat.
But, Jor their sakes, be sure to ask
u la the Ice Cram
iv F"'"sss.v ik inn i r mmrmwTg , shw
You will find v
for sale at the better stored
in most towns hereabout