THE BEE: QMAHA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1916 v GRIST OF TRAFFIC VIOLATORS FINED t Jitney :. Driver "Hauled Into T . Court Just in Time to Get I an X Assessment. J THE CHARGES ARE VARIED I Paul Berger, a jitney driver, was last but not least' of the automobile drivers who faced the police judge Friday morning. The highest fine as sessed beiore 11 o'clock was $5, for speeding and reckless driving. The fine for passing a street car had been $2.50 all the1 morning. At 11:15 Ber ger -was brought in and attempted to argue with the judge as to his guilt. He was fined $10 and costs. , Those fined $5 and costs for speed ing were: Harry Baldwin, 202 North Seventeenth street; D.' B. dimming, 2925 Horth Forty-seventh avenue; F. W. Farney, 2515 Jones street; L. C. Smith, 6008 Main street; George Nay lor, 1109 Farnam street. H. Peterson. 1819 North Twenty-first street, paid $2.50 for speeding. Frank Selby, 702 Keeline building, an Arthur Peter son, Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets, did not answer a "Golden rule summons" for speeding and warrants were issued for their arrest. A war rant was issued for C. E, Miller, 1007 Leavenworth, who did not answer a summons for operating bright lights on paved streets. , ' v Fined for Passing Car. H. Goodrich was fined $2.50 for passing a street car. William Arm trust, 3602 South Twentieth street, paid the same amount for a similar offense. 1 , R. L. Dunn, 5005 Military avenue, and J. F. Taylor were fined $1 and costs, each for violations of the boule vard ordinance. L. D. Willis, 1002 South , Thirty-sixth street, faced the judge for the third time within two weeks and was fined $1 and costs foT bright lights on his car. The first two offenses were illegal parking of his car and he received a suspended sentence the first time and a $1 fine the second time. P. M. Martin, 2417 Farnam street, paid $1 and costs for bright lights, as did Ted Savidge, 1020 North Twenty-sixth street. For violations of the parking rules, E. L. Glover, 1201 Nicholas street, and A. T Benson, 1904 Lathrop street, had sentences of $2.50 sus pended, and George W. Summer was discharged. Shelden Sundgren was turned, over to the juvenile officials tor violating tne rules or tne road, and M. L. Wolfson, Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets, was excused for running a car without a license. Cupid Shoots His Darts Twice Into Tom Kelly's Office Cupid has invaded Tom Kelly's office with the Travelers' Insurance company. Not only that he spurred on a matrimonial race between Lester Caldwell, insurance adjuster that was, and Bert John Hull, insurance adjus ter that is. ., . Last week announcement was made that Mr. Caldwell's marriage to Miss Norma Gasper of Milwaukee would take place Saturday of this week, after which the young people would go on to Hartford, Conn., to live. Mr. Hull of Duluth.came down to take Mr. Caldwell's place, but stopped enrpute at Minneapolis Wednesday long enough to marry Miss Wilma Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Harvey Reed. Miss Reed is a Del ta Gamma sorority girl from the Uni versity of Minnesota. The young people are now at the Fontenellet "All the unmarried folks in the office have their 'hands up!' " says Mr. Kelly. "They're afraid of anoth er arrow." ' Minne Lusa Sewer Of Unique Design ( Commissioner Jardine, in charge of the public, improvements department, is trying out a new idea in connection with the twelve-foot storm water sever being constructed along Minne Lusa avenue. The sewer is twelve feet across and seven and one-half feet deep, of box type. A twenty-foot paved roadway will rest directly on top of the sewer and the connection between sewer and roadway will be such that in times of unusual flow in the sewer the excess flow may be , carried off by means of surface drain age without damage to manholes, as ireejuentiy nappens in times of un ' usual rainfall. z A twenty-foot roadway will be laid on the avenue east of Jhe sewer and between the two roadways will be a thirty-ieven-foot parkway. Omaha Wheat Market Returns to Normal ,y. After two weeks of unusual activ ity ho rimoli-. i tll. ..j "i.'i. mw null KCl, IIKC that of Chicago and elsewhere, re turned to- normal and prices were steady to unchanged. Prices ranged from $1.441.49. There were 151 carloads on the market, practically all grading No. 2 hard. Corn was a cent off. due to ner- fect weather over the entire corn l,elt R,-;nte C:t ...... t k Miiy-scvcn car loads and prices were 79J80c per bushel. - Oats were unchanged, bitt in good demand, the sales being made at 43 44c per bushel. Receipts were fifty eight carloads. George Cowton Has Old ' School Chum in Trenches George Cowton, deputy cleric of the federal court at Grand Island, is in Omaha. He is showing friends . a letter he just received from his old school chum, W H. Clarkson, who is with the British force in France. They were schoolmates in Scarbor , ough, England,. Clarkson was wound ed in the Dardanelles campaign and spent some time in a hospital in Egypt. He is now with the Lewis . machine gun section in France. "We are in billets most of the time . now." be writes, "sleenin? in barns ' and in rooms in houses. I had a bed with clean sheets for two nights, but was aoie to sleep just as well as I would on the ground or a bunch of . straw. . . , New Books TREES. 8HRITRS. VINES AND HERRA CEOfS PERENNIALS. By John Klrke runt, ailnled by Dr. H. T. FernaM and Prof. B. A. white. Boiton. Williams Bookstores Company. Williams Bulldinf. Frtoe 12 JO. In the preparation of this volume, the purpose continually in the mind of the author has been to afford a simple and convenient reference book of the ornamental trees and shrubs and plants hardy in this climate; sim ple, yet concise, a guide valuable not only to a amateur, but to the busy architect, gardener or plantsman as well. Its form has been suggested by the needs encountered during a long period of private and commercial association with plants, when the ma terial here set forth would at times have been most useful. The author has earnestly endeavored to include-l whatever information the average householder needs to enable him to make a selection of such trees and plants as are best adapted to his pur posts, and to aid him in properly caring for the grounds about his home. SHAKESPEARE AND PRECIOUS STONES. By Qeorte Frederick Kuns. Philadelphia, J. B. Llpplncott Company. 11.26. The known references of precious stones in Shakespeare's works with comments as to the origin of his ma terial, the knowledge of the poet con cerning precious stones and references as to where the pTecious stones of his time came from. As no' writer has made a more beautiful and telling use of precious stones in his verse than did Shakespeare the author believed that if these references could be gath ered together for comparison and for quotation and if this were done from authentic and early editions of the great draThatist-poet's works, it would give the literary and historical student a better understanding as to what gems were used in Shakespeare's time and in what terms he referred to them. ThisMias been done here and compari sons are made with precious stones of the present time, showing what mines were known and gems were worn in Shakespeare's day, and also some thing of those that were not known then, but are known at this time. HOMANS' AUTOMOBILE HANDBOOK. By J. E. tfomans. New York. Sully A Klelntotch'. 11.00. This book is a wonderfully com plete summary, within the limits of a volume of moderate size, of the principles of construction and opera tion of a-gasoline motor car and en gine. Like other books produced by its author, it is distinctly readable and characterized by lucid and thorough explanations 'of matters unfamiliar to the average reader. Few books that have appeared of late are better cal culated to inform, also to interest, wmle imparting information. FROM NATURE FORWARD. By Harriet Doane Plenties. Philadelphia. J. B. Llp plncott Compaiy. IJ.0Q. (Morocco leather cover.) - , This book is for thosewho desire tfte peace, health and success that are vital to every thinker of today. Mrs. Prentiss has drawn her inspira-1 tion and conclusions from the open ook of life and her words will bring comfort and broad explanations t o ....... 11n.v man W wnfflflt. She iS absolutely nonsectarian, prejudiced to no special cause; it is because of this that her book will bo enjoyed by all denominations as nature is enjoyed by every lover ot the Deauurui. AMERICAN PROSE. By Walter. Bronson The University of Chicago Press. 11.60. a -An.n,n;n irlum to Prof. Bron- son's widely and favorably known anthology, American ionn. ?nrpspritative selection from fTie prose literature of our - Ill n.VLW 4ok its nlace as lUUIlllj mil 4ivi.; i a standard book for classroom use as well as for private reading. Clear ann attractive in typography, American i f.. klnM., Inter. rrose contains a iuuvi ui uibihj ....... .: mn,.i4 ,h clnr4inn. rover ing the period 1607-1865 and including the work or tnirty-seven auinors. RETAft SELLING. By James W. Fink. mew XOm. naryer mu. ,..v. Mr. Fisk has utilized the results of large and active business experience I.: . f k..DlAea i;. as wen as nis w wua.3 ...w, in flip nrertarattnn of this alert. sucgestive book on the various phases OI Selling. nc Wllica w mi; un.i, . . . -r A. nva.An,;.,n Wltnout waste Ul wue'ia, pii-stiiiiiiB succinctly ideas and methods which Will UC luuiicuian.ij' uci...m. .....j : i : ,A a,.lnt man in retail uusmcaa, uu iw ihu.hv who' wish) to acquire a practical 1 l-.l jt !. . c.KIat Ml J . Jul t yj . Hi., ouujvw HAT FEVER. By William C. Hollopeter. M. D. New York: Funk ft wafnairs. . 11.36 net. A book for laymen as well as physi cians, bv a man of the highest pro fessional medical standing, who has made snecial studv of. and has been wonderfully successful in, the treat ment of hay fever. Every hay teer victim should know what is its his tory, what are the causes of it, hew it may be prevented, and what 4s treatment snouia De. adepts actually bid and play their hands. It shows them where they can do still better. It is suited alike to I he needs of the beginner and the ratfd player. IF YE FULFILL THE LAW. By A. It. W New York. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 11.60. A universal royal law pre-supposes a universal sovereign. The authority which gives validity to this law is vested m Christ. If we could unite, asks the author, in our aim and pur pose, to destrcry all that wfiich now destroys n, should we not be fulfill ing the law, of Chrjst, the royal law? CHRISTIAN CERTAINTIES. Ry Julia K. Smyth. New York. ThVi New Church Press. ' ' To reinstate the truths of the Chris tian religion in the light of their own intrinsic greatness, and to urge their value for the man of today, who, more than ever, is feeling the need of eternal principles in facing the chaotic conditions of these times .is the two-fold purpose of this little volume. FORE-ARMED. By Granville Fortescuo. Philadelphia. John C. Winston Co. Since many citizens of the United States have become convinced of the necessity of preparedness against war, this book is presented in order to make available information as to the methods in use in other countries, where preparedness has long been ac cepted in principle and practice. From the experience of other nations, we may receive the light wherewith to resolve our own problem. EXPERT AUCTION. By E. V. Shepard. New ' York. Harper &,Brothers. $1.26. ,The author is a recognized au thority on the game. He stands in the front rank of auction experts. He has delved . more deeply than any other player into the probabilities and basic principles of the game. "Ex pert Auttion" clearly shows you how THE FARM MORTGAGE HANH BOOK. By Kinsman Nott Robins. New York. Iioubleday Page ft Co. A book of facts regarding the metheds by which the farmers of Canada and the United States are financed. Especially intended for in vestors seeking information regardng investments in farm mortgages. THE MAN OF POWER. By Lynn Bhrold Houfh. New York, 160 Fifth avenue. The Abingdon Press. 76 cents. Twelve brief and graphic sketches of the characteristics of the efficient life. There is an interesting and vi tal treatment of such subjects as mind, conscience, will and emotion; a discussion of social and professional efficiency, and a chapter each on the efficient churchman and the efficient citizen. . THEOSOPIIY AND NEW THOUGHT. By Henry C. Sheldon. New York. TheAbtng don Press. 60 cents. A keen and critical analysis of these modern cults. While hot overlooking the good points and the elements of truth, flie weaknesses and fallacies are clearly portrayed. The author treats his subject with judicial fairness and with fidelity to the principles of phi losophy and religion: ' THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. By Wood row Wilson. New York. Harper ft Bros. 60 cents. This vivid portrayal of "The Presi dent of the United States," which ap pears now for the first, time in sepa rate form, was written by Woodrow Wilson when he was president of Princeton university in 1908. At that time he had no thought that he would occupy the great office of which he wrote. It is, therefore, of peculiar interest to note how theory and prac tice have met. THE WAR FORTHB WORLD. By Israel Zangwlll. New York. The MacMlllan Co. 11.60. , .Before all modern Europe was in volved in warefare, Israel Zangwill was wont to speculat on war and its effects witness his play, "The War God." Now, he writes a book about war while England, where he makes his home, is in the heat of battle, And. as was to be expected, he does not say the conventional thing he has new ideas and he is unafraid. He goes at his subject resolved to be frank and honest with himself and his readers. Altogether the volume is a unique and permanent addition to literature. 'i THE CHRISTIAN COLLEGE. By Herberl Welch, Thomas Nicholson iMid Henry Chun-hill King. 160 Fifth avenue. New York. The Methodist Book Concern. 60 cents. Addresses delivered at the Alle gheny College centennial. They deal with various phases of the Christian college, and will be of special vaue to educators; also to all who seek to understand the reasons for the found ings of suchv institutions and the necessity for their continuance. Here, too, will be found valuable material for educational addresses. A LAST MEMORY OF ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON, ny Charlotte Eaton. New York. Thomas Y. Crowsll company. 6tl cents. This is a quiet home visit, and the author is seen at close range, through the glamor of an avowed worshiper; but few could come m contact with so area! a soul a man who preached and practiced optimism under stress that would have made lesser spirits crack without sharing the present writer' enthusiasm for the man him self, no less than for his work. SELLING THINGS. By Orison Swett Msr- den. New York. Thomas' Y. Crowell com pany. $1. Sales. managers welcome this book It can be used as the basts of weekly sales talks or sent as a gift, it will be a guide and inspiration to the men on the road. The more highly trained and the more generously endowed, naturally, the salesman may be, the more he will appreciate "Selling 1 lings. It makes you love the work. It inspires enthusiasm, .1 gives com'iric'nce, it imparts" the power to persuade. . PLAIN FACTS ABOUT MEXICO. By George J. Hagar. .: New York. Harper a Bros. 60 cents. A convenient summary of the nat ural, racial, economic, industrial and Institutional conditions in this coun try of vast possibilities; a book wheh answers the questions everyone is asking. , . . , , , ' Magazine Notes. The serial story "Bonnie May," by Louis Dodgt, is completed in the Au gust number of Scribner's,, which also contains "Feet of tiold," by Gordon Arthur Smith; "Chavero," by James B. Connolly; 'The Colyum Conduc tor," by Arthur Chapman, and many other interesting articles and stories. Everybody's for August contains the first of a group of short stories by Booth Tarkington, the author of "Penrod ' and "Seventeen," entitled "The Second Name for Vreeders burgh." It also contains "Alicia and TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT Every Kind Price Very Lew Over five hundred machines to elect from. Rent applied on purchase. Central Typewriter Exchange, Inc. IMS Farmam St ' Phoae Douglas 4121. AM lea meaieMea ef Bern HelMto eradloaM esadraC rarKesMiaai Cesar iae4 aa.ll WGrey ec FsJed Hear. Joe Tinker Shortstop and mana ger of the Chicago Cubs won the fed eral League pennant for the Chi-Fes in 1915. A brainy ball player and a clever manager. Demand the oenuino by full t nicknames encourage substitution. The Coca-Cola Co. ATLANTA, OA. Am Ti Demands Year Blood Whta the blood (the power (aid of tout body) it properly nourished. Tour body in variably radiates aignt of glowing health But it it to assy to aeg lect its importance, and blood disease's of nalirnant form, like Rheumatism, Catarrh, Malaria, Scro fulous poisons aad akie diseues take held before fie are aware the result ef aegU arence. - V Ketp your blood (power fluid) rtrrnifir port by the nourishing qualities of I.I.I, and baa. isa tnese anoeiiraoie tenants rrom your ooar. jiWBwiMreeijrMit (50) vi. rercuy jj !.?- 'ivy fillip. Little Moses," the story of a match making spider by George Weston. A feature of Harper's for August is the stoiy by Kliiabclli Jordan, "Phillip's hurnis Man," introducing three beautiful characters one a chilil In this issue also is an article re garding the roundup in Cheyenne by Charles Wellington Furlong.' Another good story is "The Pearl," by W. D. Howells. In the September Women's Home Companion "Hilly Koster and the Snow Queen'' comes to a very satis factory and interesting end. while the reader's attention is called to a sweet story entitled "Welcome to Our City," by Annie Hamilton Donnell, the sto ry revolving around the mistake of a well-meanin(t and lovable small boy. In all other respects the magazine is, as always, full of topics absorbing to women. . There are so many articles 6( in terest in the Mothers" Magazine for September that it is hard to pick out ones for special mention. Of unu sual interest is one of the Betileboro stories by Clara E. Laughlin entitled "When Elli Slammied the Dtior." "Professional -Training for Mother hood." by Zone Gale, is' also instruO live, while lh l.luld s Sense of. Hu mor," by Laura Spencer Porter brings up interesting facts' in regard to chil dren, and should be read by all moth ers. . ' Alunsey's for, September . contains an article by Oliver Simmons' which will be found entertaining by those interested in inventions and inventors. It gives a description of Edison's methods when he has an invention in the making. The article is 'entitled "Edison and his Insomnia Squad." 'The Double Life of Judge Nevers" is an unusual story, in a way unreal, yet will be read with enjoyment, . You will find in Scribner's for Sep tember "A Tale of theMississinpf," by James B. Connolly ;: "Verdun, ' by Captain X; Sothenl's reminescences of Charles Frbhman and .Richard. Mans field, also a number of very inter esting articles of fiction well worth the reading. To an one who wishes to be in formed as to the latest inventions, the most up-to-date happenings in the mechanical world. Popular Mechan ics will prove to be a source of every thing desired in that line. You will be informed, in the September number about paper raincoats that can be folded up like a handkerchief and car ried in pocket or handbag You will find nut how violet rays are used to purify the water in a swimming pool in Si. Louis. Many other items of extreme interest are shown in this ex cellent niatrazine. Another Stiff; , Sentence for Man Totins: a Revolver Admission that he had carried a re volver when he. with his pal. entered the slore room of John Hoist, 2703 Cuming slreot. cost John Sigedi a stiff sentence in the penitentiary when ar raigned before judge Sears the sec ond time Friday "One to three years at hard labor," said the Judge. ' "Thank you very much, sir," replied the prisoner. .f Sigedi pleaded not guilty Thursday, but after thinking it over during the night, requested that he brought into court- Friday lo change his plea to guilty. Sigedi is the fifth prisoner charged with carrying concealed weapons to suffer the sting of stiff sentences in the cotirT campaign against holdup men. i . . Vou mil (let Instant Relief. Jlr. Bell's Ptne-Tnr-Honejr .Bnothea your routh, allays Inflammation, loosens the mu cous and you breathe much' bett.r. S6c. All druggists. Advertisement. ' G.L. HAMMER BURIED ' BESIDE HIS WIFE Prominent Business Man Who Died from injury in umana v ' Easter Tornado. i FRIENDS ATTEND FUNERAL Funeral services for Oeorge L. Hammer were held at nis late resi lience, .1027 Farnam street, at 2 1 O'clock yesterday afternoon , , I They were attended by a great I number of his personal and business I friends and by many employes of the j Byrne & Hammer Dry Goods com : pany, of which he was" vice president. The wholesale house closed at noon. Kev. K. O. Jenkins of the Presby terian Theological seminary officiated. He referred to the tine character oL Mr. Hammer, his devotion to hi" home and the church, his diligence in business. Mr. Hammer was an at- five member of the First"Presbytenan church. The pastor, Rev. E. H. Jenks. was unable to conduct the services because of absence from .the city. , Interment was in Forest Lawn cemetery, beside the body of his wife, who died last November. , No Contagious Diseases ' . Reported for Six Days Chief Clerk Harrington of the city health office is not boasting about it. " but the records show that during the last six dayr not one case of conta-" gious or. infectious disease has beer, reported to the health department. This is an unusual showing. - , . "bsrg Bulla lie." BIG. SUIT SAVINGS DON'T DELAY Take advantage 61 Our Loss and Yoitr Gatn and purchase a suit for early fall wear at this great reduction of TTT. O BOS OUR .WINDOWS II IT I Ih Hn ir i mi i i . .1 it Ui ITOTIfdfD A' wonderful selection ofv weights suitable for fall and "all winter wear. One quarter, one-' half or full lined, as you like. Scotch and English mixtures; tweeds, homespuns and wor steds, Pinch-Uack, Form-Fit ting and Loose Back models $15.00 Suits $20.00 Suits J50 $1000 $22.60 Suits $4 4 25 $18,00 Suits SJJ00 Kuppenheimer, Cotlegun, I Sbciety Brand,. L System Flnett Hand-Tailored Garments at $26.00 Suits' ' $30.00 Suit siqsv Sir oo r 13 $35fr Suits We're carrying; out our regular policy of clear ing stocks for the coming of new Fall Goods. 17 ;J!j?PW ...... Summer Suits Tropical, Palm Beach and Mohair Suits at ONE-THIRD their regular price. $6.00 Suit. $3.35 $7.60 Suits ftS.OflT $10.00 8uits$6, 25 tUM Suit, $8.00 Boys' Wool School Suits at a Great Reduc ion" Prepare the boy now at cut prices. Clothes to fit him for the fall term. Hore you will find some very superior values in suits, with two pairs of full lined trousers , . . AT $1 95 Worth to $ 3.00 $2 95 rth to $ 4.60 $3.95 Worth to $6.60 $4 95l Worth to $7.60 $6.95 Worth to $10.00 $8.95 Worth to $13.60 New Fall Suits A lew ot the choice things In Sew Fall Suits have jutt come In, and It's up to us to tell you so and talking ebout line clothes well, see 'emj that's all. S Furnishings Get your share of shirts and un derwear now while the getting is good. Some Extra Specials la Shlrti Soft and laundered euffa, aoft hoBom styles, (joulaette and mac draa cloths SU0 Talnc, How 85c $1X0 TaloM, aow 65c - tM Athletic Garments 69c i 75c Athletic Girneats 45c , , Fall Hats Are Read You are Invited to call at this store and Inspect these, unusual hats . ' New shapes and attractive cblors. . , QUALITY The Stetson $3.50, $4, $5-$,5 The Mallory $3.00 The Berg ! $3.00 The Special $2.00 ' See Our Special Display High School Cadet Quality Uniforms complete to measure $18.50 We Make UNIFORMS of all Kinds