Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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mum crowd
Government's "Safety Tint"
Train in Omaha Until Sat
urday Evening.
The governments "Safety First"
exhibit that started out from Wash
ington over the Baltimore & Ohio
railroad some two months ago has
reached Omaha, coming in from the
west over the Union Pacific Friday
morning. It will remain here until
Saturday evening, going to Lincoln
Monday, and to Beatrice Tuesday.
From Beatrice it will work back south,
getting' back to Washington next
month, when the cars will be dis
mantled and the exhibits restored to
the departments from which they
j The "Safety First" exhibit is car
I ried in sixteen of the all-steel cars
i of the Baltimore & Ohio, the seats
having been removed and the exhibits
arranged along the sides, thus en
abling visitors to view them as they
pass through the train and from one
car to another.
The government exhibit train came
into Omaha from Grand Island at an
early hour and was parked on a sid
ing north of the Union station, under
the Tenth street viaduct, the, rear be
ing at the Ninth street crossing,
where visitors were admitted.
President Calvin Visitor.
A little before 10 o'clock the train
was opened for inspection, the first
visitors being a party of railroad men,
headed by President Calvin of the
i Union Pacific. They were followed
by city officials and a number of busi
ness men and then followed the gen
eral public, men, women and children.
From the opening of the train until
noon it was filled with people, and
they moved through rapidly, a good
deal of the time tramping along to
the tunes of lively music played upon
phonographs and Victrolai.
People who were viewing the ex
hibits arranged and shown by -Uncle
Sam wonder why there are phono
graphs" and Victrola on the train.
There were none when it started oat
from Washington, ' A ' the train
moved from. place to place through
the east, the officials in charge- noted
that the attractions held the spectat
ors too long in the cars, ana casting
about for a method of quickening
their movements and making them
step lively, they hit upon the musical
instruments , as an exDeriment. A
couple of them were tried out "and
they brought , about the results
soueVt. Then one wai installed in
tatti of the cars.
Mova Faster to Music. ' ''
The music, especially the lively
tunes, cause people to move with
more rapidity. Without the music,
it was found that about 800 per hour
was the greatest number that could
be passed through the train. Now.
with the phonograph and Victrola
playing, it is an easy matter to move
1.100 oer hour. - '
Today the train will open t vis
itors at 1 o'clock, continuing until 9
in the evening, when it Wilt be closed,
and later proceed to Lincoln.
Those in charge of the' government
train and those delivering th lectures
are an trained men from the several
departments, all being familiar with
their subjects. In. the party there are
sixty-two experts,, lecturera and help
era, Secretary McAdoo is not with
the party,, he having been callled back
to Washington after, having started
on tne trip. .
Half Million' View Exhibit.
At the entrance' to the train a man
keeps track of the number of visitor
and up to the time of opening in Oma
ha he asserted that since leaving
Washington, in round numbers, jo,
000 persons .had viewed .the exhibit.
No eatimate is made of the number
of exhibits contained in the sixteen
cars, but there are thousand of them.
practically all of the government de
partments being represented.' The
departments having to do with war,
agriculture and interstate commerce
orobably carry the largest exhibits.
In the war and navy collection there
is shown about Everything that iocs
along with preparednes. There are
all kind o( implement of war. both
for blotting out lives and for saving
them. I here are all of the modern
appliances used in battle and on the
field; guns that will shoot ten to
twenty miles, together with, stores of
munitions of all kinds.
In the navy, there are models of
th great battleship and real torpe
does, auch as are sent against the
sides of ships, causing death and fle
struction. -
-,' Mine and Mining.
There is a good deal of attention
paid to mines and mining, the meth
ods of carrying on the work being
tuny explained, inere are shown in
teriors of various kinds of mine and
the methods employed by men in
working them. . . .
In the bureau of animal industry
there it much that interests oeonle.
i especially the stock raiser. , They are
shown how to improve tlieir herds,
; keep them healthy and get the beat
: results out ofj feeding. ,
Relative to the reclamation ol arid
and semi-arid land, there is a large
and comprehensive exhibit. The meth
ods of irrigation are fully explained
by lectures and topographical map
of the country, and in this connection
it is shown that on the reclamation
project that at this time there are
available for entry 354 Irrigated farms,
ranging in size from forty to eighty
acres; and that they can be purchased
from Uncle Sam at $30 to $60 per
acre. ' '
Mrs. Hans Norgard, Bride -..:
Of a Month, Passes Away
A bride of a month, Mrs. - Hans
; Norgard, 20 years old, died at a local
1 hospital Thursday evening following
: a short illness. She wa born in
Denmark and came to, Omaha five
j 1 years ago. Besides her husband, a
I dairyman at Fortieth and Valley
j streets, she i survived by her father
; and mother, three lister and one
; brother in Denmark and threa sis
; ter and three brother in Omaha.
Funeral services will be held from
; the home, Fortieth and Valley streets,
n at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon; with
j interment in Wert Lawn cemetery'. '.
j.. An Yr Bmto Banlar
j Or. Ktnf No Lira pill will ka he
;! rtCTMe.. naainaina. rat
! IndUrwtloa m. tick keadicha. lie.
'All drutflat. Aavartlaaaanl .
f . ,
The Secret the Submarine
By E. Alexander Powell
Autfcar ,1 To. tad f th Trail,'
Frame," ate.
Flf httag t Flaaaar Tha Hud te Clorr." "Vhr la
Capright, 1S1, by E. Alaaaaoar Pewall.
Usutanant Jarvu Mod la dtalld bp tha
United mat naval board to invaatlsata
and raport finding! on tha Invention of Pr.
kalph Rurka. wblch aarva to brlnf tha
aubmarlnea to a atata of perfection. On tha
trial trip or tna invantora boat, a japaneaa
helper la aurprlaed In tha act of eiamlnlnc
tha mechanlatn. Hope reporta favorably on
tha new device but there are other Inter
eeted In It. Attempt to burflarlxe Burka'a
laboratory fata: ater hla dauahter Uleo
flrda him murdered In hla bedroom. Cleo
eell her father' booka; aha flnda a not
from which aha learn they contain aecret
fcnnula. Olaa lvanoff and Oerald Morton.
aplea In aaarcb of formula, attempt to cap
ture cieo when ana cornea lor oooae to
StaphanakL tha anarchlat Hop ruahe to
her aid; Morton ahoota but bullet hit a
bemb In cellar, which explcie. Hop and
Cleo eacapa and attend ball at Mr. Pel
riar'a, whoa nephew ha two mlaetni booka.
Mahlln, a apy, attempta to ateal booka; in
ecltement that follow booka dleappear.
Manila eecapee Hope and Cleo take boat
for an Island out in the bay. Mahlln and
th Jap turn out th laland llcht After a
vlolfnt Ktorm Hod and Cleo arriv on
atrn Island and discover man they hunt
la there, Mahlln and Japanea aleo reach
tn laland Thay mcd from hod but
raturn and dynamite th ahack. Hope and
Cteo manage to feaoh Bandaboro, where Dr.
Owen haa oao of the booka. He arrange t
meet Hop at th hotel vrltn book. Morton
poe a nop ana nut ror an tartnauak
would have poaaeeeed th volum. Cleo I
ea.pturd by Morton and taken to. cabin In
th mountain. Sh Mud ther booka for
whlob they search., rortunately ah t
net to Hop, who. with Hook, tarta to
raacu. Aa he croeee chaam in awtnsln
basket Mahlln ateal ud and ebon at oabl
with an ax. Hook appoar In Urn to av
hop H rche th tbr aid and la
reeteoj by ciao; ana swear nr iov to nim.
hey ar follow by Mahlln and Jap who
attempt to kidnap Clao. 8h swlnfa herself
ever th oanyon. Olaa and Morton ar
dashed to earth In an aaroplan. Hop and
Cleo ar nulled from qulcKaari' by Moos
and a traps vin. Mahlln and flatsuma ar
called oeror tha Black council, on tn
track of another book, thay find th owner
haa lost It. Hop recelv a lettar demand
Ina hla marries to a alrl who claim h
comnromlaad her. H 1 forced to comply
by cleo Accidentally o learn it is a piot
to rop Dim in. n IB later summonva
(Continued From Teeterday.)
'Now, looky here, Miss Cleo," he
said persuasively, "there ain't no call
fer you to do anything foolish, I II get
a job in a day or two an' then every
thing'll be all right Don't you worry
no- more 'bout the money we'll get
along ome way."
'You're a perfect old dear, Hook,
she had answered,' "but we can't go
on tl)i way any longer., My money
i almost gone. Beside, I want to do
this. I simply must have something
toi occupy my mind- If I -don't, I
think I shall go mad. And I want
yoii to give me your word of honor,
Hook, that yqu won t let anyone know
where I have gone.' If you won t give
me your word I won't give you my
address. Do you promise?"
, T i r .l. aij .;t.
"And 1 don t want any mail tor
warded to me." continued Cleo.
"There i no one that is likely to' write
me, anyway, but it any letters should
come I don't want to get them. I
don't want anything that will remind
me of my old life I'm going to try to
,. "But ain't I going to see you no
more, Miss Cleo?" , m
"""Of course," she answered. "Sacra
mento i only a fern hour away and'
t M 11 j a I
i can casuy run qwn ana see; you
now and.ithcn, or yotr eon)l and
ee me. When I said that.l warned
to torget everything connected with
my old life, I didit't include you,
Hook." r , i ,;:
. . i , '
In the train on the way to Sacra
mento, Hope briefly outlined to the
astonished Hook the story Which the
lawyer had told him of Cleo' parent
age -I ...
. "Gee whillikinsF' exclaimed ' the-
sailor. "So Miss Cleo ain't Dr. Burke's,
daughter at all? Waal, now t you
come to speak of it, I've, often said
to myself that she didn't resemble
her paw. And you say she rich,
too?" k .. '..'.- ..
"Ye," said Hope, jrery rich indeed,
I understand." ' i . ' '
"Then," remarked the sea' man, "it
won't make no, difference .to' her
whether they ever find, the secret o'
the submarine or not?" ' - 1
"I won't make any great difference
to her," said Hope, f-but it will to the
government- As toon as we are mar
ried I am going on with the search
until I either find .the formula or am
-convinced that it' is irretrievably lot"
; The Fletcher, residence, where Cleo
was employed a governess, proved to
be a handsome place in the colonial
style, set well back from the trect
in beautifully kept grounds, which
swept down to the bank of the river.
' Miss Burke at home?" inquired
Hope of a kindly faced lady who was
seated on the verandah sewing.
think Mis Burke ia In the gar
den somewhere," said the woman
pleasantly. "It is her afternoon to
go out, but she rarely leaves the
grounds. It you will be seated i will
send a servant for her."
"Please don't trouble, said Hope.
I will find ber."
Passing around the house to the
garden in the rear, he strode through
long pergola fragrant with roses,
pushed his way through a screen of
shrubbery and emerged upon a
stretch of lawn, so smooth and beau
tifully tended that it looked like a
piece of green velvet, which swept,
unbrokenly to the low stone wall
which bordered the rtver. standing
beside the wall, her back toward
him, staring intently into the swirling
water was Cleo a slender ana pa
thetic figure in her black gown. Hi
footfalls deadened by the turf, Hope
stole forward softly. Just before he
reached her he apparently came to
a decision, for she stepped into the
low parapet and her figure stiffened.
as does that ot a swimmer wno is
about to 'dive. And at that instant
Hope s arms closed about her. Taken
completely by surprise, she gave a
startled scream; then, glancing over
her shoulder, she found herself look
ing into the face of the man she
loved. With a great od ot renet ana
happiness she snuggled, like a lost
child, into his protecting arms.
Hqok, remembering that there are
occasions when two are company bat
three are a crowd, whiled away an
hour before he joined' them. As his
smiing face appeared above the
bushes. Cleo. transfigured by love
and joy, rushed forward and threw
her arms about his neck.
"I'm the happiest girl that ever
lived I" he cried. "I shall never,
never forget your kindness and pa
tience." And she kissed him on both
"I wax afeard," said Hook teasing
ly, "that now you're one o' the rich
est gals in America you might ferget
all about your old friends, Mis Cleo
or Miss Montgomery, l s pose i
should sy."
"Jarvi ha told me all about it,"
he aairl. "but I still can hardly real
ize that it i true. But -I won't have
vnu call me Miss Montgomery Dr,
Burke was the only father that I ever
knew." - :
"You will not be called Mus any
thing much longer," remarke Hope
"I reckon you ain't goin' to waste
much time in gettin spncea, men,
aid Hook. - -
"We are not," aid Hope emphat
ically. "We have wasted quite
enough already. We are going to be
married tomorrow."
When the three reached San Fran
cisco late that afternoon Hope took
Cleo to the quiet residential hotel
where she had ' stayed on previous
occasions. - .
. "I. will be back in time to take you
out to dinner, dear," he said, as they
etnnrl . waiting: for the elevator.- "I
must let Mr. Johnstone know that !
have found you, and" he added hap
pily,:"! must hunt op $ minister.; ''v
Dinn'l be aone lona.. dearest," the
wolfed, clinging to his .; hati(L;, MI
shall count the minute until you -are
back with me." , j ' ' '
'TH be back within a couple of
hours at the most," he called, .as the
elevator hot her upward..-
Burlington Officials
Hold "Family" Meet
A "family" meeting of Burlington
officials wa held at local headquar
ter of the road, discussion of the
lineup for winter traffic being- the
principal topic. Those at the meeting
were: General Manager Holdrege,
Assistant General Manager Thieoff,
Omaha; B. B. Greer, Chicago, assist
ant to the vice president in charge of
operation; General Superintendent
Young, Alliance, and Lyman of Lincoln.
R. B. Howell Buys Dr. Brown's
Home on West Farnam Street
R. Beecher Howell has purchased
a handsome stucco house, 3405 Far
nam street, of W. T. Graham, real
estate man. This is the home built
a few venra 90-n hv Dr. Ewinz Brown,
who lived in it for a few year and
then sold it to W. T. Graham a few
months ago. ...
Mr. Howell does not intend to oc
cupy the place, but has leased it to
Dr. E. L. Bridges for a period of
two year.
The price paid by Howell wa $14,-
500. The house stands on a ixty-five-foot
T B CnUBOd Tuesday.)
Entire Body Covered
i: With Watery Pimples
Would Scratch Till Blood Cams
Providano., R. L. Oct It, Kit. "Bom
tlm aca iy skin btn'to -braak out tn
Httl pimple. T Tha AIM with water, and
when they opnd tha watery fluid ran out
and aprvad the trouble until my ntir body
tram my fas to my feet was oovered. Th
Itehln was somethtns terribl. ana 1 would
cratch until th blood oame, and ny akin
would feel a U it war burning. I tried a
proscription and varal kinds of aalva, but
non hlpd na. After I had suffered this
way tor 'about 14 or IB months 1 tried
Boslnol Olntmont and lUslnol Boap, and th
first application r!ivd m o that I alutt
that night. In ix wks X was cured.
(Signed) Raymond B. Madlcy, 9Q Union
Ave. -
Dooten have prescribed the Reclnol treat-
Blent for over twenty year. Sold by all
ctruggists. Samp! fra write to Dept. S-S,
Reainol, Battlmor. Hd.
; Your opportunity
to save 20 to 50
at the Central
August Clearance Sale
Many close-out patterns in every department ;
of our store yet remain and must be sold to make
room for heavy fall shipments. : , : ;
You can buy Home Furnishings now. and get;
', just what you want to add to the beauty or conveni-'
ence of your home, and, if you so desire,' we will ";.
arrange to deliver it later. v
Every article of Furniture, Stoves, Draperies or
Rugs sold during this sale carries with it our Guar
antee of Satisfaction, and, as usual you make your
own termt. ' .'. ." v
"That's Just the Dress
for My Girl"
. And that's just the ex
pression made by a
woman as she stood, in
company with twq oth
ers, in front of one of
our 16th street win
dows the other day. We
couldn't give a more
pointed example of the
way the styles we are
showing just now im
press every woman who
sees them.
This ia extremely jfratify
ing to us, because we know
that the dresses we are
showing this season are bet
ter than any we have ever
exhibited before, and we sim
ply could not let this oppor
tunity go by of expressing to
this unknown woman the fact
that she come to the same
concluaion that hundreds of
other women have, even thug
early in the season, namely
that Brandeis Store for
Misse' Wear i Unexcelled
"Store Closet at 6 P. M. Saturday Shop Early."
New Skirts for Fall Wear
Featuring especially the Sport Skirts. Smart new
Velour Plaids and Checks. . Full, flaring models, at
tractive pockets, stitching and buttons.
$7.50, $10.00, $12.50 and Up
A Special Value it Featured in Plaid Silk A
Sport Skirt, large pockets and buttons, ylw
Silk Petticoats
Special attention is called to the new Flared Taffeta
Petticoats, so necessary to give the correct fullness
that fashion demands. A wonderful assortment in
plaids and Dresden designs, as well as plain silks,
Jersey tops. .
$3.98, $5.00, $5.98
Early Fall Coats
For cool days. Tailored models in serges, gabardines
$12.50, $15.00, $19.00
Second Floor. . .
Toys ?
Yes, Toys!
You may
say it is a
long while
to Christ
mas, and it
is a terribly
long while for children
to wait from one year
to another to get a new
toy. This is an all-year-round
toy store,
and it is such a good toy
store and so much ap
preciated, that just re
cently we had to eri
enlarge it, and we may
have to do it again. Just
stop here the next time
you are in the store, and
see what a nice toy you ;
can buy for a little
money. It is going to
bring a heap of pleas
ure to some child. DO
Main Floor Rear.
Georgette and Crepe de
Chine Blouses
The Daintiest Type for Fall-READY
FASHION CLINGS to this filmy, deli-
l cate material Georgette will rule the
1 season without doubt. Decorations of
beads and buttons and embroidered de
signs in the most delicate colors lend a
charm not to be denied.
GEORGETTE CREPE Blouses in flesh and
white; plain tucks, jabot effects, collar and
cuff trimmed with Venise lace: also other
beauu. embroidered in white, coral &CQQ $1050
delft blue; ornamented with beads pO70 to
Flesh and white Crepe de Chine Blouses, box plaits and small
tucks, also others plain with large tfjC f( AO
pearl buttons at J)O.UU to J070
We are showing Plaid Georgette Blouses, all white barred off
with lavender, old rose and blue.
Second Floor.
41 -Piece English Dinner Sets. $4.98
Johnson Bros. English Dinner
Sets Gold laced border over Co-
bait blue. Made of the best grade
English semi-porcelain, richl
embossed edge and fancy han
The decoration consists of
wide border of Cobalt blue, dar'
on the outer edge and shadin
beautifully into the white, mar
ing a very pleasing effect on tli
table. Special Saturday, 4
pieces for $4.98.
Extra Special for Satur
day Only
33 1-3 per cent discount on all Electric Floor Lamps.
Main Floor.
A Big Sale of Boys' Suits
Best Values We Ever Saw at.
An that is saying a whole lot, for this boys' suit de
partment nas been built up on just; this kind
of trade. These garments we offer for Sat
urday are worth $6.50 to $8.50 and we are so
' sure that these values will be appreciated
that we are going to pile five big tables high
with them. More than three-fourths of
them have two 'pain of pants that
. meant double wear.
A splendid assortment of patterns In checks,
stripes, plaids, fancy mixture and plain colors.
Blue serges, gray serges,, corduroys, plain
worsted suits in browns and gray. -
Tweeds, cassimeres, cheviots and homespuns
in a great variety of weaves.
The newest and smartest models. Sixes B to
17 years.
Blouse Waists Plenty of these in dark pattern effects.
Extra Pants, 65c A big lot of most serviceable kinds.
Shirts In a great yariety of patterns.
Raincoat and Hat Sets In grays, tans and mixtures.
' Third Floor.
Newest Colored Kid Shoes
Cross the Threshold for FalJ
COMBINATION and two-tone effects 8-inch
uppers. The shorter skirts for fall gave the
manufacturers the inspiration for better and
prettier footwear. The arrival of these beauti
ful shoes will set at rest any doubts miladi mi
have about wearing the new mode skirts, be-.
cause the footwear Will take care' of itself.
:r 1
S S ml -
We mention in detail five styles that make spe
cial appeal :
At $6.50. New shade of mahogany brown, with ,
white uppers.
At $7.50 Dawn gray kid vamps with white
At $8.50 Old ivory kid, fawn top.
At $10.00 Mahogany brown vamp with pearl gray top
fancy buttons.
Also at $10.00 Cafe au lait with ivory kid top.
All have Louis heels, light turned or medium weight welt soles. AU
made on newest fall lasts, long plain forepart and all five are made over
new fall patterns. They stand as exemplifications of the highest style
types and the acme of comfort and good wear. All are lace styles with
the single exception of the Cafe au Lait.
1,000 New, Stylish Hand Bags $1 Each
We made a most advantageous pur
chase from a New York manufacturer
and now the bag have arrived and will
be on sale here Saturday. The more we
see 'of them, the more enthusiastic we
become we have put them into a 16th
street window so that you' may view
them before the sale. .
ALL NEW and stylish 1,000
of them, Morocco and Tokio Bags
also Strap Purses. -
Worth $2 to $5, at $1.00 each.
. . , Mate Floor.
Hosiery Specials
Woman's Flbr Silk and Para
Silk Boot Ho, in black, white and
colors. With lisle tops, . double
sole, reinforced heels and toes.
Pair, 59c .
Woman's Fiber Silk Boot Hose,
in black, white and colors. Cotton
tops and double soles., Saturday,
pair, 25c.
Children' Fin Ribbed Hoso, in
black and white. Double soles,
heels and toes, 15c.
Main Floor.
An Opportunity to Purchase the most T-,!l-,f lYaaJe
Wanted Items at Very Lowest Prices i Olid neeUS
La Blacha Faca Powdr, SOc site
for 33
Ingram's Natural Rougo, special,
60c size for 29
Madam YaU' Faca Enamol, $1.60
'sit for ...89
Hanaoa ft Jonk's Cucumber Orris
Lotion, 50c size 29
Palmar' Almond Meal, 25c size,
for 16
Packer Liquid Shampoo, SOc size,
bottle for , 29
4711 Pura Almond Soap, 15c cake
for v-.v.. 9
Mentholatum, 50c size Jar ..29
Madam YaU's Lily Skin Whit.
n.r, $1.00 size .......69
William' Shaving Stick, in ease,
for . . '16
Halo Violot ToiUt Water, 75c size
bottle for 49'
Massatta. Porfume, regularly sold
at 76c, ounce 49
Honeysuckle Porfumo, special, the
ounce 39
Hanson Jonk's Wood Violet,
special, ounce 39
Djer-Kias Vofetal, special, the Dot-
tie ,89
Special Sale of Perfume am
Lyons' Tooth Powder, 25c size
for 14
Jap Rose Toilet Water, 60c size
bottle 39
' Sanltol Tootb Powder, 25c size,
for 14
Babcock' Corylopais Talcum,
special for 12
Rite Baby Talcum, 25c can 16
Phyaiciana' and Surgeons' Soap,
10c cake for 6
Aubry Sister' Natural Rouge,
special 35
Manicure Files, 25c kind ....9
Toilet Water Main Floor.
Kirk' Pure Castile Soap, 25c bar
for 12
Kirk Peroxide Soap, 10c cake
for 7.
Cocoanut Oil Soap, 6 bars . .25
Welch's Grape Juice, quart 39
Bromo Seltaer, 60c size bot. 28
LUterine, $1.00 size bottle. .67
Sal Hepatica, $1.00 size bot. 67
Centhrox Shampoo, 60c size 29
Kirk' Jap Rose Soap, 10c cake
for . 5
Palmoliva Soap, 10c cake ... .5
Fletcher's Castoria, 35c size bottle
for 19
A Real. Remarkable Clearance Sale of
Now Going on in the . .
Brandeis Piano Department-Third
I Mora Than 15,000
Haddorff Player Pianos v
Are Sold Yearly
,. ': y, ., . i- . ... '
; We: have four Grands In
this sale' that will appeal to
you. .SeeV them get ' our
price. V:' Vh v-'
! Remember This is a
?"i : Real Sale
and your opportunity to deal.
witn a House oi real values.
When a one-nrice Piano Department has occasion to
offer something special, you know it means a genuine sav
ing. We have entirely too many good Instruments of rented,
concert, used, traded in and demonstration type of many
new but discontinued styles of our own line of instruments
every one of this stock. . . ,.4 . , . -
Every instrument is,: gutlrahteed as represented.
Stool or Bench Delivered. You have over 20 makes
of reliable instruments to select from.
.; W will select fo you if
you write at. and tuttran-
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