Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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Everybody's Doing it Now
Officers of Omaha, Lincoln &
Beatrice Ask Permission
for the Issue.
(Prom a 8taf( Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 25. (Special.) Ap
plication was made to the State Rail
way commission today by officials of
the Omaha, Lincoln & Beatrice In
terurban railroad for .in issue of stock
and bonds amounting to $5,000,000.
The amount will be divided into
$2,000,000common stock. $500,000 pre
ferred stock, and $2,500,000 in bond,
making a total issue of $5,000,000.
President Harvey Musser, who
lives in Ohio, and J. H. Bramelt, su
' perintendent of the road, who is also
superintendent of the Lincoln Trac
tion company, visited the commission
and made the application in oerson.
They said that on account of the
increased cost of material the issue
of $3,000,000 previously asked for
would not be sufficient to cover the
cost, which was figured at $5,820,959.
It is also proposed to make the road
up-to-date in every way, putting in
heavier rails than first proposed and
heavier cars.
Sale of the bonds will have to be
discounted about $800,000, according
to their figures, which will cut the
amount received considerably.
This will cover the complete line
from Omaha to Lincoln, anu will not
include extension to Beatrice.
Harlan May Change
To Commissio nForm
Alma. Neb., Aug. 25. (Special.)
The following petition is Demg circu
lated and largely signed in Harlan
To the county clerk of Harlan county:
We, the undersigned electori, residents of
said county, respectfully petition that the
question of the discontinuance of township
organisation in and for said county, be sub
mitted to the voters of said county at the
next central election to be held on the 7th
day of November, 1910.
In order to have the question sub
mitted it will be necessary to secure
the signature of 10 per cent of the
voters and should it carry at the elec
tion it would ciange the form of
county government from the super
visor to the commissioner system,
thus dispensing with about forty of
ficers in the county. In a case of this
kind the statute provides that the
county judge, county clerk and coun
ty treasurer appoint the commission
ers to hold "office until the next elec
tion. The argument in favor of the
proposition is that it will have a tend
ency to reduce the expense of county
government by abolishing several of
fices and help to shorten the ballot.
Gov, Morehead Speaks
To Gage Pioneers
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special.)
Governor Morehead delivered the
principal address at the annual picnic
of the Old Settlers' association of
Gage county, held here yesterday.
The pas was compared with the pres
ent by the governor. He was loudly
cheered when he said in reference to
the Mexican situation that it is not
right for American boys to be sent
into a war for the benefit of selfish
and ambitious men who want their
investments guarded, or want a
chance to win military honors at the
expense of blood of others.
Wife of Socialist Candidate
For Governor Is Injured
Fairbury, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special
Telegram.) A head-on automobile
collision happned near Daykin last
night and Mrs. Ben Z. Millikan, a
bride of two months and wif of the
socialist candidate- for governor of
Nebraska, sustained quite serious in
juries. Four young men attnding a picnic
at Daykin took a Ford touring car be
longing to Leonard Cross of Western
and started out for a joy ride, intnd
ing to return in a short time. When
out from Daykin a mile or so, their
car collided with one drivnc by Bn
Millikan of this city. The screams of
the injurd woman frightened the
youngsters and they fled to Daykin,
leaving their caps in the car.
Mrs. Millikan was badly cut over
the ey and was removed to her home
in Fairbury. It is assrted both cars
wre traveling at a good rate of speed.
Volksfest at Syracuse
Is Largely Attended
Syracuse, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special.)
Yesterday was the second annual
German-American volksfest, and it
was successful from all standpoints.
The largest crowd in the history of
the organization were brought here
by special trains and automobiles,
over 900 automobiles being counted
at one time.
The program was executed wtihout
a hitch. It began with a monster
parade. Speeches were made by Dr.
G. F. Braun, Chief Justice Morrisey,
Prof. Paul Grummen and others, and
the Omaha and Lincoln Maennerchor
furnished some excellent singing.
The ball game was won by Burr.
Score: Burr, 10; Syracuse, 7.
Judge Sutton at Dunbar.
Dunbar, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special.)
Judge A. L. Sutton of Omaha, re
publican candidate for governor, was
the orator of the day here yesterday
at the annual Dunhar picnic. It is
estimatea that 5.000 people were
attendance. John A. Maguire and
State Superintendent A. O. Thomas
were also present and each' made a
short, but impressive talk. Dr. J. B.
Lichtenwallner of Omaha, a former
Dunbar Dhvsician. had Judge Sutton
in charge, bringing him down from
Omaha in his automobile. Judge Sut
ton and Dr. Lichtenwallner and their
families were guests for dinner at the
beautiful country home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. r. Baker.
Beatrice Brick Plant Burned,
Beatrice. Neb.. Aug. 25. Fire,
caused bv coal combustion, totally
destroyed the' main factory building
of the. Beatrice Brick works late last
night. The loss is about $7,000, with
$1,200 insurance. Being outside the
fire limits, the firemen wer unable to
check the flames.
sssS-",'jjxr fsPEEO 'tH UP. WAlTen, I AW$Y
m nit upsioe dowJ
I YET I Jmf fs?; 1 YOURMHM
Secretary of State Horticul
tural Society Reports on
Condition of Yield.
Coarse Fish Seined
From Curtis Lake
Cutris, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special.)
Chief Game aWrrten Gust RuteiT
beck, accompanied by Deputy Game
Warden John Q. Holmes of Orleans,
Deputy Fish Commissioner C. G. Pil
ford of Ashland and Eugene Catte, an
expert in fish culture of Longdon,
Kan., arrived here Saturday wtih the
state fish car, to sein out the coarse
fish from the Curtis lake and restock
the waters with game fish.
Saturday afternoon the big 1.000-
foot seine was stretched out and work
began in earnest. The banks of the
lake were lined with people from all
parts of the country, who came to se
cure a part of the catch, and they
were not disappointed, fol all day Sat
urday. Monday and until lueaday
noon the men kept constantly drag
ging the mammoth seine, and thous
ands of pounds of carp and other
coarse fish were taken out.
The fish car was loaded nearly to
its capacity with game fish from the
state fisheries at Gretna. There was
about an equal amount of ring perch,
pickerel and bass and all these.
amounting to about 1,01)0, were plant
ed in tne lake.
Several of Mr. Rutenbeck's deputies
frrm the western part of the state
met rim here and received instruc
tions and talked over matters concern
ing the enforcement of thd game and
fish laws in their territory.
Bookwalter Estate
Over Two Millions
Beatrice, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special.) I
The total value of the real estate
of the John W. Bookwalter estate
Nebraska totals $2,170,000. The
land is located in Gage, Pawnee,
Thayer, Greeley and Valley counties.
Sutton to Make Speech
In North Nebraska
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln. Aug. 25. (Special.)
Jesse V. Craig, manager of the speak
ers' bureau of the republican state
committee, announces the following
speaking dates for A. L. Sutton, the
republican candidate for governor:
August 26, Burwell; August 28, Long
Pine: August 29, Ainsworth; August
30, Valentine; August 31, Bassett;
September 1, Stuart; September 2,
O'Neill; September 4, Plattsmouth;
September 12, Grand Island; Septem
ber 14, Franklin; September 15, Ben
kelman, September 28, Beatrice.
Mr. button will spend tne entire
week of September 5 at. the state
fair in Lincoln.
Dixon County Pioneers
Have Picnic at Allen
AHen, Neb., . Aug. .25. (Special.)
The Dixon county pioneers' and old
settlers' picnic was held at this place
Wednesday and. was a success in ;
every way. The ball game in the
forenoon between Emerson and Alien
resulted in a score of 17 to 4 in favor
of Allen and the game in the after
noon between Newcastle and Allen
also went in favor of the Allen team
bv 16 to 2. Judge Jacob Fawcett of
Lincoln and William t . Warner oi
Dakota City both delivered addresses.
Savidge brothers played an exciting
game of auto polo.
Lincoln Sons of Vets Plan
To Entertain the Veterans
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 25. (Special.) It is
announced from Grand Army of the
Republic headquarters at the state
house that old veterans en route to
the national Grand Army of the Re
public encampment at Kansas City
who come to take the official train
from this point, which leaves over
the Burlington at 11 in the evening,
will be entertained in good shape.
The Sons of Veterans have pro
vided about 100 automobiles and at
4:30 in the afternoon will take the
old veterans and their wives for a
sight-seeing trip, embracing all the
points of interest about the city and
Havelock and end up with a butter
milk feast at the university state farm.
Governor Morehead will talk to the
"boys" at the farm and other enter-:
tainment will be furnished.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 2.". (Special.) Ac
cording to a bulletin issued by J. R.
Duncan, secretary of the Nebraska
Horticultural society, the apple, crop
in Nebraska will be about one-third
as large this year as it was last year,
basing his claims on conditions as
they appeard August 15. The apple
grower who has taken good care of
his orchard and has sprayed his trees
intelligently will gc the best crop.
Those who have neglected to do this
are finding their appls beginning to
drop from the trees in bad shape With
heavy loss.
As compard with last year the crop
will be in better shape for market and
the prices for the good fruit will be
good. Estimates from some of the
counties ar given as follows:
District No. 1. comprlslnr Richardson,
Nemaha, Otoe, Pawnee, Johnson his 2SS.SS2
bearing trees, and an average estimated
yield of 156.000 bushels fall snd whiter ap
ples or 38 per cent of last year's crop.
District No. 3. r-omprlalns; Cass, Naunders.
Douglas, lodir. Washington and Burt roun
llr. has 377.047 bearing trees, and an aver
age estimated yield of 176.000 bushels fall
and winter apples, or 48 per cent of last
venr's crop.
District Nos. 3 and 8. comprising Madison,
Antelope. Pierce. Knox. Cedar, Dlson,
Wayne. Stiinton Cuming. Thurston and Da
kota counties. Iiavo 171,00:1 bearing treea and
all estimated yield of 26.000 bushels fall and
winter apples, or 20 per cent of last year',
Districts Nos. 4 and 6, comprising ln
casler, Osge, Saline. Jefferson, Flllemore.
Clav. Nukolls and Thayer counties, have
i 343,490 bearing trees, with an estimated
yield or u.ouo ousneis ihii aim mnw
pies, or 33 per cent of last year's crop.
Districts Nos. t and 7, comprising Hamil
ton. York, Sward Polk. Butler. Merrick.
Doono, Nance, Platto and Colta counties
have 3l,sfi0 bearing trees with an esUmated
yteld of 70,000 bushels fall and winter ap
ples, or 36 per cent of last year'a crop.
Districts Nos. 11, 12. 13 and 14, comprising
the cauntles of Red Willow, Furnas, Fron
tier. Uosper, Phelps. Harlan, Kearney.
Franklin, Ailame. Webster. Dawson. Buffalo,
Hall and Lincoln counties, hava lOs.091
bearing trees, with an estimated yield of
30,000 bushels, or 20 per cent of laat year a
"Trie rest of the state comprising tha north
central, northwest and extreme west por
Hons, has 147.367 bearing trees, and estl
niated crop of 16.000 bushels, or 1.0 per cent
of last year's crop.
The total crop for ths state, both fall and
winter apples, Is estimated at approximately
666,000 bushels, or 33 per cent of tha crop
of fall and winter fruit of last year.
Dangerous Bronchial Cough,
Dr. King's New Dl.cov.rr will give aulck
relief In bronchial Irritation and bronchial
asthma; allays Inflammation, eases Bora
pots. All druggists Advertisement.
Maywood Farmer
Is Caught in Mower
Maywood, Xcb Aug. 25.-(Spe-i;ial.)-Nelsoii
Tuttle, a prominent
tarmer living near Maywood, was in
jured by a mowing machine Wednes
day, While Mr. Tuttle was repair
mg the pitman rod the team, being
driven by Mr. Tuttle's son, ran awav.
I hey knocked Mr. Tuttle over in
iront of the sickle of the mower; the
team on the mower then started tip
catching Mr. Tuttle's hand and fore
arm m the sickle.
The arm was badly mangled and
one hone cut in two in two differ
ent places. If no complications set
in the arm will be saved.
New Store for Columbus.
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 25. (Spe
cial Teegram.) W. C. Butts, former
ly a druggist at Duncan, has bought
a lot on West Thirteenth street west
cf the Friedhof store and soon will
commence the erection of a new $20,
000 building for a drug store.
Lockjaw Takes Boy
Struck by Automobile
Columbus, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special
Telegram.) Freddie Oeltjen, 6-year-old
hoy run down by Dr. A. G.
Lueschen's automobile last Friday
evening near Frankfort park, died
last night at 8 o'clock, death being
caused by lockjaw, which set in
Funeral services will be held Sun
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Ger
man Lutheran Reformed church. Cor
oner Gass did not hold an inquest,
I deeming that it was an accident and
could not be avoided.
Entertainment at Burwell.
(unveil, Neb., Aug. 25. -(Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Grunkemeyer
entertained at their country home,
just south of Burwell. on Wednesday
evening, in honor of their daughter,
Hazel's eighteenth birthday. A mu
sical program was rendered and a
two-course luncheon was served,
there being about 150 guests present.'
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Home Coming Day at
Brownsville Tuesday
tSella. Neb., Aug. 25. (Special,)
Brownville, on the Missouri fiver,
northeast of Stella, will hold its an
nual home coming picnic next Tues-i
day. It si the big evnt of the year at
Brownville, and will be held on the
date announced, rai or shine. The
home coming is in charge of a com
mittee consisting of Mayor Baker,
chairman; Earl Young, secretary, and
William Kauffman. Two home talent
choruses will sing. David Mercer, a
prominent attorney of Omaha, and
S. B. Barlow, a pioneer of Dawson,
will make' speeches. There will be
two ball games, and the other usual
picnic attractions.
I Absolutely Removes
j Indigestion. Onepackaga
provesit 25c at all druggists.
A Big Special
Dinneraare Sale
at the
16th and Jackson sts.
TODAY and for This One Day Only
An immense purchase of splendid high grade dinner-
ware bought direct from the potteries at a price mucl.
below the market value, enables us to put the entire ship
ment on Special Sale for this one day only at prices that
will mean an absolute savinir to you of at least one-half.
Come to this big dinnerware sale expecting to find ex
traordinary values and you will not be disappointed ana
One-Hundred Piece Dinner Seta
Semi-Dorcelain beautifully decorated and treated
by the old English process which produces an elegant
light ware and makes it snowy wnite in coior ana wnicn
also gives it a very smooth velvet finish. An JO "IE
extraordinary value, hale price w
Dinner Seta, Semi-Porcelain Ware
Artistic Design and Neat Decoration:
Thirty-one Piece Sets, sale price i.wa
Thirty-one Piece Sets, sale price $2.25
Thirty-one Piece Sets, sale price $2.65
Dinner Seta, Semi-Porcelain Ware
Artistic Designs and Neat Decorations-
Forty-two Piece Sets, sale price $2.65
Forty-two Piece Sets, sale price $2.95
Forty-two Piece Sets, sale price $3.25
Dinner Sets, Semi-Porcelain Ware. ,
Snowy Whit, and Vary Light Weight.
One-Hundred Piece Seta, Sale Price.
Dinner Sets, Semi-Porcelain Ware.
Pure White with Gold Band, Thirty-one Piece Sets, Sale Price, $1 95
Dinner Sets, Semi-Porcelain Ware.
Snowy White and Vary Light Weight.
Fifty-two Piece Sets, Sale Prce $2.95
Dinner Sets, Semi-Porcelain Ware.
Pura White With Gold Band.
Fifty-one Piece Sets, Sale Price $4.38
Our inexpensive location combined with our immense buying
i power enables us to make tne lower prices.
The Peoples Store.
Opposite Hotel Rome. I
Face Powder j
( Ciwm Bofttt Only) I
Keeps The
Complexion Beautiful
Soft and velvet'. Money back If not en
ttralr Pleased, Nadlne!. pure end hairo
lata. Adhere unul washed off. Prevent,
sunburn and return of discoloration.
A million delighted user, prove lie value.
Tlnte: Flesh, Pink, Brunette, White,
Br 7W(sc CeaMer er Mmtt, 60.
Natieaal TaJbt Ceaspejip. Parle, Teen.
Have vouk
They Will maKe belter
Pholo-Lngravefl p.aies
Bee KnoTavin$ Dopt
eld br laadlnf tofltt eowUn tn Ornate, j
Thone -Tyler 1000
Omaha. Nebr.
Store Closes
at 6 P. M.
Please Shop
Ride up on the
to the Second
Floor Clothing
Most Fashionable Fall Suits
and Top Coats for Men
Have Arrived and Are Ready
In Thi New Home of
Hart Schaf f ner & Marx
Prices $18.00 to $40.00
Genuine Palm Beach Suits
Worth Up to $8.50 at $3.50
Blue Serge Suits for Men and Young Men
Hundreds in this stock.
The largest assortment in
the middle west, and one of
the best suits we know of
for all around wear. Eng
lish and conservative models
in stouts, long stouts and
Strictly all-wool blue serge
suits, guaranteed fast color,
$10.00, $12.50, $15.00
Hundred, of Pair, for Men
and Young Men, $2.S0, $3.50
In worsted, cassimeres and
tweeds. All neat patterns.
Sizes 30 to 50 waist.
White Serge and Flannel Outing Pant Value, up to $6.50, at.., . . . . ' v. $3.50
Broken Lots of Splendid Suits. Men's and Young Men's Sizes. $10
Mostly all sizes are represented. More than 325 suits in the lot Medium weight and
the lighter sort, for present and future wear.
SecoBd FImk Men's Bulldtns.
Visit Our Basement Clothing Department
Men's Suit at $5.00
Men's Trouaer $2.50
Union Made Overalls .59c and 69c
Omaha Distributers for Carhart Union Made
Overalls at ......$1.25
Men's Khaki Trousers. ...... . .$1.00
Make Your Recreation Hours Count
Visit This Sporting Goods Store Saturday
AND LET US TELL YOU JIDW. We believe that more than a
mere sale of merchandise is involved when a man comes to buy the
paraphernalia that goes to make his leisure hours outdoors enjoy
able and physically profitable, and so we approach this selling of
sporting goods from a different angle, and before we offer to sell a
man an outfit we try to find out just what his hobbies are, and then
supply him with the best implements to follow his bent.
how to "lob" with a tennis racket, who know how to "cast" in the spring-fed brooks and eddies
for the speckled trout, who know how to hit the bullseye or scatter the shot for migratory birds
We are offering a full line of Guns, Ammunition, Hunters' Clothing, Foot
ball Goods, Jerseys, etc.
Hunting Coats, $2 to $10
Special lot of salesmen's sam
ples and surplus stock at very
attractive prices.
Best lines in Omaha, and our
prices are right.
We have the load you want,
from $2.50 a hundred up.
V-Neck, turtle neck, coat style;
snap-button neck.
Cotton 1.B0 to $2.00
Worsted $2.00 to $3.50
Saturday Specials
Football Equipment
Pants, $1.00 to $4.00.
Shoes, $4.50 and $5.50.
Hose, 50c, 75c, $1.00 per pair.
Good Golf Goods
The snappy days of fall offer
most enjoyable times for the golf
er. Our assortment is complete.
Every good club, the best brand of
balls, etc.
Tennis Racket Clearance
Any $8.00 Racket for $5.00.
Any $5.00 Racket for $2.95.
Any $4.00 Racket for $1.95.
Any $3.00 Racket for $1.49.
Hawkeye Refrigerator
- Don't go away on a camping
or hunting trip without one of
these. They are the greatest com
fort companions in the world.
$13.00 Baskets fpr $10.95. ' t
$9.25 Baskets for $6.95.
$5.50 Baskets for $4.46.
$4.60 Baskets for $3.45.
And don't forget that there' are
only a few of these so "HOP
Sporting Goods Store Main
Floor, Men's Building.
Men's Hose, Shirts and Ties
At Special Prices Saturday
1,800 Pain of Men's Silk Hose Fancy striped, silk clocked and plain
colors. Samples and "run of the mill" quality from one of the best
manufacturers of pure thread silk hose. All sixes, regular 60c OQp
values; on sale, pair awl.
200 Doten Men's Mercerised Lisle, Silk Fiber Hose Slightly 10.
imperfect; all colors; regular values to 28c; sale price, pair iO,
125 Dosen Men's High Grade Negligee and Golf Shirt. All new pat
terns, made of extra good quality corded and satin striped madras and
percales. Regular $1.50 values; some worth even more. tl 1 C
While they last ?elJ
125 Dozen Fiber Wash ' Ties Special for Saturday; at, 19-Ls
each ...... 2 V
35 Doaen Men's iilk and Silk and Linen Shirts that were left over from
our big silk shirt sale last Saturday. Values to $3.98; to ffl QO
, , yevv
close at
85 Dozen Men's Negligee and Golf Shirts-
and plain colors. Special
Mm'i Store Mala Fleer.
In neat and striped
Tools, Flash Lights
From the Hardware-House!
furnishing Department '
24 or 30-lneh Pry Bars . . . .294
A Good Ratchet Bit Brae 894
Largo 2-Cell Ever Ready Flash
Lights 984
Large 3-Cell Ever-Ready Flash
Light. 81.19
2-Cell Nickel Plated Vest Pocket
Flash Lights 694
Trimont 'Auto Wrenches, $1.00
values for ....794
6-inch Saw Files, warranted qual
ity, 4 for 254 or, each 74
Pocket Knives, every one fully
"warranted. Regular 60c values
for ..v.-. 35
"Keen Kutter" Nail Hammer, for,
each 59
"Keen Kutter" Chisels, - beveled
socket firmers, up to ft -inch 494