V HUNT MORRISON'S HISSING MILLIONS Counsel for Creditors of Be cluse Say He Was Swin dled Out of Big Sums. NO MONEY FOUND IN HOME Chicago, Aug. 25. Edward W. Morrison, the 80-year-old recluse, whose vanished millions are a subject si investigation before Judge Landis in the United Statei district court, was declared today to have been mulcted out of property valued at 55,000,000 by a coterie of atrange characters within the last twenty years. Francis J. Houlahan, counsel for Morrison'! creditors, declared that un scrupulous lawyers, women and habi- - lues of Chicago's under world, came into the life of the aged man, whose .wealth is estimated from $3,000,000 to $8,000,000, to obtain his money. He was taken on trips to other cities, At torney Houlahan declared, women were brought to fee him, and new characters introduced to keep his fortune dwindling. Little Money ii Found. Search of the recluse's quaint, old, two-story home, in which it was though he had concealed vast sums of money, revealed $1173 in cash and a bunch of. old papers, canceled checks and notes. In one packet . almost 100 "I. O. U.'s." written in various hands, but unsigned, and which totaled some thing over $150,000, were found. Each slip of paper bore "I. O. U." for an amount ranginc from $500 to $7,000. No trace of deeds, titles and other records of ownership to property re puted to be worth $6,000,000 were found. Two Millions to One Man. investigation into the affair ol Morrison has revealed that James R. Ward, counsel for trie aged man, la holding more than $2,000,000 worth of property conveyed to him by Mor rison. John Sommera, a jeweler, dis posed of $200,000 of Morrison's for tune in "entertaining" him. Mrs. Kate H iller, formerly keeper of a lace shop, obtained $70,000 in cash and $79,000 in bonds during the life of Morrison's wife, who died in 1909. They were gifts, Mrs. Hitler asserted. Subpoenas tor Girls. ; , Subpoenaet .nave been issued for the appearance in court of the tw6 Burnstein girls, Margaret and Alice, whom Morrison recently adopted, and of whom their reputed father, Joseph Burnstein, a junk - dealer, declare Morrison is the real father. Under the term of the will left by Morrison' father, James M, Mor ri.nn the entire estate should go to the city of Chicago if the on died cniioiesa. RAILROAD WAGE , DISPUTE AGAIN.. . , : NEARDEADLOCK (CMttaad Jrrm Tmt Ow.) for the employes, later (aid. "is abso lutely unchanged. No complete con crete proposition to which the rail road will agree ha been tendered us. Our position is exactly the same a it wa when we accepted the president' plans. We have deviated from it in no way whatsoever." , The brotherhood leaders went from the White House to meeting of the men, but insisted they had noth ing to communicate. W. G. Lee of the trainmen gave out copies of an order which he said had been sent by the Northern Pa cific to station agents, directing them to get local interests to send tele graphic protests to President Wilson against settling the crontroversy by other means than arbitration. Tele grams, Mr. Lee declared, were to be paid for by the railroad, and were evi dence of what the men characterize a propaganda against the presi dent' plan. Gifford to Donate Playground Site Information of a reliable nature has been received at the city park depart ment offices that upon his return to the city Dr. 'Harold Gifford will do nate to the city for public playground purposes eight lots on the north side of Davenport street, between Thirty fifth street and thirty-filth avenue. Union Pacific Pensioners . To Have New Club Rooms The growing increase in the number of pensioners on the Union Pacific system resulted some years ago in the organization of the Union Pacific Mu tual Pensioners' association, and now the finishing touches are being put upon the club rooms for the member. The quarters for the organisation, ' which ha been called by some the Faithful Service club, are located on the third floor of the Union Pacific building. . ' 1 No member of the club is less than 60 years old, and many of them are past 70. The youngest of them ren dered not less than twenty year of service to the Union Pacific, and many of them rendered service ex tending over half a century. Women of Field Club to Give Dinner for Caddies Wehn the 100 or so caddie at the Omaha Field club finish the strenuous morning of athletic events on the an nual caddie day, which will be held next Monday, they will be treated to a sumptuous dinner that will remind them of Thanksgiving and Christmas. For the women of the Field club have contracted to provide the dinner for the youngsters and they intend it shall be one that will be remembered . a long time. Gu Miller will super ie the caddie day doings. Chautanqua for Edgar. Edgar, Neb, Aug. 25. (Special.) The business men and citizen of Ed gar have decided to have the Chau tauqua for another year. Every number this year was a giod one and the local people are more enthusiastic over having a Chautauqua here an other year than they have been at the close of any previous course. GANNON MADE JONAH OF FREETRADERS Senator Gallinger Defends Tariff Record of the Ez-Speaker. PROTECTION NOW ISSUE Washington, Aug. 25. Senator Gallinger, republican leader and one of "the 0)i Guard," told the senate today during debate on the revenue bill that former Speaker Cannon "was the Jonah" upon, whom the insurgent wing of the republicans heaped blame for the complaint against the Dingley tariff and that the late Senator Al drich vas chosen by therrt "as his confederate for attack and defama tion. The republican leader defend ed both Representative Cannon and Senator Aldrlch. As far back as 1896, he declared, "certain politician" began to plant the seed of discotent "to break down the protective tariff policy of the re publican party and to discredit the acknowledged leaders of that policy." "Men who- called themselves re publicans," he said, "gave currency to the 'startling and false' theory that the increased cost of living wa due to excessive rates provided by the Dingley tariff." Cannon is Mad Jonah. "So far did this disaffection go," said Senator Gallinger, "that certain republicans began to disclaim respon sibility for what they called the rad ical provision of the Dingley law, and began looking about for a Jonah upon whom they might heap the bur den of blame and visit the penalties attaching thereto. These men, with the active assistance of these demo crats, (elected for thi sacrifice a man who had served his country in the house of representative thirty years, and at time with more than ordi' nary honor and distinction, and who, m that position, had consistently. continuously and honorably advoca ted the protective tariff system as the one aure and logical means for the perpetuation of an industrial system which never ha had a parallel in the history of the world. Thi man, who had ao earnestly and ably, so long and successtuly defended the best in terests of our country, was Joseph v. Cannon. "They declared that 'Cannonism must go,' and thi cry wa echoed all over the land. 1 he chorus wa joined in, It must be remembered, by a tew republicans of unquestioned power, whpse word became law. Ann then, to show the sincerity of their convic tions and their willingness to throw overboard all who stood in their way, the democrat were permitted to se lect at Mr. Cannon's confederate a man who. out of the abundance of his learning and energy, had for year performed the difficult task, connect ed with the chairmanship of the sen ate committee on finance. Aldrlch Oreatly Defamed. 'Thi man. Nelson W. Aldrlch, was chosen for attack and defamation. His clear view enabled him to penetrate the beyond: and he was able to ren der service of such inestimable) value that few of us can even now appre ciate the value of hi services to the country.'' But the word had been passed that Aldrichlsm and Cannon ism were responsible - for all the wrongs that exiated in the body poli tic, including the increased prices of everything, whether the article were on the free list or not. And I regret to say that many of those who knew better assisted in discrediting those men, hoping therjby to presuade the country into the belief that they were trying to purity tne party. ' . "But the great bulk of the party remained true to the fundamental principles of their political faith and they now have the satisfaction of see ing a united, republican party going forth under the banner of protection to win the country from the political fate that betell it." Leading Women in . Club Circles Will Speak in State The two chief club women of the land wilt be in Nebraska this fall, to address state conventions at Hastings. They are Mr. Josiah Evans Cowles of Los Angeles, president of the Gen eral Federation of Women' clubs, and Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, presi dent of the National Suffrage associa tion. Mrs. Cowles come for the conven tion of the Nebraska Federation of Women'a cluba, October 3-6, while Mrs. Catt give the opening address at this meeting, aside from attending the state suffrage convention, which will be held just prior to this meet ing. Hastings suffragists are planning a large luncheon for Monday, October 2, to honor Mrs. Catt. Mrs. F. H. Cole will b a special guest at this luncheon. - 1 . , Coal is Bought for Heating The Omaha Public Schools The Board of Education awarded to Sunderland Bros, company and C W. Hull company contracts for furnish ing coal to the school district during the ensuing school year. There will be approximately 9,000 tons of coal used in the school buildings. The prices of Cherokee nut will be fA.il, $4.34 and $4.57 per ton, accord ing to the districts of the school sys tem, the districts being as follows' First, north of Davenport street; sec ond, Spring to Davenport streets; third, louth of- Spring street; fourth, Central High school. ' Cherokee slack will be supplied at $3.59 per ton and anthracite at $10.67 per ton. The coal will be delivered upon a British thermal unit basis, which is guaranteed in the contracts. C. W. Hull company' will furnish the anthracite coal to the extent of about 500 ton. NORTHWEST WILL GO STRONG FOR HUGHES PEACE TERMS OF GERMAN RADICALS Congressmen Johnson and war Party Would Retain Farts Humphrey Say Underwood I of Russia and All of Tariff Hurt Washington. I Belgium. PANAMA ACT BIG BLOW ALSO SECTION OF PRANCE Chicago, Aug. 25. Washington will give Hughes and Fairbands a plurality of from 75,000 to 100,000 in November, while Oregon and Cali fornia also will give their electoral vote to the republican national ticket, according to the opinion of Congress man Albert Johnson of Tacoma and Congressman W. 'E. Humphreys of tne Seattle district and a candidate for United States senator in Washing ton, who were visitors at the western republican national campaign head quarters today. - in Washington the Underwood tariff has hit us with no compensat ing advantage from the artifical pros perity growing out of the manufac ture ot war munitions," said Con gressman Johnson. 'The repeal of the Panama act struck us sauarelv between the eyes, while the seamen's bill gave us the finishing stroke. Simi lar conditions prevail in Oregon and cauiornta. Tariff Is Issue, Says Shaw. Former Secretary of the Treasury Leslie M. Shaw believes the tariff is the principal issue in the present campaign. He recently completed a speaking tour of nine states and to day called at the western republican national campaign headquarters to re port on conditions. I hnd the oeoole far more inter ested in the subject of industrial pre paredness against the invasion of toreign merchandise following the war than in any other subject," said Mr. Shaw. "I have spoken in nine state and covered a wide range of topic. In my judgment the tariff is the issue. Great Foreign Stock Waiting. "With 4,000,000 men in the trenche, the factories of England are produc ing more thap twice their normal val ue of products, and England's exports are now as large as ever. "Germany has $2,000,000,000 worth of manufactured products all ready in stock awaiting the opening of the seas, and the steamship companies have in process of construction new ships that will take 1,000,000 tons of these products at a trip. "The payroll after the war is the issue of this campaign and nothing will save the payroll but the repeal of the Underwood tariff, which threw 4,000,000 men out of employment be fore orders for war munitions revived industry. , New Tarfe. An 4fc a.... . 0 e.ntrltuiad, I.Hcj molai.r. .7Jo, R.nn.d', ...... ..h.h.vu. i.vvvt.aav. ,utum l noon won ) polnti bolow lut night'. clMlng. Berlin, Aug. 24. (Via London, Aug. 25.) A proclamation contain ing views on the peace conditions which might be imposed by Germany u published today by 'The Indepen dent Committee for a German Peace," an organization formed some time ago by those considered to be the extreme war advocates in Germany. The proclamation asserts that, de spite the fact that the Germans and their allies are holding three king. doms in their hands, the entente statesmen continue to indulge in a flood of abuse and lies about Ger many, while themselves violating ev ery principle of international law. forcing neutral to enter the war against their Judgment and endeavor ig to force into submission through hunger millions whom their awords iuuiu nui vanquian. England Most Dangerous. "Our enemies will not succeed," continue the proclamation. "One thing they have accomplished i to force upon us the realization that England is our special and most dan gerous enemy. England causes our enemies to stick together. England leads them. Upon England they de pend and will depend more after the war. On the wreckage of our empire England hopes to unfurl the banner ot Anglo-saxon world dominion. The document asserts that Russian territory from the Baltic to Volhynia must in the future be in the German sphere to serve a a bulwark against the Russian tendency to annihiliate Germany. France' revenge ideas must constantly be kept in mind so that in the west also changes would be necessary. Will Keep Belgium. The document then cites the ex pression of Dr. Peter Spahn, leader of the Catholic center party in the Reichstag, that "Belgium must lie in German hands, militarilv. economi cally and politically." The proclamation concludes with the assertion: , 'England's plan threatens us with political and economic helotrv. It aims at our life as a people and as a state. It aims at our culture and n- stitufions. Energy must be applied regardless of consequences to force peace upon this enemy. Let it not come true that, as fcngland says, we win win an rne Dames, nut cngland will win the war. With Von Hinden burg, let us say it i not only a ques tion of sticking it out, but of winning." ' Obituary Notes ROBERT BURKETT. the 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bur den, died Thursday mornlnr. Funeral aervlcea will be- held Saturday at 4 p. m.. at the family home,-1610 Grand avenue, and burial Sunday at Tecum- sen, nod. Mr. Burnett is with the Norman ft Burkett Printing company and editor of the North Omaha Booster. HOWARD ST. 1513-151$ Will Save You Money ThereS A Reason TODAY, SATURDAY Will Be the ROCKER Day of Oar August SALE The List of Rockers Priced Below Are All Substantially Re duced From Our Every Day Low Prices, Every one is a beauty and as good as it W1K1 IU1IU fl ill) 'nnlr This big Tapestry or Leather Rocker $16.76. Arm Eocker, -wood seat, ff.n..:. ..$1.65 Arm Rocker, wood seat, golden fcO OC oak Pa0 Arm Eocker, wood seat, golden d n y oak.,.,.. Pbs3 Arm Rocker, leather seat, $4.50 Arm Rocker, leather auto seat, fumed - dC P7C oak.... PO.0 Arm Rocker, leather, auto seat, St $7.75 Arm Rocker, tapestry or ve lour, ma- (tin 7 tS hogany P 1U. I O These we offer as especially strong Val ues featured for Sat urday. There are many others reduced that you may like. (Some rockers among these very sharply reduced.) A Solid Mahogany Rocker, tapestry auto flQ Cfl seat tPtViOU A Mahogany Rocker, cut ve lour auto Q seat sPOeOU A Solid Mahogany Rocker, tapestry seat, antique cane back, sale price $10.85 Find the Rocker You Want, It's On Our Floors m - l-'-ti v r , r , 1 . - SO.OM AM A, H B - Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery in the West Family Trade SuDolied bv WM. JETTF.R. Diatrir...tnr 2502 N St Telephone Douglas 4231. South 863 or 868. HYLAND PROMOTED TO NEWYORK JOB Local Manager for Western Union Telegraph Company Gets Big. Boost. GOES AWAY NEXT TUESDAY After being manager of the West ern Union Telegrapli company in Omaha for three years, J. R. Hyland now receives a promotion and is to go to New York City as superintend ent. He is to begin his work there September 1. He leaves Omaha next Tuesday. In New York, Mr. Hyland will have charge of all of the offices from the Battery up to Canal street, taking in all of the financial and commercial section of the city. About seventy offices will be under his jurisdiction. Mr. Hyland's first experience in telegraphy was gained m Lincoln, where he worked for the Western Union from 1901 to 1906, in various capacities. In 1906 he left the telegraphic work and entered the employ of the Cen tral Granaries company of Lincoln He worked with this company for five years and then went back to the Western Union in 1911. From 1911 to 1913 he wa commer cial agejit, under Superintendent C. 6. Horton, whose jurisdiction is Ne braska and Kansas. Since 1913 he has been local manager of the com pany in Omaha, Mr. Hyland will be succeeded in Omaha by J. L. Ferciot, at present commercial agent, reporting to Super intendent Horton. Mr. Ferciot re cently came to Omaha from the New his service with the company has been1 in Baltimore. Omaha Film Firm Stopped From Showing Picture Judge T. C. Munger issued a' re straining order against the Fine Arts Feature Film company of Omaha on complaint of the Supreme Feature Film company of Minneapolis. The order restrains the former company from exhibiting .its film entitled "Where Are Your Children?" which the latter company claimed to be an attempt to profit by the advertising of "Where Are My Children?", a pro duction of the Supreme Film .com pany. The plaintiffs are required to put up a bond of $2,000 and the restrain ing order runs until September 2. THOHP50N-BEIDEN 6CO. The Fashion GemW offlie KddlaWes Csfabliahtid 1886. STORE HOURS SATURDAY, OPEN 8:30 A. M. CLOSE 6 P. M. A Sale of Silk Petticoats New Fall Styles $2.95and$3.25 BaMmmt Fashionable models in changeable silks and plain green. A demon stration of "down a few steps to better values." Parasols , For One Day $1.00 Saturday, fifty smart par asols in this season's newest shapes, sizes and styles for women, misses and children. Plain colors and fancy com binations. Values to $3.00 Saturday, $1.00 As there are only fifty, an early selection will be necessary. To the left, as yon enter. Many Lovely New Ribbon Sashes Fashioned of black velvet, pink brocade, light blue brocade, black satin, and Alice blue. A great many of the hew' dresses need a sash to give them a finished ap pearance, and these now on dis play will assist you in choosing. Ribbon Section. Watch Sunday's Papers For particulars of the PRICE SALE of Soiled and Odd Cloths and Napkins. Hair Ribbons 25c In all the good shades of plain taffeta and moire, an extra value at .,, 25c How About Your Fall Clothes? The apparel sections are changing almost hourly and taking upon themselves the hues of Autumn. In spite of numerous indications of sharp advances in prices and shortage of desirable fabrics we are,- as yet, offering women's new fall apparel for usual prices. Suits $25.00 Upwards Dresses $25.00 Upwards Coats $25.00 Upwards An Early Selection Is Advisable No Extra Charge for Alterations Final Clearance Saturday OF WASH GOODS REMNANTS Not a large quantity but all are choice. In cludes linens, skirtings and many silk and cot ton fabrics.. For quick selling we offer every remnant Formerly priced up to 75c a yard JFor I2V2C a yard Opposite Silks Main Floor. Basement MILLINERY Saturday Smart Trimmed Hats for $4.50 A special show ing Saturday of the newest styles for the Autumn season at this pop ular price. Many are copies of high er priced models. BuMMnt Mlmurr SmUm. Steady Flight of the The distance between Chicago and New York over Pennsylvania Lines is 909 miles. It is the short est route between the two cities. Shortest distance only four reg ular stops; this accounts for maintaining the20-Hour Schedule tt steady, consistent speed. It doesn't seem like fast riding,becaute excessive speed is never necessary. For furthfr particular! afirlji to IT. H. ROWLAND, Travitnt Awnnr Art, 124-338 Cltt National Bank Bmuntt. rom DoumIojj 3003, OMAHA, USA Chicago 204foun New York "" " 1 '" .. I 'I " I II J.. I ... ' IL...UI.H n 1 juii.n r