Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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oiuiin iu inD kudo
Gets Nifty Price on Agreement
if Doesn't Make Good,
Gomes Back.
Chicago, 111., Aug. 25. (Special Tel
egram.) The best ball player in the
Western league, according to Bill
Rourke, was purchased today by Pres
ident Weeghman of the Cubs when
he bought Outfielder Earl Smith of
the Omaha club. Bill Rourke was in
Chicago and personally conducted the
business with President Weeghman.
Here is about what Rourke said about
young Mr. Smith.
"He's just a youngster, about 23
years old, hits right handed or left
handed, is five feet eight inches high,
weighs N5 pounds, can run a hundred
in 0'i seconds, is hitting .325 in the
Western league this year, has a great
hpaH nn him anH i HcttniH tr, Kb n
! game.
him from the
gambler's chance
ghman on the
that I wanted
a much bifir?er
price that I wanted with the sido
agreement that if the boy does not
make good I will take him back and
Weeghman will not have to pay me a
cent. Weeghman took the latter prop
(Continued Fnn Pas. One.)
of the bte stars of the
1 got a swell price foi
Cubs, but took a
along with Mr. Wee
eal. I stated a price
in raan hen I QtatAri
ing out a two, three, two rating in
the summary that cinched the place.
A daughter of Trampfast, Vera
Tramp, came in for fourth money.
A special pacing event, for the
Brandeia Stores purse of $500, pro
vided some clean-cut harness racing.
The starters were horses that had
not been returned winners in any of
the races of the previous days, and
of the field, J. S. Hildreth's stallion,
Garrity, a son of The Mediator, was
turned to as the favorite, and paced
true to the dope, winning the first
two heats, respectively, in 2il8jd and
Empress Togo Second.
Empress Togo, an offspring: of
Togo, won the third heat in 2:175.
ana cot second monev. ftancv v. L.
won tne third parcel ot coin, an Oma
ha gelding, Frank Holloway, finish
ing fourth in the last two heats and
third in the first.
A record-breaking crowd is expect
ed to attend get-away day at the
Driving club's' Great Western Circuit
Hundreds of horse-racing fans, both
in Omaha and contiguous territory,
have waited all week for the closing
day's program, which will be featured
by the classic event of the meeting
the free-for-all pace, Alamo Engine
purse of $1,000.
Country's Fastest Pacers.
Entered in this race are some of
the fastest pacers in the United States
and Canada. '
Some of the Grand and Great
Western circuit luminaries that will
start in the free-for-all pace are out
to settle old grudges. That a new
state record for pacers will be hung
up is practically a certainty.
O nthe face of things, the famous
Grand circut star, Baden Direct, who
has circled a mile track in 2:01 J-l,
looks like a winner; one thing is sure,
if the famous son of Baron Direct
is "right," the other starters will be
compelled to show phenomenal speed
to beat him.
Ben Earl Looks Good.
If Ben Earl. 2:04!4. Edward Peter-
nn'f KtMorfif1 etor eHrtu mliiiili
doubt he will, Braden Direct and the
other turf kings will have super-ani-mils'
jobs on their feet to keep him
from returning a winner:
Then there is Lillian T., 2:02?4;
Sayde Densmore, 2:02; Shipmaster,
2:0554; Knight of Strathmore, 2:03?4;
Columbia Fire, 2:04, a Nebraska
sensation; and a host of other cham
pions that have been entered in the
Horsemen are expressing keen re-'
gret that Hal McKinney, Tom Denni
son's famous stallion, cannot be seen
in the free-for-all today. Hal Mc
Kinney was injured recently when
he was struck by a bolt of lightning
at Mount Pleasant, la., and although
he has about fully recovered from the
effects of the mishap, his owner does
not deem it the wise thing t odo to
ship him here just yet.
The Rotary Club purse of $500,
another event on the closing day's
card, will bring out some of the fast
est trotters in the country eligible to
the 2:19 class. There are thirteen
entries. Nine colts of Great Western
circuit merit are entered in the three-year-old
pace, Burgess-Nash purse of
The driving club's fast half-mile
oval is in excellent condition; a rain,
this morning, in fact would make it
even better, so old J. Pfuv., if he does
not rear up, and then have a heart
betore the races start, can t do any
damage to gel-away day.
Starting Judge Oliver Lehman will
get the horses away in the first event
promptly at 2:30 o'clock.
Mathewson of Walthill
Defeats Charles Durland
Norfolk, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special
Telegram.) Charles Mathewson of
Walthill, by brilliant playing defeated
Charles Durland of Norfolk, in the
finals of the singles championship
round of the Northeast Nebraska
Tennis tournament on the Norfolk
Country club courts, Friday after
noon. The score was 8-6, 6-3, 2-6, 6-2.
Mathewson plays Morgan, of
Wayne, Saturday morning in the
challenge round for the cup.
Louise De Lopez Wins
Trot for Two-Year-Olds
Des Moines, la., Aug. 25. (Special'
Telegram.) Iowa state fair races:
Trotting-, 8-rear-olds; two one-mile beata;
Eurae, 1400:
oulse de Lopei, ca. f., by Kinney Lopes. 1 1
Merler'a Todd, b. Sorrento Todd.. I I
Allcola, b. (., by Bergen I I
1,11a, Deatherag-e, eh. f by Conetanaro..4 I
Red Bon, b. c, by Bonnletard I 4
Jeeale Albtngen, ch. f by Alblngen....t
Time. :1U. S:1IU.
Pacini. S-year-olde: two one-mile heata:
purae. $209:
Matilda Mil, h. (., by Wilbur ton. ...J 1
Uahtfoot b. a., by Lawful Bond 1 i
Worthy Simon, br. c, by. aimon Ax-
Time, 11414. JUI. .
SATURDAY'S FAVORITE Braden Direct, leader in the
odds for the big free-for-all pace at the Speedway Saturday.
braden direct
z:o)b Eganup
Summ u ry of Friday s Card
At the Great Western Circuit
Harness Races at Speedway
Trotting, Thm-yettr-olil CImi, Byrne-Hammer Company Parte f 951)0.
Don 1) Lopei, blk. $., by Kinney De Lope H'rd). .Hemet Block Yna,
Hemet, CtU 1 I 1
Mharba, br. c by Arrhtlale (Hlldreth). J. 8. HIMreth, Acent. Omaha 9 I X
Lady Month, b. f., by Ueneral Watts (Chandler), Midway Stock frn, Kear
ney, Neb 8 t t
Vera Tramp, ro, t by Trampfant (ForrenO, W. D. Forreet, Shenandoah. la. A 4 4
Colorado Lady, b. f by Colorado E. Kagan), Fred Eatan, Asm, leBTer,
Colo , 4 S
Time, 2:10)4, St19H. ti0.
Paclnn, Special Race, Brandeli Store Pane of SSM.
Oarrity, b. ., by The Mediator (Hildreth,, J. 8. Hlldreth, DaUaa. Texae ... tit
Empreea Tog-o. b. m., by Toga (Rhodee), Midway Stock Farm, Kearney, Neb. t 2 I
Nancy V. C., by Vloe Commodore (Chandler), Midway Stock Farm, Kearney,
Neb 4 I
Frank Holla way, . g,, by George W. McKinney (Honln), T. Ronin, Agent,
Omaha S 4 4
Time, til8$4, t.llW, 2:17.
Trotting, 2:14 CUm, South Omaha Horne and Mole Company Furae of 11,004.
May Hani man, b. m., by Bob Harrlman (Wilson), E. Beekwlth, Aurora, HI.. .1 1 1
Miss Denver, b, n., by Mr Mont (Eagan), Fred Eagan, Agent, Denver, Colo. SSI
Red Rico, b. g., by Porto Rico (MacDermld), MaoDermld and Irrln, Colorado
Spring, Colo. 4 t S
Graham BelUne, b. ., by Belllne MoQualg, John MoQoalg, Agent, Tnlaa, OkL 8 fl 4
Allle Axwood, ch. m., by Allerton (Rhodeo). Midway Stock Farm. Kaaraey.
Neb. I 4 S
Timothy Rail, blk. ., by Walnut Hall (Statue). K. O. Wehennea, T larota, Keb. 4 S
xune, :i9, z:ie4,
Free-for-All Pace, Alamo Engine Pane. $1,004.
1 Bon Earl, t:U, b. g.( by The Burl, Edward Peterton, Omaha.
I Braden Direct, 2:01, b. h., by Baron Direct, Pred Bgan agent, Denver, Colo.
College Gent, 2:01 blk. h., by Kentucky P., Joe Careon, Winnipeg, Canada.
4 Columbia Fire, 1:04, b. g., by Pactolua, E. O. Bohannon, Ltnoolo, Neb.
5 Don Dennmore, 2:02H. b. h., by Pactelun, Henry Thomas, agent, Davenport, la.
6 Ha) McKinney, 2:06, b. a., by Hal B, Tom Dentition, Omaha.
7 Lillian T, 2:02, blk. m., by Roy Patchen, A. V. Wilson, agent, Mt. Pleasant, la.
I Kntght of Strathmore, .2:03, ch. h., by Twelfth Knight, S. L. Hawley, agent, Sao
City, la.
t Major Ong. 2:04, b. g., by Major Cants, Joe McLaughlin, Marsnalltown, la.
10 Sayde Densmore, 2:02, ch. m., by Don Densmore, Henry Thomas agent, Davenport, la.
11 Shipmaster, 2:06 14, b. g., by Seneca Stuart, N. Matthews, Am boy, III.
12 Sir Lain. 8:094, ro. g,, by Earlaln, Schlnstock Bros., West Point Nab.
13 The.Ohost, 3:08, g. g., by Manager, J. F. Cole, Brookflsld, Mo.
2:19 Trot, Rotary Club Purse, SOOt.
1 Allle Axwood, 3:02, ch. m., by Allerton, Midway Stock Farm, Kearney, Neb.
2 Brady, 1:10, b. g., by Motel, E. Beekwlth, Aurora, III.
I Chief, 2:10, blk. g., by Darkway, John Bunger, Lincoln, Neb.
4 Dr. Buckley, 2:13, b. h., by fimmett Orattan, Henry Thomas, agent, Davenport, la,
J Doonle R, b. m., by Peter the Great, E. D. Gould, Kearney, Neb.
0 Governor V. 2:20, b. g., by Governor Francis, J. 8. Hlldreth agent, Omaha.
7 Ignatius McGregor, 2:29, br. s., by Jay McGregor, A. B. Heaton, Greenfield, la. -
8 Joe Vincent, b. g., by Knight Vincent, W, JU Hill, Arapahoe, Neeb.
1 Larry K, b- by Larry McKinney, Earl Beesley, Syracuse, Neb,
10 Jack Combs, b. s., by Buraunun, E. D. Gould, Kearney, Neb.
11 Sterling Lou, s. g., by Kinney Lou, F. E. Ward, Los Angeles, Cat
12 Sweet Aubrey, 2:19, b. iu by Captain Aubrey, C. C. Hall, Omaha.
IS Tom Carlyle, 2:19, br. h., by The Corsair, C. A. Walker agent. Miles City,, Mont.
Three-Year-Old Pace, Borgeas-Nash Paras, 050.
1 Bonnie Hal, br. C, hy Bonda Simmons, A. V. Wilson agent. Mt. Pleasant, la.
2 Charles Simmons, jr., b. c. by Charles Simmons, W. O. Doggett, Numa, la.
8 K. J. L., b.K i by Trmptast, Steve Beam agent, Llbertyvllle, III.
4 Fiesta Lou. b. f., by Wilbur Lou, Hemet stock farm, Hemet, Cal.
5 Flora Strathmore, blk. f.. by Knight of Strathmore, 8. Li Hawley agent. Sac City, Is,
0 Midland, blk. c, by llingenwood, Midway stock tarm, Kearney, Neb.
7 packt-y Mc Karl and, b. g., by R. Ambush, Otto Griggs agent. Independence, Mo.
8 3. L. I'olnter, b. c, by Sidney Pointer, S. L. Hawley agent, Sao City, la.
9 Walter Long, br. c by Peter W, Chet Kelley, West Liberty, la. ? , ; ',
I an
f t ltd
It. i ft
Mrs. F.'C. Letts Wins
WomensGolf Title
Grand Rapids, Mich., Aug. 25.
Mrs. F. C. Letts of Cincinnati won
the western women's golf champion.
ship at the Kent Country club links
today. defcatiiiK Miss Laurie Kaiser
of Fiossmoor club, Chicago, 3 and 1.
Mrs. Letts took the lead by win
ning the first hole, 5-6, and she never
relinauished her margin. She went
out in 44, seven strokes under par, and
was three up on Miss Kaiser at the
The Chicago golfer cut .down the
margin by winning the eleventh hole,
4-5. but lost the twelfth. The next
three were halved: Miss Kaiser tem
porarily avoided defeat by taking the
sixteenth, 4-5. At tne seventeenth,
Mrs. Letts was down in 5. Miss
Kaiser took 6 and lost the matrh.
, a j !
Cambridge, Mass.. Aug. 18. Wal
ter Alvin Boyd of Louisiana, Mo., who
is the strongest man at the Harvard
summer school ot physical education,
exhibits his great chest power by
breaking a chain while ic expands his
chest. Mr. Boyd claims that ten
strong men are unaole to break tnis
chain with their hands.
.Boyd is 36 years old, is married and
is -the father of three children. He
weigh, 202 pound,. His . normal
chest measurement is forty-two
inches. Expanded it is fifty-six
inches. On his Pike county farm of
100 acres he rise, it 5 o'clock every
morning and works until 8. Two
nights each week he devotes to a
class of boys to whom1' he .teaches
physical development
Oklahoma Puts
Ban Upon Morris
Moran Prize Fight
Oklahoma City, Okl., Aug. 25. At
torney General Freeling today is
sued instructions to the sheriff, coun
ty attorney and to the mayor of Tul
sa, Okl., not to allow the Morris-Mo-ran
fight scheduled for Labor day to
take place. According to the attor
ney general the staging of the fight
would be in direct violation of state
Giants Buy Krueger,
Kilduff of Omaha
New York., Aug. 25 The New
York Nationls announced tonight the
purchase of Catcher Ernest Frueger
and Outfielder Kilduff from the
Omaha club of the Western league.
A deal for Pitcher James Middleton
of Louisville, has been closed.
George Gibson, the veteran catcher,
recently purchased from Pittsburgh,
has been suspended for failure to
Napoleon Direct Is
Free-for-AU Victor
Cleveland, Aug. 25. Free-for-all
purse, $1,200, Napoleon Direct won;
Single G. second; Hal Boy, third.
Best time: 2:fK
Lee Axworthy, trotting stallion,
this afternoon equalled his record of
last Tuesday, 2:00 against time.
Freddy Welsh Wants , ,
To Insure His HanUs
Colorado Springs, Colo., Aug. 25.
Freddie Welsh, who will defend his
title against Charley White in a
twenty-round bout here Labor day,
has opened negotiations to insure his
hands for $20,000 during the training
period. Figures on the cost of $100,
000 insurance against rain on Labor
day have been requested of Lloyds
by Eddie Pitts, manager of the cham
pionship battle. Requests from wom
'40 for eats in the arena today caused
the management to set aside a block
of seats for their use.
Boon Farmer Killed.
Boone, la., ' Aut. 25. (Special
Telegram.) A wealtuy Boone county
farmer was killed this morning when
he fell from the roof of a house
while repairing the chimney.
llarrlciUM Im MIIIIm.
Ban Juan, rorto Y.'.cn, A'i ?-4.-otnplt
r.porta revolved roncortllft Tioadar'l hur
rlcun. plar. tit. ilamaivu In ixc,a of 11.000.
000. to Uliaft-.Q prop.rllei and the
frapefr'ilt crop.
Cornell has finally decided tc in
stall a graduate coaching system foi
its 'crews. Captain ' Johnny Collyer,
former stroke-oar of its champion
ship eight of 1915, has been desig
nated by the Athletic association to
act in the capacity of head coach.
Collyer will have two assistants, for
mer Cornell sweepmen. Charles
Courtney will be advisory coach..
Fast Little Mare of Pastime
Stables Takes Champion
Stallion Stake.
Cleveland, O., Aug. 25. The cham
pion stallion stake race, the feature
event of yesterday's grand circuit card
at North Randall was won by Volga,
the fast little mare of the Pastime
Stabe, without having to extend her
self. Volga, the champion 1915 two-year-old,
won easily Expressive
Lou, Bingcn Silk, the only contend
ers who gave her competition.
The day's racing was marred by an
accident. Court Gosnell, ' driving
Hazel Armstrong in a trial heat, be
ing .thrown from his buggy .and
seriously injured. Summaries:
Th champion stallion ataka,. .three-year-old
trot, $7,640 purae
Volte, eh. f. by- Peter The. Great,
(White) 1 1
Bxpreeelve Lou. b. f, (Murphjr) .1 8
Blnten Bilk, b. o.. (Chandler)... 1 '2
AIo started: Brownie Watta. MJa, Gen
eral Yorke.
Time: l:0t;
Troltlnf. 2:16 class: 1.100 puree
bonna Lona, ch. m., by Don . Roma,
(Valentine) 1 1 1
Humfast, b. m.. (Murphy).. I f .J
Blnland. bl. h., (McDonald) 1 7 t
Alio started: Truesda, Carolina, Rldfe
mark. Ideal, Blnsen, Onward Allerton. and
John O, ' " . 1
Tlm,:..tsW: 1:0SH; :0Stt.
Cuyahoca, !:1S class, trot tin,. I!. 000
puree i
Early Don, ch. ,., by Don Cale, (Val
entine) !-.... I 1
Brlaac. br. h by Bin, are, (Murphy) 1 I I
Colonel Riser, br. h., (Brennen) S 4 I
Also started: Lu Princeton.
Time: t:Mi; 1:01: 1:0,1,.
Pacln,, J:l claee: 1.M0 puma
HcBnery, b, h., my McBwen, (White
head) t 1
Bayo De Oro, ch. by Copn. Da .Oro,
(Dufree-Valentlnp) -t
Prestollte. bl. m.. (Donald) 4 4 t
John A,, II, ch. I, (Benyon) I. Idle
Time: :6H-, l:IHi l:IHe.
Railway Commission at Outs
- With the Attorney General
(From a. Star! Correspondent.)
Lincoln, Aug. 2S. (Specia1.)TThc
controversy over the right of the
Rock Island railroad and other roads
to raise the charges on excess bag
gage because of the raise in pas
senger rates has brought on a con
troversy between the - attorney gen
eral of the state and the railway com
mission as to the rate. to be charged,
the former havinir duK-UD a ruling
of the commission covering an appli
cation of the roads for permission to
reduce excessive baggage rates,
which was granted on May 22, 1908.
In answer to the attorney general,
the commission says that the ruling
made by Mr. Reed practically gives
the roads the right to raise the rates.
in the communication sent to the
commission today, Attorney Oeneral
Reed reviews the situation somewhat
and asserts that the commission has
failed to make an order necessary to
change the basis of charging for ex
cess baggage
Fremont the Favored City .
For One Big Tractor Show
Fremont, Neb., Aug. 25. (Special.)
Harry Rogers, who has returned
from the Bloomington, IU., tractor
show, says that a number of the firms
are dropping out and will not finish
the circuit, which has two more
shows scheduled, one at Indianapolis
and one at Madison, Wis.
Many of the tractor men are in
favor of having one tractor show and
holding that at Fremont, when it
will extend over two weeks instead of
Hwlma Uoldan Gta.
Ban Francisco, Aur. 26. Mies "Babe"
Wrtaht, a San Francisco ,lrl. today swam
across the Golden Oate In SI minutes 86 4-S
seconds, setting an official Pacific Athletic
association record for women for the event.
Miss Allcs Ooodman, another local ,lrl, also
started, and led until within a short dis
tance of their .a-oal, when ah. fell In the
tide ripe.
HtmtJmb of WOMEN hv kwn to my offlet for trMttnmt for dhiUH and dli
Mftten of their atx. MANY NEW CASES EVERY DAY torn in nd are pttud
br th artfal and beneficial rvle I gtva them at a imall cash - Consultation 11.00.
Examination or offiea trfttmnt 92.04. Medlalaa fro. Ajlc aoma of th WOMEN
who June kmmt traatmant, . .
DR. J. C. WOODWARD, 301 Rm Buildiof, TaltpUi Tylar 260. Omaha.
ruxjsjQ J-PlLEAFj
I s,
-f J
Know the Facts
At the end of each' day's business you
should know the exact condition of affairs
the total sales collections liabilities
amount of increase or decrease in the
month's.or day's profitst It takes less
time to secure these records if you have
up-to-date books than it does in the old
Books and Forms
Current Ledgers
Opn with a key quick to 100 ex
pawdon. Close with a slight pressure of
the hand. Made strong and substantial.
Sheets can be transferred to Sectional
Poat Binder when transactions are closed,
and fresh sheets inserted, making a per
petual Ledger. Forms to suit a large
number of businesses. Your stationer
will be glad to show you their superiority.
are built to cover just the things you ought to
know, make the actual work of writing in rec
ords easier and quicker, thus saving time and
money. Your stationer will be glad to show
you the I-P line. . '
Sectional Post Binders
Built to pro
ride a perma
nent transfer
for records of
every descrip
tion. Construo-
has steel
hinges, and the
locking device
grips securely.
Easily released
lu. a altiiltlA
"""" . .... ... e,.
button In top enter 01 steel nousmg. orcuonai
screw posts are furnished with each binder.
I-Peed Ring Books
The only Loose Leaf Books where the sheets lie absolutely
flat. Sheets may be written on from edge to edge.. New
sheets Inserted and old ones removed at will keeps book
always up-to-date, and free from dead and useless pages a
perpetual business help. Built for great strength and dura
bility. Examine them. ,
SPECIAL OUTFITS For Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, Contractors,
Hotels, Students, Banks, Salesmen, Insurance Men, Real Estate Dealers, .
Hospitals, Garages, Gas Companies, Engineers, Etc.
Stock Sheets for many purposes, such as Combination Cash, Journal - , .
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Irving-Pitt Manufacturing Company
Larfnt loose Leaf ltanifaetanrs la the Werld. ' '
Kansas City Missouri
Is Safety First Day
In Omaha
The ten-car Government
Safety First Special will be open
for inspection
From 1 P. M. to 9 P. M.,
at 10th and Leavenworth Streets
Take Farnam, Harney or Dodge Cars,
Get off at Tenth and Jackson Sts.
Learn what your government is doing
to safeguard the lives and property of
citizen s. See wh at the Un ion Pacific System
and other railroads are doing to guarantee
the safety of passengers and employes.
This is the finest exhibition of its kind
ever put on wheels.
See the Safety First Special
1 Vlil
:'sl I
.ill.:. J
ny I
a til
,-titf -
r tint,