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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA AUGUST Want-Ad Rates CAm mm nmnKB. C word net InMrtion (Set enUd oo dtoplay.) e P- dm one time to Mr 1h. thrM wwcfltlM time. M Mi word! to th. llne.1 - nitni UTMi to W IIM J"" To por line thrM oonMcntlr. times fcovnt ols wordo to tn. line,, lo por tin. each InaorfM (Count oil word! to tn. lino. I fOBBIOW A7 FTIIMNCI CNIM5H AOBNTS OK HELP WAHTRu ;ito- In Mr wort ."" lHo por word throo eonooentiro nm 0 An TAKEN rOK I.W ' TOTAL or Me OK LESS THAN A 100 A RAT. AHD OF THANKS. DEATH AND TV !o Mr Him "eh Itwortlon (Minimum charg. .0 oente.) MOXTHLT BATE FOR iTANDINO ADS (NO OBangO 01 OOPT . On. Uno.ix Two lllioo or moro lino 1 (Count sis wordo to too lino.) (Oontrut rates oo application.) 1RI BBS wilt not oo rooMiwIWo ror moro man ono incorw. ,..-. 7. ' . Ida. Aft timo. tlsemem oroerwi lor mju. ADVERTISERS should routn ror.t.Sl or Th B.. in parmem iw " no mistake ton be rectified without them CTK THE TKLEPHON IS II J . ronienur onn. w ". "Tit for Want-Ad Taker, nd rod win eolvo tho oomo mod aervlre u when Uv.rtaS your 00 at n . PHONE TTLEH lOM. WANT-AD COLUMNS CLOSE VENINO EDITIONS V S HORNINO EDITIONS t eon- Aok l do- MOVIE PROGRAM ttSaiT (CWg.4 Dnil?. J Downtown fiKNAsr TtirfARSAkt TAritlF. SAUNDERS in "ILL-STARRED BOBBIE. Utrtir-KSg. " U1T-1I DOUOLAl BLUEBIRD, RBDFBATHBR n to-rRESENTED HERB FIRST TIHB lo. "UNHAND ME, VILLAIN A l-BBEL L. K.O. IT MUST BE FUNNT "A SON OF NEPTUNE." A (-REEL THRILLINO PRAHA OF THE SEA. NorfT DIAMOND. 4TH AND LAKE ' "FATE'S DECISION. H 'THE COURTW OF CALLIOPE CLEW." riRAKit J4TH AND LAKE "HER AMERICAN PRINCE" i A s-HMElL PICTURE. I iimT mr A kid." ALSO A OOOn COMEDY LOTHROP I4TH AND LOTHROP. NANCE O'NEILL in THB FLAMES OF JOHANNM. AND A OOOD KEYSTONE. Booth. APOLLO, 1ITH AND LEAVENWORTH . - GAIL KANE IN "PAYING THE PRICE." BOULEVARD, IJD AND LEAVENWORTH 'THE UnB.AMB.n. ' With ED COXBN. " --SANDT RBFOilMER." "PAINLESS EXTRACTING. SWHLFF 1661 LEAVENWORTH WILLIE COLLIER, JR., in THB BUOLB CALL" ALSO LATEST ISSUE OF PATHB NEWS West fcUNDKE ' .1ST A UNDERWOOD MISS NORMA TALMAOB lA "OOINO STRAIGHT." MACK SWAIN In "AMBBOES CUP OF WOE. BONROE. Ilti FARNAM "THE HIGH HAND. PBATURINO CARLTLE BLACKWEU. ALSO A DWU CJUMUUI, BUAHA, 40TH AND DODOE HARRT CARET la LOVE'S LARIAT," BlooWrd. EDDIE LYONS k "Art (or Art Boko, Mosonf owosy. Bootll SkU. BliSS B, I4TH AND N THE CRIP OF EVIL." ORPHEUM. ' HTH AND M "SUBMARINE- NO. I. "RUTH REDLBT RETURNS." OUIDES." "DAREDEVILS AND CANOBR." Monuments and Cemeteries. BEAUTIFUL mnrkora. uklou mi oromM for onmArkod mm Rodnun Orovo Morkor Co., 1411 (ponMr M, Wobotof IMA FUNERAL DIRECTORS. DOFPT JOHNSTON, amMm wt fa. noral dlroctoro tit a nip. Trior if TA u K BUHKET A SON Funorol dlrootora and ornbolmor. 1104 Loavonwortb. Hor. 10. ri.DK KIHI'EN. undortakaro anT balmara, till A llta 81. Douflu lilt. FLORISTS. BEST QUALITY CUT FLOWERS or planta,. Art Comblnatlono, ahlppod ovary n'hero. Exoollant oorvlco to our euttora ro In paot yaaro rooommondi HESS A KWOBODA. 141. Fornam St. Dous. not LARISST ASSORTMENT of frib. llowrrt," dvtiverd or ohlppMl anywhoro. L. HEN- TjBHSON, IHt ramam St. Pou. 1131. PARK En Flovrcr Shop. 411 S. 14th D. 1101. A." UONACiHUE, 1481 Harnoy. Doiis. 1401.' BATH, florin. 1104 Farnam SLb. 1004. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. n.rth---A, and Amands Catttrv, 191 Cu Ivlttr, boy; C. W, unit Astit Pononf, til Krut IaotuiI, fftrl,1' Jamra ntj Smnui Mil Ktrd, ft. Omaha, lrl: Mlchaol and Kdlth Wfkoch. 3234 North ThlrUenth. boy: Ar thur and Hattl Jackson, 1117 Military v. iiu. ooy; i4uui ana Jnni nacmuiiMB, itii Uaiiaon, boy; 3. and U Waahlniton, ItU Mpl, tlrl; Thotnaa and Mary Davenport. South Hid, boy; Joaeph and Fannta Fold wire, 4101 Orand vnut( boy; Bmul and Ktnt LrBvla. Souih Stda, boy: Salvator and CarmMa Paiia, tdl Pleroa boy. Blflh Ruth WcNeil, I, lim North Staty (Irat; W. F. Hill, 74, aoapttal; O. A. Aron on. 4, 37C Blnnay. Baby Engla, Stity fifth ,nd PoppUton; Hln O. Caray, 1 month. If 1 1 North Thlrty-aaconri; joph K'ltillch, M. hospital; DanUl Houach, S. 3929 M, Nicholas Tordatty. 1, 111. B; Uanry Odon, ii. 2i25 South SUtaaoth, MARRIAGE LICENSES. riTrunii i to wid kayva"' Voaa 'iutitri "to tka followtng: , Nam and Rildnea. . . At. Thomaa J. Marr. Tabor, . D Adeline Antony, Omaha II Frank R. C, Croat, Jr., Vancouver, B. C I Loutaa Davfdeoa, Carnbarlaod, Wig.... 1 Carl I. Ftnk, Omaha , 31 Adaliaa Karrla. MadtaonvUla, Ky....... S7 Marshall B. Reynolda, Omaha., ... it Oarntca K. Hllea, Omaha....,,,,,, 22 Frank Millar, Abardaan. a D 11 Varna Chris tanaaa, Watartowa, & P.... la BUILDING RMIT8. ilvasla A. Brown, Oil Booth Twanty rnurtn, brtck atora, f li,0t: X. akoiman, i04 Vuib Ftfgr-aatwnd avcniM, (rarnt and atuo rp Aw? 1 Urn, 7,l-0; Ban Oarropa. 1711 Blu ay, frm dwllln, t,00; Fred Laoe, Mi Leavenworth, tram d witling, I,jo. ATTRACTIONS. WAMTEOntaitina for I days' earnl vsj t Grafton, Nob. Aug. H Sept L L ! r'- C a Hubbard, chairman. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS IF YOU loss anything and wlli advert l hare, you wtll surely recover It If found by an bne1 pnon. R.markabla re coverlaa are brought about every day through thta column. THB LAW P.ople who And toat artlelea are lntareated In knowing that , th atate law la strict In requiring them to aeek the owner through advertisement and otherwise, and thM a failure to do so, if seme oao be proven, involves vera penalty. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS 8TBBET RAILWAY COMPANY. Feraona haxvlns loat some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether tby left It In the atreet car. Many artlelea each day are turned In and th company la anxious 10 restore tnem to tne ngutiui owner, va.ii Tyler 100. FOUND fia turd v. smalt lad v i puree, con tatnlng money, inquire and identify at window No. 2, United States National bnk. LOST Cameo Din at Hum theater. Vat ued aa keepeak from dernmed parent, rieaae call Walnut S7S. newara. LOST Between subway and downtown dis trict Friday, folding Ansco kodak; reward. Call Walnut 21.21. FOUND Lava Her, June 14, 1H. between 14th and Draco and 16th and Locust. Call Webster 2S06. LOST A bunch of keys. Return to Man - hat tan restaurant, MM Capitol. Reward, LOST Blind le, English bull dog. Reward. Douglas 1109 or Douglas 1381. FOUND Small sum of money. Tel. South 1420. FOR SALEMitcialUneou. Furniturd nd Household Goods. UNDERWRITERS FURNITURE! BALE STILL GOING ON Oat aboard thla wonderful bargain ape- clal whlla th prices are at excursion rate. STATE FURNITURE CO., 14th and Dodge. Douglas HIT. 41 ICE boats, lb gas stoves, 100' ruga of an Minds; poultry wire ana netting, upon till p. nr. im N. 14th St. web. iP7, OMAHA PILLOW CO. Felt and hair mat' tress made over In new ticks at halt . th orlce of new one. Phone us for sum- pi of ticking. Mall ordera filled. 1907 Cuming St. Douglas t47. FOR RALE Patented Ironing board, neat and well built; will last a life lima, Phone us ror psHlculara. Poug. 6194. THREE-QUARTER Vernt Marttn piti washing machine, rockera, dresser and commode. Red 1174. J Tor" SALE Oas range and Icebox, very reaaonaote. can Doug, n il Pianoi and Musical Instruments. A PIANO BARGAIN., .Here ft beautiful mahogany Ludwlf bungalow piano for sale, at a aaerlflo; slightly uad; practically a good a new. Original price 1350, Will U for lasl. Address Box US 4, Omaha B. Clothing. Furs, Etc TOUR choice of 4 National cash registers must b aoia, call at 6th and y. pi So. 43( Billiard and Pocket Tables. FOR SALE BILLIARD TABLES. Brand new, carom and pocket, with complete outfit, 1 IS; aecond-hand tables at re duced price; bowling alleys and lupptles aasy payment. Cigar atores, drug, dell- eatessen and soda fountain fliturea. THB BRUNSWICK'S ALKE-COLLENDER CO. 407 -4 Of South 10th St. Typewriters ana Supplies. NEW machlnea aold the asm aa rent; $8 per month. Be u befor you buy or rent. Shipped any piac on ten days' fre trial. Butta Typewriter Exchange. 114 B, llth, Omaha. Neb. TYPEWRITERS gold, rented and repalrei Rent an Oliver Typewriter, I month for 1 1. Central Typewriter Exchange. ramam. RKMINOTONS. Monarch and Smith Premier for rent; lent anywber. Rem ington Typewriter Company. D. 1114. BARQAINS In Ued typewriter, ribLwniTl4 aoaen; carooa, 91 a oox. Midland Co., 121 gee mag. ewelry, Diamonds and Watches. BRODEOAARD S "Lucky Wedding Ring1 aiietn ana Douglas sta. Macninerv and Eno-ln! NEW AND'sffcONb-HAND MOTORS' WArJUnT KL.KCTRIUIANB AND MACHINISTS. LB BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS. hb.ib h. iitn at., Omaha. BOILERS, a team, electric, gas engine, pip. jrp Yvracaing uo cuming. Scwinf Machines. "DEWING MACHINES" We rent, repair, sell needle and part mu wwini monines, MICHEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLB CO., Hth and Harney 81. Doug. Hfil Printing and Office Supplies, COMMERCIAL Duplicating Co., also publlo ' huh twr yiivrnm, A-'uugia iivi, see rwwn ma. Oat our price on Job prlntln(r' ' "" utarAiUH tAHl'B A (f KCIALTT, u. a. riu, vu.t ko niAi. DUUu. 1171. WATERS-BAR NH ART Ptg. Co., quality pnnunn. let, wm, ziso. pz B. lltn St. Ready Cut Homes. LUMBER 1 repreaent the most complete building material plant In th world. Can aave you big money on houea, barn or garage. iaayou. nomea, atandard plana ana blue print furnished. Homea- inatertal In tha atandard way. Shipped anywhere to consumer. Mill price. Send list for delivered prlc. Box 7t Omaha. Miscellaneous. BEE want-Ada GAINED ll.SII MORS v aid Aim tnan any other Omaha new. paper gained In first seven months lilt. Good reaulte at lea cost la tha reason why. MY" "high atandard of quality will be main tained; 4 quart of uid ronteneiie whisky, 11.26, bottled In bond. Henry Pollock. mall order bouaa. Doug. 7112. 112-124 N. 1Mb at aEex jettes uquor house. Thirteenth and Douglas. Bottled la bond whlaky, Ho, 1.0, 11.21, full quart. OENAIINR California win vinegar, white or ron; quart Dotiiee, 1 aenta; gallon, It eenta. Imported ollvq oil, fl oent per quart. Cackley Broa. Phona Doug. 4028. DESKS, aafee, acatea, ahowcaaea, hlvlng. 10. w ouy, aeii. umana fixture Supply Co.. 414-14-12 8. 13 th. Pom. 1714. WILL sacrlftce at one two Invalid chair; large wneei; on pnaumatto-tirea; also good wanning machine. Harney 1032. FOR SALE Two good furnaces too email for tne nouefs may are in. call Ty. 1141. FRETNOT Ask your grocrytuan, or phone voiiax ives. ' WANTED TO BUY WANTED Hlgh-olaa iurveyor transit, an Instrument that 1 designed for gen ral land eurvaytng aa well aa drainage work. Pclce must be right, Addreaa I Ibl, Bee. WANTED TO BUY Having rented a build- ing on traca ror our orrtoe and warehouse w will want to buy some glaa partitions. Phone Basket Store Office. Tyler 440. DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka, used desk, bought, sold ana iraaea. j. U. weeq, nor Farnam, PRK8S about 4x13;" hand or power. H. De- iamatre, iin speneer, Webster 1179. HOLMES pay your price tor Id-hand clothes, hose and hats. Web. 1120. WANT TO BUT MERCHANDISE 1TOCIL Ul nUBB) 1ILDU, TiLSA 1417. ANNOUNCEMENTS BRODEOAARD'B "Lucky Woddluc Biota" at 14th and Poutlao Sta. OROirKRT and meat mark.t for aala; food locotlon; aalo ohoap. 4u a lid Avo. DAT and T. H. C A. NHht Sobool AccountAnts, B. A. DWOKAK, O. P. A. A VAN ORDFR. HI Kamgo Bidi,. Phono Doug, llta. Bskcrics. CAKBS, paotry and fane? bahory soodo ouppllod to partloa, lodto. and ontartaln Wwau. . H. R.dor, HOI w. lltn. W.niT. Brass anf Iron fouiidriM. Co. ITth and Martha Sta. CostunKs. THBATR1CAI, sowna. full Sfmo oulta, for "hi. av. r. .11a, .oan .oiamaa. ANNOUNCEMENTS Carpenters and Contractors. Leasard A Bon. 1102 Capitol Ave. Ty. 1422. WHITE BROS., contractors and builders, Jobbing- our specialty; satisfaction guar. anteea. rnone Ked stll or walnut sasi. C. W. Hokanson. 1601 Leaven1 th. Ty. 2il2J Bathi. HTOIENIC BATH INSTITUTE, Madam Edna H. LaRell. 701 South llth St t vapor oatns. Hwodisn mahg taught ovary rri day for men and women. Lady attendant ror ladles. Phone Doug 104 DR. KNOLLKNBF.RO, sulphur steam baths, manage and CHIROPRACTIC, Lady at tendant for ladle. S. West, corner 14th and yarnam, Ottawa Bldg. Poug. 72. DR. BfcNDA Sulphur, steam. Modern Turkish BATHS AND MARHAOB. Private apartment for ladle with lady attend antaiilf Farnam. Phone Doug. 177. RITT EN HOUSE Sanitarium: all kii bath. 110-214 Balrd Blk., 17th and Doug lea dnde Buttons and Pleating. DRESS pleating, hemstitching and cover ed mitton. Van Arnura Drt Plet Ing and Buttffn Co., 2d flour Paxten Blk. ivOUg, 1U1. Cameras and Finiahinsr. "REXOETE" cameras. 2Ux2A. ifoOt (uni versal foeu Una), Green's Pharmacy, llth ana Howard. Bee them today. Cleaning: and Pressing?. SUITS pressed, 26c; cleaned and pressed, 11 rnn ureenstone, ioi Harney. Bed 271, SUITS cleaned, pressed. 11.00: Dressed. 40c omi-ciaaa worn guaranteea. lie u. lltn Chirobractic. DR. KNOLLENBERff, 8. W. Cor, 14th and ramam. Doug. 7211. Lady attendant Chiropractic and Spinal Adjustment. fn.. ounnunn a mooern, aanitary cniro practlc adjusting parlor. 414-11 Ros Bid, D. 4147. Palmer Bch. grad ; lady attendant. Dr, Frances Dawson, 102-2 Ros Big. Ty.1211. Pr. J, C. Lawrenc, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 1441. ntAifiuAti JAMES ALLAN, 112 Nevtlla Block. EH unu mmvurmv in an cases, lyier xise, Dressmaking. ACCORDION. Bide. Knife. Bos Pleatln, Cov. Button. Hemstitching. Neb. Pleating nut (en vo.. 431-Z Paxun hlk. R. 4142. WANTED Sowing, by experienced dress maker, jo. II Sterling Apt. Douglas Bf28, PLAIN iMd fanry sewing, and repairing. Web. 1111. fine mending EPrtdresamaker In all line. Poug. a 1 48. Keister DrsRsmaktng Col 1021 City Nat'l. Terry Press mak'g college. 20th and Farnam, Maaaueac. Scientific maaage; bathe. 1122 Farnam St. Dancing Academy. nfll.UVfl DANCING AOADEMV Clan and School. Mon. and" Wad. 1 ORAND OrBNINO AUGUST 14. Dentins. D. Bradbury. No pain. 11 W. O. W. Bids. Taft'a Pont. mi 101 Roa. Bldr. D. Ills. Expert Masseurs. MANICURINO, facial maHaso, by oiport ". 117H N. llh St., oppo.ll. poat- ouic. nm. iv., oany, ovonlnsa. Rirnr.aa rAmnjnl.. TWIN RITT Hurra.. Co., ll Caao St. uoutiaa in?. Heavy haullna a apoclalty. ANYWHERE 25c WB. 2104 Evervthina- for Wamcn. ACCORDION, oldo, knlf., aunbur.1. bo pi.atin,i covorod button., all ol.oo and Otyl..: hotnatltchlno. nlcot ad.ln.. .m. brold.ry; beading, braldln,, cordlns, .y.i.t out worn, Dultonholoo, p.nnanta. aoo Douala. Blk. Douitlaa 1434. Fixtures and Wirin(. DTTPTf TM lootrl. waahtn, maohlnao, 1Uivrili-I olootrlo Iron and r.adlu. laropa, mi cumins Bt. uouslao l.ll. Furnaces and Tinware. ROOFINO, fumacof and f on.ral tlnwerk. Aorama. 1104 N. 34th St. Web. 1444. Hair Dressing.. IDEAL Hair Parlor., to Balrd Bids. Hani curing-, toilet artlelea, Pouglaa 1114. Hand Laundry. CALL DOUGLAS 4134 and hava your laun nry qon. rigni ana raanonaoie. Hat Cleanina and Block-in. STRAW, Panama, all kind, hata, oloanod and reblorKed. 1414-1B20 Harney. Attorney at Law. Fl. H. BBHMER8, 104 Crounae Bid,. FRANCIS MortdAN, til BeO; Doug. 4011. lob Printing OATB CITT Printing Co., high frrada print. ing. n, fnone web. 17, ustices of the Peace H. II. CLAIBORNE, 11: Paaton Blk. R T.oi. worary yubllc; qepoltlon, ateno. C. W. BRITT. 301 Barker Block. Osteopsths. Dr. Mary Anderaen, 406 Bee Bldg. T. Itll. Patent Attorneys. B. A. STURQ1B. 480 Brandel. Th. J). 1441. PiancTTor Rent. 11.40 Per Mo. A. ITo.p. Co., 1611 Deuglaa. Scale Repairing. Om. Scale Co.. ill 8. 13th. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 8117 8. llth. D. III. Vacuum Cleaners. CLEAN QUICKLY AND THOROUGHLY WITH Kt.LIl HK ELECTRIC! RENT, 1 AHUI1.6U r.K DA I. UUUULAB 1T40. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announvemento and printing. i,ougiaa rruiiina o. i.i. uu, e... SWAPPERS' COLUMN IF you hav anything to trad, make ud a nm aa ana run it in mi column for even day It only coat 6o and lo per answer. Thta offer is good only in Omaha, and exclude Heal testate, cash offers, and business Properties For Sal or Trade. The, aa welt as mall order for use of Swapper' Column must pay regular rat. Una or two answers ere sufficient to make your trad and the whole uuaacuoa oniy coat asoui sue. Try il 5NB IH by IW convertible to 6 by t Sen. eua camera; aimoet new; tripod; carrying caee , I double pla te holders ; complete developing outllt; will demonstrate Also Cyclo punching bag rack and bag. What navw you, gxtiurcss a. u, i(B, Be. NATIONAL Cash Register; value. Iioo win iraaa lor wnai nav yon of equal value T Want typewriter or label jcab- iiibvi gauuin silt), in (I A L1TTLB ad In this eolumn win bring wuk "UU f v 1 1 leal aT.aua UoMne OREATBR Increase In PAID WANT-ADS in in at tints man in any other Omaha paper. 12.011 HOR U PAID WANT-ADS first aoven months nil over sara period of 1111. Tht figure ,exced by 11,111 paid ad th inoreaa of any other Omaha paper for the earn period. A CORNET, aiiver. worth ld. for m Ka i notiun ana umc or nne, or what have your AO areas a. u. nee. FILMS developed free when prints are r. oerea. one-uay service. KAr. STUDIO, sis mevii.e oioca. inn ana Harney. MA HON truck for saddle hor. mo tor. oycia or wnat nav your Addraat S, CJ. la, uee, t BUSINESS CHANCES Want party with 11,000 to 15. 001 to Join me In a manufacturing prop osition to put out a Una of house hold neoeeelUe used every day In every horn thro times a day, on which th profit should run from tl par oent to 111 ner cent. Th abov ad was run a short time ago and among tnoaa wno answarea and made an investment wan on banker, fi.001; on doctor, 1,II0; on grain man, 91,101; two farmer ei.uuv eacn: on ai-n ochoal in. at rue tor, 11.101, and ono lady. 1600. Sine the Inveetment hava been mad th raotory na oeen equipped and etarted, ever 101 atorej have ndord th good. Th output t unlimited, th proflt in stead of being Tl per cent to 110 per cent run 100 per ent n 100 per cent and the Investors will not aall their atock at any price. There ar Just thirty sharoa of thla stork iert ror sai. ir you ar open for a good Inveetment answer thla ad at one. First dividend January L Th stock will pay at least 10 per oent next yer. Can dm th service of on or tw more investor, nox eiic, ne. M OVlWOICTtTR iTH KAT ERS.. ' ' Western Iowa and Nebraska locations. xrlualv houses, town 1,100 to 2.2044: guaranteed strictly money maker: ma-, ohalra, svreena, te, new and slightly sed. OMAHA TH HATER SUPPLT CO.. Bslrd Bldg. Omaha. Neb. IF YOU want to sell or buy a business i or rooming noun ran on Hur.h 4k Borghoff Til World-Uara Id Bid. Phono D. 111. BUSINESS CHANCES PUBLIC AUCTION 240,001 stock of staple grot rl to be sold In lets to the highest bidder. Sale starts at 10 A. M., Monday, Aug. 21th. at 4114 South 24th St., S. Omaha. The United Provision stores solna out of business. We wilt first sell th open stok and fixture In the retail store, which wil amount to about 1 4,00. This store Is doing a bualnens of about 6f,000 per year. W will then sell tho surplus stork In lots consisting of about 2,000 bags of sugar. 1,000 cases of corn. 7R0 rases of tomatoes. 100 cases of red salmon. t.0 esses of matches. 760 boxes Diamond C soap 200 gross Ball Meson Jars. 600 sacks At flour. 110 case of Kagle, Carnation and other brands of milk. 10 case of Grape Nut. 110 cases of toilet paper. 200 cases of Arao Starrh. 200 sacks hand picked navy beans and other artlclr too numerous to mention, such aa coffee, tea. rice. etc. 21 per cnt of purrhase price must be paid In cash or certified check on day of sale. Mr. Merchant, here Is your chance to buy groceries at a price to make some money. Hal take nlace t 1124 So. 24th tit S. Omaha, Monday, Aug. 21, at 10 A. M JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. UNITED PROVIRION STORE, Owners. ' ATTENTION I HARDWARE MERCHANTS. WB WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, Wednesday. Aug. 30th. at 2 P. M. Sharp The 7,000 Stock of High Grade Hardware and Fixtures Located at 1526 Vinton Street, Omaha, Neb. This atock consists of 8 he If Hardware, Tools and Cutlery, Sporting Ooods, Oranlte and Porcelain Ware, Stoves, Paints, Otis, Brushes and Painters' Supplies, Lawn, Garden and Field Tools, Nails, Wire and everything carried In a first-class hard ware store. Fixtures are the very latest and best used tn an uo-to-date hardware stnre. All must be sold to highest bidder for cash at 1531 Vinton street, Omaha, Wed nesday, Aug. 10th, at 2 p. m. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. JAT OLIVER, Owner In Trust. AN established manufacturer want gen eral sale manager to open office and manage salesmen. 1200 to $700 capital necessary. Moneymakln un limited. Will pay expanse to Chicago If you ar man w want, saiea manager. toil Republic Bid., Chicago FIN 81 LOCATION for gente' furnishings, good farming district: western Nebraska main Un U. P.; new brick building for rent or sale; population 200 j electric lights; two banks: two lumber yards large territory. Address T III, Bee. COMMERCIAL college, located In a good lowa town; chsnre for the right man to make a good thing out of this school. Will sll at a very low price. Schwab Hroe.. 1021 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. rinfu, location, grocery or general mer- cnandlss store; best farming district, northeast Nebraska ; brick store for rent or sale; town of 800;yflectrlc lights; fine nign cnooi. AflflreesT 516, Bee WANT to sell drug store on account poor neat in; gooa, ciean stock doing good busi ness; good country; large territory. Cen tral Nebraska. P. O. Box 67, Phillips, WANTED To sell fifty shares of stock In atone quarry, position as general manager at 13,000 per year goes with sale of iock. write Geo, McCarron, Mt. Pleas ant, owa. FOR SALE l-chalr barber1 shop doing goon Business, in town or sop; must sell on account of bad health. Price to suit you, box am, Belgrade, Neb. FOR SALE by owner, lead Ins: hardware in county seat town of 1,000 southeast rn South Dakota. Must be sold quick prices right. Address T III, Be. HEM want-Ads GAINED 11,111 MORE m ado man any otner Omaha news paper gained In first seven months 1111. Good results at las cost Is the reason why. FOR SALE Oood, clean stock of hard ware; nv town, central Nebraska. Good reason for selling. B-xulck. Address T awl, DO. WE BUT. ws sell motton picture theaters. maicninea. nature nims. Co-Operatlve ruin inq nuDDIT (JO.. Z1D KrnmlCY Hiriar FOR RENT Albion Hotel; leading hotel of AiDion. writ ueo. w. Williams, Al bion. Neb. WILLIAMS, established 21 year. To buy or sen ousines se him. 41 1 McCagus Bldg. Reference, V. S. National Bank. DOWD Bale and Auction Co., Omaha, have eiosed out mors mdss. stocks than any viwr n rm m u. e. writ ror terms. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. New and rebuilt bargains, supplies. Omaha Film Exchange, 108 H. 14th St. FOR SALE by owner Drue "tore, dwelling ana biock; square deal. Address owner, 111 .West Ith Ave.. Denver, Colo. for SALE Only meat market In town of 410; fixtures new. Inquir of Rosa L. n. inney, 11 per ty. web. TO GET In or out of business, call on uAnuuBTAiJ, tiaf JBee Bldg. Doug. 1417. SITUATIONS WANTED WEEKLY RATE. 16c PER LINE. Day work or business ads, regular rates. t lines on week J Or. I line on week 46c Each extra line Ho per week. Male. SITUATION WANTED By young man 28, wno ne uner onewe, smoke nor drinks. Fairly good at figures; some knowledge of bookkeeping. Would prefer office work, but will consider other tines. Bos 6211, Bee. WANTED Position by all-around butcher; young man, single, temperate and willing to work j want steady job. Address V III, Be. EXPERIENCED chauffeur want steady po sition; six years- experience: can keep up own car; best reference Phon Har. 1261. WANTED Work by experienced colored man; bet of references: janitor's work preferred. Harney 4401. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, 2 years' experience, wishes position; best refer ence. Box 1281, Bee. OFFICE MAN, experienced, wants ponttlon. Special audit or inspections arranged. Box 1222, Be. WANTED Position by young man of good nanus; cierkamp prenrred. Phon Tyler 1IHI-J. JAPANESE competent cook, wants posi tion in private family. Phona Harney aiiT. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. HIGHER GRADE POHITIONS Executive Sales, Accounting, Stenogra pher. Clerical, Commercial and Banking Call or write WESTERN REFERENCE AND BOND AtSS'N., INC., Established 14 years. Suit T62, Omaha National Bank Bldff. Omaha, Neb. AN EXPERIENCED DENTAL, DRUG AND SURGICAL SALESMAN for established trade; position worth ftOO to IS0 per ' month and expense; must hava good per sonality and know' how to handle better clane of trads; able to furnish first-class references. Co-Operative Reference Co. 1015-14 city Nat. MACHINERY SALESMAN To travel tn northern Kansaa calling on Implement dealers; salary In accordance with man's past record; not over 26 year or age, able to furnish first-class refer ences. Co-Opera live Jef. Co., 1016-11 City Nat. SALESMAN (GAS ENGINES) 1 100. 00 BK-KPR, fOUT TOWN) 86.00 NTKNO., (OUT TOWN) 66.00 STENOGRAPHER AND BK-KPR.. 76.00 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. ' WE NEED AT ONCE Salesmen Bookkeepers, Ledger Clerks and stenographers. WATTS REF. CO., 140 Brand Thea. Bldg. WANTED Assistant bkpr., good at figures and good penman, salary, 166. Western Reference and Bond Ass'n., Inc., 762 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. YOUNG MAN study law! EVENING. Downtown SESSIONS. UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Law department. Secy Thomson, 405 om Nat'l. Bank. IF YOU ar an experienced man In any office or sales line, we can place you. THE MARTI CO., 1117 W. O. W. Bldg. Professions and Trades. CARPENTERS wanted; union job, 46 cents per now; long job. Apply ready ror work. Westlnghouse, Church, Kerr A Compiny, West Burlington Shops. C, B, A Q. R. R.. or addrea) Business Agent Burlington BRICKLAYERS wanted; 60 at once: unton Job; 76 cents per hour; long job. Apply ready ror work. Westing house, unurch, Kerr A Company, Weat Burlington shops, , H. A q. R, R. CABINET makers. stair builders and bench men wanted. No trouble. Steady work. Farley m LooUcher Mfg. Co., Dubuque la. . SEE US FOR DRUQi JOBS, CD-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO, Established Ten Years. 1016-11 City National WANTED Butcher of clean habits, market manager;- Bohemian preferred. Inquir In person 101 North Ith. upstair. SHOWCARD "writing taught vg. by work- ing expert, oomplct ror 110. Address Box 4562, Bee. i EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wanted; ref- orence required. L. Schiller, lid ud AT ONCE 6 bricklayers; must be good mechanics. Younj at Woodard, Sidney, la. DRUG store snaps; Jobs. Knots. Bee Bldg. WANTED I bricklayers. Apply Reed Mo Don net, Br u water. Box 257, Lewis, la. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED. WANTED-rSALESMEN Iff ALL DEPARTMENTS. AP PLY SUPERINTENDENT BHANDEIS STORES. CAN USE TWO ADVERTISING .SOLICITORS. Must be young men with advertising selling experience, none other considered. This opening is with a large daily newspaper and offers every opportunity for advancement to men who can PRO DUCE RESULTS. SALARY AND COMMISSION. State fun particulars In flrnt reply, your previous experience, married or single, amount money you expeot to earn, etc Writ to Box 1241. Bee. WANTED Old line insurance man, big op portunity tor tne rtgnt man. win give highest contract for Omaha and vicinity, and commission on all sub-agents. . If you are contemplating a change and wish to tl up with a llv. progressive com pany, write M. Tebrlnke, S306 P St., Lin coln, Neb. i WANTED Three young- men, to take up special proposition on preparedness. Must have good clean record and some selling ability. Apply between 10 a. m,nd is aa. F. D. Browning. 312 Balrd Bldg. m.and ldg i.rlng" WANTED Sftvsra I neat appearing young men for magazine work, good pay and chance for advancement Apply 111 Brandels Theater Bldg. ATTRACTIVE contracts to full tlm men writing neaitn and aco. ina prev. ex. not n eceaaary. Federal In. Co.. Lincoln. Neb. STOCK and bond salesman. SEC. A INV. CO., 1017 W. STANDARD O. W. Bldg. SALESMEN Big mony for business get ters. Call at 1017 W. O. W. Bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED Fitter and alteration lady for fsw iom Hampi store. WANTED Girls In flat work dept. Apply tvvm wotjoi auaujiary. ntn ana uougias. WANTS D-r Experienced marker and sorter. Adams Laundry, 1111 California. WANTED Experienced mangle girls, cago -Laundry. Saleswomen and Solicitors. SALESLADIES WANTED. WANTED SALESLADIES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. APPLY SUPERINTEND. ENT BRAN DEIS .STORES, Household and Drmestic. WANTED By respectable family; elderly tiy io nup wun nousework. uooa Home, clean room and best of treatment as well as wages win be given right party. An swr Y. ftflS. Bee. HOUSEMAID wanted at once; must be competent and reliable and have Omaha references. Apply to Mrs. Charles Mots, 661 South 29th St. GIRL or middle aged woman for general nousework in family of three grown people. Phone Walnut 2671 after I p. or Sunday. WANTED Housekeeper by young widower on farm, with I boys. I and 11 year old; gooa noma.' Address F. D. Pries, Goring, Neb. WANTED Immediately, competent cook good references required. Mrs. T. L. Kimball, 2231 St. Mary's. Ave. WANTED Competent maid In family of inree; ngnt nousework and cooking; good wages, can walnut S4tf. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, 1 In family; references required. Bout n 3 ad. WANTED Young girt for housework ; no washing; small ' flat; go home nights. Harney 2978. GOOD white girl for general housework; 4 in family; good wages. Harney 6301. 8424 Dodge. WANTED Good girl for general house work; no waanlng. Colfax 601. GOOD girl for general housework; family. Phone Harney 2104. WANTED Young girl to aaslst with house- work, narney 1001. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; rtn family. Ph. walnut 8217. WANTED Competent girl for general nousework; 8 in family. Phone Wal. 8287. COMPETENT whit girl for general house work, sirs. j. m. Harding. Har. 300. WANTED A competent cook and second mam, bizo pavenport. Harney 5. WANTED Experienced , girl for general housework. Phone Walnut I. WANTED Girl for general housework. Har ney 1546, 13Zt S. SlSt St. WANTED Woman or girl for general housework. Harney 4621. WANTED A girl for general housework. 9510 Harney street v WANTED A whit girl for general house work, ttea 84 OS. Miscellaneous. WANTED Girls for traveling. "Days of '49 Show;" must dance, waits and two tep. Reliable company and good pay; ex perience unnecessary. Call at 2708 Fort St. or phon) Colfax 2788. WANTED Young women, aged 17 to 28. with common school education,- perfect sight and hearing, for local and long dis tance telephone work. Apply to C Lambert 1817 Douglas St PERSONAL MIKS U LILLY n.m Farnam St.. Id floor. UIS9 WILSON Dlh" I tia.ldge Blk. Phon, LL'ELLA WEBSTER, Ulk 1, a. m. to t A PRIVATE maternity St. t-hano Colfax :m n E SCIENTIFIC maaaage. (20 Be,, Bldg. Phono Dt.uglaa 1171. FOR legal adrlce ca-ll Douglaa 3f.2i. Manicuring and maaa. 111! Farnam. Rm. II, FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION, ROOM HUNTERS 1 If yon fall te find th room yon desire among these ads, call at Th B office for a Room List Givea complete detailed description of va cant rooms in all parts of the city. If more convenient phone Tha Be Want Ad Dept. and give your name end address, and a list will be mailed to you at one. New list ar Issued every week. WE have a nice large room for younr mar ried, rouple, In a pleasant district and walking distance; also one single room. Hanuy 3240. 113 S. 30th 201 SO. 24TH ST., large front aleeDlns? room with two beds, suitable for two or four men, reasonable; also housekeeping rooms. BEMIS PARK All modern south room, suitable for two respectable young ladles. September I. 8302 Myrtle ave. Har. 2211. MODERN room to respectable elderly gen- iiBinan mr iKing care or grounda. Box 5272, Bee. FUANISHED ROOMS. FOR MEN ONLY. 107 NORTH 17TH ST. LARGE roomy furbished room, to one or two persons, with or without board i reasonable rates. 187 N. 82d Av. lurnisnea iront room In strictly modern home; walking distance, 636 8. 27th St. Phone Harn.-y JftiS. 26TH AND PRATT Delightful south room. wun airove; private nome; one neighbor hood. Web. '367. CHIC'AUO 2510 In private home; large south front room with alcove; also slds room. SOUTH front room. In private home, steam neat, always hot water, easy walking dis tance; reasonable, Phone Harney 1429. ROOMS $2 per week ; also rooms with kltcftenettes. Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. FURNISHED rooms, modern, $1.26. 144t n. iiun. THE 6I1RINER New management Harney Housekeeping Rooms. DESIRABLE light housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms, uncoin Apt,, 21st and Chicago Bts. Tyler 2607, Price xa riffht. 2308 DOUGLAS Under new management: newly furnished housekeeping and sleep ing rooms. 520 SO. 24TH AVE., furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Red 2368. BEST, cheapest furnished light houaekeep- ing rooms in city, tiea sibs. 814 N. 213T H. K also sleeping rooms. Board and Rooms. r' ANTED Two young lady or gentlemen boarders In -vicinity of llth and Jackson. Box 4586, Bee. a 35TH. 131 Cool r. and board. D. 1068 Unfurnished Rooms. THREE large rooms for housekeeping: 113; unfurnished. 3011 Webster eX Rooms Wanted. WANTED Partner to handle front: sell tickets; no experience necessary: also lady for illusion act; man and wife pre ferred; Inquire quick, Hippodrome show. carnival, grounds, oouncii Biutrs, la. WANTED Companions; lady employed will give room and breakfast in return rot company at night. Give references and ad dress Box 6282, Bee. GIRLS to work at Iten Biscuit Co. Apply to timekeeper at factory entrance, 13th and Capitol Ave. WANTED Small woman or girl to feature tn enow, uan Hippodrome Show,, coun cil Bluffs, la. HELP WANTED Male or Female WANTED Names of men or women, 18 or over, wishing government Jobs, 176 month: vacations. Answer Immediately. Y. 478, Bee EDUCATIONAL Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Walter; must give reference, for night work. LU u cafe, 24th and Ames. Trade Schools. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Largest In th U. S, Earn expense whll attending by our plan.v Position guar anteed. Special summer rates. Write for Illustrated catlogue or call In person. 110 o. .tin oi., vmansa, jibu. (Established IRIS.) AUTO MECHANICS. EARN BIO MONEY. Never Idle Big Demand. Easy to Learn by Our Method. NATIONAL AUTO TRAINING ASSN. 2817 N. 20th Bt, Onalu, Send for Free Catalogue. GOOD MEN WANTED. To learn auto work for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autos and. tlectrlc starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2058 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. LRARN barber trade, mora than mulcst your tuition whll learning; set of tools Included; Job guaranteed. Cail or write for catalogue. 1402 Dodge. TRI-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous. POSITION aa watchman by reliable man; can glv best of references. Box 6281, Be. Miscellaneous. TOM JOHNSON, chimney sweep, furnace cleaning and fin repairing; 20 years ex- lerienc. Fhone Douglas 8921. V Hotela and Restaurants. RELIABLE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1111 Davenport St. Douglaa 1861. Headquarters -for hotel help. Female. THE BEE charge for "Situation ads" la lower than any other form of advertising not enough to cover the coet of printing. PUBLIC 8TKNOORAPH ER. Publlo etenegrapher and notary nubile. 807 Be Bldg, Doug. 1118, Reas. rates. EXPERIENCED nurse for children, with best of references, fhone Tyler 2430-W. POSITION Experienced housekeeper, young jaay; na encumbrance, siv itin Ave., Council Bluffs. EXPERIENCED girl wanta P. B, X. He work. Call Colfax 8232. Laundry and Day Work. PERFECT Washing, day or bundle, guaran- teea. rermennuy esuoiuaM. Strictly dopoJiRdable. Webster 2184. BUNDLE: washing; pier work; tac cur tain; work guaranteea. Webster 1360. EXPERIENCED laundress wants bundle wakhlng. Phone Harney 4882. COLORED lady wants day work. Web. 1441. Ask for Lor rat n. 1IITE lady wish, bundle washing don: reasonable. Call Harney 1T00. A N TBI --Iay wprk;any kind. H. 1710. Laundry, dny work; any kind. Doug. Ills. dleTVash: call, del. : guar. Mr. East. H.3S44 DAY work wanted. Phone Harney 1461. LAl'KDRKMS wants day work. Wop 7?4 HITS laundress; half days. Wsb. 1152. ARMY OF THE UNITED BTATES, MEN W ANTED Able-Bod led unmarried men under age of 26; oltlaens of United States of good character and Umperat hablta, who can apeak, read and write the Eng lish lauguage. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Army Bldg, llth and Dodge St., Omaha, Neb.; 120 N. 10th St. Lincoln, Neb.; 827 Ith St, Sioux City, tow; but stn av.. i?e Moines. low. BEE Want-Ads GAINED 11,611 MORE PAID ads than any othar Omaha new paper gk.-.ed In ftrat ven month 1111. Good results at leas 1 coat la th reason why. 126 weekly earned' at home by steady work era In new Industry. Whole or spar lime, no selling. Dept. 29, Say re Co., Toieao, unto. WANTED Young men a railway mall clerka, 116.00 month. Sample examination questions tree. Franklin Institute, Dept 321 n, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Experienced freight handler. Union Pacific Freight House, Ith and Jackson Bts. M UN wanted to' enltat Ir Signal Corps at ones: report at Lincoln. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS AQENTel wanted in every town for Day kerosene burner, for cook range. Wet A McL.. 1607 Leavenworth. Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER TA8HIKR ClOAR CLERK COMPTOMETER OPR... STENOGRAPH Rn .174.9(1 . SO. 00 .. 40.00 . 44.00 4... THE CANO AOENCT, 40, BEE BLDO. WANTED Steno. who la dependable and can nee goool Jo.dgtn.nt, lor good firm, aalary, 144. Woatern Referent and Bond Aal'n. Ine. ' TH Omaha Nat. Bte Bldg. WE NEED AT ONCE- Stenographera Bookkeeper., Ledger . C)rk and Otfle. Clerk.. WATTS REF. CO.. 14. Brand Thea. BM AN tXPERIENCED lady tanographer. Ono wno can taaa aictaiioa raat. uan at Baa. kot Store offtoo upaialra, 141 N. Ith St., aarlr FALL TERM SEPTEMBER (, BOYLES COLLEGE. DAT SCHOOL. NIOHT SCHOOL. Kverr dar la enrollment dar. Book, keeping, ihorthand. etenotype, typewriting, telegraphy, elvtl aervtce all commercial and English branchea. Catalogue free. BOTLES COLLEGE, Douglaa 1446. llth and Harney Sta. VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Omaha National Bank Building. ENTRANCE 220. D. 5890. COMPLETE course with book. Boyles col lege. Cheap if taken at once. Box Sill, Bee. Musical. Harp Limited number pupils accepted com ing season: early application favored. Harps fur. Loretta De Lone. 806 Lyric Bid. BOURICIUS MUSICAL STUDIOS, 1811 Dodge. We take pupil at the noon hour if desired, violin, voice, piano. Francis Potter, Sanford Hotel. Tylsr 1312. PERSONAL PILES, FISTULA CURED Dr. K. B. Tarry cures pile, fistula and other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rec tal diseases wtlh teattmonlala. DR. B. R. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Have Good Health Chiropractic succeeds when all other methoda hava failed. DR. BENJ. ISRAEL, 161 Brandels Theater Bldg, Doug. 6430. THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, msga slnes. W collect W distribute. Phone Doug. 4116 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspeot our new home, 1110-1112-1111 Dodge St. M. BR CO MAN, D. M. T., massage, steam shower baths, electric and radio llpht treatment I have also Installed th Gard ner reducing and therapeutic machine for reducing stout people. Rut 103 Karbaca Bldg. Phone Red 2727. I WISH to certify that I will not be re sponsible for any Mils contracted by my wife or any jH my relatives hereafter. E. D. Terpenlng. EAWOMlJOOKEMlAlS NEW DELICATESSEN, 1804 FARNAM out urglcat operation. Call or writ Dr. Frank H. Wray, Bee Bldg. MISS MACK Maanlcurlng and facial and scalp treatment, 1102 nam St Rflnm S, Far- RITTENHOU8K Sanitarium. Baths of all kinds; massar and chiropody. 810-214 Bnlrd Blk.. 17th and DouKlaa. D, 1463. ChSKT8 mad to order. Prices 88.68 to fjw.v. B.xprc rnung. iNu-ittn contst Shop, Brandelt Thea. Louby. D. 4111. YOU PEOPLE WHO RENT ROOMS. CALL THE BEE WANT-AD DEPT. and And out all about the FURNISHED ROOM GUIDE. It's a plan that Is helping many people rent their rooms. WANTED Two furnished or unfurnished . mfl, with board. Colfax 816. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. SPLENDID. NEW FURNISHED, TRAVERTON. FIREPROOF. I4TH" AND. LANDON COURT. Catering to people of refined taste. Apartment ta completely equipped for housekeeping : up-to-date and comfortable. TRAVER BROS., Tel. Doug. 6111. 706 ,Omaha Nat. Bank. Or call Web. 4836. VERT choice i-r. and bath furnished apt. In the Maewood, 1611 Harney. Only III. Telephone D. 1471. , WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Flats. WE HAVE PEOPLE WAITING. For HOUSES to Rent for QUICK re sults. List your properties with ARCHER REALTY CO- Douglas 2410. WANTED to rent 8 or 7-room modern horn with garage; will glv long lease and reference. No children. Address Box 4601, Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES West. 418 N, 88TH ST. Very fine brick house i lght large rooms; east front; larg yard; plenty of shade; one short block to oar; references required. Alfred Thomas, 201 First Natl. Bank Bldg. 14TH and Capitol Ave., 6-r., modern. F. D, wean, no a. istn St., Wead Bldg. North. NO. 2220 Burt St. 7 room and reception hall; hot water heat; all modern and in good condition ; fine large lawn; half block from car. Mako appointment to see this. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., 238 Rose Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Tyler 1638. -room modern brick flat, 1422 Sherwood Ave., south front large room nicely decorated and new eleotrlo fixtures. Big value. Rent, 16.00. BENSON ft MYERS CO. . min K Bt Bldg. Douglas 741. STRICTLY modern cottage; shady lawn; n. .vir.i.on; S1V( . agm Ht.t 20. Harney 4330. 1611 GRANT ST. 7-r. eonrn.. mnri.rn' tvT j. r. mil, i itamge Bldg. Doug. 408. FOR RENT 6-room modern cottage; rent aos jjori ox. ioirax 2666. SIX-ROOM house; all modern; 2812 Capitol Ave.; only 20. Phong Red 3667. South. GARAGE. 1 FOR RENT; private garage near 28th and Hickory. 3 per month. Red 1881 7-ROOM house, modern except heat; cement rn,iefj, gooa lot; cheap at 12.800. 4744 B. 12th St. Douglas 2811. FOR RENT Neat 6-room cottage; moaerq excepi neat; earn it uesired. 841 S. 23d St 1106 SPRING ST. Nice 6-room cot t aire. modern except heat. 418, Harney 1610. Miscellaneori. WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. HOUSES AND COTTAGES MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. -R. 2407 Seward St 12 80 7-R. 2708 Seward St Ill'lO STRICTLY MODERN. 714 No. llth St., I-R. choice bunga low, In, Dundee 240.01 -R. 128 So. 26th St., (a good cottage, having hot water heating plant, wlth- In walking distance to business cen- 127.80 l-R. 8841 Charles St (good detached house In ftrst-class residence, garage In the rear, large enough for three cars, bargain) 126.00 l-R. 1612 No. 40th St. (choice detached house having hot water heating plant, first-class residence section),. 111.01 I- R. 1711 Lincoln Blvd. (strictly modern detached Uouse, In very choice resi dence district) 140.00 II- R. 411 So. 88th St, (Urge brick dwell ing, strictly modern In every respect, very choice residence district), .76. 00 14-R. 8118 So 22d Ave., (strictly modem and up-to-date in every respect, hot water heating plant, well arranged for keeping roomers) f 76.0s FLATS. T-R. Tit No. 20th St., (cIom In). .188.11 WE HAVE OTHERS. SEE OUR COM PLETE LIST BEFORE RENTING. PORTER A SHOT WELL, 202 8. 17th St Doug. 8011. 2410 CHARLES ST.; 8 rooms, bath.... Ill 1412 Parker Bt; C rooms, toilet ll JOHN N FRBNZBR. Douglaa III. HOUflBb FOR RENT. t CREIGH, SONS A CO. lit BEE BLDOa. DOCCk