Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Copyright, !!.
International News Scrvio.
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
OWN- r-
I I vV Z' -aV-
1 ,
Xaws Hammer Gaskell and
O'Toole, and Rourke De
fense Makes Errors..
With a -pitcher playing first and
two pitchers and a first baseman in
the outfield, the well known Topeks
ran away with another combat from
the Rourkelets yesterday, 7 to 3. If
the Topeks could lose a couple of
more athletes now, they might cop
the pennant.
As the pesky Lincoln Links won
again yesterday, the Rourke lead is
only four games. It behooves Marty
Kriig to send out the S. 0. S. for reinforcements.
The game was a.wooly affair, in
which both sides staged some mar
velous stuffj If Martin Beck had
seen the fray yesterday he could have
signed up a whole bill of headliners.
Hake Seven Errors.
The Rourkes made seven errors.
Seven is sometimes a lucky number,
but it was unlucky yesterday. The
Topeks only made four errors. Oma
ha had eleven men left on bases. To
peka had twelve. The pinch hitting
was punk.
At that, Mr. Henning, who played
left field Tuesday and pitched yes
terday, got away pretty lucky. Ttvice
the Rourkes contested the runaway.
Once nobody was out and the other
time one was out. The 'first, time
Krueger'Siit into a double play and
the second time Marty O'Toole hit
into a double play. Both doubles were
started at the plate, so nobody scored.
Krug Poles Triple.
The first Rourke counter was
scored in the fifth on Marty Krug's
triple and an error by I.athrop. In the
seventh the other two local markers
were annexed on Thompson's single,
Miller's triple and Krueger's single.
Prince Gaskell started to exhibit
his hooks and curves, but was yanked
in the home half of the second for a
sniper and Marty O'Toole got the
bumps the rest of the matinee.
Kewpie Kilduff did not play. He
is all crippled up. He donned a uni
form, however, and sat on the bench
for emergency nurnnsps. A rnnnU rf
dozen emergencies arose, but Kewpie
wasn't disturbed. Krug went to short
and Irclan played second.
The Rourkes and Kaws will combat
again this afternoon, starting at 315.
Baker Puzzles Bears
And Boosters Win
Des Moines, la., Aug. 23. Baker
was apuzzle throughout today's game,
while Des Moiens pounded Manser
for 17 hits good for 22 bases, and de
feated Denver, 12 to 2. Jone's bat
ting together with sensational field
ing by .Hartford and Ewoldt featured.
AB. R. H. O. A. E.
Miller, rf 4 0 0 1 0 0
Kelleher, as 8 1 1 S 6 1
Oakea, cf 4 1 0 1 0 0
Butcher, If 4 0 0 1 0 0
Dyer, 3b , 4 0 1 0 4 0
Shields, lb 4 0 1 18 0 2
Uoyd, 2b 4 0 1 2 6 0
Manser, p ( 0 0 0 2 0
Totals 23 3 3 24 19 4
AB. R. H. O. A. B.
Hahn, rf 6 1 S 1 0 0
Hunter, cf 4 3 1.4-00
J art ford bb 4 2 3 2 4 0
Me loan, 2b .....3 2 1 1 2 2
Jones, lb S 1 5 10 0 0
Breen, If 5 2 "2 1 0 0
Ktftsby, c 5 0 2 t 3 0
Ewoldt. 3b 6 110 3 1
Baker, p 3 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 38 12 17 27 10 8
Denver 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 - 2
Pes Molnea ..10400016 12
Home run: Jones. Two-base hits: Shields,
KkhI) (2). Ha orifice hits: Meloan, Baker.
Stolen bases: Shields, Meloan, Breen. Left
on basem Denver, 6; Des Moines, 8. Struck
out: By Uaker, 8. Bases on balls: Off
Baker 2; off Manser. 2. Hit by pitched
ball: By Manner, Meloan. Double play:
Kelleher to Shields. Time: 1:53. Umplro:
Cambridge And Ilolhrook Win,
EuptlK. Neb., Au. 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Cambridge won the first game
today from Bust Is, 2 to 0. The score:
R. H. E.
Kustls 00000000 0 0 6 6
Cambridge 0 0 O 0 M 1 02 4 4
Batteries :Kiwt la Artley and Mackey;
Camorldtre Ingram and Kraninger.
Holbrook won the second game from Mln-ilt-n,
6 to 2. Score:
R. H. B.
Mtnden 00000002 0 2 4 3
Holbrook 00004020 0 10 4
Batteries: Mlnden Brown and Thnnip
cn; Holbrook Donahue and Martin.
Tomorrow: Mlnden and Cambridge: Hol
brook and E list Is.
Kinney Throws Ross.
Spalding, Neb., Aug. 23. (Special. )
Oua Kinney of Spalding threw Ktd Rons of
Indiana in strnight falls here Monday night.
Th, match laaled one hour and forty
minutes and wan exciting throughout. The
boys weighed 160 pounds and were pretty
evemy maicnea.
Southern Association.
Little Rock, 0; Birmingham, 0; (tailed to
catch train). . t
Memphis, 1; Naehrtlle, 2.
Chattanooga. ; Mobile, 3.
Send Out the S. O. S.
AB. B.H. O. A. K.
R. Lalhrop, cf f 1 1 1
Alter, rf 8 1 1 1 6
Goodwin, Jb 4 1 S 1 0
Dtfata, u fi t S 1
Eagle, Sb 8 1 t t 8 0
W. Lathrop, tb 8 1 8 10 1
Burwrll. If 4 0 1 8 0
Allen, e 4 8 1 4 1 0
Urnnini, p 8 1 1 1 4 0
Total, 88 7 18 81 IT 4
AB. B. H. O. A. E.
Smith. If 8 8 1 8 8 8
Krai, m 8 1 1 8 1
Thompson, of 4 1 8 1 1 0
Hiuer, lb o i z v v v
Krnecer, e 4 8 1 1 8
Fomjthe, if 8 8 1 8 8 1
lrolan, 8b 5 0 1 1 8 1
Hurt, Sb 8 0 8 8 8 8
Gasksll, p 0 0 D O 1 8
Marshall 1 8 8 8 0
O'Toole, p 8 8 1 1 0
Total, ...88 8 IS 81 10 1
Marshall batted for Gasksll la aeoond.
Kiuu 8 1888 8,888 1
Hit, 8 1 8 18 1 8 I 1 IS
Run, ........ I00
Hit, 1 8 8 8 1 8 1 010
ThrM-baaa hit,! En(le, Krai, Miller. Two
bam hit; W. Lathrop. SacrUlca hltai Atler,
Goodwin, Bnrwell, Henninc, Krug. Stolen
basl Hmlth. iioable playst Eagle to Alien
to W. Lathrop) Henning U Allen to W.
Latbrop. Hitei Off (laskell. 8 In two In
ning; oft O'Toole, 1 In aeren Inning,.
Brturk out; Br Henning, 8; by Gaskell, 8;
bj O'Toole, 3. Bane, on ball,; Off Henning,
8; off Gaskell, 1; off O'Toole, 8. Wild pltehea:
O'Toole, S. Hit by pitched ball; Krug. Left
on banc: Omaha, 11; Topeka, 18. Time:
8:05. CmpIre,:. Mullen and Carney.
Boston Wins Final Game of
Series With Indians as
Boehling Blows.
Standing of Teams
Victor in Uphill Fight by Be-
vival in the Tenth
"- v Inning. -
Lincoln, Aug. 2i. Lincoln won an
uphill fight in today's game, defeat
ing St. Joseph, 7 to 6, by a batting
rally in the tenth inning. Score:
KB. B. H. O. A. E.
Carlisle, If 6 1 S 0 0
H. Williams, aa 6 w 3 4 l u
Thomafon, cf 4 0 1 8 0 0
Lober, rf 6 0 1 0 0 0
Mnrwe. 3b 3 3 1 0 1 4
Hui.lsr, lb 2 2 0 9 0 0
LaMlmore, 2b 4 12 13 0
Johnson, c 6 1 0 8 t 0
Powers, p 2 0 0 13 0
Bant, p 1 0 0 0 1 0
Smith 10 10 0 0
Tolola 88 1 12 30 10 4
AB. R. II. O. A. K.
Wright, cf 1
MoCnl'e, 2b 4
Jonnlan, lb S
Klrkhain, If 5
Sullivan, rf D
O. William, a, I
R"?ra, 3b...'.. 4, c 4
Bu:'Re, p 0
Solnlnera, p 4
To'alg as 0 6 29 18 2
Batted for Powers in sixth.
Two out when winning run scored.
Lincoln 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 37
St. Joseph...? 00 100000 26
Threo-base hit,: Carlisle, Lattlmore. Two
ba.w Hts: Smith, Carlisle Beers, Hommcr.
Double play: Beers to Jourdan. Stolen bases:
Carllsel, McCabe, O. William,. Sacrifice Mf
Thoinaaon, Hunter, East, Wright, MoCabe.
Joutdan (2). Struck out! By Power,, 4; by
East, ; by Sommers 3. Uass on balls- Off
Powers, 2; off East. 2; off Sommera, 4.
Hit by pitched Lall: By Kurge, il. Wil
liams; by Rommors, Lattlmoro. Hits and
runs: Off Burge, 1 hit. 0 run: off Powers,
4 hits in six innings. Time: 2.11. Umpires.
Coleato and Millr
Sioux Bunch Hits
On Wolves and Win
Sioux City, Ta.( Aug. 23. Sioux
bunched hits in the seventh and fourth
inn intra and arrtreA cmran n.a A
other was added in the eighth, the
inaians winning trom Wicnita, o to 4.
Fox, rf 6 ' 0 ' 0 ' l' 0 0
uuscm, ss 6 l l a 5 ?.
fliitton. as 6 113 4 0
I'm. If 1 A i o a
Oray r 4 113 10
Griffith, lb 4 0 3 i 0 a
Jackson, cf..... 4 1 1 0 0 0
im-ijpn, ou... u u 1 u ' 0
Davis, p 3 0 0 0 4 0
'Hunt 10 ft ft a ti
CratR. p 10 0 0 0 0
Totals it A 11 24 18 6
AB. II. H. O.
Gtlmor, If 6 1 1 8
Watfion, rf 4 1 '2 0
Mtz, lb b 2
Lejuene, cf 3 1
Connolly, 3b 4 0
Hador, as t 1
Cooney, 2b 3 0
Crosby, c 4 1
Hchardt, p 4 0
Boston, Aug. 23. Boston won the
final game of the home series with
Cleveland today, 7 to 3. After holding
the Red Sox hi tics s for three innings,
Boehling was knocked from the box
in the fourth., when three singles, a
double and a waHc netted two runs.
Coveleskie and Gould were driven
from the mound by ait onslaught in
the seventh, when four singles, a
sacrifice and two passes netted Bos
ton four more runs. .Leonard retired
for a pinch hitter in the seventh.
Oraney.lf 6 0 2 0 OHoopi-r.rf 3 13 0 0
Turner,3b 4 1 0 2 0 Harry, 3b 8 2 8 10
Speak 4 z o I u Lewis, it 4 12 0 0
Roth.rf 3 1 I. 0 t t 7 0 0
W'b'K'B.ns ( 1 0 C OH'b't'l.Ib 2 13 0 0
QandlLlb 4 2 II 0 2 S 2 0 0
Chap-n,2b 4 15 2 OOard'r.Sb 2 0 0 1 0
O'Neill, C 3 111 lHcOtt,K8 4 0 1 S 0
Boeh'nff.p 3 0 0 4 OCar'gan.c 3 0 6 10
Co'l'klcp 10 0 1 OCady.c 10 2 10
Gould, p 0 0 0 0 0I,on'rd,p 3 10 11
Klepf.T.p 0 0 0 0 ORuth.p 1 I 0 0 0
Moeller 1 0 0 0 0'Shorten 00 0 0 0
'Tr-oman 110 0 0
Totals,. 36 9 34 IB 1'MrNalty 0 0 0 0 0
Janvrin 0 0 0 0 0
W. L. Pet.
Omaha .. 76 43 .64. Brooklyn..
Unco In . 11 48 .60TMraton ..,
D. Mom as 81 66 .&2PhUi
Sioux City 6t 6 .600jNew York
Denver ., 64 63 .4l Pittsburgh
Topeka . . 63 66 .441 hicao .,
Wichita ... 60 07 .427St. Louli ,
St. Joseph 46 71 .SSSCInclnnatt,
W. L. Pet.
Boston ... f 47 .66
Chtcaso .. 6 64 .646
Cleveland. 63 66 .6101
Louis . 66 64 .646
W. I. Pet.
68 40 .630
61 42 .62
68 46 .678
63 66 .41
61 6 .464
62 68 .463
63 64
43 74 .368
New York 63 63 .MS
Detroit .. 66 66 .642
0 1
Totals. , 81 11 27
Batted for Klepfer In ninth.
nBtted for CarrlRan In seventh.
Hatted for eLonard In HJventh,
Ran for Shorten In seventh.
Ran for Thomas In seventh.
Clevelond 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Boston 0 0 2 0 0 4 1
Two-base hits: Turner, Tewla, Ruth.
Three-base hit: Oandll. Stolen bases:
Speaker, O'Neill. Sacrifice hits: Walker.
Hooper. Double plays: Wambsganss to
Chapman to Oandll, Kiepfer to O'NulU to
Oandil, First base on errors: Boston, 1.
Baiea on balls: Off Boehltng 1; off Covel
eskie, 2;, off Gould, 1; off ftlepfer, 2; off
Leonard, 2. Hits and earned runs: Off
Bo'hllna;, 4 hits, 2 runs In three and or.e
thlrd Innings, off Coveleskie, 4 hits, 4 runs
In three Innings; off Gould, 2 hllx, 0 run
in 0 Inning; off Kiepfer. 1 hit, 1 run In one
and two-thirds Innings; off Leonard, 8 hits.
C run In seven Innings; off Ruth, 1 hit and
0 run In two Innlnsrs. Hit bv nitched bs''
By Boehling, Walker. Struck out : By
Leonard 1 ; by Ruth, 2. Puss n "" . -ta-an,
2.' Umpires. Evans and O'Loughlin.
Macks Easy for Tigers
Philadelphia, Aug. 23. Detroit had an
easy time winning today's gamo from
Philadelphia, 10 to 3. Young led the hit
ting with three singles and a double. Cobb
gave a fine exhibition of base running In
going from first to third on a single to lfft
field, getting to third by a great slide, and
then stealing home while the third base
man waa holding the ball. Score:
3 1 6 2 & 1 0 2 2 1
4 12 3 owalsh.rf 4 0 2
& z a o 4
0 OSchang.lf 2
Dajole.b 4
OMcIn' 4
OMcEI'e.Sb 8
14 0 OPIck.Sb 1
10 3 lPlclnlrh.e 4
W. L. Pet.
Louisville . 72 61 .666
Kan. City. 70 63 .66
Indlanaplla 70 68 .66
Ht. Paul.. 63 6K .617
Toledo ... 1 6 .606
Mtnneaplls 63 68 .46
Columbus . 48 71 .403
Milwaukee 43 80 .360
Wash. ... 64 61 .470
Phtla. .... 24 88 .314
Yesterday's Result
Topeka, 7; Omaha, 3.
Wichita, 4: Sioux City, 8.
Denver, 2; Des Molnea, 13,
St. Joseph, 6; Lincoln, 7.
Philadelphia, 1; Pittsburgh, 3.
Brooklyn, 6; Chicago, T.
St. Louts 64; Washington, 4-4.
Detroit, 10; Phtadlphla, 8.
Chicago, 4; New York, 6.
Cleveland, 3; Boston, 7.
No games scheduled.
Games Today.
Western League Topeka at Omaha, Wich
ita at Sioux City, Denver at Des Moines, St.
Joseph at Lincoln.
National League Philadelphia at St.
Louie, Boston at Chicago, Brooklyn at Cin
cinnati, New York at Pittsburgh.
American League Chicago l Washington.
Cleveland at Philadelphia, St. Louts at New
York, Detroit at Boston.
The second game was called after the
seventh Inning on account of darkness. Fos
ter's error gave St. Louis the winning run In
the first game, and mt a plays by Shotten and
La van were responsible for Washington's
margin in the second. Score, first game:
AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. 4 1 4 0 0Leon'd,3b 8 13 8 1
z i o rosier. in 6 l l l x
8 2 4 16 0
4 OSmlth.rf 6 0 0 0
1 n 19hanks,lf 6 2 6 1
7 1 8
1 2 OvIcB' 6
8 0 OHenry.o 4
0 2 OAlns'ilh.o 0
0 4 jCharrlty,o 0
- niiiier.rr o 4 0
Pratt. 2b 3 0
Murs' 8 1
Hever'id.c 6 0
Austin, 8b 4 0
Lavan.B 6 t
Koob,p 1 0
D nport.p
Totals.. U 6 80 17 .'Williams 1
Hhaw.p 2
Jaml'son 1
Vltt.3b 4 6
Vcach.lf 6
Cr'ford.rf 4
Burns, lb 6
Young, 2b 6
SDencer.o 6
0 8
3 I
4 0
1 2
1 8
i 2
2 14
0 1
0 0
2 1
0 0
Will' mn.n ft ft 0 n ft
Totals.. 39 14 27 10 ISheeh n.p 2 0 0 6 1
Row 1 0 0 0 0
Totals.. 36 8 27 16 3
Batted for Sheehan In ninth.
Detroit 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 6 0-MO
Philadelphia. 0000 0,0 030 3
Two-base hits: Tonne ' Cunnlntrhum
Schang. Lajole, Me Inn Is. Home run: Burns:
Stolen bane: Cobb. Sacrifice hit: 8hnehan.
Sacrifice flies: Vitt, Crawford. Doutle play:
Witt to Lajole to Mclnnls. First base on
errors: Detroit 2: Phtldlohia i n....
on balls: Off Cunningham. I; off Williams,
2; rff Sheehan, 1. Hits and earned runs: Off
Cunningham, 6 hits, 8 runs In nine Iminas;
off Williams, 1 hit, 3 runs In one-third In
ning; off Hheehan, 18 hits, 6 rune in eight
and two-thirds Innings. Struck out: By
Cunningham. 4; by Sheehan, 1. Wild pitch:
NOW Tork. Au. 23. Now Vnrlr m,H. It
three out of four from Chicago, winning a
game marred by errors, 6 to 4 today. Mo
grldge pitched grand ball but Chicago
scored three runs on him In the fifth in
ning on four errors and a scratch single.
The Yankees won the eighth, getting four
runs utter two were out. With two out,
Pecklnpaugh singled, Malsel was hit and
Old ring walked. Paber then replaced Rus
sell for Chicago and Mullen hit for
Weaver. Pournler let Weaver's throw go
through him, and the threo runners scored
Aiier naumann walked, Plpp drove Mullen
in with the winning run. Score:
AB.H.O.A.R inuiiiir
J.Col'ne.rf 4 10 0 4 I I I' i
4 OHIgh.lf 4 16 0 0
2 OP'k p 4 3 2 4 0
0 0Vedeon,2b 3 12 2 1
0 OOld' 3 12 0 0
Muiien.m 40800
0 8 8 0 9a'm'n.3b 3 1110
lev 3 0 2 2 1
Total.. 38 12 30 10
Batted for Gharrlty In tenth.
Batted for Shaw In tenth.
St. Louis .131 000000 16
Washington 000130000 0 4
Two-bane hits: Lavan. Shanks. Miller.
I Stolen bases: Shotton, 2; Shankn, Miller.
Sacrifice hits : Austin, Shaw, 2 ; Maraana.
Sacrifice fly: Marsans. Double play: Shanks
to llenry. First base on errors: nt. i.ouis,
2. Base on balls: off Kooh, 3; off Daven
port, 2, Hits ana earned runs: on Koob,
7 hits and 8 runs In four and two-thirds In
nings; off Davenport, 6 hits and no runs In
five and one-third innings; off Shaw, 6 hits
and 1 run In ten innings, struck out: By
Shaw, fi: by Koob, 1. Umpires: Connolly
and Chill. Score, second game.
Shotton. If 4 2 10 lL'nard.Sb 4 18 2 0
1 0 0 0Foster,2b 3 0230
0 0 4 2 10 0
18 2 13mlth,rf 4 0 0 0 0
0 2 0 3 0 6 0 0
14 3 OWIll'ms.lh 1110 0
1 2 1 OM' 4 0 0 3 0
3 2 1 IHenry.c 2 0 6 1 1
Piank.p 8 0 0 2 OFohnson.p 8 3 0 1 0
Totals.. 28 921 8 8 ToUls. .80 8 21 3 1
Game called after seventh; darkness.
St. Louis 0 0 0 3 0 0 02
Washington 0 0 0 0 1 3 14
Two-base hit: Shotton. Stolen bases:
Pratt, Shotton, Milan. Sacrifice hit; Miller.
Double plays: Lavan to Severeld to Austin;
Severeld to Lavan. First base on errors:
Washington, 8. Base on balls; Off Johnson,
1; off Plank, 2. Earned runs: Off Johnson,
1; off Plank, 1. Hit by pitcher: Plank
(Henry and Foster). Struck out: By John
son, 4; by Plank, 8. Umpires; Chill and
,Veaver,3b 4 0 1
K.CoftUb 3 1 2
Tacks on. If 3 0 1 3 0 2
Four' 8
Lapp.c 0
V.Kolna 1
Terry ,ss
JTa Ber, p
: o
OM'dld'e.p 1 0
s n .--v-nrer l l
1 0 OFIsher.p 2 0 0 0
Murphy 0 0
0 0 0 0 0'
It 0 0 0 ft
2 13
1 0
1 3
1 8
0 2
1 4
A. E.
0 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
Totals 34 3 t 3712 2
Batted for Davis In seventh.
Wichita 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 04
Sioux City 0 0 0 4 0 0 8 1 9
Left on bas: Sioux City, 7; Wichita, 6.
Flint bane on errors: Sioux City, 6; Wichita
2. Sacrifice hit: Lejuene. Two-base hits;
Hritton, Rappfl, Gray, Crosby. Three-base
hits: Met. Home runs: Lltschl. Stolen
bases: Oil more, Watson (8). Hits: Off
Davis, 8 hits 4 runs In tlx Innings. Double
plays: Connolly to Couney to eMli. Struck
out: By Davis, 1; by Hchardt, 3; by Craig,
1. Bases on balls: Off Davis, i. Hit by
pitcher: By Davis (Watson). Umpires:
Shannon. Time: 3:06.
How tm Care Coughs and Colds.
Keep out Of drafts. Avoid Exposure, Bat
and live right and take Dr. King's New Dis
covery, In vise over forty years. Guaranteed.
All druggists, Advertise menu
0 Boone, 2b 0 0 0 1
-Plpp 110 0 0
Totals.. 26 8 24 16 2Aragon 0 0 0 0 0
Alex'der.c 0 0 0 1 0
Totals, .33 10 27 14 4
Batted for Lapp In fifth.
Hatted for Tnrry In ninth.
Hatted for Mogrldge In firth.
Bfitted for Geileou In eighth.
Hatted for '"alters In eighth.
Ran for Plpp in eighth.
Chicago 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 0
NeW York ..,.u 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 &
Stolen lKutra: Msgee, Pecklnpaugh, Bu
mann. Sacrifice hit: Pournler. Sacrifice
file RuHcell. JackHon. Doublo play: Schalk
to Terry. Buses on errors: New York, 2;
Chicago, 1. Bases on balls: Off Mogrldge,
8; off Fisher, 8; off RusMell 1; off Kaher,
1. Hits and earned runs: Off forril?e,
hlu. 1 run In flw Innings; off Fisher, 1 hit,
1 run in four innings: off Kusseu, ft hits t
runs in seven and two-thirds Inning; off
Faber. 1 hit. 0 run In one-third inning. Hit
by pitched balls: By Mogrldge, Felsh; by
Russell, Malsel. Struck out: By Mogrldge
J: l.y Klher. I; by Russell, 3; by Faber, 1
Wild pltcn: Russell. Umpires: Owens and
Split Double Header.
Washington. Aug. 28. St. Louis and
Washington spilt a double header today, the
visitors winning the first game 6 to 4. In
ten Innings, and losing 4 to 2 In the second.
Mlller.rf 8 8
Pratt, 8b 8
Mars' 8
Sever'd.c 8
Austin. 3b 8
Lavan, ss 8
Rolfe of Omaha Entered
In South State's Tennis
Superior, Neb., Aug. 23. (Special
Telegram.) The first day's play of
the Interstate Tennis tournament
was held today, with players from
Omaha, Fairfield, Concordia, Hebron,
Edgar and Superior in attendance.
Thirty-two players engaged in the!
singles and eleven pairs were entered
in the doubles. Davis and Day will
play R. E. Oliver, and J. Davison and
the winners will play Dr. Mitchell
and Hasson for tne right to meet
H. H. Rolfe of Omaha, and Lewis
Oliver, for the finals in the doubles.
In the singles Rolfe will play Wess
ler of Hebron; Knapp of Concordia
will play Staley, and the winners to
play for the right to meet C. A. A.
Hasson for the finals.
The Southeastern Nebraska Tennis
association was organized this aft
ernoon. F. A. Voorhees of Edgar,
was elected president; Neil Dunn.
Superior, treasurer, and Sam Buck,
secretary. A committee consisting
of C. E.' Shaw, Superior; V. H. Wess
ler, Hebron, and H. C. Portwood,
Edgar, was appointed on by-laws
and constitution.
Brave, Laa Game.
Bloomtntton, Aug. 2S. In an sthlbltlon
aams hsr,, failur, of th Boston Hr,v
to hit Hchlanksr today, rave Bloomlnaton
th lama. Score: R.I1.U.
Boston It 1 I I HI 0
Bloominston. . . 11110 10 0 I I 1
Battsrl.: Rsulbarh. Barn,, and Black
burn; ftchlansk.r and fllmon.
Cuba Hammer Dell and Cheney
for Early Lead Which Dod
gers Cannot Overcome,
Chicago, Aug. 23 Chicago ham
mered Dell and Cheney for an early
lead in today's game and Brooklyn
:ould not overcome the advantage de
spite several determined rallies. The
score was 7 to 6 in favor of the loc
als. Errors by the Dodgers hedped
some of the runners around the bases.
HM'y'rscf 6 10 0 ff'rffm' 4 3 10 0
Sfng'V-f 6 8 11 lPlavk.rf 4 14 0 0
Wheat, If 6 4 3 0 O.Un.rf 4 0 8 0 0
MC. ,1b S 1 8 1 nsswr.lh 3 1 13 00
G"t'w,2b 4 113 Ulmnn.31) 3 3 0 7 0
M wr'y.Sb 4011 0 .lllott.c 8 1 S 1 0
Olson. ns 4 111 0Znder.2b 8 14 2 0
J. M'v'rs.o 4 10 0 ivv tm' 4 10 4 1
j p v v v i "ii v nn r p a i u x w
Chetiay.p 0 0 0 3 OP'ksrri.p 0 0 0 1 0
O'Murn 10000
Smith 1 0 0 0 0 TintulH. .30 10 27 1 1
Miller 110 0 0
oti 0 0 0 0 0
Totals. .40 14 44 10 4
Batt1 for Pell In third.
Hatted for Chny In fifth.
Hatted for Apploton In ninth.
Kan for Wheat In ninth.
Brooklyn - , . . 0 3 0 0 0 8 0 18
Chlt-nfo .... 3 83 1000 0 17
Two-base hjts: Stenfet (3), Wheat (3).
Huffman. Three-base hit: Hoffman. Stolen
basos: H, Myers, Gets, Baler, Flack (t.)
Sacrifice hits: Zflder, Zimmerman, Elliott,
Double plays: McCarty, Mowrey, Olson,
Stengel; J. Myers. Zimmerman, Zelder,
Hater. Bases on error: Brooklyn, 1; Chi
cago, 1. Bases: on balls: Off Dell, 1; off
Chnnty, 1. Hits and earned runs: Off Dell,
6 hits, 8 runs In two Innings; off Appleton,
8 hits, no run. In four Innlnra: off Laven
der, 10 hits, 8 runs In six liming ; off
Cheney, 8 htta, 1 run In two Innings; off
Packard, 4 hits, 1 run In two and one-third
Innings. Struck out: By Dell, 3; by Cheney,
2; by Appleton, 1; by Lavender, 8; by Pack
ard 1. wild pitch; Cheney. Umpires:
Klem and Emslle.
Takea Fourof Five.
Pittsburgh Auk. 88. Pittsburgh took four
out of the series of Ave gamea from Phila
delphia by Winning a sixteen Inftlng contest
here today by a score of 2 to 1.
The visitor made their run In the fifth
Inning on htts by Kllllfer and Dugey and
Rlxey sacrifice. Pittsburgh tied the count In
ihe ninth on a alngl by Carey, hi steal
of secund and a wild pitch, and won out
in th sixteenth on Hlnchman's single, John
ston's sari floe and McCarthy's single. Bcore:
Double Bill Will
Be Staged With the
Lowly Links Sunday
A double-header will be staged be
tween Omaha and Lincoln Sunday.
The lowly Links are carded to in
vade Omaha Saturday for a three
game series. The trio of contests
were originally booked for Saturday
and Sunday and Monday. But Pa
Rourke and Ducky Holmes decided
to cancel the Monday battle and make
it a part of a bargain bill Sunday.
Omaha fans have a hankering for
double-headers, so Pa and Ducky de
cided to give them one.
The approaching Omaha-Lincoln
series bids well to be one of the most
critical series of the year. If Omaha
ran sweep the scries the Links will
practically be eliminated. If the Links
sweep the series the league race will
be ied into a mighty tight knot.
Mabel Trask Wins
Two-Eight Trot
Cleveland, O., Aug. 23. Grand cir
cuit results: 2:08 trot, purse $3,000.
Mabel Trask won; St. Frisco, second;
Virginia Barnette, third. Time, 2:04.
Two Omaha Tennis Start Win
Hard Contests at Kansas
City. ..
Kansas City, Aug. 23. With but
one exception, the tennis atari com
peting in the Missouri Valley tennis
tournament came through with- vic
tories today in the second day! play
on the courts of the Kansas City Ath
letic club. Walter Newell, who play
ed a slashing game in the earlier
rounds and had been looked upon as
a contender, fell before Kenneth
Uhls in the third round, 3-6, 6-1, 6-3.
Both are local men.
The other visiting and local stars
ran through to form. C. J. Lockhorn
and Jack Cannon, both of Kansas
City, took their' first and second
matches handily, their opponents be
ing local men in both rounds. .
In the second round Ralph Burdick
of Chicago won from Paul Hilgard
ner of Kansas City, 6-1, 6-1; Ralph
Powell of Omaha defeated Stover
Baucus of Kansas City, 6-4,6-0.
Iiuirey.Zb s S 4
fttock 3b 7 0 0
Crav.ib.rf ,06 111
nnnfter.lf 10 1 0 0 SO t OM'C'ty.s. 6
Uanc' 0 1 i t 04chmllt.c 6
Kllllfnr.c 6 1
Ootid 0 0 0
Hurn.,0 0 0 0
Rlxsy.p (00
1 srey.i'i 6 7
Oli'lini'n.rr 7
0 01'nst' 0
0 0lisclisr
0 0ijvaiis,p
0 1 I
s s 0 0
0 10 0
110 0
0 24 0 0
2 S 0
4 9 11 0
0 4 0 1
10 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 14 0
Total,.. Ei 11 4S 27 2
Total,.. 4 647 20 I
Two out when wtnnlnr run scored.
Ran for Kllllrsr In nftsimth.
nation: for Kantlehnsr in eighth.
Philadelphia ...000010000000000 01
Plttabursh ... .000000001000000 12
Two-baae hit,: Whitted, Caroy. Btolan
bases: Paskert, DUtfey, Whitted (2). Ban
croft, Carey, Batrd, flchmldt. Sacrifice hits:
Dusey (2), Rlxey, Johnston. Pouble plays:
Bancroft, Dusey, Luderu, Kllllfer, Bancroft,
Evans, Baird Johnston, Rvan,. McCarthy.
Johnston, Balrd, Johnston. First base on
errors: Philadelphia, 1. Base, on balls: Off
Rlx.y, 6; off Kantlehner, I; off Evans, I.
Hit, and earned run,: GIT Hlxey, 11 hit
and 2 run, in aixteen Innings; off Kantlehner,
4hlts and 1 run In eight Innings; oft Bvsns,
2 hit, and no run, in enght inning,. Struck
out: By Rlxey 7; by Kantlehner, 1: by
Evans, 1. Wild' pitches: Rlxey, 2. Umpire,:
Orth and nigler.
Good Crowd Sees
Rock Rapids Races
Rock Rapids, la., Aug. 23. The
races at the opening day of the Lyon
county fair drew a good crowd.
2:1ft trot: Mis Wilkin, tint; Buater
second; Lillian Van, third. Beat Um:
t:IG Dae: Oinlft Lad, flnt: Bun Patch.
ocond; Hadvewood and Hal Talua divided
third and fourth money. Beat tima: Z:H.
Bloomflcld Defeat Niobrara. I
Blonmfleld, Neb., Auk. 18, (Special.)
Bloomrield defeated Niobrara here by a
'-ore of 7 to , Score. R. H. E. I
Bloomfleld 4 0 0 0 S 10 0 '7 7
Niobrara 10000(160 0 t 7 3
Biitterlea: Bloomfleld Helrea and Wi
baaha; Niobrara, OardniT, Brecaa and Barrel!.
When You
Follow The
Trail ;
Equipped With
0? gins!
we can make your Ford drive and ridr
I like the highest priced car and add
25 per cent to lite of car. A worn,
steering gear, a set of easy ridiiif
' shock absorbers. Yotrr money bach
if not latisfied. Standard Foundry
i Company, 606 S. 14th St. 1
Stiff Band-Soft Top
of fine poplin a soft
collar that will not
wrinkle i Stuck, 6n 90c
Cluett, Peabody tt Co., Inc. Maltrr,
Street Car Service
to the Races
For the accommodation of street car patrons
attending the Great Western Circuit Races this
week, August 22d to 26th, inclusive, through
car service from 14th and Howard direct to the
Speedway will be maintained, commencing at
12:30 p. m. each day during the races. In ad
dition, there will be extra service between 16th
and Locust and the Speedway to take care of
passengers who may transfer at 16th and Locust
Cars to Speedway will display signs reading:
"This Car to Speedway"
Omaha & Council Bluffs
Street Railway Company