Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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Society Notes .-Personal Gossip : Woman's Work : Household Topics
K. . A. Wickham Has His
. Troubles When He Tries to
. Plan Social Affair.
By MELLIFICIA August 23.
Oh, oh, these men! Bless their
hearts. They get along beautifully
with business, but ihen it comes tc
society lists they do have such a
dreadful time. Now there's Mr. E. A.
Wickham of Council Bluffs, an mi'
usually astute business man, but per
Marion Thompson of Minneapolis,
who is the guest of Miss Helen
Saturday evening Miss Helen Ing
wersen will give an informal dinner
party for her at the Country club.
Social Gossip.
Miss Helen Eastman, who was with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Osgood T.
F.astman, in Mackinaw and on the
lakes, is visitincr in Milwaukee. She
will return to Omaha September IS
and remain until after the Ak-Sar-Ben
ball before resuming her art
studies in the cast..
Shells as Things of Beauty
Some of the Uses to Which They Have Been Put
Part of a Shell Basket Made by the Indiana of Lower California.
Personal Mention.
'Mrs. E. F. Riley returned Mondav
from an eastern trio.
Mrs. Robert Gross' leaves this eve
ning for an extended stay at Colo
rado Springs.
Miss Beatrice Johnson of Lincoln
is th mi nf tfij. Yf i nnj
fectly flabbergasted when it comes to I Maggie McShane.
making dinner arrangements. ! Miss Sadie Weiss is expected home
You see. it is this way: Mrs. i.. A. irom Chicago, where she has finished
Wickham, with Mrs. John Melhop, jr., a teachers' training course, Thursday
has been in Estes park for two weeks,
Later they will go to visit Mrs. Leon
ard Everett on her ranch and then will
return to Council Bluffs during Sep
tember. Now Mr. L. A. Wickham de
cided to dine at the Country club this
evening, and because dining alone is
tedious he invited a few friends for a
bachelor dinner. Accordingly he
made a dinner reservation for six
guests this evening. But he began to
think that there were some others
who should be included in the little
party and made the number sixteen.
When those were asked he thought of
more, so that he brought the number
up to twenty-eight, and made it an
affair for Mrs. Elsie Bowles, who is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.
W. Butts. The last that I heard, it
was thirty, and perhaps the poor man
is still going yet. . He said, "If only
Mrs. Wickham were here, she'd know
bow to manage it."
The man in question would not tell
me who the guests are to be. He said,
as all men do when you want to take
notice of their social doings,. "Me on
the society page) Why, if Mrs. Wick
ham knew I am attempting to give a
dinner, she'd come home on the first
"Why. can't she trust vou?" I asked.
"Yes, she said she could, but she'd
want to be in on it, too.
At Happy Hollow Club.
Mrs. J. A. Linderholm entertained
at luncheon at the club yesterday. Her
guests were the members of a Bla'ir
club, to which she formerly belonged.
rime ana white cosmos were used on
the table. Those present from Blair
. Mre. D. a Van Deueen.
lilMM , . HlUtS
Faiale Lantiy, " eila Hill,
Orace HIIL Frances Qroae,
Omaha guests were:
MUsia . . - Maw
Luclli Lroa, Ell.n Fraaklsh. - y
. Other diners, at the club last even-'
ing were: Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Farrell
and Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Brown.
Additional reservations have been
made for Thursday evening by G.
W. Updike for six and by P. F.
Peterson for four.
Miss Dorothy Wright entertained at
dinner Saturday evening for her guest,
Miss Dorothy Pettia of . Lincoln.
Covers were laid for twelve. -
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huff gave a din
ner party last evening for Mr. and
Mrs. R. O. Lawhead of Chicago, who
re visiting Mrs. Lawhead's sister,
Mrs. C. R. Jewell. Others in the party
were: v.i - ,. ,. ,
Messrs, ana Hsadamea
6 R. Jewll, ' W, B. Row.
Mrs. Don T. Lee had four luncheon
guests today. Thursday Mrs. George
B. Darr will have eleven guests at
luncheon and Miss Nina Garratt will,
have a party of nine. . . '
Additional reservations for Thurs
day evening have been made by R. C.
Peters for, a party of eighteen, by
Mrs. J. A. Spence for seven guests,
by George A. Roberts for five and by
N orris Brown, D. M. Edgerley and
E. Benedict.
Wedding; Plana. '
Mr. and Mrs. George H., Payne and
Mr. Richard Payne will go to. Mis
soula, Mont, a week from Saturday
evening to attend the marriage of Mr.
Philip Payne to Miss Corinne Mc
Donalo""f that city on September 5.
Mr. Richard will act as best man at
the wedding,, which will be a home
affair, . ... ; - .
For Miss Kirb! ' '' '
In honor of her guest, Miss Helen
Kirby of Momence, 111, Miss Isabel
Shukert will entertain at a small
dancing party at her home , this eve
ning. Thursday. Mrs. F. C. Lage will
have a party at the Diet club. Fri
day Miss Shukert will give a (censing
ton and Saturday Mr. Will Smith will
entertain at a dinner-dance at the
Council Bluffs Rowing association for
her. :. . : ...
Box Parties at the Races.
Box H was occupied today by a
party of women ho were celebrating
Mrs. Fred Snyder's birthday. After
luncheon the party spent the after
noon at the Speedway track. Those
present were:
Uesdame. Mdam.s '
Owen Hmlth, . 3. A. LlndcrhQlm,
Lou Treynor, ... 8. P. alason.v . ,
B. Welsh.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Westbrook en
tertained a party in their box at the
races yesterday. Their guests were:
Mru, Lorn r.nh.
V si lea LoaiM White.
. Me?r. Messrs.
3. A Cavern, ; R,m Carlyl.,
Mrs., Otis M. Smith had with her in
her box:.
j!lM '':'.':" MUST ;
Rdra Peferaon. - It.ttn Smith. afn.damea
Orant Williams, Roy Welsh.
Joe Hlldreth of ' Dallas. TJC-:
j With Mr. and Mrs. Barton Millard
were1 Mr. and Mrs. John Redick.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Updike had
with 'them:
anwn ' :u' , .Mmi '
Lucy Updike, Elluixtll Roberts.
Mra. Ueerse RoborlB, . .
At the Country Club.
Among the diners at the Country
ctub this evening will be Mr. and Mrs.
0. C. Redick with a party of eight,
W. Jfc Roberts and W. H. Wheeler
with six each and F. Walters and E.
B. Nye with smaller parties.
Judge and Mrs. W. A. Redick will
entertain ten guests at dinner this
evening., ,.
At tk field Club.
Mrs-. C. E. Fuller and Mrs. Byron
Smith will have foursome dinners this
evening. Mr. S. P. Schwarz had six
guests at luncheon today.
morn int.
Mr. and Mrs. William Archibald
Smith have returned from an extended
trip to the Pacific coast, coming home
by the northern route.
Miss Bessie Holman of Buffalo, N.
Y, arrived this morning for a visit
of three weeks with Mr.-, and Mrs.
Roger Holman of this city.
Mrs. E. Simon, Mrs. G. Gross and
Miss Ruby Gladstone came home yes
terday from Clear Lake. Miss Irfna
Gross returns today from Fox Lake,
Miss Nata Prescott and her mother
have -returned from St. Joseph, where
they spent 'several weeks with Mrs.
Prescott's mother. "Mrs. Prescott will
go to Chicago soon to visit her daugh
ter there. .1 ! .
Miss Marjorie Adams of - Los
Angeles, Cal., left Monday, after a
stay of two weeks with Dr. and Mrs.
H. A. Adams. She will visit with
Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Betville of Hoid
rege. ,eb.. before, returning .to fir
nome. . , ,. , , - . .
Mrs. Elizabeth- 6'Limi Smith, li
brarian of the Chadron public library,
with her daughter, Frances, and sort,
Holden, are in the . citv. Thev r
homeward bound from an 'eastern trip,
two weens oi wmcn ..were spent at
Sturgeon Bay, Wis., as the guests of
Miss Charlotte Temnleton of (hi- Ne
braska library commission, 'and her
parents. ' : ., ; .'
-mzgjMim iiiaais 1
Being on Level
'T- TJi
Tested Recipes
Hot Rolls.' . '.
Rub or chop a heaping tablespoon
of butter into a ouart oflflolir which
has been sifted twice with a level tea
spoon of salt. , Beat until smooth the
yolks of two eggs and stir these into a
pint of slightly warmed milk and work
this .into the flour with a wooden
spoon; meanwhile have. a third of a
cake of compressed yeast dissolving
in warm water sufficient to cover.
When melted add a teaspoon. of sugar
and stir .into the dpugh. Stir all until
perfectly smooth, then set to raise for
four hours, or over night, covering it
with a light cloth. W'hen yery light
turn OUt on the floured hreirf.hnarrf
roll out Quickly and pull off in bits
about the -size of r baby's fist,-first
flouring your hands. Mold these into
rounds and set in rows in the creased
baking pan: They should just touch
each other. Cover- again with the
cloth and let rise for half an hour,
then with a brush or piece of paraffine
paper, dipped in melted butter, rub
over the tops of each and bake in a
moderate oven for fifteen minutes or
until golden-brown. Open the door of
the oven and let the rolls atand for
three or four minutes to dry off. These
can oe maae in quantity sufficient tor
two servings, and when ready for sec
ond one put a deep round pan over a
large pot full of boiling water or use
the cereal cooker. Put. the rolls. in
the pan, cover closely and keep the
water below boiline briaklv for fifteen
or twenty minutes,-when the rolls' will
be a .it just taken front the oven.:,:
! Chicken Omeltt '?-.
Chon the chicken fine which iva
left from the Sunday dinner. Season
withr oenher and salt 'anil' aHrl a'-ltftU
chopped green sweeV pepper.'!': Re-,
move an skin and gristle trom the
chicken. Beat three eggs until smooth.
Do not separate the whites and yolks.
Season with a little salt and add two
tablespoons of hot water. In a per
fectly level -frying; pan melt a heaping
tablespoon of mixed lard and butter
and. when it begins to smoke turn in
the egg mixture. Let cook until well
set, loosen from the pan with a wide
bladed knife, and turn in the middle
the prepared chicken, folding the sides
or the omelet over It. Very carefully
with a cake turner turn over, the ome
let and filling and stand the pan .in a
hot oven for five minutes, then . slip
the omelet on a hot platter, and serve
at once with parsley or cress famish.
Beautiful, shells .were among the
first objects of adornment for his per
son and his dwelling that were used
by man, and their forms and colors
furnished some of his earliest lessons
in aesthetic education.
Shells were also one of the first
kinds of money. For the American In
dians wampum beads made from
shells took the place of gold. The
ornamental uses of shells, as Mr.
L. P. Qratacap shows in the Ameri
can Museum Journal, are as curious
as they are numerous. The most
striking in appearance , are the
imitations of flowers, although this
appeals to a very primitive taste. It
is the ingenuity of the combinations
and the surprise felt that two such
essentially different natural objects
can be made to resemble each other,
that afford the pleasure given by the
sight of a basket, or garland, of shell
Petals', stamens, ' pistils, leaves,
stems, are all imitated in shell forms,
while jn color tints and blendings it
is questionable whether some shells
are not superior to flowers. In the
property of iridescence the finer
shells certainly possess an advantage
over any vegetable sample. Pearls are
a kind of shell, formed within shells,
and they have always "been regarded
as the most queenly of gems.
The Central American Indians have
long been famous for their skill in
making shell . flowers, and some ex
quisite specimens of their work are to
be. seen at .the museum in Central
Park West. Baskets and flowers are
Shell basket made by the In-
aians oi ientral America,
formed of small white oval
shells; flowers are made of
thin and shallow white and
rose-tinted shells and both
basket and flowers are con
structed with fine wires very
cleverly concealed.
alike composed of white and delicate
ly tinted shells, held in shape by fine
wires. Flower baskets, made of shells
by the Indians of Lower California,
although very striking in appearance,
are ranked below the Central Amer
ican products, because glue instead of
invisible wiring is employed to hold
the work together.
A truly magnificent article is a pair
of bonbon dishes, belonging to Mrs.
F. A. Constable, and loaned .to the
museum, which are formed of abalone
-hi-l's, supported by seahorses, the lat
ter and the outside of the shells being
coated with silver. The nacreous
siilcndor nf the inner side of the aba-
lone shells, forming the interior of
the dishes, is remarkably attractive.
But it is when shells are employed
not to imitate something else in na
hire, but for the sake of their own
beautv. that the most admirable orna
mental effects are obtained with them.
This principle does not forbid their
use -m the form ot head dresses, belts,
uendants. etc.
Thus at the museum there may be
seen a life-size figure of a Tahitian
"fire-walker," with his head encircled
with a sarland of shells which have
not been disguised in the form of
imitation flowers. Primitive man in
this respect has really shown better
taste than civilized man, lor among
savage tribes shells were not used
imitatively, although there were often
emoloved as symbols.
The Fijian chiefs wore the orange
cowry as a badge ot ottice, and shells.
used simply as shells because they
were in themselves beautiful, have
been found amonir the personal adorn
ments of early man in all parts of
the world.
Another use of shells more truly
aesthetic than their employment to
make imitation flowers is the adop
tion of their forms as suggestions in
the arts. Mr. Ruskin thought that he
could trace such suggestions, derived
from the cockle shell, in some of the
ornamental features of European
architecture. A fine adalone shell
might afford to any artist fresh ideas
in the combination of color tints.
.:, How an Artist Finally Made Good
Muriel,, who had just graduated
from an art institute, came to New
York filled with hdpe and the idea
that some day she would make her
name' famous. She had more than
ordinary talent, but she had absorbed
a great deal of the talk, true and
false, that had circulated about the
institute concerning what sold in New
York, what kind of material was val
uable and what artists were making
good and -why.
.Her favorite teacher had given her
a few words of advice when she came
to say goodby. "
' "You can never make good with art
or with anything else," he had said
Confidentlyi"'unless you use your best
efforts.'; Don't bother with work that
is not your forte, stick to the things
that you can do. no matter how sim
ple." .- f - ' ;', Y
And Muriel had taken up her resi
dence in a hall bedroom in a New
York boardinB house, resolved to sell
her work no matter what happened.
'Now it happened that across the
hall lived two other girl artists who
did -work rather cleverly and occa
sionallv sold it to magazines. Muriel
made friends with these girls and they
gave ner some good advice.
"What you want to .work at is
, r- -i I
the pretty girl," said one. "Pretty
girl heads are universally popular,
nearly everyone takes them. Just
make up a couple and take them into
The Call, or some magazine like that.
You'll be sure to sell them."
And Muriel, forgetful of her teach
er's advice, had set to work to make
prettv girl heads when her heart was
not in her work, and her mind was
filled with other things. Her work
looked dull and lifeless after she had
completed two pictures. But. she set
forth with the watercolors in her port
folio, resolved to try every magazine
in New York before she despaired of
selling them. It was dreary work.
At some places she was asked to
leave her material, at others she was
told that the work was not quite what
they wanted. -
She didn't blame the editors. But
it wasn't until her monev was near
ly gone that she began io be really
frightened and . wonder what she
would do. Write home for money.
she wouldn'nt. Her mother had
pinched to send Muriel through the
institute, and Muriel had resolved
never to ask for another cent from
home. It was when she had exactly
57 cents left in her nockethnnk that
she determined to try something that
ne really liked to do. And she be
gan to work feverishly on the head of
a ijttle child. ...
It was a charminar thintr. done in
pastels. Muriel loved it from the
moment that she had heunn the nir.
ture and she believed in it until one
of the girls from across the hall
came in and criticised it severely.
You 11 never sret that srross " tin-
said lightly. "Editors aren't taking
things like that. You 're wastincr
your time, my dear. When you have
been in New York a little longer
you will be willing to abide by the
advice of people who know,"
And Muriel smiled a little
and thought of that 57 cents and
went on working.
When it was finally finished, she
packed it in her portfolio tenderly
and took it to the Call, - the first
magazine she had tried - in - New
York. The art editor was not busy
when she asked to see him and she
was given an immediate audience.
When she drew out the picture, the
man never knew just how much a
matter of life and death it was to
this girl.
"Hello," he said, holding it up and
looking at it. "1 like this it's sin
cere and well executed. I guess
we'll take this, Miss Lane. You
might do some more of the same
kind. We can use several of these."
And Murial heard the words "Seventy-five
dollars," in a daze, her
hands gripping the arm of the chair
tightly lest she give way and sob
before this man who had actually
bought her picture.
"Does it pay to be good?" wails
Mabel. "I'm honest with people and I
always do what seems the right thing.
I'm dignified and loyal. And -all I
get for my pains is the proud priv
ilege of poking around at home when
girls who haven't half as high stand
ards as I have are being taken out
and given a good time and are being
advanced right over my head."
To a practical question like "Does
it pay to be good?" there is only one
answer. "No if you are looking for
definite returns on your investment.
I Yes if you have any ideals you wish
to cherish and any inherent sense of
what you owe yourself."
Of course, every once in a while
some woman who h-.s broken all the
rules of society ami morality marries
a millionaire and is exploited as a ten
days' wonder. And then dozens of
women find their convictions of mor
ality tottering at their foundations.
Now, if they thought about it sensi
bly, they would reflect that marrying
a millionaire carries with it no guar
antee of peace of mind or happiness
or even of wealth and assured posi
tion for all time to come.
The mills of the gods in their grind
ing are pretty likely to bruise.out the
chaff from the wheat and the unde
serving woma,n who seems to have
managed her life efficiently according
to her own likes rjay not have
achieved her ends any more than tem
porarily. From the practical point of
view, nobody's success or failure can
be judged till the end of the story
remember that.
But that is not the point of view
to take. The thing that matters is
that a girl who has the instincts of
fineness in her nature simply cannot
root them up without tearing the
most vital thing out of her life.
A hard, cold unprincipled man or
woman may break and defy the laws
of society and perhaps "get away with
it" temporarily.
But one has to pay for one's per
ceptions. Any human being who has
within him or herself a feeling that
certain things are fine and certain
ignoble must either live up to his own
vision of right or sutler tortures.
You can compromise with anything
in this world but your own nature.
That admits of no half measures.
To do things of which you are
going to be ashamed, things which
you know will bring sorrow to those
you love, things for which the real
penalty lies in your own miserable
sense of not having lived up to the
best in yourself is to twist and warp
your ' life out of all semblance of
In the final analysis there is no
happiness where there is no peace of
mind. You can't .disapprove of your
self and be contented.
There lies the real answer to the
question, "Does it pay to be good?"
To the man or woman who has a
standard of what is good, the price he
must nav for deviation from that
standard is extortionate, s
You simply dare not do evil if you
know good: for, however the world
judges you, you will have to go about
with the acid of your own judgment
of yourself eating into and corroding
everything in your nature.
It simply doesn't pay to be any
thing but good.
36 Age Rtdpe Book fnt
Keep these appointments twice a year with your
dentist and three times a day with
Tooth Powder
Pnpartd by a Doctor of Dontal Sargory '
Sand 2e stamp today tor a graarous trial pack-
as oi ninn ut. i,yon s ranact room powdar
or Dental Cream.
L W. LYON ft SONS. Inc.
577 W. 27th St., N. Y. City
-.- Roast Capon
Roast- capon with cream iravv
makes a most tempting dish for din
ner. . .-, -.- .. -; .. ,.' V' '
Select a tender capon, four or five
pounds. When firmly trussed and
singed place a piece of larding pork
on the breast. Fut it in a roasting
pan, papering the breast with buttered
paper, and keeping it well, basted.
. i K oast lor three-quarters of an hour,
' j more or less, according tc the size,
enter- ana ten . minutes before serving re.
Por Miss Thompson.
Mrs. John L. McCaarue. ir.
faiasd thces tables of bridge for MusJ move the caper, dredge the fowl with
a little fine flour, put piece of butter
into the basting ladle and, as it melts,
baste the fowl "with it. When of a
rich color remove it, nntruss and
dress on a hot dish. Garnish with
parsley and quartered fresh toma
toes.. Skim the fat 'from the gravy.
Put in a tablespoonful of Dour and a
cupful of cream. . Strain the ' gravy
and serve in a sauce boat.
Tomorrow An Appetizing Dish for
the Fish Course.
Haw to Judge a
Woman by Her Hair
There are always the well known
and semi-humorous methods, such as
saying brunettes are quick-tempered.
But there is real common sense in just
noticing whether the hair is well kept
to Judge a woman's neatness. If you
are one of the few who try to make
the most of your hair, remember that
it is not advisable to wash the hair
with any cleanser made for all pur
poses, but always use some good
preparation, made expressly for sham
pooing. You can enjoy the very best
by getting some canthrox from your
druggist and dissolving a teaspoonfut
in cup of hot water when your sham
poo is all ready. After its use the hair
dries rapidly with uniform color. Dan
druff, excess oil and dirt are dissolved
and entirely disappear. Your hair
will be so fluffy that it will look much
heavier than it is. Its luster and soft
ness will also delight you, while the
stimulated scalp gains the health
which insures hair growth. Adv.
Ard You Fat?
Just Try This
Thousands of overfet people fisve bt
com slim by following the advice of doc
tort who recommend Marmola Preaciiptio
Tablets, those harmless little fat reducer.,
that simplify the doso ot the famous lisp
mola Prescription.
If too fat, don't wait for the doctor1!
advice. Go now to your druswist ot writ
to the Marmola Co., 864 Woodward Ave
Detroit, Mich., and tor 76c procure Urjt
case of these tablets.
They reduce two, three ot tout oounds
week without exercise, dieting ot an un
pleasant effect . whatever. It. too fat, to
this today.
Six Times as
Many Babies
Die in August
as in December
This the United States
Government has dis
covered. It is summer
complaint that kills more'
babies in summer and
summer complaint almost always comes from raw cow's
To keep your baby serene and happy through the long hot
days and nights nurse him if you can. If you can't, give
him the nearest thing in the world to mother's milk
(A Comploto Food -Not a Milk Modifier)
Donl force your baby to ttnwle
through hla hardest time on raw cow's
milk, which alone does not five him tha
tight aobatancea to build brain and
bone. Don 't try to fores his little atom
ach to atrucglo with the Indigestible
card of eow'i milk. Don't expose your
baby to diphtheria, scarlet fevor, and
summer complaint. Cow's milk brings
11 theso to babies.
Your baby wilt grow big hove a
good digestion -and be free of sickness
If you five him Nsstle's-lt contains all
your baby's needs-it 1 digestible for
the most delicate little stomach and is
free from all germs.
Cow's milk is he basis of Nestle's
-but cow's milk, purified, from cUn
dairies-with the tough curd modified,
with tha baby's needa added. It comes
to you in a powdgs packed In an air
tight can. You add only fresh water
and boil. It doean't sour. It ia safe.
Send thm coupon br a aampte ean
(moufh foe 12 ieedmtfe) and see how
JVesiVe'e oiaJkoe your baby happy.
nestlCs food company
204 Woolwerth BiMig, New York
Please send me FREE your book and
trial package.
You Can Own This Watch
By Our lOc-a-week Plan
Here is an opportunity for Mother, Wife, Sister or Sweet
heart to present their Loved One a Watch for Christmas.
Our ten cents-a-week plan makes the method of payment
an easy matter. Your payments will be gradual 10 cents
the first week, 20 cents the second week, etc., until the watch
is paid for, and you will not feel any hardship or deprive your
self of anything during the payments. And think of the satis
faction of knowing at Christmas you will be able to present
Him with a present He will be proud of t
Erary Man Will Appraciata This Watch.
Sevantatlt ruby jawala. douMa roller steal as
' tape wheel, damanRcened. --Elfin naovment. In a
olid fold 20-year filled ease.
Just the kind of watch He will be proud of. You
ean fiva it to Him thia Christmas If jrou start pay.
menta now. And our refular low prices prevail
threushout tha sale.
- Our reputation as thoroua h and raliable watch,
makers and jeweler, is behind thia watch and it
is fuaranteed for to years.
Call tomorrow and let a. show yon this watch
and explain further to yon tha many advantas e.
of it. .
$21.00 and How Yen Pay It.
Tha price of the watch advertised Is 121 and I
complete method of payment is as follows:
10c f irst Week
Second Week 20c
Third Week JJ0c
Fourth Week 40c
Klfth Week 60c
Sixth Week 60.
Seventh Week 70c
I.uhth Week 80c
Ninth Week 90c
Tantti Waek 11.00
Should you so desire it, wa will permit tha pay
ment of $2.00 the first week and decreasing It
eonta each week until tb. watch is paid for.
Amy Watch la Oar Stack May Ba Purchant. Upon tha Sam Plan.
Eleventh Week.. .SI. IS
Twelfth Week.... 11.20
Thirteenth Week..$l.t
Fourteenth Week. .11.40
Fifteenth Week. ..$1.00
Sixteenth Week... 11.00
Seventeenth Week. ft. 70
F.i(hteentii Week.. 11.80
Nineteenth Week.. 11.00
16th and Douglas
UaJaa Pacific Watch In.p.ctara.
Chi, St. P.
m. a