THE BEfl: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24. 1916. Brief City News TowsnMd". for Sporting Ooodo." in Bust Print II Now Beacon Proos, U(htlB( Ftatureo BurSMO-Oraian Co. Half Karat WXU IMamondo 17ft Edholm. "Business is Human Service" That Is why business la good for tenants of The Bee Building, where service 1 the first consideration. "Todajm movie rrogram." class! (led section today. It appears in The Bee exclusively. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer. Man and Wife Fined C. E. Davis and wife, 601 North Eighteenth street, were each fined 2B and costs In police court on the charge of keep ing a disorderly house. Ronmanla Cut Off If you want to send money to your friends over in Roumanla, you can't do it through tho nnntnfflne any more. Mr. Wills ,of the money order department has Just received word mat tne war na cut that country oft from these facilities. Paroled to Business Man James Hardin. 16-year-old wanderer, who for two years has been making his own living, was given another chance to "make good" with the assistance of a "big brother" to whom he was paroled. This Omaha business man will act as his advisor. Safety First Train Here Friday General Passenger Agent Basinger of the Union Facinc has requestea Mayor Dahlman to boost public Inter est in connection with the United States "safety first" special train which will be here Friday and Satur day. The mayor will co-operate. Ask Mandamus for Permit Appli cation for a writ of mandamus com pelling City Building inspector Bridges and Commissioner Withnell to erant a Dermit allowing Sunder land Bros, to erect a two-story brick barn and sraraae has been filed in dis trict court. The site is Twenty-first and Leavenworth. Savs His Wife Ahustos Him Charles W. Shook, practicing Omaha physician, has filed petition lor di vorce from Clara, alleging that short ly after their marriage, on December 9, 1913, his wile oegan to aouae mm. He complains that her actions consti tute extreme cruelty. Dr. Shook is a Crelihton college graduate. Nina L Grady has filed a petition for divorce from James P. on the grounds of neglect. Fined Hundred for Toting Gun Toting a gun to protect himself against Imagined attacks of high w men c.nnt William C. Barcley, former waiter in the Des Moines club, a fine of 6100 and costs when ar raigned before Judge Sears. County Attorney Maznev recommended the fine on the plea of Barcley that his wife, who is in a delicate condition at Des Moines, Is expected to Join him In Omaha soon. Barcley pleaded guilty. Buy Yc-nr Fruit Jars "ow Mason (marts, with line caps, 48c dozen; with lacquered caps, 44o dozen. Sure seal tars, oer dozen, pints, 47o: quarts, 54c: one-half gallon, 83c. Brass Jar caps, dozen 16c. Zinc caps, dozen 23c. Extra heavy rubbers, dozen Be. Lem ons. 300 or 361' size, per case, 17.00. Butterlne. Princeton, lb., 23c. Extra Princeton, lb., 23c; empire, lb., 19c; Maenolia. 2 lb. roll, 30c. Fresh Hall but for Friday, lb 15c or less at any of Tht E:tsl;et fltrres. Woman Buys Card So Hubby May Take Her to the Big Ball "Hello, is this Samson?" "Yep," answered Secretary "Dad1 Weaver of Ak-Sar-Ben. Then the charming feminine voice at the other end ot tne teiepnone line went nn ' "I want to know if I can pay $10 and buv a membership in Ak-bar-een for my husband as a present to him. "Sure nun." answered "Dad. "That's a good idea, a mighty good ' And this is not the only call Sam son has had on this subject. It is plain enough. The ladies want to go to the ball. Their husbands have not ininH Samson's ranks this year, as serting they could not afford it. The wives have a 1U Dill siuck away m . bureau drawer somewhere for hub K,,'a riirietmas! so thev are lust go- imr tn make Santa Claus walk a few months early this year, thus being good to hubby and at the same time treating themselves to Ak-Sar-Ben ball. Westrand Pays Visit to New ' Home of Grain Exchange John F. Westrand, one of the prime movers in the making ot tne umana grain market and at the time junior member of the Saunders-Westrand Grain company, but now livin Pender and owning elevators in der, Crofton and Fordyce, Neb., was tUm .vrhance floor watching the ..ut anrl vistinff with old friends. Mr. Westrand asserts that all through the northern portion of Ne braska, where his possessions are lo cated, the small grain is the best that has ever been harvested and that corn promises far better than an average crop. Lumbago and Pains 111 the Back. At the tlmt Iwlnso of pain In the back apply Sloan's Llnlment- . once. Only 25c. Dan Cupid Slips a Double Noose Over the Boss and His Attractive Stenographer Little Matrimonial Surprise Party Is Sprung by Wilbur L. Burgess. No wonder Cupid smiles! The chair at the stenographer's desk is va cant and the boss ts missing, too. Wilbur L. Burgess, president of the Burgess-Granden company, and Miss Wilhelmina Stadter, 1916 Douglas street, were quietly, oh so quietly, married in Omaha last Saturday night. Then quietly, oh so quietly, they motored to the railway station and fled from the curious gaze of the multitude and will be gone for some two weeks. Miss Stadter has been stenographer to Mr. Burgess for the last three or four years. Even some of the closest associates of the pair did not suspect that a romance existed there. But it did exist, for auietlv the ar rangements were made with the Rev. M. V. Higbee ot the worth rresDy- terian church, and quietly the pair slipped to the court house on Satur day and obtained the license. Then, when darkness had fallen, just to elude their friends, the couple mo tored to the home of the Rev. Mr. Higbee, at 2011 Maple street, and there the ceremony was per formed. Just exactly where the couple is spending the honeymoon at present not known to umana acquaint ances, but the railway tickets were good for Chicago and Minneapolis. It is confidently expected ttiey win be back in Omaha within two or three weeks, when they will be at home at 2964 Harris street. To the license clerk at the court house Mr. Burgess gave his age as over twenty-one, and Miss Stad- ter's age was given as "over eighteen." Wilhelmma stadter lias uvea in Omaha for the last fifteen years with her aunt, Mrs. J. T. Blair, 1916 Doug las street. She is the daughter of J. G. Stadter, formerly of Larson, la., but more recently of Denver. Mr. Burgess is president of the Burgess-Granden company of Omaha, vice president of the Omaha Manu facturers' association, an active mem ber of the Commercial club, the Ad club and many other organizations in the city. Man Sent to Jail for Debt He Owes South Side Store Tust as his hard luck tale was about to be taken in as fact by Police Judge Reed and court officials on the soutn Side, an ill-fated letter, declaring his identity opposite to his first infor mation, dropped from his coat pocket to the tloor ot the court room, result ing in conviction and jail sentence. Jessie Bogue, who was brought into court for owing a bill for $9 at a local store, declared in defense that he was a stockman who was expecting money from a brother who lived in the north side. The letter was from the brother and when read by the judge was found to contain an emphatic re fusal on the part of the brother to loan any money. Judge Reed sentenced the man to thirty days in the county jail. Ice Man Jarred by Auto Which Comes Up From Rear When Ray Rnbcock, 2019 L street, an ice man, stepped back out of his wagon with a piece of ice at Twen tieth and Pierce streets he was slight ly bruised by the fender of an auto mobile driven by George A. Hume, 218 South Nineteenth street, Hume stopped the car, called a physician to bind up a cut on Babcock's ankle and brought him down to the police sta tion to report the accident. Stationary Engineers to Have Picnic Saturday The stationary engineers of Greater Omaha have decided they will hold their annual picnics at home, this year's outing to be held Saturday at Krug park. It is expected the night men will attend in the afternoon and the day men in the evening, which, was not convenient under the old plan of go ing by special train to an outside town. -relief All drus.-rlsts.- comes Adv. Lee Fleming Resigns as Driver of Police Patrol Chief Dunn had the city police chauffeurs on the carpet yesterday trying to find out what was the cause of some friction there and also to give them a talk on driving. At the close of the hearing Lee Fleming handed :n his resignation as patrol diver. Various Forms Of Headache "OLD KENTUCKY" IS PERFECT JjHEWHIG Its Sweet, Juicy Flavor Is Wholesome, Satisfying and Lasting AM BIG EXPORT TRADE OH OMAHA WHEAT Three Hundred Thousand Bush els Sold to New York and Half as Many to Gulf Ports. been bearish on December and May corn, but they have changed and now they are predicting that for these months the cereal will be much high er. Some of them arc even talking dollar corn, due to the fact that crop reports indicate an enormous short age throughout the entire southwest and in most of the corn-growing area east of the Mississippi river. Omaha grain dealers assert that the conditions of two years ago are cer tain to be repeated and that with the splendid corn crop that is assured for Nebraska this market will be flooded with buyers from the south, the southwest and the east. At this time cash corn on the Omaha market is selling at 79;481 cents per bushel, an advance of several cents during the last week. PRICE UP 1 TO 2 CENTS! Another red letter day was marked up at the Omaha Grain exchange. Wheat advanced 1 to 2 cents and sold at $1.46(0)1. 49)4. Corn, however, un der heavy offerings, ruled from ' cent lower to Vi cent up, selling at 79!-i8 cents. The first of the new oats put in an appearance and its excellent quality forced the mar ket up Yi cent to 1 cent. The ruling price was 424-? cents per bushel. There has seldom been a day when the demand for wheat for export was greater. During the early morning 300,000 bushels were sold for export through New York, and a little later 150,000 bushels through gulf ports. It all goes out carrying the Omaha in spection, obviating the necessity of any further inspection. The wheat receipts were 178 carloads and the shipments almost as great. A feature of the Omaha option wheat market was the fact that New York buyers were taking the grain for export at prices 9V5 cents above the Chicago price, for December de livery, this price being on the basis of $!.47'j per bushel for cash wheat. Heretofore Omaha grain men have uiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniJiitnmiiinuiHumiiiimnnmnwHi 621 Residents of Nebraska registered at Hotel Astor during the past year, ta 1 000 Rooms. 700 with Bath. A cuisine which has made the Astor New York's leading Banqueting place. Singli Rooms, without bath, fiM to fM - Doub-la ).os to 4.0 Single Rooms, with bath, ;o to 6so j Doublo a.oo to jj Parlor, Bedroom and bun, ( iom tiM At Broadway, 44th to 45th Streets the center of New York's social and business activities. In close proximity to all railway terminals. niiHuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiimiiiiirmuiiHiiinnuiiimiuu TIMES SQUARE ---satore Hours: o:JU A. rvi. to a r. m. aaturaay i ui o r. m. I Burgess-Nash Company. Rev. W. H. Moor and Florence Smith of South Side to Wed 1 Miss Marie Florence Smith, for fourteen years teacher in the South Side schools, the last eight years serv ing as principal of the Hawthorne school, will be married this morning at- St. Martin's church to Rev. Will iam Herbert Moor, vicar of the Epis copal diocese at Trenton, N. J. Kev. Mr. Moor lett umana oniy last March, after eighteen years of service in Omaha, first as assistant at St. Martin's, where the bride is a member, and latterly as secretary of the Nebraska diocese. The resignation of Miss Smith, who is the daughter of Mr. Frederick M. Smith, 4230 South Twenty-second street, was accepted by the Board of Education Monday evening. The newly married couple will be at home in 'irenton after October 1. City Hall Operators Fall Fast to Cupid's Darts The telephone exchange m tne city hall seems to be marked by Dan Cupid and his darts. For several years every operator at this station has resigned for mari tal reasons. Anna Byers, known throughout the municipal building as "Ginger," 1 has left to become a bride. The tele phone officials state they have a long waiting list of operators who are anxious to be assigned to this P. B. X. board. Wonderful Window Week Here Again This Fall The Week of Wonderful Windows is again to be celebrated in Omaha, beorinning with September 27. This will also be the opening week of the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. This will be the second annual celebration of the Week of Wonderful Windows, when all the reailers will give especial at tention to the handsome decoration of their display windows, keeping them curtained off until the signal is given at a certain hour in the evening to throw them open to the gaze of the multitude on the streets. THE TASTIEST OF CHEW3 In order to really enjoy tobacco you want to taste the flavor. There is only one way you can do this and that is by chewing it. And the most wholesome and most satisfying form of chew ever invented is high-grade pressed plug, like Old Kentucky. .. m rn.r to t,..t wd. A f ruity-sweet Oiew 01 urn tones properly to underitand the causes Kentucky has more satisfaction in whlob produce the aflectton" says Dr. J. W. '""iuvj u Ray, ot Blockton, Ala. Continuing, lie says, "Physicians cannot even begin the treat ment ot a disease without knowing what causes give rise to H, and we must remem ber that headache U to bo treated accord ing to the same rule. We must not only be particular to glvs a remedy Intended Jo counteract the cause which produces the headache, but we must also give a remedy to relievo the pain until the cause ol tho trouble has been removed. To answer this purpose, anti-kmnl tablets will be found a most convenient and satisfactory remedy. One tablet every ooe to three hours gives oomlortandrestln the most severe oain of headache, neuralgia and particularly the headaches of women." ...... When we have a patient subject to regular , attacks of sick headache, we should caution him to keep his bowels regular, for which nothing Is better than "Actolds," and when he feels the least sign ot an onopmlng at tack, he should take two A-K Tablets. Such pstlents should always be Instructed to carry a few antl-kamnia tablets, so as to hi them read, for Instant "The", tablets are prompt In action and can ie depended on to Produce relief in a very . lew minutes. Ak for A-K Tablets. ntl-kamn!a tablets at. ell druggists. I iii Wednesday, August 23, 1916. 'everybody store" store news for thursday. Telephone Douglas 137. "Purple" is Officially Considered the Sea son Color in Millinery by Women Who Know WHETHER it be "Royal," "Inky," or "Bishop" purple purple it must be; Severnl tables just full of them, in fact, we believe the largest selection to be 'found." Big Ones! Little Ones! Plain Onesl Veiled Ones! . . ' The Linen ; !.-. DISTINCTION of lini Is the ftat . consideration, all the skill and art of the world's best designers being concentrated on new and effective shapes. ; . ' '. Napoleonic lines are turned op from the face In front, or at piquant Bide angles, Demure poke ' shapes appear to be very popular along with the smartest of. close-fitting hata. Selection: In the bright lexicon of the BURGESS-NASH new millinery there is no such word as ''common place," and the hat of your choice will eurely be found among Wis large ana vanea coiiecnun. 1 1 The Trims: Their own gorgeous color requires but a Bingle tailored steel or silver novelty to give them the final ultra-smart appearance A new shipment just arrived, priced at $5.00 to $15.00. Co. Second Floor. ThursdayLast Call for Hot Weather Corsets A CALL to clearaway hot weather corsets at a most profitable time for you when there is still several months to get good wear out of them. Large assortment from the'topless models down to the medium bust num bers. Choice of sport tricot, elastic coutil, -fancy batiste or summer net. ' One big table Thursday, regardless of former prices or newness of merchandise, at , A 69c, $1.00, $1.75, $3.50 $1.50 Brassieres at $1.00 Made of cluny lace, perfect fitting, hook front ef feet. A splendid value at $1.50, Thursday specially priced at $1.00. BurnasvNuh Co. SmsmI FImt.- BurgeM-Nash Co. Everybody' Store 16th and Harney Streets Newest Ideas In Neckwear TF YOU have plenty of frilly, -L fluffy collars and collar and cuff sets, you can make the new gown or suit look dressier and there ! no limit to the possibilities . of an old suit or dress with pretty new collars. But choose them carefully.1 : Dtp collars are. msontlal and the nat smart im ara sealloDod. For tho draw - then are iotud Gtort.tU oropo , on oo, Hturt Ooorcott .rap. collars with pints n tho or nnrast la washiM. Mttr,' : i BoHlne and stand-up collars are Jmst the thlnt for suits this season. Tho. ar. ffoetlvely mad. of Ore ondlos tnd Voile, and some have euff set., too. Prltoo, SO. to S1.7S, BurioM-Naofc Co. Msta FImt. it than a whole plug of ordinary tobacco. Take choice Burley leaf sun ripened mellow and luscious press it into golden-brown plugs by the most modern methods, without allowing a particle of the natural juice to escape; and there you have Old Kentucky, the per fect chew. There's no other plug tobacco made that has the delicious, appe tizing, wholesome flavor of Old Kentucky. Your dealer has Old Kentucky in ioc plugs. Get a plug today. Adertlsement. IBnXNDjl EVAPORATED MIIILaK Sterilized Unsweetened For Every Cooking Purpose Whether foe cakes, puddings, custards, cream soups or gravies wherever you have been using bottle milk or cream you can get better results with Cottage Milk. It is more economical thin bottle milk every drop can be used. It is alwars on your shelf ready for use so you don't hare to plan your cooking and baking a day ahead. It is good to the last drop. In bottle milk the richness goes Into the cream which Is generally used for coffee or cereals while the blue milk is used in baking and cooking. And this blue milk hasn't the proper food value to insure satisfactory and uniform results. With Cottage Milk you can use part of it full strength for cream and dilute the rest for cooking purposes and always have the proper food value. Cottage Milk Is of the highest quality and uniformity at all times. Il has mora than twice the food value of bottle milk. Order a supply today. Once you learn the quality, conven- iance and economy ot cottage miik you u never go back to bottle milk. The Milk Without the Cooked Taite In Two Sizes 5 and 10c . At all Good Dealer. American Milk Company - CHICAGO mm ?5 JHBa I 7rmm?& mm iiMlH ffiiiB'n Htl JHMa ' ii'tew:rmou''&& ill w- M,-lXtiMiSfyr:tsl:zi::l-:i stew mmr m i,va,.i,.ji.".r"t, rj r j..'. r j"ot",i..i'-7mt'I j,'. . m YeaDeatsr'eWfaeW mWSSitMiMkM' I In the Stockinet Covering ' tn txtluiv Mrnsur JtUurt. rami af flirt ftr Here is the pick of the world's greatest ham production the choicest few of all that Armour pre pares yearly. Buy a whole Star Warn. Smoked in juice-retaining Stockinet, it cooks better and comes to your table with the true ham flavor intensified. You don't know how good ham can be until you ve tried Star. Star Bacon is of the same bigh quality aa Star nam. Both ar. Armouruval 1-.001 Products backad by a hall century of experience In the art of perfect curing. ABMouacoMPAnr Boot. Bnd.ti, stir., . 13th aa. Joan It.. Dour. loss. W. &. W lklnson, Ulr.. 99tK k Q Its. T.I. So. 1740 Araeatf iii 1 a i ru. 1 a i .m mvnwiKi. "u .1 1 a 1 1 1 11